Molecular Diagnostic Techniques: Research Report

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Molecular Diagnostic Techniques

Research Report
Rapid Competitive PCR Using Melting Curve
Analysis for DNA Quantification
BioTechniques 31:1382-1388 (December 2001)

Samiya Al-Robaiy, Stefan INTRODUCTION probes requires a time-consuming opti-

Rupf, and Klaus Eschrich mization of PCR conditions, and sever-
University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Real-time PCR instruments allow a al probes often have to be tested before
detection of the produced dsDNA by reliable results are obtained. Such
measuring the fluorescence signal pro- methods have not yet been published.
duced when intercalating dyes such as To take advantage of the rapid am-
SYBR Green I (Molecular Probes, plification process together with the
Eugene, OR, USA) or sequence-specif- fast and contamination-reducing, post-
ic labeled probes (17). For a quantifica- PCR analysis on the LightCycler
tion of initial template DNA, an exter- (Roche Molecular Biochemicals,
nally standardized kinetic analysis Mannheim, Germany), in comparison
based on the fluorescence threshold cy- to analysis on agarose (2), temperature
ABSTRACT cle number is established (8). However, gradient electrophoresis gels (5), or
as any other PCR method using exter- HPLC (3), we developed a competitive
A rapid competitive PCR method was de- nal calibration, it rests essentially on PCR method that uses the information
veloped to quantify DNA on the LightCy- the assumption of equal amplification contained in the melting curves ob-
cler. It rests on the quantitative information efficiencies of sample and standards. tained routinely after amplification by
contained in the melting curves obtained af- Hence, its accuracy and even applica- following the fluorescence while slow-
ter amplification in the presence of SYBR bility depends critically on the purity of ly heating up to 95°C. Although the ba-
Green I. Specific hybridization probes are the template because the presence of sic concept of this approach has been
not required. Heterologous internal stan- PCR inhibitors that occurs frequently mentioned briefly already by Ririe et
dards sharing the same primer binding sites in biological samples may compromise al. (10), it has not yet been proved ex-
and having different melting temperatures to results or even lead to wrong negatives. perimentally. In this paper, we show the
the natural PCR products were used as com- This problem is solved by internal stan- applicability and limitations of a quan-
petitors. After a co-amplification of known dardization using housekeeping genes tification of DNA with the LightCycler
amounts of the competitor with a DNA-con- (6) or competitive PCR techniques that using competitive PCR.
taining sample, the target DNA can be quan- are characterized by a co-amplification
tified from the ratio of the melting peak areas of the target DNA and homologous
of competitor and target products. The (1–4) or heterologous internal stan- MATERIALS AND METHODS
method was developed using 16S rDNA frag- dards (13,15) using only one pair of
ments from Streptococcus mutans and E. coli primers (9,16). A kinetic analysis of Preparation of Competitors for
and tested against existing PCR-based DNA competitive real-time PCR would re- LightCycler PCR
quantification procedures. quire the design and optimization of
While kinetic analysis of real-time PCR is two different pairs of hybridization A 224-bp DNA fragment of human
well established for the quantification of probes, one pair specific for the wild- muscle fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
pure nucleic acids, competitive PCR on the type product and the other for the com- cDNA (14) cloned in pGEM-T  (Pro-
LightCycler based on an internal standard- petitor, which are labeled by different mega, Madison, WI, USA) was used as
ization was found to represent a rapid and fluorescent dyes, allowing a separate starting material for the heterologous
sensitive alternative DNA quantification analysis of one reaction at two different LightCycler competitors. For Strepto-
method for analysis of complex biological wavelengths. The parallel application coccus mutans, the binding sites of the
samples that may contain PCR inhibitors. of more than one pair of hybridization forward primer Strmufo (5′-GGT-

1382 BioTechniques Vol. 31, No. 6 (2001)

Table 1. Application of Competitive PCR on the LightCycler on Experimental and Clinical samples in Comparison to Kinetically Analyzed Real-Time
PCR and Conventional Competitive PCR on a Block Cycler
A. Quantification of S. mutans cells as an example for a species-specific competitive PCR on the LightCycler
S. mutans Cells/mL
Conventional Real-Time PCR LightCycler
Sample Competitive PCR (Kinetic Analysis) Competitive PCR

liquid culture 1 1.0 × 109 ± 1.1 × 108 1.4 × 109 ± 2.0 × 108 8.0 × 108 ± 2.0 × 108
liquid culture 2 1.0 × 108 ± 1.3 × 107 9.0 × 107 ± 2.0 × 107 1.3 × 108 ± 4.0 × 107
saliva sample 1 1.2 × 106 ± 1.4 × 105 4.2 × 105 ± 4.0 × 105 1.0 × 106 ± 3.5 × 105
saliva sample 2 2.3 × 106 ± 3.0 × 105 2.8 × 106 ± 1.6 × 106 1.7 × 106 ± 7.0 × 105
saliva sample 3 2.2 × 106 ± 1.7 × 105 2.4 × 106 ± 2.0 × 106 1.4 × 106 ± 5.0 × 105

B. Quantification of total bacterial cells with competitive PCR on the LightCycler

E. coli Cells/mL; Stool Samples Cells/g
Conventional Real-Time PCR LightCycler
Sample Competitive PCR (Kinetic Analysis) Competitive PCR

culture TG 1 6.0 × 108 ± 1.4 × 108 6.1 × 108 ± 1.0 × 108 9.2 × 108 ± 1.1 × 108
culture TG 2 7.0 × 108 ± 2.2 × 107 7.1 × 108 ± 3.0 × 107 8.2 × 108 ± 1.8 × 108
culture of ×L-I 5.8 × 108 ± 7.5 × 107 2.3 × 108 ± 1.4 × 108 2.4 × 108 ± 1.5 × 108
stool sample 1 1.7 × 101 0 ± 2,6 × 109 1.75 × 1010 ± 9.0 × 109 1.2 × 101 0 ± 3.3 × 109
stool sample 2 5.0 × 109 ± 1.4 × 109 5.1 × 109 ± 2.0 × 109 3.5 × 109 ± 2.0 × 109

The results represent the means and the SD s of five independent experiments.

CAGGAAAGTCTGGAGTAA-3′) and by denaturation for 7 min at 94°C, and ing the primers Eubactfo and Eubactre
the reverse primer Strmure (5′-GCGT- followed by extension for 3 min at and quantified on an agarose gel as de-
TAGCTCCGGCACTAAGCC-3′) were 72°C using 1.25 U AmpliTaq DNA scribed above. DNA from stool samples
introduced on both sides of the 224-bp polymerase (Applied Biosystems, was prepared using the QIAamp DNA
cDNA fragment. For the construction Weiterstadt, Germany). PCR products Stool Mini Kit from (Qiagen, Valencia,
of the internal standard for the quantifi- were ligated into the pGEM-T vector, CA, USA).
cation of E. coli and total eubacteria, and the resulting plasmids (pStrmu and
the binding sites of the foreword pEubact) were controlled by DNA se- LightCycler PCR
primer Eubactfo (5′-ACTACGTGC- quencing. Using the primers M13fo
CAGCAGCC-3′) and the reverse pri- (5′-GTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-3′) PCR was performed on a LightCy-
mer Eubactre (5′-GGACTACCAGG- and M13re (5′-AACAGCTATGACCA- cler with 20 µL reaction mixture con-
GTATCTAATCC-3′) were introduced. TGA-3′) and the described plasmids as taining 2 µL LightCycler-DNA Master
templates, respectively, competitor and SYBR Green I (Roche Molecular Bio-
Cloning of 16S rDNA Fragments target DNAs were amplified. The ob- chemicals), 6 mM MgCl2 , 2–4 µL DNA
and Preparation of DNA tained DNAs were video-densitometri- template, and 0.5 µM of both forward
cally quantified on an ethidium bro- and reverse primers. For the quantifica-
For the construction of plasmids mide-stained agarose gel using the phi tion of S. mutans, Strmufo and Strmure
containing bacterial 16S rDNA frag- 174 HaeIII Marker (Stratagene, La Jol- were used while Eubactfo and Eubactre
ments a 282-bp product was obtained la, CA, USA), which contains a known was utilized for quantification of eubac-
from cultured S. mutans using the amount of DNA. teria. For amplification, 45 cycles of
primers Strmufo and Strmure and a The 16S rDNA fragments from the 94°C for 0 s, 55°C for 10 s, and 72°C
296-bp PCR product from E. coli with bacteria species Actinobacillus actino- for 20 s (temperature transition of
the primers Eubactfo and Eubactre. mycetemcomitans, Eikenella corrodens, 20°C/s), preceded by denaturation at
Amplification was performed in 50 µL Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella 94°C for 3 min, were used, and the fluo-
with 35 cycles of 1 min at 94°C, 1 min intermedia, S. mutans, Streptococcus rescence reading was taken at 72°C.
at 55°C, and 1 min at 72°C, preceded sobrinus, and E. coli were amplified us- The melting curve analysis was per-

Vol. 31, No. 6 (2001) BioTechniques 1383

Molecular Diagnostic Techniques
formed with continuous fluorescence The reliability of the quantification co-amplification of fixed amounts of
reading between 65°C and 95°C with a of competitive PCR based on melting target DNA with serial dilutions of
transition rate of 0.1°C/s. For the kinetic curve analysis was controlled by a competitor DNA on the LightCycler
analysis, the second derivative maxi- comparison of the results with those using SYBR Green I in the reaction
mum method was used. LightCycler obtained by conventional competitive mixture. The quantification of nucleic
competitive PCR was performed in the PCR methods developed earlier acids rests on the ratios of the peak ar-
presence of target and competitor DNA. (11,12). The amplification and melting eas obtained from the melting curves of
The polynomial calculation method in- curve analysis of the PCR products the PCR products of target and com-
cluded in the LightCycler software was from S. mutans and E. coli with the petitor. The co-amplification of a de-
used to calculate the melting peak areas LightCycler showed a melting temper- fined amount of S. mutans 16S rDNA
from the raw fluorescence data obtained ature of 89°C and 88°C, respectively. with serial dilutions of the S. mutans-
from melting of the PCR product. To obtain individually integrable melt- specific competitor DNA in the Light-
ing curve peaks, the melting tempera- Cycler showed a linear relationship be-
Conventional Competitive PCR tures of target and competitor should tween the ratios of the peak areas of
differ by at least 3°C. In the plasmids competitor and bacterial products and
Target and competitor DNA were used for the synthesis of the S. mutans- the initial amounts of the competitor
co-amplified on a GeneAmp  P C R and eubacteria-specific competitors, template. As expected, if equimolar
System 9600 (Applied Biosystems) in this sequence is flanked by the respec- amounts of competitor and S. mutans
50 µL reaction mixture with 35 cycles tive primer binding sites. The amplifi- 16S rDNA were co-amplified, the
of 1 min at 94°C, 1 min at 55°C, and 1 cation of competitor DNAs using these peaks of the products of the competitor
min at 72°C, preceded by denaturation plasmids as template and the primer and the bacterial DNA had nearly iden-
for 7 min for 94°C, and followed by ex- pairs Strmufo and Strmure or Eubactfo tical areas (Figure 1).
tension for 3 min at 72°C using 1.25 U and Eubactre, respectively, with the The co-amplifications of a known
AmpliTaq DNA polymerase. LightCycler showed that the two com- amount of 16S rDNA of E. coli and ser-
petitors exhibited a melting tempera- ial dilutions of eubacteria-specific com-
ture of approximately 85°C, which is petitor DNA in the presence of the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3°C–4°C lower than the melting tem- universal primers showed a linear rela-
perature of the respective bacterial PCR tionship between the ratios of the peak
Melting curves are routinely ob- products (Figure 1). areas of competitor and bacterial am-
tained after PCR with the LightCycler For studying competitive PCR on plificates and the initial amounts of
to characterize the products by their the LightCycler, calibration curves competitor template (Figure 2A). How-
melting temperature. The quantitative have been determined by titration and ever, if equimolar amounts of competi-
information about the PCR product that
could be obtained by an integration of
the melting curve peak is not used be-
cause it differs inevitably from capil-
lary to capillary even if the same reac-
tion conditions are applied. However,
within one capillary, the proportion of
the peak areas of separable peaks is ex-
pected to reflect the relative amounts of
the respective products. To take advan-
tage of this for competitive PCR, it is
necessary that the melting temperatures
of the products of the target and the
competitor are sufficiently different to
allow a reliable determination of the ar-
eas of the melting curve peaks formed
by the two products.
This was experimentally tested for
two bacteria-specific 16S rDNA-based
reactions. One of them used primers
specific for a defined bacteria species
(S. mutans), and the other used a uni-
versal primer pair (Eubactfo and Eu-
bactre) binding to highly conserved re-
Figure 1. Melting peaks obtained after co-amplification of equal amounts of target and competi-
gions of bacterial 16S rDNA and was tor. 10 4 molecules of S. mutans-specific competitor and bacterial DNA molecules, respectively, were co-
used to quantify cultured E. coli and to- amplified in the LightCycler. Melting peaks of target (A) and competitor (B) product. Primer dimers ob-
tal bacteria in biological samples. tained in the negative control (C).

1384 BioTechniques Vol. 31, No. 6 (2001)

tor and E. coli 16S rDNA were co-am- wild-type and the heterologous com-
plified, then the peak of the bacterial petitor are not significantly different and
product was much larger than that of the led to the conclusion that the differences
competitor product. To distinguish of the areas of the melting curve peaks
whether this was caused by different are related to differences of the specific
amplification efficiencies of bacterial fluorescence of the amplified DNAs in
DNA and the heterologous competitor the presence of SYBR Green I. This re-
or by the different fluorescence intensi- sult is in accordance to the finding of
ties of SYBR Green I integrated into Ririe et al. (10) that the size and shape
bacterial and competitor DNA, the PCR of melting curves obtained in the pres-
products were analyzed on an ethidium ence of SYBR Green I are a function of
bromide-stained agarose gel. The video- GC content, length, and sequence of
densitometric analysis of the visualized PCR products.
DNA fragments showed that the co-am- To determine unknown target DNA
plification of equivalent molar amounts concentrations with the competitive
of E. coli DNA and competitor template PCR on the LightCycler, it is necessary
lead to equal amounts of amplification to characterize the relationship between
products (Figure 2B). This proved that the peak area ratio and the ratio of the
the amplification efficiencies of the initial amounts of competitor and target

Figure 2. Competitive PCR on the LightCycler using E. coli 16S rDNA as target. 104 molecules of
E. coli 16S rDNA were titrated with serial dilutions of competitor DNA and amplified with the LightCy-
cler. (A) Plot of the experimental data obtained from the competitive PCR representing the logarithm of
the peak area ratios of competitor and target product against the logarithm of the initial competitor DNA
molecule number. (B) Analysis of the LightCycler competitive PCR products on a 1.5% agarose gel.

Vol. 31, No. 6 (2001) BioTechniques 1385

Molecular Diagnostic Techniques
DNA over a wide range of target DNA coli (data not shown). Hence, the cali- shown in Table 1, the results obtained
concentrations. Corresponding results bration curve shown in Figure 3B can be by conventional competitive PCR, real-
obtained for S. mutans and E. coli DNA used for the quantification of eubacterial time PCR, and LightCycler competitive
are shown in Figure 3, A and B, respec- DNA. To prove this, a mixture of de- PCR are comparable, which indicates
tively, for target DNA concentrations fined amounts of the 16S rDNA frag- that the purified DNA does not contain
between 10 3 and 107 molecules/reac- ments of the bacteria mentioned above significant amounts of PCR inhibitors.
tion. From the experimental results, cal- has been prepared containing a total The results of this work prove Light-
ibration curves were obtained by a lin- amount of 1 × 10 5 molecules of DNA. Cycler competitive PCR using melting
ear regression to the following equation: By LightCycler competitive PCR, 1.2 × curve analysis to be a rapid and reliable
10 5 molecules of DNA were obtained. method for the quantification of DNA.
molecules target DNA = 10 x, where x =
LightCycler competitive PCR for It rests on information obtained from
log (molecules competitor DNA) - k - n
the quantification of eubacteria has also SYBR Green I fluorescence of the am-
log (competitor peak area/target peak
been successfully applied to DNA pre- plification product and does not require
area) [Eq. 1].
pared from human stool samples. As hybridization probes. Most important-
The developed method of LightCy-
cler competitive PCR was applied to
different biological samples, and the re-
sults were compared with those ob-
tained by kinetically analyzed real-time
PCR and conventional competitive PCR
(12). The number of S. mutans cells was
determined in two liquid cultures of this
bacterial species and in three human
saliva samples. While the two competi-
tive PCR methods yielded similar re-
sults (Table 1), the kinetic analysis of
the real-time PCR of the human saliva
samples turned out to be compromised
because the curves of fluorescence in-
tensity versus cycle number were flat,
not well S-shaped, and the calculated
cell counts varied extremely from ex-
periment to experiment. This was prob-
ably caused by the presence of PCR in-
hibitors in the saliva samples.
Also, E. coli cells were quantified in
three liquid cultures containing the
strains TG1, TG2, or XL-I using the
universal primers (Table 1). Primers
binding to conserved regions of the 16S
rDNA have been proved as suitable
tools for the quantification of total eu-
bacteria by conventional competitive
(11) and standard real-time PCR (7).
The applicability of LightCycler com-
petitive PCR using universal primers for
the determination of total eubacteria
amounts in mixtures of different bacteri-
al strains was tested. For the characteri-
zation of the relationship between the
peak area ratio and the ratio of the initial
amounts of competitor and target DNA,
defined amounts of 16S rDNA frag-
ments from the bacterial strains A. actin- Figure 3. Calibration curves for competitive PCR on the LightCycler. Different known amounts of
omycetemcomitans, E. corrodens, P. target DNA (between 10 3 and 107 molecules) were co-amplified with serial dilutions of competitor DNA
gingivalis, P. intermedia, S. mutans, and in the LightCycler. The plot represents the logarithm of the ratio of the initial molecules of competitor
S. sobrinus were used as target DNA. and target DNA against the logarithm of the peak area ratios of competitor and target. (A) Calibration
curve for S. mutans. By linear regression analysis, the parameters of Equation 1 were determined to be n
The obtained calibration curves were = 2.6 and k = 0.55. (B) Calibration curve for E. coli. By linear regression analysis, the parameters of
nearly identical to that obtained for E. Equation 1 were determined to be n = 4.1 and k = 1.54.

1386 BioTechniques Vol. 31, No. 6 (2001)

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Vol. 31, No. 6 (2001)

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