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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi


Keep up with what’s happening in and around

Camp 265 by checking out the official
Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page! Commander’s Quote: “If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
Commander’s Report
I hope everyone will make plans to attend our July 3rd, 2021
meeting! We will discuss our 2021 Relic Show, vote in new
members, and present a check to our Heroes, The Wounded
Warriors of MS. Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask and
social distance. I heard bringing desserts will ward off the
COVID! If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting,
please continue doing what you think is best for yourself and your
family. I look forward to seeing everyone that is not running

Please come out and show your support for our speaker, our
Wounded Warriors, and new members! The business session will
be short and fun Large! So, come early, and bring a someone with
you! We will have good food, great friends, and as sure we don’t
need to find the high road because we are already on it, I will
probably see you at Fernando’s in Brandon on July 3rd, 2021.
– Tim Cupit The MAFOCR was well represented at the 2021 SCV Mississippi Division Reunion
held in Vicksburg, MS.

Meeting Agenda for July 3rd:

Agenda For July 3, 2021 Meeting
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp by Tom Fortenberry
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by 2nd Lt.
Commander Tom Lilly
Trivia by Ralph Smitherman
- Speaker: Mark Hidlebaugh; Topic - Infantry during the War

Unfinished Business
- Adopt minutes from June 5, 2021 - motion, 2nd, discussion,
- Did everyone sign in and get a door prize ticket?
- and Facebook stats from Chris Merck
- First Thursday Coin Club at Brandon library 6:30pm hosted by
Ed Lofton, draw for door prize
- OCR report from Brandi Gray
- Discuss Relic Show details
-Scrapbook update Tara Bradley

New Business
- New members
- Civil War fiddle
- Check presentation to Wounded Warriors of MS
- Volunteer to call a Sponsor!
- Open floor / Door prizes
- Close meeting with prayer at approx. 8:30pm

Please help with clean up, and tip your waitress!

For more information about SCV Camp 265, MAFOCR President Brandi Gray with friends that traveled all the way from
Monroe, LA!
the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:


by Tom Fortenberry


Dear family:

I pray that all is well with you all. Forgive me for writing little. The war is still going on not far from me. Last night the guns
could be heard miles away like thunder drifting in the wind. I hope the wind does not bring the sound closer.

I have been writing this here letter as time permits. Today is not much better cause we only had some hard tack and water
collected from standing water in the road. I think we will rest some today. I hope so. I hear that many of the men in my company
say that we will be crossing the river in the next days to attack federals dug in on the far bank. Most of the men don’t feel scared.
But there is a cold feeling in the camp. When you all get this letter most things will have happened.

Today is sunny. I think it is Friday the 7th, as we have been marching on tree covered and mud filled roads for the last days. I am
tired but alive. Just a rummer, we aint crossed that river cause them blue coats run like rabbits. They left so early that they forgot
to take their food and equipment. Feel good today. Men are in good spirits.

Regimental headquarter sent a chaplin today. Most men in my company feel good having a man of the cloth amongst them. He
talks a lot.

I don’t write enough, but I will keep on. Your son with love.

Dear family

Tuesday 16th, Hope all is well. I have not written much in the past weeks. Mail is slow and sometimes lost a most so many men.
We have not been fighting in the past weeks, only walking and walking. My feet are better today. Not much red. I think this here
war is like sleep. It don’t do much for a long time and then for a few minutes all the world is turned mad. The men in our company
pray that this madness ends soon so we can all go home.

Sunday 28th, I can not remember a time when I have been so pressed by the enemy. A few days ago the enemy attacked us at about
four oclock before the first evidence of sun light. As shell after shell burst among us, I remember running from our tent in the
darkness and then falling into a prepared hole for cover. Cause we knew the enemy was a coming. All of us were a praying, some
out loud, others in silence. It was good to have another one beside me. After the guns lifted, we sat there waiting in silence and
watching and comforting each other without words. All through the night I remember the both of us sat there in a damp hole
waiting and waiting for the enemy to appear from the darkness. And yet the enemy did not come. As the morning brought the
welcome warmth of light, it also brought the comfort of knowing that the enemy had been moved back by an unseen force.

With the coming light I thought deep in myself that the both of us had faced the enemy and the fear of silence through the night. I
was thankful for my friend who had watched over me nas I had over him. Unmoved by our faith and courage in times of testing.
As I turned to my friend to thank him for staying beside me as we had faced danger. I realized that he was sleeping.

Your son with love

Sunday 2th, 1873,

Today ten years after that night, I remember well unmoved in death and life we watch over those who watched over us

Stand silent for the victory is the Lord’s. May God confirm in our own lives, the lives of those who stand beside us in
remembrance of our ancestors. And may we take a moment to stand silent before those who are known and to those who are
unknown. For we know that the names of all are known by Him who gives us breath and life.

– Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplin, Camp 265

UNKNOWN (cont.)
In neat long rows, the white stones stand
With the names engraved upon them
But there are some, no names engraved
Just simply marked Unknown.

So next you visit your past kin

and when the visits done
take the time to stop at one
that’s just marked unknown.

He had a name and it was known

Was loved by those that knew him
Who mourned his missing
But no grave like you to visit
For it is marked unknown

For he was there alive and jolly

The MAFOCR won the “MS OCR Scrapbook Award” at the 2021 SCV Mississippi
He was blue or maybe gray Division Reunion held in Vicksburg, MS. Congratulations!
There is no one to visit him
For they know not where he lays
For he is one named unknown

He may have had a sweetheart

Perhaps a wife with children small
They would love to know his resting place
But alas they know not where
For his name is now unknown

So when you take that moment

To lay that single flower
Some one some where will bless you
Your heart will fill with joy
Tears may come to fill your eyes

As you gaze at him unknown

When you turn to leave that grave
May his spirit rise to thank you
For you're just stopping by
To touch him with your saddened heart Author Shelby Harriel was on location to sell
This good soldier who now is named and autograph her book “Behind the Rifle -
Women Soldiers in Civil War Mississippi”.

– Unknown Author
by Charles Lewis

The grey riders are gone, but yet they remain. Asleep in our soil, alive in our veins. Untouched by fire, untouched by frost they whisper
within us, "Our cause is not lost." – Unknown


It's dues time. Please send in your dues. ALL dues need to be paid to me or mailed to me this month (July) to avoid late fees. Amount due -
$55.00. Paid to SCV Camp 265. Mail to:

Charles Lewis
1324 Rosemary Road
Florence, MS 39073

It is our duty to forward the charge. If we fail, we lose it all, so please get your dues in. Keeping your membership in the SCV active is one
of the best ways to honor your ancestors.

I am pleased to report our attendance was up at the June meeting. We had 53 people sign in for door prizes. Camp Chaplin, Rabbi Tom
Fortenberry opened the meeting with prayer. Second Lt. Tom Lilly led the pledge and salutes to the flags, and Parliamentarian Ralph
Smitherman tested our historical knowledge with his trivia questions. Brandi Gray gave the OCR report. She encouraged those not
attending the SCV reunion and/or OCR tea to help with the relic show. Charla Lewis reported on the memorials and reenactments she
attended in May. Mrs Kay McWilliams thanked all for attending the picnic/ fishing held at her home on May 8th. Thank you Mr. Jerry and
Mrs. Kay for your Southern hospitality. In leu of a speaker, the camp held its final planning meeting for the relic show. Commander Cupit
gave out his "camp commander awards for service above and beyond the call of duty." They went to Mr. Bill Kuriger and Linda Brown. He
also recognized and thanked the highway cleanup crew of the May 22nd work day. Rabbi Tom closed the meeting with prayer.

On June 12th and 13th the Rankin Rough and Ready's hosted its annual Civil War Relic Show at the City Hall in Brandon, MS. There were
125 vendors from various states present. With approximately 300 tables of antiques such as money, swords, guns, knives and books there
was something for everyone to see and purchase. It was estimated over 2000 people attended the show. Proceeds from the event will be
used to support "Wounded Warriors of Mississippi ". A check for $2000.00 will be presented to them at the July meeting. The SCV
Mississippi Division reunion was also held on June 12th and 13th in Vicksburg, MS. Camp 265 was represented by Charles Lewis, James
Williams, and Ian Powell. One hundred fifty people registered for the reunion.

By acclamation the Division officers were reelected. They are:

Connor Bond - Commander
Mike Moore - Adjutant
Stanley Roda - 1st Lt. Commander
Dennis Brown - 2nd Lt. Commander
Louis Foley was reelected Commander of the 4th brigade
Ian Powell was elected councilman for the 4th brigade

Due to no quorum present at the meeting, the Beauvoir board member election was not held. Board members Louis Foley and Mike Wooten
terms were extended until an election can be held.

The Rankin Rough and Ready's were pleased to be presented a certificate of appreciation for volunteer service from Beauvoir, and the
Division scrapbook award (compiled by Tara and Chris Bradley). The OCR received 6 awards. Among them- Chapter of the year,
Scrapbook award and Rose of the year went to Charla Lewis.

Then on Sunday morning, June 13th, a memorial service and CSS Arkansas crew marker dedication was held at Soldiers Rest in the
Vicksburg City Cemetery. Even the high temperature did not deter anyone from coming out and making the service a memorable one. This
concluded the reunion.

Upcoming Events:
July 3rd ---- camp meeting
July 3rd ---- Call to Arms. Old Warren County Courthouse, Vicksburg MS.
July 17th --- Charla Lewis guest speaker at Crystal Springs "Southern Rights" camp.

– Charles Lewis, Adjutant, Camp 265

Our very own Charles Lewis & Larry McMaster representing Camp 265 at the 2021
Mississippi Division Reunion in Vicksburg, MS.

Two outlaws (Author Grady Howell & Michael Wade) were spotted conversing about
Mr. Howell’s most recent publications at the Civil War Relic Show!

Members of Camp 265, the MAFOCR Black Roses, and many others from
various local SCV camps participated in a memorial service for the veterans
of the CSS Arkansas. Such a beautiful and moving dedication!

Familiar faces from the recent Gainesville Alabama Re-enactment!




The Chatham Company

Sustainable Natural Resources
and Forestry Products
Willard & Maureen Chatham
Membership MFA, RCFA
317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is July 3rd at:

Fernando’s Mexican Restaurant
2146 Hwy 471
Brandon, MS 39047
at 7:00pm. Come early!

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