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BIOL&223 Major’s Organismal Physiology

Fall Quarter 2018

Section A (2060)
Lecture: M, F 8:00 - 8:50 Shk 145

Lecture: W 8:00 - 9:50 Shk 145

Lab: F 9:00 - 11:50 Shk 134

Instructor: Jeff D Fennell


Office Hours: MWThF, 10:00 - 11:50; or by appointment.

Office: Shk 124

Phone: 425.388.9964 x7332

BIOL&223 Major’s Organismal Physiology

Fall Quarter 2018
Section A (2060)
Required Text
Required Supplies
Course Description
Core Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Objectives
Student Responsibilities
Canvas eLearning System
Statement on Accessibility
Cell Phones, Tablets, Laptops, etc.
Grading Policy
Lecture Exams
Comprehensive Final
Weekly Quizzes
In-Class Clicker Questions / Activities
Reading Quizzes
Pre-Lab Assignments
Lab Wright Up
Assigned Readings and Topics

Required Text
Life: Biological Science, 6th Edition by Scott Freeman ​et al​.

Required Supplies
● Scantrons required for tests.
● Internet access is required for this course. Some assignments will be submitted
on-line via Canvas .
● Purchase of the Pearson Learning Catalytic access (information provided in
Course Description
For students intending to major in the sciences. Animal development and
physiology, plant development and physiology, including photosynthesis. Final
course of three-quarter series. Lab fee: $46.05.

Prerequisite​: ​BIOL& 222 with a grade of C or higher and CHEM& 162 with grade of
C or higher or concurrent enrollment in CHEM& 162, or instructor permission.

Core Student Learning Outcomes

1. Engage and take responsibility as active learners.
2. Think critically.
3. Communicate effectively
4. Participate in diverse environments.
5. Utilize information literacy skills
6. Demonstrate computer and technology proficiency.

It also supports Program Specific Outcomes:

1. Apply quantitative analysis to solve problems.
2. Apply the scientific method.
3. Critically evaluate the science-related content in reports, popular media and
public policy.
4. Effectively communicate scientific processes.

Student Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Use standard scientific instrumentation, including microscopes, to design and

carry out experiments and record and analyze data.
2. Report on experimental results in standard scientific format.
3. Critically apply course concepts to laboratory setting.
4. Apply basic models and mathematics to address biological questions.
5. Describe the mechanisms used by plants and animals to obtain nutrients,
transport water and solutes, grow, reproduce and respond to their environments.
6. Describe the major evolutionary trends among animal and plant phyla with
relationship to the physiological processes described above.
7. Describe various cell and tissue types and explain how their specializations
contribute to the physiological function of organs and/or organ systems.
8. Describe the evolutionary adaptations of plants and animals in their transition
from aquatic to terrestrial environments.
9. Describe photosynthesis in detail and compare and contrast with aerobic
cellular respiration.
10.Describe C4 photosynthesis and CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism).
11.Describe reproductive strategies and development in plants and animals.
12.Describe immunity in plants and animals.
13.Describe how the specific cell type infected by HIV devastates the human
immune system

Attendance will not be taken. However, my past courses have proven to me that
students who miss class do poorly on the exams and in the class in general. If
you must miss class, please let me know in advance so I can let you know what
you’ll miss.

Attendance of labs is crucial. Failure to ​fully ​attend a lab will result in a total loss
of all those lab points. ​Failure to attend 2 or more labs will result in a
failing grade in the class​. No exceptions.

Student Responsibilities
Students should attend every class session. If a student misses a class session it is
the student's responsibility to obtain the notes, assignments, any changes in the
schedule, and materials handed out in class. If a student must miss class due to
a prolonged illness or unexpected circumstance, the student should notify the
instructor as soon as possible to make arrangements.
Make sure to ask instructor if you are unclear on a topic, other students will also
benefit from hearing the explanation.

You, the student, are expected to conduct yourself with integrity. When you cheat​*​,
or aid someone else in cheating, you violate a trust. If you cheat, disciplinary
action will be taken. At a minimum, you will receive a zero on the assignment
in question and the incident will be reported to the Dean of Instruction, with a
warning letter generated for your permanent record. In addition, all future
quizzes and exams will be taken at the front of the class, where I can more
closely watch you (and everyone will know why…)

*Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying answers on tests and
assignments, glancing at nearby test papers, swapping papers, stealing,
plagiarizing, illicitly giving or receiving help on exams and assignments, or
changing answers after the exam with the intention of getting more points than

Quizzes and Exams must be taken on the day they are given, unless ​previous
arrangements have been made. Late assignments will only be accepted at my
discretion ​within 1 week of their due date​, for ​half credit​.

Canvas eLearning System

I will be utilizing the College’s Canvas eLearning system. You can access it
through the school’s eLearning link on the main College web page. Should you
need it, ​here's an EvCC Student eLearning Orientation​.

Statement on Accessibility
If you have a specific physical, psychiatric or learning disability and require
accommodations, please let me know early in the quarter so that your learning
needs may be appropriately met. You will need to provide documentation of
your disability to the Center for Disability Services (located in Parks 267 right
across from the bookstore).

Cell Phones, Tablets, Laptops, etc.

These have become a problem over the years. I pledge not to check my email or
texts in the middle of a lecture; I ask the same of you. This includes taking a
Selfie to check your makeup; I won't do that either.

Grading Policy
Your grade will be based upon the following. I’m weighing the points of these
assignments, rather than rely upon a set amount of points. The points are
distributed as follows:


2 Lecture Exams (approx. 80 points each) 160?

1 Comprehensive Final (approx.130 points) 130?

Weekly Metacog. Quizzes (approx. 12 points) 96? 10%

27 Reading Quizzes (2 points each) 54 5%

In-class Assignments / Catalytics (points vary) 150? 20%

8 Pre-Lab Assignments (5 points each) 40

8 Labs (5 points each) 40 25%

8 Lab Write Ups (10 points each) 80

Total ​(​estimate​) 750?

The final course point total may differ than what's listed here, due to scheduling
changes. I'll do my best to keep us on track.

Final course grades will be assigned according the percentage of points you earn:

93% - 100% = 87%- 89% = 77% - 79% = 67% - 69% =

A B+ C+ D+

90% - 92% = 83% - 86% = 73% - 76% = 62% - 66% =

A- B C D

80% - 82% = 70% - 72% = <62% = F

B- C-

Lecture Exams

These will be approximately 80 point, multiple-choice and short-answer

questions over the previous lecture and lab material.

Comprehensive Final

Half this exam will be over the last third of the class. The comprehensive
portion of this exam will cover the first ⅔ of the class.

Weekly Quizzes

On Fridays, we will have a metacognition quiz over the week's material. These
will be on Canvas, open during the weekend.

In-Class Catalytics/ Activities

We will have several of these throughout the quarter. You must be present in
class to receive these points.
Reading Quizzes

Nearly every lecture day there will be an online reading quiz due at the start of
class. These are on Canvas, not timed, and generally cover the material we’ll
be going over in class.

Pre-Lab Assignments

Most labs have an online quiz over them due ​before ​lab.


Our labs have questions within them. You must be present in lab to get these

Lab Wright Up

Our labs have write-ups/questions at the back.


This doesn't apply to most students, but you will lose 1 point for: Turning in an
assignment without a name; turning in an assignment in the wrong place; or
stapling the wrong assignments together. How to do all this correctly is easy
and clearly spelled out in class.

Assigned Readings and Topics

For the reading assignments, checkout the ​Course Reading Assignment link​ in

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