Speech Analysis Outline: I. Basic Info

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Speech Analysis

I. Basic Info

1. Speaker:
2. Date of Speech:
3. Situation/ occasion :

II. Part of Analysis

A. The Speech Objectives

1. What is the speaker’s goal? (to educate, to motivate, to persuade, or to entertain)?
2. What is the primary message being delivered?

B. The Audience and Context for the Speech

1. Where and when is the speech being delivered?
2. What are the key demographic features of the audience? (Students? elderly? women? men?
general public? specialists?) Is there an external target audience? (E.g. on the Internet or mass

III. Speech Structure

A. The Speech Opening

1. Was a hook (Ice Break / attention grabber) used effectively to draw the audience into the
2. Did the speech open with a story? a joke? a startling statistic? a controversial statement? a
powerful visual?
3. Was the opening memorable? explain
4. Did the speech opening clearly establish the speech objective? How ?

B. The Speech introduction

1. How did the speaker introduce the speech?

2. Did the introduction establish why the audience should listen to this speaker?

C. The Speech Body

1. Was the presentation focused?
i.e. Did all arguments, stories, illustrations relate back to the primary

2. Was the speech organized logically? Was it easy to follow?

3. Did the speaker bridge smoothly from one part of the speech to the next?

D. The Speech Conclusion

1. Was the conclusion memorable?

2. If appropriate, was there a call-to-action?
3. How did the speaker conclude his speech?

IV. Persuasion
A -Appeal to logos
B -Appeal to pathos
C -Appeal to ethos

V- Tools (Delivery Skills)

A. Tone
B. Language
1. Was the vocabulary appropriate? Explain your answer.
2. Was the sentence structure appropriate? Explain your answer.
3. Were stylistic devices used to improve understanding?
4. Did the speech contain repetition?

C. Body Language
D. Postures/ body gestures/ eye contact

E. Humor
1. Safe/appropriate?
2. Relevant to speech?
3. Appropriate pauses?

E. Enthusiasm and connection to the audience

F. Stage area

G. Vocal Variety

Voice variation / paces / pauses

H. Visual Aids
1. Complement argument?
2. Timed well?
3. Clear?

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