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Date Activity

5/12/2019 Pick up group members

Introduce, choose leader
Explain about assignment again
Choose topic
Set up plan for the following meetings
10/12/2019 The first meeting, divide assignment into small parts
Choose your own part
Set up deadlines
20/12/2019 The 2nd meeting, start discussing about presentation and divide
everyone’s part to prepare the script
06/01/2020 Combine everything together
08/01/2020 Third meeting to check our assignment and discuss
10/01/2020 Roleplay our presentation
12/1/2020 Submit the completed file to the leader
13/01/2020 Submission

Generally, my group’s work is so good and goes smoothly so far. Being in a

group that has students from different countries makes me feel so excited about
this assignment. We had some meetings and arranged everything so that we can
make sure about the rate of progress. In the beginning, I had one problem that my
team is quite quiet. That problem makes me really worry about my individual’s
part and the group’s assignment. During the researching process, It is a good
chance for me to learn and study more about the online storages that I am using.
Furthermore, after the assignment, I have gained pieces of knowledge and
information about our topic. This BCS assignment is a good opportunity that I can
work with new team members that I have never worked with before. Through the
assignments, I can enrich my knowledge and understand more about my
classmates’ personalities.

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