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1. What is the maximum header size of an IP packet?

A. 32 bytes
B. 64 bytes
C. 30 bytes
D. 60 bytes
2. DHCP Server provides _____ to the client.
A. Protocol
B. IP Address
C. MAC Address
D. Network Address
3. What is the address size of IPv6 ?
A. 32 bit
B. 64 bit
C. 128 bit
D. 256 bit
4. What do you mean by broadcasting in Networking?
A. It means addressing a packet to all machine
B. It means addressing a packet to some machine
C. It means addressing a packet to a particular machine
D. It means addressing a packet to except a particular machine
5. ............provides a connection-oriented reliable service for sending messages
D. All of the above
6. What does Router do in a network?
A. Forwards a packet to all outgoing links
B. Forwards a packet to the next free outgoing link
C. Determines on which outing link a packet is to be forwarded
D. Forwards a packet to all outgoing links except the originated link
7. What is the use of Ping command?
A. To test a device on the network is reachable
B. To test a hard disk fault
C. To test a bug in a Application
D. To test a Pinter Quality
8. What is the size of Host bits in Class B of IP address?
A. 04
B. 08
C. 16
D. 32
9. Which of the following is correct in CIDR?
A. Class A includes Class B network
B. There are only two networks
C. There are high & low class network
D. There is no concept of class A, B, C networks
10. The processes on each machine that communicate at a given layer are called
A. UDP process
B. Intranet process
C. Server technology
D. Peer-peer process

Answer any Four: 4*1=4

1. What do you mean by Router and Gateway?
2. What is the difference between IP address and Port Number?
3. What is NAT?
4. What is TELNET?
5. What is web hosting?
6. What do you mean by subnet and supernet?
7. Compare between Internet and Intranet?
8. Why HTTP is called stateless protocol?

Answer any Five:

1. How Non repudiation and Message Integrity can be achieved? 5
2. Write short note on Digital Signature. 5
3. Explain the basic architecture of Active Server Page(ASP) 5
4. Discuss Voice Over Internet Protocol? 5
5. Explain basic model of SMTP. 3+2


6. Briefly explain FDDI frame format. 5

7. Briefly explain the features of TCP protocol and write note on ATM. 3+2
8. Explain different error reporting services provided by ICMP. How does an RARP protocol map
an physical address to IP address. 3+2
9. How DHCP and DNS works? 5
10. Draw the basic architecture of ISDN? Compare between CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA? 3+2
1. D 2. B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D

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