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GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.: 6
Module Title: The Globalization of Religion
Writers: Adrian Z. de Lumen, LPT, MM
Arlene A. Aguilar, LPT, PhD

Opening prayer:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the talents and gifts you have given me and for the
opportunity of education. As we begin this module, Lord, please open my
eyes to new learnings. I pray for wisdom as I engage to learn through this
module for clear mind as I read and view the materials. I pray that the
knowledge I may gain here transform my heart and mind to follow you
more and be of service to my fellowmen.

May you be glorified, Lord. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our
Lord through the intercession of Saint Dominic De Guzman, and Saint
Thomas Aquinas. Amen.

Topic 6: Religion


Among the overlapping factors of globalization, religion is the most

different from them. Commonly, globalization has directly positive
relationship with others but not with religion. It could be a double edged

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

sword. Meaning, religion can be a negative or positive factor for

globalization. We may be all familiar with religion, but we have different
sets of beliefs. With that, what is the real score between the two? Why is
religion considered the most difficult partner of globalization? Lastly, what
would be the effect of globalization to religion? Is it something helpful in
shaping the beliefs of different people? To answer these questions let us
start now the module.


This module has the following coverage:

Lesson Topics I should be able Estimated time
to …
Subtopic 1 Religion and - Identify the 2 hrs
globalization major religions in
together. the world. (A)
- Identify the
responses of
various religions
to globalization
- Explain how
affects religions
Subtopic 2 Realities on - Analyze the 2 hrs
religion relationship
religion and

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

religion (M)

Here is a simple map of the above lessons you will cover:

Reminder: To do well in this module, you need to remember and do

the following:

1. Open the indicated website if there is any.

2. Take down notes and copy some important link so that you could go
back whenever you need information given in that site.
3. Review videos/articles as many times as needed
4. Make your google classroom account and enrol yourself to (section to
follow). Make sure to use your complete name as username.
5. All activities, exercises, and pre and post assessment must be answered
and compiled in 1 document (Please see separate document or
answer sheet). Your compilation must be submitted within a week after
receipt of this module in google classroom.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

6. Pls. contact your instructor if there is any confusion thru this phone
number 09198144813 or thru facebook messenger with this link

Let’s find out how much you already know about this module.
True or False: Read each statement below carefully. Write T on the space
provided for if the statement is TRUE. Write F if you think the statement is
FALSE. Use Uppercase.

_____ 1. Religious teachings can be globalized.

_____ 2. Religion focuses more on material wealth, thus making it
_____ 3. Associations/groups based on race or language are considered as
earthly and inferior to religion.
_____ 4. In some places, religions are the foundations of modern republics
or government.
_____ 5. To some religions, globalization is viewed as an opportunity to
expand their reach all over the world.

This pre-assessment was just to make you more curious of the topics in
religion and globalization. To correct our misconceptions in the topic let us
explore below.

Study: Explore below

Activity 1: Classification

For online and offline students: Look at the pictures below. Classify them
by writing the letter corresponding to the picture inside the box under the
specific category.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

Religion Globalization

A. B. C.

D. E. F.

Process questions:
1. Among the images, choose 1 that you categorized under religion and
another 1 under globalization then explain why they are categorized as
2. Do you think that globalization and religion are intersecting and have
found their common ground? Explain briefly.

This activity shows that there are some concepts that are exclusively
associated with globalization or with religion. They seem to be two
opposing forces that contradict one another. But in today’s time everything

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

is almost possible. The integration of the two concepts is actually visible

despite of concrete differences. To understand and know what we are
talking about these differences and all, let us proceed below.

Explore more: (Note: read at least the first 3 paragraphs)

Online students:
(If the link does not work by clicking, copy and paste it to a web

Offline students: offline link (If the link does not work, open the file
manually: “Module 6 explore article”)

End of STUDY:
Your understanding of Religion and Globalization will be heightened as you
study the lessons and perform the activities in the Research phase.

Research: Firm up your understanding!

Your main goal in this section is to learn and understand some key
concepts by working on the following questions:
 What actually is religion and its role in globalization?
 Does globalization have an effect to religion and vice versa?
 Can the differences of globalization and religion meet halfway?

You will also learn what the current standing of religion in the 21 st century
is and hypothesize if religion will stay in the future.

Activity No. 2: Video viewing & Collaboration

You have to watch the video first to grasp what religion is. After
which, try collaborating with your classmates or friends in answering the
process questions below.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

For offline students: Pls press control + click the image below for the linked
offline video. (If the link does not work, manually open the video: “Module
6-Activity 2 Video-The five major world religions - John Bellaimey”)

For online students: Pls press control + click the link below.
(If the link does not work by clicking, copy and paste it to a web browser)

After watching the video, try to answer these questions.

1. To you, how important is religion?
2. Is religion a part of your major decisions in life? Will it still be a part of
your future major decisions? Explain briefly?

After answering, we can clear things out and add up our knowledge of
what religion is especially in today’s time by reading the important
concepts and the corresponding explanation below.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

Important concepts:
Please press control + click the link below to read the learning materials for
media and culture.

Religion and Globalization reading materials. (Offline material)

(If the link does not work, manually open the file: “Module 6 RM -

Exercise No. 1:
Identify the following statements if they have been used as a form of
defense of religion against colonialism or globalization. Write YES if it’s for
defense, NO if not a defense. Use Uppercase.

1. In Asia and Africa, the 1st revolts against colonialism was initiated by
the priestess and monks.
2. With consumerism, people around the world tend to acquire and
purchase a lot of things which are not very necessary. The Catholic
Church viewed this practice as developing a throw away culture and the
church vocally opposed this throw away culture.
3. Some of the Muslims view globalization as a Trojan horse because
globalization when fully embraced might cause numerous negative
impacts to the Muslim community.
4. The different religions use media in their evangelization activities.
5. Inter-religious dialogues are being done in order to heighten the
possibility of global peace.


In this section, the discussion is about the main reason why religion and
globalization contradict one another. Their main differences made us see
through the problem of integrating the two concepts. It’s as if the two are

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

oil and water which are difficult to mix but not impossible. We just need to
see things in different perspectives and find their common grounds that are
helpful to both religion and globalization. After you have gone through this
section, have you answered the question, “What is it like to integrate
religion and globalization?”

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.

Analyze: Deepen your acquired knowledge!

Your goal in this section is to review the roles of religion in social conflict
and peace, and conclude how religion works in a globalized world.

In the next activity you will watch a video on Youtube that will deepen your
understanding of the relationship between religion and globalization. What
is the impact of each concept to one another?

Activity no. 4: Video processing

1. For online students:
(If the link does not work by clicking, copy and paste it to a web browser)

2. For offline students: Press control + click the image below for the linked
offline video. (If the link does not work, manually open the video: “Module
6-Activity 4 Video-Religion and Globalization”)

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

Process questions: Please answer briefly.

1. What is your concept of a globalized society?
2. Do you think religion is needed in the globalized world?
3. Is religion helpful in bringing peace or is it rather a divisive factor of the

 Religion, being a belief system that cannot be empirically proven is
therefore an anathema to modernization.
 Secularization theory – the thesis that modernization will erode
religious practice.
 Samuel Huntington: civilizations can be held together by religious
world views.
 It was because of moral arguments that religious people were able
to justify their political involvement.
 Religious leaders have used religion to wield influence in the political
arena either as outsiders or integral members of coalitions.
 Religions are actually quite malleable; their resilience has been
extraordinary that they have outlasted secular ideologies.

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

Religion can be both a support or a barrier for a globalized world

depending on how one views it. It’s just a matter of how people will
respect everyone’s cultural and individual differences. But one thing
sure, religion is here to stay.


Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to
do the tasks in the next section.

Action Apply your learnings in the society!

Activity number 5: Closing activity

Since we assume that religion is here to stay, let us think of ways on how
different religions could foster understanding and respect for one
another in order to attain global unity. Your task is to help identify
possible activities that can promote inter-religious dialogue or inter-
religious activities. The activities may vary from academic, artistic, simple,
innovative, and etc. Below is a matrix that you will fill out. Give at least
three activities.

Activity Objectives Participants Occasion/Celebration/Date

(What) (Why) (Who) (Where and When)

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World


Before closing module 6, as part of conclusion, let us clarify that the

relationship of religion and globalization though the most hard and seems
incompatible due to its total opposite characteristics (religion = spiritual |
globalization = material wealth), they still have their common grounds that
make them coexist in this modern world. Their relationship also is the same
with other concepts which may bring benefits or the other way around. It
is in the hands of people how they will make use of the opportunity
available with the said relationship.

SELF REFLECTION: Kindly put a check on your honest response given

the learning skill.
Learning With confidence Not sure though A little bit
outcomes confused
- Identify the
various religious
responses to
globalization (A)
- Explain how
affects religious
practices and
beliefs (M)
- Analyze the
between religion
and global
conflict and,
global peace.
- Hypothesize
religion in a

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

globalized world.

Before you go to the post test, assess yourself using the self-reflection if
you are ready, if not you may reach me via messenger or sms for your

It’s now time to evaluate your learning.

I. True or False: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is

False. [1 pt]

_____ 1. Religious teaching can be globalized.

_____ 2. Religion focuses more on material wealth, thus making it to be
_____ 3. Association like race and language are considered as earthly and
inferior for religion.
_____ 4. In some places, religions are the foundations of modern republics
or government.
_____ 5. To some religion, they see globalization as an opportunity to
expand their reach all over the world

Summative assessment
I. Rank the following religions in terms of its members by writing 1 to 5 on
the space provided for. 1 having the largest members and 5 having the
least members among the six religions..

_____ a. Islam
_____ b. Judaism
_____ c. Buddhism
_____ d. Christianity
_____ e. Hinduism
_____ f. Sikhism

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

II. Match the symbols with the religions they symbolize. Write the letter
that corresponds to your answer on the space provided for. Use

Symbol Religion
_____ 1. Islam

_____ 2. Judaism

_____ 3. Buddhism

_____ 4. Christianity

_____ 5. Sikhism


Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3
GE3: The Contemporary World

III. Identify what is being described in each item. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the space provided for. Use UPPERCASE.

Symbols Religion
A. The oldest religion _____ 1. Islam
B. Oldest among the monotheistic _____ 2. Judaism
C. Founded in Arabia by _____ 3. Buddhism
D. Founded by Siddhartha Gautama _____ 4. Christianity
E. Founded by Jesus Christ _____ 5. Hinduism

Closing prayer:

Dear Lord,

I have invested a great deal in this module with honest and noble
intentions. I have made sacrifices as you have made sacrifices for us. I
have used the gifts you have given me, remained steadfast and focused,
and have put my heart and soul into this module. I pray for intercession
and honest reward through Jesus Christ, from whom all good things come.

• Claudio, E.L., et. al., “The contemporary world”, 2018

Arlene A. Aguilar, Ph.D.

Professor, GE3

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