Hướng Dẫn Viết Dạng Biểu Đồ Map Từ a-z

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Từ vựng và cấu trúc câu sử dụng trong dạng biểu đồ Map ............................................................ 1
Hướng dẫn cách viết bài văn mô tả dạng Map .............................................................................. 8
Bài tập dạng Map trong Writing task 1 ....................................................................................... 11
Đáp án tham khảo bài văn dạng Map ......................................................................................... 16

Từ vựng và cấu trúc câu sử dụng trong dạng biểu đồ Map

1. Introduction about Map
• Without figurative information
• Two kinds of map:
1. Describe changes over time
2. Without changes overtime >> Compare 2 or more positions (not common)
‘The two maps below show the changes in town of Stokeford between the years 1930
and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.’

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new supermarket (S) is planned for the
town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.’

• Use passive voice

Tense Passive voice
Simple present tense Object + is/am/are + Vpp
Simple past tense Object + was/were + Vpp
Simple future tense Object + will be + Vpp
Present perfect tense Object + has/have been + Vpp

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
2. Describing locations in Map
We use prepositions to show the relationship between
• A noun and another noun
• A noun and a verb
• A noun and an adjective
The four basic relationships that prepositions of location and movement show are
• Vertical relationships
On (top of), above, over, up / below, under(neath), down
• Horizontal relationships
Against, at, beside, by, next to, near, between, among, on the left / right (of)
• Facing relationships
Across, opposite, behind, facing, in front of
• Movement in one direction
Around, along, away from, into, onto, out of, towards

- There was a bridge over the river in the north
- Houses were constructed next to the primary school.
- The post office opposite/ across from the primary school remained unchanged over
the time.
- Many houses were built along the two banks of the river

3. Describing directions in Map

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
To the north of
In the north of
Eg: Thanh Xuan district is in the north of Hanoi.
Eg: Thanh Xuan district is to the north of Dong Da district.

Noun + ERN >> Adj

Eg: The bridge in the north >> the northern bridge

- There was a bridge over the river in the north of the town.
- To the north of the primary school, the large farmland was devastated to make room
for the construction of many houses.
4. Describing changes in Map
Sentence structure #1:
Place + location + be Vpp + time
Sentence structure #2:
There + be + Noun phrase + place + its location
Sentence structure #3:
Time experience/show + Noun phrase + place + its location

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
What are changes on these two maps?
Change #1: Disappearance
Verbs Nouns
Housing - be demolished - demolition
- be knocked down - 0
- be flatten - 0
- be pulled down - 0
- be destructed - destruction
- be devastated - devastation
Trees, plants - be cut down - 0
- Be chopped down - 0
- Be cleared - clearance
All - Vanish - 0
- Disappear - disappearance
- The two shops on the left of the main road were demolished
- The two shops on the left of the main road disappeared
- There was a destruction of two shops on the left of the main road over that time
- The period of eighty years witnessed a destruction of two shops on the left of the main

Change #2: Appearance

Verbs Nouns
Housing - Be built - 0
- Be constructed - construction
- Be erected - erection
- Be added - 0
- Be opened up - 0
Trees, plants - Be planted - 0
All - Emerge - Emergence
- Spring up - 0
- Mushroom - Mushrooming
- Two new houses were constructed next to the primary school in 2010
- There was an emergence of two new houses next to the primary school in 2010.

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Change #3: Replacement
A (old) A be replaced by B / B replace A
A be converted into B
A be destructed to make room for/ give way to B
B (new) A be destructed, and then/while/ but then B be built in its place
A be destructed, followed by the construction of B in the initial place
Eg: A = large house; B = retirement home
- The large house inside the garden was extended and converted into a retirement home.

Change #4: No change

Verbs Noun
- Remained intact/ static - No change
- Remained unchanged
- The post office near the shops and the opposite primary school remained intact for the 80
- There was no change in the location and size of the post office near the shops.

Change #5: Mở rộng

Verbs Nouns
- Be enlarged - Enlargement
- Be expanded - Expansion
- Be extended - Extension
- Be made bigger
- Be widened
- Be lengthened

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Change #6: Thu hẹp
Verbs Nouns
- Be narrowed - Narrowing
- Become smaller - 0
- Be diminished in size - diminution
- Be shrunk - 0
- Be shortened
- The garden in the middle of the town became smaller, with some trees inside being cut
• Other verbs
- Lie – lay – lain - Be renovated - Be relocated
- Be located - Be modernised - Be moved
- Be situated - Be industrialised
- By 1930, a garden had lain in the middle of the town, but its size was diminished
significantly in the following 80 years.

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Hướng dẫn cách viết bài văn mô tả dạng Map

The two maps below show the changes in town of Stokeford between the years 1930
and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.’

- Task? à Describe changes

- How? à Comparing the two time periods

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
1. How to write an introduction
- One sentence
- State where and what time you are going to describe

The two maps illustrate the main changes which take place/ from …. to …..
The three maps describe occur in a town/village/city called …. between … and …

Eg: The two maps illustrate the main changes which took place in a town called Stokeford
from 1930 to 2010.
2. How to have a clear overview
- Two sentences
- Summarise the main changes on the maps
- Never include your personal opinion or suggestion
Eg: Overall, the demand for more accommodation to be built increased significantly over the
period shown. This town was modernized with less space for agricultural activities and fewer
3. How to write body paragraphs
- Describe all changes on the maps
- Three ways to group information
1. Body 1 is to mention the most significant changes and body 2 is to describe the
other less noticeable ones.
2. Body 1 is to describe a part of the map and body is to talk about the other part
3. Body 1 is to describe the first map and body 2 shows features of the second map
- Group information into 2 body paragraphs based on method 1
- Body 1: farmlands + houses + roads
- Body 2: shops + post office + primary school + garden + large house
Example for body 1:
The most significant changes over the 80- year period were what happened with farmlands
and houses. By 1930, farmlands had dominated the area from north to south but then they
completely disappeared. Some short roads were added up from the main road in both sides,
and then houses were densely constructed along them.
Example for body 2:

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
This town also experienced many less noticeable developments between 1930 and 2010.
The previous picture showed the existence of two shops near a post office on the left of the
main road, but after 80 years, while the former places were totally destructed, the latter one
stayed intact. Similarly, the opposite primary school was still there, with two more houses
erected right behind it. The spacious garden to the south became smaller while the inside
large house was expanded and converted into a retirement home.
The two maps illustrate the main changes which took place in a town called Stokeford from
1930 to 2010.
Overall, the demand for more accommodation to be built increased significantly over the
period shown. This town was modernized with less space for agricultural activities and fewer
The most significant changes over the 80-year period were what happened with farmlands
and houses. By 1930, farmlands had dominated the area from north to south but then they
completely disappeared. Some short roads were added up from the main road in both sides,
and then houses were densely constructed along them.
This town also experienced many less noticeable developments between 1930 and 2010. The
previous picture showed the existence of two shops near a post office on the left of the main
road, but after 80 years, while the former places were totally destructed, the latter one
stayed intact. Similarly, the opposite primary school was still there, with two more houses
erected right behind it. The spacious garden to the south became smaller while the inside
large house was expanded and converted into a retirement home.

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Bài tập dạng Map trong Writing task 1
Recap about structure of an essay describing maps

The two maps illustrate the main changes which take place/ from …. to …..
The three maps describe occur in a town/village/city called …. between … and …

- Two sentences
- Summarise the main changes on the maps
- Never include your personal opinion or suggestion
Body paragraphs:
- Describe all changes on the maps
- Three ways to group information
4. Body 1 is to mention the most significant changes and body 2 is to describe the
other less noticeable ones.
5. Body 1 is to describe a part of the map and body 2 is to talk about the other part
6. Body 1 is to describe the first map and body 2 shows features of the second map

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Exercise 1

The maps show the library five years ago and now
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparison where relevant.

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
- Present simple
- Past simple
All changes in maps:

1. Entrance – no change 5. Library office – replacement

2. Bookshelves back and front - no change 6. Classroom – replacement
& replacement 7. Meeting room – no change
3. Study tables – replacement 8. Book borrowings + returns – separation
4. Desk with computers – replacement


Introduction Câu 1 Introduce the two maps

Câu 2 Modernization
Câu 3 Private learning spaces and conference room
The central part
Câu 4 Entrance
Body 1
Câu 5 Study table
Câu 6 Bookshelves back and front
The left and the right hands
Câu 7 Desk with computers + library office
Body 2 Câu 8 Meeting room + Classroom + Borrowing and returning 5
years ago
Câu 9 Meeting room + Classroom + Borrowing and returning now

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Exercise 2

The diagrams below show the changes that have taken place at West Park Secondary
School since its construction in 1950.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparison where relevant.

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
- Past simple
All changes in maps:
1950-1980: 1980 – 2010:
1. School + playground – no change 4. Science block & school – no change
2. Houses – replacement 5. Car park: expansion
3. Farmland – replacement 6. Sport field: diminution and relocation
7. Playground: diminution


Introduction Câu 1 Introduce the two maps

Câu 2 Car park
Câu 3 Farmlands and Houses
From 1950 to 1980
Body 1 Câu 4 School and houses
Câu 5 Farmland and playground
From 1980 and 2010
Câu 5 Science block and school
Body 2
Câu 6 Car park and sports field
Câu 7 Playground

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Đáp án tham khảo bài văn dạng Map
Exercise 1

The maps show the library five years ago and now
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparison where relevant.

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
The two maps show how a library has changed in the last five years.
It is clear that the period has witnessed much modernization in this library in order to cater
for the needs of students. Private learning spaces and conference room are constructed and
take up the largest space.
The entrance still exists in the south of the library over the period. Five years ago, there were
four large study tables in the centre of this library, but now they are replaced by six private
study desks, with each having six seats. The bookshelves which were situated in the far back
have showed no change over time, but the ones near the entrance are now substituted by a
desk for students to use their own laptops.
Similarly, the desk with public computers in the east is used as a place for students’ laptops,
and the library office at the southeastern corner is now converted into a conference room. On
the left, a meeting room was sandwiched between a classroom and an area for borrowing
and returning books. Currently, even though the meeting room remains intact, the classroom
is converted into a recording studio, and the book borrowing area is equipped with a help desk
and separated from the book-returning one.

• How + Subject + verb

• Cater for the needs of sb: to provide the things that a particular person or situation
needs or wants
• Take up (verb): to use an amount of space ~ occupy
• Substitute (verb): to take the place of somebody/something else
• Southeastern (adj): connected with the south-east
• Sandwich (verb): to be in a small space between two other things or people
• Intact (adj): complete and not damaged

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
Exercise 2

The diagrams below show the changes that have taken place at West Park Secondary
School since its construction in 1950.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparison where relevant.


Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:
The three maps depict the main changes which took place in a secondary school called West
Park between 1950 and 2010.
Overall, the most significant change happening in this school was the construction of a car
park. In contrast, many houses and the farmland completely disappeared over the period
From 1950 to 1980, there was no change in the location and size of this school, but the houses
on the left were destructed to make room for a car park and a science block, with each
covering a half of the space. The farmland in the southwest was replaced by a new sports
field while the playground in the southeastern corner remained intact.
Between 1980 and 2010, both the school and the nearby science block stayed unchanged,
but the car park was expanded threefold towards the south and took up the sports field,
leading to the diminution in size and relocation of the latter place to the east. As a result, the
playground became smaller in 2010.

• Depict (verb): to describe something

• Cover (verb): to spread over the surface of something
• Nearby (adj): near in position; not far away
• Diminution (noun): a reduction
• The former …. The latter … used to refer to the first/ second of two things or people

Tham khảo sách học IELTS biên soạn bởi IELTS Thanh Loan tại:

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