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Effects of betrayel

The most immediate effect of the betrayal of trust is in the emotional impact on the person
betrayed. Generally speaking, the greater the trust that you had put in the other person
and the greater the impact their betrayal has on you, then the greater the distress you will
A number of different emotions may be felt upon realizing you have been betrayed. The
most common is anger although, depending on the situation, you might the fear of loss of
the relationship and repulsion at the lack of integrity of the other person.

Loss of trust
When you are betrayed by someone, it is highly likely that you will not easily trust them
again. Trust is fragile and can be lost instantly or there is a hysterisis whereby a long-
earned trust may be eroded and then suddenly lost.

When a person feels that they have been betrayed, they may well seek some form
of justice, putting right (at least for them) what they feel has been wronged, including their
Note that justice and fairness are different things and vary with context. From a personal
view, justice means 'making me feel better'. From a national view, it means carrying out
the law, no matter how unfair this may seem.

So what?
So don't get into these situations!! If you betray someone, it is often best to come clean.
Accept responsibility for personal failure and personally apologize. Demonstrate how you
will fix process failure, and offer compensation.
The alternatives to these recovery actions may cost you much more.
Note: A small betrayal can, in fact, actually help. The way it works is that you fail in a
relatively unimportant way, then go overboard in recovery. The message sent is 'we care so
much about you even for the small things (so just imagine how much we care about the
bigger things)'. Done well, it can actually increase loyalty. Of course it should not be known
that you are deliberately doing this.

Effects of Betrayal in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God 

The first time one experiences betrayal from a close friend is the hardest situation to go through. Betrayal
is clearly defined as to break the faith of an enemy, or to disclose a violation of confidence; but more
specifically, and with less clarity in real life situations, betrayal is a complex action that occurs to everyone
at some point in life. For a person that has been betrayed before, the simple definition does not do justice
to the effects betrayal has on their life or how one can be betrayed.

Relax and start feeling better because there is a way out of this terrible depression that is
killing you. If you are depressed because you are alone while other people have their
partner, and if you are revolted because your life was ruined by other people's evilness,
stop feeling a victim and be glad because you are not deluded, believing that Earth is a
paradise and you can live however you may imagine and find happiness here, without
paying attention to all the dangers that constantly threaten your life.

Earth looks more like a hell, where even human happiness provokes suffering, because it
doesn't last forever and its absence is unbearable when we have experienced its taste and
we believed we had found it. When you lose the happiness you believed you had found, you
feel worse than when you could not find it anywhere...

If you are alone because you were betrayed and are feeling a big trauma after this tragic
experience, of course you can only become very angry when you remember what your
enemies did against you! However, don't be angry with demons, because they are crazy and
they can only do what is horrible, spreading terror and despair everywhere. Unfortunately,
when the human being loses his human conscience, he becomes a demon. This happens
because he is dominated by the wild side of his conscience, that is a terrible monster,
without human feelings. It is like a shark or a lion, with the difference that it can think. This
means that is has a cold rationalism, without any sensitivity. Stop thinking about what they
did against you, because wild animals live by killing...

Think about what you can do in order to recuperate your human conscience, because if you
hate your enemies, this means that you are a monster too. You have to feel piety for them,
if you are a human being. Have only piety on all your enemies, because they don't know
what they are doing: they are only cold animals, without human feelings. Their human
conscience was destroyed by the wild anti-conscience, their primitive self, and this means
that they will live forever lost in the labyrinth of craziness, even if they seem to be fine,
after all their sins. The consequences of their mistakes will beat them, with time. They will
never find peace or happiness.

Think about what you can do in order to be a human being and find the right person for
you, now that you are beginning a new life, after your tragic experience. Write down your
dreams and translate them according to the scientific method of dream interpretation. This
is a revolutionary method, because you quickly exchange the known dream symbols by
words you can understand, relating the meanings you have found with the rest of the dream
and with your own biography.

This way you have a clear image of the dream's meaning and you completely understand
the wise messages of the unconscious mind, giving you guidance and information about how
to improve your life and solve all your problems. You'll never feel alone again, after
discovering the saintly and wise doctor who produces your dreams!

Show courage and forget the past. Say to yourself that you have escaped from a big
catastrophe, and begin again, like a hero. Learn who you really are by translating your
dreams and absorbing the wise lessons of the unconscious mind. These lessons will help you
develop your personality and intelligence. You'll become wise and self-confident after
following the unconscious' psychotherapy, like many people have done before you, with
great results. The scientific method of dream interpretation is the unique method that can
guarantee you that you will certainly be cured and will certainly find happiness after
following it, since it comes from your natural doctor: the wise unconscious mind, who is also
your best friend and your protector.

The unconscious mind is the most perfect existent human conscience, which not only
produces your dreams but regulates the entire functionalism of our planet and of organisms.
This is not a method based on the theories of an ignorant and absurd human doctor, who
may be as dominated by the absurd wild content as his own patients, even though this is
not visible to ignorant eyes... You can absolutely trust all the information you receive from
the unconscious mind, while you can never trust any human being, because he is selfish
and he may desire to ruin your life, like your previous enemies did. The unconscious mind is
saintly, pure, and wise, and it will show you how to find a person you can trust, who will
certainly love and respect you for life.

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