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The modern era always goes hand in hand with modern facilities, including facilities for obtaining
knowledge. An era that produces convenience in life with limitless information such as that provided
by the internet. Facebook as an application in the internet world was originally created not as a
learning medium, but today Facebook has been modified and used as a learning medium by its
users.The selection of the Facebook site as a medium for learning English is related to the fact that
Indonesia is the highest Facebook user in ASEAN, which is approximately 2 million Facebook accounts.
As we all know Facebook is the most popular social networking media in the whole world and has
now even penetrated Indonesia.

Below are Facebook features that can be used in learning English, such as:
a. Facebook Share.
Facebook Share / link, is a basic feature on Facebook. With this feature, the teacher can search for
websites or images related to English learning, then share them on Facebook and then can be
accessed by students.
b. Facebook Quiz
This feature can actually be used to do online quizzes. The teacher can make the quiz easily then tell
all the students to do the quiz. The teacher can replace assignments in the form of questions by
making this quiz, in this quiz the teacher can also determine the scores obtained by students based on
the answers they give.
c. Facebook Note
With this facility, the teacher can provoke his students to discuss certain topics with each other. The
teacher simply makes notes on the wall and then tags all the students to provoke discussion.
d. Facebook Apps
With this feature almost anything can be done. One of them is by making an edutainment game on
the Facebook Apps platform.
e. Up Date Status
Through the Up Date Status, the teacher can remind students about the material to be studied in the
next meeting, provide a stimulus, or provide a way for discussion through "comments", so that
students are provoked to discuss.
f. Forum
This feature can also be used as a means of discussion between students and teachers and students
and students.
g. Up Load Photo
With this feature, teachers and students usually upload photos / pictures related to English material,
then these photos can be shared and used as a discussion theme with the means of "commenting",
h. Message
Through messaging services, teachers can provide assignments or recommendations for sources that
students can access on the internet.

The Position of the Media in Learning

The occurrence of a meaningful learning experience cannot be separated from the role of the media,
especially from its position and function. In general, the media has uses:
a) Clarify the message so that it is not too verbalistic.
b) Overcoming the limitations of space, time, energy, and sensory power.
c) Generating passion for learning, more direct interaction between students and learning resources.
d) Allows children to learn independently according to their visual, auditory and kinesthetic talents
and abilities.
In using Facebook there are strengths and weaknesses, namely
1)The learning process is more interesting.
2) Facilitate the work of the teacher in
convey material and other announcements,
3) More extensive learning resources.
4) Time and place to study is more flexible.
5) Have a lot of users.

The weaknesses, namely

1) Limited internet network in the area rural.
2) Lack of facilities to access the internet, such as computers,
laptops, and smartphones.
3) Additional fees for internet services.
4) Teacher having difficulty making an assessment, especially on the assessment sheet
observation, because not all students use real names on Facebook accounts

1. Before using this learning media, it is better if teachers are given training on how to use the
internet properly and safely.
2. Students are divided into several groups, for example one group consisting of 2 people so as to
reduce the cost of internet access, and also train cooperation in learning.
3. Use of mobile phones as a substitute for computers in accessing the Facebook site, for students
who do not yet have internet access in their area.
4. There is a need for some kind of advisor (counselor) who monitors student activities while
accessing the internet, it could be parents, siblings or other trusted people.
5. Recommending internet cafes that have blocked pornographic sites (such as the use of AWARI's IP),
in order to anticipate students from accessing the site.

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