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Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

EE1103 Electric Circuit Analysis I ( 2nd Semester)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

Electronics Lab

EXPERIMENT NO.01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety


Name of Student: …………………………………………………………………………

Roll No.: …………………. Section:………………

Date of Experiment: ………………………………………………………………………

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Experiment No. 01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety Considerations

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE1103 Electric Circuit Analysis I ( 2nd Semester)
EXPERIMENT NO.01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety

1. Objectives
1. To become aware of electric shocks.
2. To study the precautions for working safely in the electrical lab.
3. To learn about first aid for electric shock victims.

2. Background Information

The exact nature of electricity-- that it cannot be detected with the eyes, ears, or the nose, yet if it is
touched, it can kill-- must be remembered at all times. Circuit breakers are very reliable components
of an electrical system; however, they are man made and are subject to becoming defective. Proper
lock-out-tag-out procedures must be followed when working on electrical circuits above 50 volts.
Personnel protective equipment must be in serviceable condition and properly worn. Safety is a
requirement, not an option, of every electrical task, large or small, be it routine or emergency in
nature. Always use the three-step method when checking for voltage.
Take good care of your electrical test meters, having them checked at least every three years for
insulation strength and for calibration as listed in the instruction booklet, or once a year otherwise.
While a switch may visually indicate that the contacts have opened, a meter must be used to confirm
that no voltage remains in the equipment to be worked on. Many times more than one source of
power is provided to a machine. Some electrical circuits contain motor starting/running or power
factor correction capacitors that may still be charged even after power has been removed from the
When working with others do not assume that they know how to operate your meter, and do not
assume that you know how to operate their meter. Take the time necessary to learn how to properly
operate the test instruments that you will be required to use.

2.1 Electric Shock and Electrical Hazards

An electric shock can occur upon contact of a human or animal body with any source of voltage
high enough to cause sufficient current flow through the muscles or nerves.
Strange as it may seem, most fatal electrical shocks happen to people who should know better. Here
are some electromedical facts that should make you think twice before taking chances.It's not the
voltage but the current that kills. People have been killed by 100 volts AC in the home and with as
little as 42 volts DC. The real measure of a shock's intensity lies in the amount of current (in
milliamperes) forced through the body. Any electrical device used on a house wiring circuit can,
under certain conditions, transmit a fatal amount of current. The minimum current a human can feel
is thought to be about 1 milli-ampere (mA). The perception of electric shock can be different
depending on the voltage, duration, current, path taken, frequency, etc. Current entering the hand has
a threshold of perception of about 5 to 10 mA (milli-ampere) for DC and about 1 to 10 mA for AC at
60 Hz. Shock perception declines with increasing frequency, ultimately disappearing at frequencies
above 15-20 kHz. A fatal electric shock is referred to as electrocution.

Experiment No. 01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety Considerations

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE1103 Electric Circuit Analysis I ( 2nd Semester)
2.2.1 Injuries from Electric Shock

Accident victims can incur the following injuries from electric shock:
1. Low-voltage contact wounds
2. High-voltage contact wounds from entry and exit of electrical current
3. Burns [Tissue heating due to resistance can cause extensive and deep burns. High-voltage (>
500 to 1000 V) shocks tend to cause internal burns due to the large energy (which is
proportional to the duration multiplied by the square of the voltage) available from the
source. Damage due to current is through tissue heating. In some cases 16 volts might be
fatal to a human being when the electricity passes through organs such as the heart.]
4. Respiratory difficulties (the tongue may swell and obstruct the airway; or vaporized metal or
heated air may have been inhaled)
5. Infectious complications
6. Injury to bone through falls, heat necrosis (death of tissue) and muscle contraction (shoulder
joint injuries and fracture of bones in the neck are common injuries caused by muscle
7. Injury to the heart such as ventricular fibrillation [Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib or VF) is a
condition in which there is uncoordinated contraction of the cardiac muscle of the ventricles
in the heart, making them tremble rather than contract properly. Ventricular fibrillation is a
medical emergency. If it continues for more than a few seconds, blood circulation will cease,
and death will occur in a matter of minutes. A low-voltage (110 to 220 V), 50 or 60-Hz AC
current travelling through the chest for a fraction of a second may induce ventricular
fibrillation at currents as low as 60mA. With DC, 300 to 500 mA is required. If the current
has a direct pathway to the heart (e.g., via a cardiac catheter or other kind of electrode), a
much lower current of less than 1 mA, (AC or DC) can cause fibrillation. Fibrillations are
usually lethal because all the heart muscle cells move independently. Above 200mA, muscle
contractions are so strong that the heart muscles cannot move at all.]
8. Internal and organ injuries
9. Neurological (nerve) injury [Current can cause interference with nervous control, especially
over the heart and lungs. Repeated or severe electric shock which does not lead to death has
been shown to cause neuropathy. When the current path is through the head, it appears that,
with sufficient current, loss of consciousness almost always occurs swiftly.]
10. Injury to the eyes (cataracts from electrical injury have occurred up to three years after the

2.2.2 Lethality of a Shock

The voltage necessary for electrocution depends on the current flowing through the body and the
duration of the current flow. Using Ohm's law, Voltage = Current x Resistance, we see that the
current drawn depends on the resistance of the body. The resistance of our skin varies from person to
person and fluctuates between different times of day. In general, dry skin isn't a very good conductor
having a resistance of around 10,000 Ω, while skin dampened by tap water or sweaty has a resistance
of around 1,000 Ω.
Table 2.1 shows the general relationship between the degree of injury and amount of current for a
60-cycle hand-to-foot path of one second's duration of shock. While reading this chart, keep in mind
that most electrical circuits can provide, under normal conditions, up to 20,000 milliamperes of
current flow.
In addition to the electrical shock hazards, sparks from electrical equipment can serve as an ignition
source for flammable or explosive vapors or combustible materials.

Experiment No. 01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety Considerations

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE1103 Electric Circuit Analysis I ( 2nd Semester)

60 Hz AC Current Response
0.5 - 3 mA start to feel the energy, tingling sensation
3 - 10 mA experience pain, muscle contraction
10 - 40 mA grip paralysis threshold (brain says let go; but physically cannot do so)
30 - 75 mA respiratory systems shuts down
100 - 200 mA experience heart fibrillation
200 - 500mA heart clamps tight
Over 1,500 mA tissue and organs burn

Table 2.1

2.2.3 Arc-flash Hazards

Over 80% of all injuries and fatalities caused by electrical incidents are not caused by electric shock,
but by the intense heat, light, and pressure wave (blast) caused by electrical faults. The arc-flash in
an electrical fault produces the same type of light radiation from which electric welders protect
themselves using face shields with dark glass, heavy leather gloves, and full-coverage clothing. The
heat produced may cause severe burns, especially on unprotected flesh. The blast produced by
vaporizing metallic components can break bones and irreparably damage internal organs. The degree
of hazard present at a particular location can be determined by a detailed analysis of the electrical
system, and appropriate protection worn if the electrical work must be performed with the electricity
The comparison between the dangers of alternating current and direct current has been a subject of
debate ever since the War of Currents in the 1880s. DC tends to cause continuous muscular
contractions that make the victim hold on to a live conductor, thereby increasing the risk of deep
tissue burns. On the other hand, mains-frequency AC tends to interfere more with the heart's
electrical pacemaker, leading to an increased risk of fibrillation. AC at higher frequencies holds a
different mixture of hazards, such as RF burns and the possibility of tissue damage with no
immediate sensation of pain. Generally, higher frequency AC current tends to run along the skin
rather than penetrating and touching vital organs such as the heart. While there will be severe burn
damage at higher voltages, it is normally not fatal.
It is sometimes suggested that human lethality is most common with alternating current at 100-250
volts; however death has occurred from supplies as low as 32 volts and supplies at over 250 volts
frequently cause fatalities. Electrical discharge from lightning tends to travel over the surface of the
body causing burns and may cause respiratory arrest.

2.2 Electrical Safety Measures

Experiment No. 01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety Considerations

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE1103 Electric Circuit Analysis I ( 2nd Semester)

1. Plan every job and think about what could go wrong.

2. Use the right tools for the job.
3. Use procedures, drawings, and other documents to do the job.
4. Isolate equipment from energy sources.
5. Identify the electric shock and arc flash, as well as other hazards that may be present.
6. Minimize hazards by guarding or establishing approach limitations.
7. Test every circuit and every conductor every time before you touch it.
8. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) as a last line of defense in case something goes
9. Be sure you are properly trained and qualified for the job.
10. Work on electrical equipment and conductors only when deenergized, unless procedures and
safeguards have been established to ensure zero exposure for the worker and other people in
the area.
11. Lockout/tagout and ground (where appropriate) before working on equipment.
12. Treat deenergized electrical equipment and conductors as energized until lockout/tagout,
test, and ground procedures (where appropriate) are implemented.
13. Wear protective clothing and equipment and use insulated tools in areas where there are
possible electrical hazards.
14. Deenergized and visibly guard (where possible) whenever contact with uninsulated overhead
power lines is possible.
15. Check and double check safety regulations when a ladder or parts of any vehicle or
mechanical equipment structure will be elevated near energized overhead power lines. Call
your local electric utility for assistance. People standing on the ground may be particularly
vulnerable to possible injury.
16. Protect flexible cords and cables from physical damage. Check cords for cut, broken, or
cracked insulation.
17. Keep slack in flexible cords to prevent tension on electrical terminals.
18. Make sure the insulating qualities of a splice are equal to or greater than the original cord.
19. Extension cords are for temporary use. Install permanent wiring when use is no longer
20. Verify that all three-wire tools and equipment are grounded.
21. Water, electrical equipment, and power cords do not mix.
22. Ground exposed parts of fixed equipment that could be energized.
23. Use non-conductive tools whenever possible.
24. Always double check the operation of your voltage testers by testing a live circuit.
25. Verify location of all buried or embedded electrical circuits before digging or cutting.
26. Determine the reason that a fuse operated or circuit breaker tripped before replacing or
27. Know where your over current devices are (i.e. circuit breakers and fuses) so they can be
easily and quickly reached in case of emergency.
28. When replacing lamps and bulbs, verify that the replacement matches fixture requirements.
29. Your hands are your most valuable tools. Protect them by wearing appropriate safety gloves.
Before using, inspect the gloves for signs of wear and tear and other damage.
30. Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment.
31. When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry and, when
possible, wear nonconductive gloves and shoes with insulated soles.

Experiment No. 01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety Considerations

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE1103 Electric Circuit Analysis I ( 2nd Semester)
32. Minimize the use of electrical equipment in cold rooms or other areas where condensation is
likely. If equipment must be used in such areas, mount the equipment on a wall or vertical
33. If water or a chemical is spilled onto equipment, shut off power at the main switch or circuit
breaker and unplug the equipment.
34. Any modifications to existing electrical service in a laboratory or building must be
completed or approved by either the building facility manager, an engineer from the
Facilities department or the building's Special Facilities staff. All modifications must meet
both safety standards and Facilities Engineering design requirements.
35. Before removing any fuse from a circuit, be sure the switch for the circuit is open or
disconnected. When removing fuses, use an approved fuse puller and break contact on the
hot side of the circuit first. When replacing fuses, install the fuse first into the load side of
the fuse clip, then into the line side.
36. Loss of electrical power can create hazardous situations. Flammable or toxic vapors may be
released as a chemical warms when a refrigerator or freezer fails. Fume hoods may cease to
operate, allowing vapors to be released into the laboratory. If magnetic or mechanical stirrers
fail to operate, safe mixing of reagents may be compromised.
37. Inspect wiring of equipment before each use. Replace damaged or frayed electrical cords
38. Use safe work practices every time electrical equipment is used.
39. Know the location and how to operate shut-off switches and/or circuit breaker panels. Use
these devices to shut off equipment in the event of a fire or electrocution.
40. Limit the use of extension cords. Use only for temporary operations and then only for short
periods of time. In all other cases, request installation of a new electrical outlet.
41. Multi-plug adapters must have circuit breakers or fuses.
42. Place exposed electrical conductors behind shields.
43. Prevention is the best medicine for electrical shock. Respect all voltages, have knowledge of
the principles of electricity, and follow safe work procedures. Do not take chances.

2.3 First Aid for Electric Shock Victims

1. In helping a victim of an electric shock, the first thing you must do is disconnect the power
supply, if it is safe to do and will not take long to find; touching the power source may put you
in danger. If the victim is in contact with something portable such as a hair dryer, attempt to
move it away using a non-conductive object such as a piece of wood, like a broom handle, dry
rope or dry clothing, to separate the victim from the power source.
2. Time is precious and knocking the victim from the source can prove an effective way to
speed the process. Do not attempt to touch the affected person until they are free and clear of
the supplied power. Don’t even touch the victim until you are sure the power supply is turned
off. Be especially careful in wet areas, such as bathrooms, since most water will conduct
electricity and electrocuting yourself is also possible. People "hung up" in a live current flow
may think they are calling out for help but most likely no sound will be heard from them.
When the muscles contract under household current, the person affected will appear in lock-up
state, unable to move or react to you. When using a wooden object, swiftly knock the person
free without severely trying to injure them, but strong enough to free, and land them clear of
the source. The source may also be lifted or removed, if possible, with the same wooden item.
This is not recommended on voltages that exceed 500V. Most electrocutions happen from
house current at home.

Experiment No. 01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety Considerations

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE1103 Electric Circuit Analysis I ( 2nd Semester)
3. Check for a response and breathing. If the area is safe for you to be in and you have removed
the object or have cut off its power supply, yell to the person to see if they are conscious. Talk
calmly and reassuringly to the conscious victim until the ambulance arrives. A person who has
stopped breathing is not necessarily dead but is in immediate danger. Life is dependent on
oxygen, which is breathed into the lungs and then carried by the blood to every body cell.
Since body cells cannot store oxygen and since the blood can hold only a limited amount (and
only for a short time), death will surely result from continued lack of breathing. However, the
heart may continue to beat for some time after breathing has stopped, and the blood may still
be circulated to the body cells. Since the blood will, for a short time, contain a small supply of
oxygen, the body cells will not die immediately. For a very few minutes, there is some chance
that the person's life may be saved. The process by which a person who has stopped breathing
can be saved is called artificial ventilation (respiration). The purpose of artificial respiration is
to force air out of the lungs and into the lungs, in rhythmic alternation, until natural breathing is
reestablished. Records show that seven out of ten victims of electric shock were revived when
artificial respiration was started in less than three minutes. After three minutes, the chances of
revival decrease rapidly. Artificial ventilation i.e. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should be
given only when the breathing has stopped. Do not give artificial ventilation to any person who
is breathing naturally. You should not assume that an individual who is unconscious due to
electrical shock has stopped breathing. To tell if someone suffering from an electrical shock is
breathing, place your hands on the person's sides at the level of the lowest ribs. If the victim is
breathing, you will usually be able to feel movement.
4. Call emergency services for an ambulance.
5. If the breathing and pulse are steady, attend to injuries. Electrical burns vary in severity
depending upon: (1) how long the body is in contact with the electric current; (2) the strength
of the current; (3) the type of current; and (4) the direction the current takes through the body.
Often these burns are deep. There may be more than one area burned. One area may be where
the current entered the body and another may be where it left. Electrical burn wounds may look
minor on the outside, but could be severe on the inside. If the person is conscious and there are
no signs of shock (such as being cold, clammy, pale and having a rapid pulse), begin treating
the burned area. Do not apply grease or oil to the burn. Cover the burn with a dry, sterile
dressing, but do not cool the burn. Keep the victim from getting chilled. Seek medical attention
as soon as possible.
6. If the victim has fallen from a height, only move them if there is chance of further danger
(such as falling objects). Try not to move them unnecessarily in case of spinal injuries or
causing them excess pain, unless you are satisfied that moving them is necessary to prevent
further dangers.
7. If someone is being electrocuted by high-voltage current, do not go near them. High voltage
currents can arc (jump) as far as 7 meters. Normal types of insulation will not protect you. Call
for emergency help.

Experiment No. 01: Study of Electric Shocks and Safety Considerations


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