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Real Name: Manabozho (his Algonquin name, Manitou is Algonqui for Spirit) 

Identity/Class: Indigenous American god 

Occupation: Ruler of the Anasazi, God of Sky and Heaven 

Group Membership: The Anasazi (Native American Gods)

Affiliations: Zeus, Odin, Osiris, Svarog, The Dagda, Tezcatlipoca, Itzamna, and the rest of the Godheads; Thor 

    worshiped by Flaming Star, Grey Eagle, Spotted Doe, and countless : Indigenous Americans over many
    Hobomokko, Phantom Rider(s), Red Warrior, Thunderbirds

Enemies: Nanabozho, The Anaye, The Anamaqkiu, Demogorge, Thanos, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze/Zarathos)

Known Relatives: Gaoh (father), Awenhai (mother), Chibiabos, Wabasso, Nanabozho (alias Coyote) (brothers),
Onatah (wife), Heno, Hotamintanio, Owayadota, Tawa (sons), Pawa, Omamama (daughters), Chahuru, Kineun
(uncles), Gitche Manitou (great-grandfather), Gaea (great-grandmother, alias Nokomis) 

Aliases: Minabozho (Chippewa), Messou (Montagnais), Minabush (Menominee), Nanaboojoo (Potawatomi),

Gluscap (Micmac), Yoskeha (Iroquois), Nanabusch (Delaware), Olelbis (Wintun), Torngasau (Inuit), Ioskeha
(Onondoga), Tshohanoai (Navaho), Glooscap (Mandan), Aba (Choctaw), Apoyan Tachu (Zuni), Tulugaak
(Eskimo), Isakakate (Crow), Wisa'ka (Comanche), The Great Spirit; presumably Wakan Taka

Base of Operations: Shipolo (: Indigenous American Heaven) 

Powers: Manitou possesses greater powers than any other : Indigenous American god. He has
superhuman strength, stamina and resistance to injury plus the ability to tap into the orenda, the
positive energies of the universe for magical effects, even to imbue a chosen individual with
enhanced abilities. He can create storms, create dimensional barriers and propel and manipulate
mystical energies. He has exceptional senses on a nearly omniscient level allowing him to
perceive disturbances on a cosmic scale. He can also shapeshift between humanoid and animal
forms as in ancient times when he appeared as various animal forms or project his image into
clouds or stellar matter such as the Aurora Borealis to the Inuits.


Manabozho is the son of the wind-god Gaoh and Awenhai, the earth goddess. According to myth, he and his brother,
Nanabozho, were enemies before birth and even fought in the womb. Their birth killed their mother and Nanabozho
blamed him for her death. Manabozho fled to Earth where he found comfort in his great-grandmother Gaea in her
role as Nokomis. He developed compassion for mortal men and stole fire from heaven to help keep them warm. He
taught them to not be afraid of night as he protected them from the evil of his brother.

Manabozho's brothers, Chibiabos and Wabasso often visited him on earth and took tales of his accomplishments
back to heaven (Since they are described as his younger brothers, their mother must have been restored to life).
While on Earth, Chibiabos was abducted by evil spirits known as the Anamaqkiu and taken to the underworld.
Manabozho went to rescue him and killed two of them, but Chibiabos stayed behind to safely receive the spirits of
mortals who died. The Anamaqkiu, however, sent a great flood to Earth from the underworld as Manabozho rushed
ahead and saved mankind and animals on a great tree that floated on the waters. The tree came to rest on a mountain
that Manabozho climbed into heaven where he was received by Gitche Manitou, the Great Spirit. Measured by his
deeds, Manabozho became Manitou and replaced him as Ruler of the Anasazi. 

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