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Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)

College of International Management

037301EA Advanced Organizational BehaviorEA

030335EA Organizational ManagementEA
2021 Spring Semester (1st Quarter)

Textbooks and Supplementary Reading

Textbooks on ‘organizations’ vary widely. Therefore, it is useful to explore more than
one. They often have a dominant academic or managerial focus; are usually either
prescriptive or critical; can be primarily focused on North American workplaces and
research; are often rooted in the social science disciplines of psychology, sociology,
political science, and economics; and differ in their degree of engagement with readers.
As you will appreciate, this is an intellectually challenging subject that requires you to
demonstrate the ability to analyse, synthesise and offer critique: for example, you
should get into the habit of asking yourself political questions such as ‘in whose
interests’, ‘who may loss out if certain course of action is taken’, or ‘who has a voice in
a debate or by promoting certain management practice’? Below is a list of two texts for
this class:

• Mullins, L. J. (2008) Essentials of organisational behaviour, 2nd edition.

Prentice Hall.

List of additional ‘typical’ texts for this subject:

Hatch, M.J. (1997) Organization theory, Oxford: OUP.

Morgan, G. (1986) Images of organization. London: Sage.
Mullins, L. J. (2005) Management and organisational behaviour, 7th edition. Harlow:
FT Prentice Hall.
Scott, R. (1992) Organizations: rational, open, and natural systems, 3rd edition.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Thompson, P. and McHugh, D. (2002) Work organisations: a critical introduction,
3rd edition. London: Palgrave.
Weick, K.E. (1979) The social psychology of organizing, 2nd edition. Reading, Mass:
(P.S.: The publication year of each book may be different.)
There are many journals that you should monitor to trace important research in the field
and keep abreast of contemporary developments that usually do not appear in textbooks
for several years. These are derived historically from US-European experience and
perspectives, and in recent years more material with a focus on Asia-Pacific regions is
available. They include:

Academy of Management Review – A leading academic journal, publishing new
theoretical insights that advance our understanding of management and organizations.
Academy of Management Journal – A leading academic journal, publishing empirical
research that tests, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to
management practice.
Administrative Science Quarterly - mainstream US academic journal, treating
management as ‘science’ (by making certain assumptions about management and by
applying its methods)
Organization Science – ditto
California Management Review – management journal with an academic touch
Sloan Management Review - ditto
Organization Studies - European academic journal, from social science perspectives
Journal of Management Studies - European academic journal, with an interest to both
theory and practice
Human Relations - interdisciplinary European journal
British Journal of Management – UK academic journal
Management Learning - a multi-disciplinary journal covering a range of topics
Organization - a well-respected journal which goes beyond the accepted disciplinary
Management Today - general practitioner’s magazine
Journal of Organizational Change Management – a special topic journal from 1980s

Asia Pacific Journal of Management – Springer US (jointly with National University of
Singapore) from 1980s, regional focus on ‘what determines firm success?’
Asian Business & Management – Palgrave Macmillan, with a focus on Asia and
addresses a fundamental business question (publishing in association with the
Association of Japanese Business Studies; Euro-Asia Management Studies
Association; Japan Academy of Business Administration; Japan Academy of Labor
and Management)
Asia Pacific Business Review – Routledge from 1990s, UK-based, covering economics,
history, politics and culture

Journal of Asian Business – US based for academic, executive and professional
education, cross-cultural studies
The China Quarterly – Cambridge University Press, scholarly journal covering social
science and humanity disciplines (in several languages)
The China Business Review – official publication of US-China Business Council

Additionally, depending on your research interests, there are management-related

journals with an international outlook that are worth consulting:

Critical Perspectives on International Business

The International Journal of Human Resources Management
International Journal of Manpower
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Business Research
Business Horizons
Journal of World Business
Journal of International Business Studies
Management International Review

It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself fully with University Regulations

concerning plagiarism and other forms of unacceptable and unfair practice.

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