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The death of Philip Schneider, according to my mother
Mary fcyre, through the Holy Spirit ’
. ... j-
Fhilip met-two men et the *76” station _ restaurant. This Is
were a Denny's is located fn Wilsonville. The two men were
in tfije restaurant looking for Philip'’s car, when" they spotted
it pulling up7" they left the-restaurant and met Philip outside _
by his car. They started to argue and they stated "Let's go
somewhere mote private because we are starting to nakn a
spactical of ourselves'1. And Phil said *’We can go to the gravel
pit, but I don*t have the key with me". They followed Philip
to the apartments. They followed him into his apartment. He
got the key and put it on his key ring. They headed towards
the gravel pit. The main double gate, of wire, with the tjrfQ
triangles, was opened by Philip. They had ail gotten nut of I
their cars, and one man was on each side ofc him. They got 'back & >
into their cart, and they went down the road. They went left, ■-«
... ..—^.4. 1 A

towards what appeared to be an abadened house, pastjelectrical

power towers. There me two piles of gravel. They got out
of the cars and conEinued"arguing. There was one man with n
gArette hanging oMt__of his mouth* dark glasses, and a brown
This man is Walt_Heaoock, who was also with FhTTip
earched fox Corey” Faye. The second mail also has
glasses, he is 5’llMf he had a brown raincoat, brown shoes and
trousers. Mo hat, dark hair, hairs pulled over to one side
as ha is balding . /14'V
Now they are arguing about Cynthia, his ex-wife, and his child
Marie and godson Michael* They are threatening their lives
Philip says "Vou arc not going to kill my wife, you are not
going to kill my daughter, you are not going to kill my son
One man says, "He's not your sor.r she's not really your daughter/^
why should you care?”. Philip says, "She is my daughter, anJ
he is my godson, so he is ny son.11 *’Itrs either your life,
or their lives, taka your choice." " Either you kill yourself
or we will kill your family/' He begins to put up a tight.
They grab his wrists and in the struggle, his, wrist s_ and arm
bone snap. A third man comes behind him with in His ’ ~
left, hand and a white towel in his right hand. The white towel y
is put over his nose and mouth. This third man is taller than „
Philip, who was He is fighting, trying to get loose,
his arms are boujid behind him. He is doubled over on his knees
and is uncounsouis. When they release him after binding his
arras, he falls backwards onto the ground.

As hb ic._on.the ground the three men are arguing with themseLves

.jiov they are. going to get rid. of him. One says "we can hang
'hin rrow^the-eieetrLea 1 „tE)iex"s.and another says^lf we do that "T
we cpuld be electrocuted ourselves-. We could turn off the “powbr’r
But jif we turn“Qff the power w$~would tarn off the power at- ■ -■
the houses." _Qae sayS/’But It^Jias to look like- a^ntcigfl^that,
-we . ajre not caught\ ■ because-if we are caught.,
u*/tU-<A fiA..£ iz,. A <:~'c'o-^7
!-M7 Zi.r i Zi->* . J1. J_z- . ..-.A-'-dr **— ■
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' ,y,
iman cpragL? on the scene, blpnd_hair, but is JP
largeftSTraw brim hatr like you wear in the summer,
dark glassea --She had £lat -shpefrf— simklar.AO nurses shoe^jl^
had not a purse, but a"brown”shopping bag with a handle/’*?
fox over the arm. The men tell her to give him a shot, and <=? '
shp protests with a shake of hex head, but utters no words.
1fBpt you've got to give him a_ shot to knock him "out.11 Philip-'
is moving a little ^nd groaning. She pulls out the syringe ■?
that already has medicine in it by reaching her hand into the 3 S
j J.v brbwn bag, and she administers the shot. They pick him up , j
;J they open the two back doors, they have trouble gel Ling him >
' j $Jj i_ll
in the car,p into the back seat. They go out the other enteranceT
I—I3cz C*cxX
3 J £ The combine'ktion lock had been changed, and a master lock had
- i J ' been put on it temporariLly. The gate was already open. They
s. 0 go out and drive to where the filbert trees look like a church
r *1 -a >
* * 5J ga down a dirt path near the main gate. Philip's body is again
X transferred into another car. His car could not be used to 't
■a transport his body, because bin wheelhair was in the backseat
>> - JV Qf hi5 El* carC* . The men would not leave it in the gravel pit as
X , >* it« would be evidence. He is starting to groan again after this
i ’* * £ transfer. The men say "We are going to have to do something
with him because he is going to make top much noice when we
■ > ■''get back to the appartment”- They order the woman to give him
another__shot, and .something is wrapped around his .neck and y
"knotted”. Even with this around his neck, the men continue
to Try~to get information from -Philip, Ha starts lo strangle, p
The knot is right in his larynx.

Two men go to the apartment with Philip in the back seat. The
third iran, the one who originally approached Philip from the
rear, has left separately in Philip's car from the filbert grove.
The third cars whereabouts are unknown at this tine, and this
may be how the woman left. She never goes to the apartment.
The two men sit outside the apartment trying to dec*ide what
to do. They say "it _has to look like an accident*1. They go
iiito the apartment with Philip’s key. Philip’s car has not
been brought back yet. The tubing is so tight around his neck
and he is dry and chocking. He feels like he is drowning in
his own blood. Philip’s thoughts aiCj ”0h God it hurts. It
hurts so bad. Protect ray wife and my children." The car coroesC
upf and the wheel chair Is taken cut. It is dark new, so no
one can see the evil deeds. They struggle to get Philip out
of the car. They carry Philip into the appartment They have
S^t Up the wheelchair. They put uxa
iuey put. his icys
legs under the jjc
uhucl bed, his
head on the wheelchair ^io^ecause Philip is still alive, they
aire wof x i ed that he-w itl-1 ry~tovge t- the - t-ubi-ng "O f t~h i>- ne ck ,
tiiew in the brim hat takes out a bottle^and syringe.__
stick is the needle lri’to^the bottle’, draws. outs the medicine’, ’
Administers., xt to_r_hilip.__ He_is totally knocked out and £
probably this shot contributes to his death. They release his 3
-Be-siew-l-y but-surely strangles- tn—hts-owo blood.—They..
l^ava^ -they tlock the door. They go in their_cars and leave
Tttia- PKiTi'p—i's left alone to die.'


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