Termpaper of Accounts

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(MGT 515)

Technology and Software

New and more complex tax laws and auditing standards, changing technologies, and a slowly
recovering economy have all shaped the accounting firm environment today. As a result, the
needs and expectations for the professional firms are evolving into a new model for the
future, one that embraces change as both a solution and a requirement for its success. These
changes are primarily related to the use of technology: how accountants use their time, ease,
and accessibility of data from multiple sources, integrated systems, and virtual office
capabilities through the use of the Web.

From the early days of clay tokens to the invention of the abacus, accounting is as old as
civilization. It wasn’t until the commercial revolution at the end of the dark ages that double-
entry bookkeeping came into existence. (It began in the Venice/Florence area in Italy.) A
hundred years later, Luca Pacioli, a Franciscan monk, wrote a math book that suggested
merchants needed three things: sufficient cash or credit, an accounting system, and a good
bookkeeper. Today accounting is commonly offered as a major of study. What do you, as a
prospective accounting major, need to know about the field and the technological advances in

What is commonly known today as “cost accounting” (defined as “The discipline of

estimating, tracking and controlling product and service costs”) didn’t start until the late 18th
century, and was spawned by an unlikely source—a world famous potter. Josiah Wedgwood
was a highly successful potter when a depression hit, and he discovered that not only were his
clerks ignoring much needed paperwork, they were also stealing money hand over fist.

He took the time to examine the books in detail, noting inaccuracies and becoming aware of
the importance of calculating overhead into the costs of his pottery. He hired a new clerk and
began weekly accounting reviews, and according to historians, the concepts of “economies of
scale” and “sunk costs” were discovered. He changed the prices of his pottery to reflect the
influence of demand, creating both a high-end line and a lower quality mass market line.
Wedgewood’s company was one of the few to survive that depression.

It took another fifty years or so for the occupation now known as “accountants” to come into
vogue. In the mid-19th century, a group of clerks in London advertised their services as
“accomptants.” As business regulations increased along with taxes, the need for professional
number crunchers became clear. The first accounting firm opened in 1845 in London, but
accounting technology and technological advances in accounting such as accounting software
didn't come until much later.

Accounting software is application software that records and processes accounting

transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable,
payroll, and trial balance. It functions as an accounting information system. It may be
developed in-house by the company or organization using it, may be purchased from a third
party, or may be a combination of a third-party application software package with local
modifications. It varies greatly in its complexity and cost. Input The input devices commonly
associated with Accounting information systems include: standard personal computers or
workstations running applications; scanning devices for standardized data entry; electronic
communication devices for electronic data interchange and e-commerce. In addition, many
financial systems come ‘‘Web-enabled’’ to allow devices to connect to the World Wide Web.

Basic processing is achieved through computer systems ranging from individual personal
computers to large-scale enterprise servers. However, conceptually, the underlying
processing model is still the ‘‘double-entry’’ accounting system initially introduced in the
fifteenth century. Output devices used include computer displays, impact and nonimpact
printers, and electronic communication devices for EDI and e-commerce. The output content
may encompass almost any type of financial reports from budgets and tax reports to
multinational financial statements.

Accounting information systems s cover all business functions from backbone accounting
transaction processing systems to sophisticated financial management planning and
processing systems. Financial reporting starts at the operational levels of the organization,
where the transaction processing systems capture important business events such as normal
production, purchasing, and selling activities. These events (transactions) are classified and
summarized for internal decision making and for external financial reporting. Cost
accounting systems are used in manufacturing and service environments. These allow
organizations to track the costs associated with the production of goods and/or performance
of services. In addition, the Accounting information systems can provide advanced analyses
for improved resource allocation and performance tracking. Management accounting systems
are used to allow organizational planning, monitoring, and control for a variety of activities.
This allows managerial-level employees to have access to advanced reporting and statistical
analysis. The systems can be used to gather information, to develop various scenarios, and to
choose an optimal answer among alternative scenarios.

Accounting is a function companies use to record, report and analyze their financial
information. This helps business owners and managers conduct performance analyses and
determine their company's financial returns, among other things. The use of business
technology helps companies automate the accounting process.

Early Technology
Accounting technology has always played a role in keeping track of numbers, and the idea of
using machines to solve mathematical problems goes back centuries. Leonardo da Vinci
actually designed a machine he called the “Codex Madrid” that contained thirteen wheels that
registered digits.

While there were several other attempts to build a numbers calculator, it was Blaise Pascal, a
French scientist, who invented the early calculator (interestingly enough, he also is credited
with inventing the roulette machine and the wrist watch).

In 1885, William Burroughs invented the first working adding machine. The first batch of
machines didn’t sell very well since Mr. Burroughs was the only person who could use them,
so they were recalled, and the corrective automatic adding machine was invented. Naturally,
this model sold much better.

Adding machines and then later—much later—calculators made the job of accounting much
easier. They led to fewer mistakes, greater accountability, and sped up the work of the
average bookkeeper or accountant. Technological advances in accounting always mean
increased speed and efficiency.

The 20th Century Information Revolution

While there were subtle changes in the field of accounting from its early days through the
1970s, the job remained virtually the same: paper records of columns of numbers. But with
the invention of the computer and accounting software, that all changed.

In 1930, Vannevar Bush, a professor at MIT, built an electronic differential analyzer. Other
inventors such as Konrad Zuse and Howard Aiken built hybrid binary arithmetic machines
and used electric relays to calculate sums. Professor Aiken worked with IBM, and in 1942
they built what could be called the first computer. Over the course of the next fifty years,
massive computers capable of only simple calculations went from filling entire rooms to the
small desktop computer most of us use at home and the office today.

Computers and accounting software allow accountants to use electronic spreadsheets—

eliminating the need for adding machines, calculators, and pencils and ledgers in one fell
swoop. It became much simpler for accountants to keep track of information on a minute-by-
minute basis and completely eliminated most mistakes. This has led to greater efficiency and
accountability, and has changed the face of accounting considerably.

New Technology Leads to New Risks

Of course, all the technological advances in accounting and accounting software is prey to
sabotage and other forms of destructive action. Fraud is still possible. But this has led to new
areas of accounting work, such as forensic accounting. New computer programs help track
any attempts to initiate fraud. This area of accounting protection and investigation will
continue to grow and evolve.

Accounting Technology at Home

The computer has not only revolutionized business accounting, it’s also changed how people
keep track of their own money. Banking online, software programs that do your taxes, and
automatic bill paying have dramatically altered how the individual handles their money.

Most of us are grateful that we no longer have to use an abacus to balance our check books,
or clay tokens to figure out the grocery budget. As accounting technology continues to
evolve, keeping track of our money will be easier and easier. Thanks to some early
mathematicians and accountants, crunching numbers is more accurate, accessible, and error-
proof. In the future, new technological advances in accounting will no doubt make our lives

The first step in any area of study is to review the history of the field. Accounting is a career
path anticipating strong growth in the coming years. Students majoring in accounting can be
assured of long-term career stability and success. If you have a head for numbers, consider
becoming an accountant.

Past Practices
1. Historically, accounting was performed in columned ledger books and required hours
to record relevant information. Each transaction was recorded in daily activity, then
summarized into monthly results and quarterly, annual and comparative reports. One
or more clerks were responsible for recording this data legibly by hand, many using
ink pens that would lead to reworking a page with too many accidental ink blots.
Those using pencils and erasers had some flexibility and could then "ink over" final
results, making the ledger book permanent. Storing the data took lots of space and
there was always risk of fire, flood or other disasters. Along with the large amounts of
manual labour and repetitive, almost mindless work, there existed a risk potential for
error in the data, both in recording the data accurately and in calculating the results.
These errors carried forward, polluting the data and making it more difficult to
understand the reality of business results for managers, owners and investors.
Enter Technology
2. The advent of the mainframe computer and now the personal computer have greatly
increased the ability for automation in gathering, maintaining, analyzing and reporting
accounting data. Initial programs gathered data into one place. This removed some of
the risk of bad information being recorded and allowed accountants to utilize better
data, trading the day-to-day recording processes for additional duties each month, a
prime example of technology reducing the necessary workforce.

Then the miracle that is the spreadsheet came into being. All of a sudden, accountants
and managers were able to manipulate data in a multitude of ways to present
information much more quickly than ever before. Mathematics and statistical analysis
were now much easier to incorporate in reporting on financial results. Most
companies now use some sort of spreadsheet technology within their accounting
functions. Virtually all new personal computers come with a pre-installed spreadsheet

Advances Continue
3. Accounting software has continued to improve. Every business function that
generates numerical data can be and usually is connected with financial reporting.
Fully integrated software packages such as SAP and Oracle, along with many others
available in the marketplace, allow companies to set up how data will be input into the
systems and how that data links into the accounting function for immediate and later
use. There is a price tag for this level of performance, both in acquiring and
implementing the software system, and in the number of users required to gather all of
the data desired by the company. In today's business environment, all large companies
have systems of this nature, and need them up and running to ensure they can remain

Other software packages offer more limited capabilities that are more easily
maintained by a smaller user group. These would mainly be used by the small
business owner who is starting and/or growing her company within her financial
constraints, and can expand the user base as the business increases in size.

One concern is how user-friendly the system is, meaning how can users input and
extract data in meaningful forms with the end result being a timely, efficient and cost-
effective use of business resources to achieve the desired results.

Data Security and Storage

4. All of this data has to be kept somewhere, and access to the data needs to be
effectively restricted to those approved to access it. There are minimal security
measures available in all computers now, but for multiple-user databases and
reporting systems, there needs to be more. Accounting software packages have taken
this into account and allow for security set-up based on business function, based on
customer user setup or a combination of these and other factors, to be managed by a
system administrator.
Data storage and backups are now easier to handle. Companies can utilize external
permanent storage devices such as CDs, DVDs and zip discs. Electronic data storage
options include external hard drives and tape drives that are easily separated from
systems and controlled either on-site or off-site. For larger data concerns, there are
even companies who store and secure data in one or more off-site locations to further
dilute the risk of data loss.

Business Intelligence
5. A recent advent in technology is business intelligence (BI). Basically, this is an
analysis tool that allows all sorts of business data to be summarized in virtually
limitless formats depending on the user's requirements. Data is gathered daily or even
up-to-the-minute and imported into the BI software database for use in analysis as
needed. A common use is a dashboard, showing many key performance indicators
(KPI's), that is updated within the BI system. Three common KPI's are sales volume,
average revenues per unit sold and daily production results. Decision-makers in a
company can use this information to guide them in how to move forward.

Accountants who once were frantically creating spreadsheets for management now
can create a report within the BI system and make it available to whichever users they
choose. Portability and access of data is also improved. Some BI systems allow for
web-based reporting so users can log in to the system to access their reports from
wherever they are. Security and integrity of data available this way has led to
continued innovations as well.

New Direction
6. Business intelligence has traditionally been used as just another way to report
information, but not necessarily used to improve a business. Companies are now
seeing the benefit in reviewing what data they need to gather and how best to gather
that data. Once this is accomplished, they can then develop useful reporting that
prompts or encourages use of the data in making better decisions for the company. It
will be interesting to see what new advances will come next.
7. Technology has greatly improved the accounting industry over the past several
decades. As personal computers have become standard office equipment, companies
have utilized accounting software as replacements for standard paper ledgers and
loose-leaf binders. Companies have also been able to customize their technology
needs to their business operations, eliminating unnecessary tasks in their accounting
processes. In addition to increased productivity, companies have developed faster
financial reporting and centralized accounting operations.

Increased Productivity
8. Accounting technology has increased individual productivity by using internal math
checks and automatic account balancing features to limit input errors. This helps
accountant’s focus on verifying the accuracy and validity of financial information,
rather than rebalancing the numbers to determine math errors. Accounting software
also allows accountants to select various accounts and journals for financial reports,
limiting the amount of time spent digging through countless pages of handwritten
data. Additionally, input errors can usually be corrected quickly and easily, allowing
more time to be spent on other accounting tasks.

Faster Reporting
9. Historically, many accounting departments have spent weeks closing out each
accounting period, especially during quarterly or year-end periods. Lengthy closing
periods have delayed the publishing of financial statements, which are critical for
managers to review and assess business operations. Modern technology has improved
closing periods from weeks to days in many businesses, allowing accountants more
time to assess the accuracy of financial information prior to releasing them for
executive management review. Producing financial statements quicker also helps
companies respond faster to economic challenges, which is an essential trait in today's
competitive business market.
Larger companies may also have more divisions or regional business locations,
requiring these financial statements to be prepared prior to the final corporate
statements being prepared.

Centralized Accounting
10. Many of the accounting software packages in today's technological market can be
used over a company intranet or server-based computing network. This allows
multiple users or locations to access the accounting information from various parts of
a company. Companies are able to create centralized accounting operations, using a
local, regional or national office setup. Centralized accounting ensures that all
financial information is secure and handled by reliable, trustworthy individuals. It can
also save labor costs by allowing accountants in the centralized office to access
financial information remotely through the company intranet, bypassing the need for
information to be sent to the home accounting office.
Accounting Software provides businesses with the tools necessary to streamline business
processes, make transactions manageable, and improve employee efficiency and accuracy.
Below are some of the solutions that would be included in a comprehensive accounting
software system:

Accounts payable software allows business to stay on top of their outstanding payments and
make sure all their payments are made accurately and on time. Additionally, businesses can
efficiently process invoices, view discounts offered for invoices paid by the discount due
date, and run accounts payable reports to conduct analysis of where monetary assets are being
used and future cash requirements.

Accounts receivable software allows business to efficiently manage customer activity and
ensures timely revenue collection by automating invoice processing. Business can also
enhance customer service through instant on-screen access to all account information and
generate effective reporting in order to improve cash flow management.

Bank Reconciliation software simplifies the monthly reconciliation process for businesses.
The bank reconciliation software automatically identifies unrecorded transactions and locates
differences between the bank statement and the general ledger. Businesses can also integrate
multiple bank accounts, manually post checks if necessary, and view complete and detailed
transaction listings.

Bill of Materials software gives businesses the ability to track production costs and
accurately compare it to expected costs. Bill of Materials software can help validate
structures and operations and provide notifications of potential problems, estimate
manufacturing lead times, and improve structure and routing from CAD or third party
systems. Businesses can generate necessary reports such as where materials are used, full
costing reports, and complete routing information.

Budget Management software provides businesses with forecasting and planning tools to
help make the most informative decision during the budgeting process. The budget
management software enables businesses to create accurate multi currency forecasts driven
by user-defined criteria. With the option to save multiple reports, businesses can compare
their actual reports to their forecasts reports.

Consolidations software offers businesses tools to consolidate multiple ledgers on an as-

needed basis. Users can customize the details for multilevel consolidations, view and print
audit trail reports, and consolidate multi currency general ledgers by transactions, net period
changes, and account balances. Businesses can also easily transfer information to other
locations without being on the same network.

Credit Card Process Software allows businesses to efficiently authorize and process credit
card payments and capture important transaction information within the database. With the
credit card process software, businesses can pre-authorize and charge the customer's credit
card at the time of sale, reduce the changes of data entry errors, and archive multiple years of
transaction information.
Financial Modules software helps businesses take full advantage of all the data in their
financial system and view the big picture. Generate instant financial reports that have the
ability to preview, filter details, and perform actions against transactions. Set automated
notifications for financial triggers to improve employee efficiency in the business's finances.

Fixed assets software simplifies the process of registering assets, managing assets, and
depreciating assets. The fixed assets software offers easy to use templates, allowing users to
transfer and dispose of assets based on user defined depreciation schedules. Each asset is
assigned individual tracking ensuring easy traceability of expenditures incurred or income
derived from the asset.

FRx Forecaster software allows business to sync financial budgets from multiple
departments while saving time and reflecting a accurate and realistic company budget. The
FRx Forecaster software gives businesses to drill down to transaction-level details with the
option of straightforward exporting of formulas and values, helping to save time and
maximize business resources.

General Ledger software provides businesses with the ability to streamline bookkeeping
and accounting transactions. The general ledger software has the ability to generate income
statements, cash flow statements, trend reports, balance sheet, accounts receivables, accounts
payable, and payroll which provide important business insights.

Multi Currency software gives businesses a competitive advantage by having the ability to
process transactions on any world currency. Post transactions to the general ledger, generate
invoices for customers, and process credit card payment with current exchange, helping to
increase customer satisfaction.

Payroll software gives business the options to handle their entire employee payroll within
one simple module. Employers can set up multiple payroll rates, taxes, leave accruals, and
employee management such as follow ups and attachments. Employers can also offer their
employees an option for direct deport and personal deductions including 401 K retirement
plans and child support.

Project accounting software allows businesses to manage all the people, processes, and
costs for each individual project. Project managers have the ability to store all project related
information such as invoices, in one place. Project Managers can also create custom reports
that show actual costs to help stay within the project budget and offer suggestions for cost

Business Intelligence Software allows businesses to make informed business decisions after
viewing business intelligence & analytics reports, improving customer service, and help say
in the forefront of the industry by receiving real-time dashboards.

Construction Software offers businesses tools that enhance the efficiency of the business.
The planning team can estimate project accounting, project customization, and field service

Customer Relationship Management Software gives businesses comprehensive CRM

applications needed to efficiently address their customer's needs and improving the
effectiveness of the sales team. By providing the sales team with Outlook Integration,
Offline synchronization, and Wireless PDA access customers won't have to wait too long to
receive answers, helping to turn leads into sales.

EBusiness Software provides businesses with the latest web based business solutions.
Comprehensive solutions integrate internal and external businesses management to improve
customer satisfaction and increase the bottom line.

Enterprise Software offers businesses tools that help reduce the organization's cost and
increase efficiency. The management team can generate reports to get a comprehensive view
of financials, distribution, customer relationship, and human resources.

Human Resources Software provides businesses with tools to efficiently manage their
human capital resources. From managing your payroll including employee benefits to
reducing your recruitment costs and streamline talent acquisition, complete human resource
software solutions have it all.

Manufacturing and ERP software gives businesses the latest technology so they can
efficiently manager every aspect of their businesses. Comprehensive solutions include
supply chain management to help reduce all unnecessary costs, eCommerce to help increase
the bottom line, and sales and marketing application to streamline the customer service.

Small Business Software offers small businesses with a comprehensive one stop shop
solution. It includes project management, sales and marketing integration, and human
resource management solutions.

Consona Corporation offers accounting software system to small and midsize businesses
helps manage the bottom line with all the necessary accounting functions.

Made2Manage Financial Management allows businesses to manage all the important

accounting functions by providing important financial management tools. Businesses can
monitor cash flow, generate reports to view accounts payables and accounts receivables.
Project Managers can also use Compusoft Drill Down Tools to carefully use their resources
to stay within their budgets, and process employee payroll.

Consona Made2Manage Intuitive provides small and midsize businesses with a

comprehensive manufacturing ERP software solution. It helps integrate the whole business
helping to improve efficiency and profitability.

Epicor Software Corporation provides accounting software solutions to maximize

productivity in every area of the business, backed by over 20 years of customer service.

Epicor Financial Management helps businesses successfully manage finances while

complying with all mandatory regulations, easily monitor financial conditions, and efficiently
make decisions. Epicor Financial Management offers business tools for general ledger,
accounts payable, accounts receivable, credit card processing, multi currency management,
fixed asset management, and cash management.

Epicor Sales Management offers businesses the competitive advantage for customer
relationship management by providing a system to support complex processes, products and
services in one place.
Epicor gives businesses with end to end manufacturing ERP software solution that is
necessary for each individual business. It offers customer relationship management, supply
chain management, government compliance management, product data management,
production management, human capital management, and enterprise performance

Exact Software North America offers small and medium size businesses with accounting
software solutions that are necessary in order for business owners to have control over all
their business activities.

Exact Globe, Batch 395 Global Financials gives businesses state of the art financial
analysis tools which provide a holistic view of the organization. Company executives can
instantly review important revenue, cost, sales, and employee productive information while
making important decisions. Also, with the multi currency general ledger, businesses can
provide excellent customer services without worrying about international currencies.

Exact MAX provides businesses with a proven manufacturing ERP solution that will
increase productivity and help integrate the whole business.

Intacct Corporation provides businesses and CPA firms with web based accounting
software solutions. Intact software incorporates industrial strength financial applications and
is in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and GAAP accounting guidelines to help increase
finance productivity by providing real-time financial and operational data.

Intacct Financial and Accounting simplifies important accounting functions necessary to

run a business efficiently and effectively. It allows key company personnel to generate
financial reports to better understand the state of the business while making decisions.
Intacct Financial and Accounting provides tools necessary for a comprehensive general
ledger and expense management.

NetSuite Inc. provides web based accounting software solutions for midsize companies
while reducing the business's total cost of ownership.

NetSuite Financials allows instant access to key financial reports that are critical to a
business's success. The web based software is integrated with multiple functions such as
sales, shipping and receiving, and support. NetSuite Financials include business tool such as
general ledger, accounts receivables, accounts payables, budgeting, cash flow, multi currency
transactions, and online bill payments.

NetSuite CRM+ provides businesses with complete customer lifecycle management.

NetSuite CRM+ helps business sales team better understand a customer purchasing patterns,
allowing them to offer the customer a more satisfactory package.

Sage Software offers accounting software for small businesses and midsize businesses.

Sage Accpac ERP provides businesses with a world class end to end accounting software
solutions. Business can choose the applications, technology, and deployment options that are
important to them and Sage Accpac ERP is customized to those specifications.
Sage MAS 90 Sage MAS 200 supplies businesses with comprehensive accounting software
solutions which help avert common business problems. Sales representatives can improve
customer services by streamline quotes, providing accurate orders, and eliminate dual data
entry for orders. Business tools that are includes are general ledger, accounts receivables,
accounts payable, bank reconciliation, and fixed assets.

Sage Peachtree Quantum Financial Management gives small businesses an accounting

software system that is compliant with GAAP. Sage Peachtree provides double entry
accounting and internal accounting review for accuracy. Additional Sage Peachtree offers,
Audit Trial, Cash Flow Manager, and Online Bill Pay.

Simply Accounting by Sage helps established businesses boost productivity, ensure

accounting integrity, and make better business decisions. It includes business tools that have
multi user capability, comprehensive audit trail, multi currency general ledger, project
management, and payroll. Simply Accounting by Sage can also generate important financial
reports to help businesses view exactly where they stand.

ACT! By Sage 2010 is the leading customer service management software in the world for
businesses. It helps improve marketing efforts and improves satisfaction from current
customers by organize all the details of your customer relationships in one place.

Sage CRM / Sage CRM.com offers businesses low cost customer service management via
the web, which integrates sales, inside sales, customer care, and marketing.

Sage SalesLogix allows businesses to automate customer relationship management with a

low total cost of ownership. Sage SalesLogix CRM suite includes Sales, Marketing,
Customer Service, Support, and Mobile automation solutions

Sage MAS 500 is a complete enterprise solution that meets all areas of business needs
including accounting solution, project accounting, financial solutions, human resources,
distribution, customer relationship management CRM, Payroll, financial reporting and
electronic commerce. With Sage MAS 500, businesses can streamline entire manufacturing
process including project accounting, work orders, scheduling, MRP, job costing, and labor

SAP America, Inc. provides accounting software solutions that accelerate business
innovation allowing increased insight and efficiency.

SAP Business One offers a cost effective accounting software solution with the ability to
support end to end small business needs. SAP Business One helps streamline a business's
financials, sales, customer service, e commerce, inventory, and operations. Generate reports
with workflow alerts, eliminate duplicate data entry, and improve customer loyalty to take
your business to the next level.

SAP CRM 2007 helps businesses improve customer-facing business processes across
multiple interaction channels while improving the effectiveness of marketing, sales, and
service provided to enhance customer service.
SAP Fast Start Program Configuration helps midsize manufacturing ERP businesses trim
expenses and increase the bottom line. It offers online solutions that allow business to access
necessary reports needed to make informed business decisions.

SAP Manufacturing is an innovative manufacturing ERP software system that helps

businesses improve customer satisfaction and make important business decisions.

ECi Software Solutions offers small and midsize manufacturers complete

Manufacturing/ERP software solutions.

M1 by ECi provides businesses with an affordable, all encompassing, ERP software

solution. M1 can help businesses reduce implementation time, integrate customer service
management, generate businesses reports to know exactly where the business stands.

Plex Systems offers businesses software as a service (SaaS) manufacturing ERP system to
manage the complete manufacturing process. The complete SaaS includes finance,
manufacturing options, production management, inventory management, and quality

Plex Online allows businesses to incorporate SaaS to help improve their manufacturing
capacity from the shop floor to shipping and receiving. It includes Enterprise Resource
Planning, Quality Management Systems, Manufacturing Operations Management,
Manufacturing Execution Systems, Supply Chain Management, Shop Floor Control, and

IQMS is the leading supplier of manufacturing ERP software systems. The ERP software is
designed with a focus on customers and how it will be used in the future.

EnterpriseIQ provides businesses with the latest manufacturing ERP software tools
necessary to become a leader within the industry. EnterpriseIQ offers inventory control,
industry specific bill of maters and quoting, shipping and receiving tool, and comprehensive
accounting tools.

SYSPRO provides US businesses with manufacturing ERP solutions that has a proven track
record to improving business growth.

SYSPRO gives businesses a complete manufacturing ERP software solution that is based on
excelled supply chain management. The integrated solution includes ERP, advanced
planning and scheduling, customer relationship management, warehouse management, and e

Lawson Software provides businesses with Human Capital Resource software solutions.
Business Managers can maximize on employee's potential and maximize company profits.

Lawson Software recruiting improves business recruitment efforts by building an internal

qualified candidate pool with preliminary assessment rules. Hiring Managers can reduce
recruitment related costs by pre-screening each candidate before offering them an onsite

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