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Answer the following. Please encode/upload your answer in MS OneNote under Assignments in
our Class Notebook and title the activity as “Assignment No. 5”. Deadline of submission is on May
21, 2021 (Friday).

For each question, use a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words in answering.

1. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of S&T in the Philippines? (5 points)

The role of the indigenous science in the development of S&T in the Philippines is very important.
Indigenous science is obtained through repeated observation of indigenous people. They compare
every observation that they get. They then classify their observation and then apply what they learn
from observation. This can be in turn be develop in something that is akin more advance. For
example, the farmers in the past learned how to redirect water from its source into their own farm.
Then it was later then developed in a much larger scale which we now call the “irrigation system”.
The indigenous science serves as the basis for most of our advancement in the S&T. Through this
indigenous science, we can also find more ways to develop S&T in the Philippines without damaging
much of the environment. Most importantly, it is an abundant source of scientific knowledge that
then can be utilized in order to develop the S&T in the Philippines.

2. How do society and culture influence the development of S & T? (5 points)

Society and culture influence the development of science and technology by introducing beliefs and
practices in which will be used to form the indigenous science. This indigenous science will become
an abundant source of scientific knowledge that can be develop for a bigger scale. The necessity of
the society will also directly influence the development of science and technology since there will be
development to existing knowledge or discovery of a new one in order to meet the needs of the
society. However, we cannot satisfy the insatiable need of the society that it leads to the creation of
something that can be used to substitute to their need. The culture also directly affects it since most
of the developments in science and technology in our modern society has to consider the cultures
that will be disturbed. Culture might also be a factor to hinder the development of the science and
technology due to some cultural values.


Answer the following questions and USE YOUR OWN WORDS in answering (20 points). At the end
of your answers for each item, write the references from which you have taken your answers.
Please upload your answers in MS Team/OneNote under Evaluations in our Class Notebook and
title the activity as “Evaluation No. 5”. Deadline of submission is on May 21, 2021 (Friday).

For each question, use a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words in answering.

1. Research an article that talks on Filipino Indigenous knowledge. Discuss the connection of said
knowledge to science and technology. (10 points)

The Local-indigenous knowledge on disaster risk reduction: Insights from the Mamanwa indigenous
peoples in Basey, Samar after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines is an article that talks about
indigenous knowledge with regards to disaster risk reduction. The connection of this knowledge to
science and technology is that many indigenous knowledge can be helpful specially from the locals
who continuously experience such things like typhoon and earthquake. We cannot just disregard
their knowledge in making of policies just like in the article in which they disregard the indigenous
knowledge as stated in the article. It also stated to take into account the instincts of the animals with
regard to survival since these animals can sense danger and their behavior will change and it shall
also be observed. It is not good to greatly rely on the modern technology especially with regards to
disaster risk reduction management policies. We should also rely to the indigenous knowledge since
most of it are obtained through repeated observation, comparison, classifying and measuring.

2. Give your own thought about this statement (10 points): “We really respect the indigenous
knowledge. These traditional values of dealing with illness have validity, even if we don’t
understand the scientific basis.” – Ray White

In my own opinion, it means that many of the indigenous knowledge are effective in treating certain
illnesses and diseases. It means that it can still further be improved in order to treat most modern
diseases. It also means that traditional way of treating a sickness or disease is valid to the eye of the
professional. It proves that repeated observation, comparison, classifying and measuring of the
indigenous people in how they can treat disease without paying too much is effective. It can also
mean that they do not pay too much attention to indigenous knowledge since our modern
technology is truly advanced however they cannot explain some of the traditional way of treating
disease. They may have said that they do respect it however they did not looked into it much
deeper. Maybe if they try to research more on this indigenous knowledge will they be able to
discover some way to treat most modern diseases and they may also know a cheaper way to treat
cancer and other diseases that has expensive treatment.

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