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Generic Name: Methylergonovine maleate

Brand Name: Methergine

Indication: To prevent and treat post-partum hemorrhage caused by uterine

atony or subinvolution

Action: Increases motor activity of the uterus by direct stimulation of the

smooth muscle, shortening the third stage of labor and reducing
blood loss.

Available forms: Injection:0.2 mg/ml, Tablets: 0.2 mg

Dosage: 0.2 mg IM q 2-4 hrs to a maximum five doses. For excessive

uterine bleeding or other emergencies, 0.2 mg IV over 1 minute
while monitoring blood pressure and uterine contractions.

Actual Dosage: 1 ampule, 5 ml

Adverse Reactions: CNS: dizziness, headache, seizures, hallucinations, CVA with IV

CV: hypertension, transient chest pain, palpitations, hypotension,
EENT: tinnitus, nasal congestion
GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, foul taste
GU: Hematuria
Musculoskeletal: leg cramps
Respiratory: Dyspnea
Skin: Diaphoresis

Nursing Considerations:

1.) Don’t routinely give drug IV because of risk of severe

hypertension and CVA.
2.) If drug must be given IV dilute to 5ml normal saline solution
before use if needed.
3.) Give slowly over at least 1 minute while carefully monitoring
blood pressure.
4.) Monitor and record BP, pulse rate, uterine response, report
sudden change in VS, frequent periods of uterine relaxation
and character and amount of vaginal bleeding.

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