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Design and Application of

Heavy - Duty Clutches
G. R. Harting
Rockford Clutch Div., Borg-Warner Corp.

This paper was the 1963 L Ray Buckendale Lecture

SINCE THE TIME WHEN automobiles and motor trucks were 8. Coefficient of friction of tentative friction materials.
struggling to be accepted as a principal means of transporta- From the above data, the clutch torque capacity require-
tion, clutch design has been struggling to keep pace with the ment can be calculated by multiplying the maximum torque
ever increasing demands of higher horsepower, higher speeds, to be transmitted through the clutch by the service factor.
and longer life. Progress from the crude designs of 50 years Service factors are covered in a later section of this paper.
ago to the modern clutches of today has c o m e mostly by The following torque capacity formula can b e applied:
evolution and not by revolution. The problem has been and
still is the art of controlling friction to connect a prime
mover to a driven load without destroying the friction
coupling itself.
For the purposes of this paper the "heavy-duty clutch"
is defined as all friction type disc clutches used by the auto-
T = Torque capacity, lb-in.
motive industry except passenger car clutches. By using the
F = Clamping force, lb
above definition, this paper covers the basic design factors,
testing procedures, and application considerations for clutches u = Coefficient of friction
used in motor trucks, farm tractors, stationary power units, Rm = Effective mean radius, in.
and construction equipment. N = Number of active torque transmitting surfaces

Basic Design Relationships The effective mean radius (R m ) is calculated by the form-

There is certain data, formulas, and relationships common ula:

to all friction clutches which must be known before a clutch
design can be made. The following is a list of necessary
1. Peak torque of the engine.
2. Horsepower to be transmitted. The derivation of Eq. 2 is shown with aid of Fig. 1.
3. Ratio (if any) between engine and clutch shaft. If uniform pressure is assumed to exist on one friction
4. Maximum speed. surface as in Fig. 1, the differential torque can be expressed
5. Type of vehicle and operation (service factor). by the formula:
6. Dry or wet operation.
7. Single or multiplate. dT = r u P dA

magnetic single plate dry, electro-magnetic multiple disc
wet, and hydraulic multiple disc.
The paper covers basic design factors, testing procedures, Basic and theoretical aspects of clutch design are con-
and application considerations for clutches used in motor verted into practical information useful in designing and
trucks, farm tractors, construction equipment, and stationary applying clutches of various types. Because the scope of the
power units. Clutches discussed include spring loaded dry, paper is broad, many formula derivations were omitted to
spring loaded wet, over-center dry, over-center wet, electro- permit presentation of as much practical material as possible.
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where: is representative of the torque that may be transmitted after

the clutch is engaged with the driving and driven plates op-
r = Radius of the differential area, in. erating at the same velocity.
u = Coefficient of friction The dynamic torque capacity of the clutch is the torque
P = Normal pressure applied to friction surface, psi the clutch is capable of exerting on the driven load while
the load is being accelerated and relative velocity exists
dA = 2P r dr (incremental area), in.2
between the driving and driven plates.
Substituting 2Prdr for dA gives Most friction materials exhibit a different coefficient of
friction under static and dynamic conditions with the static
dT = 2P u P r2 dr
coefficient generally higher than the dynamic coefficient.
by integrating from Ri to Ro There are some commercial friction materials, particularly
paper materials operating in on, which have higher dynamic
than static coefficients.
The coefficient of friction for a given material varies
under different operating conditions. Friction material man-
ufacturers generally furnish charts or curves relating the
change in coefficient under varying conditions such as tem-
perature, pressure, and differential velocity. This informa-
tion should be used as a guide in proportioning the clutch
Knowing the above design relationships, data for the de-
sign in question, and the space limitations, several trial cal-
By expressing Eq. 1 in terms of pressure times area in culations are required to establish the approximate size,
place of force, it may be written for one surface as: number of plates, and general proportions of the particular
design. It is apparent that the diameter of the clutch,
number of discs, and clamping force can be varied to ac-
complisn the given design. At this point, a tentative friction
By combining Eqs. 3 and 4 and solving for Rm gives Eq. 2
material should be chosen as each friction material has
as shown above. certain limitations as to differential velocity, pressure, and
The following formula for mean radius may be used for dimensional requirements.
the majority of clutch plates where the OD to ID ratio is not
greater than 1.75 without significant error. This formula will Inertia Loading and Heat Generation
always be slightly conservative.
Most automotive type clutches are required to pick up
an inertia load in addition to being capable of carrying a
load after lock-up occurs.
Inertia loads vary widely between various vehicles and
The static torque capacity of the clutch is the torque ca-
pacity at zero relative velocity of the friction surfaces and
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operational duty. Some equipment, such as reciprocating generated at the friction surfaces is exactly equal to the fi-
compressors and pumps, impose fluctuating peak loads which nal flywheel kinetic energy. This investigation also reveals
can exceed the engine torque capacity. In these applica- that the rate of heat generation during the clutch engage-
tions the clutch must transmit more torque than the steady ment is not constant and that heat is generated at a faster
output of the engine; the energy for which is obtained from rate at the beginning of the engagement.
the kinetic energy in the rotating mass of the engine. Fre- If a hypothetical clutch engagement is studied where
quency of engagement also varies widely for different a p - there is only a work load present and no inertia or friction
plications. The above factors make it necessary to apply loads, it is found that with a clutch slipping torque capacity
varying service factors to clutches depending on the type equal to or greater than the work torque load that the en-
of application. gagement time is zero and the heat generated at the friction
When a clutch is engaged under load it must have suf- surfaces is zero. In this hypothetical case, the energy input
ficient torque capacity to carry that load plus an additional is all converted into useful work. Since this condition does
amount to accelerate the inertia load present in the driven not occur in actual application, it is of no practical value;
system at the proper rate to prevent the clutch plates from and the work load must be considered as superimposed upon
deteriorating due to heat. During a clutch engagement un- an inertia load.
der dynamic conditions, the energy input is partly converted A study of a clutch engagement involving a combined
into heat and the remainder is converted into useful work. work and inertia load, where the clutch slipping torque c a -
pacity is greater than the work torque load, reveals that the
work torque load must be satisfied first. The remainder of
the torque capacity of the clutch is available to accelerate
the inertia load. Time of a clutch engagement is therefore
Ei = Energy input dependent upon the available torque capacity of the clutch
to accelerate the inertia load and the amount of inertia load
Q = Heat energy liberated at the friction surface
itself. Under these conditions the heat generated at the fric-
Eo = Useful work
tion surfaces as the result of the work load begins at a higher
To study a clutch engagement involving pure inertia load rate at the beginning of the clutch engagement and dimin-
acceleration, the following assumptions are made: constant ishes to zero at the point of lock-up.
input speed, constant clutch slip torque, and frictionless The above information reveals that the maximum rate
bearings. This study reveals that the total amount of heat of heat generation at the friction surfaces, for both inertia
and combined work loads, occurs at the beginning of the
clutch engagement and diminishes to zero at the point of
lock-up. However, the total heat generated during a clutch
engagement increases with the length of the engagement
time. Varying the torque capacity of the clutch from a lower
amount to a higher amount as the clutch engagement pro-
gresses results in a lower rate of heat generation, but a higher
total amount of heat generated. Since most multiple disc
wet clutches are limited more by the rate of heat gener-
ation than the total amount of heat generated, it is desirable
to start the clutch engagement with a low clamping force
and increase it to the maximum force as the clutch engage-
ment progresses to limit the rate of heat generation.
Dry clutches, particularly those using inorganic lining,
are not so susceptible to heat generation rate since they can
tolerate higher temperatures and incorporate larger heat
sinks in the mass of their pressure plates and the engine fly-
wheels. Dry clutches are generally more limited to the total
amount of heat generated since all the heat must be trans-
ferred to the air surrounding the clutch. For this reason dry
clutches generally are designed with high service factors
within the limits of operator comfort so as to limit the total
amount of heat generated.
A paper dealing with the subject of heat generation during
clutch engagement appears in the 1959 SAE Transactions.*

*L. P. Ludwig, "Engagement Characteristics of Wet-Type

Clutches," SAE Transactions, Vol. 67 (1959), 391-400.
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Spring Loaded Dry Type Clutch positions of the spring. For moderate heat conditions, the
pressure springs are made from oil tempered wire; but under
The spring loaded clutch is used widely in automotive more severe conditions it is necessary to make them from
applications where a normally applied and manually re- chrome-silicon steel or other high temperature wire to pre-
leased clutch is desired. The clamping force for this type vent heat set. Under the most severe conditions, it is nec-
clutch is obtained by coil or Belleville springs which hold essary to provide insulating washers to reduce heat conduc-
the clutch in the applied state. This clutch utilizes release tion from the pressure plate to the springs.
levers acting through a lever ratio to compress the springs Back plates for spring loaded clutches usually are made
and release the driven member. The release levers normal- from stampings, high tensile gray iron castings, and ductile
ly are actuated by means of a clutch throwout bearing con- iron castings. The back plate must be rigid enough to act
nected to an external linkage system and foot pedal. Figs. as a reaction for the pressure springs and the lever system
2A and 3A illustrate typical spring loaded clutches. Figs. without excessive deflection. The back plate should pro-
2B and 3B show the nomenclature of their components. The vide some openings around the periphery of the plate to
clutch shown in Fig. 2A pictures a typical spring loaded allow the worn friction material particles to be ejected and
clutch as used in medium and large farm tractors. This de- to provide a means of airflow through the clutch.
sign provides an optional constant running hub in the back The lever system of a spring loaded clutch is a very critical
plate for operating power take-off drive systems which are part of the design; and much effort has been devoted to de-
quite common in the farm tractor industry. The clutch shown signing systems with the least possible friction. The prob-
in Fig. 3A is typical of those used in large over-the-highway lem of wear and friction presents a real challenge to the de-
motor trucks. sign engineer since the bearing loads are high and the tem-
The pressure plate for this type clutch must have suffi- perature is excessive for maintaining adequate lubrication.
cient mass to absorb and conduct away the heat generated The release levers must be designed in such a manner that
during the engagement cycle. It must be sufficiently rigid their tendency to rotate about their pivot points, due to cen-
so as not to distort under the loading of the pressure springs trifugal force, can be controlled to prevent lever throwout
and to provide a uniform pressure to the driven clutch plate. against the release bearing causing premature failure, or re-
High tensile gray iron is the most common material used act excessively against the pressure springs causing clutch
for this part. Ductile iron is sometimes used as a pressure unloading. To control this effect the release levers are gen-
material, especially where high speeds are encountered. erally designed so as to have their center of mass as close
Ductile iron usually is avoided where possible because the to their pivot point as possible.
material distorts due to heat much more readily than gray
iron. Use of inorganic friction material will usually reduce
the distortion of ductile iron pressure plates to an accept-
able range.
The pressure springs must be designed with a low enough
spring rate so as to provide adequate clamping force after
they are extended due to friction material wear. If the pres-
sure springs have too high a spring rate, either excessive re-
lease pressure will be required in the new driven member
condition, or inadequate spring pressure will be available
at the worn driven member condition. A pressure variation
of 10-15% is usually acceptable between the new and worn
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In the spring loaded clutch, the driven member is clamped and show promise for lighter vehicles with spring-mounted
between the clutch pressure plate and the engine flywheel axles. The sintered metal-ceramic materials are more satis-
and is connected to the output shaft by means of a splined factory when operating under extreme conditions of heat than
hub. The friction material is either riveted or bonded to when operating under light duty and low temperature. These
the clutch plate which is riveted in turn to the hub. materials tend to have an abrasive action on the mating
Organic friction materials are the most common types plate surfaces when not operating under high temperature
used with the spring loaded clutch. They are made from conditions.
woven asbestos yarn or chopped asbestos fibers and some- The cushion type driven member is a special design uti-
times include metallic chips or wire. These materials, along lizing leaf springs between the friction material rings. The
with an organic resin, are compacted in a mold under tem- primary purpose of the cushion type driven member is to
perature and pressure to form the desired shape. Organic permit a smooth, gradual clutch engagement. Wear life of
friction materials perform very satisfactorily for most spring the friction material is usually longer on a driven member
loaded clutch applications as long as the temperature does which utilizes the cushion plate design. Longer wear life
not become high enough to bleed the organic resins from is obtained because the friction material contacts the pres-
the material. sure plate and flywheel under more uniform pressure, there-
On the more severe applications, sintered metal friction by allowing for uniform heat generation over the entire fric-
material is sometimes used since this material can with- tion surface. Friction material wears more rapidly if local-
stand higher temperatures without disintegration. However, ized spots contact the mating plates absorbing large portions
pure sintered metal friction material will tend to weld it- of the generated heat. Since these high spots absorb ex-
self to the mating pressure plate and flywheel surfaces under tremely large amounts of heat, localized destruction of the
extreme temperatures. For very heavy vehicles operating friction material occurs. As the initial high spots fail, other
under severe conditions, combination sintered metal-ceram- high spots are created because of thermal expansion causing
ic friction material can be used. These friction materials further wear. The construction of a cushion type driven
usually have somewhat higher coefficients of friction than member is shown in Fig. 4.
the asbestos organic friction materials, and due to their ag-
Some driven members are equipped with torsional vibra-
gressiveness are usually most satisfactorily used with vehicles
tion dampener hubs as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Their purpose
which have their engines and axles rigidly mounted to their
is to prevent the torsional vibrations of die engine from being
transmitted through the clutch at frequencies which would
Recent developments by the friction material manufac- create objectionable gear and driveline noises. The subject
turers have produced friction materials in the sintered metal- of torsional vibrations is beyond the scope of this paper, and
ceramic category which have lower coefficients of friction the discussion is limited to the mechanical construction of
the torsional vibration dampener hub.
These hubs are designed to provide a relative rotation
with respect to the driven plate in either direction from a
neutral position. Coil springs generally are utilized to pro-
vide a torque buildup as the hub is rotated with respect to
the clutch plate. Rubber blocks and hydraulic systems also
have been used to provide relative angular movement. Usu-
ally a friction drag is also provided between the hub and the
clutch plate which provides a snubbing action as the coil
springs recoil following a pulsation. The pressure of the coil
springs is designed to produce a counter torque as high as
the torque peaks transmitted by the engine. Since this is
not always possible due to the space limitations of the damp-
ener hub, stops are provided so as not to compress the springs
to their solid height. In some applications, it is desirable
to control lower magnitude vibrations generated by the trans-
mission and driveline and their mass-length relation to the
engine. This is accomplished by using lower rate springs in
conjunction with the higher rate load carrying springs which
are shortened a sufficient amount to allow the lighter springs
to deflect before picking up the heavier springs.
In some cases, several different rate springs are used to
accomplish the desired results; however, the spring distri-
bution should provide a symmetrical pattern to permit the
balance of the completed assembly. It should be stressed
that there is not sufficient space nor can sufficient WR2 be
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tolerated in driven member torsional vibration mechanisms factors have been established by experience. These factors
to dampen completely some very severe torsional vibration of safety have had to be adjusted to compensate for oper-
problems resulting in matching some engines and driveline ators' misuse of the vehicle and their lack of understanding
systems. of the mechanics of the driveline system. This factor of
Since the spring loaded clutch is widely used in motor safety must also be high enough to allow for the fatiguing
trucks and other high speed engines, it is important to con- of the parts and the possible heat checking of the pressure
sider the loading of the parts due to centrifugal force. The plate. A burst speed factor of safety of two is most com-
pressure plate, back plate, and driven member are the com- monly used with spring loaded type clutches and through the
ponents most susceptible to failure due to centrifugal force. years has proved to allow adequately for the above indeter-
Since the above components are modifications of an annular minate factors. A burst factor of safety of two, or a burst
ring structure, the design will have the highest burst strength speed of the clutch that is twice the engine operating speed,
the more closely it approximates an annular ring of constant results in a strength factor of safety of four since the cen-
cross-section. It is obvious that pressure plates and back trifugal force varies as the square of the speed. It is some-
plates cannot approach a true annular ring since bosses must times necessary to have a burst factor of safety for the clutch
be provided to locate the pressure springs, drive the pressure driven member greater than two, particularly with slow mov-
plate, and carry the lever system. The bosses which carry ing vehicles with large reduction ratios. In these vehicles
the pressure springs and lever system must be of sufficient the driven member can be accelerated to extremely high
strength to carry the centrifugal loading imposed by these speeds by the wheels or tracks if the clutch is disengaged
parts without having excessive mass which must, in turn, be when descending sharp grades. Overspeed of the engine and
carried by the basic ring structure. The height of these boss- clutch can also occur in vehicles if the operator disengages
es should also be kept to the minimum required for their the clutch while descending a steep grade and then re-en-
function since they are cantilever beams and centrifugal gages the clutch after the driven member has been acceler-
force creates bending stresses on the basic ring where they ated to a high speed by the wheels. This causes the clutch
are joined. Since all of the other components of the clutch cover and engine to be accelerated to higher than normal
are either carried by the pressure plate or the back plate, operating speeds by the inertia of the vehicle.
their weight should be kept to the minimum required for
The first piece of testing equipment used in evaluating
good design.
the spring loaded clutch is the scale checking fixture which
Since there are so many forces acting upon the clutch is shown in Fig. 5. The clutch cover is mounted into a spe-
cover assembly and the contour of the components varies cial flywheel provided with blocks made to the thickness of
greatly, it becomes impractical to calculate the burst speed the driven member. Openings are provided at the periphery
of the assembly. The practical approach is to consider the of the flywheel so the spacer blocks can be removed during
above factors while the design is being made, then build test. The back side of the flywheel is provided with three
and test the completed design. If the test results reveal too round, equally spaced openings so that push rods can be in-
low a burst speed, the above factors must be reconsidered serted through the flywheel to engage the pressure plate face.
and adjustments made in the design. At this point, the use The clutch cover and flywheel are inserted into the scale
of alternate materials with higher or lower tensile strength
should be considered to obtain the desired results and the
greatest economy.
Burst strength of the driven member assembly is usually
limited by the type of friction material used and the method
of fastening. The most common methods of fastening fric-
tion material to clutch plates for spring loaded clutches are
by riveting or bonding. Organic materials are usually riv-
eted with brass rivets or bonded, while inorganic materials
are usually riveted with steel rivets. Some calculation can
be made to determine the number of rivets required for se-
curing the friction material. However, the completed as-
sembly must be tested to determine the actual burst speed.
This test should also reveal whether the method of fastening
or the friction material itself is limiting the burst speed.
It cannot be stressed too highly that burst strength is an
important factor in clutch design, as serious consequences
can result if the clutch bursts during vehicle operation. It
should also be stressed that the flywheel to which the clutch
assembly is attached should be of sufficient strength to carry
the clutch load; and it should have as high a burst strength
as the clutch assembly. Over the years, burst speed safety
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fixture with the release levers up. An adaptor is then placed ments of driven member thickness. A dial indicator is pro-
between the release levers and the hydraulic cylinder pro- vided to measure the movement of the pressure plate. The
vided in the fixture. A manual hydraulic pump is provided manual hydraulic pump and cylinder are used to build up
so that the clutch can be released by actuating the pump. enough load gradually so that the driven member block spac-
Three dial indicators are used to measure the travel of the ers can just be removed through the openings at the periph-
release levers, the pressure plate release, and the back plate ery of the flywheel. This value is recorded on Table 1 in
deflection. the space marked "Force Down" and represents the clamping
The first portion of this test consists of measuring the re- force of the clutch plus friction at the condition of a new
lease force, pressure plate release, and back plate deflection driven member.
at various increments of release lever travel. These meas- Pressure in the hydraulic cylinder is then increased to
urements are taken in the down or release direction of the cause the pressure plate to move approximately 0.030 in.
release levers and also in the up direction or engaging di- beyond the new driven member thickness. Hydraulic pres-
rection at the same increments of release lever travel. The sure in the cylinder is then gradually released until the
values are entered into chart form as shown in Table 1. clutch pressure plate is again in the same position as for a
The clutch and flywheel are then removed from the scale new driven member. The scale reading is taken at this point
check fixture, turned over, and replaced in the scale check and entered into the chart as shown in Table 1 in the space
fixture with the release levers down. Support blocks are marked "Force Up" and represents the clamping force of the
placed between the flywheel and the scale bedplate; and a clutch less friction. The hydraulic pressure is then gradually
push rod adaptor is placed between the hydraulic cylinder released so that the pressure plate moves up by increments
through the holes in the flywheel so as to engage the pres- as would be represented by the position of the pressure plate
sure plate. With the clutch mounted in this position, the in the clutch assembly with various thicknesses of worn driv-
clamping force of the clutch is measured at various incre- en member assemblies.
Information accumulated in Table 1 is very useful for
evaluating the performance of a spring loaded clutch. This
information reveals the effective clamping force of the
clutch, the friction in the clutch, the effective lever ratio,
the release effort required, the lost motion in the clutch due
to deflection, the amount of pressure plate release at various
increments of release lever travel, and the limits of release
lever travel in both the release position and the extended
position which occurs with a worn driven member.
The information shown in Table 1 may also be plotted
graphically as is shown in Fig. 6. This chart becomes very
useful in comparing various spring loaded clutches as to
lever ratio, release travel, and particularly internal friction.
Internal friction consists of the friction in the lever system
and drive lugs. The frictional hysteresis loop, as shown in
Fig. 6, permits an easy means of comparing the internal
friction between clutches since the wider the hysteresis loop
the greater the internal friction of the clutch.
The next testing procedure involved in evaluating the
spring loaded clutch involves testing of the clutch lever
system's ability to withstand repeated engagement without
breakage, excessive wear, or excessive frictional buildup.
The equipment used for this testing is shown in Fig. 7. One
end of this machine is designed to rotate the clutch by means
of an electric motor and variable speed drive while the
other end of the machine is designed to engage the clutch
repeatedly by means of an electric motor, variable speed
drive, and adjustable eccentric. The machine provides
clutch rotational speeds up to 3600 rpm and engagement
rates up to 200 engagements per minute. Spring loaded
clutches should undergo 500,000 engagements in this ma-
chine without any breakage of the component parts or ex-
cessive wear which would make the clutch inoperable.
After the clutch lever system has undergone the above
500,000 engagement test, it is re-evaluated in the scale
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testing fixture; and the results of the scale tests made before
and after the cycling test are compared.
The next step involves testing of the release lever's sta-
bility at various operating speeds. The equipment used for
this test is shown in Fig. 8. This equipment provides a means
of mounting the clutch so that it can be rotated at various
speeds. It is equipped for measuring the movement of the
release levers to determine whether they are stable at vari-
ous operating speeds. If the levers move an excessive a-
mount in the direction of the clutch throwout bearing, the
free play in an actual clutch installation would be elimi-
nated and the clutch throwout bearing would be subject to
premature failure due to continuous loading. Excessive
movement in the opposite direction would indicate some
unloading of the clutch clamping force.
Typical engine and dynamometer equipment as used for
testing spring loaded clutches is shown in Fig. 9. The test
equipment shown in Fig. 9 incorporates a heavy duty high
manner simulating actual vehicle installations. An auto-
speed V-8 truck engine and a high speed absorption dyna-
matic cycling device is provided so that the clutch may be
mometer with a low WR2 . The engine is provided with a endurance tested. The clutch output shaft is constructed so
power take-off and special flywheels so that various size that a strain gage torque meter may be inserted in the drive-
spring loaded clutches can be mounted in a conventional line. By using amplifiers attached to the strain gage torque
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meter and speed pickups on the engine and dynamometer,

oscillograph traces can be made so that the torque charac-
teristics of the clutch may be studied. Burst speed of driven members is checked in the same
Since burst testing is a destructive test, it is the last test chamber where the lever throwout check was made and is
performed on the cover assembly. Fig. 10 shows the equip- shown in Fig. 8. This chamber is capable of speeds up to
tnent used to check the burst speed of clutches and com- 12,000 rpm. Driven members are heated to 500 F to simu-
ponents. This equipment is built underground for the pro- late operating conditions prior to checking their burst speed.
tection of the operators. The equipment shown in Fig. 10 Organic clutch facings, as used in spring loaded clutches,
incorporates an engine and speed-up gear box, capable of are checked in an inertia type test machine shown in Fig.
output speeds up to 12,000 rpm. This equipment is mounted 12. The equipment provides an electric motor as power
below the floor with the output shaft projecting through a source with one clutch used to accelerate a flywheel and
wall into an adjoining pit which is constructed of reinforced another clutch used as a brake to stop the flywheel after the
concrete lined with heavy steel plates. A magnetic speed flywheel has been accelerated to speed by the first clutch.
pickup is provided on the output shaft and is attached to an An automatic cycling device is provided to engage alter-
electronic counter for indicating the speed. nately the pickup clutch and the clutch mounted as a brake.
Another type of spin chamber is shown in Fig. 11. This The frame of the machine is provided with strain gages so
equipment is used to burst smaller components which must that the reaction torque can be measured. This method has
have spin strengths higher than 12,000 rpm. In thischamber, provided adequate results for the study of engagement char-
the part is suspended by a vertically mounted quill shaft at- acteristics. All friction materials undergo a standard 60,000
tached to an air turbine which is capable of speeds up to engagement test on this equipment. This test is useful for
40,000 rpm. The chamber is constructed so that it can be evaluating wear rates and engagement characteristics of
evacuated by a vacuum pump which is provided. various friction material compositions.
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a sketch of a device which can be constructed and used to

measure the WR2 values of annular ring type components.
The device consists of a circular disc suspended by a steel
wire anchored in such a manner that the wire must twist tor-
sionally when the disc is rotated. The particular device, as
used in the Rockford Clutch Div. Test laboratory, incorpor-
ates a 14 in. diameter disc 0.547 in. thick to which is at-
tached an arbor 1 in. in diameter and 6.2 in. in length. This
assembly is then attached to the ceiling by an 0.080 in. di-
ameter wire which is 116.5 in. in length. The formula used
Endurance of torsional vibration dampener hubs is checked
with the equipment shown in Fig. 13. A part of this equip- for calculating the unknown WR2 of the part directly using
ment is the same as shown in Fig. 7 which was used to cycle the Rockford Clutch fixture is also shown in Fig. 14. This
the cover assembly with the addition of a special fixture for is a special formula applicable only to a device having
mounting the driven member. This fixture permits the dimensions as shown in Fig. 14. These dimensions may be
dampener hub to be alternately rotated with respect to the modified to fit the individual requirements and the space
clutch plate between the angular limits of the stops provided available. The following three formulas can be used to de-
sign and use a device similar to the one described above.
in the design. Reaction members of the fixture are provided
with heavy coil springs so that overtravel can occur, sub-
jecting the unit to high shock loads when the stops make
Most equipment builders require the clutch manufacturer
to furnish WR2 values for clutches and components they

supply. Since it is difficult to calculate the WR2 of irregu-

lar annular objects, it is desirable to be able to measure

the WR2 values of completed components. Fig. 14 shows

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g = Gravitational acceleration, in./sec 2

T = Time for one period, sec
K = Spring Scale constant of the wire used, in. -lb
Es = Shearing Modulus of elasticity
D = Diameter of wire, in.
L = Length of wire, in.
W = Weight, lb
R = Radius of gyration, in.2
WR2x = WR2 of unknown tem and clutch throwout yoke. Crawler tractors and certain
farm tractors are typical applications for the over-center
WR2 = WR2 of fixture clutch.
The same design considerations for the pressure plate,
WR2t = WR2 of the total (fixture and unknown) back plate, and lever system that apply to the spring loaded
clutch will also apply to the over-center dry clutch. There
may be some additional requirements for the back plate de-
After establishing the diameter and length of wire to be pending upon whether the clutch is to be provided with a
used, the "K" factor is calculated by Eq. 7. After the fix- Belleville spring or whether the back plate itself is made to
ture has been suspended, the disc is rotated approximately deflect when the clamping force is developed.
270 deg and released. The average time for several oscil-
Some over-center clutches are equipped with Belleville
lations is measured. After determining the "T" value, it is
springs so that a predetermined clamping force may be de-
substituted into Eq. 8 which gives the WR2 value for the total veloped without precise adjustment and so the clutch will
of the fixture and the unknown part. By utilizing Eq. 9 the be capable of compensating for driven member facing wear
without excessive loss of clamping force. If the Belleville
WR2 value of the unknown part can be calculated. spring is utilized, it is necessary to construct the back plate
Over-Center Operating Dry Type Clutch and adjusting ring as rigid as possible. The typical Belle-
ville spring as used in over-center clutches is designed to
A typical over-center dry type clutch is shown in Fig. provide a zero or negative rate over a portion of its spring
15A. A cross-section of this clutch showing the nomencla- curve. The spring is then trapped in the assembly at the be-
ture of the components is shown in Fig. 15B. The over- ginning of the zero or negative portion of the spring curve.
center clutch differs from the spring loaded clutch in the If the components of the clutch which form the reaction for
method by which the clamping force is generated. The lever the Belleville spring deflect excessively under the spring load
system usually incorporates an over-center toggle lever ac- of the Belleville spring, the positive rate spring force of
tion or camming device to develop the clamping force. The these parts will affect the zero or negative rate of the Belle-
over-center clutch will, therefore, remain in the released ville spring force and much of its benefit is lost.
or engaged position with no external force being applied. Many over-center clutches are constructed without in-
This clutch is usually hand operated through a linkage sys- corporating the Belleville spring design. In these designs,
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it is necessary for the back plate and adjusting ring to de- however, the technology of friction material is constantly
flect when the clamping force is developed so as to provide being advanced. New friction materials are continually be-
follow-up for driven member wear. This design is advan- ing made available for experimentation.
tageous in applications where the driven member does not Some organic friction materials are still being provided
wear rapidly, requiring frequent adjustment, since the clutch with over-center clutches where service is not so severe that
is capable of developing much higher clamping forces. The the lining is destroyed by heat. Organic friction material
over-center clutch has a variable lever ratio which becomes still exhibits the smoothest engaging characteristics when
infinite at the point of over-center action. In designs not applied to light vehicles. If the application should require
using the Belleville spring, deflection is small compared to a cushion plate, the cushions prove much more satisfactory
the deflection provided in the Belleville spring; therefore, when used with organic friction material. It is difficult to
the load is picked up at a point in the over-center action prevent heat set of the cushions when they are applied to
where the mechanical advantage is higher. driven members incorporating inorganic friction material
Although higher clamping forces are possible in clutches since the inorganic friction material conducts heat into the
not incorporating the Belleville spring, clutches equipped springs causing heat set.
with Belleville springs are capable of maintaining a much Fig. 16 shows driven members equipped with the various
more uniform clamping force over a much wider range of types of lining as used with the over-center clutch. Driven
deflection thereby providing more adequate follow-up for member A incorporates bronze ceramic button type friction
wear of the clutch driven member without readjustment. material. Driven member B incorporates bronze ceramic
Since the over-center clutch is generally used in heavy whole ring type friction material. Driven member C in-
duty vehicles with rigidly mounted axles, the use of the corporates iron ceramic whole ring type friction material.
cushion plate and the vibration type dampener hub are not Driven member D incorporates organic friction material.
common. Since the service is severe, the most common The scale check fixture, shown in Fig. 5, used to check
driven member used with over-center clutches incorporates the spring loaded clutch is also used to evaluate the over-
inorganic friction material and a rigid hub. center type clutch. Evaluation is limited, however, to the
Inorganic friction materials fall into three categories — measurement of release sleeve engaging force, pressure plate
bronze ceramic button type, bronze ceramic whole ring type, release, and deflection of components. Strain gage load
and iron ceramic type. The bronze ceramic button type cells are used in conjunction with the above fixture for meas-
lining offers the advantage of providing a driven member uring clamping force. Evaluation of friction in the linkage
2 system is not so apparent as in the spring loaded clutch since
with lower WR and the possibilities of better cooling of the
the over-center type linkage system gives an increasing lever
pressure plate and flywheel surfaces. The bronze ceramic
ratio to infinity at the over-center point. Friction evalua-
whole ring and the iron ceramic whole ring linings generall
tion is, therefore, limited to the evaluation of two clutches
provide the possibility of installations in lighter vehicles
of like design.
without excessive aggressiveness or chatter. Characteristics
of the above mentioned friction materials are based on cur- The clutch engagement cycling machine, as shown in
rent field experience with available production materials; Fig. 7, is also used to evaluate the linkage system in the
over-center clutch. Clutches are cycled for 500,000 engage-
ment cycles after which time they are checked for over-
center action and wear of the components.
General performance of the over-center clutch and the
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evaluation of friction materials are determined by use of wheel is provided with a driving ring which engages with the
an engine and absorption dynamometer installation as shown teeth of the driving friction plate, with the remainder of the
in Fig. 17. The normal test includes engaging the clutch clutch becoming the driven member. Fig. 18A shows a typ-
15,000 times at a rate of six engagements per minute at loads ical power take-off type over-center clutch; Fig. 18B shows
much greater than those anticipated in an actual installation. a cross-section of this clutch with the nomenclature of the
Dynamometer testing is useful for locating malfunctions in various parts. A study of Fig. 18 will reveal that the power
the cover assembly caused by heat such as drive lug bind, take-off type clutch does not utilize the engine flywheel as
excessive dishing of the pressure plate, and excessive buildup a friction surface and utilizes a clutch body which carries
of friction in the linkage system. The test is used to eval- the reaction of the pressure plate. The over-center mech-
uate the friction material as to torque capacity, wear rate, anism generally incorporates some type of toggle lever sys-
scoring characteristics, resistance to heat, and engagement tem.
characteristics. The same general testing procedures employed to eval-
Strain gage torque meter and oscillograph equipment are uate the operating type over-center clutch are also used to
provided for evaluating the clutch torque capacity and the evaluate the power take-off type clutch.
engagement characteristics. By providing speed recording Both organic and inorganic friction materials are used
equipment on the engine and dynamometer and taking sim- in the power take-off type clutch. The organic type clutch
ultaneous traces of the engine speed, the dynamometer speed plate is generally a thick solid ring with gear teeth provided
and the engaging torque, the work and heat characteristics on the OD and molded from a chopped asbestos resin mix-
of the engagement may be studied. ture. Use of inorganic friction material with the power take-
Burst testing equipment, as shown in Fig. 10, is used to off clutch is somewhat limited since its finished structure
determine the burst speed of the clutch assembly and its var- must generally conform to the organic part in order for it
ious components. to be adapted to the clutch. Rings of organic material simi-
lar to those used as the friction material, but compounded
for their strength properties and recessed for the mounting
Over-Center Power Take-Off Dry Type Clutch of the whole ring inorganic friction material are generally
used. Metallic gear tooth carriers to which bronze ceramic
The power take-off type over-center clutch is used in button type friction material is attached are also used. Fig.
conjunction with a power take-off attached to an engine used 19 shows examples of each of these clutch plates with plate
to drive auxiliary or stationary equipment. The power take- A made of organic, plate B inorganic whole ring mounted
off type clutch is not designed to be used on applications to organic carrier, and plate C bronze-ceramic button fric-
requiring repeated cycle engaging since the driven portion tion material attached to metallic carrier.
of the clutch has a much higher WR than the operating type
over-center clutch. In this type clutch the friction material
is either made in the form of a ring with gear teeth on the
OD, or it is attached to an auxiliary ring with gear teeth on
the OD, and acts as the driving member. The engine fly-
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Since many power take-off type clutches area applied to

applications having very rough and fluctuating loads, it is
necessary to reduce the backlash of the gear teeth in the
drive ring to an absolute minimum. Since it is not practical
to design the plates for an extremely tight fit because of
binding due to heat expansion, the plates are cut into three
segments, as shown in Fig. 19, D. When the three segment
plates are mounted into the drive ring of the clutch assem-
bly, they are forced outward into the drive ring by centri-
fugal force making possible a nearly backlash free system
when the clutch is operating. This design greatly reduces
the wear on the gear teeth caused by very rough and torque
reversing loads.

Electro-Magnetic Single Plate Dry Clutch

The electro-magnetic single plate dry clutch is beginning

to find use in automotive applications involving remote con-
trol of auxiliary equipment. This type clutch can easily be
adapted for remote operation since no linkages are required
to control its engagement. The control system of this clutch
can also be provided with a power rheostat control for vary-
ing the clamping force of the clutch. The single plate elec-
tro-magnetic clutch incorporates only one friction surface
as compared to two friction surfaces in the mechanical sin-
gle plate clutch. Despite this limitation the clutches are
capable of developing fairly high torque capacities for their tograph of a single plate electro-magnetic clutch. Fig. 20B
size. Their major limitation is that of heat capacity since shows a cross-sectional sketch of this clutch and the nomen-
the clutch operating temperature is limited by the temper- clature of the various components.
ature rating of the magnet coil insulation. In order for this The procedure for designing a single plate electro-mag-
type clutch to be competitive with the mechanical clutch, netic clutch is divided into two parts. The first part deals
it must be applied in applications where the linkage required with the designing of the magnetic circuit involving the siz-
for the mechanical clutch is a major portion of the total cost ing of the poles, sizing of the iron circuit, and the calcula-
of the installation since the electro-magnetic clutch is con- tion of the amount of magnetizing force required. The sec-
structed of more expensive materials. Fig. 20A shows a pho- ond part involves the calculations required to design the coil
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to meet the magnetizing force requirement of the clutch side diameter and the inside diameter of the inner pole, so
magnetic circuit. that the area of the outer pole and the area of the inner pole
In order to proportion the size of a tentative design, the are equal. This proportioning should be accomplished in a
material covered under the basic design relationships should manner which gives a mean radius the same as that assumed
be considered. It should also be noted that the maximum in the preliminary calculation of the clutch.
clamping force obtainable with a magnetic type clutch is In order to calculate the pole area and proportion the iron
limited to approximately 170 l b / i n . 2 of pole area. This circuit, it is necessary to know the magnetization charac-
force limitation is imposed by the magnetic saturation points teristics of the material to be used. Fig. 21 shows the mag-
of common magnetic materials available. Having estab- netization curves of various magnetic materials. An in-
lished a tentative design in which the clamping force has vestigation of the magnetization curves reveals that the
been determined, the required pole area may be calculated magnetizing force requirement for various flux densities
by using the formula: is not a straight line relationship. As the flux density in-
creases, efficiency of the magnetizing force decreases un-
til a saturation condition is reached where additional mag-
netizing force results in no increase in flux density.
The flux density for the poles should be chosen fairly high
up on the knee of the magnetization curve of the material
to be used since the pull varies with the square of the flux
density and the length of the poles is kept short. For exam-
A = Area of both poles, in.2
ple, the pole flux density for cast dynamo steel can be ap-
F = Clamping force, lb proximately 105,000 Maxwells/in. The flux density for the
B = Flux density, Maxwells/in.2 remainder of the iron circuit should be chosen somewhere
on the steep portion of the magnetization curve of the par-
Since the area given by Eq. 10 is the area for the sum of ticular material. By choosing the flux densities of the iron
both poles, this figure is divided by two to get the area of circuit in the above manner, maximum clamping force is
each pole. It is then necessary to determine the outside di- achieved by a coil with the least magnetizing force capa-
ameter and inside diameter of the outer pole, and the out- city.
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Having established the area of the inner and outer poles tric clutches and brakes, heating takes place due to friction
and the flux density at the poles, the area immediately b e - and also from the current passing through the windings. The
hind the pole faces should be increased in cross-sectional resistance of the copper wire windings increases with heat,
area so that the flux density of this portion of the iron cir- causing the current to decrease. This reduces the ampere-
cuit falls on the steep portion of the magnetization curves turns in proportion to the increase in windingresistance. The
as mentioned above. The remainder of the iron circuit is summation of the magnetizing forces for the iron circuit and
proportioned in the above manner so as to provide adequate the air gaps is usually multiplied by a factor of 1.2 to offset
space for the coil while maintaining good design proportions the heating effect since wire tables are usually tabulated
for strength and mounting purposes. for resistance at 20 C.
If the clutch is to be of the stationary field type, two run- Before starting with the actual coil calculation, a few
ning air gaps are required. In order to minimize or limit basic facts should be understood. The above calculation
the ampere-turn requirement for the coil, it is necessary to leads to an exact magnetizing force requirement; however,
reduce the flux density across the air gaps and to hold the it is not practical to design a coil to an exact value, as is
length of the air gaps to a minimum. Typical air gap flux evident from the following discussion.
densities will usually fall in the range of 30,000-60,000Max- The ampere-turn value of the coil depends upon three
wells/ i n . 2 . The air gaps should usually be taken in radial factors — applied voltage, mean turn length, and wire r e -
direction to prevent axial attraction of the stator to the rotor. sistance per unit length. The ampere-turn value of a coil
Having determined the sizes of all the components in the cannot be changed without changing one of these factors.
iron circuit, the ampere-turn requirement for the iron cir- When designing a coil for a given clutch, the voltage is
cuit can be calculated. Each segment of the iron circuit usually specified and the mean turn length is established by
of constant cross-sectional area should be listed in tabular the available space in the design. This leaves only the unit
form showing the flux density and length of each segment. wire resistance to vary in order to obtain the desired a m -
The magnetizing force in ampere-turns per inch for each pere-turn value. Using copper wire and assuming room tem-
of the flux densities is taken from the magnetization curves perature, the only way to change unit resistance is to change
as shown in Fig. 21. The magnetizing force in ampere-turns the wire size. Since wire is available commercially in only
per inch is then multiplied by the length of each segment, certain wire gages, it can be seen that the ampere-turn val-
in inches, to determine the total magnetizing force required ues of coils for a given clutch are only possible in i n c r e -
for each segment. The summation of the magnetizing forces ments proportional to the wire gages available.
for each of the segments in the iron circuit will give the to- In designing the coil, some size considerations should also
tal magnetizing force required for the iron circuit. be made. In the stationary field type there must be a suf-
The magnetizing force required for the air gaps is c a l - ficient running clearance between the rotating part and the
culated by the formula: coil assembly. In the case of molded and potted coils a
minimum of 1/16 in. of resin is required around the coil
winding. If a potted coil is to be used, the case thickness
must be considered and a minimum of 1/16 in. of resin must
where: cover the coil on the open side. Allowance must also be
NI = Magnetizing force, ampere-turns m a d e for lead wire junctions which will require approxi-
B = Flux density, Maxwells/in. 2 mately 3 / 1 6 in. If a wrapped coil is to be used, an allow-
L = Length, in. ance must be made for the wrapping thickness. After apply-
In calculating the air gaps, imperfect contact between ing the above allowances, the maximum coil size can be
the armature and rotor at the pole faces should be consid- established. It may not be necessary to utilize all of the
ered. An air gap allowance of approximately 0.002 in. for available space depending upon the maximum allowable
each pole is generally used to compensate for imperfect con- wattage and the surface area of the coil required for heat
tact at the poles. Other air gaps to be considered are the dissipation. The dissipation is calculated but the wattage
air gaps between the stator and rotor in stationary field d e - rating must b e chosen based on customer request or some
signs and any other built-in air gaps. In designs that do not reasonable figure.
have running air gaps, it is usually good practice to provide Having considered the above factors, the maximum coil
a built-in air gap of 0.005-0.010 to aid in collapsing the outline dimensions can be established. The length of one
magnetic field upon de-energizing the coil. By applying turn at the mean diameter should then be calculated.
the flux density and the length of each air gap to Eq. 1 1 , The unit resistance for the coil winding can be calculated
the magnetizing force in ampere-turns can b e calculated by the formula:
A summation of the magnetizing forces required for each
air gap will give the total magnetizing force required for
the air gaps. where:
The total magnetizing force requirements for the coil is
Rf = Unit resistance, ohms/ft
the sum of the magnetizing force for the iron circuit, the
air gaps, and a suitable allowance for coil heating. In elec- E = Electromotive force, v
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NI = Magnetizing force, amp-turns sity of the coil should not exceed 1.5 w/in. of surface area.
P = Mean turn length of coil, ft If the above calculations do not yield a coil with a low
enough wattage rating or too high a watt density, the basic
design of the clutch will have to be altered to provide more
The actual wire size to be used should have a unit re-
space for the coil. If the watt density is low and higher cur-
sistance equal to or less than the calculated value.
rent can be tolerated, the coil size may be reduced by re-
Having established the wire size, the maximum number
ducing the number of turns.
of turns is established by the space limitations of the coil.
Having calculated the total number of turns of the coil and An inertia type test machine provides good results for
the mean turn length, the total length of the coil winding testing single plate electro-magnetic clutches. Fig. 22 shows
is established. The total resistance of the coil is then cal- an inertia test machine and associated equipment for testing
culated by multiplying the length of the wire by the unit this type of clutch. The machine incorporates an electric
resistance of the wire. The coil current can be calculated motor as power source, a test clutch for picking up a fly-
by the formula: wheel inertia load, and a second clutch mounted as a brake
for stopping the flywheel. Strain gages are provided on the
brake reaction shaft for studying engagement characteristics
and measuring the torque capacity of the clutch.

where: Mechanically Actuated Wet Clutches

(Spring Loaded and Over-Center)
I = Current, amp
The cover assemblies for mechanically actuated wet
E = Electromotive force, v
clutches are similar to the cover assemblies for the dry
R = Resistance, ohms
clutches; but some variations are required to provide proper
oil circulation and adequate release for the wet clutch plates.
The actual magnetizing force of the coil in ampere-turns Since the coefficient of friction of friction materials oper-
is the product of the number of turns times the current in ating in oil is much less than for friction materials operating
amperes. The coil wattage is calculated by the formula: dry, it is necessary to provide either more clutch plates, a
higher clamping force, or larger clutch plate diameter in
order to design a clutch having the same torque capacity as
where: its dry clutch counterpart. In mechanically actuated clutches,
the total clamping force is limited by the clutch lever ratio,
P = Power, w the external linkage ratio, and an operating force which can
E = Electromotive force, v manually be exerted by the operator without excessive fa-
I = Current, amp tigue. Clutch assemblies with-three or more plates are com-
monly used in order to develop sufficient torque in the min-
The coil should have adequate surface area for heat dis- imum size.
sipation to prevent excessive heating. Usually the watt den- Depending upon the type of friction material used, the
unit pressure on the friction material is designed to be some-
what higher than the dry type clutch. Although the unit
pressure on dry type friction materials should rarely exceed
50 psi, sintered metal wet clutch type friction material may
be operated at unit pressures as high as 200 psi in mechani-
cally actuated wet clutches. These pressures should be cal-
culated on a net area basis after subtracting the groove area
from the total friction area of the plate. Sintered metal wet
clutch friction material usually requires a net pressure on the
friction material of approximately 100 psi in order to break
down the oil film adequately during engagement. The use
of cork as a wet clutch friction material requires special con-
sideration and the net unit pressure is usually limited to ap-
proximately 75 psi.
The cover assemblies used in wet clutches must provide
adquate oil drainage at the periphery of the back plate so
that oil is not trapped between the pressure plate and back
plate creating a hydraulic oil head due to centrifugal force,
which would prevent the clutch from being released. The
inside diameter of the pressure plate should be contoured in
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such a manner as to direct the oil flowing from the driven for clutch plates to be used in the mechanically actuated
member hub into the clutch plate back. The pressure plate clutch is therefore more critical because higher flow rates
need not have as much mass as the pressure plate used in are involved. The oil must pass through the plates so as not
dry clutch applications since it does not have to absorb as to create excessive back pressure and must take a path which
much heat and its design requirement is limited to providing allows it to conduct the heat away from the friction plates
uniform pressure to the clutch plate pack. efficiently. Grooving is also necessary to break down the
Because more plates are employed in the wet clutch de- oil film to increase the coefficient of friction upon engage-
sign than in the dry clutch design, it is necessary to provide ment. There are four commonly used types of plate groov-
more pressure plate release in the wet clutch cover assem- ing which are used either separately or in combination.
bly. A minimum of 0.010 release should be provided for One of the most common type groove patterns is the spi-
each pair of mating friction surfaces. The following em- ral groove which is generated by rotating the plate while
pirical relationship may be used to aid in determining the passing a tool from the inside to the outside of the plate at
proper amount of release. a rate timed with the rotational speed so as to produce a
groove with a specified pitch. The groove is also produced
in multiple start or multiple lead patterns.
The radial groove, as its name implies, is a groove made
where: in a radial direction. When used separately, the grooves are
R = Clutch release, in. cut across the entire face width of the friction material.
D = Outside diameter of friction surface However, this type groove is most commonly used with the
N = Number of plates in the clutch pack spiral groove. When the radial groove is used with the spiral

The above relationship applies only to flat, noncushion

type plates. The relationship is not absolute and should be
used as a guide only because of plate flatness and tolerance
Sticking problems are encountered with some friction
materials, particularly cork, which are caused by adhesion
and the generation of a partial vacuum between the clutch
plates. When using these friction materials, it is usually
necessary to provide some plate separation means to break
the plates apart when the clutch is released. The most com-
mon method employed to separate the plates is slotting the
clutch plates in such a manner as to generate a segmented
form. Alternate segments are then bent in opposite direc-
tions so that a spring action is created when the plate is
clamped flat. In addition to providing clutch plate release,
the above design provides a cushioning effect when the
clutch is being engaged.
Various types of friction materials are used with the me-
chanically operated wet clutch including sintered bronze,
cork, paper, and asbestos compounds. The sintered bronze
friction material is most commonly used in heavy duty ap-
plications, while cork is used in many spring loaded appli-
cations of less severe duty because of its higher coefficient
of friction. When designing the clutch, a dynamic coeffi-
cient of friction of 0.08 may be used for sintered metal ma-
terial and 0.1 may be used for cork material. These values
may be modified after sufficient test results for the particu-
lar application and friction materials are available; but they
offer a good basis for the preliminary design.
Since the rate of clutch engagement of the mechanically
actuated clutch is controlled by the operator, the amount
of heat generated at the clutch friction surfaces may vary
over wide ranges for the same application. For this reason,
it is generally necessary to provide greater oil flow through
the clutch plates for this type clutch than for clutches which
have a controlled engagement rate. Grooving pattern design
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groove, the grooves are sometimes passed only partially Fig. 23 shows examples of each of the four basic grooving
across the face of the friction material, with grooves starting patterns. Plate A has spiral grooving; plate B has radial
alternately from the outside and inside of the friction ma- grooving; plate C has wagon track grooving; and plate D
terial. This causes the oil to take a longer path across the has differential grooving.
friction material allowing for greater heat conduction. Friction material testing indicates that the grooving pat-
The wagon track type of groove is produced by passing tern affects the coefficient of friction of a given friction
two or more parallel cutters across the plate with the center material. Tests generally indicate that radial and wagon
of the series of cutters passing through the center of the track type grooves tend to reduce the coefficient of friction.
plate. Many wagon track groove designs are produced by After the oil film has Deen broken down, the spiral groove
passing the cutters across the plate two or three times, with pattern usually exhibits the highest coefficient of friction;
the plate being indexed either 90 or 120 deg between cuts. however, it generally must be used in conjunction with some
Another type of grooving, known as differential grooving, other type grooving pattern in order to obtain the proper oil
is generaiad by passing a tool in a circular path with a center flow characteristics. The differential groove pattern is a
offset from the center of the clutch plate. In generating good all purpose pattern permitting good oil flows while
this groove pattern the clutch plate is indexed each time maintaining a fairly high coefficient of friction.
the cutter passes through the friction material band. Centers The mechanically actuated wet clutch requires high flow
of all cuts then fall on a base circle which is concentric with rates in order to prevent the clutch plates from being over-
the clutch plate. The completed pattern consists of a series heated during manual clutch engagement. Oil is usually
of right and left hand curved grooves extending from the in- pumped into the clutch pack by way of a drilled passage in
side to the outside of the friction material which intersect the transmission shaft and openings in the driven hub pro-
each other creating a diamond or waffle pattern. The dif- vided with a reservoir ring which distributes the oil at the
ferential grooving pattern is generally used separately with inside diameter of the clutch plate pack. The oil flow re-
no other type of grooving. quirement for the clutch varies considerably, depending upon
the application and the efficiency of the grooving pattern,
but generally falls within a range of 1 gpm for each 10-20
hp rating of the engine.
Fig. 24 shows an example of a mechanically actuated
over-center wet clutch equipped with sintered metal friction
material. Fig. 25 shows a small over-center multiple disc
wet clutch which is designed for power take-off and aux-
iliary drive applications. Fig. 26 is a photograph of a me-
chanically actuated spring loaded clutch equipped with cork
friction material.
The basic test equipment used in testing the dry spring
loaded and over-center cover assemblies is also used to
evaluate the wet spring loaded and over-center cover as-
semblies. The overall performance of the complete wet
clutch is tested with an engine and absorption dynamometer
installation. The clutch is installed in a suitable mounting
box with the input connected to the engine and the output
to the absorption dynamometer as shown in Fig. 27. Addi-
tional equipment to supply, measure, control, cool, and fil-
ter the proper flow of oil to the clutch is provided. A strain
gage torque meter, oscillograph equipment, and magnetic
speed pickup equipment are used to measure clutch torque
and study engaging characteristics.

Hydraulic Multiple Disc Clutch

The hydraulic multiple disc clutch is the modern clutch

of today and is finding its way into a wide variety of heavy
duty applications. With proper valving it can be controlled
either manually or automatically through auxiliary controls.
It is widely used in heavy duty power shift transmissions in-
cluding earth moving, construction equipment, farm tractors,
and motor trucks. The clutch is also used to control many
auxiliary drives. As the state of the art advances, this clutch
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will probably displace many of the present mechanically In some applications, where speeds are not excessive and
actuated clutches. The hydraulic clutch may be readily clutch diameters are not large, it is desirable to counter-
produced in either a double or single clutch package. Fig. act the full centrifugal head by the return springs. In order
28A shows a modern double hydraulic clutch incorporating to design this type clutch, it is necessary to be able to cal-
hydraulic balance, internal oil transfer, and internal pres- culate the centrifugal head for various clutch sizes and op-
sure modulation. Fig. 28B shows a cutaway cross-section erating speeds.
of this clutch with the nomenclature of its components. The formulas used to calculate the centrifugal head at
Although the basic design relationships used for other various radii and the total axial centrifugal force in hy-
types of clutches apply to the hydraulic clutch, there are draulic clutches are derived and reduced from the force re-
some new factors which must be considered since the clamp- lationships existing in an open top cylindrical vessel con-
ing force is obtained by hydraulic pressure. One of the new taining liquid which is rotating about a vertical axis. Fig.
factors which must be considered is hydraulic unbalance due 29 shows a sketch of this case in which the liquid is free to
to centrifugal force. When the hydraulic clutch is rotated, rise in the vessel until relative equilibrium is reached. The
the oil in the clutch cylinders not only generates a force in free surface of the liquid forms a paraboloid about the axis
the radial direction, but also a force in the axial direction of rotation.
due to centrifugal force. Steps must be taken in the design Referring to Fig. 29, there are three forces acting on the
to balance hydraulically, relieve, or counteract the axial fluid element at point A. One force is the weight (W); an-
force created by the centrifugal effect of the oil in the cyl-
inders. other is the inertia force (W/gw 2 x) acting radially away
The centrifugal head can readily be balanced in the from the axis of rotation; and the third is the resultant force
double hydraulic clutch since the two hydraulic cylinders (P) due to the pressure of the surrounding fluid. Since the
or force cavities are usually interconnected and divided by system is in equilibrium, force (P) is acting normal to the
a separator plate causing the two force pistons to be in cen- curved surface. By relating force (P) in terms of the weight
trifugal balance. If centrifugal hydraulic balance is to be (W) and the inertia force, the following equations result.
achieved in the single hydraulic clutch, it is necessary to
provide an auxiliary balancing cylinder attached to and op-
posite the force cylinder.
In some clutches it is practical to relieve the centrifugal
head by using a special pressure relief valve at the periphery
of the cylinder. These valves are designed to open at some
predetermined pressure after the clutch apply oil pressure
has been dropped. The oil in the cylinder is emptied suf-
ficiently to reduce the centrifugal head to the regulated
pressure of the relief valve. The remaining force resulting
from the centrifugal head is counteracted by the return
springs. This system has the disadvantage of requiring the
replacement of the ejected oil upon re-engagement.
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P = Force normal to curve, lb
W = Weight, lb
w = Angular velocity, radians/sec
Integration of Eq. 16 results in the equation of the curved g = Gravitational acceleration, ft/sec2
free surface. At any point A on the liquid surface having a radius "x"
and height "y" above center "O" of the paraboloid, the
centrifugal head is the product of the specific weight of the
liquid times the height "y".
If the rotating vessel in Fig. 29 were closed and com-
pletely filled with liquid, a centrifugal head would be de-
veloped against the top as determined by the "x" and "y"
coordinates of the curve in the open top case. The force
on the top and bottom of the closed vessel would differ only
by the weight of the liquid. If the vessel were rotated about
a horizontal axis, the force on each end would be equal.
However, the pressure at the top of the horizontal cylinder
differs from the pressure at the bottom of the cylinder by
the static head of the liquid.
The hydraulic clutch is usually rotated about a horizon-
tal axis and is representative of the closed rotating vessel
described above. Since the static head differential is small
compared to the centrifugal head, Eq. 17 may be used for
calculating the centrifugal hydraulic head of hydraulic
clutches without appreciable error. The following equations
have been reduced from Eq. 17 and apply to rotating cyl-
inders, center filled with oil having a specific weight of 7.5
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It is extremely important to provide adequate spring pres-

sure to counteract the centrifugal hydraulic force at the
maximum operating speed for which a clutch is designed
to operate. If this factor is not provided for in the clutch,
it cannot be released while it is rotating
The hydraulic multiple disc clutch is probably the most
flexible of all clutches in providing a wide range of torque
where: capacities from a single design. Within the limits of the
piston sealing rings and the unit pressure allowable on the
F = Axial force on piston, lb friction plates, the clutch torque capacity can be varied by
N = Rotational speed, rpm regulating the pressure of the oil to the force cavities. The
R = Radius, in. clutch torque capacity can also be varied by changing the
Ro = Outside piston radius, in. number of plates, although for most applications the prac-
tical limit is about 10 pairs. By varying the clutch plate
Ri = Inside piston radius, in. grooving pattern and the oil flow through the clutch plate
P = Pressure, psi pack, the hydraulic clutch may be made to operate under
either light or the most severe conditions.
A series of charts utilizing the above formula have been The clutch plates used with the multiple disc hydraulic
prepared reducing the above information to graphical form. clutch utilize the same grooving patterns and friction ma-
The curves shown in Fig. 30 relate the piston radius to the terial as those used in mechanically actuated wet clutches.
centrifugal hydraulic pressure for various operating speeds. Since it is possible to generate much higher clamping forces
The curves shown in Fig. 31 relate the speed, in rpm, to the with the hydraulic clutch, as compared to the mechanically
centrifugal hydraulic pressure, in psi, for various piston ra- actuated clutch, plate diameters are usually smaller. The
dii. The curves shown in Fig. 32 relate the speed, in rpm, hydraulic clutch plates are usually thinner and incorporate
to the total centrifugal hydraulic force, in pounds for pistons shallower grooving than the mechanical wet clutch plates.
of various radii. A series of charts such as those shown in This is possible since the engagement rate of the hydraulic
Figs. 30-32 can be made sufficiently accurate to eliminate clutch is usually not controllable by the operator thereby
much of the calculation required when designing clutches minimizing abnormal heat generation created by slipping
without centrifugal hydraulic balance. the clutch. The unit pressure loading on the clutch plates
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varies over wide ranges; but it usually falls within a range 3. With the force piston in the engaged position, the
of 100-400 psi. engagement is completed by pressurizing chamber B from
A recent innovation in double hydraulic clutch design chamber A at a controlled rate through an orifice provided
is that of an oil transfer system between the two force cham- in the accelerator piston.
bers which permits oil to be transferred from one force Since the clamping force of the hydraulic clutch is ob-
chamber to the opposite force chamber without passing tained by hydraulic pressure with no mechanical linkages
through the hydraulic pump or external supply system. This connecting the force piston to the operating lever, some
system permits the use of a much smaller hydraulic pump means must be provided to control the engagement rate.
and allows for much faster clutch engagement. The hy- The clutch engagement rate must be controlled by control-
draulic clutch shown in Fig. 28 utilizes the oil transfer sys- ling the pressure buildup in the force cavity of the clutch.
tem. This double hydraulic clutch utilizes four force cham- Controlling pressure buildup in the force cavity presents
bers, two for each clutch, with a separator plate separating somewhat of a problem in the simple hydraulic clutch which
the force cavities of the two clutches. Starting with both utilizes a simple hydraulic cylinder and an on-off type
clutches released or in the neutral position the following valve, since the pressure drops while the piston is moving
sequence of operations takes place when one clutch is en- and rises almost instantaneously when the piston contacts
gaged. the clutch pack. It is quite evident that some type of pres-
1. Oil at apply pressure enters the accelerator piston cav- sure modulation is required, either external or internal, to
ity A, causing the accelerator piston in that cavity to move permit a gradual and controlled increase of pressure in the
towards the separator plate. The accelerator piston move- force cavity after the force piston contacts the clutch plates.
ment causes the disc valve assembly, adjacent to cavity B, External pressure modulating devices include accumu-
to seat against the separator plate and also opens the disc lators and variable pressure valves. The accumulator is con-
valve adjacent to cavity C. nected in parallel with the clutch force cavity and incor-
2. The main force piston moves into the engaged po- porates a movable piston or diaphragm which displaces oil
sition. While this movement is occurring, oil is being forced against some increasing force causing the pressure in the sys-
from chamber C through the openings in the separator plate tem to increase at some predetermined rate after the clutch
into chamber B by opening the one way valve adjacent to force piston has reached the engaged position, depending
chamber B. The oil transfer occurs since the movement of upon the size and force buildup rate of the accumulator.
the force piston creates a higher pressure in chamber C than The variable pressure valve operates on the principle of
in chamber B. controlling the flow of oil between the clutch force cavity
Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018


and sump. In this system pressure is controlled by varying and the force cavity passing through the accelerator piston.
the amount of oil flowing to the sump from a rather large When the clutch is engaged, apply pressure oil enters the
amount to zero flow. There are several types of variable accelerator piston cavity closing the disc valve and moving
pressure valves used to control clutches. The variable pres- the force piston into engaged position. Since the displace-
sure valve is also used in conjunction with other types of ment of the accelerator piston is small, the pressure drop
pressure modulation. in the accelerator cavity is momentary, thereby generating
Possibly the newest means of clutch pressure modulation a portion of the clamping force in an extremely short time.
is the internal system. The hydraulic clutch shown in Fig. The remainder of the clamping force is then generated by
28 incorporates internal pressure modulation in conjunction a controlled pressure buildup in the major force cavity cre-
with the oil transfer system. Pressure modulation is accom- ated by metering the small amount of oil required through
plished by use of an orifice between the accelerator cavity the orifice in the accelerator piston.
Internal pressure modulation is far superior to the exter-
nal system since the modulation is controlled by metering
a very small quantity of oil. The accumulator and variable
pressure valves require that rather large volumes of oil be
pumped to obtain the desired results.
The internal pressure modulation system provides a smooth
engagement in which the heat generation rate can be con-
trolled by controlling the pressure rise and engagement rate.
It also provides the ultimate in shock free operation and op-
erator comfort. The curves shown in Fig. 33 illustrate the
effect of internal pressure modulation as compared to the
unmodulated clutch when both clutches are operated with
an on-off type valve. The engagement of the modulated
clutch is illustrated by the solid curve and the unmodulated
clutch engagement is illustrated by the dotted curve. The
curves show that the modulated clutch begins the engage-
ment much quicker than the unmodulated clutch. This is
attributed to the oil transfer system which is used in con-
junction with the internal pressure modulation. The engage-
ment progresses with a steady smooth increase in torque ca-
pacity until the inertia load is satisfied and lock-up occurs.
The pressure in the clutch then continues to rise until max-
imum clutch torque capacity has been reached. The curve
illustrates the condition where inertia load is satisfied prior
to reaching maximum clutch torque capacity. If the inertia
load is sufficiently high, clutch engagement would follow
up the line to the point of maximum clutch torque capacity.
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It would then progress at that level until the inertia load was dustry. The higher cost of this clutch can be attributed to
satisfied at which time lock-up would occur. higher costs of raw materials used in the clutch and the fact
Examination of the dotted curve representing the unmodu- that the clutch has never been produced in automotive quan-
lated clutch reveals that the time required to get the piston tities. Another economic factor is that most automotive wet
in the engaged position is considerably longer than that for clutches require forced oil circulation through the clutch
the modulated clutch. At the point of piston engagement pack which requires a hydraulic pump. Since the clutch
the clutch torque rises abruptly from zero to its maximum does not require a pump for its actuating mechanism, it be-
torque capacity, resulting in a very harsh clutch engage- comes an added accessory cost; whereas, the hydraulic
ment and a very high rate of heat generation. After reach- clutch utilizes the same pump for obtaining its actuating
ing maximum torque capacity, clutch engagement progresses force and cooling oil flow.
at constant level until the inertia load is satisfied and lock- Special precaution must be taken with the electro-mag-
up occurs. Fig. 34 shows a typical heavy duty power shift netic wet clutch to prevent stray flux from permanently mag-
transmission utilizing pressure modulated hydraulic clutches. netizing shafts, bearings, gears, and other components. If
As in other clutch testing, the strain gage torque meter proper magnetic isolation of the magnetic actuator is not
and oscillograph equipment are most useful tools in evalu- provided, small iron and steel particles carried by the oil
ating clutch engagement characteristics and pressure buildup will be deposited upon the bearings and gears in the trans-
rates. The equipment used for testing mechanical wet mission causing premature failure.
clutches, as shown in Fig. 27, is also used for mounting the Although the above factors indicate the clutch has certain
hydraulic clutch for dynamometer testing. When several limitations, it should be possible to build a satisfactory
hydraulic clutches are to be used in a power shift transmis- transmission for many applications utilizing these clutches.
sion, they are mounted in a transmission along with other It is, therefore, possible that this type clutch may someday
components to be used in the system such as the pressure re- penetrate the automotive market.
gulating valves and controls. The complete engine, dyna- The basic design procedures used to calculate the mag-
mometer, and transmission test installation is shown in Fig. netic circuit and coil for the single plate type electro-mag-
35. The pressure buildup rate for internal pressure modula- netic clutch may also be used for designing the magnetic
tion is developed and tested with a nonrotating bench test actuator for electro-magnetic multiple disc clutches which
installation using pressure transducers and oscillograph equip- employ various methods of utilizing the magnetic force in
ment. A nonrotating cycling test is also performed on the creating a clamping force for the clutch plates.
clutches to determine sealing ability of the piston seals, wear The cross-sectional sketch, shown in Fig. 37 shows the
rate of the sealing rings, and general endurance of the com- basic design principles used in one of these types. Inspec-
ponent parts. A typical bench test installation is shown in tion of the sketch in Fig. 37 shows that this clutch utilizes
Fig. 36 which includes the necessary hydraulic pumps, pres- a magnetic circuit which passes the magnetic flux through
sure regulating valves, flow meters, oil temperature control the clutch plates. For this reason, it is necessary that the
system, and cycling device. clutch plates be made from a magnetic material such as low
carbon steel. The advantage of this design is that the clutch
automatically compensates for wear and does not require
Electro-Magnetic Multiple Disc Clutch adjustment. The major disadvantage to the design is that
both the inner and outer plates must be made from very soft
The electro-magnetic multiple disc clutch is generally
an oil bath operated clutch utilizing a friction disc pack
similar to that used in the hydraulic clutch. The clutch is
widely used in machine tool transmission applications requir-
ing power shifting in automatic sequence operation. This
type clutch has been tried in automotive applications includ-
ing power shift transmissions; but it has not penetrated the
market to any degree.
The clutch is somewhat limited in torque capacity when
compared to a hydraulic clutch of the same size. This lim-
itation is basic since the practical maximum magnetic force
is limited to 170 psi of pole area; and since most designs re-
quire that the friction plates have greater area than the area
of the magnetic poles, pressure on the friction surface must
be somewhat less than 170 psi. In contrast, the hydraulic
clutch is capable of producing pressures on the friction clutch
plates to a value limited only by the friction material itself.
The cost of the electro-magnetic multiple disc clutch has
also been a deterrent in its adoption by the automotive in-
Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018


iron or steel material making them very susceptible to wear Fig. 39 with the nomenclature of the various components.
and erratic friction created by clutch plate galling. The This design is actually a single plate electro-magnetic
clutch plates must be made in such a manner as to provide clutch utilized to actuate a mechanical force multiplier,
an inner and outer pole. This is accomplished by slotting which, in turn, generates the clamping force for the clutch
the plates. Some magnetic losses are encountered in the plate pack. This system permits the generation of fairly
webs between the poles of the clutch plates thereby limiting high clamping forces giving the clutch more torque capacity
the practical number of plates which can be used. Passage for a given size than the other two systems. This clutch may
of magnetic flux through the clutch plate webs causes a di- also use conventional friction materials and grooving pat-
minishing clamping force on the clutch plates from the mag- terns since the flux does not pass through the clutch plates.
net body to the armature. Clutch torque capacity is very Since a ball and ramp mechanical force multiplier is usually
susceptible to heat warpage of the clutch plates since this used, a certain amount of angular rotation is required to en-
creates air gaps between the clutch plates and reduces gage the clutch plates and generate the clamping force. For
clamping force of the clutch. extremely low speed applications the time required to actu-
Another system used in obtaining the clutch plate clamp- ate the clutch becomes objectionable because of the angular
ing force is shown in the cross-sectional sketch in Fig. 38. rotational requirement of the mechanical actuator. The
In this design the flux passes through the magnetic body and clutch cannot be satisfactorily disengaged under some over-
an adjustable air gap into the armature and returns through running inertia loads since the overrunning inertia load re-
an air gap at the opposite pole. An adjustable pressure plate engages the clutch.
is mounted to the armature so that the clutch pack is en- Since each of the three electro-magnetic multiple disc
gaged before the armature contacts the magnet body. The clutch systems have various advantages and disadvantages,
clutch is designed to develop its rated clamping force at the characteristics of the particular application must be con-
some air gap, usually 0.030-0.040 in. As the clutch plates sidered before making a clutch selection.
wear, the air gap diminishes and the clamping force of the
clutch becomes greater. When the clutch plate wear be- Selecting Right Clutch for Job
comes equal to the air gap, the armature contacts the mag-
net body and the clutch clamping force is lost. At this point The first step in selecting the right clutch for a given ap-
the pressure plate on the armature is adjusted to its original plication is to study the control requirements from the stand-
air gap, restoring the clamping force to the clutch plates. point of operator convenience. This study should reveal
Since the magnetic flux does not pass through the clutch what other control functions the operator must perform in
pack, the clutch can utilize any of the conventional friction addition to the clutching operation. This investigation
materials used in hydraulic clutches. This is the principal should reveal whether the clutch should be operated by hand,
advantage of this system; and it gives the desired flexibility foot, or automatic means.
as to friction material, grooving patterns, and oil circula-
The question of economics is always a factor in the selec-
tion. The principal disadvantages of this system include the
tion of a clutch for a particular application since obviously
need for adjustment, the change in clamping force with
a relatively simple machine cannot justify the same clutch
wear, and the need for a coil with a high magnetizing force
expenditure as a more complex machine. Since the heavy
The third system is shown in the cross-sectional sketch of
Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018


duty clutch is used in industrial equipment for commercial is usually somewhat heavier, more complex, and more cost-
use, all clutch refinements must be justified primarily by ly than the spring loaded dry clutch.
increased work output instead of operator comfort and ease The over-center dry power take-off type clutch is used
of operation. Operator comfort is usually considered only in conjunction with a power take-off assembly attached to
as it relates to securing adequate operators and increased an engine. This clutch is used in the majority of power
efficiency. Therefore, selection of components for indus- take-off applications where it is not required to engage and
trial equipment is made on a different basis than the selec- disengage the driven load frequently. There are many ap-
tion of components for the passenger car market. Most ap- plications for this type of clutch where power units are used
plications permit the use of more than one type clutch and to drive auxiliary equipment on machinery in place of tak-
the choice is usually a compromise between the original ing power from the engine propelling the machine. Appli-
equipment cost and allowable service cost of the unit through- cations of this type include farm machinery, construction
out its life, as dictated by customer field demands. equipment, and portable motor truck mounted machinery.
The spring loaded dry clutch, due to its foot control and Stationary power unit applications include the driving of
competitive price, dominates the motor truck, farm tractor, compressors, blowers, pumps, crushers, and other equip-
and motor grader fields. It is also used in some industrial ment used in the mining and oil field industries.
lift trucks, crawler tractors, scraper haulers, buses, and mis- The electro-magnetic single plate dry clutch has found
cellaneous road machinery. It is produced in a wide vari- application as a torque controlling device in such machines
ety of sizes and designs with varying degrees of complexity. as trenchers, asphalt pavers, and farm machinery. If has
It can be operated 100% manually or with air or hydraulic also been used as the operating clutch for concrete mixers
assist. In applications which can justify additional expendi- and pumps. The clutch offers two primary features, one be-
ture, this clutch is gradually being replaced by multiple ing simple torque control by a rheostat and the other, inex-
plate spring loaded wet clutches and power shift transmis- pensive remote operation. Since the clutch is more costly
sions incorporating hydraulic clutches. than a mechanical clutch of like capacity, potential appli-
The operating type over-center dry clutch is used in those cations are somewhat limited to those requiring the above
applications where hand operation is desired with a normal- features.
ly disengaged and engaged position being maintained with- The mechanically actuated spring loaded and over-center
out external force. The clutch is made in many sizes and wet clutches are used for the same general applications as
styles including single and multiple plate designs. It is pre- dry spring loaded and over-center clutches. The complete
dominately used by the crawler tractor industry for the en- wet clutch system is usually more expensive than a dry
gine master clutch. It is used in some farm tractors as the clutch system. However, under severe operating conditions,
engine master clutch and in many farm tractors as the con- a properly designed wet clutch system can be expected to
trol clutch to the power take-off driveline. It is used in reduce the time required for adjustment and give much long-
power take-offs attached to stationary engines where the er operating service. Since the wet clutch is more suscep-
driven machine must be cycled frequently thereby prevent- tible to the rate of heat generation than to the total heat
ing the use of the standard power take-off type over-center generated per engagement, the clutch service factors used
clutch. There are many other applications for the over-cen- for wet clutch application are somewhat lower than those
ter dry clutch in road building, mining, oil field, and mis- used for dry clutch applications. The wet clutch will prob-
cellaneous industrial equipment. The over-center dry clutch ably be used more and more as equipment owners realize
the increased cost of the wet clutch system can be offset by
reduced maintenance cost.
The largest application for the hydraulic multiple disc
clutch is in power shift transmissions in conjunction with hy-
draulic torque converters. Since relatively small hydraulic
clutches can transmit very large torques, several clutches
can be incorporated directly into the transmission, giving
several power shiftable gear ratios. The service factors for
hydraulic clutches used in transmissions utilizing hydraulic
torque converters are quite low and average about 1.2. For
heavy vehicles, the clutch controlling the forward-reverse
power shift may require a somewhat higher service factor.
The design torque of the hydraulic clutch must be calculated
on the basis of the maximum torque to be transmitted
through the clutch. This is controlled by the maximum stall
torque of the hydraulic torque converter and the gear ratio
of the particular clutch shaft.
The hydraulic multiple disc clutch may be applied to a
wide variety of direct drive applications including power
Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018


take-off drive systems. Recent developments in hydraulic Acknowledgment

clutch design and hydraulic control design are making the
hydraulic clutch feasible for master clutch operation. The author wishes to acknowledge the work of the many
Although the electro-magnetic multiple disc clutch is engineers who have contributed to the advancement of clutch
not widely used by the automotive industry, it would be fea- design through the years. Much of the paper is based on the
sible to use this type clutch in some power shift transmis- collective effort of these individuals.
sions, vehicle underdrives, and power take-off systems. The author also wishes to thank the members of the Rock-
Since service factors are based on averages of satisfactory ford Clutch Div. Engineering Staff for their assistance in the
field performance, it is not practical to give service factor preparation of the paper.
information for electro-magnetic clutches as applied to the
automotive industry. For those electro-magnetic clutches
utilizing conventional friction materials and forced cooling
oil, the service factors used for hydraulic clutches could be
used for preliminary evaluation.
Table 2 lists service factors for wet and dry clutches for
typical automotive applications. It should be noted that the
service factors listed in this table are for clutches used in
direct drive applications without hydraulic torque converters.
These service factors are based on averages of satisfactory
applications for typical vehicles and equipment. The ser-
vice factors are listed as a guide so that a clutch of the prop-
er physical size is provided for in the design of equipment,
since the clutch torque capacity of most clutches can be var-
ied to some degree as dictated by field performance tests.
The information in Table 2 should be used to select the
desired clutch and establish its physical size. It is then de-
sirable to test the clutch in the laboratory under simulated
operating conditions, at which time friction materials may
be evaluated to determine the types most suited for the par-
ticular application. After a design has been thoroughly prov-
ed by laboratory testing, it should be field tested in the ve-
hicle under actual operating conditions since there is no ade-
quate substitute for actual field operation.


This paper converts the basic and theoretical aspects of

clutch design into practical design information useful in de-
signing clutches of various types. It brings out some of the
major porblems which should be avoided in designing a prac-
tical clutch. The paper has avoided some of the theoretical
aspects and some formula derivations in order to stress the
practical tools required for design and application of several
types of clutches.
Since the paper is directed to the student and young en-
gineer, its practical aspects should be valuable since they
are held by industry and not available in text book form.
The scope of the paper is quite broad in that it covers de-
sign, testing, and application. By giving an overall per-
spective of the subject, other papers dealing with specific
aspects of design can be studied and related to one another.
In addition to providing information for the young engin-
eer, the paper provides the vehicle and equipment design
engineer with useful information for evaluating the various
types of clutches available to him. It is for this reason that
some types of clutches not too commonly used by the auto-
motive industry were covered in this paper.

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