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I believe that carrying a gun at poling places is quite a wrong thing.

There should be strict policy

to ban firearms at polling places. It is a regulation of free speech. According to Michigan
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson “The presence of firearms at the polling place, clerk's
office(s), or absent voter counting board may cause disruption, fear, or intimidation for voters,
election workers, and others present”. There are many reasons why firearm should be ban at
polling places. First, polling places are safe for every citizen and there is no need to carry arms to
polling places. I think gun is not needed for a safe place where people will just go, cast their vote
and get back to their day.
Secondly, politics is a sensitive and intense matter where people get heated up instantly and there
are more chances of having mass shooting at polling places if firearm will be allowed. If any
incident like mass shooting occurred at polling places it will affect the attendance of people at
polling places due to fear. I agree with Benson statement, “I am committed to ensuring all
eligible Michigan citizens can freely exercise their fundamental right to vote without fear of
threats, intimidation or harassment. Prohibiting the open-carry of firearms in areas where citizens
cast their ballots is necessary to ensure every voter is protected.” Thus I totally agree with this
regulation and this regulation should be considered constitutional.

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