Analysis of Tweets

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REG NO: 04102013004

Analysis of Tweets and Replies while Applying

Communication Principles
Tweet by Rimmel Mohydin:
I’m on @Womanistanpk’s digital cover this month. I’ll be sharing ways to
be more involved in human rights over the next week or so. Look around us
Palestine, Colombia, Kashmir, BLM, all of South Asia, China- we must build a
world where jobs like mine don’t need to exist.
Analysis of Tweet:
In this tweet Rimmel Mohydin want to say that firstly, she is on digital cover of
Womanistan (In Womanistan, women telling stories about women in order to inform, inspire and
entertain). And secondly, she is saying that in it she will share ways to be more involved in human
rights because of issue of Palestine, Colombia, Kashmir, BLM, all of South Asia , China. Thirdly
she is saying that we must build a world where jobs like her job do not need to exist. As in second
part Rimmel is saying that she will tell us about how to involve in human rights so, now she is
saying that we have to build a world which is peaceful where all know about human rights and
people get involved in human rights. So, that the job like Campaigner of human right do not need
to exist.
Analysis of Replies:
1) This show that the reader read the tweet carefully, but his reply is against the idea. He is
saying that by only seeing the cover we cannot get that what is inside.
2) (Wah...#wakhraswag) We can say this is relevant to tweet on the reply “Wah…” from this
we can say that reader also carefully and got impressed by the views of Rimmel. But
“#wakhraswag” is irrelevant to the tweet he just comments it on the Rimmel’s picture not
on tweet.
3) This reply is not matching to the idea. He just comments on Rimmel’s picture.
4) This reply is also irrelevant to the idea. In this reply the reader is commenting on Rimmel’s
face features probably.
5) (Rare combination of beauty with brain) This reply is irrelevant to tweet but most probably
reader read the tweet carefully and commenting on personality of Rimmel Mohydin that
she is beautiful and have good mind also.
6) ( That’s so cool 100) This is irrelevant to tweet, but reader read the tweet with some
attention This reader is commenting on Rimmel’s thought that it’s cool.
7) (Wonderful! Really looking forward to it) This reader read the first two parts of tweet with
attention and reply that its wonderful to be on cover of Womanistan and discussing about
human rights. Secondly, he is looking forward to this discussion.
8) (Rimmel You can be a model! (Emoji with heart in eyes)) This is irrelevant to tweet this
comment is on Rimmel’s picture.
9) (Fire emojis) This reply is irrelevant to tweet. Reader do not read it carefully. Probably Just
reply on the picture of Rimmel.
10) This is relevant to tweet, in this reader is showing excitement and emotions of being
impressed with Rimmel’s tweet and reader is expressing his excitement by saying “woot
woot” and emotions of being impressed with emojis of “clapping”.
11) This reply (Emoji with heart in eyes) is irrelevant to idea. This reader does not read tweet
with attention.
12) This reply(heart emojis) is irrelevant to tweet. The reader doesn’t read the tweet carefully.
Probably, he replied this only for the woman who tweet this.
13) This reply (Love!) is irrelevant to tweet. This reader most probably writes this for Rimmel
not for tweet.
14) (Knife and fire emojis) This reply is also irrelevant to the tweet.
15) This reply is not totally relevant to the tweet reader read the tweet but not totally understand
the tweet. So, he is discussing on gender equality in Pakistan he is asking about the job of
Rimmel because she is saying that we need to build society where the job like her job do
not need to exist. He read the tweet but do not understand it.

From above discussion we can say that mostly people just comment without understanding
main idea of the tweet. Mostly people comment on the picture of Rimmel Mohydin without
understanding what she is trying to say.
2nd Tweet:
I am deeply disturbed by recent reports of antisemitic acts in Montreal
and across the country. This intimidation and violence is absolutely
unacceptable – and it must stop immediately. There is no place for hate
of any kind in Canada.
Analysis of tweet:
In the tweet of “Justin Trudeau” he is saying that he is deeply disturbed by the reports of
acts against Jews(These acts against Jews are because of Palestine issue) in Montreal and
across the country. This threaten and cruelty is totally unacceptable, and it must be stopped
as soon as possible. There is no place for any kind of hate in Canada.
Analysis of Replies:
1. Julia Ann Landry Reply:
This reply is against the idea in tweet. As in tweet Justin Trudeau is talking about
to end hatred for Jews. So, in this reply this man is saying about free Palestine. And to end
arms sale to Israel as they are using this against Palestinis.
2. Bourhan Hasbini reply: This reply is relevant to tweet. And this is related to idea. This man
is saying that it is good to stand against hate. Now he is saying that hope so you will stand
against discrimination too for Palestine.
3. Syed Hammad Kareem reply: This reply is relevant to tweet as reader read the tweet
carefully. But it is against the idea this man the is saying to Justin Trudeau to share the
report with reference to antisemitism as the protest in Montreal and across whole Canada
was not antisemitism , it was I favor of Palestine and against Israel as Israel’s atrocities and
attacks on Gaza in Palestine.
4. Michal Levitt: This reply is relevant to tweet reader read the tweet very carefully and it is
in support of tweet. He is thanking Prime Minister for standing against antisemitism and
saying that it is important to stand together and fight against antisemitism.
5. Nadia C reply: This reply is relevant to tweet, but it is against the idea. She is replying that
the protest is not antisemitism it is antizionism (against Israel). And it is a big difference.
Many Jewish people are supporting Palestine, does this mean these Jews are also
antisemitic (antijewish)? .
6. Abdullah Qureshi reply: This reply is relevant to tweet, but he is criticizing the Justin
Trudeau that he has no guts and courage for talking about Palestine and the immoral acts
that are conducted by Israel against Palestine.
7. Rita reply: This reply is also relevant to tweet but through her words She is showing the
other side of picture that Canadian leader are against hatred but at the same time Canada is
selling arms to Israel. Israel is killing Palestinian people and children in Gaza by shelling
on them. Therefore, we should speak for Palestine also. The self defense is not only for
8. Nadine Aboud reply This reply is also relevant to idea, and she is saying that its true that
antisemitic is not acceptable, but she is showing the other part of story that Israelis are
doing in Palestine bombing and killing the people in Gaza. She is saying to Justin Trudeau
why he is not feeling bad for Palestine people.
9. Jean Pierre reply: This reply is relevant to tweet and similar with the idea of tweet. He is
saying that we must live with peace and respect each other. But second part of his reply
is clearance, he is saying that antisemitic and anti-Israel are two different things because
police is called because someone is waving Palestine’s flag in Jews. He is questioning what
about free will means why they called police as people are showing their free will.
10. Iqra reply: This reply is relevant to tweet and its idea is same as idea of tweet as she is
saying say no to violence, but she is trying to show other side of picture that we just have
to be a human to feel injustice in Palestine.
11. Hasan Mufti reply: This reply is relevant to the tweet, and the listener agree with the idea
of tweet, but he is showing the other side of issue by posting picture of Palestinian Family
that how they are suffering in this injustice.
12. NorthBelle reply: This reply is irrelevant to tweet, but she read tweet carefully and this
reader is a migrant Jew and the protest disturb her. So, she is saying that Canada is her
native land for 44 years and now she does not want to leave this land due to antisemitic
13. ADNAN MAHMUD reply: This reply is relevant to tweet, and reader read the tweet
carefully. He is saying that he loves Canada and prime minister of Canada. But as in tweet
Justin Trudeau is talking about to stop cruelty, injustice and hate. So, he is saying that why
Canada supporting Israel which is a terrorist country as Israel is killing innocent people in
Gaza Palestine. In this comment the reader also posted picture of tweet from Israeli
government in which government is thanking all the countries which helped them and in
that tweet the Canadian flag is also present.
14. Carl Gohl reply: This reply is irrelevant to the idea of tweet. As he is talking that Arabs are
Semites (racial) by definition then does Palestinians are also Semites.
15. Blake hill reply: This reply is related to idea of tweet, and she agree with her Prime
Minister, but she is complaining that it feels deceptive that our country sell weapon to the
country which is oppressing the people around them.
16. OrvilleLloydDouglas Reply: This reader read the tweet carefully , but his reply is irrelevant
to the idea of tweet. he is criticizing the Prime Minister for not speaking up for English
Speakers Quebec people. As the provincial government in Quebec is doing discrimination
against the English speakers in Quebec.
17. Enas Awad reply: This reader read the tweet carefully, but it is against the idea of tweet
she is trying to clear that it is not the protest against Jews as many Canadian Jews also
participated in these peaceful demonstrations. She is clarifying that we demand an end to
cruelty and killing in Palestine. Moreover, she is saying that in the protest they were
demanding safe life and freedom for Palestinians.
She also posted picture of the protest in her reply.
18. Millennials 4 World Peace reply: This reader read the comment carefully and get amazed
that how can Canadian show this protest and hate. She is advising that Canadians behavior
must me above of this behavior.
19. TotalAcces reply: This reply is relevant to tweet and similar with the idea of tweet. This
reply is supporting the idea of Justin Trudeau.
20. Francine Noel reply: This reply is irrelevant from the idea of tweet but in his/her reply
he/she is saying that I’m from Quebec Canada I would like its French translation, so it is
seen that the listener is suffering from the language problem. He/she do not understand the
language used in the tweet.
21. Nadine reply: This reply is irrelevant to the tweet. He is addressing Palestinians to declare
publicly that Hamas organization is bad and also declare publicly that Iran’s support
toward Hamas is not good. The rockets given by Iran result in war between Palestine and
Gerald Waterous reply: He is replying to Nadine and his reply is totally irrelevant to tweet
but its relevant to Nadine comment. His reply is against the idea of Nadine, and he is saying
that The Palestine’s organization Hamas do not take anyone’s house as Israelis did. As
Israelis are killing of people of Palestine continuously and this causes violence and keep it
injustice going on. Palestine if throw rockets on Israel its their act of self-defense because
Israelis were killing them. So, it is right of Palestine people to safe themselves.

From above discussion we can say that mostly people read the tweet by paying attention
and understand the main idea of tweet. But they are trying to show other side of story that
They protest against Israel not against Jews. And some are replying that if Canada is a
peaceful country then why Canada supports a terrorist country.

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