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Requirements Engineering for Machine Learning:

Perspectives from Data Scientists

Andreas Vogelsang Markus Borg
Technische Universität Berlin RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Berlin, Germany Lund, Sweden
arXiv:1908.04674v1 [cs.LG] 13 Aug 2019

Abstract—Machine learning (ML) is used increasingly in real- decisions in the development of ML systems are made by data
world applications. In this paper, we describe our ongoing scientists. These decisions include the definition of the fitness
endeavor to define characteristics and challenges unique to functions, the selection and preparation of data, and the quality
Requirements Engineering (RE) for ML-based systems. As a
first step, we interviewed four data scientists to understand how assurance. However, these decisions should be based on an
ML experts approach elicitation, specification, and assurance of understanding of the business domain and the stakeholder
requirements and expectations. The results show that changes needs. From our perspective, this falls into the profession of
in the development paradigm, i.e., from coding to training, also a requirements engineer.
demands changes in RE. We conclude that development of ML We conducted interviews with four data scientists to explore
systems demands requirements engineers to: (1) understand ML
performance measures to state good functional requirements, (2) their perceptions on RE. The interviews covered specific
be aware of new quality requirements such as explainability, requirements for ML systems, challenges involved in RE for
freedom from discrimination, or specific legal requirements, and ML, and how the RE process needs to evolve. Our main
(3) integrate ML specifics in the RE process. Our study provides findings are that requirements engineers need to be aware of
a first contribution towards an RE methodology for ML systems. new requirements types introduced by the ML paradigm, e.g.,
Index Terms—machine learning, requirements engineering, explainability and freedom from discrimination, and they need
interview study, data science to understand quantitative ML measures to specify good func-
tional requirements. We elaborate on our results in Sections IV
I. I NTRODUCTION and V, after having presenting background in Section II, and
Machine Learning (ML) has gained much attention in recent the study design in Section III.
years and accomplished major technical breakthroughs. ML
success stories include image recognition, natural language
processing, and beating humans in complex games [1]. The A. Machine Learning and Software Engineering
key enablers for the ongoing ML disruption are based on the ML is the practice of getting computers to act without
combination of the computational power of modern processors being explicitly programmed, organized in three main types.
(especially GPUs), the availability of large amounts of data, Supervised learning finds mappings between input-output pairs
and the accessibility of these complex technologies by rather based on labelled examples with the correct answer. This type
simple-to-use frameworks and libraries. As a result, many of ML dominates industrial applications today, but requires
companies use ML to improve their products and processes. high-quality data. Unsupervised learning identifies patterns in
Whether the increasing amount of ML in contemporary data without access to any labels. A typical application of this
software solutions demands requirements engineers to adapt type of ML is clustering. Reinforcement learning relies on a
their work is an open question. One might argue that ML is just reward signal to quantify the ML performance, inspired by the
another technology, i.e., it should not have any influence on the carrot-and-stick principle. Video games have been the primary
requirements. On the other hand, ML engineering constitutes a target for this approach, but software engineering examples
paradigm shift compared to conventional software engineering. exist, e.g., software testing [3] and self-adaptive systems [4].
Andrej Karpathy, Director of AI at Tesla, even refers to the Using ML to learn system features is fundamentally differ-
new era as “Software 2.0” – no longer does all behavior ent from manually implementing them in source code. The
emerge from a set of manually coded rules. Instead, most predictive power is embedded in the training data, harnessed
ML approaches generate rules based on a set of examples using a limited number of function calls. State-of-the-art super-
(training data) and a specific fitness function. In addition, a vised learning use backpropagation to fit millions of parameter
recent survey suggests that Requirements Engineering (RE) is weights representing information propagation in deep neural
the most difficult activity for the development of ML-based networks, resulting in an ML model. Compared to human-
systems [2]. readable source code, ML models are opaque constructs that
In this paper, we share results that indicate that RE must are intrinsically hard to interpret. Standard practices such as
evolve to match the specifics of ML systems. Currently, most source code reviews and exhaustive coverage testing are not

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applicable to ML models [5] – in this paper, we show that to changes, i.e., a goal model, an environment model, and a
also RE must evolve to meet the needs of ML systems. failure model.
Both ML systems and SAS are data-intensive, but SAS are
B. Requirements Engineering for ML not necessarily trained on data – instead their adaptation can
While there are approaches on how to use ML to improve be implemented in conventional source code. (Supervised) ML
RE tasks (e.g., prioritization [6], model extraction [7], [8], systems, on the other hand, are trained on data – but might
categorization [9], app store analytics [10]), there is not much not be self-adaptive, since they do not necessarily perform
work on RE for ML systems. Although current reference continuous monitoring of their operational environments. A
processes for data mining such as the Knowledge Discovery in supervised ML system might be trained once on data before
Databases (KDD) process [11] or the Cross-industry standard deployment, but never again retrained on new data. Such a
process for data mining (CRISP-DM) [12] have initial steps system can be referred to as a trained but not a learning ML
that are called “business understanding” or “Developing an system. However, there is obviously potential in the combina-
understanding of the application domain”, neither the RE nor tion of ML and self-adaptation (a recommended direction for
the ML community caught up on that and detailed what these future work by Morandini et al. [17]), but we argue that RE
steps demand. In a recent survey, Ishikawa and Yoshioka [2] for ML involves characteristics that are not covered by RE for
reported that RE was listed as the most difficult activity for the SAS.
development of ML-based systems: “The dominant concerns (Big) Data Analytics is another field closely related to ML.
[. . . ] pertain to decision making with the customers. In the con- Nalchigar and Yu [18] propose a modeling framework for
ventional setting, this activity involved requirements analysis requirements analysis and design of data analytics systems.
and specification in the initial phase and an acceptance inspec- It consists of three complementary modeling views: business
tion in the final phase. This activity flow is not possible when view, analytics design view, and data preparation view. These
working with ML-based systems due to the impossibility of views are linked together to connect enterprise strategies to
prior estimation or assurance of achievable accuracy.” Horkoff analytics algorithms and to data preparation activities. Espe-
states challenges and research directions for non-functional cially the analytics design view and the data preparation view
requirements for ML systems [13]. She argues that there is may be well suited to support requirements derivation also for
no unified collection or consideration of many NFRs for ML, ML components. Liu et al. [19] explore steps that healthcare
including a consideration of ML-specific quality trade-off data. organizations take to elicit data analytics requirements, to
Current work consists of only individual considerations of specify functional requirements for using data to improve
specific quality trade-offs, e.g., privacy vs. processing time. business and clinical outcomes.
As one possible research direction, she suggests asking ML
experts about non-functional requirements, which is what we III. S TUDY D ESIGN
do in our paper.
We were interested in the following research questions:
• RQ1: How do data scientists elicit, document, and analyze
C. RE for Other Data-Driven Paradigms
requirements for ML systems?
Self-Adaptive Systems (SAS) continuously collect data to • RQ2: What processes do data scientists follow and which
monitor their run-time behavior [14]. Based on the data, parts relate to requirements?
the systems decide whether adaption is required due to e.g. • RQ3: What are requirements-related challenges that data
changes in the operational environment, system faults, or scientists face?
changing requirements. Self-adaptation is an approach to
tackle limited knowledge at design-time, to instead deal with
A. Research Method
uncertainty at runtime when more data is available. Example
applications include cloud computing, climate control in smart We employed a qualitative approach, using semi-structured
buildings, and firewalls that adapt protection mechanisms to interviews. Semi-structured interviews employ an interview
block cyberattacks. guide with questions, but allow the order of questions to vary
RE for SAS is challenging as the requirements analysis to fit the natural flow of the conversation. Our interview ques-
is inherently incomplete [15]. Thus, many decisions related tions took an exploratory approach. We asked respondents
to RE must be postponed to runtime and rely on data to about their background, typical projects that they are involved
adapt to various circumstances. Kephart and Chess propose a in, and the role of ML therein. Afterward, we specifically
Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute loop to realize the adaptation asked for ways how they elicit, communicate, document, and
by monitoring requirements satisfaction and making changes test expectations and requirements for their applications. In
based on the knowledge modelled at requirements-time [16]. the final part of the interviews, we went through a list of RE
Morandini et al. suggest the Tropos4AS framework to facilitate best practices and asked the participants about best practices
engineering of SAS [17]. Tropos4AS supports the require- they use in their projects.
ments analysis by providing modelling features for knowledge
and decision criteria needed by systems to autonomously adapt 1 Interview guide:
B. Study Subjects the interviews in a way that serves his or her goals or initial
Since ML is a rather recent and complex technology, most theory. Since this is our first study in this area, we do not have
ML-based systems are driven by people who are experts in a specific RE methodology that we would like to promote.
the technology. They are the people who currently prepare That means, we were very much open to the outcomes of the
the data, make design decisions, and finally evaluate the interviews. Furthermore, we tried to lower researcher bias by
performance of their systems. Therefore, we selected people cross-validating the annotated codes by the two authors, which
from the field of data science as subjects. We interviewed four has also not collaborated before on this topic. Reactivity refers
data scientists with each interview lasting approximately one to the threat that interviewees behave differently because of
hour. For confidentiality, respondents are kept anonymous and the presence of the interviewer. Getting rid of reactivity is
referred to with running ids P1–P4. P1 and P2 are working in not possible, however we are aware of it and the way it may
research and have 3–4 years of experience as data scientists. influence what is being observed.
P1 does research on data integration, data profiling, and data IV. C HALLENGES AND R EQUIREMENTS FOR ML S YSTEMS
discovery. P2 focuses on data engineering. P3 and P4 work in
industry. P3 has over 20 years of working experience as data A. Quantitative Targets a.k.a. Functional Requirements
scientist2 . Currently, he is in the mobility domain where he Just like for conventional software products, it is hard
works on data-driven systems to increase user experience in to satisfy a client without making expectations explicit. P3
cars. P4 works in finance for 4 years and develops all kinds stressed the importance of quality targets for ML models: “For
of data-driven applications that are related to creditworthiness a successful project, the requirements must be clear. Especially
and loan loss risks. All interviews were conducted by the first the evaluation metric must be specified”. In ML systems,
author and were recorded and transcribed. the quality of the resulting predictions can be considered a
functional requirement (P3: “I consider predictive power as
C. Data Analysis functional requirement.”) Our interviewees mentioned mea-
We relied on thematic coding [20] in a collaborative setting. sures to quantify the predictive power including accuracy,
Each author started with coding one interview and afterward precision, and recall. P3: “The customers don’t understand
reviewed and validated the codes in the interview transcript the performance measures.” Selecting and interpreting perfor-
of the other author. The results and lessons learned were mance measures appropriately is crucial for the acceptance of
discussed in a meeting. Then, each author coded a second ML systems. P1: “Consider an example of detecting errors in
interview transcript, which was afterward, again, validated by a dataset. Usually, you have less errors than non-errors. The
the other author. Statements in the transcripts were assigned data is imbalanced. If you have 10% errors, a trivial classifier
one or more codes. In particular, we used a mixture of a always predicting no error has an accuracy of 90%. Recall
priori coding based on our research questions, and emergent would be a better measure here.” P1 stressed that data scientists
coding starting from any mention of requirements. We then need skills to help a client set reasonable targets, including
combined data from all transcripts in a meeting to ensure that domain understanding, statistics, and computer science. We
we do cover the full data in our synthesis of findings. Quotes believe that these skills will also be needed for successful RE
have been translated from the respondents’ native language to for ML. P3 had positive experiences with a measure that is
English and edited for readability. Colloquialisms have been not so common: “Lift3 is often a good measure. [. . . ] It is
kept to convey the tone of the conversation and to reflect the better than precision because most people don’t understand
informal nature of the interview setting. that precision depends on the a-priori distribution of the data.
If you want to detect women between 20 and 40 and they
D. Threats to Validity make 15% of the population, a model with a precision of 60%
Maxwell [21] identified five threats to validity in qualitative has a lift of 4, which is good.”
research that also apply to our study design. Descriptive Quantification of quality targets is certainly also a challenge
validity refers to the threat that an interviewer does not collect for conventional software [22], but training an ML model to
all relevant data during an interview. To mitigate this threat, we go beyond a certain utility breakpoint turns into a functional
recorded the interviews on tape. We annotated the transcripts requirement in practice. Andrew Ng, a prominent AI/ML ad-
with pointers to the respective positions in the recording to vocate, recommends organizations to support this by defining
be able to trace back the original conversation. Interpretation a single-number evaluation metric for ML projects [23], thus
validity refers to the possibility of misunderstandings between making progress easier to measure.
interviewees and the researchers. To minimize this risk, the
study goal was explained to the participants prior to the inter- B. Explainability
view. Steps taken to improve the reliability of the interview ML systems are hard to understand for human analysts
guide included a review. Researcher bias and theory validity since the decision algorithms are the result of a generic
are threats that refer to the bias of the researcher to interpret algorithm that is adjusted to fit specific data. Conventional
2 Although not called data science 20 years ago, P3 was involved in projects 3 Lift is the factor by which the prediction of a model is more accurate than
where tools made decisions based on rules inferred from existing data. a random choice.
programs are the results of a human developer who tries of discrimination in ML is introduced by unrepresentative
to transform her decision making strategy into code. Thus, training data, and indeed minority groups are in many settings
program comprehension is crucial for developers to change the underrepresented [28].
decision making procedures (i.e., the code). In ML systems, a A requirements engineer must elicit and identify the “pro-
developer usually does not (need to) change the code of the tected” characteristics that must not be used by the ML
ML algorithm but instead manipulates the training data. This algorithm to discriminate samples. P2: “There are tools and
makes comprehension of ML systems challenging. algorithms that can balance discrimination, but you have to
Explainability was mentioned as important quality require- know upfront which attributes you want to or must balance.”
ment in our interviews. P3: “Explainability is twofold: On Data scientists have two possibilities to ensure freedom from
the one side, there is a need to explain the model (what discrimination: (1) they can prepare the training data so that it
has been learned). On the other side, there is a need to does not contain any “protected” characteristics and (2) they
explain single predictions of the model.” The ability to explain can analyze the trained model to find important features in the
decisions in ML systems depends on the used technology. training data. Afterward, a requirements engineer can assess
While simpler ML techniques such as decision trees or Naive whether these features may point to unacceptable discrimina-
Bayes classifiers are easier to comprehend, it is harder, yet tion. The possibility to analyze the trained model relates to
not impossible, to trace back decisions in more complex the quality of explainability. P1: “The question is where does
techniques such as Neural Networks [24], [25]. discrimination occur? The answer lies in the explainability;
P4 mentioned that explainability may be even more impor- features that play an important role. You can sort features by
tant than predictive power: “Often, we constrain the models information gain. Then you can see if it is the religion that
to derive explanations. We look for models that partition the decides if you get a job or not.”
input attributes to show relations between input and output.
This decreases the predictive power but is usually favored by D. Legal and Regulatory Requirements
our customers.” Another requirement related to explainability All interviewees brought up challenges regarding ethics and
is simplicity of the models: P1: “If there is a combination or legal aspects. An example is how the General Data Protection
transformation of features that is smaller but has a similar Regulation (GDPR) constrains that personal data can only be
performance, we prefer that. [. . . ] We try to minimize the used in ways specified by an explicit consent. P3 elaborated:
number of features to make the model more explainable.” “The law states that you must know what your ML model
While the ML research community focuses on explaining will need to deliver before developing it. As a data scientist, I
trained models and specific decisions, there is no focus on know that I probably need 20 out of 100 features but I don’t
specifying which situations demand an explanation. A require- know which 20. I have to ask for consent to use all of them.
ments engineer should elicit explainability requirements from In the end, the legal department tells me that I’m collecting
a user’s point of view. 80 features I’m not using. And that is illegal.” Similarly,
P2 highlighted that removing individual people from training
C. Freedom from Discrimination data after revoked consent is non-trivial: “When you’re in the
ML systems are designed to discriminate. ML algorithms model, then it’s not easy to remove you without retraining
identify recurring patterns in data (i.e., stereotypes) and apply the entire model.” P4, who is working in a highly regulated
these patterns to judge about unseen data. However, some domain (finance), mentioned that their development process
forms of discrimination are considered as unacceptable by our for ML systems must follow a predefined process to be
society or by law (e.g., race or gender). Such features are accepted by regulatory authorities.
illegal to use when working on systems that address insurance We find it inevitable that requirements engineers working on
policies or filtering of job candidates. On the other hand, as ML systems must stay on top of legal requirements, and the
explained by P1, gender and race might be essential in an data lineage must show that no illegal features have influenced
ML-based decision support system for medical applications. the final dataset used for training the ML models.
Freedom from discrimination is a new quality require-
ment not part of the established standards such as ISO/ E. Data Requirements
IEC 25010 [26]. We describe freedom from discrimination as Training data is an integral part of any ML system. We
“Using only logics of discrimination that are societally and envision that requirements for (training) data play a larger
legally accepted”. While discrimination is also possible in role for specifying ML systems than for conventional systems.
conventional rule-based algorithms, it is more critical in ML We may even have data requirements as a new class of
systems for two reasons: (1) Discrimination is more implicit in requirements. P2: “It is a misconception when people talk
ML systems because you cannot pinpoint to the discriminating about the algorithm that does this or that. [. . . ] The difference
rule (e.g., if gender = f then health insurance rate += 20%), [in ML systems] is that you always have to consider the
(2) ML algorithms amplify discrimination bias in the data data as well. [. . . ] Thus, the difference is that it is not
during the training process (e.g., if a word is present in only about the algorithm but also about the data.” Breck
60% of training sentences, it might be predicted in 70% of et al. [29] describe an analogy to code compilation: “One
sentences at test time [27]). P3 argued that a large fraction way to see this is to consider ML training as analogous
to compilation, where the source is both code and training P2 stresses the risks related to data collected and labeled by
data. By that analogy, training data needs testing like code, humans: “If humans label data, you can almost be sure that
and a trained ML model needs production practices like a your data is biased.” P3 has a general remark on how to lower
binary does, such as debuggability, rollbacks and monitoring.” the risk of incorrect data: “A common mistake is to use the
Based on our interviews, we would add “training data needs collected data not only to train an ML model but also for
specified and validated requirements like code”. The ISO/IEC other purposes.” P3 gave examples where training data was
standard 25012 [30] describes characteristics of data quality. incorrect because the data was also used to monitor and control
Interestingly, this standard is not as strongly used in RE as its the people that reported the data. The ML model appeared to
sibling ISO/IEC 25010 [26] on system quality characteristics. perform well during development, but the results were useless
P3 mentioned that data scientists cannot specify requirements when deployed. It turned out that the training data did not
on the data itself: “You could try, but it won’t help” – the data reflect reality, i.e., the data had been entered just to please the
is what it is, and it is up to the data scientist to make the most incentive system in the client organization.
of it. We conclude that an important activity of a requirements
Data quantity: A general argument is “The model’s per- engineer is to identify and specify requirements regarding the
formance was not good but we expect better performance if collection of data, the data formats, and the ranges of data.
we have more data.” However, just more data may not help. This information needs to be elicited from the problem domain
P2: “The more examples of a certain class you have in your and serves as an input for data scientists. Requirements engi-
data, the more characteristics you can learn. If you analyze neers must understand the importance of data provenance [31],
a disease with many cases in your data, you find out a lot i.e., to critically question the data sources.
about the disease. If there is only one case with the disease,
ML won’t help.” That means, requirements on data quantity V. RE P ROCESS FOR ML S YSTEMS
should not be specified on the number of examples but rather In this section, we arrange our findings from the interviews
on the diversity of the examples. P2 states: “The more diverse according to the RE activities elicitation, analysis, specifica-
data you have, the more likely it is that outliers become classes tion, and validation & verification. Note that we describe
on their own, which provide valuable information.” In some characteristics of these activities that are specifically important
regulated domains, there are constraints on the amount of for ML systems. RE activities that are fundamental to any
data necessary to tackle some problems. P4: “If we work on software engineering project are not addressed (e.g., under-
models to predict the likelihood of loan losses, we are forced standing business goals and stakeholder needs). Moreover, we
to consider data from at least 5 years.” do not cover any ML feasibility analysis – ML might not at all
P1 used to deal with small or homogeneous data: “In one be an appropriate approach for the targeted solution. Table I
case, we augmented the [small set of] training data with data summarizes our findings.
from other sources. By this, we were able to explain phenom-
ena in the original data.” We conclude that a requirements A. Elicitation
engineer should aim at identifying additional data sources As mentioned in the interviews, ML systems usually profit
as part of the stakeholder analysis. Stakeholders may have from additional data that increases quantity and quality of the
hypotheses about phenomena in the data. These hypotheses core data. As part of the stakeholder analysis, the requirements
may point to additional data sources that could be used to engineer should also identify all possibly relevant sources
augment the original data to get a richer set of training data. of data that may help the ML system to provide good and
Data quality: There are several aspects of data quality that robust results. Two important stakeholders for the development
need to be addressed according to our interviewees. P1: “You of ML systems are data scientists and legal experts. A data
have to check the data for garbage-in/garbage-out. The higher scientist should be consulted from the beginning to help
the quality of the data, the better the application will work. eliciting requirements specific to data and its processing. Legal
That’s why the process before the training is important: how I experts are required to determine constraints with respect
clean and augment the data.” P1 further refines the notion of to how the data is allowed to be used. In the elicitation
data quality: “There are many dimensions of data quality. [. . . ] process, the requirements engineer should identify “protected”
For me, the most important ones are completeness, consistency, characteristics that must not be used by the ML algorithm to
and correctness”. Completeness refers to the sparsity of data discriminate test samples. Similarly, the requirements engineer
within each characteristic (i.e., does the data cover the whole should elicit explainability requirements from a user’s point of
range of possible values). Consistency refers to the format and view (i.e., what are the situations or decisions that need to be
representation of data that should be the same in the dataset. explained to the user).
Correctness refers to the degree to which you can rely on the
data actually being true. Correctness is strongly influenced by B. Analysis
the way how the data was collected. Most important in requirements analysis for ML systems is
A common approach to meet the insatiable need for data in to define and discuss the performance measures and expecta-
ML is to use public datasets, but P1 claims that they are often tions by which the ML system shall be assessed. As mentioned
less trustable as “nobody gets paid to maintain such data”. by our interviewees, performance measures such as accuracy,

Elicitation Analysis Specification V&V

• Elicit additional data sources • Discuss performance measures • Quantitative targets • Analyze operational data
• Important stakeholders: Data • Discuss conditions for data prepara- • Data requirements • Look for bias in data
scientists and legal experts tion, definitions of outliers, and de- • Explainability • Retrain ML models
• “Protected” characteristics? rived data • Freedom from discrimination • Detect data anomalies
• Legal and regulatory constraints

precision, or recall are not well understood by customers. On based on the requirements. Specifying data requirements in-
the other hand, the appropriateness of the measures depends cludes information about the necessary quantity and quality
on the problem domain. Therefore, a requirements engineer of data.
should bridge this gap by analyzing the demands of the The requirements specification should also contain state-
stakeholders and translating them to appropriate measures. ments about the expected predictive power expressed in terms
Thus, requirements engineers must have a good understanding of the performance measures discussed during requirements
of typical performance measures used for ML systems. A re- elicitation and analysis. Performance on the training data can
quirements engineer must explain the measures in the context be specified as expected performance that can immediately be
of the domain (e.g., by explaining that a certain precision is an checked after the training process, whereas the performance
improvement given the a-priori distribution within the data). It at runtime (i.e., during operations) can only be expressed
is also important to analyze whether false positives and false as desired performance that can only be assessed during
negatives are equally bad. If this is not the case, the relevance operations.
of precision and recall may be different (cf. [32], [33]).
Another focus in the specification should also be on the qual-
During the so-called exploratory data analysis, where the
ity requirements pertinent to ML systems. The requirements
focus is on data understanding and data selection, a require-
engineer should specify whether discrimination is critical for
ments engineer should facilitate the discussion between the
the application (e.g., if it is people who are classified) and
customer and the data scientist. In that phase, data scientists
which characteristics should be “protected” (i.e., must not be
decide which data to exclude, how to process and represent
used for classification). Similarly, the requirements engineer
data, and how to augment data. P1 mentions that an early
should specify explainability requirements that describe which
step in ML development is to understand the quality of the
situations and decisions of the ML system need to be explained
data (e.g., completeness, sparseness, and consistency) and how
to the user. Finally, the specification must contain regulations
it must be enriched to constitute feasible training data. P2
and constraints regarding the use of the data.
discussed the tedious work of refining available data through
various preprocessing steps. Preprocessing is an acquired skill
in data science, the activity is only partly automated, and
one must carefully maintain reproduceability or the resulting D. Verification & Validation
ML-systems will turn brittle. P2: “The data scientist tinkers
a complex series of [preprocessing] steps together and there Due to the dependency between the behavior of an ML
is an ML model. But when something stops working. . . then system and the data it has been trained on, it is crucial to define
it’s bad.” The importance of the preprocessing means that actions that ensure that training data actually corresponds to
requirements engineers must be able to understand prescriptive real data. Since data characteristics in reality may change over
data lineage [34], i.e., the specification of explicit steps to time, requirements validation becomes an activity that needs
process a dataset into its final state. There is a risk that a to be performed continuously during system operation. Our
data scientist makes decisions just because they improve the interviewees agreed that monitoring and analysis of runtime
model but not based on the necessary domain understanding. data is essential for maintaining the performance of the ML
A requirements engineer should support this task by eliciting, system. They also agreed that ML systems need to be retrained
analyzing, and discussing conditions for data preparation, regularly to adjust to recent data. By analyzing the problem
definitions of outliers, and derived data. domain, a requirements engineer should specify when and how
often retraining is necessary. A requirements engineer should
C. Specification also specify conditions for data anomalies that may potentially
Requirements specifications for ML systems must have a lead to unreasonable behavior of the ML system during
stronger part on data requirements. A requirements engineer runtime. A checklist of measures to be considered during
has to identify and specify requirements regarding the collec- operations of ML systems is provided by Breck et al. [29].
tion of data, the data formats, and the ranges of data. This Apart from runtime monitoring, requirements validation also
information is elicited from the problem domain and serves includes analyzing the training and production data for bias
as input for the data scientists, who analyzes the given dataset and imbalances.
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