Tarot Meanings Cheatsheet by Aeclectic

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Fool - The very beginning of something. Starting something new. Taking a leap of faith and
heading into the unknown.

Magician - Creation through an act of will and focus. The desire to bring an idea, desire, or
vision into reality.

High Priestess - Spiritual and esoteric wisdom. Intuitive knowledge. Previously hidden
information coming to light. Secrets being revealed.

Empress - Maternal energy. A physical act of creation. The seed has been planted and is
beginning to grow.

Emperor - Paternal energy. Commanding, leading and ruling. The enforcement of structure,
rules, and boundaries.

Hierophant - Societal or religious beliefs. Unquestioned authority. Advice and guidance

from an outside or official source.

Lovers - Love. True love. Being magnetically drawn to something. Choosing to commit no
matter the possible challenges.

Chariot - Confidently guiding emotions, people, or situations in a desired direction.

Channeling opposite forces into working together.

Strength - Control of emotions or instincts. Calm handling of a difficult situation.

Hermit - Solitude. Following your own intuition and guiding light. A time for going inward
instead of taking action.

Wheel of Fortune - Fate, luck, and destiny. Good luck. Unexpected good fortune.

Justice - Weighing the evidence. Righting the balance. Doing what is necessary and right,
no matter how difficult.



Hanged Man - A new and different perspective. Seeing things completely differently. A
worldview is completely changing.

Death - Great change, endings, transformations. Something is coming to an inevitable end,

and making way for the new.

Temperance - Balance and moderation. Blending of different elements.

Devil - Over-indulgence, excess, addictions, obsessions. Enslavement to ideas or beliefs.

Feeling powerless although the chains are only in the mind.

Tower - Great change. Dramatic endings. The need for change has been ignored so long
that the situation has reached catastrophic levels.

Star - Hope, healing, inspiration. Following a guiding star. Staying hopeful and true to a
vision no matter the current circumstances.

Moon - The subconscious and unconscious. Things beneath the surface. Being driven by
old beliefs, emotions and patterns.

Sun - Child-like happiness and joy. Everything is going to be all right!

Judgement - Old decisions and situations are coming back to light. Things are coming out
into the open and will have to be faced.

World - Completeness, wholeness, satisfaction. Successful completion of an something big

and important.




Ace of Cups - Overflowing positive emotion. Abundant love. New love energy.

Two of Cups - A spark between two people. A new friendship or romance.

Three of Cups - Socialising, a party, spending time with people.

Four of Cups - Depression. Self-absorption. Complete focus on emotions to the exclusion

of all else.

Five of Cups - Grief. Loss. Sadness - but there are still some positives if one chooses to see

Six of Cups - Nostalgia. Reminiscing on the past, where everything seemed better than the

Seven of Cups - Fantasies, dreams and daydreams. Be careful to take some action to make
the vision a reality, otherwise they will remain as dreams.

Eight of Cups - Moving on. Choosing to leave a situation in search of something better.

Nine of Cups - Granted wishes and desires. Getting everything that was ever wanted!

Ten of Cups - Emotional satisfaction and fulfilment. Shared happiness.

Page of Cups - Crushes, infatuation, immature love. A teenager-like romance.

Knight of Cups - Passionate and all-consuming love. Being focused only on the feeling of
love to the exclusion of all else.

Queen of Cups - Empathy, understanding, emotional wisdom. A healer, counsellor,

therapist, or psychic.

King of Cups - Emotional maturity. A mature, determined and committed love.




Ace of Swords - New ideas. New intellectual challenges. Your mind is feeling sharper,
clearer and ready to work.

Two of Swords - Stasis. Inaction. Indecision. Being afraid to make a decision or make a

Three of Swords - Extreme emotional pain. Your heart is hurting. The worst has happened,
but at least now healing can begin.

Four of Swords - Stillness. Rest. It’s time to take a break from everything and allow yourself
to recover.

Five of Swords - Arguments over ideas and opinions. There is no common ground, just
winners and losers.

Six of Swords - Being rescued. Finding a solution in resolving difficult situation.

Seven of Swords - Underhand behaviour, subterfuge, stealing, gossip. Something sneaky is


Eight of Swords - Feeling trapped or stuck. Being a prisoner of your own ideas or beliefs, or
conviction that you are the victim.

Nine of Swords - Nightmares, sleeplessness, a dark night of the soul. Problems being blown
out of proportion and made bigger in your head.

Ten of Swords - Melodrama. Overkill. Things can’t possibly get worse.

Page of Swords - The early stages of an idea. Quick thinking. Questioning everything.

Knight of Swords - Impulsive thoughts and energy. Using thoughts and ideas as weapons.
Lack of deep thinking or understanding.



Queen of Swords - An encyclopaedic mind, full of facts and trivia. Believing facts over
feelings. Needing to know and fix and solve problems.

King of Swords - Rational thinking. Being skilled with words and debates. Believing in ideals
and principles above all.




Ace of Wands - A new spark of energy. A new passion, enthusiasm or interest.

Two of Wands - A choice. Deciding where to put your focus, or which passion to pursue.

Three of Wands - Progress and development. Positive expectations. Waiting for results on
a project already begun.

Four of Wands - Stability. Good foundations have been laid. The beginning of a solid
marriage or partnership. Enjoying the initial phase of success.

Five of Wands - Disagreements. Conflict. Necessary competition in order to build the skills
to succeed.

Six of Wands - Success! Victory. The successful conqueror and hero. Receiving adulation
and congratulations.

Seven of Wands - Challenge. Being under attack. Confidently standing fast in the face of an
unexpected challenge.

Eight of Wands - Movement. Speed. Quick changes. Things happening fast.

Nine of Wands - Defensiveness. Wariness. Feeling on guard. Expecting an attack even

when none is coming.

Ten of Wands - Overwhelm. Exhaustion. Over-burdened. Trying to do everything instead

of allowing others to help.

Page of Wands - Fresh energy. A pleasant surprise. A positive message.

Knight of Wands - Travelling and exploration. A time for adventures and long trips.

Queen of Wands - Competency, confidence. Full of energy for people, projects, and

King of Wands - Leadership, charisma. The competent and charming leader, politician,
personality or speaker.




Ace of Pentacles - A new job, new fitness routine, new income source. Beginning
something physical in the material world.

Two of Pentacles - Ups and downs. Trying to juggle all your priorities and responsibilities.

Three of Pentacles - Craftsmanship. Physical creation. Professions. Working at something

that brings clients, money - and more work.

Four of Pentacles - Hoarding. Being a miser. Keeping all the money or good fortune to
yourself out of fear of losing it.

Five of Pentacles - Poverty. Financial Loss. Bad luck. Health problems. Times are difficult
but help is available - just ask.

Six of Pentacles - Generosity. Gifts. Giving and receiving money or goods.

Seven of Pentacles - Pause. Patience. Waiting. Everything possible has been done, and now
it is time to wait.

Eight of Pentacles - Repetition. Practice. Repeating something over and over in order to
learn and improve.

Nine of Pentacles - Comfort and luxury. Enjoyment of physical pleasures and surroundings.

Ten of Pentacles - Prosperity. Wealth and stability. Money, income, property or physical
goods that can be relied on for a long, long time.

Page of Pentacles - New growth. Steady development. Studying. An improvement in

health. A message about money.

Knight of Pentacles - Slow but consistent progress. Things are moving and changing, even
if it doesn’t look like it.



Queen of Pentacles - Physical comfort and enjoyment. Nurturing of something - a garden, a

person, a business, a relationship.

King of Pentacles - Self-sufficiency. Self-reliance. A successful businessperson. Working

hard and being successful.

Created by Aeclectic Tarot.

For more Tarot information, visit us at www.aeclectic.net.


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