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Donald G. Mercer, Ph.D., P.Eng.



The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any problems of any manner
encountered through the application of the principles discussed herein.
All “Examples” and “Case Studies” are based on generic or hypothetical cases and do
not represent any specific or proprietary processes in current or past use. Such
“Examples” and “Case Studies” are intended for instructional purposes only.

© Donald G. Mercer 2008

Reproduction in whole or in part by any means,
electronic or otherwise, is forbidden except with
the expressed permission of the author.



1.1 Learning Objectives

1.2 Previous Course Material

1.3 Review: Mango Drying Case Study


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Basics of Process Control

2.2.1 Moisture Targets and Limits
2.2.2 Control Limits

2.3 Moisture Samling

2.3.1 Grab Samples
2.3.2 Continuous Monitoring

2.4 Case Study #1: Moisture Testing

2.4.1 Background
2.4.2 Assorted Problems and Shortcomings Sample Size Sample Uniformity Sampling Interval and Timing Process Response Time

2.5 Process Control Mechanisms

2.5.1 Feed-Back Control
2.5.2 Feed-Forward Control
2.5.3 Combined Feed-Forward and Feed-Back Control
2.5.4 General Comment


Interm ediate Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Outline: Page i.


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Definitions and Associated Terminology

3.3 Psychrometric Charts

3.4 Sample Problems and Calculations

3.4.1 Sample Problem #1
3.4.2 Sample Problem #2
3.4.3 Sample Problem #3

3.5 Practice Problems (with answers)

3.6 Case Study #2: Application of Psychrometry to Drying

3.6.1 Problem Statement
3.6.2 Solution

3.7 Case Study #3: Drying Feasibility Study

3.7.1 Background
3.7.2 Feasibility Study

3.8 General Comments


Interm ediate Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Outline: Page ii.
CHAPTER 4: Troubleshooting

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Drying Problems

4.2.1 Uneven Drying
4.2.2 Case Hardening
4.2.3 Product Colour Changes
4.2.4 “Sweating” in Storage Bins
4.2.5 Finished Product Shrinkage
4.2.6 Moisture Uptake After Drying
4.2.7 Poor Dryer Performance
4.2.8 Heat Losses from Dryer
4.2.9 Uneven Bed Depth
4.2.10 Holes in Bed of Material
4.2.11 Variability Throughout the Day
4.2.12 Seasonal Variations
4.2.13 Lifting of the Bed
4.2.14 Product-Specific Problems

4.3 General Comments


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Things to Keep in Mind


6.1 Introduction

6.2 General References


Interm ediate Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Outline: Page iii.
this course.
During the preparation of the “Advanced
Course in Food Dehydration and Drying” The South African Association of Food
course manual, I have once again had Science and Technology (SAAFoST)
the privilege of working with a multi- collectively has been a dedicated
national team of dedicated professionals supporter of this effort. Mr. Owen
who are members of the International Frisby, Executive Director of SAAFoST,
Union of Food Science and Technology has worked tirelessly to promote the
(IUFoST), the International Academy of Distance Education Initiative. Owen’s
Food Science and Technology (IAFoST), encouragement has been extremely
and the South African Association of important to me personally while
Food Science and Technology preparing the Dehydration and Drying
(SAAFoST). Module material, and I know many of the
Distance Education Task Force members
The support, encouragement, and share this appreciation of Owen’s efforts.
enthusiasm of these individuals has been I feel very fortunate to have spent time
phenomenal and I would like to publicly with Owen during my trip to Africa in 2006
acknowledge their efforts. and I value the correspondence I have
had with him since that time.
Dr. Daryl Lund (USA) is the Chair of the
Distance Education Task Force (amongst Finally, I would like to acknowledge the
many other Food Science related duties). support of my wife, Jane, without whose
It is under his watchful eye and insightful patience and understanding I would not
guidance that the concept of this Distance have been able to do this work.
Education Initiative is becoming a reality.

Mrs. Judith Meech (Canada) is the

Secretary General and Treasurer of Donald G. Mercer
IUFoST. She has been a tremendous
resource in establishing contacts and March 2008.
working on the administrative aspects.

Dr. Walter Spiess (Germany) is a Past

President of IUFoST and was the driving
force in establishing the Distance
Education Initiative for Sub-Saharan
Africa during his term as President. He
has continued to be a strong supporter
and advocate of our activities.

Dr. Ralph Blanchfield, MBE (United

Kingdom) is the President of IAFoST. He
has provided continuing support for this
Initiative, and reviewed the draft copy of


1.1 Learning Objectives After completing the “Advanced Course in

Food Dehydration and Drying”, you
This “Advanced Course in Food should:
Dehydration and Drying” is intended to be
a follow-up to the “Introductory” and C understand the basic principles of
“Intermediate” Food Dehydration and process control as applied to drying
Drying Courses. It is offered as the final operations.
course in this three-part module.
C be able to identify problems
A number of topics will be covered to associated with improper drying of
complement those already studied in the food products.
previous two drying courses. Now that
the basics of drying have hopefully been C be able to suggest potential causes of
mastered, a more “hands-on” approach improperly dried products.
will be taken. Case studies based on
personal practical experiences have been C be able to recommend possible
included to illustrate the application of measures to correct drying problems.
psychrometrics to drying.
C be able to assess the validity of
Throughout this course, we will look at product testing for taking corrective
“troubleshooting” problems in drying action in a food drying process.
operations and examine ways to
overcome these problems. Please keep C be able to avoid (or minimize) many of
in mind that food drying is not a subject the problems encountered by dryer
that can be learned solely from course operators who are unfamiliar with food
manuals. Much of the learning comes drying.
from experience in an actual food
processing environment. Nothing can C understand the principles associated
take the place of this experience, and no with psychrometrics and be able to
instruction manual, no matter how perform basic associated calculations.
thoroughly it attempts to treat the topic,
can ever hope to cover every single
situation that may present itself to a
drying process operator.

The chapter entitled “Summary

Comments” also provides an overview of
drying from a general perspective.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 1.

1.2 Previous Course Material 1.3 Review: Mango Drying Case
A quick look at the topics covered in the
“Introductory” and “Intermediate” drying Perhaps one of the best ways to review
courses is included here to refresh your the concepts from the previous two
memories and establish what subject courses is through the use of a drying
matter should have been studied prior to case study.
beginning this course.
Introductory Course
A mango grower has taken the
C Reasons for drying foods “Intermediate Course in Food
C Factors influencing drying Dehydration and Drying” and knows the
C Effects of drying on products importance of understanding the
C The “unit operation” approach behaviour of food products as they
C Process flow diagrams undergo drying.
C Organization in problem solving
C Dimensional analysis In order to prepare a commercial dried
C Wet and dry basis moistures mango product for sale, the grower did a
C Basic calculations series of drying trials using a small
laboratory-scale tray dryer. During the
drying test run, the weight of the mangoes
Intermediate Course was followed over time. The initial
moisture of the mangoes was determined
C Thermal properties of water prior to the test run using a laboratory
C Thermal properties of foods moisture meter.
C Sensible and latent heats
C Heat transfer mechanisms Test Results
C Calculating the heat to dry a product
C Stages of drying Table 1-1 shows the weight of the mango
C Critical moisture content sample for the full 18 hours of the drying
C Drying curves trial. During the first four hours of the
C Scale-up of dryers test, the weight loss is fairly rapid. For
C Types of dryers this reason, weights are shown for every
C Dryer design features 15 minutes for times up to four hours, and
C Water removal capacity of a dryer for every thirty minutes for the remainder
of the test.

The initial moisture content of the

mangoes was 78.72%, expressed on a
wet basis. The starting weight of the
mangoes was 243 grams.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 2.

TABLE 1-1: Your Tasks
Weight of Mangoes During the
Drying Test Run Answer the following questions:

1. How long does the constant rate

Time Weight Time Weight
(hours) (grams) (hours) (grams) drying period last ?

0 243 8.5 77 2. What is the rate of moisture loss

during the constant rate drying
0.25 237 9.0 74
0.5 230 9.5 71
3. What is the critical moisture content
0.75 223 10.0 68 of the mangoes ?
1.0 216 10.5 66
4. How long did it take the mangoes to
1.25 209 11.0 64 reach a final target moisture of 12%
1.5 202 11.5 63 (wet basis) under the given drying
conditions ?
1.75 196 12.0 61
5. Why was the drying test run for 18
2.0 188 12.5 60
hours when a shorter time period
2.25 181 13.0 59 would seem to have been adequate ?
2.5 174 13.5 58
6. Comment on any irregularities you
2.75 167 14.0 57 may see in the data.
3.0 160 14.5 56
3.25 153 15.0 55 Calculations

3.5 147 15.5 55 While the information in Table 1-1 does

3.75 142 16.0 55
show how quickly moisture is lost from
the 243 grams of fresh mangoes, it
4.0 136 16.5 54 doesn’t really tell us very much about the
overall drying process.
4.5 126 17.0 54
5.0 117 17.5 54 What we need to do is find out how fast
water is being lost on a constant basis of
5.5 110 18.0 53 material. For this purpose, it is best to
6.0 102 base our calculations on a unit mass of
dry material. In the case of the data
6.5 96 presented in Table 1-1, a basis of one
7.0 90 gram of dry solids would be appropriate.

7.5 85
8.0 81


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 3.

Since the initial moisture content of the answer most of the questions listed
mangoes is 78.82% (wet basis), the above. By plotting the dry basis moisture
percentage of dry material will be 21.18% content of the mangoes versus time, as
(100% - 78.82%). shown in Figure 1-1, we can visualize
how the dry basis moisture content
Weight of = Initial Sample x % Solids changes during the drying process.
Dry Solids Weight 100%
The constant rate drying period is defined
= 243 g x 0.2118 as that period during the drying process
when water is removed from the material
= 51.47 g at a constant, or uniform, rate. This is
represented in Figure 1-1 by the linear
. 51.5 g portion of the curve at the start of the
drying process. By drawing a straight line
Since no solids are being lost during the through the linear portion of the curve in
drying process, there will always be 51.5 Figure 1-1, we can see where the curve
grams of solids present in the dryer. begins to deviate from linearity, which
marks the end of the constant rate drying
Knowing the weight of the mango sample period and the beginning of the falling
at any time and subtracting the weight of rate drying period. In Figure 1-1, this
solids present will allow us to calculate appears to be somewhere between 3
the amount of water present at that time. hours and 4 hours after the mangoes
were placed in the dryer. For our
Weight of = Sample - Weight of purposes, we’ll estimate that the constant
Water Weight Solids rate drying period lasts for approximately
3.5 hours.
If we know the weight of water and solids
present in the sample at a given time, we We have been asked to calculate the rate
can then calculate the dry basis moisture of water removal during the constant rate
at that time. drying period. This can be done in at
least two ways. The first way is based on
Dry Basis = Weight of Water the straight line drawn in Figure 1-1 (the
Moisture Weight of Dry Solids second method will be discussed later).

Table 1-2 shows the calculated values for

the dry basis moistures at each time. In
addition, the raw data from Table 1-1 has
been included. These values were
calculated using a spreadsheet program
and were transcribed into Table 1-2.
Therefore, they are subject to some
effects of round-off.

The information provided in Table 1-2,

provides the necessary starting point to


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 4.

TABLE 1-2: Calculated Values for the Mango Drying Test Run

Time Weight Solids Water Dry Basis Moisture

(hours) (grams) (grams) (grams) (g water / g dry solids)
0 243 51.5 191.5 3.72
0.25 237 51.5 185.5 3.60
0.5 230 51.5 178.5 3.47
0.75 223 51.5 171.5 3.33
1.0 216 51.5 164.5 3.20
1.25 209 51.5 157.5 3.06
1.5 202 51.5 150.5 2.92
1.75 196 51.5 144.5 2.81
2.0 188 51.5 136.5 2.65
2.25 181 51.5 129.5 2.52
2.5 174 51.5 122.5 2.38
2.75 167 51.5 115.5 2.24
3.0 160 51.5 108.5 2.11
3.25 153 51.5 101.5 1.97
3.5 147 51.5 95.5 1.86
3.75 142 51.5 90.5 1.76
4.0 136 51.5 84.5 1.64
4.5 126 51.5 74.5 1.45
5.0 117 51.5 65.5 1.27
5.5 110 51.5 58.5 1.14
6.0 102 51.5 50.5 0.98
6.5 96 51.5 44.5 0.87
7.0 90 51.5 38.5 0.75
7.5 85 51.5 33.5 0.65
8.0 81 51.5 29.5 0.57


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 5.

TABLE 1-2 (continued): Calculated Values for the Mango Drying Test Run

Time Weight Solids Water Dry Basis Moisture

(hours) (grams) (grams) (grams) (g water / g dry solids)
8.5 77 51.5 25.5 0.50
9.0 74 51.5 22.5 0.44
9.5 71 51.5 19.5 0.38
10.0 68 51.5 16.5 0.32
10.5 66 51.5 14.5 0.28
11.0 64 51.5 12.5 0.24
11.5 63 51.5 11.5 0.22
12.0 61 51.5 9.5 0.19
12.5 60 51.5 8.5 0.17
13.0 59 51.5 7.5 0.15
13.5 58 51.5 6.5 0.13
14.0 57 51.5 5.5 0.11
14.5 56 51.5 4.5 0.09
15.0 55 51.5 3.5 0.07
15.5 55 51.5 3.5 0.07
16.0 55 51.5 3.5 0.07
16.5 54 51.5 2.5 0.05
17.0 54 51.5 2.5 0.05
17.5 54 51.5 2.5 0.05
18.0 53 51.5 1.5 0.03


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 6.

The slope of the straight line in Figure 1-1 Slope = Rise
has units of “grams of water per gram of Run
dry solids per hour”.
= (3.75 - 0.5) g water/g dry solids
Slope of a straight line = Rise (6.0 - 0.0) hours
= 3.25 / 6.0 g water / g dry solids / hour
By selecting two points on the straight line
in Figure 1-1, we can calculate its slope. = 0.54 g water / g dry solids / hour
At time t = 0, the dry basis moisture is
approximately 3.75 g water per g dry Therefore, the mangoes lose water at a
solids. At time t = 6 hours, the dry basis rate of approximately 0.54 grams of water
moisture is about 0.5 g water per g dry per gram of dry solids per hour during the
solids. constant rate drying period, which lasts
approximately 3.5 hours.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 7.

The critical moisture of a material is the we can convert the 12% wet basis
wet basis moisture content at which the moisture to a dry basis value and then
constant rate drying period ends and the proceed.
falling rate drying period begins. This
signifies that moisture loss has changed Dry basis = weight of water
from occurring at the surface of the moisture weight of dry solids
material to being controlled by diffusion of
moisture from the inner portions of the In 100 grams of a 12% moisture material,
material. we would have 12 grams of water and 88
grams of dry solids. We can then use
We have estimated that the constant rate these values to determine the equivalent
drying period ends approximately 3.5 dry moisture value.
hours after the start of drying under the
conditions used in this test. From Figure Dry basis = 12 grams of water
1-1, this looks like the dry basis moisture moisture 88 grams of dry solids
would be about 1.8 grams of water per
gram of dry solids. We now need to = 0.136 g water / g dry solids
convert this to its equivalent wet basis
moisture. . 0.14 g water / g dry solids

Wet basis = weight of water x 100%

moisture total wt of material From Figure 1-1, the dry basis moisture
falls to 0.14 g water per g dry solids at
approximately 14 hours. From Table 1-1,
The total weight of material with 1.8 we can see that the dry basis moisture
grams of water per gram of dry solids reached this level some time between 13
would be 2.8 grams (i.e., 1.8 g water + hours and 14 hours.
1.0 g dry solids).
Even though the mangoes required 13 to
14 hours to reach their final target
Wet basis = 1.8 g water x 100% moisture of 12% (wet basis), we had to
moisture 2.8 g material run the test for longer than this, since we
did not know in advance how long it might
= 64.29% take to achieve this final value. In drying
tests such as this, it is always better to let
Therefore, the critical moisture content of the test proceed for too long than to
the mangoes under these drying terminate it too early and miss seeing
conditions would be about 64% on a wet what happens during the later stages of
basis. drying. One little trick that I use is to
calculate the weight of material that
The next question asks how long it would should be present at the final target
take the mangoes to reach a final moisture and run the test until the weight
moisture content of 12% on a wet basis. falls below this point. I can then decide
Since we have the moisture contents in whether to end the drying test or keep it
Figure 1-1 expressed on a dry basis, this going for a longer time.
appears to be a slight problem. However,


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 8.

Before leaving this case study example, two values are in very close agreement
there are a few additional things that we (actually they are identical).
can do as review which might be
beneficial. From Table 1-2, we can see that the
actual initial dry basis moisture for the
Spreadsheet programs have provided us mangoes was 3.72 grams of water per
with the ability to do complex calculations gram of dry solids. Again, this is in very
with very little effort. Among the features close agreement to the y-intercept value
they offer is the calculation of the calculated in Figure 1-2.
equations of the “best-fit” straight line
through data in a graph. Knowing that I have also taken the liberty of calculating
data from the first 3.5 hours of the mango the rate of water removal based on the
drying trial appear to be linear (see Figure data presented in Table 1-2. By taking
1-1), we can take these data points and the differences between the dry basis
plot them on a separate graph as shown moistures at the start and end of each
in Figure 1-2. By taking the equation of time interval and dividing these
the “trendline” through these data points, differences by the length of time (in
we get the following: hours), we can get the rate of water
removal in grams of water per gram of dry
y = -0.5398x + 3.7324 solids per hour.

where: For example:

-0.5398 is the slope of the line with At t = 1.0 hours, the water removal rate is
units of “grams of water per gram of 3.20 g water / g dry solids / hour.
dry solids per hour”
At t = 1.25 hours, the water removal rate
3.7324 is the y-intercept of the line is 3.06 g water / g dry solids / hour.

This means that at time t = 0, the dry The rate of water removal for this quarter
basis moisture content of the mangoes is hour interval is:
approximately 3.73 grams of water per
gram of dry solids (to three significant (3.20 - 3.06) g water/g dry solids
digits) and that the rate of water loss over (1.25 - 1.0) hours
the time covered by the graph is
approximately 0.540 grams of water per = 0.56 g water / g dry solids / hour
gram of dry solids per hour. The negative
sign in front of the slope term in the
equation indicates that this is a loss. Values for all the time intervals are plotted
in Figure 1-3. As can be seen, the initial
You may recall that in a previous water removal rate remains relatively
calculation based on the slope of the constant for the first 3.5 hours and then
straight line drawn through the linear begins to decrease. This corresponds to
portion of Figure 1-1, we arrived at a the start of the falling rate drying period
water removal rate of 0.54 grams of water and agrees with our findings from Figure
per gram of dry solids per hour. These 1-1.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 9.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 10.

In the final question, we are asked to differences in the second decimal place
comment on any irregularities in the data. for these water removal rate values are
almost insignificant.
There are only a few such irregularities
that you may notice and these are seen in
Figure 1-3. If you look at the calculated
water removal rates for the first 3.5 hours
in Figure 1-3, you will see that there are
two values which lie well away from the
straight line. One of these is below and
the other is above the value of 0.55
grams of water per gram of dry solids per
hour. The reason for this type of thing
happening is due to the reporting of the
weights of the mangoes. The balance
used in these trials was only capable of
measuring to the nearest gram. This
means that adjacent pairs of numbers
may have one value as slightly high and
the other value as slightly low due to the
rounding off of the weights on the
balance. When the calculated values
based on these data are plotted, the
round-off effects are quite noticeable.
This effect is also evident from the saw-
tooth nature of the curve in other places
in the graph.

You may also notice that the value I

calculated for the water removal rate (i.e.,
0.56 grams of water per gram of dry
solids per hour) is slightly different than
the 0.55 g water / g dry solids / hour
shown in Figure 1-3, or the 0.54 grams of
water per gram of dry solids per hour
calculated from Figure 1-1. Again, this is
due to the fact that the computer
spreadsheet carries extra decimal places
in its memory, even though the printed
values are formatted to give an
appropriate number of significant digits.
Essentially there is little we can do about
this and we should be prepared to live
with this small problem.

It should also be recognized that


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 1: Page 11.



2.1 Introduction: 2.2 Basics of Process Control

No matter what is being processed, it is It is not our purpose to make you all
always necessary to have a method of experts in process control methods.
monitoring various product attributes at However, an understanding of the
each major step in the process. fundamental approaches is definitely
Finished product moisture is generally the
key item that we need to measure in a
drying process. As we shall soon see, it 2.2.1 Moisture Targets and Limits
would also be helpful to know the
moisture of the product entering the dryer. For example purposes, let’s consider a
In addition, a number of other product product being dried on a continuous
properties should be measured to through-circulation dryer. Through testing
determine whether or not the final dried of product at different moisture levels, an
product is meeting all finished product acceptable range of moistures can be
standards. It is critical to know that the established which we are prepared to
product will perform properly for the accept from the drying process. For this
consumer when it is consumed. example, we will assume that any product
moistures from 10.0% to 14.0% will give
For these reasons, it is necessary to test a product that is satisfactory to our needs.
the product at regular intervals. In this Based on these values, we are then
chapter, we will focus on moisture testing prepared to say that the minimum
and control. It is also the responsibility of allowable moisture of the product would
the processor to know how variations in be 10.0% and the maximum allowable
moisture can affect other properties of the moisture would be 14.0%. Generally, a
finished product. This has been target moisture would be established in
examined briefly in the previous drying the middle of this acceptable range. For
courses, but as was pointed out, moisture this example, the target finished product
can affect various products in many moisture would be 12% (on a wet basis).
different ways, and we cannot discuss all
of these variations here. In some cases, the target moisture may
be determined first and then an
We will begin our examination of “process acceptable range may be established
control” by looking at some basic above and below the target value.
approaches to process control in general.
From here we will go on to examine some Although the target moisture is usually at
fundamental control strategies that may the mid-point of the moisture range, this
be employed in tracking product moisture does not have to be the case. There may
leaving a dryer. be instances where the lower moisture


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 1.

limit is not as critical as the upper In order to follow the moisture content of
moisture limit. With a product such as the product over time, we could draw a
this, you may see a target moisture of graph with moisture on the vertical axis
12.0%, with a lower moisture limit of 7.0% and time on the horizontal axis (see
for example, and an upper moisture limit Figure 2-1). To make the target moisture
of 14.0%. In spite of this range, the best stand out on the graph, we could draw a
or optimum moisture for the product may heavy line across the graph at 12.0%
be 12.0%, which is not at the middle of moisture. To make the upper and lower
the range. For our discussions here, we moisture limits more obvious, we could
will use a moisture range with the target also draw horizontal lines at 10.0% and
moisture at its mid-point. 14.0% moisture, as done in Figure 2-1.

We have now established that our Finished product moisture values could
product target moisture is 12.0%. The be measured over time to follow the
upper limit on the moisture is 14.0% and variations in moisture. If the moisture
the lower limit is 10.0%. We could then started moving away from the target
write our moisture specification as being moisture (i.e., getting too high or too low),
12.0% ± 2.0% to indicate the target and the trend could then be detected. Figure
acceptable moisture range. 2-1 shows how the moisture is varying,
but is staying within the acceptable
moisture limits as previously determined.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 2.

2.2.2 Control Limits often abbreviated to UCL, for upper
control limit, and LCL, for lower control
As seen in Figure 2-1, the moisture is limit.
certainly within the acceptable limits.
However, there may be times when it The UCL is set at some moisture value
appears that it is climbing towards the between the target moisture value and
upper limit. If the operator does not take the maximum acceptable moisture limit of
any action to address the rising moisture the product. The LCL is set at a moisture
content of the product, it may increase to value between the target moisture and
a level above the acceptable upper limit. the lower acceptable moisture limit of the
product. One way of establishing these
The big question now is, “When should control limits is to simply set them at
the operator react to the moisture points half-way between the target
change?” moisture value and the acceptable
product moisture limits.
Another question might be, “How much of
an adjustment should the operator make Since we have a range acceptable
to the dryer when he or she decides to moistures of 2% above and below the
take action?” target moisture, we could set our control
limits as being 1% above and below the
In a well-designed process, nothing product’s target moisture. This would
should be left to chance, and procedures mean that the moisture could vary
should be specified for the process between 11.0% and 13.0% moisture
operators to follow. If the operator does without any action being taken. However,
not take action to reduce the rising as soon as the moisture went outside this
moisture of the product, it will soon be range, some remedial action would be
above the acceptable upper limit and the taken in an attempt to bring the moisture
product will not be able to be sold. If no back towards the target moisture. While
action is taken until the moisture actually this action is being taken, the moisture
reaches the upper limit, it will still continue content would probably drift beyond the
to rise until the effects of the adjustments control limit, but because the control limits
to the drying conditions have had a are well inside the acceptable moisture
chance to take affect on the product. limits of the product, the product moisture
Remember, when changes are made to a would still be okay. In this way, the
dryer, the results are not instantaneous. moisture would not go beyond the
It takes some time for the material in the acceptable limits and waste would be
dryer to show signs of response. kept to an absolute minimum.
Therefore, action should be taken before
the moisture reaches the upper limit (or Figure 2-2 shows the upper and lower
the lower limit). control limits as dashed lines together
with the information that was included in
For this reason, in control strategy, an Figure 2-1.
upper control limit and a lower control
limit are established to indicate when In drying systems equipped with
action should be taken to address automated moisture analyzers, it is
moisture changes in the dryer. These are possible to have the dryer controls linked


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 3.

to a computer system which interprets
signals from the moisture detectors and
takes action automatically. In cases
where no such systems are in place, it is
still possible to follow the trends in
moisture and make adjustments to the
dryer manually.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 4.

2.3 Moisture Sampling 2.3.2 Continuous Monitoring:

2.3.1 Grab Samples While it is physically impossible for a

Quality Control technician to check the
In many processing applications, a quality moisture of every single piece of product
control technician (QC technician) takes leaving a dryer, it is possible to get a
a small sample of product off the end of higher level of testing done using an
the dryer once every 30 minutes, or automated method. To do this, a
perhaps once every hour. The samples continuous monitoring system may be
that are taken are often referred to as used such as an infrared monitoring unit.
“grab samples” due to the fact that the
QC technician literally “grabs” a sample Basically, the system involves the use of
from the end of a dryer and takes it to the an infrared emitter/detector unit mounted
lab for moisture analysis. Of this sample, on a set of rails across the discharge end
perhaps only 10 grams is actually placed of the dryer. The unit travels back and
in the moisture balance. forth along these rails and directs a beam
of infrared light down onto the bed of
In cases where the dryer operator takes material just before it leaves the dryer.
his or her own samples, the time interval By having the infrared light properly
might be as frequent as every 20 or 30 calibrated, the unit can determine the
minutes. moisture of the product based on the
differences in the frequencies of the
The sample is then placed on an emitted light sent down to the product bed
automated moisture balance which dries and the reflected light bounced back from
the sample using an infrared lamp (as the product to the infrared unit.
described in a previous course), and
gives a readout of the wet basis moisture The infrared unit not only provides
in approximately ten to fifteen minutes. continuous information about the product
The results of the moisture tests are then moisture, but it does so across the dryer
communicated to the process operator bed as well as over the course of time as
who may make adjustments to the dryer the material comes out of the dryer. This
if they are felt to be needed. is considerably better than just taking a
single sample at one location every hour.
In cases where an infrared unit is in
place, hourly grab samples may also be
taken as a check that the infrared unit is
functioning properly.

The infrared unit can give the dryer

operator continuous feedback as to the
product moisture. Any moisture changes
can be detected as they occur, without
any delay, and not just every hour.
Armed with this information, the operator
can see how the process is functioning
and take appropriate action when the


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 5.

need arises. adjustments to the dryer are required.
For our purposes, we will consider that
In some cases, the infrared unit can be the target moisture of the finished dried
linked to a computer which will adjust product is 10.0% ± 2.0%.
drying conditions without the having the
operator making the adjustments.
2.4.2 Associated Problems and
Continuous moisture monitoring systems Shortcomings
are expensive to purchase and may
require sophisticated maintenance and Consider the following points:
calibration that is not possible for many
drying operations. Sample Size:

The sample size of 250 grams (each half

2.4 Case Study #1: Moisture Testing hour) represents one sample from 680 kg
of wet material entering the dryer during
2.4.1 Background each half-hour period. The weight of final
product from this amount of wet material
A drying process runs at a rate of 1,360 is about 226.5 kg every half hour (or 453
kg of wet product (70% moisture) per kg every hour, or 7.56 kg per minute).
hour, 24 hours per day, five days per
week. The retention time of product in 250 grams is equal to about one-tenth of
the dryer is about 25 minutes. one percent of the total dried product
made during each half-hour period.
Every 30 minutes, the Quality Control However, only 15 grams of product is
(QC) lab technician takes a “grab-sample” actually tested. This means, that the
from the dryer discharge and does a functioning of the process which produces
moisture test on it. The test takes 15 about 226.5 kg every half-hour is being
minutes to complete and the results are based on the results from a test on 15
not communicated to the process grams, which is equivalent to about
operator for five minutes after that. 0.007% of the finished product.

The test sample weighs about 250 grams

and the technician uses about 15 grams Sample Uniformity
on the moisture balance for the actual
moisture test. The remainder of the There is no indication as to how uniform
sample is kept in a sealed plastic bag for or representative the sample really is.
additional follow-up testing, if necessary.
“Spot checks” are done using the vacuum Consider these questions:
oven method once a week on three
samples randomly selected from each Does the sample represent the overall
day’s retention samples. conditions of the product leaving the
When the process operator receives the
moisture test results from the lab, a Was the sample taken from an overly wet
decision is made as to whether or not spot or an excessively dry spot?


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 6.

Did the dryer conditions fluctuate during What makes this situation even worse is
the time preceding the taking of the that the sampling frequency by the QC
sample? lab may not detect the results of this
change for an additional period of time -
How can anyone know what this “grab- unless the process operator can have a
sample” truly represents? “special” sample taken for testing.

Even though all of these questions exist, Let’s examine what this process would
very few processors stop to think about look like on an actual timeline as shown in
the fact that they are basing the quality of Table 2.1 below.
their entire dried product on samples of
less than one one-hundredth of one
percent of their finished product. This is
a very risky position to take, to say the
least. Sampling Interval and Timing

As stated above, during the thirty minutes

between samples, about 680 kg of wet
material will be feed into the dryer and
about 226.5 kg of dry product will be
produced. This is equivalent to about
7.56 kg of dried product per minute.

If the QC technician takes 20 minutes to

report the results of a moisture sample,
not only will the actual material tested be
“history” by that time, but an additional
151 kg of dried product would have left
the dryer by the time the operator gets
word of the moisture test results. Process Response Time

If the process operator decides to make a

change to the dryer at the exact moment
he or she receives the moisture test
results, it will be an additional 25 minutes
before the full effects of that change can
be realized. During this 25 minute, about
189 kg of product will have passed
through the dryer and will have
experienced varying degrees of exposure
to the new drying conditions.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 7.

Table 2-1: Comments Regarding Sampling Timeline for Case Study Drying Process

Time Event Comments

3:00 pm Sam ple taken Sam ple tested represents about 0.007% of product
leaving dryer.

3:20 pm 3:00 pm results reported 151 kg of product have left dryer since sam ple was
(assum e results are okay) taken. Product represented by sam ple has been
out of dryer for 20 m inutes.

3:30 pm Sam ple taken

3:50 pm 3:30 pm results reported 151 kg of product have left dryer since sam ple was
(action is required) taken. Product represented by sam ple has been
out of dryer for 20 m inutes.

3:50 pm Dryer adjustm ents m ade

4:00 pm Sam ple taken This sam ple will have experience 15 m inutes of
original dryer conditions plus 10 m inutes of new
dryer conditions (assum ing changes were m ade to
entire length of dryer)

4:15 pm Product from 3:50 pm This is the first product to leave the dryer after
adjustm ent leaves dryer changes were m ade based on 3:30 pm sam ple.
340 kg of product have left the dryer since the 3:30
pm sam ple.

4:20 pm 4:00 pm results reported This sam ple is potentially m isleading as it has been
subjected to changing dryer conditions, but not
steady-state conditions.

4:20 pm Operator m ay be tem pted to Operator m ust m ake a judgem ent call based on
m ake adjustm ents. direction of response, but not the actual m oisture

4:30 pm Sam ple taken This is the first sam ple that will include all of the
effects of the changes m ade to the dryer at 3:50
pm , which were based on the 3:30 pm sam ple. 454
kg of product have left the dryer since 3:30 pm .

4:50 pm 4:30 pm results reported This is the first true indication the operator will have
as to whether the 3:50 pm changes based on the
3:30 pm sam ple were effective. 605 kgof product
have now left the dryer since 3:30 pm .

5:00 pm Sam ple taken The trend continues.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 8.

2.5 Process Control Mechanisms

2.5.1 Feed-Back Control

In the example discussed above, the really doing is gathering information from
moisture of the product was monitored at the end of the process and taking
the end of the dryer as the finished corrective action by feeding this
product left the dryer. The moisture information back to the drying process
content of the product gave the process that gave us these results in the first
operator an indication of what to do to the place.
dryer settings if action was required.
If the process was fully automated, a
If the moisture of the finished product was moisture analyzer or detector would
too high, the operator could turn up the automatically measure the moisture
temperature of the heated air to provide content from the end of the process and
more drying capacity. This would send this value to a computer that would
probably best be done at the start of the adjust the temperature of the air coming
dryer in the first zone (if indeed the dryer into the dryer. Figure 2-3 shows a three-
did have separate zones). However, if zone dryer with feed-back control from a
the material was sensitive to temperature, moisture analyzer unit. The process
the operator could reduce the amount of controller, or computer, is set up to open
wet material fed into the dryer, which or close valves on the gas lines to each of
would reduce the amount of water the the three drying zones. If more heat is
dryer would have to remove in a given needed, the gas valves are opened
period of time. The operator could slightly more to allow more gas to get to
possibly even slow down the speed of the the burners and create a hotter flame to
dryer belt to increase the time the wet warm the air more. If less heat is
material spent inside the dryer. This needed, the valves are closed slightly to
would increase the thickness of the bed in allow less gas to get to the burners and
the dryer, which might create other reduce the temperature of the air.
problems. The operator could even do a
combination of these things, if it was felt
to be warranted.

If the material leaving the dryer was too

dry, the operator would probably just
reduce the temperature of the heated air
going into the dryer to allow the moisture
levels to rise slightly.

When we monitor the moisture of the

product leaving the dryer and make
adjustments in the drying conditions
according to these moistures, we refer to
this as feed-back control. What we are


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 9.

2.5.2 Feed-forward Control prevent them. Feed-back control only lets
us correct problems after they have
Now that we have looked at feed-back occurred. For this reason, we should take
control, we might want to consider the a serious look at what is called feed-
fact that we are actually controlling the forward control.
process using results of things that have
already happened. We use moisture With feed-forward control in a drying
readings from product that has already process, we look at the moisture of the
gone through the dryer to adjust the material going into the dryer rather than
conditions in the dryer. Although this product leaving it. If the feed to the dryer
method does work, it relies on possible is increasing in moisture, we know that
mistakes that you have made in the changes must be made to anticipate the
drying process to tell you whether or not extra water going into the dryer. Changes
you need to take corrective action. This can be made to the temperature of the air
is a reactive approach, rather than a pro- in the first drying zone as the wet product
active approach. begins to travel through the dryer. Once
the wet material has reached the end of
From a personal perspective, you may the first drying zone, conditions can be
want to look ahead and anticipate changed in the second zone. Similarly,
problems while you can still do things to as the wet material reaches the end of


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 10.

the second zone, conditions in the third If feed material with a lower moisture than
zone may be adjusted accordingly. normal is encountered, a similar
procedure can be used; except this time
By not making changes to all three zones temperatures would be reduced to allow
in the dryer at the same time, we are not the product moisture to increase by the
going to “over process”, or “over-dry”, the desired amount.
material that was already in the dryer
when the wet product started to enter the Figure 2-4 shows how feed-forward
dryer. Keep in mind that it may take thirty control would be used in relation with the
or forty minutes for product to travel burners on a dryer.
through the complete length of the dryer.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 11.

2.5.3 Combined Feed-forward and
Feed-back Control

Figure 2-5 shows a drying process set up The moisture of the incoming feed
with both feed-forward and feed-back material would be the more important
control. In this highly instrumented control factor. As a result, the feed-
system, control is based on monitoring forward mechanism would be given the
the moisture of the incoming feed most “power” in controlling the process.
material and the finished product and the feed-back control mechanism
moisture. Knowing that there is a time would be given much less “power” in
delay between the time the feed material making decisions as to what to do to
enters the dryer and the product from that adjust conditions in the dryer. It is very
feed material leaves the dryer, it is important that these two systems work
possible to set up a control program to together and do not work against each
make adjustments to conditions in the other. If the two control systems did not
dryer. work in harmony with each other, total
chaos could result inside the dryer.


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 12.

2.5.4 General Comment

We have used the moistures of feed

material and finished product as key
variables to show how feed-forward and
feed-back control work in a drying
operation. We have chosen air
temperature as the input variable to
control. We controlled the air
temperature by adjusting the flow of gas
as a fuel to the burners in the dryer.

It should be noted that these control

mechanisms are not just used with
dryers, and that moisture is not the only
processing variable that can be monitored
for controlling a process.

Different steps in different processes for

the manufacture of various products will
each have their own important input and
output variables that need to be
monitored and controlled. You, as a
process operator, must decide which are
the critical output variables to monitor and
which are the most important input
variables to control. Once you have
identified these items, you can work with
equipment suppliers to set up whatever is
necessary to accomplish the desired


Advanced Course in Food Dehydration and Drying Chapter 2: Page 13.

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