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Unidad Educativa Teodoro Gómez de la Torre

Lenin Vásquez
3ro BGU “J”


presentation of the first partial folder



Parcial 1°


NAME: … lenin Vasquez … DATE: … 21/9/20 …



Assessment indicator: To understand the main ideas of clear speeches made in standard language
about a daily activity in the school. Learners can identify the main idea in a variety of audio
recordings and deduce the answer to each question.
A. Listen to the interview and answer the questions.
Audio Player

1. What does Josh do first when he gets to school?

a. He practices his reading and writing.
b. He stands and bows to the teacher.
c. He puts on his gym clothes for class.

2. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?

a. in the lunchroom
b. in his classroom
c. in the gymnasium

3. Joshua probably gets home from school between _____.

a. 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.
b. 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.
c. 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.

4. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?

a. He walks with a group of students.
b. He takes a school bus every morning.
c. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
5. Which item did Joshua NOT take to school?
a. a school hat
b. a backpack
c. gym clothes

Assessment indicator: To find statements in the reading above getting the most required information
to demonstrate and answer clearly to acquire the new knowledge. Understand easy texts on topics that
relate to daily life, with a good level of understanding.


Seven tips for a tidy desk

1. Only keep things you really need on and near your desk.
Use a tray for any papers you have to read. Have a jar for pens and pencils and have a bin near your

2. Don’t keep any drinks on your desk.

Go to the kitchen when you want to have a drink or, if you prefer, keep a drink on a small table near
your desk.

3. Reduce the amount of paper that you use.

Try to keep as much information as possible in folders on your computer. Before printing a
document, ask yourself, ‘do I really need to read this on paper?’

4. Scan your notes.

If you have a lot of paper (magazine articles, notes, worksheets, etc.), use a scanner and keep a digital
version as a PDF on your computer.

5. Use your smartphone to take photos of things you need to remember.

For example, take photos of notes to yourself, the name and address of a place you need to visit or
diagrams you need to study for school.

6. Get a noticeboard.
If you really do need to keep small bits of paper, use a noticeboard on the wall. Check it every day and
throw old notes in the bin.

7. Clean your desk at the end of every day.

Choose a time to tidy your desk and do it! If you do it every day, it will only take five minutes and you
can start each new day with a clean and tidy space.

1. . If you have written notes on paper you should type them into the computer. TRUE FALSE

2. The camera in your phone can help you remember things. TRUE FALSE

3. A noticeboard is a good way to organise bits of paper. TRUE FALSE

4. You should clean your desk once a week. TRUE FALSE

5. You should put everything you will possibly need on your desk. TRUE FALSE
6. You should only have one pen or pencil. TRUE FALSE

7. It's a good idea to have a bin close to your desk. TRUE FALSE

8. It's better to keep information on your computer than on paper if possible. TRUE FALSE

1. Complete the sentences with the correct option according to the grammar we have learned in class
(past perfect, future, passive voice, past modals) (2 points/0.2 points each)
1. He ………………… his dinner yet when his friend arrived.
a. hadn’t eaten b. haven’t eat c. had eaten d. hadn’t eat

2. The president …………….. next February.

a. has elect b. will be elected c. have elect d. had elect
3. The people …………………… by the coastguards yet.
a. had been warned b. have warn c. has not been warned d. had not been
4. Roads …………….. in winter in the Amazon Region
a. were destroy b. was destroyed c. were destroyed d.
was destroy

5. The pollution ………….. by human.

a. are made b. is make c. is made d. are make

2. Choose the appropriate connector to complete the sentences. (each correct answer is 0.2)

1. I was late……………….. , the others were all on time.

a. However b. But c. Although

1. They managed it ………………. I wasn't there.

a. However b. But c. Although

2. She went out ……………it was raining.

a. However b. But c. Although

3. They have a motorbike, ……….. they never ride it.

a. However b. But c. Although

4. This hotel admits pets,……………….this other doesn't. 

a. However b. But c. While

5. We enjoyed the vacation……………………., it rained a lot.

a. However b. But c. Although

3. Choose the appropriate to make the TAG QUESTION. (each correct answer is 0.2)
1. She is taking a curse in Barcelona, ……………?
a. does she b. is she c. hasn’t she d. isn’t she
2. He doesn’t practice rappelling, ………………..?
a. don’t she b. doesn’t he c. isn’t he d. does he
3. They had liked helicopter rides, ………………..?
a. haven’t they b. don’t they c. hadn’t they d. hasn’t they
4. We will try snowboarding this winter, …………..?
a. will we b. won’t we c. don’t we d. can’t we
5. She hasn’t surfed this week, ……………………..?
a. hasn’t she b. won’t she c. has she d. had she

4 . Complete the definitions by writing the correct relative pronoun make sentences using Relative
Pronouns. (each correct answer is 0.2)

1. I read a novel ………….entertained me a great deal.

a. that b. Where c. who
2. He made a mistake ……………..embarrassed him.
a. that b. Where c. who

3. There's the man ………… stole my wallet.

a. that b. Where c. who

4. I know the woman ……….. are you thinking about.

a. that b. Where c. who

5. This is the place …………….I know you.

a. that b. Where c. who


1. Read the next suggestions and select the correct one to avoid contagious.
A. People should stay at home.
B. People should wear a face mask and follow cleanliness rules.
C. Both of them.

2. What do you feel about face-to-face returning class?

A. Happiness
B. Fear
3. What do you miss the most about your high school?
A. Friends
B. Teachers
C. Do sports
D. Play with friends
E. Class activities

4. What activities have you done during this time at home?

A. Helping with the housework.
B. Taking care my siblings.
C. Playing, painting, reading, chatting, dancing.

5. How has this confinement been for you at home?

A. Boring
B. Pleasant
C. Unpleasant
D. Other
Lenin Vásquez
3ro BGU “J”
What are people doing to help the enviroment

1. Reduce using of the plastic bags

2. Reduce using of the food packaging and containers
3. Use less water
4. Conserve the energy
5. Reduce the greenhouse gas emission

 all the garbage from the beach was collected, which was mainly domestic, thus leaving it as new
 he collected 13 000 kg of debris
 marine turtles nest and Hatch there


New stories and reports regularly reveal all the ways humans are trashing the planet at an unprecedented rate.

Governments and corporations need to step in, but they shouldn’t bear all the responsibility for making a positive environmental impact. People
from all walks of life can do things each day to reduce their carbon footprint and make their routine more eco-friendly.In fact, a healthy lifestyle
and an eco-conscious one often go hand in hand. Extra bonus: Being eco-friendly is often easier on the wallet.

The most obvious ways to help the environment are to conserve energy and use less water. But if you put on your green thinking cap, you can
come up with lots of less obvious, but no less important, earth-friendly habits.
How to help the environment: Keep the car at home

Some Americans have swapped out their cars for eco-friendly modes of transport like walking, biking, and public transportation for good reason.

Along with helping to save money and improve fitness, leaving the car in the garage also reduces the amount of dangerous greenhouse gases
(which are responsible for a large chunk of climate change) we release into the environment.

1. Bike to work

Despite snazzy cycling accessories like the invisible bike helmet and gloves with light-up turn signals, fewer Americans are riding their bikes to
work. If more people commuted on two wheels instead of four, experts estimate we could reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One study found
that half of all car trips were less than 3 miles. Given the short distance, cycling or walking could easily substitute for 41 percent of these trips,
saving nearly 5 percent in carbon emissions.

2. Walk it off

Motoring on two feet is a lot more energy-efficient than cruising on four wheels. Walking obviously isn’t a viable choice if you’re headed to see
family across the country, but as long as you stay local, you can sneak more foot action into your daily routine and cut down on carbon
emissions in the process.

3. Go public

The thought of squishing into a crowded train car might be a big turnoff to some would-be commuters, but think of all the upsides. Riding the
rails creates extra time to catch up on emails, read a juicy novel, or get just a little more shut-eye. Plus it does wonders for the health of our

Make a plan, Stan

The golden rule of grocery shopping is to never hit the supermarket hangry (just try resisting the checkout lane snacks and candy with a
grumbling tummy). Tackling the aisles armed with a planned list can avoid a cart overloaded with items that will ultimately end up in the trash.

Keep track of trash

Want to know how much you waste? Start logging a weekly record of every moldy banana and half-eaten box of cereal you toss in the trash.
Over time, you can start to see patterns, and tweak your shopping habits accordingly.

Find your local food kitchen

If you’re still buying more than you can eat, consider another possibility before trashing that still-good grub. Lots of people in need would really
appreciate the bag of bagels you were just about to discard.

Save the environment by using less packaging

Disposable plates, plastic forks, and ketchup packets are small, but they add up. Food packaging and containers create 39 million tons of waste
annually — nearly one quarter of solid waste . A whole lot of those containers end up in landfills, where they release  more methane into the air.
The good news is that many companies are becoming more aware of how much food packaging they use and taking steps to reduce it .

Recycle, reuse

It may be tempting to toss every juice bottle and peanut butter jar, but you can easily repurpose plastic and glass.

Think of them as free containers to plant seeds in, store the rice, nuts, and other bulk goods you stocked up on, or to hoard all the extra pennies
you saved by recycling.

Switch protein sources

Some foods eat up more land and resources than others. In general, meat, dairy, eggs, and fish have a bigger environmental footprint than do
plant based foods. If you’re not into the vegetarian or vegan way of life, simply switch from beef to chicken and pork. Or, cut out a serving or
two of meat a week to do your part.

Bring your own bag

Grabbing a plastic bag at the register is convenient, sure. But bringing reusable bags from home has a much smaller environmental impact. By
the year 2050, greenhouse gas emissions from all those plastic products could exceed 56 gigatons.

Be pretty eco-friendly

Even the perfect shade of lipstick can hide some very questionable ingredients. And because the FDA  doesn’t require approval of most personal
care products (makeup, perfume, lotion, etc.), you have to do your own cosmetic sleuthing.

Before diving into your daily beauty regimen, take a look at the safety information for the products you use. Then buy alternatives with
ingredients that are friendlier on your body and the environment.

Say “bye” to the bottle

Greatist readers already know the importance of proper hydration, but getting your H2O fix doesn’t have to come at the expense of the
environment. The bottle that started out in your spin class will likely end up in a landfill or the ocean. Be part of the solution by investing in a
reusable water bottle and actually remember to carry it with you!

ACTIVITY: Read the article and write the main idea and what are you going to help the world based on the reading.

Bring my own bag

Bringing reusable bags

from home has a much
smaller enviromental
Using les
Switch protein packaging
Food packaging and
Switch from beef to containers créate 39
chicken and pork How can i help million tons of waste
to the annually

Recycle, reuse Walking or cycling

instead of going
Recycling reduces the on cars
percentage of garbage
Avoid carbon
that we produce

Unidad Educativa Teodoro Gómez de la Torre

Lenin Vásquez
3ro BGU “J”

I keep a healthy distance or even try not to go out to get as little as possible of this virus

I try to wash my hands every time I see it necessary

Every time he leaves the house in order to protect ourselves from a more direct contajion
 Are you a Good friend? Why or why not?

 I consider myself a good friend because I always do what I can for them

 What security protocols do you think you need to have whit your friends?

 The use of the mask and always disinfect

Unidad Educativa Teodoro Gómez de la Torre
Lenin Vásquez
3ro BGU “J”

Environmental problems that already exists or might exist in the future

the human being doing what he does best, destroying everything he needs little by little

We can't drink wáter if it's always as dirty
if we continue to dirty we will not have clean water reserves
we will not have a very important protective barrier
if the ozone layer is destroyed
everything will be better for us
If we stop damaging the planet

If there is a way to completely destroy the ozone layer, we would be saving ourselves from a massive
Being this one that protects us from the outside as it would be from comets, uv rays, space debris and others
when it is in charge of destroying them on the way before touching the earth.
But what would happen if these uv rays reach our body, all if it is not the majority will be with great
diseases to the skin as it is not so strong
Environmental problems that already exists or might exist in the future:

The present and future of microplastic pollution in the marine environment

100 works on microplastic marine pollution were reviewed and discussed.
Microplastics (fibres, fragments, pellets) are widespread in oceans and sediments.
Microplastics interact with POPs and contaminate the marine biota when ingested.
The marine food web might be affected by microplastic biomagnification.
Urgently needed integrated approaches are suggested to different stakeholders.

Recently, research examining the occurrence of microplastics in the marine environment has substantially increased.
Field and laboratory work regularly provide new evidence on the fate of microplastic debris. This debris has been
observed within every marine habitat. In this study, at least 101 peer-reviewed papers investigating microplastic
pollution were critically analysed (Supplementary material). Microplastics are commonly studied in relation to (1)
plankton samples, (2) sandy and muddy sediments, (3) vertebrate and invertebrate ingestion, and (4) chemical
pollutant interactions. All of the marine organism groups are at an eminent risk of interacting with microplastics
according to the available literature. Dozens of works on other relevant issues (i.e., polymer decay at sea, new
sampling and laboratory methods, emerging sources, externalities) were also analysed and discussed. This paper
provides the first in-depth exploration of the effects of microplastics on the marine environment and biota. The
number of scientific publications will increase in response to present and projected plastic uses and discard patterns.
Therefore, new themes and important approaches for future work are proposed.


The need for sound ecological science has escalated alongside the rise of the information age and “big data” across all
sectors of society. Big data generally refer to massive volumes of data not readily handled by the usual data tools and
practices and present unprecedented opportunities for advancing science and informing resource management through
data‐intensive approaches. The era of big data need not be propelled only by “big science” – the term used to describe
large‐scale efforts that have had mixed success in the individual‐driven culture of ecology. Collectively, ecologists
already have big data to bolster the scientific effort – a large volume of distributed, high‐value information – but many
simply fail to contribute. We encourage ecologists to join the larger scientific community in global initiatives to
address major scientific and societal problems by bringing their distributed data to the table and harnessing its
collective power. The scientists who contribute such information will be at the forefront of socially relevant science –
but will they be ecologists?


Air pollution is a serious public health problem throughout the world, especially in industrialized and developing
countries. In industrialized and developing countries, motor vehicle emissions are major contributors to urban air
quality. Hydrogen is one of the clean fuel options for reducing motor vehicle emissions. Hydrogen is not an energy
source. It is not a primary energy existing freely in nature. Hydrogen is a secondary form of energy that has to be
manufactured like electricity. It is an energy carrier. Hydrogen has a strategic importance in the pursuit of a low-
emission, environment-benign, cleaner and more sustainable energy system. Combustion product of hydrogen is
clean, which consists of water and a little amount of nitrogen oxides. Hydrogen has very special properties as a
transportation fuel, including a rapid burning speed, a high effective octane number, and no toxicity or ozone-forming
potential. It has much wider limits of flammability in air than methane and gasoline. Hydrogen has become the
dominant transport fuel, and is produced centrally from a mixture of clean coal and fossil fuels (with C-sequestration),
nuclear power, and large-scale renewables. Large-scale hydrogen production is probable on the longer time scale. In
the current and medium term the production options for hydrogen are first based on distributed hydrogen production
from electrolysis of water and reforming of natural gas and coal. Each of centralized hydrogen production methods
scenarios could produce 40 million tons per year of hydrogen. Hydrogen production using steam reforming of
methane is the most economical method among the current commercial processes. In this method, natural gas
feedstock costs generally contribute approximately 52–68% to the final hydrogen price for larger plants, and 40% for
smaller plants, with remaining expenses composed of capital charges. The hydrogen production cost from natural gas
via steam reforming of methane varies from about 1.25 US$/kg for large systems to about 3.50 US$/kg for small
systems with a natural gas price of 6 US$/GJ. Hydrogen is cheap by using solar energy or by water electrolysis where
electricity is cheap, etc.
Unidad Educativa Teodoro Gómez de la Torre
Lenin Vasquez
3ro BGU “J”

the problem with the ozone layer and humans

Step 1. THINK on environmental problems that already exists or might exist in the future. HERE
ozone layer destruction
Step 2. NOW, Write a short introduction about your TOPIC.
The ozone layer or ozonosphere is the area of the Earth's stratosphere that contains a relatively high
concentration of ozone.
This layer, which extends from approximately 15 km to 50 km of altitude, gathers 90% of the ozone present
in the atmosphere and absorbs 97 to 99% of low-frequency ultraviolet radiation, this was discovered by the
physicists Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson in 1913.
Step 3. THEN, write possible causes of the problems in a paragraph.
Human beings use products such as aerosols, strong chemicals, we burn garbage and other things daily.
These actions damage this layer that is the only one that can take care of us, for several years they have been
warning us, without taking great importance until these hot days.
Step 4. NEXT, think of the effects (consequences) the problems in a paragraph. Read what you
have written and make any necessary changes.
Basically, the consequences of the hole in the ozone layer are in the increased ultraviolet radiation, harmful
to the health of living beings. In men, the risks of skin cancer and cataract problems in the eyes are the most
Not to mention the possibilities that meteorites or eaters will hit the earth, as it is more discovered
Step 5. Incorporate at least FIVE connector words listed below in possible solutions.
If we stop using the great destructive products of this layer, we could hope to have a healthier life in the
future or for the following generations
If the big factories left or found a way to do their work differently, it would be a great harm less thus letting
the ozone layer recover by itself
If the damage that is caused daily to this layer is considerably reduced, it could recover little by little until it
becomes as it was at the beginning. if something like this happens, life for human beings would be
lengthened by a few years. In the same way, if we do not pay attention to scientific studies and their way of
countering this wear, we could secure a grave for each one of us.

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