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Answer the following.

Please encode/upload your answer in MS OneNote under Assignments in

our Class Notebook and title the activity as “Assignment No. 4”. Deadline of submission is on May
19, 2021 (Wednesday)

Use a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words in answering.

What are other government projects and programs are available for science education in the
Philippines? (10 points)

The list below are the available programs for science education in the Philippines.

S&T Manpower Development Programs

 S&T Scholarship under R.A. 7687 or S&TScholarship Act of 1994 (S&T Scholarship Program A)
 DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship (Formerly Project 5801 or S&T Scholarship Program B)
 Junior Level Assistance Program (JLAP)
 BS Scholarships in Science Education
 S&T Human Resource Development Planning

Capability Building in Research & Manpower Assessment

 Assessment of Scientific and Technological Manpower Resources

 Development of Databases Relevant to S&T and Science Education
 Research Activities for Manpower Development and Planning
 Science and Technology Education Network (STEdNet)
 Benchmarking for the Improvement of S&T Education
 Philippine Participation in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study-Repeat

Strengthening Institutional Capabilities

 Project Rescue Initiatives for Science Education (RISE)Faculty/Staff Development Program for
Teacher Educators of the Regional Science Teaching Centers or RSTCs (Residential Program)
 Alternative Approach to Faculty Development Program (Distance Education)
 Master's Program for Faculty Members of Selected Teacher Education Institutions
 Mobile Information Technology Classroom
 Development of Computer-Based Teaching Modules in Science and Mathematics
 Project Mindanao Upgrading of Science Teachers (MUST)

Promotion of S&T Culture

 Philippine Physics Olympiad

 Intel Philippine Science Fair
 Philippine Participation in International Competitions in Science and Mathematics
 National Science Club Month Celebration

Answer the following questions and USE YOUR OWN WORDS in answering (20 points). At the end
of your answers for each item, write the references from which you have taken your answers.
Please upload your answers in MS Team/OneNote under Evaluations in our Class Notebook and
title the activity as “Evaluation No. 4”. Deadline of submission is on May 19, 2021 (Wednesday).

For each question, use a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words in answering.

1. Are there private schools with outstanding science education program? Support your answer.
Identify and compare their science education programs with public science schools. (10 points)
Yes, there are private schools with outstanding science education program such as Ateneo de
Manila, Mapua University and De La Salle Medical and Health Institute to name some of this
school. These private schools generate their income to fund this education system through
private grants, endowments and tuition fees. Through this their laboratories and other facility
equipment are complete unlike some public schools that offer the same system but they lack the
equipment. The class size also matters since in public schools there are more students in a
classroom than in the private with less students per class that makes it easier to focus, teach and
monitor them. The private schools have funds in order to conduct a wide variety of
experimentation unlike the public schools which can only experiment on limited things.
However, with all of this advantages over the public schools, it will always come down to the
quality of the teachers and the eagerness of the student to learn and discover.

2. Discuss science education related issues and problems in the country. If you are given the
authority to solve or chair an education committee, how do you address said issue? What
policy/policies are you going to propose/implement? (10 points)

There are lots of science education related issues and problems in the country. Inadequate pay
to teachers and career development is one of it to name one. It is harder to attract, train and
maintain high quality teachers with regards to teaching science and technology since many of us
tends to look for a profession that pays a lot. Add it to the transition of the curriculum which has
inadequate preparation for these science teachers thus making the students lack enthusiasm in
learning. If I will be given the authority to solve or chair an education committee, I will address
this issue with utmost urgency. Our country is lagging behind other countries in terms of the
scientific field. We have a lot of brilliant minds but few to guide them. I will make a criterion or
rather define the skills and techniques that these science teachers have to execute in order to
gain the interest of the students and interact.

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