WP - Rulmenti Data - Migration - Strategy

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Data Migration Procedure

Data Migration Procedure .............................................................................................................. 1
Contents ................................................................................................................................... 1
Summary .................................................................................................................................. 2
I. Define Data Migration strategy ............................................................................................... 3
Tasks to be performed during this phase................................................................................. 3
II. Extract (download/collect) data ............................................................................................. 7
Tasks to be performed during this phase................................................................................. 7
III. Process data ....................................................................................................................... 9
Tasks to be performed during this phase................................................................................. 9
IV. Transfer (upload) data ....................................................................................................... 11
Tasks to be performed during this phase............................................................................... 11
V. Reconcile data .................................................................................................................... 13
Tasks to be performed during this phase............................................................................... 13
Rulmenti roles and responsibilities................................................................................................ 14
Appendices ................................................................................................................................. 15
Appendix 1 – Data Mapping Form [DMF] template .................................................................... 15
Appendix 2 – Transfer methods identified for RULMENTI data objects ........................................ 16
Appendix 3 – Data Migration Log [DML] Template ..................................................................... 17
Appendix 4 – Data Object Dependencies in SAP ........................................................................ 18
Appendix 5 – File Naming Convention Proposal ......................................................................... 19

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Data Migration [DM] is the relocation of data from existing (legacy) systems into a new solution. It is
important to note that DM projects do not happen independently. Rather, they are spawned from
other development efforts such as the implementation of a new ERP and are performed as part of the
implementation of the new solution.

The DM is an important aspect of any new solution implementation; however it is also often ignored
till the very last moment. It is quite common to review a project plan for a new solution and discover
that DM is merely listed as a single task item, if at all. In hindsight, in most cases a separate project
entirely devoted to the DM is required to ensure overall implementation success.

This having been said, major phases of DM are usually as follows:

Extract Transfer
Define DM Process Reconcile
(download/ (upload)
strategy data data
collect) ... data

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I. Define Data Migration strategy
During the DM strategy definition phase, the question ‘What we are trying to migrate?’ must be
answered keeping in mind that:
• Only the required data is migrated.
• The most appropriate method of getting the required data into SAP is achieved.
• All data to be migrated is migrated accurately.
• The integrity of the migrated data is maintained.
• Disruption is minimized during transition.

Tasks to be performed during this phase

1. Define the data we plan to migrate (Determine the scope of DM)

In order to identify what data needs to be migrated, an exhaustive list of all the sources from
which data will need to be migrated into SAP should be prepared. It is important to keep in mind
that in this task we do not intend to thoroughly identify all the rules by which data will be
migrated into the new system; rather, we aim to make a list (Data Migration Checklist [DMC]) of
the data objects1 that we know must be migrated. Unfortunately, data sources are not limited to
legacy data processing systems. Inevitably, one will find employees that maintain files on their
own workstations that they use to accomplish tasks that cannot be supported by their existing
systems. Word processing documents, spreadsheets and raw text files are just a few examples of
data sources we can expect to uncover in the early phases of DM. Therefore DMC must be
prepared considering the following sources:
• Legacy data processing systems;
• A complete set of reports currently used (a comprehensive list of data element2 usage should
be compiled from these reports);
• Interfaces (which are another critical factor that should be identified at this juncture because
they may also receive data from SAP as well as supplying data to it);
• Original paper documents, where legacy data does not exist in electronic format (e.g.
invoices, bank statements, contracts with the vendors) and
• User feedback sessions.

While analyzing legacy data processing systems, we should consider the different types of data to
be migrated:
• Reference (master) data;
• Historical (transaction) data;
• Data in non-core systems;
• Data available in other formats (electronic, paper based, etc)
• Data held external to the organization.

Also, if there is data that is not going to be migrated and will no longer be available following
implementation then such exceptions need to be included in DMC along with reason of not
including them in DM.

Data object: A group of data elements which together constitute meaningful information, such as a
customer master record.
Data element: A single value in a data object which only makes sense when taken together with
other elements in the set, such as the city of the customer’s address.

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2. Examine (at high level) the actual data we plan to migrate
At this point in the project, we might have no idea if the data is even of enough quality to
consider migrating. In order to get a better sense, it is helpful to obtain reports that can provide
row counts, column counts and other statistics pertaining to source data. This kind of information
can give us a rough idea of just how much data there is to migrate. We must then update DMC
with this information.

3. Assign “data owners”

Just as business processes have “process owners”, data objects must also have responsible
people in the organization who will provide feedback and follow up the migration efforts from the
business side. It is essential to name as early as possible these people among end users who
posses intimate knowledge of the data to be migrated and communicate them clearly what is
their expected role in the DM. We must then update DMC with this information. The role of data
owners is to:
• Ensure that data from their competence area is extracted timely, completely and accurately
from legacy systems;
• Ensure that reported errors from the migration tests of the data in their competency area are
dealt with timely, completely and accurately;
• Check and confirm in a formalized written migration protocol that the SAP migrated data is
complete, accurate and matches the RULMENTI legacy corresponding data (e.g. migrated
account balances match legacy corresponding accounts, migrated SAP assets match legacy
ones, etc).

4. Perform mapping and determine data extraction rules

The strategy phase is where the bulk (90% or more) of the actual mapping of legacy data
elements to SAP fields should take place. Obviously, customizing (as well as other changes to
physical data structures) needs to be finished or at least frozen, before the mapping can be
finalized and migration testing can yield trustable results.

A popular misconception about data mapping is that it can be performed against logical data
models. Unfortunately logical data models represent attributes that arise through relationships
without defining the attributes in the child entity. This essentially means that you cannot map any
of the connections between data structures while you are working with the logical design. This is
why, it is necessary to perform data mapping to the actual physical data model (list of required
and optional SAP fields). With the physical data structures in place, we can begin the mapping
process. Mapping is generally conducted by a team of at least three to four people (data owner,
functional consultant, technical consultant and optionally the process owner) per business area.
Data Mapping Forms [DMFs] (see Appendix 1) should be prepared for each data object during
this task. These forms should demonstrate clearly which fields in SAP will be filled using which of
the legacy data sources. Once draft DMFs are available, better decisions concerning how data can
be extracted from legacy systems can also be taken. It should be noted that we are not trying to
define all data processing rules at this step, but rather assess the quantity and quality of data we
can obtain from legacy systems and more importantly, identify as quickly as possible missing
(unavailable) information. As DMFs are prepared, DMC also needs to be updated concerning their

As part of the SAP implementation methodology, for each SAP object to be migrated in SAP there
is a formal data migration specification. The specification describes the format of the files as
accepted by the SAP migration tools. The mapping represents the definition of the conversion
rules between legacy data and the migration specification formats.

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The mapping is done:
• Automatically, when the rule of conversion between the legacy attribute and the SAP
specification attribute can be logically defined and dealt with in a conversion program. Such
conversion applies mainly for the long term assets, e.g. for determining the cost center,
company code, other asset attributes. The prerequisite for using this method is that legacy
data exists in electronic format and the conversion rule is logically consistent and can be
expressed in a conversion program.
• Manually, when the legacy data does not exist in electronic form, or when the conversion rule
can not be defined in enough detail to be put in a conversion program. This method applies
for example when determining the vendor’s bank accounts (no electronic legacy data exists,
just legacy invoices and contracts on paper documents). Also this would apply to certain
accounts that can not be split easily between Distribution, Supply and Support (e.g.
receivables from employees for travel advances).

5. Determine transfer methods

At this point, we should have enough information not only about the volume and various sources
of data to be migrated into SAP but also how much of it is readily available from legacy systems.
So we can evaluate the different options on how each data object in DMC can be migrated into
SAP, such as:
• Using standard tools (provided by SAP);
• Writing custom programs;
• Manually entering data.

Sometimes a combination of these methods can turn out to be the optimal strategy (For a list of
transfer methods / applications for RULMENTI data objects see Appendix 2).

DMC and relevant DMFs should be updated as transfer method decisions are taken and
responsibilities are assigned to functional and technical consultants (Depending on identified
requirements, functional consultants and data owners might need to prepare technical
specification documents for technical consultants to write custom programs).

6. Define data processing approach and determine rules

Now that we have identified sources, volume, availability, transfer method of and responsible
people for data to be migrated, we can consider how the data will need to be manipulated in
order to migrate it into SAP. Usually data processing activities fall under one or more of the
following types:
• Filter/Match;
• Cleanse;
• Enrich;
• Amalgamate/Split; and
• Unbundle.

It is imperative that for each data element a decision is taken regarding the approach and a rule
is set as early as possible and these decisions are reflected in the relevant DMFs. These decisions
must then be reviewed to ensure that data integrity will be maintained. Only after this review can
the DMFs be considered complete and signed-off by all related parties (RULMENTI data owners,
migration team members and project managers).

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7. Convert DMC into a project plan
The final step in defining the DM strategy phase is to convert DMC into an executable plan. This
does not mean discarding DMC; it should actually remain as a living document and the most
important work product of DM efforts. But we also need to identify other DM deliverables and the
tasks to produce them, estimate the tasks and assign resources to each; always with the time
and dependency constraints in mind (For example, vendor open items can not be loaded unless
vendors have been created in the system first). Those dependencies are reflected in the SAP
deliverable called “cutover plan”. Since the planning of the DM is usually tight, if one object fails
during the process, it will delay all dependent objects in the cutover plan that depend on its
existence in the SAP system. So, if in our example vendor loading fails, the vendor open items will
have to be postponed until the preceding object (vendors) exists free of errors in SAP.

The cutover plan also shows the moments when legacy transactions stop and SAP corresponding
transactions start. The time gap between the shutdown of legacy and the start of operations in
SAP is called “cutover”. It is desirable that the cutover period is as short as possible. Different
legacy applications will shut down at different times (e.g. materials transactions will be first shut
down, later other objects and so on). The planning of legacy shutdown dates and SAP start-up
dates can also be found in the cutover plan.

Our cutover plan should make it easy for everybody to clearly understand what needs to be done,
in which order and when. DM is an iterative process – it does not happen in a single sitting –
therefore a number of practice runs should be planned to be performed before actual DM takes
place. It is essential that the overall management of data migration observes the sequence of
operations, dependencies and the shutdown/startup dates. This ensures the consistency and
orderly management of the data transfer process.

The plan should also allow us to track additional considerations such as business continuity
impacts3, risks4 and purchases5 from one central location. It is also a good idea to integrate the
DM project plan with the overall implementation project plan.

Progress monitoring is essential for meeting the DM deadlines and enables the early issue
identification and proactive management of risks. Progress should be monitored for every data
object for all steps of the data migration process. Progress monitoring should also include
qualitative checking and assessment to ensure that the data quality is not compromised. Typical
assessment criteria are:
• Relevance
• Completeness
• Consistency
• Duplicity
• Accuracy
• Compliance

Assess how the data migration schedule will impact on current business activities, and determine
ways to minimize this impact.
Conduct a risk assessment for DM and document the risks, identifying the strategy for managing
these risks.
Identify any purchases required for DM and list these with details of estimated costs. Integrate
these costs into the project budget as well.

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II. Extract (download/collect) data
During the data extraction phase, the required data must be obtained in an accurate and integral
manner, without disrupting the daily work routine. As early as possible in this phase, someone should
be appointed to port the legacy data from its current environment into a staging area6.

Tasks to be performed during this phase

1. Validate the assumptions made during the strategy phase

The initial step in this phase is to validate in detail the assumptions made in the previous phase.
This means reviewing the DMFs and checking whether any changes – especially related to data
extraction – are required. Recently identified data sources, inability to obtain certain information
can all pose new opportunities and challenges to the DM team.

Then one of the most important work products for DM should be prepared / produced for each
data object: Data Migration Logs [DMLs] (See Appendix 3). The DMLs contain vital information
such as exact number of records, date and time of extraction, responsible person, etc. The DML
contents should be agreed by all related parties before data extraction applications are developed
(see step 3) since the DMLs should be prepared – as much as possible – automatically by these

2. Define and validate the extraction / processing rules in detail

While the DMFs are being reviewed in light of new and detailed information available, it is also
often necessary to validate the extraction / processing rules defined in the strategy phase for the
related data elements. The mapping of legacy data elements to SAP fields should also be finalized
during this phase.

In case there are any changes (either to extraction assumptions or to processing rules), DMC and
relevant DMFs should be revised and re-signed by all parties before being communicated to the
rest of the implementation team. In case of major changes, the project/cutover plan should also
be updated (see step 8).

3. Develop/Revise the necessary applications for data extraction

Once the sources, amount and status of the legacy system data has been determined and agreed
in detail (depending also on the final transfer method), consideration should be given to
developing applications which can extract large amounts of data and produce logs automatically.

Such applications will allow fast and reliable extraction of the final data to be transferred, and
furthermore they can be used across different locations for similar / same data sources, reducing
DM effort significantly.

Through workshops, legacy system technical experts should be explained in detail (using actual
DMFs and DML design templates) what they are required to extract and how to export it to the
staging area where the data will be further processed. DMC and relevant DMFs then should be

A staging area is merely a database account that contains tables that essentially replicate the data
structures of the legacy system.

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4. Extract the data
At this point, we should have:
• More precise estimates of data volumes in our DMC;
• Up-to-date DMFs containing the final mapping and the processing rules;
• Finalized templates for DMLs;
• A designated target staging area; and
• Tested data extraction applications.

Data extraction can be done in a wave approach, meaning that as soon as certain extraction
applications or resources are ready; they can be used to transfer data to the staging area – of
course always keeping the dependencies in mind.

In case application development is not feasible (too few records to be transferred, too
complicated extraction rules requiring decision making, etc.) necessary resources should be
informed, trained and allocated to carry out data extraction manually from legacy systems into
the staging area. It is very important for these resources to maintain the DMLs properly, which
should also be part of the training. DMC and relevant DMFs should be updated and such changes
to resource planning should also be updated in the project plan (see step 8).

5. Analyze and correct errors

As data is transferred from legacy systems to the staging area, the DMLs should be revised for
possible errors or missing information (in terms individual data elements or entire records).

Such errors should be dealt with as soon as possible and noted in the DMLs according to the
predefined format. In case there are changes to the data objects or elements, DMC and relevant
DMFs should be updated.

6. Validate methodology
There are multiple iterations of the data extraction, conversion and loading procedure. SAP
implementation methodology recommends that the extraction/conversion/data loading tools are
initially validated on a small set of representative data. This has been performed for all of the
financials SAP objects to be migrated.

A second iteration is done with the figures of a closed month of the legacy. This iteration was
performed for the most complicate SAP objects in the financials area (long term assets, vendors,
customers). For G/L accounts balances and open items the test is not yet completed.

The third iteration will be done in the SAP quality assurance system with the real migration data
as on December 31st, 2006. The results of this iteration will be formally approved by the data
owners before the load of those objects in the productive system.

It is essential to validate all extraction methods (applications) and document them both on DMC
and the DMFs for traceability of the DM efforts.

7. Data back-up
Starting from data extraction phase, necessary measures should be implemented to back-up data
(especially in the staging area) regularly. Data back-up provides both history (and the
traceability) and disaster recovery (in case of data loss). DMLs should also be updated with back-
up information such as date and volume.

8. Update the project plan

In case a change is identified in the steps above that:
• Effects current resource planning, dependencies, critical due dates; or
• Constitutes a risk or any additional potential cost for the project;
the project plan should also be updated and communicated to those involved.

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III. Process data
During this phase, the extracted data in the staging area is processed and prepared till it is error free
and ready to be uploaded into SAP. This is an iterative process, with many test runs and real runs on
the data.

Tasks to be performed during this phase

1. Validate the assumptions made during the previous phases

The initial step in this phase is to validate in detail the assumptions made in the previous phases.
This means reviewing the DMFs, the existing data extracts in the staging area and the DMLs to
see if there are any changes – especially related to data processing and transferring.

2. Define and validate the processing rules / transfer methods in detail

While the existing work products are being reviewed in light of new and detailed information
available, it is also often necessary to validate the processing rules / transfer methods defined or
refined in previous phases for the related data object/element.

In case there are any changes (either to the assumptions, processing rules or transfer methods),
DMC and relevant DMFs should be revised and re-signed by all parties before being
communicated to the rest of the implementation team. In case of major changes, the
project/cutover plan should also be updated (see step 8).

3. Develop/Revise the necessary applications for data processing

If there are similar changes to large amounts of data which could not be actualized during the
data extraction phase, consideration should be given to developing applications which can
process large amounts of data in the staging area and produce or update necessary logs

Such applications will allow fast and reliable processing of the final data to be transferred, and
furthermore they can be used across different locations for similar / same data sources, reducing
DM effort significantly. Applications are usually good for cleansing, amalgamating/splitting and
unbundling where a rule can be defined upfront and data can be treated en masse by the
application later on following the rule.

Through workshops, technical experts should be explained in detail (using actual DMFs and DML
design templates) what they are required to process and how to report it in the DMLs. DMC and
relevant DMFs then should be updated.

4. Process the data

Data processing can also be done in a wave approach just like data extraction, meaning that as
soon as certain processing applications or resources are ready; they can be used to process data
in the staging area – of course always keeping the dependencies in mind.

In case application development is not feasible (too few records to be processed, or too
complicated rules requiring decision making, etc.) necessary resources should be informed,
trained and allocated to carry out data processing manually in the staging area. It is very
important for these resources to maintain the DMLs properly, which should also be part of the
training. DMC and relevant DMFs should be updated and such changes to resource planning
should also be updated in the project plan (see step 8).

Manual processing is usually good for filtering/matching and enriching where rules need to be
defined depending on the individual situation.

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5. Analyze and correct errors
As data is processed in the staging area, the DMLs should be revised for possible errors or
missing information (in terms individual data elements or entire records).

Such errors should be dealt with as soon as possible and noted in the DMLs according to the
predefined format. In case there are changes to the data objects or elements, DMC and relevant
DMFs should be updated.

6. Validate methodology
There are multiple iterations of the data extraction, conversion and loading procedure. SAP
implementation methodology recommends that the extraction/conversion/data loading tools are
initially validated on a small set of representative data. This has been performed for all of the
financials SAP objects to be migrated.

A second iteration is done with the figures of a closed month of the legacy. This iteration was
performed for the most complicate SAP objects in the financials area (long term assets, vendors,
customers). For G/L accounts balances and open items the test is not yet completed.

The third iteration will be done in the SAP quality assurance system with the real migration data
as on December 31st, 2006. The results of this iteration will be formally approved by the data
owners before the load of those objects in the productive system.

It is essential to validate all processing methods (applications) and document them both on DMC
and the DMFs for traceability of the DM efforts.

7. Data back-up
As data is being processed, necessary measures should be implemented to back-up data in the
staging area regularly. Data back-up now provides not only history (and the traceability) and
disaster recovery (in case of data loss) but also room for error correction (in case a faulty process
is carried out, the data can be “rolled back” to the previous state using the back-ups). DMLs
should also be updated with back-up information such as date and volume.

8. Update the project plan

In case a change is identified in the steps above that:
• Effects current resource planning, dependencies, critical due dates; or
• Constitutes a risk or any additional potential cost for the project;
the project plan should also be updated and communicated to those involved.

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IV. Transfer (upload) data
During this phase, the processed data in the staging area is loaded in SAP system in a controlled
manner (Development – Quality – Production). There should be no more modifications made to the
data itself during this phase.

Tasks to be performed during this phase

1. Validate the assumptions made during the previous phases
The initial step in this phase is to validate in detail the assumptions made in the previous phases.
This means reviewing the DMFs, the processed data in the staging area and the DMLs to see if
there are any changes – especially related to data transferring and reconciliation.

2. Define and validate the transfer methods in detail

While the existing work products are being reviewed in light of new and detailed information
available, it is also often necessary to validate the transfer methods defined or refined in previous
phases for the related data object/element.

In case there are any changes (either to the assumptions or transfer methods), DMC and relevant
DMFs should be revised and re-signed by all parties before being communicated to the rest of the
implementation team. In case of major changes, the project/cutover plan should also be updated
(see step 8).

3. Develop/Revise the necessary applications for data transfer

At this point, we should have very detailed information about the volume and status of processed
data in the staging area, waiting to be migrated into SAP. As much as possible, we should stick to
using standard SAP data transfer tools, but in case certain requirements prevent us from doing
so, consideration should be given to developing applications which can transfer the data to SAP
and produce or update necessary logs automatically.

Such tools / applications will allow fast and reliable transfer of the final data to SAP, reducing DM
effort significantly (For a list of transfer methods / applications for RULMENTI data objects see
Appendix 2).

DMC and relevant DMFs should be updated if transfer method decisions are changed and new
responsibilities are assigned to functional and technical consultants. In case of major changes,
the project/cutover plan should also be updated (see step 8).

4. Transfer the data

Data transfer should be done in the predetermined order in the plan – keeping the dependencies
in mind. This means that certain steps – if not executed in proper time – can delay the entire DM
(For data object dependencies in SAP see the figure in Appendix 4).

In case using standard SAP tools or custom developed applications is not feasible necessary
resources should be informed, trained and allocated to carry out data transfer manually in SAP. It
is very important for these resources to maintain the DMLs properly, which should also be part of
the training. DMC and relevant DMFs should be updated and such changes to resource planning
should also be updated in the project plan (see step 8).

Manual transfer is usually done as part of customizing for very specific data objects.

5. Analyze and correct errors

As data is transferred to SAP, the DMLs should be revised for possible errors or missing
information (in terms individual data elements or entire records).

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Such errors should be dealt with as soon as possible and noted in the DMLs according to the
predefined format. In case there are changes to the data objects or elements, DMC and relevant
DMFs should be updated.

The objective is to reach the status where data transferred to Quality Assurance System [QAS]
can be formally approved by the data owner of each data object for being transferred to the
Productive System – the final run in QAS should be absolutely error free.

6. Validate methodology
There are multiple iterations of the data extraction, conversion and loading procedure. SAP
implementation methodology recommends that the extraction/conversion/data loading tools are
initially validated on a small set of representative data. This has been performed for all of the
financials SAP objects to be migrated.

A second iteration is done with the figures of a closed month of the legacy. This iteration was
performed for the most complicate SAP objects in the financials area (long term assets, vendors,
customers). For G/L accounts balances and open items the test is not yet completed.

The third iteration will be done in the SAP quality assurance system with the real migration data
as on December 31st, 2006. The results of this iteration will be formally approved by the data
owners before the load of those objects in the productive system.

It is essential to validate all transfer methods (tools / applications) and document them both on
DMC and the DMFs for traceability of the DM efforts. After final validation all objects, tools and
applications should be frozen (protected against any changes).

7. Data back-up
As data is being transferred, necessary measures should be implemented to back-up data in the
staging area and SAP regularly. Data back-up now provides:
• History (and the traceability);
• Disaster recovery (in case of data loss); and
• Error correction (in case a faulty process is carried out, the data can be “rolled back” to the
previous state using the back-ups).
DMLs should also be updated with back-up information such as date and volume.

8. Update the project plan

In case a change is identified in the steps above that:
• Effects current resource planning, dependencies, critical due dates; or
• Constitutes a risk or any additional potential cost for the project;
the project plan should also be updated and communicated to those involved.

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V. Reconcile data
Although reconciliation takes place in a smaller scale in all of the previous phases (especially in
analysis and correction of errors), during this phase, by reconciliation we imply the final validation by
the business side on data transferred to SAP. The closing and approval of the DM should be
documented in a formal manner.

Tasks to be performed during this phase

1. Validate the transferred data according to the reconciliation protocol
Data owners should formally check and validate the transfer of each data object for which they
are responsible (till the data is error free in QAS during the previous phase and when the data is
transferred to Productive System in this phase). All three parties should then sign-off and hand
over an approval document for this data object.

2. Set the “Productive” indicator for SAP

After the sign-off of data objects transfer, the consultants will set up the productive indicators to
the main financial objects and close the fiscal year 2006 in SAP. Those indicators prevent some
changes to be done to financial data and forbid any deletion of data with standard SAP tools.
After those settings, no other changes to legacy data will be allowed. After this moment,
technically the external SAP consultants would no longer be allowed to post any transactions into
the productive SAP system and RULMENTI will take over the responsibility of maintaining every
day the SAP systems.

3. Data back-up
Once SAP has been set to “Productive”; regular back-ups should be made of all data (including
migrated data) according to determined procedures by appointed RULMENTI responsible. Data
back-up from this point on will provide:
• History; and
• Disaster recovery.

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Rulmenti roles and responsibilities
RULMENTI Project Manager is responsible for managing the co-ordination of all the partners and
working groups engaged in the data migration project by:
• Developing and maintaining a detailed project plan;
• Effectively resourcing the project;
• Managing their project team personnel on a day-to-day basis;
• Managing project deliverables in line with the project plan;
• Resolving cross-functional issues at project level;
• Managing project scope and change control and escalating issues where necessary;
• Monitoring project progress and performance;
• Reporting progress to the ABS on a regular basis and at least weekly;
• Providing status reports to other related parties;
• Liaising with, and updating progress to, project steering committee;
• Work closely with related parties and consultants to enable them to gather, analyze and “map”
the necessary legacy data; and
• Support in audit documentation preparation (if necessary).

RULMENTI data migration team members should have:

• Comprehensive knowledge of RULMENTI’s current business operations in their areas of
• A clear understanding of data migration requirements;
• Participated in at least introductory SAP training and other trainings as necessary;
• Familiarity with PC software packages for data processing (spreadsheets, databases, etc).
They should:
• Interact closely with related parties to gather, analyze and provide the necessary legacy data in
order to ensure compliance with the project plan;
• Resolve cross-functional issues at project level;
• Prepare (including but not limited to correcting, cleansing, enriching and unbundling) and deliver
the work products (data files, DMFs, DMC and others) in their area of responsibility; on time, in
budget and to the required quality standard (within agreed specifications);
• Executing and logging the results of upload tests; and
• Uploading the final approved data files into the productive system.
• Complete other tasks related to the project.

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Appendix 1 – Data Mapping Form [DMF] template

Name of data object Data Owner

Data volume DGSR / GDF
Transfer method Document version
Prepared by Updated on DD/MM/YYYY
Prepared on Updated by
Version history

SAP target field Source field Processing Required

 No processing required
number of digits)
Brief explanation

 Cleansing, please explain

Technical name

Technical name
Data element 1


(if applicable)

 Enrichment, please explain, etc.


 No processing required
number of digits)
Brief explanation


 Cleansing, please explain

Technical name

Technical name
Data element 2


(if applicable)

 Enrichment, please explain, etc.


 No processing required
number of digits)
Brief explanation


 Cleansing, please explain

Technical name

Technical name
Data element 3


(if applicable)

 Enrichment, please explain, etc.


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Appendix 2 – Transfer methods identified for RULMENTI data objects

The following SAP objects and transfer methods have been defined for the transfer of the migration
specification files to SAP:

Data Element Method Manual/automatic

General Ledger Accounts
Fixed assets
Bill of materials
Work centers
Transactional data and account balances

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Appendix 3 – Data Migration Log [DML] Template

Name of data object Data Owner

Data volume Number of fields
Extraction method Manual / Extracted on DD/MM/YYYY, hh:mm
Name of Application
Extracted by Extracted from

Number of errors List of errors

Reconciled by Reconciled on


For each type of processing performed

Processing method Manual / Processed on DD/MM/YYYY, hh:mm

Name of Application
Processed by Type of processing Cleansing / Enriching /
Processed data Processed number
volume of fields
Number of errors List of errors

Reconciled by Reconciled on


For each target SAP system to which transfer is performed

Transfer method Manual / Transferred on DD/MM/YYYY, hh:mm

Name of Application
Transferred by Target system Development / Quality
/ Productive
Transferred data Transferred number
volume of fields
Number of errors List of errors

Reconciled by Reconciled on

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Appendix 4 – Data Object Dependencies in SAP


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Appendix 5 – File Naming Convention Proposal

Recommended folder structure for data migration project (staging area)

01-project management
01-project plan
02-status reports
03-work products

01-DMO data migration object 1 (i.e. COA: chart of accounts)
29-data migration object 29


Recommended naming convention for template files


Recommended naming convention for data files


Recommended naming convention for reports/logs


Recommended naming convention for work products/other files (meeting minutes, memos, etc)



YYYY is year (always four digits), MM is month (always two digits) and DD is day (always two digits)
of preparation of the file;

DMO is data migration object name (see folder structure above);

SUC is abbreviation of the branch (succursale) and

V9 is the version.

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