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Sixth week
Lenin Vásquez
3ro BGU “J”
What are people doing to help the enviroment

1. Reduce using of the plastic bags

2. Reduce using of the food packaging and containers
3. Use less water
4. Conserve the energy
5. Reduce the greenhouse gas emission

 all the garbage from the beach was collected, which was mainly domestic, thus leaving it as new
 he collected 13 000 kg of debris
 marine turtles nest and Hatch there


New stories and reports regularly reveal all the ways humans are trashing the planet at an unprecedented rate.

Governments and corporations need to step in, but they shouldn’t bear all the responsibility for making a positive environmental impact. People
from all walks of life can do things each day to reduce their carbon footprint and make their routine more eco-friendly.In fact, a healthy lifestyle
and an eco-conscious one often go hand in hand. Extra bonus: Being eco-friendly is often easier on the wallet.

The most obvious ways to help the environment are to conserve energy and use less water. But if you put on your green thinking cap, you can come
up with lots of less obvious, but no less important, earth-friendly habits.

How to help the environment: Keep the car at home

Some Americans have swapped out their cars for eco-friendly modes of transport like walking, biking, and public transportation for good reason.

Along with helping to save money and improve fitness, leaving the car in the garage also reduces the amount of dangerous greenhouse gases
(which are responsible for a large chunk of climate change) we release into the environment.

1. Bike to work
Despite snazzy cycling accessories like the invisible bike helmet and gloves with light-up turn signals, fewer Americans are riding their bikes to
work. If more people commuted on two wheels instead of four, experts estimate we could reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One study found that
half of all car trips were less than 3 miles. Given the short distance, cycling or walking could easily substitute for  41 percent of these trips, saving
nearly 5 percent in carbon emissions.

2. Walk it off

Motoring on two feet is a lot more energy-efficient than cruising on four wheels. Walking obviously isn’t a viable choice if you’re headed to see
family across the country, but as long as you stay local, you can sneak more foot action into your daily routine and cut down on carbon emissions
in the process.

3. Go public

The thought of squishing into a crowded train car might be a big turnoff to some would-be commuters, but think of all the upsides. Riding the rails
creates extra time to catch up on emails, read a juicy novel, or get just a little more shut-eye. Plus it does wonders for the health of our planet.

Make a plan, Stan

The golden rule of grocery shopping is to never hit the supermarket hangry (just try resisting the checkout lane snacks and candy with a grumbling
tummy). Tackling the aisles armed with a planned list can avoid a cart overloaded with items that will ultimately end up in the trash.

Keep track of trash

Want to know how much you waste? Start logging a weekly record of every moldy banana and half-eaten box of cereal you toss in the trash. Over
time, you can start to see patterns, and tweak your shopping habits accordingly.

Find your local food kitchen

If you’re still buying more than you can eat, consider another possibility before trashing that still-good grub. Lots of people in need would really
appreciate the bag of bagels you were just about to discard.

Save the environment by using less packaging

Disposable plates, plastic forks, and ketchup packets are small, but they add up. Food packaging and containers create  39 million tons of waste
annually — nearly one quarter of solid waste . A whole lot of those containers end up in landfills, where they release  more methane into the air.
The good news is that many companies are becoming more aware of how much food packaging they use and taking steps to reduce it .

Recycle, reuse

It may be tempting to toss every juice bottle and peanut butter jar, but you can easily repurpose plastic and glass.

Think of them as free containers to plant seeds in, store the rice, nuts, and other bulk goods you stocked up on, or to hoard all the extra pennies you
saved by recycling.

Switch protein sources

Some foods eat up more land and resources than others. In general, meat, dairy, eggs, and fish have a bigger environmental footprint than do plant
based foods. If you’re not into the vegetarian or vegan way of life, simply switch from beef to chicken and pork. Or, cut out a serving or two of
meat a week to do your part.

Bring your own bag

Grabbing a plastic bag at the register is convenient, sure. But bringing reusable bags from home has a much smaller environmental impact. By the
year 2050, greenhouse gas emissions from all those plastic products could exceed 56 gigatons.

Be pretty eco-friendly

Even the perfect shade of lipstick can hide some very questionable ingredients. And because the FDA  doesn’t require approval of most personal
care products (makeup, perfume, lotion, etc.), you have to do your own cosmetic sleuthing.

Before diving into your daily beauty regimen, take a look at the safety information for the products you use. Then buy alternatives with ingredients
that are friendlier on your body and the environment.

Say “bye” to the bottle

Greatist readers already know the importance of proper hydration, but getting your H2O fix doesn’t have to come at the expense of the
environment. The bottle that started out in your spin class will likely end up in a landfill or the ocean. Be part of the solution by investing in a
reusable water bottle and actually remember to carry it with you!
ACTIVITY: Read the article and write the main idea and what are you going to help the world based on the reading.

Bring my own bag

Bringing reusable bags

from home has a much
smaller enviromental
Using les
Switch protein packaging
Food packaging and
Switch from beef to containers créate 39
chicken and pork How can i help million tons of waste
to the annually

Recycle, reuse Walking or cycling

instead of going
Recycling reduces the on cars
percentage of garbage
Avoid carbon
that we produce

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