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State whether the following underlined verbs are linking or modal verbs.

EXAMPLE : Mary dress looks beautiful. Linking Verb

1 We ought to bathe every day if we desire to be healthy. _____________

2 Mario's pizza tastes just like home made pizza. _______________

3 Could you hold your breath for more than a minute? ______________

Tommy can hold his breath for two minutes. ________________

Write the correct form of the 'self' pronoun to complete the following sentences.

EXAMPLE : "I want to do it myself," said the little girl.

4 She freed _____________ from a difficult situation.

5 We _____________ would never have agreed to such a thing.

6 They allowed _____________ another break from work.

Write the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the following

EXAMPLE: He and I are going to church.

(am, is, are)

7 The speaker whom you saw at the lecture __________ is a doctor.

(is , are)

8 Either the actors or the director _______________ at fault.

(is, are)

9 The sales manager _______________hours surfing the web.

(spend, spends)

Join the following sentences below using suitable conjunctions

Example: John is very ill. He cannot attend school.

John cannot attend school because he is very ill.

10 We waited for Jenny. She did not come.

11 The children washed their hands. They had finished gardening.

12 It rained heavily. The football game continued.

Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
EXAMPLE: Malika is the tallest of the thirty students in our class.
( tall)

13 This dress is than the one I bought last year.


14 She is the _________________ woman I have ever seen.


15 The ______________ class in school is at home today.


Underline the adverbs in each of the following sentences

EXAMPLE : Your clothes is extremely dirty.

16 We seldom go to the beach since the car was sold.

17 We were rather cold before we dived into the water.

Complete the following sentences using prepositional phrases.
EXAMPLE: Place the towel....
Place the towel in the cupboard.

18 The children dived ______________________________________.

19 Several strange men were seen running _______________________

State wheter the following underlined verbs are TRANSITIVE or INTRANSITIVE

EXAMPLE: The little girl cried for about two hours

20 The little boy stole the box of pencils from the cupboard. _____________

21 She wakled for ten kilometres before she saw a house. ______________

22 Many children were sent to the principal's office by their teacher.




In the spaces below, write the APPROPRIATE form of the word that is
in CAPITAL LETTERS to complete EACH sentence. Remember to
spell correctly.

EXAMPLE: DIRECT The doctor told the patient to read the

directions on the label of the bottle.

23 HISTORY It was an ______________ moment when the national

flag was raised for the first time in 1962.

24 CRITICIZE Not all persons respond well to ______________.

In each of the following sentences there is a word that is underlined.
For EACH underlined word write EITHER another word, OR a phrase, that
is similar in meaning

EXAMPLE: The girl detested the idea of having to return for

the book she had forgotten at home.

ANSWERS: The girl hated the idea of having to return for

the book she had forgotten at home.

The girl did not like the idea of having to return for
the book she had forgotten at home.
25 The police pursued the thief across the canefield and through the town.

26 After the accident we encountered a chaotic scene at the hospital.

27 The principal gesticulated to us to come to her office at once.

Underline the word which is incorrectly spelt and write the correct form
in the space provided.

EXAMPLE: Rita measured the lenght of the table. length

28 While comeing home we saw many beautiful birds.

29 These mischievous boys need to be placed in seperate rooms.

30 A vicious fight broke out in the resturant.

Insert the TWO missing punctuation marks to correctly complete EACH
of the following sentences. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REWRITE

EXAMPLE: The babys bottle fell on my clothes.

The baby's bottle fell on my clothes.

31 My best friend Nicholas is my neighbour.

32 Mark took several items to the camp a gun a sleeping bag and a cutlass.

33 Stop!" the police shouted to the fleeing bandit

34 After we returned from the river we visited Sonia at the hospital

35 "Who stole mothers pen " the little boy enquired.


Read carefully the passage below and answer the questions that are
based on it. Use complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a famous leader of the American civil rights movement,
a political activist, and a Baptist minister. In 1964, King became the youngest man to be
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (for his work as a peacemaker, promoting nonviolence and equal
treatment for different races). On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
In 1977, he was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter.
In 1986, Martin Luther King Day was established as a United States holiday. In 2004, King was
posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. He was known as a great public speaker.
Dr. King often called for personal responsibility in fostering world peace. King's most influential
and well-known public address is the "I Have A Dream" speech, delivered on the steps of the
Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C..

36 In what year was Dr. King awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

37 For what was Dr. King awarded the Nobel Piece Prize?
38 What is meant by the word 'posthumously'?

39 Where was Dr. King's best known speech delivered?

40 What do you think was Dr. King's main message as a civil rights leader?

Read carefully the poem below and answer the questions that are
based on it. Use complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling.

I would like you for a comrade, for I love you, that I do,
I never met a little calf as amiable as you;
I would teach you how to dance and sing and how to talk and laugh,
If I were not a little girl and you were not a calf.

I would like you for a comrade; you should share my barley meal,
And butt me with your little horns just hard enough to feel;
We would lie beneath the chestnut trees and watch the leaves uncurl,
If I were not a clumsy calf and you a little girl.

41 Suggest an appropriate title for the poem

42 What does the word 'comrade' mean?

43 Who is speaking in the second stanza?

44 What four things does the little girl want to teach the calf?

45 Do you like the poem? Give a reason for your answer.

Read the bar chart carefully and answer the questions below using
complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling

46 What organization is responsible for compiling the above chart?

47 How many millions of dollars worth of bananas per million people are
imported by the United States?
48 For what year was this report made?

49 Which country is the top banana importer per million people?

50 Which country spends the least amount of money per million people
on bananas?

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