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Edmund Glover, actor, theatre owner and impresario

Glover was the eldest son of Julia Glover and half brother of William Howard Glover. He
wrote two leather clad diaries in copper plate writing, covering ten years of his daily life from
Thursday May 9th 1850 to his death on 15th August 1860. The diaries (in private ownership),
show a truly fascinating insite to his life and running of the theatres, showing finances and
various financial debts that emerged from his over generosity to various friends and
acquaintances. The first diary writing describing his delight of his granddaughter being born
at a quarter to six o'clock. His family life and problems. He describes a visit by steam train to
witness a national public hanging of a notorious murderer at the time. Also references to, his
son William's friendship with Charles Dickens. Towards the end of his life, his diary writings
deteriorate right up until his final hours, when the doctor calls and he succumbs to TB. Most
of his paintings are held in storage in the Glasgow museum. His painting of The Forge by
Moonlight, (which is mentioned on its completion in the diaries) is in private hands, along
with his ring enclosing a lock of his hair. He occupied for a time a leading position at the
Haymarket Theatre London, and went to Edinburgh, where, under WH Murray, he played
leading business. He appears to have joined that company about 1841. He was a man of
diversified talents, a sound, though not a brilliant actor, a good dancer, fencer, and
pantomimist, and the possessor of some skill in painting. A high position was accordingly
conceded him in Scotland. His salary in 1842 was three guineas weekly. On 16 January
1848 he played Falkland in the 'Rivals,' being his first appearance after a recent severe
accident. At this period he engaged Jenny Lind to sing in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Perth,
and cleared £3,000 by the transaction. Emboldened by this success he took a large hall in
West Nile Street, Glasgow, which he opened as the Prince's Theatre.
In 1852 Glover also became lessee then owner of the Theatre Royal, Dunlop Street,
Glasgow. He became lessee for seasons of the Theatres Royal at Paisley and Dunfermline,
and in 1859 built and opened the Theatre Royal Greenock. During this period his connection
with Edinburgh was maintained. On 27 March 1850 he was Othello to Macready's Iago. He
played Falkland at Murray's farewell benefit, 22 October 1851. On 17 March 1856 he began to
alternate with Powrie the parts of Macbeth and Macduff, on 24 February 1857 played the
brothers Dei Franchi to the Baron Giordine of Henry Irving, and on his last appearance at the
Edinburgh Theatre Royal, 25 May 1859, was, at his own desire, Triplet in Masks and Faces.
Edmund Glover's repertoire focussed on the great classical plays, pantomimes, and operas
(although he noted these "do not make so much profit because of the larger expenditure".)
. After a brief illness he died on 23 October 1860 of dropsy, at 3 Gayfield Place, Edinburgh,
in the house of Robert Wyndham, subsequently manager of the Theatre Royal in


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