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The Surrounded

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand,
and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
I played a different version
with permission under the Community Content
of this beautiful adventure
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
back in the 2nd edition days. It
is an anonymous story which was All other original material in this work is copyright (2020)
passed from DM to DM, evolving with each DM’s by Erdem Acır and published under the Community
interpretation over the course of the years. I am not sure Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
if anyone knows who wrote the story in the first place or
what was it like back then (if the original author is
reading this: e-mail me!). This is my attempt on re-
designing the adventure into a module for all to enjoy. 
I would like to thank Dmytro Zinkevych and Patrick E.
Pullen for their beautiful (free) art, Solbera from Reddit The Surrounded is a 5th Edition D&D adventure where
for the fonts, Erinç Gücer for his fantastic advisory on all players are the actual enemies of each other but this
matters regarding D&D and also for proofreading, Özgür situation stays (partially) a secret until the end of the
Cebeci for his ideas, and last but not the least Levent adventure. At the beginning of the game, players have
“Low Quality” Günbattı for sharing his version of the varying levels of power and knowledge of the story line.
adventure and its details with me. Only the DM knows what is hidden in the sleeves of each
player. As the real intentions of the characters surface,
Design, writing, art direction and map drawings the party faces a series of unavoidable internal conflicts.
( by Erdem Acır (
© 2020. The adventure features a few encounters, NPCs and
locations which resembles any other fantasy adventure.
 The story is quite railroad, the order of the events are
almost unchangeable.

The Surrounded makes use of the information in these So, what makes this adventure worthwhile? The driving
core D&D rulebooks: power behind The Surrounded is the hidden animosity
and the gradually rising tension between the players.
• Player’s Handbook (PH) The DM is expected to set the scene and be completely
• Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) fair as conflicts arise. With good execution, this session
can easily turn into one of those amazing D&D moments
• Monster Manual (MM)
that keep being told for years to come.
• Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGTE)
• Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide (SCAG) The module is a one-shot and best played in a single

Information on the monsters encountered in the

adventure can be found in the MM. You will need PH for
spells and general gameplay. If you don’t own a copy of
the PH or MM you can always Google “D&D 5th Edition The story takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting.
SRD”. SCAG can be used to bring further information on The adventurers start the module in Cormyr and move
Cormyr into the adventure. to The Storm Horns in the course of their quest.

The Surrounded

The DM is free to change the names and properties of Sir Gawain is the most famous Purple Dragon Knight
the places, towns, NPCs, guilds & factions freely in order alive whose fame goes beyond the borders of Cormyr.
to make the adventure work in anywhere else in He is a Paladin of Torm. Ranked as the Battlemaster (2nd
Toril/Faerûn. The module might be re-published into commander in charge) of the Purple Dragons in Cormyr,
new settings (which may include dragons, knights and he is nothing short of a living legend, an ever-shining
kenders maybe?) if WotC introduces new worlds in the beacon of the good and a champion of the Gods. As soon
following time period. as he hears the call of the Queen, he steps up for duty.
Since the Red Dragon is an immensely powerful foe, he
The backgrounds and the motives of the PCs & NPCs are prevents his loyal knights from Purple Dragons joining
better left untouched because the adventure depends him, hoping to save them from the annihilation
on the balance of power between the player characters. Baeloxxar will unleash.
The Surrounded is an adventure designed for exactly
four players. Sir Robert is a champion fighter residing in the
neighboring Elturgard. He is a follower of the light and a
But as always, the DM is the king. devotee of the Lords’ Alliance. His faction believes in
uniting against evil and striking it with might before it is
 too late thus they send in Sir Robert to answer the
Queen’s call.
Raedra Obarskyr, the ruler of Cormyr, had a long and
Sir Robert has never met Sir Gawain, but he grew up with
successful reign. This is partly due to the support she
the stories of his courage and valor. Although he is a
received from her group of extraordinary of advisors.
hero himself, Sir Robert is thrilled to go on an epic quest
The public knows that one of her most trusted advisors
with his role model.
is Miramon who is an old but sharp witted man who
bears a long beard and elegant clothing. Miramon, in Father Tristram is the highest ranking priest of the
truth, is a Gold Dragon in disguise and he voluntarily Brotherhood of the Glorious Sun (a sect of the church of
helps Raedra in fighting off the evil in his lands. Lathander) in Berdusk. He is also a member of the Order
of the Gauntlet. Father Tristram is a reputable religious
One of those evil forces, an Adult Red Dragon named
figure and a true champion of the light. He volunteers
Baeloxxar, stole a dragon egg 7 days ago and brought it
for the quest and decides to meet up with Sir Robert
to his cave on the top of the Storm Horns which is
before leaving for Cormyr. They start travelling to the
warded with strong magic. Not surprisingly, the egg is
court of Queen Raedra together.
the offspring of Queen's very advisor Miramon. If the
egg hatches to bring a new good-willed gold dragon to Varius is a powerful wizard. Despite his advanced age
life, it will definitely change the balance of power in the and deteriorating health, he is an indisputable master of
region. Knowing this, Baeloxxar steals the egg, hoping to magic and sorcery. There are some shady rumors on
corrupt (or slay) the new-born dragon. how he achieved such power, but most believe those are
just jealous gossip spread by his competition.
Thus, Raedra Obarskyr sends word to the Knights and
other renowned adventurers around Cormyr kingdom.
Four powerful adventurers heed his call for the quest on
retrieving the egg back from the deadly claws of
Baeloxxar and are now at the court of the Queen. Sir Robert and Father Tristram joined forces in
Scornubel, sent a letter to the Queen and started
travelling together. Due to ill fate, however, they never
got to reach Cormyr: The heroes were ambushed by
 members of Zhentarim shortly after leaving the city.

Zhentarim –or The Black Network– is an organization

The Queen's call for help is answered by two famed
looking to amass wealth, power, and influence through
knights, a devoted priest and a powerful wizard. Yet
all means. They believe Zhentarim is their only family
there are some filthy hidden secrets to be revealed
and that family members look out for each other.
underneath those shiny titles.

The Surrounded

Zhentarim sends two outstanding members (nicknamed slowly dying of old age, trapped in this fragile shell.
Ironclad and The Bishop) to ambush and kill Sir Robert
and Father Tristram, so they can replace their identities Jyverroth, now called Varius, continued his research for
and retrieve the invaluable dragon egg for Zhentarim. Sir almost 20 years in Cormyr and finally found a glimmer of
Robert and Father Tristram fight bravely but are hope. He got his hands on an ancient scroll that can
treacherously butchered by the cowardly use of magic. break the curse and turn him back into the mighty Red
The impersonators take their possessions and wear their Dragon he once was. The only problem was the spell
clothes and armor. Since no one from Cormyr knew the required an incredibly rare item, an intact dragon egg,
faces of the fallen heroes, the killers aim to stay as a material component. “Fate” thought Varius as he
undercover until the last minute and escape with the read the invitation of the Queen, “if this is not fate, what
dragon egg back to the safety of their headquarters. is?”.

Varius plans to get his hands on the dragon egg and

create an opportunity to perform the ritual that will help
The rumors common folk heard about Varius are not him return to his true form.
true: He is neither a demon worshipper nor in league
with the fey. He is an old man with failing health, who ♦ ♦♦
has almost infinite knowledge about spells and magic.
Sir Gawain is the only person who is being completely
There is just one tiny detail the stories miss though: He honest about his identity. He really is the person he
is a Red Dragon. declares to be and he has no reason to think that the
others would be any different. Sir Gawain believes that
Varius’s real name is Jyverroth. He is an Ancient Red he is riding along with an honorable knight, a venerable
Dragon and even more powerful than Baeloxxar. He priest and a power hungry but well-meaning wizard.
enjoyed many good years of fire breathing, pillage,
murder and destruction. But there is always this one His goal is to bring the dragon egg safely back to Queen
group of adventurers, who has this incomprehensible Raedra.
source of motivation and courage. Those pitiful
creatures dared to enter his lair and thought that they 
can “slay the dragon”. Jyverroth has seen the arrogant
humans, elves and dwarves killed one by one. But before ➢ The player playing Sir Gawain should be totally oblivious
his last breath, their impertinent wizard somehow to the situation. He believes he is travelling with a good-
managed to pull out a weird looking wand and used it to hearted knight, a holy man and a maybe neutrally
polymorph Jyverroth into a human being. aligned wizard – but he doesn’t expect anybody to be
evil. The truth is; he is surrounded by evil.
The mighty dragon didn’t care much about the situation
at first but quickly realized that this was no ordinary
Sir Gawain is the most powerful character and the
magic – this unusual wand with tremendous eldritch
natural leader of the party. You can choose the most
powers has permanently transformed him into a puny
easily trusting, naïve player in real life to play Sir Gawain.
human with only a few draconic features. No matter
how much he tried, he could not break the curse.
➢ The player playing Varius is the second most powerful
Fearing his former minions could swallow him up, he character in the party. He also has a hidden agenda and
escaped his own lair with a few items he could carry with a step ahead of Sir Gawain. However he is unaware of
his old, weak arms (a spellbook, a magical staff and the fact that he is not the only evil heart in the group.
some valuable gems). Being transformed into what he You can choose the most min-maxer or arrogant player
despised the most, he quickly began in real life to play Varius.
the search for a cure. There was
one big problem, though: humans ➢ The players who will play the Zhentarim are the least
had a very short life span and his strong among the group but (unlike others) they are a
new body was already old for team and have a better understanding of the situation.
human standards. He was Tell those players that they will have to look for

Gold Dragon Egg 4

The Surrounded

opportunities to defeat both Baeloxxar and their against each other. Alternatively, they might try to buy
companions. the wizard since Zhentarim believes that everything and
everyone has a price.
 Inform the players on Zhentarim if necessary. This works
 out best when you inform those players separately.

➢ Sir Gawain is the stereotypical paladin. Tell the player

As the DM, you will have to talk with each player
that he/she must play Sir Gawain as a very noble
separately and explain their backgrounds and characters
spirited, good hearted character with an adamantine
in private before the game starts. This is extremely
devotion to his duty. Nothing can keep him from
important; as players must not know the motives of
completing his mission and he will go until the very end
each other.
to see it done. Tell the player that, Sir Gawain feels that
➢ Varius thinks he is superior to the others simply because it is his responsibility to personally escort the dragon egg
he is a Red Dragon. The player playing Varius should back to the Queen.
bring forward his arrogance through roleplaying. Tell the
Inform the player on chivalry and knighthood if
player that he/she might even hint a bit about his
nature, thinking the knights are too stupid to
understand anything.
Varius thinks that he is alone (read: surrounded) and in 
danger among good characters until he transforms.

The adventure begins with the characters being

Although he has tremendous spell casting powers,
summoned to Suzail, the capital of Cormyr. Sir Robert
Varius is very old and in this human form he is extremely
and Varius already reside in Cormyr so they don’t travel
fragile. In game terms, he has a spell list extending to
long distances to arrive at the court. Read this dialogue
high levels but has low Hit Points and physical ability
at the start of the game:
scores. Make sure the player understands that he is
going to have a hard time in physically demanding Entering through the palace gates, you are
situations. stunned by the beauty and magnificence the
building possesses. The proud stance of the
Tell this player that Varius must perform the ritual palace reminds you of the tales about the
(which takes 2 full rounds without any need for past glories of Cormyr.
components) with the dragon egg. If he doesn’t act in
time, he might never get the egg back from the powerful As soon as you enter the main corridor, every
knights. one of you has been welcomed and hailed as
a hero. Noblemen and regular folk alike offer
Inform the player on dragons and their abilities if their sincerest gratitude to you for heeding
necessary. the Queen’s call.

➢ The agents of Zhentarim don’t care anything other than You are offered elegant guestrooms in the
gaining power for their order. But they are not strong palace and the best food and wine money can
enough to fight the knight and the wizard together. So buy. After a brief dinner, you head to the
they will have to make a plan to drop the number of rooms to get some rest.
enemies to one. Tell the players that they are
strong as long as they are a team
– but they can’t slow down the
pace of the game session. They
will have to be creative to

They can try to play the good

knight and the arrogant wizard

The Surrounded

The players spend the night resting at the palace. They is a dragon or the egg belongs to him, Miramon will
are guests but are not allowed to wander around or laugh off the claims and change the subject.
leave the castle. If the players insist to do so, the
crowded groups of guards patrolling the palace warn ➢ Baeloxxar’s lair is in a cave within The Storm Horns
them kindly. They have clear orders to protect the Mountains. The adventurers must pass the river
adventurers (and the Queen) until next morning. But the around the mountain, climb the skirts of the
guards tell the players that they are free to visit each mountain and go inside the lair.
other in their rooms which are all adjoining.
➢ The dragon’s lair is protected by spells, minions and
probably by other defenses. For example, there is a
The next morning all four of you are magical barrier around the mountain which prevents
summoned to the Great Hall in Castle the good dragons to fly close (Miramon knows this
Obarskyr to meet Queen Readra of Cormyr, because he could not get close to the mountain
daughter of Irvel Obarskyr. himself).

You walk past hundreds of Purple Dragon

➢ Also, the deep river near the mountain started to run
knights and approach to the throne. At least a
much faster than usual in the last months. Also,
dozen advisors are lined behind the Queen.
some water currents never seem before are
You can’t help but notice the oldest advisor
reported to occur around the mountain lately.
with the golden gown and long beard who is
Miramon thinks, the evil Red Dragon magically
standing right next to the Queen.
altered the flow of the river to prevent the passing of
Queen Raedra stands up with excitement and armies.
greets you with a genuine smile.
➢ The adventurers are expected to sneak into the
“Only in dark times can we appreciate the mountain, hoping to reach the lair unnoticed.
true value of virtue. Brave heroes from Otherwise they might become an easy prey for
Elturgard and the champions of Cormyr, I Baeloxxar.
welcome you to my palace!”
➢ Once they are inside, their mission is retrieving the
“As you already know, a Red Dragon named gold dragon egg and bringing it to the king. They
Baeloxxar is terrorizing our lands. 7 days ago don’t have to defeat the dragon but the people of
he stole a gold dragon egg. We believe he Cormyr will be grateful, if they can get rid of the evil
brought the egg back to his cave in The Storm creature which is a constant threat to their lives.
Horns and only Gods know what evil plan he
has in mind. He must be stopped and the egg The players can ask Miramon more questions. He will try
should be returned to Suzail.” to answer as best as he can. If the players somehow
guess that Miramon is a dragon or the egg belongs to
“I am counting on you to save our lands from him, Miramon will change the subject.
this terrifying creature. My advisors are going
to answer the questions you might have as I During this dialogue you can make Varius roll an Arcana
have other matters waiting for my attention. I check against DC 20. If he succeeds, he instinctively feels
wish you the best of luck.” that Miramon is a Gold Dragon in disguise.

After her speech, the Queen promptly leaves the hall

and Miramon approaches the group. He gives the
following information to the party:

➢ Before it was stolen, the egg was hidden in the

tunnels beneath The High Moors. If pressed,
Miramon will say that he is tasked to follow the
situation regarding the egg but will give no more
details. If the players somehow guess that Miramon

The Surrounded

Right after this dialogue, the adventurers are expected The name of the man is Elros Glimmergaunt, often
to leave for Storm Horns on horseback. referred to as Elros the Bard. He wants to write a song
about the quest for slaying the dragon however he
You pack your gear and get ready for the doesn’t want to travel with the party because it is too
journey. A group of Purple Knights and War dangerous. So, he starts the songwriting process from a
Wizards escort you to the city walls. After that safe distance. He wants to chat with the party as much
point you are on your own. You start following as possible to implement realistic details from their
The Way of the Dragon, which is the main attire, equipment, behavior and manners into his song.
road to the north of Suzail. The road leads to He will easily admit his goal if he is asked why he was
the small town of Waymoot which is the waiting for the party on the road.
largest settlement inside the King’s Forest
and a defensive stronghold of Cormyr. Being a cultured individual, Elros knows stories about all
the characters eventhough he hasn’t met any of them
before. Sir Gawain is a living legend, Sir Robert & Father
Tristram are heroes of moderate renown in their
 homelands and Varius is a curious figure that attracted
 the attention of the nosy bard. As a result, Elros knows
little details about their past adventures, nemeses, brief
This bit of the module is completely optional, you can biographies and so on. As the DM, improvise some
skip it without any concern. However this quest can help stories about the characters on the spot.
the party members to warm against each other and
make some conversation leading up to tense but also Sir Robert and Father Tristram can sweat a little bit
secretly funny moments. about during “their” stories since they are Zhentarim
agents in reality who secretly took over the identities of
A short while after the party leaves the city, read: those heroes. No need to worry though, the bard will
take whatever those players tells him as a fact.
You leave the city doors and start to advance
towards your epic quest. A few words are Make sure that the encounter with the bard doesn’t
exchanged among the party about the road, cause any problems among the party and he leaves after
the weather and other trivial subjects but a while (if not sent away by the party already). His tales
mostly an awkward silence hangs in the air. and songs are always exaggerated pieces of rumors and
he tries to collect more information from the group to
Some minutes later you hear the faint ringing fine tune his craft. This quest only aims to create a
of a lute accompanied with a melody sung by harmless tension for some of the players and act as an
a male voice. Looking around to locate the icebreaker among the group.
source of the performance you spot a bard,
sitting on a broken wall with his colorful
clothing and a long black moustache which
dances with every move his mouth makes. He 
taps his foot along the chords he plays with
his lute and sings the the words of a song
which you haven’t heard before in perfect
This act begins as the party advances into the King’s
Forest. Sir Gawain knows the road and terrain well, so
“Rose Gawain of Suzail / Swinging his sword, he can lead the way. The journey to Waymoot is
The dragon attacked / With a mighty claw... eventless and takes about half a day on horseback. The
Way of the Dragon is a skid trail snaking through the
Stopping his singing abruptly, the bard starts dense and evergreen King’s Forest.
to advance towards the party with a
contagious, toothy smile: You can skip this part of the adventure and head directly
to the “Crossing the River” chapter if you have shorter
“Ah there they are. Hey! Over here master!” play time.

The Surrounded

A day of horseback riding after leaving Suzail, the party If the dead soldiers in Waymoot are brought back to life
gets closer to Waymoot. When they do, read: by magic, they are completely loyal to Sir Gawain. There
is nothing valuable left in plain sight at the town, almost
You notice a dark smoke rising above the everything is burnt down by the dragon’s fire. If the
trees ahead of you. You hastily ride your party thoroughly searches the town (for at least half an
horses in the swirling forest road to see the hour) they will find a pair of Gloves of Swimming and
cause of the smoke. Climbing among the wreckage of a temple called The
Sheltering Hand which was dedicated to Tymora,
As the path brings you to an opening you see Goddess of Luck whose symbol is a face up coin.
the wooden walls of Waymoot –or what is left
of it. The town and all its inns, temples, shops From here the road takes a turn to the east (The Way of
and houses are burnt down to the ground. the Dragon) and to the west (Ranger’s Way). The
The dark grey fumes rising from the burning mountains can be seen rising to the west on the top of
buildings are covering the sky. It seems that the trees and Sir Gawain knows that the party must
Waymoot has been visited by the fearsome follow this road to reach Storm Horns Mountains. If they
Red Dragon. insist on following the road to the east, the road goes to
the town of Dhedluk. The people at the town are fleeing
the area in the fear of the dragon. At that point, there
Sir Gawain has been to Waymoot many times and feels are not many options left for the party other than
deeply upset about this tragedy. returning to the eastern road for the sake of the quest.

If the players wander inside the walls and search the If the party follows the eastern road for 6 hours on
town, they will see that the fires have consumed every horseback, they leave the forest and arrive at the skirts
living thing in Waymoot. of the mountains. Refer to Map 2 for a section of this
The streets and torn down buildings are full
of corpses burnt to a crisp. It seems that You leave the forest behind and The Storm
people from all ages are mercilessly Horns greets you with all its might. You are
slaughtered by the dragon. The sky is filled quick to notice the difference in the
with a grey, intoxicating fume rising from environment you step in. The smell of sulfur
some the fires emerging from what is left of emerges from the mountain; the animals and
Waymoot. There is a daunting smell of death wildlife are almost absent. It is obvious that
in the air which would disturb even the most you have arrived at the dragon’s territory.
seasoned warrior.
Your eyes catch a dark cave entrance at the
During their search they hear a faint coughing sound. top of the closest peak. The description
The sound is coming from a Purple Knight who is fatally matches with the information Miramon has
wounded. provided you with. This might very well be the
dragon’s lair.
The Purple Knight, who is lying under a pile of
logs and stones, stands only seconds away
from his death. His chest is barely moving but
The sulfur smell is coming from the flowing waters
his eyes light up when he sees Sir Gawain. But
pouring out of the holes between the rocks. The
his momentary relief is devoured by an
entrance above leads to Baeloxxar’s cave indeed.
expression of despair and shame shadows his
However a steep walk is ahead as the party must first
cross the river and then climb for 2 hours to reach the
“It killed the War Wizards first… We couldn’t cave entrance. Treat the mountain as difficult terrain
stop… forgive us Sir…” and occasionally roll Athletics checks to determine
climbing speed.
After a few painful twitches and seizures, he
ceases to breathe and passes away.

The Surrounded

 rope/lumber bridge another character must stabilize the

bridge by holding it. When in cooperation, the
For the purpose of obstructing the passage of Cormyrian
characters can cross the bridge with ease.
armies to his territory, Baeloxxar created a magical river
around the mountain which runs in great velocities. It is The combined efforts on crossing the river usually take
obvious that the river is magical. The water is running 15 to 20 minutes of in-game time.
incredibly strong, constantly beating the rocky hills.
If a character drops into the water and cannot make the
Describe the river: DC 20 Athletics Check, he is dragged along by the water
You notice several springs of water running and lands on a rock 300 yards (275 meters) away and
strong between the rocky alcoves and cliffs takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage. Moreover, if the
around the mountain, bursting bubbles and character cannot make a DC 15 Constitution save, he
spitting big splashes of water around. The falls unconscious for 10 minutes or until someone else
current seems normal from a distance but help him recover.
closer examination reveals that the water runs
This area becomes more important on the way back.
in an unnatural way, even defying gravity at
Characters who devise a plan to escape with the dragon
times. The velocity of the water is quite high
egg might use the wild river to their advantage.
and it is difficult to determine the depth of
the water which seems to vary from place to 
A DC 15 Arcana Check reveals that the river is created by After crossing the river, the party is 2 hours away from
powerful evocation magic that cannot be dispelled with the cave at the top of the mountain. The climbing angle
any means the party can employ. Refer to Map 2 for a gets even steeper and it becomes harder to advance. 1
map of this area. hour into the climb, 1 Lizard King, 1 Lizardfolk Shaman
and 6 Lizardfolk which are loyal to the Dragon launch an
The river runs strong enough to prevent passage for the ambush from their hiding spots between the rocks,
characters. Horses are afraid of the unnatural river and surprising the party.
cannot be forced to pass the water. Make it clear to the
players that a character must show extreme physical The Monster Tactics text box regarding this encounter is
effort to cross the river by swimming. provided to aid the DM. Remember the Monster Tactics
are always optional and DM is always the king.
The party can cross the water by;

• Swimming and holding the rocks around (must

succeed a DC 20 Athletics Check)
• Building a rope bridge,
• Building a lumber bridge (made with
the few trees at the mountainside)
• Building a makeshift boat (made with
the few trees at the mountainside)
• Magic (for example Varius can cast Levitate and
Father Tristram -The Bishop- can cast Water Walk)
• Magical items (a character wearing
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
can swim as if he is swimming in difficult terrain)
The party can improvise other ways not specified in this
list. The trick here is to encourage the characters to
cooperate. Notice how all options on crossing the river
(other than the ones involving magic) require at least 2
physically able characters helping each other. For
example, when one character is crossing the

The Surrounded

There is no other visible entrance to the cave. The

natural stairs popping out of the cave walls descend into
a large tunnel of 30 feet (9 meter) diameter. During the
descent roll DC 10 Dexterity checks to see if the players
MONSTER TACTICS slip and fall. Other players can roll DC 15 Athletics checks
to hold falling players. Falling players take 2d6
Lizardfolk Scouting Party (MM, Page 204) bludgeoning damage.

The descent takes half an hour and ends in a large

• The Lizardfolk Shaman can engage the knights with
chamber within the mountain (Check Map 3).
spells such as Entangle or Heat Metal.
• The Lizard King will attack the tallest and strongest The stairs bring you to a humongous chamber.
looking character (which is normally Sir Gawain) and try The floor of the chamber is filled with a lake
to eliminate the leader. of lava and the only place that looks safe
• The rest of the Lizardfolk might attack randomly. enough to stand is a small rocky island
formation which can be reached from the end
of the natural stairs. The air is heavy with an
odor of sulfur, unnerving cracking sounds
echo between the walls.
This encounter shouldn’t pose any real challenge to the
adventurers and they should be able to defeat the The lava is extremely hot and will deal 10d6 damage per
monsters without much effort. Baeloxxar sends this round to any player who spends his turn in it. While the
weak group of servants to measure their strength. Any island is safe from the searing lava, it is a trap set by the
captured lizardfolk will rather die than to betray their dragon: Baeloxxar is hiding beneath the lava and will
dragon lord, thus it is impossible to obtain any burst out and use his breath weapon (surprising the
meaningful information from these creatures through players) after all players set foot on the island.
dialogue or torture. Magical interrogation only reveals
But Baeloxxar is not the only dragon in the room. Varius
that Baeloxxar lives in a large cave which features a
is quite familiar with those tactics and recognizes feint
hidden treasure room.
activity on the surface of the lava before landing on the
Once the encounter is over, there is only one more hour island and successfully concludes that Baeloxxar is
of climbing left to reach the lair of the dragon which is hiding in the lava pool. Pass this information to the
clearly visible now. player playing Varius secretly. If Varius shares this
information with the party, they are not surprised and

 can surprise Baeloxxar instead.

When the players reach the cave at the top, read:

You can see the entirety of the King’s Forest

and the stretching lands of Cormyr in the MONSTER TACTICS
horizon from the top of the mountain. Wild
winds try to knock you off your feet but you Adult Red Dragon (MM, Page 98)
firmly hold your ground.
• After the first round Baeloxxar uses his Lair actions in this
After hours of climbing, you finally reach to order: Volcanic gas, tremor and magma eruption.
the top. The cave entrance is large enough for • Baeloxxar will try to attack with his breath weapon
an adult red dragon to get in and out. The dark whenever possible. When his breath weapon is
cave goes down into the depths of mountain recharging, he will land and focus his melee attacks (bite,
and a set of natural stairs within the walls of claw and tail) on Sir Gawain and Sir Robert.
the cave follow the decline into the darkness. • The Red Dragon is arrogant and will keep fighting until it
is too late to escape.

The Surrounded

Baeloxxar is no match for the “heroes” and will be Some players keep their secrets for the later stages of
defeated eventually. In the heat of the battle, Baeloxxar the game and wait for the right moment to strike. Others
can miss his chance to escape the scene. He tries to fly try to trick the other players. And there are some who
and breathe fire upon them but the cave is not large look for an open confrontation right away.
enough to fly and maneuver for long periods of time.
When he lands, the party gives him hell. Whatever the result is, it is up to the players to decide
how the game will advance from here on. The DM
The amount of damage each player takes depends on should only take the role of the referee.
their combat abilities and the malicious plans the
players might have against each other. 
Refer to Map 3 for an overview of the area where the Sir Gawain wins by taking the dragon egg back to Suzail.
battle takes place. This usually means eliminating any or all players
opposing him. Sir Gawain is the character with the least
When the players defeat Baeloxxar, an illusion over the
knowledge so it is expected that he will be surprised
lava pool dissipates to reveal a stone bridge leading to a
with each betrayal.
door. If the party walks over the bridge, read:
Sir Robert and Sir Tristram win if one of them can bring
You walk over the narrow bridge towards the
the egg back to the Zhentil Keep. Mostly the Zhentarim
door, carefully avoiding the deadly magma.
team up with Sir Gawain against Varius and then stab
Bubbles of lava spit on your legs from the
him in the back. But why not team up with Varius first
blistering lake. The gloss of gold shines
and stab him in the back later? It is completely up to
through the opening at the end of the bridge.
your players.
You conclude that, this is the treasure room.
Varius wins by casting a spell from the ancient scroll
The door opens to the treasury of the dragon which is a which needs the dragon egg as a material component.
sight to behold: The spell takes 2 full rounds to complete. As soon as the
spell ends, the egg becomes an empty shell weighing
The treasure room has a lower ceiling and much less than before but otherwise looks unchanged.
smaller size compared to the main cave. From this moment on, Varius can transform into an
Magical lights flicker over the mountain of Ancient Red Dragon with full hit points anytime at will.
coins, gems and ornaments; it is an amazing This of course, makes him a much more formidable
sight to behold, filling the hearts of even the opponent.
humblest of beings with greed. At the top of
the pile, the Gold Dragon egg is standing on a
silver stand, waiting to be acquired.
Treasure: 42000 gp, 28000 pp, Jeweled Longsword Scabbard
(2500 gp), Ivory Drinking Horn (1500 gp), Potion of Supreme
Healing (DMG, 187), Oil of Sharpness (DMG, 184), Potion of
Flying (DMG, 187), +2 Studded Leather armor (DMG, 152)

Tasting the potions a little bit or a 15 DC Arcana check

from a distance helps players identify the potions.

The real battle begins now. From this point on, the DM
has no agenda to push and shouldn’t provide any
guidance to the players. The evil players (Sir Robert,
Father Tristram and Varius) will be making their
advances to the dragon egg.

The Surrounded

The vital information about the Player Characters is given in this section. Refer to the PH and DMG to
complete character creation. Please note that the character levels, stats and items are selected specifically
for game balance. Major changes made to the characters can result in an unbalanced gameplay but DMs
can always adjust things as they see fit.

Sir Gawain Sir Robert (Ironclad)

(14th Level Human, Paladin of Torm) (11h Level Human Fighter)

STR 18 INT 13 HP STR 16 INT 11 HP

DEX 15 WIS 17 DEX 16 WIS 10
CON 18 CHA 19 CON 15 CHA 12

Background & Skills Background & Skills

Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr A member of the Zhentarim
Ranked Battlemaster (2nd in command) Disguised as a Lords’ Alliance member
Oath of Devotion Champion Archetype

Items Items
Holy Avenger, Long Sword +3 (DMG, 174) Dragon Slayer, Long Sword +1 , 3d6 vs. dragons (DMG, 166)
Plate Mail (PHB, 145) Breastplate (PHB, 145)
Shield (PHB, 145) Shield (PHB, 145)

Varius Father Tristram (The Bishop)

(12th Level Human Wizard) (10th Level Human Cleric of Cyric)

STR 8 INT 19 HP STR 12 INT 15 HP

DEX 9 WIS 14 DEX 14 WIS 18
CON 7 CHA 17 CON 10 CHA 15

Background & Skills Background & Skills

Ancient Red Dragon A member of the Zhentarim
Permanently polymorphed into a human body Disguised as a follower of Lathander
School of Enchantment Trickery Domain

Items Items
Staff of Fire, 3 charges (DMG, 201) Potion of speed (DMG, 188)
Chain Shirt (PHB, 145)
Spell list: Morningstar (PHB, 149)
Cantrips: Light, Fire Bolt, Message, Prestidigitation, Blade Ward
1st: Burning Hands, Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Sleep, Shield
2nd: Alter Self, Darkvision, Enlarge, Levitate, Misty Step
3rd: Dispel Magic, Fireball, Feign Death, Slow, Vampiric Touch
4th: Evard’s Black Tentacles, Fire Shield, Stoneskin
5th: Telekinesis, Wall of Force, Bigby’s Hand
6th: Chain Lightning, Flesh to Stone, Globe of Invulnerability

The Surrounded


Player Map

This DM map shows marked the areas

3 mentioned in the game. The game starts at
Suzail, (1) and the players travel north
2 towards Waymoot (2).
Although there is a chance for the players to
travel to Dhedluk (3) they will have to go
5 towards The Storm Horns (4) eventually. The
Dragon’s lair (5) is the final destination of
their journey.
In case the players wander to other out-of-
module destinations like Hilp or Marsember,
Sir Gawain’s player might bring them back on
the track for the sake of the quest.

DungeonMaster Map

The Surrounded


Player Map

This player map shows a generic area from Storm Horns where the party tries to cross the magical river.
Alternatively, you can cut this map horizontally into two pieces and use one side for the first time the party
crosses and the other side for the way back.

The Surrounded

  

DungeonMaster Map

This map shows the lair of Baeloxxar from above. The players can go down and up from the spiraling natural
stairs. This is the how the minions of the dragon get in and out.

The stairs are simply rock formations on the wall of the shaft going from the floor to the ceiling. They connect
to one of the stalagmites in the main island. It is relatively easy to climb up and down from this route because
of the alterations and restorations the Lizardfolk have made over the years.

The ceiling of the main hall is 12 meters (40 feet) high. The ceiling of the treasure room is 6 meters (20 feet)

The Surrounded

Player Map


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