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Five Signs She Likes You (But Is Playing Hard To Get)

Reading a womans body language will give you many visual clues which hint that she likes
you (but might be playing hard to get). Find out how to read the most basic open gestures
of body language in this article.

Following on from the previous article Five Signs She Doesn't Like You (And Will Break
Your Heart) we can now look at the open gestures which are usually a good indication that
she's interested in you (but is possibly playing hard to get!). These are a few of the keys to
picking up women.

The Five Open Gestures

Gesture 1 - The Butterfly

The butterfly is the gesture she makes after you've made eye contact with her across a
crowded room. Essentially, the eye contact is a call-to-action. You want to see some sort of
reaction from her to show that she is interested or attracted to you. Playing with her hair,
adjusting her clothes or jewellery, and fiddling with her straw in her drink are all butterfly
reactions. If you get any of these signs, she may well be interested in you.

Gesture 2 - The Palm Reader

Exposed wrists and palms are signs of openness and sincerity which she will present to
people she is interested in. Subconsciously, she is saying "If you want me, come and get
me". This is very similar to The Pointer, whereby she will "point" at you with her foot or
knee (when her legs are crossed).

Gesture 3 - The Leaning Tower of Love

This gesture can be seen when she leans forward towards you. Her upper body will be
facing you if she's interested. In essence, she will lean forward and point at what she wants.
Unlike the tower of Pisa, this gesture means she is not made of stone! (Too cheesy?

Gesture 4 - The Cheshire Cat

This is a bit of a no-brainer. If she smiles at you when you make eye contact, get over there
immediately and strike up some conversation. She is very keen.

Gesture 5 - The Midas Touch

If she is touching you a number of times while you are talking, for example, tapping you on
the arm when making a point, she is very interested. She's probably not even playing that
hard to get at this point, so go in for the kill!

Obviously, there are many different gestures and signals which show her interest in you,
but learning the basics now will allow you to pick up the more complicated signs easily
later. Once you understand the science behind body language, the gestures mentioned in
this article are common sense and can be applied to many different situations in all aspects
of your life.

For more information on picking up women, Just A Guy Thing highly recommends Guy
Gets Girl by Tiffany Taylor. Guy Gets Girl is the only simple step-by-step pickup, dating
and seduction guide on the Internet written for men by a woman.

photo credit:Vickykc

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