Josquin Des Prez, Tu Pauperum Refugium (Questions For)

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Josquin des Prez, Tu pauperum refugium

1. 作曲家背景,布根第樂派 (Burgundian school) 之風格特徵為何?

2. 作品如何分段?每段織度的差異?
3. 列出樂句之終止式,並分析之。
4. 不協和音的運用情形。
5. 是否有模倣 (imitation) 的行為?
6. 聲部的使用有何特殊之處?

Tu pauperum refugium, Thou art the refuge of the poor,

tu languorum remedium, alleviator of weakness,
spes exsulum, hope of the exiled,
fortitudo laborantium, strength of the heavy laden,
via errantium, path for the erring,
veritas et vita. truth and life.
Et nunc Redemptor, Domine, And now, Lord Redeemer,
ad te solum confugio; I take refuge in Thee alone;
te verum Deum adoro, I worship Thee, the true God.
in te spero, in Thee I hope,
in te confido, in Thee I trust,
salus mea, Jesu Christe. My salvation, Jesus Christ,
Adjuva me, uphold me,
ne unquam obdormiat in morte anima mea. that my soul may never sleep in death.

Translation by John H. Lienhard.

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