Top S 4 HANA Finance Interview Questions and Answers For 2019 - Intellipaat

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Top S/4 HANA Finance Interview Questions And Answers

With this SAP S4 HANA Finance interview questions you will be able to face your S4 HANA Finance job
interview with con dence. You will get to know what are the key elements of SAP Simple Finance, migrating
from SAP to Simple Finance, Asset Accounting, modeling Studio, SAP FI Organizational Structure and more.
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8/9/2019 Top S 4 HANA Finance Interview Questions and Answers for 2019 - Intellipaat

Top Answers to S 4 HANA Finance Interview Questions

1. What is SAP Simple Finance?

Criteria How S/4 HANA Finance wins?

User Experience Role-based with SAP Fiori App

Powered by SAP HANA platform

Applications and extensions Instant insight-driven applications

Available editions Cloud and on-premise

SAP Simple Finance is a primarily based on SAP HANA, which can be deployed in the cloud or on
premise. Designed to be convenient to use, it can deliver immediately insight for nance professionals.
It improves the current nance solution portfolio from SAP, its purposeful strength remains the same
while enabling non-disruptive migration.

2. List the key elements of the SAP Simple Finance?

The following are some of the handy key aspects of the SAP Simple Finance :

Financial Planning and Analysis

With SAP Simple Finance, companies can forecast, price range and layout as an ongoing approach. With
the advantage of Predictive Analysis, groups can forecast tohave an e ect on of commercial enterprise
decisions on their organization economic reports.

Finance and Accounting

With the bene ts of advanced Accounting and Finance features, corporations can ful l the criminal
terms. Further, they can nish the reviews of Finance on time.

Financial Risk Management 2/11
8/9/2019 Top S 4 HANA Finance Interview Questions and Answers for 2019 - Intellipaat

With the bene t of Predictive Analysis, organizations can determine the dangers existing in the
processes of the Finance at the preliminary stage itself and take steps to remedy them. It is simple to
determine the exceptional feasible funding costs related to the market standards.

Compliance and Risk Management

With the robust economic approach, it is uncomplicated to keep away from unauthorized get right of
entry to important facts in the enterprise. It is easy to perceive abuse as properly as fraud. The
corporations can be in a position to mitigate the danger concern in whole nancial processes.

3. What is posting period?

The Posting duration variant controls which posting periods, both regular and special, are open for
every organisation code. It is viable to have a one of a kind posting duration variant for each enterprise
code in the organization. The posting length is independent of the scal year variant.

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4. State the ways Of migration from SAP To Simple Finance?

Here are some of the ways that kingdom how the corporations can migrate from SAP traditional FICO
module to Simple Finance (that is SFINE 2.0). The ones who are New GL are capable of migrating
directly to Simple Finance. Those who are on usual GL want to migrate to New GL rst and then
migrate to Simple Finance. This sort of migration takes place only with SPRO and doesn’t require

technical assistance. There is a distinction when migration is  from the central factor of Finance that
supports with shifting information dispensed Enterprise Resource Planning panorama and non–SAP
Enterprise Resource Planning, utilizing SLT.

5. In SAP Simple Finance, even in case the client never uses the Asset Accounting, Is mandatory
to have a new Asset Accounting? 3/11
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In Asset Accounting, in case there is no data that refers to the both customizing and transactional facts
that have to be shifted, in such a scenario there is no obligatory for doing the migration steps in the
Asset Accounting.If the consumer decided to use the Asset Accounting in their new asset accounting
later, then they can set up the personalizing in the IMG.

6. What is modeling studio?

There are several tasks a modeling studio performs in SAP Finance. Some of them are protected in the
following: Handle Data Services in order to enter the records from the SAP Business Warehouse States,
which tables are placed in HANA, the preliminary thing is to receive metadata and then software data
replication tasks, Utilize Data services for modeling, Handle ERP requests connection Perform

7. What is the di erence between Logistics and Transport?

Logistics: Transportation:

Logistics is the process of managing goods, resources Transport is the movement of the
and information from the source to the consumers in a goods from one point to the other.
manner that it ts the requirements of both parties. It is considered as part of logistics.

8. Is it viable for a corporation to have a high quality money oat however additionally be in a
serious monetary trouble?

Yes, it is. An organisation that is selling o stock but delaying payables will exhibit advantageous money
oat for a while–even although they’re in trouble. Another instance would be where an employer has
robust revenues for the length but future forecasts show that revenues will decline. This would
manifest when a business enterprise hasn’t focused on making certain there have been new
prospects/sales in the pipeline.

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9. How is Account Type related to Document type? 

We can di erentiate the document type with a 2-character code like DG and so on but a account type is
designated by a single character code like D and so on. Specifying which debts a unique le can be
posted to. The frequent account sorts include:

A Assets
D Customer (Debtor)
K Vendor (Creditor) 4/11
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M Materials

10. Is it possible to exchange a present B/S, GL A/C to the P/L type?

Technically, you will be in a position to exchange all the elds, without the account number, of a GL
account in the Chart of Accounts area. Nevertheless, in this speci c event when you

Change the B/S to P&L in the GL account type then can be sure that it is stable to carry the application
forward by saving the changes which will help the system to correct the suitability for account balances.

11. What are the various Compression Techniques Available?

There are three kinds of Compression Techniques on hand they are –

1. Cluster encoding
2. Run-length encoding
3. Dictionary encoding

12. What is Document type?

SAP comes delivered with a quantity of Document Types, which are used in various postings. The
record kind helps to classify an accounting transaction within the system, and is used to manage the
complete transaction and determine the account types a precise document kind can submit to.

For example, the le kind AB allows you to submit to all the accounts, whereas type DZ allows you to
submit only the consumer payments. Every report type is assigned a number range.

The common le kinds include: 

AA — Asset posting
KG — Vendor credit score memo
AB —Accounting document
KN — Net vendors
AF — Depreciation postings
KR — Vendor invoice
DG — Customer credit score memo
KZ — Vendor payment
DR — Customer invoice
KG — Vendor deposit memo 
DZ — Customer payment
SA — GL account document
X1 — Recurring entry doc.
X2 —Sample document

13. What are the essential grant chain challenges agencies face? 5/11
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The ve big challenges that organizations face these days is,

Ignoring the continued growth of e-commerce as a channel in the industrial zone

No attention to the practicable risk like risky transportation costs
Over expectation that furnish chain administration technologies will x everything, Over-reliance
on past performance to predict future sales
Increase complexity delivered to furnish chain operations with implementation of pointless
applied sciences
Lack of understanding of the full capacities of suppliers and service.

14. What is the SAP FI Organizational Structure

Operating Concern
Controlling area1 Controlling Area 2
Co. Code 1 Co. Code 2
Bus area 1 Bus area2 Bus Area3 Bus Area 4

15. How is it viable for the employer to show high quality net earnings and go bankrupt?

Two examples include deterioration of working capital (i.e. growing accounts receivable, lowering bills
payable), and monetary shenanigans.

16. What is deferred tax liability and what is the purpose?

A deferred tax liability is simply the contrary of a deferred tax asset. The deferred tax liability occurs
when a tax price said on the earnings statement is not paid to the IRS in the course of the same length
it is recognized–it’s paid at a future date. When there are di erences in depreciation price between e
book reporting (GAAP) and IRS reporting Deferred tax liabilities can end result which leads to variations
pro ts as re ected on a company’s earnings assertion versus what’s suggested to the IRS–and which
results in lower taxes payable to the IRS (in the quick run).

17. What is the most essential assist that SAP Simple Finance does? 
SAP Financial and Controlling module (one of the center modules of SAP from its R/2 days) is a virtually
advance presenting with high-quality width and profundity. SAP Simple Finance o ers extreme in-
memory-reporting that takes out the limit between (B/W) controlling and cash related reporting,
incorporating arranging capacities and enhancing liquidity examination. PWC can bolster the execution
of SAP Simple Finance to Finance work ip into a proper enterprise accomplice. 6/11
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18. Is it possible for a company to have positive cash ow but be in serious nancial trouble ?

Yes indeed, it is. An organization that is auctioning o stock however postponing payables will indicate
positive income for a while– despite the fact that they’re stuck in an unfortunate situation. Another case
would be the place an organization has solid incomes for the period however future forecast
demonstrate that incomes will decline. This would happen when an organization hasn’t concentrated
on ensuring there were new prospects/deals in the pipeline.

19. Explain groupings and levels.

Groupings determine how to summarize the data, with quite a number groups and degrees de ned. A
Group adds up a variety of nancial institution debts and includes a variety of levels. A Level, thus,
denotes the sources of data or account transactions. Below the degrees are the line items, which are
displayed the usage of a listing display.

20. What is Transport Request?

It’s a kind of a collection of changes that are made in the development system. The information
pertaining to the type of change, the purpose of transport, request category and the target system are
all recorded. It is also known as Change Requests.

21. What makes a desirable Financial Model?

It’s important to have robust monetary modelling fundamentals. Wherever viable model assumptions
(inputs) need to be in one location and incredibly coloured (typically nancial institution fashions use
blue font for mannequin inputs). Good Excel fashions also make it convenient for users to understand
how inputs are translated into outputs. Good Excel models additionally include error tests to ensure
the mannequin is working e caciously (e.g. the balance sheet balances, the money glide calculations
are correct, etc.). They contain ample detail, but no longer too much, and they have a dashboard that
sincerely shows the key outputs with charts and graphs. For more, take a look at out our complete
guide to nancial modeling.

22. Why do two agencies merge?

To gain cost savings, obtain new technology ,enter new markets, , remove a competitor, and because
it’s “accretive” to nancial metrics. Learn greater about accretion in M&A. 

23. Why do capital expenses enlarge an corporations assets, while di erent expenditure like
paying taxes, employees’ salaries, utility bills etc. do now not amplify an organisation’s asset
base, nut as a substitute show up as fee on the earnings announcement that decrease equity
by means of retained earnings? 7/11
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Unlike regular prices that furnish bene t over a short period time (i.e., employee’s work, taxes, etc.),
capital expenditures supply advantage over a longer duration of time.Because of the span of their
assessed bene t– normally various years– capital charges are capitalized by the stability sheet, the
place shorter time period bills are expensed on the income statement. This is the di erence between
an asset and an expense. You’ll favor to start with internet income and then proceed line by means of
line thru the essential changes (depreciation, deferred taxes, and working capital changes) required to
arrive at cash glide from operations. In your rationalization you’ll additionally choose to mention the
Capital expenditures, buy of intangible assets, sale of actual assets, and purchase/sale of investment
securities to locate money oat generated from investing actives. Issuance/repurchase of dept., sale of
equity, and payment of dividends to locate money oat from nancing activities. Adding the cash ows
from operating, investing and nancing activities you’re in a position to come up with the whole
alternate in cash. By taking the cash stability at the establishing of the length and adjusting it for the
whole alternate in cash you arrive at the money balance at the stop of the period.

24. What is the Document alternate Rule?

The principle document of SAP doesn’t allow changing the relevant elds as soon as a le is posted; any
adjustments can only be completed via Reversal or extra postings. currency, employer code, business
area,  amount ,account number, posting key, etc., are few such elds can by no means be modi ed
once the document is posted. However, SAP approves changing some of the elds in the line objects
such as charge method, charge block, residence bank, dunning level, dunning block, etc. These can be
modi ed le by means of le or by using the usage of mass alternate for a range of archives in a single
step. The modi cations to grasp information are tracked and stored per person for an audit trail.

25. In Simple Finance even if the consumer never makes use of the asset accounting, is New
Asset Accounting Mandatory?

In case in the Asset Accounting then there is no data, which refers to the both transactional as properly
as the customizing data, which have to be migrated, in such a state of a airs there is no compulsion for
performing the migration step in Asset Accounting. If decided to use Asset Accounting later in new
asset accounting, then you can set up the customizing in the IMG.

26. What is activity based costing?

It is an approach which helps in the breakdown of the expenses into speci c things to do in order to

upkeep of accuracy in the distribution of charges in product costing.

27. How many charts of Accounts can be attached to a Company Code?

One or extra Operative Chart of Accounts can be assigned to a organisation code. COA should be
assigned to a business enterprise code. This COA is the operative COA and is used in each FI and CO.
One Chart of Account can be assigned too many Company codes i.e., a couple of business enterprise 8/11
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codes can either share the identical or have separate COA. But a corporation code (Country speci c
Company code or International Company code) can have an us of a precise COA also along with
Operative COA. The hyperlink between the normal COA and the US COA appears in the alternate
quantity area of the G/L master record.

28. What are the substitutions and validations? What is precedent?

Validations are used to take a look at settings and return a message if the prerequisite take a look at
condition is met. Substitutions are similar to validations; they surely exchange and ll in eld values at
the back of the scenes besides the user’s know-how in contrast to validations that create on-screen
messages to the user.

29. What are the con gurations for Bank Statement Processing?

These are the following described or con guration required in your system:

Start Variant
Search ID
Processing Type
Internal Bank Determination

30. What is the di erence between Company and Company Code?

Company Company Code

This is wherein the various types of company It  is the smallest unit of the organization
nancial statement codes are rolled up so that for which acomplete self-contained set of
the organizational unit is used in the legal accounts can be drawn up for purposes of
consolidation module. external reporting.

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