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SEMANA 4: 01 al 04 December 2020

Student´s name / Group: 1

Course: 2Bachillerato A FIP: Comercialización y Vta.

TOPIC: What is your favourite handicraft from your community?

1. Answer this question
a. What are some interesting handicrafts made in Ecuador for tourists?

Toquilla straw hats (Los sombreros de paja

Although they are known
worldwide as Panama Hat,
toquilla straw hats are traditionally
Ecuadorian. These fedora hats
became popular during the
construction of the famous
Panama Canal when they were
imported from Ecuador.

Cuenca pottery (Cerámica de Cuenca)

The origin of this type of pottery
dates back to pre-Columbian
cultures and, today, it is a product
of the crossbreeding of pre-
Columbian and Spanish
techniques. The pieces that are
made are of the highest quality
and, just as there is hand-made
ceramics; industrial ceramics
(tiles, etc.) are also manufactured,
which are highly appreciated in
international markets.
1. Writing a short review

Analyze the model: Grammar note

Tagua nut jewelry Relative Clauses:
Jewelry made of a seed does not seem so Relative clauses stars with a relative
elegant, but there are some beautiful pieces.
Tagua comes from a palm tree that grows in
pronoun: who = for people
my community. It is called “vegetable ivory”; it which = for things
is very similar. The bet part of Tagua is that no They can replaced by that.
plant or animal gets hurt and you can create Ex: *Ecuador, which (that) is small
wonderful pieces of jewelry. My favorite piece South American country, has a lot to
is a colorful necklace that I have had for years
and goes well with almost all my clothing. I also
have a pair of earrings which are absolutely *Tagua, which is the name for a part of
wonderful. I really like Tagua jewelry and I am a palm tree.
sure I will get more pieces. *Robert, who (that) is from Spain, talks
English very well.

*Step 1. Topic sentence: Introduce the idea of your *Step 5. Write a paragraph by joining all of the
favorite handicraft sentences you wrote on the left side. Try to use at
‘‘tigua masks’’ least two relative clauses.
*Step 2. Explain where the materials come from. Tigua masks usually look like masks used in Halloween
the tigua masks made of pine wood come from the or for fancy dress parties, but even so they are very
tall pine tree in the shape of a cup once carved they striking and folkloric, they are made of pine that came
are hand painted. from a tall tree with the same name this is carved and
painted by hand representing faces of Wild animals
*Step 3. Explain how it can be used. Is it a decoration, and popular figures of the region, my favorite mask is
clothing, jewelry? that of a cat from Japanese culture. I use it for
It is a decoration that is used in popular town festivals costume parties and anime events, I really like Tigua
to represent Andean and jungle masks, I hope to find many more styles that I like
animals or figures that represent the region. later.I also think they are absolutely wonderful
because they represent the effort and creativity of the
*Step 4. Say why you like it and recommend it. people who make them.
I like it because it is a way of showing and representing
others about your culture, ethnicity or customs.

• Asencio Anchundia Rayda Yuleidy
• Baque Toro George David
• Barreiro González Génesis
• Chonillo Baquerizo Fabián Alexander
• Medina Macas Daniela Nicole

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