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Blackwell Publishing AsiaMelbourne, AustraliaJGHJournal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology0815 93192006 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd200621632637Original Article Magnetic

resonance imaging of the liver RC Semelka

et al.



Magnetic resonance imaging of the liver: How I do it

Richard C Semelka,* Diego R Martin† and N Cem Balci‡
*Department of Radiology, University of North Carolina, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, †Department of Radiology, Emory University Hospital,
Atlanta, GA; ‡St Louis University, St Louis, MO, USA

Key words Abstract

contrast agents, liver, magnetic resonance
imaging, sequences. The present paper provides a brief overview of the rationale behind magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) techniques, a description of the most common sequences used, and a
Accepted for publication 8 March 2005. general approach to performing liver MRI.

Correspondence © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd

Richard C Semelka, MD, Professor of
Radiology, Director of MR Services, Vice
Chairman of Clinical Research, Department of
Radiology, University of North Carolina, School
of Medicine, Cb# 7510, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-
7510, USA. Email:

such as peritoneal fluid or retroperitoneal fibrosis, are most con-

Introduction spicuous on T1-weighted sequences in which fat is high in signal
intensity (i.e. sequences without fat suppression). Conversely, dis-
Fundamentals of magnetic resonance imaging
eases that are high in signal intensity, such as subacute blood or
(MRI) techniques applied to the liver
proteinaceous fluid, are more conspicuous if fat is rendered low in
Image quality, reproducibility of image quality, and good conspi- signal intensity with the use of fat suppression techniques. On T2-
cuity of disease requires the use of sequences that are robust and weighted images, diseases that are low in signal intensity, such as
reliable and avoid artifacts.1–5 Maximizing these principles to fibrous tissue, are most conspicuous on sequences in which back-
achieve high-quality diagnostic MR images usually requires the ground fat is high in signal intensity, such as echo-train spin-echo
use of fast scanning techniques, with the overall intention of gen- sequences. Diseases that are moderate to high in signal intensity,
erating images with consistent image quality that demonstrate such as lymphadenopathy or ascites, are most conspicuous on
consistent display of disease processes. The important goal of sequences in which fat signal intensity is low, such as fat-
shorter examination time may also be achieved with the same suppressed sequences.
principles that maximize diagnostic quality. With the decrease of Gadolinium chelate enhancement may be routinely useful
imaging times for individual sequences, a greater variety of because it provides at least two further imaging properties that
sequences may be employed without increasing the total examina- facilitate detection and characterization of disease, specifically the
tion time. This approach contributes to one of the major strengths pattern of blood delivery (i.e. capillary enhancement) and the size
of MRI, which is comprehensive information on disease and/or rapidity of drainage of the interstitial space (i.e. interstitial
processes. enhancement).6 Capillary-phase image acquisition is achieved by
Respiration, bowel peristalsis and vascular pulsations are using a short-duration sequence initiated immediately after gado-
related to major artifacts that have lessened the reproducibility linium injection. Spoiled gradient-echo (SGE) sequence, per-
of MRI. Breathing-independent sequences and breath-hold formed as multisection 2- or 3-dimensional acquisition, is an ideal
sequences form the foundation of high-quality MRI studies of the sequence to use for capillary phase imaging. The majority of focal
abdomen. mass lesions are best evaluated in the capillary phase of enhance-
Disease conspicuity depends on the principle of maximizing the ment, particularly lesions that do not distort the margins of the
difference in signal intensities between diseased tissues and the organs in which they are located (e.g. focal liver, spleen or pancre-
background tissue. For disease processes situated within or adja- atic lesions). Images acquired 1.5–10 min after contrast adminis-
cent to fat, this is readily performed by manipulating the signal tration are in the interstitial phase of enhancement with the optimal
intensity of fat, which can range from low to high in signal inten- window being 2 to5 min post-contrast. Diseases that are super-
sity on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. For example, ficial, spreading or inflammatory in nature are generally well
diseases that are low in signal intensity on T1-weighted images, shown on interstitial phase images. The concomitant use of fat

632 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (2006) 632–637 © 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2006 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing
RC Semelka et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the liver

suppression serves to increase the conspicuity of disease processes Application of out-of-phase spoiled gradient-echo
characterized by increased enhancement on interstitial phase
Out-of-phase (opposed-phase) SGE images are useful for demon-
images including peritoneal metastases, cholangiocarcinoma,
strating diseased tissue in which mixtures of fat and water protons
ascending cholangitis, inflammatory bowel disease and
are present within the same voxel. A voxel containing predomi-
nantly only fat, or only water, will not demonstrate diminished
The great majority of diseases can be characterized by defining
signal on out-of-phase images. A TE of 2.2 ms is advisable at
their appearance on T1, T2 and early and late postgadolinium
1.5 T, and 4.4 ms is advisable at 1.0 T. A TE of 6.6 ms is also out
images. Throughout this review the combination of these four
of phase at 1.5 T, but the shorter TE of 2.2 ms is preferable
parameters for the evaluation of liver disease will be stressed.
because of decreased susceptibility effects (i.e. the shorter echo
time reduces the time for dephasing effects to accumulate, as is
T1-weighted sequences caused by metals or gas), more sections can be acquired per
sequence acquisition, signal is higher, the sequence is more T1
T1-weighted sequences are routinely useful for investigating dis-
weighted, and in combination with a T2-weighted sequence, it is
eases of the liver. The primary information that precontrast T1-
easier to distinguish fat and iron in the liver. At 1.5T, both fat and
weighted images provide includes: (i) information on abnormally
iron cause liver signal decrease on out-of-phase images using a TE
increased fluid content or fibrous tissue content that appears low in
of 6.6 ms, relative to the in-phase images acquired with a TE of
signal intensity on T1-weighted images; and (ii) information on
4.4 ms, whereas on 2.2 ms out-of-phase TE images fat is darker
the presence of subacute blood or concentrated protein, which are
and iron is brighter relative to TE 4 ms images (Fig. 1). Relative
both high in signal intensity. T1-weighted sequences obtained
sensitivity to magnetic susceptibility effects, which increase with
without fat suppression also demonstrate the presence of fat as
increases in TE, also can be used to distinguish iron-containing
high-signal intensity tissue. The routine use of an additional fat
paramagnetic structures (e.g. surgical clips or foci of iron deposi-
attenuating technique facilitates reliable characterization of fatty
tion in the spleen or liver) from non-magnetic signal void struc-
tures (e.g. calcium). To illustrate this point, the signal void
susceptibility artifact from surgical clips increases in size as the
Spoiled gradient-echo sequences TE increases from 2.2 to 4.4 ms, whereas the signal void from
calcium remains unchanged. However, the most common indica-
SGE sequences are the most important and versatile sequences for
tions for out-of-phase imaging are the detection of abnormal fat
studying liver disease. These sequences provide T1-weighted
accumulation within the liver and the detection of lipid within
imaging and, with the use of phased-array multicoil imaging, may
adrenal masses, a feature used to characterize benign adrenal
be used to replace longer duration sequences such as the T1-
adenomas. As discussed previously, current MRI systems can
weighted spin-echo (SE) sequence. Image parameters for SGE
acquire both in- and out-of-phase images during a single breath-
are: (i) relatively long repetition time (TR) (approximately
hold SGE acquisition, and this feature should always be used on
150 ms) to maximize signal-to-noise ratio and the number of sec-
routine imaging of the abdomen.
tions that can be acquired in one multisection acquisition; and (ii)
the shortest in-phase echo time (TE) (approximately 6.0 ms at
1.0 T and 4.2–4.5 ms at 1.5 T) to maximize signal-to-noise ratio Intravascular gadolinium-chelate contrast enhanced
and the number of sections per acquisition.2 Hydrogen protons in spoiled gradient-echo
a voxel containing 100% fat will process approximately 220–
230 Hz slower than a voxel comprised of 100% water, at 1.5 Tesla. In addition to its use as precontrast T1-weighted images, SGE
That means every 4.4 ms the fat protons will lag behind by 360 should be routinely used for multiphase image acquisition after
degrees and regain in-phase orientation relative to water protons, gadolinium administration for investigation of the liver.2,6 An
while at 2.2 ms, or at half this time, the fat and water protons will important feature of the multisection acquisition of SGE is that the
be 180 degrees out-of-phase. Current generation MR control soft- central phase-encoding steps are generally used to fill central k-
ware have incorporated dual-echo breath-hold SGE sequences that space, which determines image contrast. This contrast component
can acquire two sets of k-space filled to obtain two sets of images, of the dataset is acquired over a 4 to 5 s period for the entire data
one set in-phase, the other out-of-phase, with spatially matched set, and is essentially shared by each individual section. Thus, the
slices. For routine T1-weighted images, in-phase TE may be pref- data acquisition is sufficiently short for the entire data set to isolate
erable to the shorter out-of-phase echo times (4.0 ms at 1.0 T and a distinct phase of enhancement (e.g. hepatic arterial dominant
2.2–2.4 ms at 1.5 T), to avoid both phase-cancellation artifact phase) (Fig. 2). Furthermore, this ensures that images of organs,
around the borders of organs and fat-water phase cancellation in such as the liver, are shown in the same phase of contrast enhance-
tissues containing both fat and water protons. Flip angle should be ment uniformly throughout the volume of the tissue.
approximately 70–90 degrees to maximize T1-weighted signal.
With the use of the larger built-in body coil, the signal-to-noise
Fat-suppressed spoiled gradient-echo sequences
ratio of SGE sequences is usually suboptimal with section thick-
ness less than 8 mm, whereas with the phased-array surface coils, Fat-suppressed (FS) SGE sequences are routinely used as precon-
section thickness of 5 mm results in diagnostically adequate trast images for evaluating the pancreas and for the detection of
images. On new MRI machines, more than 22 sections may be subacute blood. Fat suppression is generally achieved on SGE
acquired in a 20 s breath-hold, or 44 paired sections when using images by selectively stimulating slower processing hydrogen pro-
the dual echo technique. tons associated with fat using a tuned radio-frequency (rf) pulse,

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (2006) 632–637 © 2006 The Authors 633
Journal compilation © 2006 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing
Magnetic resonance imaging of the liver RC Semelka et al.

a b

Figure 1 Axial T1-weighted (a) in phase and (b) out of phase images. The in phase image reveals a hypointense area in the left liver lobe (arrow). On
the out of phase image, liver loses its signal except the fat sparing area in the left liver lobe (arrow).

a b

Figure 2 Arterial phase spoiled gradient-echo (SGE) image (a) in a patient with hypervascular liver metastases (white arrows). Absence of contrast
in hepatic veins is an indication of good timing (black arrow). The lesions fade in the late phase contrast enhanced images (b).

followed by spoiler gradients, prior to performing the gradient FS SGE images are used to improve the contrast between
echo imaging components of the sequence. Image parameters are intra-abdominal fat and diseased tissues and blood vessels on
similar to those for standard SGE. It may be advantageous to use a interstitial-phase gadolinium-enhanced images (Fig. 3). Gadolin-
lower out-of-phase echo time (2.2–2.5 ms at 1.5 T), which benefits ium enhancement generally increases the signal intensity of blood
from additional fat-attenuating effects and also increases signal- vessels and disease tissue, and fat suppression diminishes the
to-noise ratio and the number of sections per acquisition. On competing high signal intensity of background fat (Fig. 4).
current MRI machines fat-suppressed SGE may acquire 22 sec-
tions in a 20 s breath-hold with reproducible uniform fat suppres-
Three-dimensional gradient echo
sion. One method modern systems use to reduce the amount of
additional time fat suppression adds to the SGE sequence and Three-dimensional (3-D) SGE imaging has been used extensively
acquires a greater number of slices per breath-hold, is to perform a for MR angiography (MRA), but only recently has evolved into an
fat suppression step only after several phase encoding steps, accepted useful technique for imaging the liver.1,5 This develop-
instead of after every phase encode. Another approach is to selec- ment has partly been achieved simply by reducing the flip angle
tively tune the stimulation rf pulse to activate only protons in from 70 to 90 degrees, used for angiography, down to 12–
water, but not in fat, thus eliminating the need to add fat saturation 15 degrees. Advantages include the ability to acquire a volumetric
pulses. data set that can be sectioned into thinner sections than typically

634 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (2006) 632–637 © 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2006 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing
RC Semelka et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the liver

used for 2-D images, generally in the 2.5–3.0 mm per slice range, following breathing instructions. In uncooperative patients, SGE
with contiguous slices, and with images that can be post-processed may be modified as a single-shot technique using the minimum TR
into other imaging planes. Although there are differences between to achieve breathing-independent images. Such sequences have
some of the sequence features seen between different MR systems, included so-called magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradi-
fat suppression tends to be superior with greater uniformity, as ent echo (MP-RAGE), and turbo-fast low angle shot (Turbo
compared to 2D SGE. On some MR systems, it is also possible to FLASH).9 This technique has been achieved using magnetization-
image a larger volume of tissue during the same breath-hold prepared SGE, where an inversion prepulse leads to the ability to
period, than with 2D-SGE. A potential limitation of 3D SGE improve T1-weighted contrast during a short acquisition single
imaging has been diminished contrast to noise. This has led to slice acquisition. As the protons recover magnetization, a single
concern regarding use of this technique, other than for gadolinium slice short TR SGE imaging sequence is performed. An inversion
enhanced fat-suppressed interstitial phase imaging, where the gad- time of around 0.5 s provides optimal T1-weighted contrast, and
olinium effectively improves the contrast to noise ratio. sufficient time to allow the protons to recover between slices leads
to an effective slice-to-slice TR of no less than 1.5 s. This tech-
nique can be performed to yield through-plane flowing blood
Motion-insensitive spoiled gradient-echo
either bright or dark, by making the prepulse either slice-selective
One limitation of SGE images, both 2- and 3-D, is relative motion or non-selective, respectively. Limitations of this technique have
sensitivity and requirement for cooperation by the patient in included the inability to obtain as high or predictable T1-weighted
contrast as with standard SGE (Fig. 5). Another limitation is that
the magnetization prepared gradient echoes slice-by-slice tech-
nique cannot be used for dynamic gadolinium enhanced imaging
of the liver, particularly during the hepatic arterial dominant phase.
As each slice requires between around 1.5 s to acquire, the time
difference accumulated between the top and bottom liver slices is
too great to capture the entire liver in the arterial phase of enhance-
ment. In contrast, the standard SGE sequences, although motion
sensitive, offer much superior time resolution for the entire vol-
ume of tissue imaged, with the critical contrast data acquired in
less than 5 s, and with this data time-averaged throughout the
entire set of slices, facilitating capture of the entire liver in the
same phase of contrast enhancement.

T2-weighted sequences
The predominant information provided by T2-weighted sequences
are: (i) the presence of increased fluid in diseased tissue, which
results in high signal intensity; (ii) the presence of chronic fibrotic
Figure 3 T1-weighted fat suppressed spoiled gradient-echo (SGE) tissue, which results in low signal intensity; and (iii) the presence
image reveals good delineation of the normal pancreatic head (arrow). of iron deposition, which results in very low signal intensity.

a b

Figure 4 Multiple hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a cirrhotic liver in (a) arterial phase spoiled gradient-echo (SGE) image (arrows); (b) the late phase
postgadolinium image reveals the washout and better delineation of the lesions (arrows).

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (2006) 632–637 © 2006 The Authors 635
Journal compilation © 2006 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing
Magnetic resonance imaging of the liver RC Semelka et al.

a b c

Figure 5 T1-weighted magnetization prepared gradient echo (GE) sequence (turbo-fast low angle shot [Turbo FLASH]) demonstrates the normal liver
without motion artifacts in (a) non-contrast; (b) arterial phase; and (c) late phase images.

a b

Figure 6 T2-weighted breathing independent single shot-echo-train spin-echo (SS-ETSE) sequence (a) in coronal plane, and breath hold fat
suppressed SS-ETSE sequence (b) reveal a metastasis in the left liver lobe (arrows).

Echo-train spin-echo sequences decreased. In the liver, the T2 difference between diseased and
background normal liver may be small, and the T2-averaging
The principle of echo-train spin-echo sequences is to summate effects of summated multiple echoes blur this T2 difference
multiple echoes within the same repetition time interval to (Fig. 6). This results in relatively diminished lesion conspicuity
decrease examination time, increase spatial resolution, or both. We for lesions with mildly elevated T2-weighted signal intensity, such
routinely employ single shot techniques for liver imaging termed as hepatocellular carcinoma, as compared to standard spin echo
HASTE (half fourier acquisition single shot turbo spin echo) or sequences. Fortunately, diseases with T2 values similar to those of
single shot fast spin-echo.2,3 This is a slice-by-slice technique, liver generally have longer T1 values than liver, so that lesions
where a single slice-selective excitation pulse is followed by a poorly visualized on echo-train spin-echo are generally well visu-
series of echoes, typically using between 80 and 180 pulses, each alized on SGE or immediate postgadolinium SGE images as low-
separated by around 3 ms, to fill in k-space for the entire slice.3 signal lesions.
The T2-weighted contrast is achieved by using the echoes Echo-train spin-echo, and T2-weighted sequences in general,
obtained around 80–90 ms for filling central k-space, where cen- are important for evaluating the liver. In liver masses, T2-weighted
tral k-space is responsible for image contrast. Although the theo- images predominantly are important for lesion characterization,
retical TR is infinite, each slice requires around 1.2–1.5 s before while T1-weighted images are important for both lesion detection
continuing to the next slice. However, the motion sensitive compo- sensitivity and characterization. T2-weighted images also are
nent represents only a smaller fraction of the entire acquisition important for assessment of diffuse liver disease, including iron
period, making this technique relatively insensitive to breathing deposition, edema related to active liver disease, and fibrosis.
artifacts. Echo-train spin-echo has achieved widespread use Echo-train T2-weighted sequences are important for assessment of
because of these advantages. In contrast, conventional T2 spin- fluid filled structures, including bile duct, gall bladder, pancreatic
echo sequences are lengthy and suffer from patient motion and duct, stomach and bowel, as well as cysts or cystic masses,
increased examination time.10 The major disadvantage of echo- abscesses or collections, or free fluid in the abdomen or pelvis.
train sequences is that T2 differences between tissues are The relative resistance of echo-train images to motion degradation

636 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (2006) 632–637 © 2006 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2006 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing
RC Semelka et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the liver

generally yields better resolution of structures internal to cystic encountered population who fit into the second group. Imaging
masses, such as the septations within a pancreatic serous or muci- strategies differ for each.
nous tumor. MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is based on In sedated patients, substitution of breath-hold images (e.g.
modified echo-train sequences, where the effective TE is made SGE) can be made readily with breathing-averaged spin echo
longer, in the order of 250–500 ms. Lengthening the TE results in images, the image quality of which is improved by using fat
heavily T2-weighted high contrast images that yield most soft suppression. With sedation, breathing is in a more regular pattern
tissues dark, and makes fluid in bile ducts, gall bladder and pancre- than that observed for all other patients. Additionally, breathing-
atic duct very bright. MRCP can be performed in thin sections of independent T2-weighted single-shot echo-train spin-echo is
3–4 mm for higher resolution, or by using a single thick slab of 3– useful, as is T1-weighted MP-RAGE, if dynamic gadolinium-
4 cm, to include the majority of the pancreatic and bile duct in a enhanced images are required.
single image. Echo-train imaging is well suited to bowel due to In patients who are agitated, only single-shot techniques should
insensitivity to both respiratory motion and bowel peristalsis, and be used, including breathing-independent T2-weighted single-shot
relative resistance to distorting paramagnetic effects of intralumi- echo train spin echo and T1-weighted MP-RAGE pre- and postga-
nal bowel gas as a result of repeated refocusing echo pulses. dolinium administration.
Fat is high in signal intensity on echo-train spin-echo sequences
in comparison to conventional spin-echo sequences, in which fat is
intermediate in signal intensity. Fat may also be problematic in the
liver because fatty liver will be high in signal intensity on echo- MRI, using a variety of short duration sequences in multiple
train spin-echo sequences, thereby diminishing contrast with the planes and pre- and post-contrast administration, allows assess-
majority of liver lesions, which are generally high in signal inten- ment of the full range of liver diseases. The combined information
sity on T2-weighted images. It may be essential to use fat suppres- provided by non-contrast T1- and T2-weighted images, and early
sion on T2-weighted echo-train spin-echo sequences for liver and late postgadolinium T1-weighted images allows accurate
imaging. Fat suppression should generally be applied for at least determination of the nature of focal liver lesions in the liver.
one set of images of the liver to ensure optimal contrast between
high signal abnormalities, such as fluid collections or cystic
masses, and adjacent intra-abdominal fat.
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Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (2006) 632–637 © 2006 The Authors 637
Journal compilation © 2006 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing

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