Workbook Unit I

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American ENGLISH FILE ‘e 6 fj Christina Latham-Koenig : ag K Clive Oxenden P24 gw f » Paul Seligson [M4 - e€ T OXFORD = ) ee My name's Bond. James Bons {an Floming, British wr 1A=My name’s Hannah, not Anna 1 GRAMMAR verb be, subject pronouns +92 VOCABULARY days of the week, number: Seetings ovderto make days of the week. a Complete column I with the words in the box. Th write the contractions in column 2. she ere they is | ae Ss ihe a 2 NYAUDS J |? oe 5 HRDYTUSS nan |; fas 4 ODNYMA yout \: = 5 DFARYI ss : 6 DSYEEAWND i 5 i. 7 EUASDTY ite . we? 2 y 7 ten i ea > Zee + — gwenty, ninetec= b_ Complete the sentences with be. Use 2 comteaction. 1 Pmfour. f inroom3I" 8 Hello. inmy class, € Underline the stressed syllable in these words, JEmily. This is Daniel. 1. sandwich ilo, Daniel. to____you. 2 telnnis imPaulo. ____'syour ss? 3 eighiteen 4 thirteen > 5 baskketiball 6 goodbye i.___are your 7 email B Jinfine, thanks. And 2 8 Initerinet “A Very well thank you. 9 computer 10 hotel 4 QGEVSP Listen and check. Then listen again ‘and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING SGERE Listen to three conversations. Choose a, b, or c. 1 Sarah's phone numberis.. a 917-555-6942. b 917-555-6542. © 917-555-6524. 2 The class on Thursday is in... 2 room two. b room three, © room five. 3 Acheese sandwich and a coffee cost... five dollars and twenty cents. b four dollars and ewenty cents. ¢ five dollars and ten cents. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word aan stress fine Main: 2 Write the words in the chart. goodbye igod'bay = ee ae hello /ha'loo! meet fine sik am ten eight three nice in hi shaw thanks day twelve very = sorry sari thankyou /‘Osenk yu/ thanks eegks very well veri wel/ How are you? /hav ar yu Nice tomeet you. /‘naus ta ‘mit yu & GGIERED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 1 GRAMMAR verb be2 and) a Complete B's sentences. 1A Seoulisin China B_ [tis’tin Ching, t'sin South Korea. 2 A Lady Gagais British. B 3 A He's Mexican. B 4A \stanbul and Ankara are in Greece, B 5 A Wereinroom 219, B 6 A Parmesanis from France. B 7 A Youre Brazilian. B B A Enriqueiglesiasis American. B b Order the words to make questions. 1 your ’s/ name / What “What's your name 2 she | Where [’s from 3. America [from | they {South | Are 4 five | room | we in] Are American, Peruvian. Turkey. room 309, Italy. Argentinian. Spanish. How can you govern a cou’ which has 246 varieties of chet Charles de Gaulle, French polit 2 VOCABULARY the world, numbers 21-1 a Complete the sentences with a country or a national: ‘Luzi from Peru. She's Peruvian. Bratwurst is German. It’s from _ Germany Akiis from Japan. He's a My ftiends are Iranian. They're from Maria is from Mexico, She's Kia cars are South Korean. They're from aauken Paella i from Spain. Ie's 8 Were Thai. We're from 9 She's from the United States. She’s 10 They're Brazilian. They're from __ 'b Complete the dialogues with a continent. 1A Where's Spain? B itsin 2 A Where's Japan? Bitsin_ 3A Where's Brazil? Bitsin 4 A Where's Canada? Bitsin Complete the compass. er } Write the numbers inwords. 127 twenty-seven ES 2 233 5 vacation [you Are Jon 340 a nl 448 6 from {he | Vietnam |Is 556 ai —— oe z 6 62 © Match these answers to the questions in b. 74 HE a Yes, heis. Q uy b No, 'mnot Q oa - ¢ She'sfromItaly. 40/200 No, wearen't. oO fe Yes, they are, Oo f Michacl. @ S PRONUNCIATION 2%, /t{i, /J/, /d3/ 5 = GeBrhe syllable with /a/ in these words. africa china sermany xoland Europe zeril fealy Japan oVous unm » Listen and check. Then listen ‘again and repeat the words. © alate 1 Chinese English French ee 3. Spanish Japanese Argentinian Listen and check. Then listen ‘again and repeat the words. READING Read about three people: Yin, Moira, and Carlos. ‘Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Moira is a teacher. Carlos is a student. Moiais twenty-eight Yinisa teacher. Yin is from Asia. Carlos is nineteen. Yinis twenty-cight. Moirais American. This is Yin, He's 19 and he's a student. Yin is Chinese. He's from Shanghai, a big city in ‘the east of China. LISTENING SWAY Listen and complete the dialogues. 1 AAeyou 2 B No, Im Turkish. fm from istanbul. 2 A Where are you from? B Were ___-We're from Were on vacation in South Americ 3A Where's he from? Ishe B No, heisrit. He's _ __-He's from Canciin, _ Aa 4 A Mmm, delicious. Isit B No, itisrit. It's. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. flag flag) anguage "kengwids/ Excuse me... /ik’skyuz mi! “arm fram Allover the world. /o1 ‘ouvar 80 world: Tmnot sure. jam nat for! Where are you from? wer ar yi T'mfrom... ‘fram’ ‘This is Moira. She's an English teacher and she's 28. Moira is Canadian. She's from Vancouver, a city in the west of Canada. This is Carlos. He's Mexican. He's from Monterrey, an important city in the North ‘of Mexico. Carlos is 25 and he's a receptionist in a hotel. 1 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. Complete the chart. pronouns [Possessive adjectives Anyone who stops learning is ol ‘whether at twenty or eight Henry Ford, American businessi= 2 INSTRUCTIONS IN YOUR BOOK ‘March the words to the pictures. b © a complete 8) £ putanx a underline g coverthe text L] match oO b number o circle 0 i check o askyour partner [J j crossour = ‘Complete the sentences with a possessive adj 1 __Her_name’s Teresa. 2- 3. We're students. is Mate. 4 Vm Brazilian. Sao Paulo. 5 Isa Chinese restaurant. is Merry City. 6 A What's phone number? B My ell phone number? It’s 917-555-0156. 7 ‘They're Canadian, _ last name'sBaker, name's Edward seacher's name family is from name Order the words to make questions. 1 first/her/ What's / name A _What's herfirstname _? B Sandra 2 teacher / Where / from / your /’s A 2 B The Uniter 3 he /student /Is/2 ppeemcnariws i B No heisnt. 4 yous old / How / are ce eee B Im3s. 5 name/last / spell / do/ How / you / your A eee > BCOOMBS, Fay AMERICAN 3 VOCABULARY classroom language a Complete the sentences, 1 Glosethe door. ay Se and repeat, 3 0____ your books, please. 4 in pairs. 5 E the question. 6 _ off your cell phone. 7 L______atthe board. 8 to page 94. 'b Order the words to make sentences. 1 dont /I/know Idon'tknow. ia 2 do| How Jit /you | spell 3 don't /I] understand 4 you that /can please | repeat / Sorry, 5 in English [Excuse | whar's me, |“vacaciones” 6 remember /I/ can't 4 PRONUNCIATION (oui /u, /ar; the alphabet a Gircl® the word with a different vowel sound. WP | soon nt nr two south you a 13 | oe cme ietessrati| alt piace db Listen and check. Then listen again and “repeat the words. ¢ Gireld the letter with a different vowel sound. a Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the letters. 5 LISTENING Listen to the dialogue ata hotel reception desk. Complete the form. Firstname Lastname Coon ay Cesc Urs baer) ere) USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. address (ares age ietds Zipcode /'z1p kood | receptionist s7Sepfonist student ‘studnt/ lastname "est net: firstname cell phone ‘sel fon: phonenumber "Toon nambar How old are you? (hav ‘ould ar yw Tm 22. /am twenti ‘tw rst nena! Ie} ESB rue 10 Practical English 1 VOCABULARY Inahotel ‘Complete the words. si paae 5 he] [S| ey fe ER 2as room 5 thef fL Sad room 2 CHECKING IN Complete che conversation with phrases in the box. Can you signhere, please? thave ¢ reservation Just asecond... Thankyou That's right ‘A Good evening, sir B Hello: Thaveareservation My name's Carl Zimmerman. ‘A Can youspel that, please? B ZEMMERMAN, ‘A Thank you. For three nights? B Yes? ‘A Can have your passport, please? Bape See Here you are. ‘A Thankyou.“ Thank you, Here's your key. It's room 403, on the fourth floor. The elevator is over there. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Zimmerman. ge 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH ‘Complete the missing words in the dialogue. 1A Whois this? B This_isDavid Semsley. 2A Where are you from? B tmfromBoston, What a your 3. A Sorry. B Nopr 4 A Helio? Bisth _ Tom? 5 A Areyouon vacation? B No. mhereonb, 6 A 15 10:300K for you? B Thats p 7 A Would you like another drink? B'st for bed. ion 4 READING a Match she eset wethe people. Write the number inthe bom 1 Anson mes wantto have arelaxing weeken: 2. Mr Eieamtiewamesto havea two-day meeting ‘wich mamas ema other US offices. 3 Th Sous eth ants to go to Boston and visit Conference center Restaurant ‘Wisi connection A2miles from Logan Intemational Airport oo oe 6 fanily-friendly rooms. Gren stay for free connection ss center ‘masning coffee and tea b Underlin Use your pronunci= see sok up their meaning and

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