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GRAMMAR Girels) a,b, or. 1 Marilyn Monroe a was b were care 2 Where Shakespeare born? a was _b were an actress. 5 the tickets expensive? a Was b Were c Did 4 1___a good movie on I'V lastnight. a watched b watch © watches 5 They ___at Stamford Bridge stadium, a dida'tartived b dontarrived © didn'tarrive 6 you see the soecer match last night? a Did b Do © Was 7 We a go b were ¢ went 8 When____ in Los Angeles? a youlive b did youlived © did youtive 9 1____ you at the party ast nighe. a didn'tsaw b didntsee © don't saw 10. Whatrime__home? a didyouget b youdid get ¢ you got to Cuzco thiee years ago. n big table inthe living room, a Thereare b Thereis c Itis 12 How many bedrooms _? a thereare uredhere ¢ aretiey 13 There aren't a any bsome ca 4 only three guests in the di a Therewas b Therewere c Thereis 15. How many people inthe hotel? fa there were 1b wasthere © were there pictures on the walls. \groom. VOCABULARY a Complete the professions with -er,-or,-ist, or -ian. 1 act 5 scient 2 art 3 paint + music __ bb Complererhe phrases with have, go, or get 1 a goodtime 4 ataxi 2 anemail 5 sandwich 3 away forthe weekend © Complete the sentences with back, by, in, out, or to. 1 Iwent___with my friends on Saturday night. 2 They went home 3. Whar time did you get 4 Iwasborn 1982. 5 After lunch, I went to work. 4 Label the pictures. eUast fe Write the prepositions, «aaa PRONUNCIATION a Circe) the word with a different sound. 1 fd) wanted waited lived ended 22D saw — walked thought could 3 & beard mer sid aft 4 (C near there wear stairs Ha behind 5 A, hall heat hour b_ Underline the stressed syllable. jan 2 algo 3 yes|ter|day 4 beltween 5 firelplace CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Arthur Conan Doyle was Scottish, but he worked. in England. 2 He started writing stories about Sherlock Holmes: while at university 3. Conan Doyle lived at 221b Baker Street in London. 4 In 1893, he didn’t want to write more Sherlock Holmes stories, 5 Sherlock Holmes didn't die in Austria. 6 Sherlock Holmes is very popular today. } Look atthe highlighted words or phrases inthe text and guess their meaning, The man who wrote SHERLOCK HOLMES rthur Conan Dayle was born in Edinburgh on L \ May 22, 1859. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University ind 4 a stave, Le begat ig SE He became a doctor in the south of England, but at fist, he didnt have many pales. So mn his ree time, he began writing stories about a very smart ASESREINE, Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle based Holme: personality on one of his university professors, Holmes, ‘who lives at 22b Baker Street in London, is famous for solving difficult Effm@8 and mysteries using his great intelligence. The Sherlock Holmes stories soon became very popular bustin 1ROR, Conan Priya harame tira af his detective, and decided to “kilt” him, In The Final Problem, Sherlock Holmes and his nein, Professor Moriarty, dic ‘when they falloff the Reichenbach Fallsin Switzerland. But people were very unhappy to lose Sherlock Holmes, and there were letters in many newspapers asking for him ‘to EOMEback. Finally, in IYUI, Conan Doyle brought him back in anew story, The Hound, of the Boskervilles. He explained that Holmes did not die in the Reichenbach Falls, but miraculously SUEVIVEE. Conan Doyle died on July 7. 1930, but Sherlock Holmes continues to live both in the stories and in many movie versions, Recently, he was the inspiration for the cheracter Dr. Gregory House inthe TV series House. Heba Polly Jeanna Phoebe Ben a CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? (4 28)) On the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions, 1 Heba a has family in New York b livesin Egypt was harnin Cate 2 Polly wentout for dinner on a Friday b Saturday ¢ Sunday 3 Jeanna likes her kitchen because a ithasa refrigerator b ies notbig € ithas two stoves 4 Phoebe's bedroom a hasabig bed b has nice windows ¢ isbig 5 Yesterday evening, Ben b worked at home € went to bed early CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Check (/) the box if you cando them, Can you... 1 [_| say three things abouta famous (dead) person from your country 2 [_] say five things you did last week, using past time expressions, e.g, lastnight, yesterday, (three) days ayy, ct. 3 [_] say where and when you were born 4 (| askyour partner five questions about yesterday WBE Short movies Edinburgh castle | DED Watch and enjoy the movie. cI==p [EI

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