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rules for medieval miniatures

Gygax & Jeff Perren






H06I11ES. P08 756. lAKE GEN EVA. WISCONSIN 53147.


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- rules for medieval miniatures

- by

- GaryGygax
- Jeff



With thonks 10 all !M M&di.."ol and Fanlo~y .. nthusio~1s who
offered 10 many hel pful IUQQflstions. Spec:iollhonks 10 A lan -
Lucien. 0.,.;1 (of course) Ernie Ihe Borborlan.

Th is edition hos been .e,,;.ed and .npanded.


3rd Edition Ccopyright 1975- Tactical Sh.d ies Rules




Tum Sequence • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• • •••
Terroin Effec ts Upon Movement • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,
Terra in Selection • • . • • . . • • .• . •• . •• • • . • • • • • . • • •
l-IIoYernent • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Formation and Facing • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • •••• I.

Fotlgue • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II
MinU. Fire (excluding Gu"powde.. and Catapults) • • • • • • • • • • • • II
- Catapult Fire • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. 12
Gunpowder Weapons . . •• . . ••••• .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13
Mele~ • . . .• . . • • • • . • • • • • • . •••• • •• . • • . • . • •
M.I •• Optlonob • . . • • • • . • • • . • • . • . • • • . . • • • . • • • . I. "
- Morale . • . . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Historical Characteristic, (Optional) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Weather • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 21
Sieges •• . • • • • • • • •• . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22
Joud ing • .• • • . • • • • • . . • • . . •• . • .• . . •• . • • • • • • 2,

Suggested Point Values
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Fantastic Cnaracteristics • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •

Halflings. Sprit~. Owarves, Goblins, EI~es .. .. ... .. 29
O rcs , Heroes (and Anti-heroes ), Super Heroes •. • , .• , . . . • • • 30
Wizords •••• , ••• , , ••• , •••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 30
.. .. ... .. . .. ... .. ,.
Wralthl, lycanthropel, Trolll •••• • •• . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33
GianI'S, Treonn, Orogons ... .. , ..... , ....... , . •. ..
Rocs, Elementoh , . • • . . • . . • • • • • • • ••• •••• , •••. 35
Wignts • . • • . . , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,
Magical Weapons • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , . •••• 38
Air Movement. • . . • • • • • ••••••• • •••••••••••• , 3.
Catopult Fire n. For'ltcdic Figure, •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.
Combination.FiguMs . • . • •.••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.
. . . . . . . . . .. .
Fantastic Sieges . • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . 38
Generol Une-"", , , , , . ., .... 39 . ... ..
Combor Tobles .. . .
, , , , • • • . • • • • • • • • • 40 APPENDIX A
Mon-to-mon Mel.. Tobie •• • • • • , • • • • • • , • • 41 APPEND IX B
Individuol Fires with Miuilet • • • , . • . • . • • . • • 41 APPENDIX 8
Jousting Matrix • • • • • • , •• , . . ••• • •• .42 APPENDIX C
- Fontesy Reference Table • , , • • , , . • • • • • • . • • 43
Fcr.lo$y Combat Table • · , . . . . . . . .. . . . . ..«



:;..- ....
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• -

Gomes bosed on wOo Fo,. have Interested men for ee"'uries, 01 wch gomes as
c:hed:en ond ehen pr()f\le . The loiter games all!! nothing less thon the warfare of
the period in which they were developed, oI»trocted and sty l i :u~d for play oro (I
boood . Cheu is so absh octed thot it is beae ly recogn izable os (I worgom •• At the
other end of t he spectrum, cmd of much more modern invent ion, ore milltcry
- mI niatures. By V$8 of flgur.s scot., dgw n 10 gn inch or two In . iu the players
mortI realistically simulole worfofe ond ore not tied tel (I styliJ:ed boCIrd. Min ia-
tur. worfoll!! a llows the c:ombotonls to hove a never ending variety of baffl es
OVf!I'" varying te rrain, even refigh t ing historic act ions invo lv ing tremendous
armies I
In order to ploy (I worgame it II necfl50ry to ru!fl, miniature fig,,",'
and ac:c.o4llpony ing equipment. a play ing area , and terrain to ploce ~ it .
Ther. con be no doubt that you hoye fulfilled the fi." requ irement. for you hove
purchased this 3et of ru les. Your troops con be ony .cole thai you des lr•• The
p l ayi~ area that the battles are fought out upon should ~ a toble rather than
t he floor . It can be from a minimum of. ' to a maximum of7' wide, 000 it u-"Id
be at least 8' in length. Thew sizes will Oi$ure ample room for maneuver. There

- ore ~_rol methods of depicting the terrain fe atu res generally usee' forworgame5,
sIXh (II h ills, woods, riven, roach, etc.
f irs t , you can ut il ize odds and ends to simulate t.rroln , or buy cornrro.rclol
materials from your hobby supplier . ond loy them out on a fia t wrfoce to form
the botllegrovnd . Scrops of wood with the edges ond comers smoothed are pyra-
mided to form hill$ of vary ing size and e levation. Twigs with piece. of green
!p)I19III or lichen stuek on and set in cloy boses serve as miniature I~ . Rivers
are drown with blo..e cha lk or mode with strips of b lue plostlc or . Roods ore
repre$lllnied in much the ..... ,.. way as riven, only brown Is _d . Wi th 0 littl.
- Imagination a lmost a ny kloo of telTo in can be constT1,lcted in like manner.
A more odvonced method is to constrvc:t telToi n on 2 ' :II 2' p ieces of mCl$Ol'lite
01" similar material , sculpting hills, gullies, r idges, rivers, and so on with plos-
IeI' and/or popel' mac ..... Trees and houses are set into the soft modelIng com-
pound, and permane nt seetions. of worgomlng terrain a re thus mode . When a
game Is to be p layed , the terrain blocks are simply lo id out to form the kind of
bo ttle FJeld desired.
Finally, ,he most complicated form of wargom ing table is the A
- sand tab le is really nothing mare thon a flat tci>le with a ralwd
the top to be c~red w ith a f_ Inches of sand . Of COUfW, 011 that sond will
weigh very much whe n wetted down to form terro;n fea tures . sa the table mus'
be of very sturdy construction and red on a basement or garage ftoor . The Jand
tobie's greatest advantage is ' hot it ollows fu ll rei n to the players' desi res for
diffCl"ing londsc:ope, and it provides the most rea listic looking battlefields for
miniature warfore .

- 5
The forces to be pitted against each other can be drown frem on historical
account , c hosen by point value, assig ned by 0 third (neutral) party, Of worked
out from a "compaign" situa tion where lorger armies a re mOVt!d on a mop until
hostile forces come into conloe!. The bo lanee between the forces is ~tning
best determined by experience. However, troops armed wltn missile weapons are
generall y much more powerful tha n like troops that laek such weapons. Armored
men a re usual ly better than IrOCl!» without prateetion -- olthough tney move
more slowly. Trained pikemen ore more thon a match for any but on army thol
has e ither equolly armed fighters or numerous missile troops. A table of point
va lues appears in these rul e s, and you will find it he lpful in selecting balanced
forees. Playing ab iI i~ and terrain must also be token inlo eonsideration, how-
ever . If, for example, the bette r player is 10 fl:!ce ive a 300 point army, it might
be wise to all ow hh opponent to se lect 50 add itional points wor-Ih of troops in
order to balanee the game. Similarly, if one player decides the kind of terrain
the b<Jl1teground is to be composed of -- or the histo ric terrain favors one side --
the side with weh a terrain advantage 5hould probably have a considerab ly
..... eaker army.
As the men are lCOled down in size, so is the fiel d of eombot. Therefore, 0
move of 0 few inches on the table top w il l represent a morch of ten t imes as
many yards For our small campaigners. They move ond the y fight in minioture.
The ployer1 order their formations about, just as medieva l military commandell
did (and much more efficiently in all likelihood, for 0 number of rother obvious
reasons), but the proof of the opponents' a b ility ooly COllies in combat situations.
Here, eoch figure will do only a s well os ih known c:apobililies foretell, with
allowanees for chanee fucton which affect every battle (such os dice throwing in
miniature worfare ) .
The dlfferen' kind, of troops fight in re la tIon to each other kInd. GIven nor-
mol p.~ilit ie$, a body of horsemen wi ll a lways defe at a like number of foot-
men (exduding pike alliled lTaops), but a 5l\'1Q1I chance that the footmen w ill
somehow triumph remoins, and that chance is reflected in the cambot tob les em-
ployed. Note thot should the infantry monoge to surpri$G the horsemen by crt-
tacking from tne rear or flonk, they hove 0 muc h improved chanee of winning
the combot, or melee. Th us, while movement is scaled ta size (and a set time
period during which soote movement tokes place), combot is based on the his-
torically known capabilities of each particular k ind of fighting mon and the n
expre_d os 0 dic:e rolling probabiti~ in relatIon to like and differing types of
soldiers. A dose simulat ioo of oetual combat is tnereby attaIned . While 0 pown -
con always mke a knight in 0 chess game, 0 simi lo r situation wil l ",Idam oc:cur
in minia ture warfare. Sullhe knight (covalry) just might fo il to toke the pown
Cinfantry) when the bottle is fought in miniature l In odditioo, the mentol and
physieal condition of the men (theIr morale ) is token into considerotion in this -
Morale is eheeked before 000 ofter combot, bosing the determination 00
historical preeede nt, just os tne fighting a bility in octu ol cases was drown upon
to ca leu late melee results . A loss of "heart " it at leost os serious as 0 defeat in
combat, and perhaps more so, for most bottles are won without the necessity of
decimotion of the lasing side .
Finally, how is it determined when the battle Is over and one $ide owarded
the laurels of victory ? As wi th a ll foc:ets of minia ture wargaming , it is up to the -
parties concerned, the game can continue until one side is reduced below a
certain pereentoge of its orig inol strength - 25% , 50%, 75% , or whotever . The
battle con be continued unti l one opponent has d riven his enemy completely off
tne battlefie ld. Or the ployers can assign set values to eerto in terrain features
a nd troop types, keeping counl of ga ins ond losses for a 58t number of turns, the
• -
wi nner being the side with the greatest number of oc:cumulated poinh. If both

• -

- q:>pOI'\ents hove on hidoric bent, they can refi ght an actua l bottle (or even an
entire compaign in a ileries of battles), ond odjud icote the end result based on
what actually look place in the post.
With no other fonn of worgomlng - or nearl y ony form of game FOf ~ t
matter -- 1$ lhe p1or-r given the ,cope of choice and mnge fOf' imagination that
mi niature warfare provide$. YOJ hove corte blanche 10 create or recreate fic-
lionol or hidorie bottles and the follOWing rules w ill, as closely os possible,

- simulate wnat wou ld nove happened if the battle hod just been fough t In rea lity.

- •


. .

(!Cbatnmail rules for medie\'al miniatures

TI'oe Middle Ages Ii prob- •• ly or. of the best known but least understood
periods of history. We do not prete..d thut the.. worgome NI., will add signi-
ficantly to anyone" know ledge, albei t they do reflect medieval worfore
reosonably well, but tne y have (I ~condory pUi pc ' 7: Besides pt"OYiding you with
on exciting and enioyable bettie game, we hope tho! the)CI rule, will interest
the worgomer wfficientl y 10 stort him on the pursuit of tho history of tne Middle
Age,. Such study ..... 11 1 at leol' enrich the 1If. of the new hlsrol'lon, and perhaps
it wil l even contribute to the study of hidory ihel f.
The LGTSA Medieval Miniatures Rules were cleve '...,. r d primaril y for use with
EICI$tolin and Storlux "gllnll, which are 40nwn lcole. However, they II\(IY be ut«!
~uolly wel l w ith any Kol. -- including the Inexpensive Alrfix "Robin Hood"
a nd " SheriFf of Nott ingham " 25mrn ploitle figure,. Although the ru les hove been
thorough ly ploy-teded OYet' a period of rntIny months, it is likely thot you will
eye ntua"y find IoOI'ne po rt thol ileems ombiguooJ, unanswered, O¥ unsati$factory .
Wn.n such a 5itvation ariles settle it among yaune lves, recotd lhe decision in
the rul.s book, and CJl,id. by it from then a n . These rules may be treated as gu ide
lines cw-ound which you form a gome tha t suits you . It is always a good idea to
amend the ru les 10 al low for historical precedence 0#" common M~ -- follow tn. -
spirit of the rules rather thon the le tter .
~e rat io of " gures to me n o$$UlMld is 1:20, the ground Icale is 1": 10 yards,
and one tu m o f play 11 rough ly equival ent to ane min ute of t ime in bottle . The
troop ra tio will ho ld Irue for 30mm figu re. , by t if a smalle r scale Is used It ~ou l d
be reduced to 1: 10.
I. Both ~nts roll 0 die; the l id. with the higher score has the choice of
electing 10 rno'Ve n,.,., (J./ooye )
10$1 (Covnter- move) .

2. The sid, tho! hili nl"$t move II'I(IYII Its figures a nd makes any spl it-moves
Clnd missile Ore, taking any pcali- through fir. possible 01 ,he same time .
3. The sid. thot hOi IQ5t move now mewes ib figures and moke. any split-moves
- .. .
ond missile fire, taking ooy paa- tNough fire pouIble 0 1 11. some time.
Artillery fire Is take n.
5. Mi.i l. fi re is token .
6, Mel_ ore re50lved .
7. Steps 1 t hrough 6 ore repea ted throughou t IIV!! n!!moinde r of the gome.
Note : Miui le fire fIoom split-moving troops i. considered tg to ke Immedia-
tely during the moyement portion of the tum, Md the _ is true o f poss-
through fire . All othet" fire , both artillery and mi!llile, is considered to
- simultaneously toke effect just prior to melee reso lut ion.
1. Both sides write orden for eoch of their un its (groups of fig ...... s of like
type ) , Including d ire c tion of movement ond focing.
2. Both ,ides mc)Ye their units occordlng to their written oro-n, making one-
holf of the move, checking for ur.... dered me lee c::on toct due 10 OflPO<-....nt
lI'IO\Iement, and conduc t ing split- movn ond missile fire and toldng ony
posi5- Hw-ough A,.; tfte n the bolance of moveme nt is completed os ord~red .
3. Arti l lery fire is token .
... Missi le Are 111<*en .

- 5. Mel..s 0'" resolved .

Nole: Exoct orders for e och unit (group of flgu,., of like typic ) must be give n.
Covolry rnoy be give n the order to "Charge i f Chorgotd" (C IC), elih« in
their (MI n behalf I)r in support of ony neca bt friend ly ~iI. Such CIC move-
ment t.gll'll ot the one ha lf move ond is only ha lf I)f 0 ,.... likl l chorge ,
i. e., 0 unit of medium hone C IC to support 0 unit of orchers would move
up to 12- dur ing the ill!cood ho lf of the tum .

SI(MII moveme nt 50%, prevents 011 charge moves . bul ll'lOVf!ment
doHnh lli " ot I'IOtTTICI l 5flBed .
Wood'" As Hill , w ith the additionol penolty of preventi ng the movement
of foolhB ~ bodies o f 110ClpI.
As Hill, with the additionol F! holty of preventing the e ntrc:.tce

Ditch and
of heavy equipment , catopults, ond glnS .
Prevents 011 c ha rge moves .

R O ~I As Hil i

River ond Treol indivi duotl y os to fordo bility, penolty for crossing, and so
Streom on. (A typical stre am would req uire 6 to cross and prevent charge

moves, while a typical river would require troops to ho lt before

ond afle r crosdng and C05I on ent irtl move to cross. ) -
O ften it becomes difficu lt to devise new lerroin For a bottle, ond we hove
fpund the following system to be usefu l:
A. On 0 of 3" )( 5" index co rds dro .... the Following :
I. Two .... ith ri vers
2 . One with 0 manh
3. One .... ith a pond
4 . One with a gu!ley
5. Two with woods
6. One wit h rough ground
7. FOlK wi t h variously sha ped hills
B. Eight blanks
a. Each opponent draws up to four times:
I. The weake r or defend ing side draws first .
2. Terroin is placed anywh ere on the table at tho d~ing player's aptian.
Armored Foot 6
- 6
Heavy Foot 12 3"
Londsknechte/Sw iss 12 15
ligh t Foot/Archers 9 12 15
Croulx"."nen 12 12 la
l ongbowmcn 12 15 21
Tuti: Archers 9 12 21
He(J\/y CrosWowmen
Heavy Horse
Medium Horse

light Horse 24 6 :Jl 18""
Catapults/Cannons 6 3 """ -
Wogans 6 6
"Troops cniiled with throwing axes ond spears (such os Vi kings and Saxons ) fall
in to this category.
"* Jave lin armed troops such as the Spanish c 1200 hove 0 6 range.
M -
" • • Refe r to the spec ial sections For these types of weapons.
Units mus t poy a movement penolty in order to chooge their formotlon and/ or
Column - line 1 Move
line - Column I Move
Column - Square " I Mo..
line - Squore" 2 Maves
• Foot only
Units caught in me lee during forma tion change ore considered 05 flanked .
Fa cing~

Obliq ue 1/4 Move

l eft or Righ t Face 1/2 Move
About Face 1 Move
Doub le a ll penal t ies ~ poor ly tro ined troops, and ha lf for Swi!Vloncblcnechre
and horse .


Contin ued a ctivity brings on weariness:

- 1•
Moving 5
Mov ing 2
consecutive turns.
consec utive turn s, chargi ng, !'hen mel eeing.
3. Mov ing I tum, chargi~ , then me leeing 2 rounds .
4. Me leei ng three rounch .
When o ny troops fulf ill one of the above they become fotigued:
A, They a ttac k a f the next low~ volue (he wy foot '" li ght foot ) .
B. They defend o t th e next lower vo lue.
C. Morale value d rops - 1 on val ues and die (di ce ) rolls .
Movement uphi 11 equals two normal moves per uphi II move.
Sw ii5/'Lan(hkne dite, doub le above ( I . - 4 .) numbers for fat igue.
One tum of non-mov e men t fu lly restores Fatig ued troops.
MISS il E FIRE (excluding gunpowder a nd catapu lts )

NUMB ER TARGET - Una rm ored ! Armor or Shield

FIRIN G OlE - 1-2 3-6 -1-3 4-6
1-2 0 1 0 0
3-4 1 2 0 1
'-6 2 3 2 2
7- 8
9-1 0
4 ,
4 2

TARG ET - Ful ly Armored

DIE - 1-4 5-6
4-8 o 1
9- 12 1 2
13- 16 2 3
17-20 3 3
G roups of missi le troop! which ore lorger tha n the max imum nLmbe r show n on
the above table be into two or more eql,lOl g roups $0 as not to exceed the
maximum. e xceed ing r~ maximum wh ic h are firing a t the some
target may not be divid ed in to sma lle r group$.
Rate of F ire ~ C r<Wbawmen, Arch ers, and longbowmen may fire every turn.
If Arc her~ or longbowme n da not move and a re not me leed at the el'ld of a t um
t hey may fire tw ice. If CrO$$bowme n, Archers and longbowme n ore moved up to
OI'le- holf of thei r oorlTlOl movement (excluding charging) they may fire Oflce; and
if they are moved over o rlll'! - ho lf of the ir norma l movement they moy fire once OI"Ily
if theybeat the ir opponent's d ie roll . Heavy Cronbowmen fire every o ther turn .
They may move up to one-ha lf of their norma l moveme nt (exdud ing c horg ing ) ond
still re lood or fire , bu t if they are moved ove r one-half of the ir norma l movement

(ellcluding charg ing ) they must beat their opponent's die roll to fire, cmd no re-
looding is allowed. They odd 1 to Missile Fire die roll"
$plit-move and Fire: Horseme n armed wi th bows are permitted to perform th is
type of movement. To occomplish a split move and fire , the Iwne archers move
up to one-half of !'heir normal movement, immediate ly conduct missile fire pro-
cedure, and continue to move out the bolance of thei r normal movement, not to
elleeed one- holf of the ir normal movement. The horse orchen moy be Fired upon
by opponent missile troops during their firing pause.
Poss- throvgh Fire: $totionory missile hoops may elect to give pau- through
fi re to ony enemy units which 0Nl with in their missile range at the holf-move
portio n of the turn. Th" wou ld include any enemy troops $plil-movlng, passing
by, or charging Ihe mbsile troops. -
Arc of Fire: Footmen - 45 de.g . left or right
Horsemen - 180 deg. left, 45 deg. right
Number of Ronks Permi t~d 10 Fire: Two rank, of miss ile troops ore permitreo'
to fire provided the first rank are missile troops. Additionol ronks of missile troops
on significantly h igher ground are permitted to fire as if they compased the
Wlcond rank. Note tha t missile range Is measured from the first ro nk.
Indi rec t Fire: Arc hers and Longbawmen, bu t not Croubowmen orony type,
may fi,.., over the heads of in tervening troops, friend ly or enemy , pfOYiding they -
are more tha n 3 distant. Ind irect fire reduces Ihe ronge of the weopon fir ing by

one-third . Indirec t fire outomoth:olly clouifles the IOrget in the next higher
ormor category J i .e ., Unarmored torgets become equal to -1 Armor or Sh ield , and
Fully Armored targets become "arrow proof ."
Cover: Soft cover wch os brush, woocb, waist-high fences, and walls will
red uce missile casualties by one-holf (drop a ll fract ions). Woods and overhead
cover , w ch os roofs, preve nt all indirect fi re . If Indlrecl fira i, pouible, than
cosual' ies will not be redlJ(;ed by cover . Movable mont lets and wa lls with arraw
slits moke torgeh behind them, induding miuile l,oop5 fir ing thru such slib,
·orrow proof M un less indirect fire is ~J i b l e.
Throwing Alles and $pea!} and Jgvelins: These missile weapons ore treoted os
any other missile weapons ellcept: They may fire onl y once per lurn, they may
Cllwoys fire at enemy troops charging them, and they may no t fi,.., indirect ly.
Min imum Maximum Areo
Light Catapult 15 " 30" 2" -
Heavy Catapu lt 24 " 48" 31"
For the Hit Areo cut a circular plastic disc to the d iameter stated above. All
figUfl!s wholly cr partial ly under the circ:ulot Hit Area ore kil led . (For the effect
Clf cotopult hits on other artillery pieees, structvres , ete ., see the sectl Ol"i en-
tit led SIEGES.)
Rate of Fi re: light Catapu lts fire every ot her tvrn, ond Heavy Cotopults
eve ry thi rd tu m, provided they are fully crewed and hove I'Ot been moved dur-
ing the prev ious two 0<' three tvrn5, as the CO""may b... Full erew and redlJ(;t ion
in rote of Fire for port io I crews ore 5how" below:
4 crew -- fire I'Ormo!
3 crew -- fire requires I elltra turn
2 crew - - fi re requ ires 2 elltra turns
1 crew -- fire requires 3 elliro turns
Additional crew above four do not odd to ra~ of fire. O nl y tra ined crew may
ope rate artillery.
Arc: Qf Fire: 45 deg. I,Ft or right
Indireet Fi re: All cotgpu h fi re is considered ind irect and incurs no penalty

becovse of th is .
Coyer: Any w bstontio l O'IIerheod cover IW''''~ the effect of cotopvlt fire .
Method of Fire: The player firing (I eo topul t mu~' coli the TOnge by doting
the dr~nee (in inches) he is fir ing ol'ld how fer left Of' right 1M mbsile is to fa ll
hub/eel to lhe -4.S deg , orc of fi re limitation ). A tTiangu lot!on is then mode ,
with the mini I. ralli~ ol o~ the long ddt of the triangle at the numbe rof Inches
homple :
o .... .... ....... ... ........ _. . ... . . .. L


:•• •• Miss ile hit area fa lls at 28-
along the long side of the
Firing 28", 8~ ri ght - - triang le .
Fire Optionol: Ro ll two diffe re nt colored dice. One color is for on over-
shoot and lhe orner i$ for on unde r-shoot . To decide whi(:h n~mber of u,e yoo
10k. the higher of the two . Miss is in inches, shown by d ice spoh. If they tie
then the rock londs at the sp4lCifi.d n:1n9• • This method is simple but effective.
- AR QU IB USIERS: Regardless of the armor class ificat ion of the ir ta rge t . Arqu l-
busier'S w ill kill any figure they hit. When fir ing , Arqu ibvsiers rail a n Maccurocy
die- for each man, and use the fo llowing hit tab le:

- Range to Torrt Score to Hit

12 " -18"
6" - 12"
0" - 6-
Rate of Fire: Tn!al C5 HlI!!CVy Crol.$bc ... men.
Arc of Fire ; Treat a. norma l for miuile armed footmen.
Indirect FIre: No indirect fire is pe rmitted.
I ~
Cgyer : If the target is up to one-half concea led by hard cove r (tree s ..... 011$,
rock., etc . ) deduct 1 from the ,core ro lled on the "accurocy die. If the ta rget

is oyer one-half concealed by hard cover, deduct 2 {rom the score.

- Bonus: Arq uibusiers .... ho Fire .... hile the ir .... eapon is resting on a strong wpporl
(wa ll , prap . etc.) cxld I to the score ro lled on the "«curacy d ie.·
Th ... d oulAcations of Co/'llM)l'l are considered . They a re:
- light fi e ld gurs - 30- range
Heavy fie ld guru - 36- range
Bombards" - 42 - range
· These .... eopo ns ore usua ll y u~ only in sieges .
• Rote of Fire: Treat the SOme as Catapults •
Arc of Fir.: Treat tho some as Catapults .
Indirect Fire: Indirect fire is permitted only for 8ombords .
Cover: Cannon fire into .... ood, is 1'101 permitted. For the .ffect of COfV1on
flro on $J)IIeifie torgets of .... ood or stone , lee the section e ntit led SIEGES .
Method of Fire : Fire is in a streight li ne to a torget specified by the p loyt!!'
Firing. (Exception is tn. 8ombord. Mle the ru le below. ) A .... ooden dowel is
placed 01 the muzzle of the cannon , and a 6 - ·varlation measure- is ploced at
the other end of it (the lorget end ). At this time the end mU$t po!.$ direc t ly over,
rest on, or point to the specified torget. The center of the va riolion meowre Is
ploced of the for end of tne firing do..... I. The voriation meo$ure ;s marked off in
aM segments and numbered from 1-6 as illustrated belOW' : -
A d ie is rolled by the ployer Firing the co nnon, and the end of the dowl!1 is the n
moved to the r>Umber on thl! 'Iodat ion ml!a, ure which correlpOnds to the number -
r'olll!d on thl! die . This proudurl! reprl!:lents lhe variation in cannon ba lls, ir-
regular gun ba rrel$, and .... inc'aQC. The! Dowel t The length of 0 firing dowel
will corr~ to the moxlmurn tOl'lge of th e cannon which It fepre5enh. Eoch h
colored oltemote ly w hitl! ond block to reprl!~nl the fligh t o nd bounces of 0
TARG ET . All fig ures IMt ore touched by the named color o n the dowe ll ore
eliminated . The color secti ons of the dowel, reodlng from munle to roll , are:

W B W B W B Dlometer
-16" - -
36" 18"
6" 3"
6" J"
2" ,,"
" 6"
' / 8"
3/ '"
42 " 20 " 8"
'" 2" •• '"
Any terroln feotures which inte~ with ANY WiCtion of thl! dowl!I,~ lhe
flight of the COIVlOfl bol l 01 thol point. T he ~ te rm in feotv~s inch.ode higJiground,
ba rr icades made of w~to ntial materio l (wood plonb or ltone ); trees, etc . Ob-
iech the height of a man wil l stop the flight of the connon boll if they ore sub--
stontiol and fall within the color section l'IOIrIed for hits. A body of woter wi ll
likewise stop the flight of th. connon boll if it i, pos;5t:d over by 0 ~ction of
the dowel colored the color named for hih , other tho n lhe fir$! such colored
section which represents th e connon bal l in level fI ighl, not bouncing .
Bombofd}: Although the she onc! weig ht of 0 Bombard is such tnot the u5ollfu l-
nelS is restr icted to sieges, oc:cassionol inc lusion of 0 Bombord might odd wme -
thing to you r The Bombord con be fired as either a Connon or indirect-
ly as if it we re 0 Catapult. If It is fired indirect (I triangulat ion musl be made
lust os if It were a C atapult, o nd in add ition the voriolion me owre is u~ whe n
lhe line of flight i, generally determined. There is no flig ht-bou nce-ro ll , for -
the 80mbcad fires on exp los ive shell. UJe 0 3'I,tl ic.neter elrele "hit a reoR moncer
when the p lace the shell hits Is nnally determined .
h amele of Firing; A p layer decide. to fire a Heovy Fie ld Gun 01 the eKact
ce nte r of on advonc:ing enemy pllee squore . The target is dOHl, lO th e ployer
elects to call WHI TE . He p loces the dow,l , lays the va riat ion measur. ot its
end , ond ro ll, the die. The nuniler ro lled is ". 50 the shat goes 'tro i9h~ . The
torget is 26" dillont and B" deep . IC the full r of the second white $Cction ,
and the futl I" of the third $Cctian, fall upon it . All figures touched by the
w hi te sections of the dowel (i nc luding figures not named a s th. targe t -- lV,n
friendly hoops) are removed os calVOlt1.,. -

Melee COSlIOllies will be determined by rol ling certo in rwmben of dice and
evaluating the scores fo r the cornbolaol, from eoch $ide on the Combal Tobie, -
given herein (Jee Append ix A ). ExolI'Iples of hoop classification are:
ligh t Fool: Miui le troops. Swhr/londslcnechte·, Peosont~ Crews
Heavy Foot: Norma ns, Saxons, Turks, V iki ngs , Men-at-Arms

Armored FOOl : Di$mounted Kni gj,h, Sergeonh , 1101 ion Ci ty levie, a nd Condolt;ere
- lighl Horse; Mogyon, Mongols, Saracens, Sponi$i'l, Tur"-, Hobilors
Medium Hone: Mongols, N o rman Kl'l ight5, Esquires, Sarocens, Spanish, Turks,
Hecwy Horse: Knights, Reiter, Gendorms
·SPEC IA l CLASS -- see Combet Tables
The Chorge meve I. permitted only whel'l me lee conloct is e)(pected

- portion of the tUrl'!. When a unil moves a charge move it must move
01 normal speed 0 1'1 the following lurl'! . Cavalry cnarge must be il'l a relatively
streight line (up to a maximum of a "S deg . clWVe hi allowable). VIctorious
charging ul'lihi muST continuo to move out the belanc:.e of Ihe ir charge move, In
the di,.,c lion Firsl indicated, providIng they attGined victory befare mel .. or
d uring lhe first round of melee .
MinHe Troops : Missile troops inte"f'OCed with other footmen form ing a de-
fensive line may ~refuse· combet and move bock 3" out of me lee range. How -
ever, If the othe r footmen who are meleed are killed or drive n erway , the missile
troops mvst fight If the ottocker is able 10 continue his charge move.
N'II! lee Rewlulion: Afle r both players hove ro l led the number of dice allOTted
to them for the ir meleeing troops by the C ... lIllClt Tob les, C05U<llties ore remev.d,
and mora le for beth opporoel'lh b checked.
Number of Rania Fight ing: 1 ra nk .


I. The side with the f_er cowolties determines the positive diFference between
their 1~5I!s and Iho5e wFfered by the enemy . This number is then multiplied
by the score of a die rol l and Ike totol noted .
2. The dde witt. the greater number of svrviving "oops which were involved in
- lhe me lee determines lhe positive difference between the nl.1mber of his Iroops
ond th,o,e of the enemy. This number Is noted.
3. Each side now mult iplies their surviving figu res, separating them by Iype if
more thon one type is involved , be In. following "Morole Rating~ fodors:
Peosonts 3 lighl Hone 6
light Foot cnd levies" Am10red Foot , Joninories 7
Heovy Foo t 5 .MedIum Horse, lcndsknechl'e 8
El ite Heavy Foct 6 Heavy Horse, Swln Pikeme n 9
- ". 80th .ides now tctol the scores arrived 01 il'l steps 1. - 3. cbeve, and the side
w ith tM lower 10101 must il1YtlCldiotely ~ct as follc:-ll :
0 - 19 difference -- melee continues
20 - 39 difference -- beck ': move, good order
40 - S9 difference -- beck 1 move, good order
60 - 79 difference -- reh"eol I meve
SO - 99 differel'lce -- rout It moYe
100 & ... differel'lce - surrender·
• Victorious ,ide mey cOl'ltinue a charge if a pplicable, leov ing the proper
ralio of pri$Ol'ler glJOrds (1 per 5 pri5Ol'lers)
For melees invalv il'lg less lhan 20 figures per sKle double all totol,.
bample of a small me lee : 10 Heovy Hor" ottock 20 Heovy Foct , kill 8 and
lo$tl 2 HH. The HH then ICore 6 (for grealer kills) times a die rerl, thus:
8 - 2 -: 6)( 3 (assumed d ie ro ll resull) " 18. To Ihis lotol the HH odd a mora le
roling of 9 multiplied by lhe l'Iumber of thei r survivors, th u,: 9)( 8 '" 72. Tn.
el'lli,., SCMe for the HH is 18 + 72 " 90 . The HF nove more $urvivors, $0 lhey
score -4 ( 12 HF as oppolfi!<f to B He ..:-; po$itive difference of " ), plus 0 merule
ratin g of 5 mult ip lied by lhei r entire force of JUrvivors, thus : 5)( 12 .. 60. The

entire 5Core for the HF is then 4 . 60 " 64 . The score of the HF is subtrocled "om
thol of the HH and the remo inder dotAlle<t : 90 - 64 == 26 + 26 '" 52, the difference .
So the Heovy Foot must immediate ly move boc k 1 move (9" in thli case ) in gOOd
order . The HeOlo/y COlo/a iry mUll continue their cl\orge, If oppllcoble , and if they
aga in contact the Heavy Foot the tw o units wil l ogoin melee iho t tum.
Flank Attack: Units a ttacking from the flank ore ot the next hi9her closs,
I.e ., Heavy Foot equals Armo red Foot and Heavy Hone equals.l on each die .
Regr AIIgck: Units which attock from the re<lr de liver casualties wi thout re- -
ceiving any in return . In addition, such troops rece ive the bonus stoted above
for Flank Attock. -
Retreat and Rout : Troops forced bock in retreat or rout , with boeks to the
enemy, must remain unmoved on the fo l lowing tum while they ra ll y. If they ore
attacked wh i le ra ll ying a die"."d be ro lled in order to determine jf they ITICln-
age to quick ly rally or continue to retreat or rout . If they fo i l to rally when
a ttacked . casua lt ies a re suffered by them, while the enemy wil l toke none in
return (the ottoc:ker only rolls dice on the Combot Tables) . A score of 1- 2 is re -
quired to ro il y when attacked.
Contact with Another Uni t: If e ret reating unit contoc:h a formed body of -
fr iendly trOOV' the retre at is immed iately slopped, but both Ilrot.lps must spend the
next tum ra lly ing and are subject to the ru le below regarding co nt inued retAlo t.
If a routing unit contacts any friendly troops It will couw tncm 10 likew ise raUl,
and rallying is necessary; note 0 1$0 that these troops are lilcew ise ,ubjeci to the
rule regarding continued rout stoted be low .
Conti~ Retreat or ROYt: If a retreoted or routed unit il forced or volun-
torily continues to move they must be diced rOf in order to roily them In later
turns. If the required score is not mode the un it mV$i immediately be moved
again, onother tum of movemenT noted on the ir records, and they mut l check
again on the followi ng turn . Any unit thot retreats or routs orf the tob le is re -
moiled from pla y for the remainde r of the go...... .
Tum of Retreat or Rout Die Score to Ro lly
hi Automatic on nelet turn if no~ attacked
3,' 6
4th Automatic removal from ploy
MiM;ell ... Kicos Me lee Informo t ion :
1. Missile, co,.,at be fired Into g mel. . .
2. All types of troops are comidered to control the spoee I- on e ither side of
themselves to slop infi ltra tion.
3 . Unih wi th in 3 of a melee may be drown into it if ~ player to whom they

be long 5(1 desires . However, the un it that joins a mele cannot hO'lle been
moved over one-half of ilS normol mavement dur i~ that tum . The unit jo in-
In9 tnc me lee may move up to 6" Into boll ie.
4 . Afte r the firs t round of me lee e xcen troops (figures uoopposed by on enemy
di rect ly before them) from the flanks or from rear ronks may be moved 50 0$
to overlap the enemy formation's flanks and even rear if moveme nt at one-
half normal wi ll al low.
PrilOO8rs : Befont the 100Ing side fall s bock from a melee, bolh playen: '011 a
die to dete nn ine if any pri~r$ ore toke n from the losing side . If the loser is
retrea t ing or root ing bock his on it ouloTIot icolly loses e ither 1 priiOf1Cr (retreat )
or 2 prisone" (rot.It), regard Ie" of the furthe r outcome of the d ice score.

WiMet" L~, Winner's Die 1.00~ls Die
F~I H~~ Posltl .... diffe rence used
Ho~ F~I Both d ice ocIded together
F~I F~I Nurriler roll ed Not used
Hon< H_ Number roll ed No t vted

- Mixed Mixed Number rolled

Swiu, l onchknechte, and Turks will talce no pt"iSQOeB.
Not uJed
Count prilOl'len (JJ

additional kilh .
A guard of 1 man per 5 prhoners mU1t be maintained at all timll!!s, ~ prisonen
- flJCap4 . Escaped prhone n may fight normally on lhe tum fo llowi ng eJcope.
Impetus Bonus: Hecrvy Foot, Armored Foot, and all Horse units receive Impetul
Bonus when they charge into melee ac ross , ...ooth , leve l terrain, or down rnoder-
ale dopes. Such lrocps odd an extro d ie to IMif nofmol nu",b. r shown on the
Combot Tobles.
Cavolry: 'When dmdlng, Hone will normally but will return cowoltJfI,
at the next lower eotegory, i ,fI" Heavy become Medium, Medium become Light .
and l ight retum c05uolties CIS if they were .A.nnored Foot . This does not opply
ofte r the flut round of 1;1 me lee. Standing Horw ore defined as : A) Ccrvo lry not
ordered to move ';m the tum It Is ottocked whe n slm ultonftOU$ movement Is used,
ond 8) Covo lry not moved dur ine the tum mel.. wos originated, or not moved on
the tum previous to melee ond meleed before be ing able to nM)Ve on the wc.eUld-
- ing tum, whe n move/ cOIJI'Iter 'move is being empl~.
Hedg.hog: Only Swiss ond Londsknechte pikemen con form (I hedgehog . If
ten or I'I1«tI of th... troops ore in 0 square-type fomKltion, pi kes or pole onns
focing outwcros in oi l fOUl d irections, 0 -hedgehog- hoi boNn conltlN ted. A
hedQehog con be moved ot one-nolf sped. It may never chorge. A. Hedgehog
'1'1'111 never be drown into neighboring me lee,. It may be otlucked on ly by !Toops
oiiud with like weopons (pikes or po le wccIpo(ls) .

When casualties from any ond ell causes
o percentage origina l totolstrengtn, I'PIOrale for thot
uni t mud be checked by rolling two d ice. If the lou is brought below the let
pen::entage by missile Ore , the unit mu5t check before the melee !)Ortion of the
tum . If the Ion il brooght abou t by mel. . , the unit mUlt morole ofter
melees herve been completed for thot tu m. If the unit remains stobie, It need not
oaol" cheek morale until such lime os it wHers loues to the stated percentage of
Ih odglnol shwreth, but 91 that time it must be removed from the tab le for the
remoioder of the yc»iMi.

- Un it Type
light, peasants or levies
CcnuoJty %
Score to Rema in
8 or better
H.crvy Foot 33 1/3% 7 or better

- Elite Heavy Foot, Armored Foot,

Medi\KII Ho~ (na l Kh.)
33 1/3%
33 1/3%
6 or
Sw l" Plkemen 50% 5 or better
HeCIVY Horse, Norman Knigh ts 50% 6 or better
Mounted Knighl1 50% .. or better
Any unit thot foils to make the requlrtd score to remai n in bollie is removed from
ploy irrmedia tely unless no route of retreat is oP"!n to it. Surrot.lnded unih that
fail mOfal e checks are a ssumed to immedia tely wrrender .
Swiss/landsknechte Pike Charge: BecauSE! of the reputation and Ferocity of
these tToops , on enemy charged by Swin or l ond$knechte piker.oen (othe r thon -
like troops) must roll two d ice and consu lt the La» Tobie , just as if they hod
suffe red excess cawalties . However, if the uni t being attacked foils to score
h igh enough it is not removed " am play; rother, it retreots H moves, bocks to
the enemy , ond must rally. If they are followed up by pikeme n before they ro lly,
the unit is totally eliminated . No te: The charging pike forma t ion must be eligible
to receive Nma~ u.ock " d ice (ot least 10 figures in 5 x 2 format ion) in oxder to
force enemy units 10 check morale.
Cevalry Chorge: In order to withstand a charge by mounted men, the defend- -
ing unit must check mo rale. Feer of the charge wos usuall y more dongerous thon
Ihe impoct of the cevalry. Uni" tkot fo il to score the req uired latol retreat Ii
moy". bocks to the enemy, ond must roily. If both units a re cha rg ing, both must
check morale, oddin g I to the dice score if Foot. and two to the dice score if
Attock ing Unit
Defending Uni t; light Medh.m Heevy
Peosa nts 9 10 11
light Foot , Levies 8 9 10
Heavy Foot 7 8 9
EIile Heovy Foot . Armored Foot 6 7 8
li~t Horw 5 6 7
Medium Horse 4 5 6
He avy Horse 3 4 5
Swiss and l ond sk nechtCI armed with pikes or pole arms facing the enemy au toma-
tically stand any chorges.
Unilt charged in the fla nk deduct I from the dice score i unl" charged in the reor
deduct 2 from the dice score.
Historically, units of difFe ring types were not mixed unti l the emergenee of
"pike and shal" dur ing the Renobsance. (80 rbarion types, such a s the Vik ings
were somewhot of on exception, for thei r bonds contained a sprinkl ing of archers .)
Although light Horse may be brigoded with Medium, Of Medil¥ll with He<.:rvy,
other type$ of troops conno t be inte rm ixed, ond eyen different un i" of like types
of troops sno.uld nol be Joined . UnitS lhat become inr.rmixed in a ml lee will r1-
q uire>. one full tlx n to le pa role and reergonil'e. Un ih reorgan izing are cOO$idered
- 10 be the some 05 uni" forced to retrea t fOf purposes o f Melee.

Feuda l Knigh ts were iIl-d isci plined and generally refused to toke
~)'OO" -- eve n their liege IOfd. However , they we re exce pti onol Iy
brave. Whenever Knights come within charging distance of on enemy they wi ll
chorge rega rdless of any orders, unlus a 6 is rolled on on "obedience die, nand
regardlc» of any such roll if they eon see other friend ly trOOF» moving towards
the enemy. or oltocklng, they witl c harge or move towards the enemy if unable
to charge. If more than one type of enemy troopl are within charging dbtance
th e order of precedence thol the Knights wil l follow is:

1. Other Kn ights
2. Any other mou nted troops
3 . 80000ge or miss ile troops fir ing upon them
- 4. A~d Foot
5. Missi le-armed troops
6. Artillery or siege equipment
7. Heavy Foot
8, Li gn t Foo t, Peosonts, or levin
9. Pike ormed troops

- Levies: These units were locol {.iti zenry, watch, militia and the like, who
were occosionally dr illed and called to arms in t imes of troub le. They were u!iII!!d
most often by the Iiolions and Flemish -- in fact, the Flem ish pikemen were good
fighters if properly wpported by ccrvolry , but it was hopel.A: fOf them to toke the
field without luch support. A, Ihey were citizen soldie rs, they we re poor ly
trained, ho lf-discipl ined, and Fought in mosses . Their chief arms we re long
spean , various pole weapons, or pikes. l ev ies should be treated 05 Heavy Foot
unles$ otherwise stated . The Flemish odd 1 to di ce $cares when checking n'IOrole.

- I
: Practically any kind of troops con be designoted as mer-
on army thaI normally would be unable 10 field a body of
pikemen could do!iQ by opting to hire a formatio n of mercenary pikeme n. The
troub le is tha t these troops ore likely to cho nge §ides ot the drop of 0 hot (full of

- ,ilver, nahJ rolly). Before eoen tum 0 die mu,t be rolled to see what they will do .
If 01 is rol led They mere ly $Tond §t ill that hJ rn , doing abso lutely nothi ng (except
defend ing them$l!lves if otta cked) . If a 2- 5 is rolled they will obey orders. If a
6 is rolled, 05econd rol l mull immed ia tely be mode:

Die Score Resu lt
More payl Stand, no a tlocking or moveme nt
Moreh off boorn ( thi~ oren' t .,o irY<J we l l at home, they soy)
3 Bribed l Ma rch 10 join the enemy (~ $OOn Q$ they reoeh the
enemy lines they hJ m and may attoc K you)
'-6 Corry out orden; norma ll y for the next th ree moves, no die
c.hec k$ required durir.g that time. (you ' re reol ly 0
winning pe rsona lity)
O nee engaged in me lee it is not necenory to check me rc enarie s until after the
melee is concluded .
Often dragged into bottle, the51!' unw illing worriors were vsuolly
I and poor fighter5 in the borgo in. In a melee they w ill fight as
Foot, but the pro blem is to get them to fight. (Usually the poor peosonts
stood orol¥ld unt il the Kni ghts decided the bottle, and 'he peQSQnts on the 100Ing
side w!!re th en cheerfully butchered by the winners.) Two d iee must be rolled for
every peasant unit before they wi ll do anyth ing:
To move - score 7 Of' bett!!r .
Enemy Unit: To Attock To Def!!nd Aga inst
Pecnonh 4 5
ligM Foot, Levies 6 6
Heavy Foot 8 7
Armored Fool, Pi kes
light Ho",!!
10 9 •
Medium Ho~ 11 10
Heavy Horse 12 11
Peasants thot foil to otto ck must stand unmovl!d. If they foil to defend, they are
treated as if they 10sl a melee and hod routed.
Religioln Qrner$ of Knighthood ; Such troops wi II Il!!v!!r surrender, ond when

Morale res ul" call for such the y wilt figh t an normally. They receive 0 +1 on a ll

Morale dice due to their elil. narur •• -
English lon,.,N".,'TIen : The$e I roop~ carried long slake" which tlM!y wou ld firmly
$el into the ground one" they hod tokt'n up position in orde r to inhibit c:. prevent
coyol,y ottodu. Longbow-men in positlOf'l for two complete lurns ore the refore
con~ide<ed 10 ha ... e planted tnei r stakes. Any cO\lol,y attacking them from Ihe
fro nl muSI ro l l 0 die for eoeh figure in its front ronk , 4-6 indltating the horloe h
impoled end the 'ider slain.
Magyars: Magyor cavalry is all very mobile, about th ree-quarten being light,
lhe other quorter medium. About one-quarter of the lig ht covalry hove bows ond
con ljllit- move ond fire. There orc few foot in 0 typical Magyar CIITI1y (10% max-
imum unless (I fortification is invo lved), ond all ore lig ht.
M9090b: All Moogols ore hor$&d, one-quart.r being med ium l onc;:er~, one
quorter light lancers, a nd 011 the rest being light hoo;e with bow,. Mongo ls ore
obi. to be forced to retreat ood rot hove to ro ily to move normolly next turn ,
but if tney o.e .outed they will hove to ~rform as heretofore outlined. They wi ll -
not hes itote 10 lake unusual risb, for cowordly actiOfls were punished by death.
Poles: The moin arm of the Polish is their cavalry, about thtee-quorlef$ of
which a re medium haf$e armed with lonces. The other part are light, 10% of the
totol hone being 1ight, croubow- ormed covolry. The Poles aho hove both heovy
end lig ht foot . lreot all Polish troops as either e lite or Orle c lan above their
ochoa I rating for purpo!Cs of morale,
Ru»ions: O nl y about 20% of a typ ical Runion army is horwd. No l.iIi than
three-quarters of the covo lry are medium, the balonee be ing light. Approximat- -
ely 50% of the fool or. heavy , most of whom a re armed with pole orms . 10% of
the foo t troops; ore light infan try armed with crossbows. -
Saracens: All Saracen footmen are light troops , and a high percen tage are
ormed with short bc7.vs (15 " ronge ) . Saracen cavo l,y ore predomina ntly light, but
their e lite units o re medium. They willtak. no priwnef$ from ",. llglaus· orden
of knig hthood (Te mp ion o nd Ho~itallert.)
Scon Infontry: Scottish infontrymen were ormed with exceptiona ll y lang
spears (a lmost pikes) and eould form maned circlel . schiltrons, which in m~t
rtlpects are t reated (1$ Swisv'landsknechte pike formation . The primary differe nce
in the Scott ish f"""IIOl ion is that it is unable to move. Cavalry a rmed with lances
moy attock at even odds , i •••• each attock.. and defender ro lls one die, 6'.
killing. A schil lron req uires the some amount of lime 10 form as a column. -
Spanish: Spon ish Knig h" are predominantl y medium, while a bout 50% of thei r
hor:se are ligh t , javelin-armed troops who may 'Plit-move and cast darts,
Torto il : For purpo5l! S of any mi niotu re$ game it is sofe to treat a Tartor force
as if it were composed of Mongoh . The re moy have been somewhat fewe r horse
bowmen, and o fter Timor the likli hood of a Ta rte r force be ing as highly disci-
plined OJ thot of the Mongols woz smo l I,
Chinese : See tab le be low.
Koreans: See Table below.
JoPCne5l!: See table below .

Chino Korea Japan

AITIIOt'ed Foot
Heavy Foot
Light Foot/ Neher,
$omura i
Arqulbus i. rt/Crcnbowmen Some/Yft" Some/Few Few/No
longbowmen No No Yes**
Med ium Horse Y•• Y•• Ye,'"
light Horse y~ F,w No

"Very light, repealing crossbow . Fire as bow, ronge is 1 2~, hit
probablllly is - 1 (or -1 from cosualties) despite poi1OOed bolts
due to low penetrotion.
HSomuroi ormed with the very long bamboo bow which eon be
fired from horxbock, but not while the horse il moving •
...... For ottoc;k pu' count only os ligh t , for defense they are
considered Hecrvy . and for obedience as Kn ight• •
Melee ~Morol e Rat ing~


4 ,
J opon

Elite Foot

, ,- -7
- ""'~
Elite HorJe
Samurai -
- Army Commonder: Gene rall y speaking, mos l of the troops looked to thei r
leoder for moral wpporl om would fig ht horder wilen he wos nearby (probab ly in
hOFei of recognition a m reword). If the figure repre$oll! nt ing the ormy commander
is with 0 body of hoops, thot unit wil l odd 1 to the KOf'e of eoc:h d ie it mUlt roll
(two d ice odds 2) . However , the army cooi."onder will suffer th e some fate 01
thot unit, Jha uld it foil to make a required score . Any unit within 12 - of the
a rmy COIW'l1ander will also re c.lve a bonus of 1 to the score of any di e or dice
roll It mUI' make. The army commonder wil l automatically roily any unit it ioinl,
- but if he leavel that uni t before having stoyed with it three comp le te turl'll , It
will relurn 10 its former unrallied stotus. If the army cammomer i, killed or cap-
tured, 011 units on tha t side must check mora!. 01 If they hod token excess cow-
olties, and 01 a minU$ 2 from the dice.
The army commander will always be the lost figure killed in a unit , reg ardless
if by mllli le fi re or in me lee.
Mercenar ies ore not affected in any manne' by the a rmy eorrvnonder.

- Bogooge : Loot was uwo ll y foremost in the thought of the medieval sold Ier .
Assume thai eoch side has a bogAc comp lust behind thel, bo$ll line O f point of
entry onto the tabl e. 80th side, ~cretl y ind icate on a map a 6~ oreo wh ich wi ll

- be the path la the boggoge comp o Whenever on enemy unit camel within one
norma l move of this a rea, the e nemy player musl in Form his opponent tha t the
UniT has the baggage. On the next tum the unit will move off boord to loot pr....
ven ted from doing so by enemy troops (either attocking it or block ing The poth ) .
Whe n an enemy.., iI is tooting the bog ga ~, 011 fr iendly un its wi thin a normal
move a f the path to the baggage camp w"l also mo_ off board to prevent the
pillage . All such units (friendl y a nd enemy) rema in out of play for the remoimer
of t .... game, unless a separale aclion is fought inv olv i"9 them . In the latte r case

- lurviYOrs may ret..-n to the original game . Of course, baggage con be braught on
boo'" .

WEATHER (Optiona l)
If the kind ofweotha r hos not already been ettabl ilhed, ro ll a die, and the
rewlt ind icates the prevailing conditiam; check by rolling die on even turns.


CLEAR (1 - 3)

h e'""
CLOUDY (oi - 5)

No change
RAINY (o )
light rain -
No c: hol19l!
No c oonge
No chooge
No change
¢ Cleors
No coonge
light roin
C loudy
Y -
5 N o change No coonge Hard rain
6 Cloudy O RoinO Ha rd .oin· "
.. Fatigue: doub led, greater chonc. o f fire in dry 9'051 or wood, if dry ,
(Applie~ only in summer seoson.)
HTh,ee tu .... of ha rd roi n bring$ mud , reduc:ing movement by 2.
O Weotne. moves 10 co ll,lllln indicated by direction of arrow . -
At best, sieges are difficult to handl •• The fo llowing rule s will be helpfu l in
conducting such a game, and it is wggesled mol
they be u$ecl In combinatiOl"l
with the , u les for mon-to-ma n combol .

Torgets ond DeFense Va lues: Point Valu.

Bastions and rourd lowen 40-60
Gatehou$l!$, Kiuore towers, a nd 90les 30-<5
Curtoin walls and done buildingl 25-40
Rompar" a nd earth-filled gobions
Wooden structures and poli~s
5- 15 -
Cannons and large cotopulh 5
Small cataput", and movab le mont l.h 3
Weaponl and Attac k Vo l"ei: Each type of weopo n deltroys a certain number
o f defense point. , and o. lOOn as all defense yolue is gone the target isdeslToyed .
Heavy Fie ld G un
Li gh t Field Gun and Large Ca tapult
-6 points
-" points
- 3 poinh
Srno lt Catopult -2 poinh
A:. is ob3ervable from the above, bringin g down the wall. of a castle wil l be
a 10rQ and perhaps perilous tasl<. Few the defender wil l hOOte ample time to Of-
gon ize and conduct many forays and rtlids before his defenses collapse.
Bomoords: During sieges, bomba-d , may be used as hig h angle of fire weap-
ons , 50 when firing treat them muc h 0$ you would a catapult , being a ble t01hoot
oyer walls , and w ith a hil a rea -.qual ta tha t of a large c;:otapu lt whe n iI fires
indirect .
Siege lowe", Covered Rams, etc. : EO(:h of these pieees of equipme nt maYe.
I " per tvrn for every two men push ing, with a max imum lllOYernent of .. ~ per turn -
with eight men pushing. Such equ ipment cannot be lTIOYed across ditches (K moots
un le u they hove been nile<! in .
Siege towen will accommodate 5 as.soult troopJ on the drowbridge .tory and
3 on the top dec;:k . Up to 5 figure, per turn con climb the lodder From thegrouod. -
to lhe upper decks .
Covered war machioeswith rom s, picks, Of screws wil l do 2 points of damage
to their targ e t for every turn they are agoin st it . The defender moy disoble such
wor mochin., (ouurne rom-cotc;:hen and the like) any tum during whic;:h they or.
in operation, ond he rol l. 0 9 or higher with two dice.
- Movable Monllel'$ : Mont ie'" <;on be fn(W'ed 3" per turn for every mon pu$hln.g.
with a mo)(imum movemen t of 6 " (two men pushing). Eoch movoble mantlet wil l
prov ide full coyer rOt" ~ to three footmen. One missile figure eon Fire throug h
th. ,l it of the mont Ie! w it+-.ol being exposed; addit ional missile troops fir ing
from behind the 1OI!Ie montie' wil l only ... oelve protection equol to !10ft cover.

lodde,,: One man c::orryl"ll a laddef" 1nQ¥1!$ a lone-na if normal 5J)«d. and
two men corry a lodder w it+. penal ty. However I no chorge movement is possible.
As the de5ie~1 o lw01s hod on om ple ~pply of scc llll9 ladder!, treat them OJ
Indestructible . Three men con climb from the b<ue to the top of a lodder du ring
a lurn . Each ma n that liIOCi to the top of a ladder will hove to fight any de fend-
ing troops within me lee range on the wall . If there is no defende r , the climbing
men moy move 10 a polition on the wa ll , bu t on ly far e nough 10 allow successl.. e
c::limben room to 1l00d 01 the heod of the ladder . Al l combo! is mon-to-mon .
If the defending troops win any sing l. me l.. aga inst escalading a ttacke rs , a
die is rolled to determ ine if lhe defenders monoge to push the lodder owoy . A
die score of 5-6 succeeds in pushing off the lodder , 1M WcoOO mon c limbi ng is
considered k illed, and the th ird ma n stunned for-one tum. (See MAN-TO-MA N
Soi ling QiI : "Have some nice hot oil , ~ w id the smiling sergeant . When
poured from atop 0 costle woll, flc.n ing o il wil l sweep a 2 " poth downwon:l,
killing oil figure, within it; ond ot the bote of the wollthe flaming oil will fonn
o puddle 4 - wide by 3" deep , which will olso kil l all figure, in Itl oreo . II wi ll
burn for three turns , preven t ing any troops from en"-r1ng the oreo it lies an. Any
wooden structure struc k by flaming oil wi ll begin to bum inwnedio lely (e)(ceptions ;
lodden ond peak-roofed TOI'M ) OM mllSt be dXlhoo..ed next tum. Thereafter, the
wooden structure will bum for five luf"rl$ and then removed from play os complet-
e ly destroyed.

Rocks~ 0,. of the most effective ond eosiest deferoes against esco lading
ottockers ....os 0 lorge , weig hty piece of rock or stone droppd from obove onto
the heads of the besiegers . A rock dropped down 0 ladde r will kill the first
climbe r, and the second ond third men on the ladder mud ro ll a d ie to see if they
survive, 1 - 3 $OVlng the w cond and 1 - 5 IQV ing the third. When thrawn down on
tappf siege equipment a nd war mochines rocks wil l do 1 point of domoge.
Note : Me n active on th e cast le wall ca n at best cIo lm the protection of soft
C(Net from missiles being fired at them from outside the wol h.

Mines and Counter-mining: T he~ operations are only possible to condvet on

pop er . A Ihird porty is neees$Ory to oe t as fudge of Ihe vorlous otl~h 01 min-
ing the wolts or counter-mining to pre ve nt it. The ottoeking pl oye r must de siS-
note eertoln numbeT5 of hh troops 0Ii "lOppeT5- or minen. Whi le the defende r
"",ill olWOYI know where these men a re loeo ted, he wi ll not know if lhey ore
oetuolly ot woO: on 0 mine, or merely serving to deeoy his eounfer efforts from 0
reol ottempt el sewhere . As bottle prog resses on the toble top, the pope r opero -
lions should keep poce. Allow Ihe attocker to oetuolly attempl two or three mines
whil e ollowlng the de feMer only one 01/ two eounlers to them. If counte r- mines
are ot 011 near to.he o ttoeke n mines (lOy obout6-- 12 "I , the mining attempt
fo ill, ond a ll a ttack ing miners are killed. If 0 mine ""eeeeds, 0 6" wide bree<:h
is e reoted wherever the mine strikes the wall.
Breeche~: Wherever the walls of a ca stle a re destroyed by a rti llery , wor
machi nes, or mines, (I breech h cou~d . Troops lIIOy move through a br.ech 01
Rough Terra in :speed. The def.oder I'l'10), b loclc a breech with Goot;, in three tums,
prov iding no attockers or.. within it during tha r pe riod . Abo!,s wil l oel O li mI)'y -
able mOnT'en (IS for as protect ion and deFend,,!! va lul' ore conce rned. Destroyed
abolis may be rebui lt jV5t os odginol abot,s wos bui lt. Attac kers may teor i t down
in three un interrupted turns , bu t if they ore altgc;ked 0< killed before destroying
the abatis they are considered to hove done no domoge to it.



Mlan - tn -lIlan mnmbat
Indeod of using one figure to represent numerous men, Q single HglKe repre-
sents 0 single man. Use this s)'$tem for small bettles and caslle sieges . When
using the Man- To-Man combat system a ll preceding ru les a pply, except whe fe
omended below:
Missile Firt':: G en e rally speaking, the rules For 1:20 seole apply to mon-Io-
mon mi~ile fire. Ranges for eac h weapon are divided into thirds for simplicity,
so (I 15" ronge divided into short at 0 - 5". med ium ot 5 - 10", orw:l long at
10 - I S". Ind ividvol lergah ore se lected, the mid- point of the move uwd for range
delerm inotion, d ice rolled, and casualt ies extracted. Treat hond-hurled weopo.n
as shorl bows for purposes of hit probabit ity (not ra nge).
Melee: Wh!.n two figures are within mer_ r<'rlge (3" ), o ne or several blows
will be struck. The order of striking depends upon severo l factors. The m~n
siTiking the firs t blow reeei ... cs a rerurn bloow only if he foils to Kill his opponent .
1st Round:
First blow is struek by --
a) the attoeker, unlen
b) the de fender hos a weoponwhieh is two cianes highe r, Of
c) the defender is fighting from above (castle wall, rampo rt, ete.).
2nd Round ond thereofter:
First blow is struek by --
- 0) the side which struek first b low previously, unle"
b) the opponent hos a weapon which is two cloS5es lower, at
c ) the oPPOr'ICnt is fighting from above.
Men attocked from the reor do not return a blow on the ht round of melee
a nd automatieally reeei ... e 2nd blow posit ion on the 2nd round of melee . Men
attacked from the left flank outomaticol ly receive 2nd blow position on the 1$1
round of melee.
- 1) For non-mounted versus mounted men: odd one to the die roll of the moun ted
man, liubtroct one from the die roll of the man on foo t - ht round only horse-
men odd two.
2) On the 2nd round of melee the horse as well a s its ricier attock, the horse
counting 05 the following weapon(s), and able to attack 0 different opponent
thon its rider, but on ly footmen:
light 1 Mace
Medium 2 Maces
Heo ... y 2 Flail s
3) Fat any man attacking from the rear in melee (afte r accept ing a ll pass- through
and split fire): odd one to the die rol l of !he attac ker ond give the defender
no counter a ttock .
4 ) o. For ony weapon 2 or more closses higher thon the attacker the obilily 10
po rry does 1'101 exist.
b . For any weapon 1 closs higher to three classes lower than the ottocker the
defende r may parry the b low by subtracting 2 from the ottacker's fall, bu t
he has no counter blow .
c . For any defneder whose weapon is four to seven classes lowe r than the ot-
locke r . the defender hos the opt ion to giye the fif$t bl(WO' OR perry the
Qltacker', blow, by wbl rOCl if'lg 2 from the ottocker 's roll . If the o ttocke r
equals the olig iool requirement for (I kill the h igher .... eapon breaks the
de fende r 's weopon. If the po r,y h IlUcceuful . the de fender g"s one coun -
ter blow .
d. For ony weopon whO§e closs is ei gh t or more clones lower thon the at tock••,
the de fende r gets the fiut blow c nd mol' !Xlrty the ~ond or strilee Ike
second. He ,ubtroch one for the par ry and (I roll equollo the original kill -
requiremen T breal.:s me weapon . (Pikes, sptCJl'"S 01' lonces of lhe o ll ockflr do
get the firll blow over lower <:10$$ Weopo", if there is CI chortle. Here the
length of th. weapon preve nts the d.fender, even with his lighter weapon,
the ab ili ty 10 ge t the nu l blO>N.)
Me lee To bie: N ote thot each wea pon I ts te d ho s a nvmber des lgr'lo l ir'lg iu
closs. The shor te r and lighter the weopon , the lower its class . A mon wield ing (I
weapon four ciOSloClS lower (\ vs . 5, 2 vs. 6, (lI'Id so 0" ) str ikes two blows during
~"y me lee round . If a mOl'l has 0 weapon eight c lasses lower . he wil l strike th ree
b lows during eve ry melee round. (See Appel"ldill 8 . )
Morll le : Generolly speokil'lQ. defende rs i" a ellst le rteed "ever check mora le.
In other <;O$f!S moral .. h to be che<;ked wh," 33 1/3 % of (m army hos bee " ki lled.
U$e the stondard moro le tob le s, che<;k by type of hoop, and a llow I;my bo"\lWs
to dice. FOf a Ca val ry Charge use Combot Tables for 1:20 to de termine if a
check is ne cessary; double for flank and/ or rear otto<;ks, i.e., 4 Hecrvy Foot mull
check if charged by \ Heav y Hone (8 Heavy Foot must check if ottacked in
flank/rear •
Mounted Men: Whe n fignt ing me n afoot mOUl'tted men odd .j.) to the ir di ce for
me lees and the men of001 must subtract - 1 from the ir melee dice . Men may be
unhoued by footmen if they 'P&ificol ly,ltate this is their inten t before di ce orn
ro lled. A scare equolto 0 kill , with no wbtract lon for the ir bei ng a foot , incli-
cotes a successful unhors ing. An unhorsed mo" is pouihl y 1h1nned:
Ole xore Rew lt
1- 2 Not shinned -
3-5 Stu......ed 1 turn
6 StUflned 3 turns -
Remounting requir&$ one-hcM IlJ rn, as d~s vo lun tary d ismounting.
Leaders: It is suggested that leoder, ~ g ive" 0 +1 on cd l of Iheir d ice, and
tho l their type of orm or be eo nsidered lne b",t fOt' the ir origi n ond period.
Viking Serserkel"!l : 8erse riccl"I, desp ite the ir lock of ormor , should b. treated
CiS hoving le ather OIiiiOf ond sh ie ld. G ive !'hem 0 +2 on attock dice. Onee they
see troops in bottle they will charge to the otroek, and they wi ll not ~t op figh t-
ing unti l either they hove killed all of their oppoow nh or they ore lhenne l.... es
killed .

Kni ghb in "friendly· com bal, ormfif with lonce and sheild , and mClUfl ted
upon migh ty destriel"l. Eoch p loyer <;on operote one or se\lero l knights to stoge 0
tourney. -
Melhod Clf Pia):,: Eoch ployer wiech on oiming point (hIs IIttClck) ond 0
position in tbe soc!dle (his de fen5e) . Note 100111'1. o iming point wi ll preclude
certoin d.fensive posi l ions in mosl, but no t a ll , co~. The oimirog point of ear;h
p laye r is ma tc hed ogoinst the positi on of their opponent a nd the fuult fCi unCl' .
Re su lts can vary from both Clpponenls mini ng 10 both bei ng unhal$Od , OJ 0 sllJdy
of the Jo usl ing Motrix w ill re'Jea l . (See Appendix C.)
- When resu lts have been detc rmi nod, on. ~ , ;deN hos been comple ted . If
neither opponent has been Uflhoned the procedure is repeated un ti l one (or both
simu ltaneously ) opponent is knocked fl"1)fll hI, ...odIe, 0( three "r ides" hove been
completed . The loust is ove, O J soon a s either or bath oppD-~ nh ore unhortad or
three "tides" hove been completed w ithou t either party be ing unhorsed .

Toumeys: To simu late (> med ieval joust ing tou rM y It I, neceuory to ~

- teoms consisti ng of ~verol knights e och. Score eQch ride on the fo l lowing toble :
RESULT Attocker Defender
Brealu la nce -I o
Holm knocked off +3 o
Inl ured o -10
Unhoned . 20 o
Although 0 simp le wotl/losl record will wffice , use of the above tab le w ill
(lUll'. thot the re wil t be few tie, in the tourney .


Peosont • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • 1/2 po int

l evee • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3/ 4 poin t
ligh t Fool • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • 1 po int
Heavy Foot • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •
• • • 2 poillts
Armored Foot • • • •. • • ••• •• • ••• • ••• •• • 2 1/2 points
light Hone · . . . . . .... .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 points
MedIIM'l HOI\e • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. po ints
Heavy Ho rse • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 points

- Add it ional _ aeons cosh-

Pike • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • 1 point
A. rq ui bu~ o r a lly crO!!sbow • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • 1 1/2 po in h

Bow • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 po ints
l ong bow or composite bow ••• • •• • • • . • . ••• . ..
• • • • • • • •
• poi nts
light Catapul t o r Connon • . • • • • • ••
Heavy Ca topu lt o r COl"""', • • • • • • • •
Bombard • . . . • • . . . . •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
" po ints
20 points
30 polntl
- Notes:
I . Me«:enories cost one-half of the oboYe po ints .

2. Swiss or landslcl'lechte are 0 11 eq ua l to Heov y FOO l , pl U5 weopoo'l for Poiot

Value cost )ele<;:t ion .
3. Tradi tiOflO I compositio n of hi, loric fOfcelshovld be kept ill mi od when se l-
ect ing olmies by Point Value .

, ~ .

,- ~
/ -


/ supplement_
, ---.

Molt of the fo nta,tlc bottl., re lated in novel, more closely retemble medievol
wor.fore then they do earli.,. or lote r forms o f combot. Because of th is _ ore
induding a brief sel of rule, whi<: h wi l l a ll ow the med ieva l minIature, worgome r
to odd a new facet to h is hobby, ond either refight the ~ic: struggles le lated by
J. R.R . Tolkien, Robe rt E. Howard, and other fantosywrilen ; or you COIl dev ise
your own "worl d, H and conduct fantastic campa igns and confilcil boted on it .
(The dedicated fontoty enthvsiO$! U10vld eonsult ~ TSR pvbl ilXl tiOl'1, Dungeons
'" OraQOft$, listed in lhe bock of this vo lume. )
The uti lirotion of varied scoles o f r.g~1H is o lmosl 0 musl fOf fontcn t ic: "'or-
9Omll'19 , considering thot spectacle is on importont part of min iature warfare,
orld doubly 10 whe n fJg~tlng fot'ltastic: bottles. This dictates thot tM seole for
mon- size be either 30nvn or 4Omm :
Type: MQ"I--30mm Man--40mm

Holftlngs. sprIT.' lOmm 20mm

Cwo,....,. gnom.s . goblilll. kobo ldli 20mm 25mm
Elves. foides. orCII 25mm 30~
Ogre.. tro ll s ,..~
Ojinn. d ragons . efree t . e leme nta ls.
Ireonrs, g ionrs, roetl S4~ 70mm -
Mon·sized figurlls Incl ude: g hou ls, heroes (Incl udi ng on tl.hero" and l uper.
h.roes of the "Conan " type) , ~o pe -c ho nge rs, wlg hrs , w izards , wraith •.


FANT ASTle CHA.RACTERISTIC S (5« alto Appendix O)

HALR.INGS; 1he.. 11"1., chop' hoy. !lmoll pl(J(:e in the worgome, but you moy
wont tn.m for recreation of cenoin bottles. Ilemember mol th • ." or. obi. 10 bl.nd
Into ,.... background and so make excellent Icau ..... They con fire 0 slone as for os 0"
orcner shoo", a nd because of their well known accuracy, for every two Holfllngs
firing cou n! three on the Mlnll. Fire tobl •.
Mora le Roting .~ 5 Poin t Va lue -- ( - )
SPRITES (a nd Pixies): The,e ore 01,0 $11'1011 creotures ..... ho have the power to
become invisible -- and remain $0 In bottle I When Sprile, ottud, they wffe r no
cOilUolties during the flret round of melee; Ih.reofter, w rp riiloe weon off ond the
deferoders ore gbl. to no t. the minot" ~, and o ir distortions couse<! by the
SpI'ile, . Spr ites can fly fOf" th ree tums (rncucil'llum ) before lond ing.
Moro le ROling -- 3 Point Volue -- 4

DWARVES (ond Gnomes ): Becouse thei r IlCIlurol habitat is deep U\der the
ground, mese stoul fol k operot. equally wl!l l day or night . Although they are no

- threat to tne 10'9'1' Creolufes, Troll s, Ogres, and Gia nts find them hard to catch
MCOUse of the ir !IJI(Illsizl!, SO count only OM-holf normo l kit h when Dwa rves
ond Gnomes fight with them, for erther ollodt, upon the Dwarves and G noml!S or lhould the Owerv" be the attocker. Gob lim and Kobo lds orl! the ir not-
urGl (one! mosl hoted ) e nl!mies, ond Dwarves (Gnol'llOl!s) will ottoc ~ Gob li r'l$
(Kobo ld, ) before any other enem ies in signt, regordlc$S of arde", to the contrary.
However, Dwarves and Gnomes wil l not hove to roll on ·obedience die" (os do
Knignh ) to fo ilOW' ordef'J, i.c., they will not outornatically ottaek , but if ordered
to attock, and Goblins (Kobo ld, ) 0,. withi n chclrging dista nce, they will ottack.
the- Goblin (Kobold ) formation to the exclusion of orOef'J to the contn:lry .
Motale Rat ing -- S Paint Value -- 2
GOBLINS (ond Kobo lds)~ Goblins and Kobolds 5eI! well in di mness or dork,
but they do not like brignt light. When fight ing in full daylight or bright Irght
they must wbh-act I Iron their Marole Rating, os well 01 1 from any d re railed .
Becaute of the ir reciprocal ha tred, Hob lin, (Kobolds ) wil l au lO'tlOtica lly attock

a ny Dworves (Gnomes) wIthin cnorging di stance. Hobgob l ins fight a s Armored
Footond defend as Heovy Fool. Their Point Volue is 2; .
Morale Rating -- 5 Point Va lue -- H
ELVES (ond Fairies): Armed with deod ty bow, and magical swords, Elves (and

- Fa iries) are donge rous opponents conside ring their size and build. They can per-
form $pll t- movl! and fire , even though they afe footmen . Whe n inv isible Elve,
(and Fairies) c annot oltod< -- Of' be attocked un less located by on enemy with
the $pecial ability to detect hidden Of' invisi ble troops - but they Co;IIl become
vbible and attack during the some tum . Those Elves (and Fa iries) a rmed w ith
magica l weopans odd on exira di e in 1'\00"'01 cornbo t, and agoinst other fantastic
creature, they wi ll F» rfarm even be lief";
"" .: Goblim - odd 3 dice to Combo t Tobles
Orcs - odd 2 d ice to Combot Tobl~
Hero-types - Fantasy Combo! Ta ble, !Core 9
Super Heroes - Fantasy Combot Table, !Core 11
Wizards - Fontasy Combot Table, iCore 10
Wraiths - Fontasy Combot Tob ie, !Core 8
Wighh - Fantasy Combot Table, !Core 6
l ycanthropes - Fantasy Combot Table, !Core 9

- 2'
- Fontosy Combat Tob ie , xore 7
- Fontosy Cotmot Tobie, score 10

(_ ...,. foo- Mogicol Weaponl) -

Mo..-uS. Roting -- 6 Point Value -- 4

OICS: Besides roocting to Ug ht in the 10m. manner ':u Goblins do (oft... a ll, Ofe.
_ r'IOItIing more thon o ... r.... 'own Goblins ), Ora a r" q uoff,,15Om. ond fact ioul It
con ""'. be auum.d thol if tn.,. or. two or more units of Ofca, lkey will be
from dlff.ring bonds. If Ora of diff.,.nt kinds app'oach within a ctMJ'ge move of -
eoch oTh." and tn"yor. not m.l"ed by the ", they will attock .och Olher
un .... a Ko'e of .. or belle. I, .olled o n o n "Obe<:!I.n(:. dl . ... Ther" or. glanl Ores
which fight os Armored Foot ood tMJ ... a Point Value of 1 ""'.

Mo.-ole Rating -- 5 Point Vol.... -- 2

HER OES (and Anti-heroes): Included in this clan o'e certoin well-known
knlgh,.., leodel1i of onny contlngenh , and slmllor men. They hove the fighting
obility of fOUl" figures, the cloll being d.pudent on the arms and equipment of
the Hero typel therrael .. es, who con rof"l9" From ligh t Foot to HeOlo'y HarM. Hera.s
(and Anti-heroes) need never che ck morale, and they odd 1 to the die or dice of
their unit (Of whatev er unit they ore with) . They ore the last fig lWe ir"l a lIOi t thot
will be k illed by regular fir. of melee, but they may be attacked individ-
ually by enemy lloops of like type (lIUch os other Hero-types) or (,eatu rIU ~n
on the F~tasy Combat Table. HetOfll (arod Anti-heroes ) may oc t Ind~1 of
"",ir c:.omt.... od in onter to combot .orne othe, fantastic ch<:wocte r . Whef"I me leed
by regulOf troops, and combet tokes place on the non - Fantasy Combat Toblel,
four slmu lto ....ous kills mU$t be scored ogainst Heroes (or Anti-heroes) to elimil'lOte
thetn. OtMlWl_, tn.... is 1'10 . rrecl upon tMm •
• Hero-type, (Milled with 0 bow , shooh 0 drogcY.I paging within f'\]f"I9" over-
h.od cut of"", 01, and kills it an 0 two dice roll of 10 or better , wi th 2 p lus I
on .... dice flr ll"lSl Of! ,,"chonteel arrow. Rongel1i ore Hero-types with a +1 on -
attock dice . •
Morale Rotl"" - - 20 Point Vo lue -- 20 -
SUPER HERO£S: F_ and for betw_n, riMlse f.II"""'$ a re one-mon arm ies I
(PMtieulorl y when cli llied with lI'I09ieol weoponry . ) They oct 01 Hero-types In 011
c:~s, exc:e pt lhey ~ about twice as pcM'erful. When 0 Super-he-ro approaches
wltnln his chorge movement of tn. enemy, 011 suc:h l,I'Iih must cheel< rncwa le as if
they hod lokfll"l exc:eu cosuoltles.
A Super- hero, otmed with a bow, shooh 0 dlogo."l passing withIn ronge oyer-
heod out of the air ond kills It on a two d ice roll of 8 or belter (7 Of be"er with
on enchanted arrow ).
Mora le Roti ng -- -'0 Point Value -- 50

WIZARDS (including Sore.N111i 01 - 1 , Warlock, ot -2, Mogicions a t -3,

5!enot - 4). In f"IOrmoi combat, 011 this clo. will fighl as two Armored Foot, or
two Medium Hor'18 if nw:>unled, and Wlzords con ho..dl. mogleol wtoC4>O'lry .
Howeve.-, their chie f pf"O'W"eg lies el_here. Wi:z:on:k can bec:ome irwhibl. and
N1moln so un til they attock , they can see in da~neu , they affec t friend ly ond
.nemy lI"I0I01. as do S~ Heroes, Ihey throw dexlly missiles, and Wizards cost
terrible spells . Wizords or. themw lv., Irnpenoious to nomlol miuil. fire but if
they ore struck by (I miuile fiom on enemy Wl%C1rd rn-y mIlS! -=re 7 or bette•
.... itt. two to )UNi... e. (Adjust all diee ~C"'" by the , _ . volue of weaker meagie
u.n .)
Miuilel' A Wimrcl con throrw either of two types of ml"lI. (_led which be-
fore ploy begins) . A fire boll, equal In hit or_ to the lorge oatapult hit areo, or
o liahtnina bolt. :VC"wlde by 6- long, with an attock volue equal to (I heavy
field gun. or- the two missile types employed. These miuiles will destroy ony
_n or creoNres whieh ore struc k by H-.em, with certain uc:eptlons noted below.
aoth types of missi les con be thrown up to 24", direct or Ind irect rire, with
ronge being coiled before the hit pattern h placed. The center of the fire boll i,
ploced down at the number of inche, c:oliltd. The he)Wi of the lightnil'lg bolt is
placed of ,he n.... ' of Inches coiled, 10 that ih body extends 6" behind il 0 'I"
srrolgh' lI". from the Wizard who threw it.

exceptions: Rawl! of (I Hit:

Hero-~I Saved by (Id ice roll of 9 or bel~

So ....' Hero Savltd by (I dice roll of 6 or bettet"
Wrohh Saved by II dice roll of 7 Of better
Giant Dice under 5, routs off boord; dice.....Mr 9,
bock l1IIO'Il; dice 9 Of better, no effect
Drives dr09O'\ bock 1 move

EI,_rlfol :
Air Fire drives back 1 move
lightning drives
lightning drives
bock I move
bock IlTIOIfe
Wa", Fi re drives boek 1 move
- Spells: There are virTUally unlimited numbers of 5pCI1I. thot con be employed,
but the list belOW' contolns the major ones ~ in most fontostic bottles. If t+,ere •
ore IWO Of more <'!'POlIng Wixonh, and the gome il not a r&creation of (I bottle
found In 0 nove l , determine which is the stronger magician (by casting dice If
neceuory ). TI-.e stronger rnogician con wccissfully cast 0 counter-spell with 0
two dice score of 7 or bet ... , whlll 0 weoker maglclon neech a $COre of 8,9,
10 Of II , dependIng on his relative .trength. A eOl.Kltef-spell fully accupies a
magic Ion'. powers.
- 1 . Phan'o.jlOl Foree. : The Cl'eotion of the <fIIXii Ition of 0 unit
four tums, moxi-durotion. (Comp lexity 2)
Of c~ture for

2. DarkneM: Costing increasing gloom over the entire ploylng ClNa for as long
tn the Wizard is not attacked. On t .... tum thot the spell I. (:OJt light II not
affected, on the second tum """I~""M teh in, crd on tN. thin:! tum it
becomes fully o:bk (only those troop. that COI'l ..,. in darkness can then attock
defend). The spell toke. the revene order when e~ed Of countered. (C0m-
plexity 1)
3. Wiz.ard light: The dl.".llotion of darkne" in on Clf'e0 extending 24" in 0 11
dlAlictions roc:i ioting from the Wizard cotting the spell. (Complexity 1)

- 4. Detection: A tpell which deteen either hklden enemle. Of ,he use and effect
01 other mogic spell •• It will not dl.cover hl .... en enemies or- the type of magic
being emplor-d If the opposing Whord il of greoter strength, but the m of
mogl e by the eroemy will be revealed. (Complexity 2)
5. Concealment: A spell which will COI'IOItol 0 uni' or- fontoslic creature from 011
$OVe certain c r_tvres which hove t+.e power to detect hidden enemiel.
(Complexity 3 )

- 31
6. Conjuration of on Elemental: Wizard, con conjure Elementoh, but no more
then one of each type can be brought into existence. (Note: Th is does not
apply to Djlnn and Efraet . ) If the Wiz.ord who conjured the Eleme ntal is dis-
turn !d (ottocked ) white the Element-cd Is still In existe nce, he loses control
of it, and itwill ihenotlock the conjurer. An Elemental crwoted by 0 Wb.ard
who i, , luently killed will attack the nearest figure . Such Elemental,
mUll be dispelled by a Wiz:ord ar (killed) by combot. (Comp lexity 5)
7. Mov ing TeTroin: COUJing the $hiftin g arve ge tation hills, etc . Aspel! pouible -
only ta a Wiz:ard. (Comp lexity 6)
8. Pr~cllon from Ev il: A 12" d iameter circle which will keep out 011 evil fCWl-
tostic creotureVmen. (~Iulty 3) -
9. levirate: A lfMlli which a l lOWlthe uJC r to rise 6" per turn for up to six tums.
It is ponible 10 rema in ltullonay, but late rial movement If not possible un-
leu some fo rm of propulsion is availab le . (Complexity 2)
10 . Slowness: A spe ll which COU5eS up to 20 figures to move at one- half 'Peed for
two turns . (Complexl'Y 3)
11. Haste: A spell which !!=!ed:l the movetne •• t of..." to 20 ngures by 50% for
three tums. (Comp lexity 3)
12. Polymorph: Thh a llowltM user to chenge hlm$8 lf into the semblance of any-
thing of from h i, own size 10 IOIllClhing ~ large ~ even a gient . It losh until
the use r changes himself bod. 01 it is countered. (Complexity 4)
13. ConfVJion : 8y Ul5ing this spell up to 20 of the enemy can be couied to react
in absolute ly the opposite manne r . FOf example, if they advanced, they wi ll
be retreated instead. Durotlen I, but one tu m. The user sec re tl y indicates
wh ic h unit is to be confused, and when the spell toke, effect he allows th e
enemy to move the troops and then when a ll movement i, fjnlthed he c::nanges
the ocllan of the confused l,J'Iit to tne OfJj)O$ite of whot it octua lly did.
(Complexity 4)
14. Halucinoto ry Terro in: A spell which make • .arne form o f t«roln appear to
exist/not exist until it b contacted by a li ving thing. At this the hallucin-
ation dluapotes. Wood" rocks, morsh, etc . eon be effected by this spell .
(Complexity 4)
15. C loudki !l : A gaseous cloud of poisonous voptW'lwhich kill all men, ora,
dwarves, a nd the like when it contuC!S them . Cloud site is 3- deep by 6"
wide by 3" high . It Jtays olong the gromd, moving (may from the mog ic-lnCr
who cosh il a t the rate of 6" per tum . It will drift at random If he is not
concentrating on it. (Complexity 5) -
16. Anti-tJ,oglc Shell: Thh causes a bubble of force to w rround tn. U1I!!r and
totally preveoh anything mog icol From ehnar entering Of Iccving the shell .
II losh fOO' up to six tu rns. She ll radius is 5". (Comp lexity 6 )
In order to tOli t ond malntuln any ~II, a Wi%ard must be both stationory and
undidurbed by attack upon hi' person .
NlXIIber of Spells: The power of tnc
magic user determine, the n...",ber of
'f'C1I$ .... is oble to manage:
Wizard 6-7 Spells
Sorcerer 5 Spells
" $pel Is
3 Spell,
1 Spell
Spell Distanceli: The d iston~ a t wh ich the mag ic user con continue his spe ll
is o lso reflected by his POWef:
Wixard Unli mited Range
Sorcerer 60"
Warlack 4."
Magician 36"
"'$ 24"

Mora le Rating Poin t Value

Wizard 50 100
S••" 20 50

Spell ~1.X i ly~tiona l ): Each listed ~II nas a complex ity va lue , aw:l
Ih i.\;OfuellcaleS difficult it i. to ~ .uch .pell. Wi zards can more easil y
employ a ny va lue of spe ll thon can Sorcereu , Sorcerers are more obi. than Wor-
loc:.ks, otc. In ocfdit ian , there may be a de lay in the e ffect o f the ~II, Of' il may
b. totally negated due to some minor orror or distraction . Tho table below gives
the scores neces$OI)' for Immedla~, deferred ( 1 rum ), and negated 5,pI!1I effecrs
by the vaTiaus levels of magic -u~fS.

1 • 7 6 5 4
1 D 7 6 5 4 3
.. ..
1 9

6 ,
2 D
• 6
• 6
1 10 9 8 7 6
3 D
7 • 6
1 II 10 9 8 7
4 D

, 6
1 l2 II 10 9 8
5 o

7 •6
1 l2 II 10 9
6 o l2 II 10 9 8
N 10 9
• 7 6

I == Spell immed ia tely tokes effec t

D :: Spell deloyed un t il next tum
N '" Spell negated or a therw i$i! non-effective

WIlAITHS: Wraiths Can lilt. in dar kntnl, fa lse Ihe morale of '''end ly troops as If
they we re Heroes , cause the enemy 10 check mora l. a s if Ihey _ re Super Herael,
and paralyze any e ne my mon -- exeluding oil mentioned i,\ lhe fonlOIY Supplement --
th.y tovc:h during ,h.
cour.. of 0 mo". (not liV ing). ParolV led troops rema in
unmoving until touched by a friend lv Elf, Hero-type, or Wilord. Touch meo n~ e ith.,..
octuol contact or coming within I " of. A Wmilh con ei th.,.. mo"e normo llV or fl V,
remoining in the air for Cit mony lurns 0$ desired. They melee os either two Arm ored
Foot or two .Medium HarM, ond they ore Imperv ious to a ll save mogicol weopons or •
co mbo! by other fonlOSllc CfeOltJres.

Marole Roting - 10 Point Vo lue -- 10

lYCA,NTHtoPeS (Shope Chon9"~): The two moin types ol lyco nlhropes ore
Werllbeo, s and Werewol ves, The lyconth rape will bring a number of onimols of i~
wete.-tyPII with it, a nd th is odds to the ir figh ting ability. If the y are fighT ing inside of,
or with in 6 " of, a wood, they will doub le the ir me lee capability, Lyc<;IO lhroplt' a ttock
os four Afmored Foot a nd defend os fou r Heavy Foot. It Ioltes four 'imulton.aUli hilS,
from either mil$l l., or me lee, to kill a lyca nthrope in normal combot. Mog iccll
weapons will !tilllhem in a single hit. ly<:onl hrope' can see In dork nelS. -
Moral. Ra t ing -- 20 Po int Va lve -- 20

TROllS (and Ogres): What are generolly referred 10 0 5 Trolls are more prop-
erly Ogr~ -- intenncdiote creatu res between men and Giants . They will "ghl in
formotlOl'lI, and have a me lee copobility of six Heovy Foot, Tro ll, (and Og res )
c;o n MJe in dorkness, but wrfe, no penalty in fvll ligh t. True Trolls are mvch more
feor"$OfTle beos~ (see Poul Andel"3OO' S TH REE HEART S AND THREE LIONS) . Og res
are killed when Ihey hove to ken an occvmvlo l ion of shl missile or melee hih in
norma l combot. El ves con ki ll them with three hits, and He ro - type, or Ift(lgic;ol
weopons kill them wi th a dngle hit .
True Trolls can only be killed in fanlo5tic Com bot against Hero-types, Elementals
and Gionl1 " mag ica l weopcns wlll olse kill Tr ve Tro ll •. Use the combot loble below :
the combot tob le below:

Opponent: Di ce Score 10 Kill
Hero 10 or better
Super Hero 8 or better
Elemento l 6 or better
Giont 10 or better
Magica l Weapon 8 or better'

"If Vied by figure thai con kil l a tl\le Tmll without the oid of a Magica l
Weopon, odds two to the dice sc:ore.
True Trolls o lwoys fight olone and need never check morale . They fight os
Glonh ()(l the Fontosy Combo, Toble ,- blJl OI'l ly os thrft Armored Foot when at-
tading or being a ttacked by me n .

Ogres Iv\orole Roling -- 8 Poin t Valve -- 15

Troll s Moro le Rot ing -- (-) Point Volve -- 75

G IANTS : Gionts ere one of the most effec tive fighters. They con demo lish
normal c"Oi)jlenh with ease, for they mel •• os 12 Heavy Foot with an extra die
for their ove!'1i:z:ed weopens, T"' y cleF-ncI (u 12 Armored Fool , and G iants must
toke cumulative hlh equal to (I number wfficien t to destroy 12 Armored Footmen
b.ror. mel_ or miuU.s will k il l them . Moreover, Giant. oet os high ly mobile
smell cotopulh (20 inche,,), without minimum runge restrictIons, en! they e.on
move on tums they don't throw miS$ilel, for reloading fOl" t"'m 'illl'ly eorl5id" of
picking up (I boulder to gly. It a heav•• Giants ~ed never ehed" morele I
MoJole Ro til'l9 - (- ) Point Va lue -- 50
TREAmS: Not onlv ore Treo n" fje«:e ligh ters, bUI they ore obI. 10 colll1ees 10
old m.m In combot. If I) Treon ' il with in 6" o f (I tree, he con COUI . it to mo .... 3" per
ItnI (o ....half Treon l movement) a nd fjght os If If _re a TrlO nl. Treonts ( on moye
Iwo ... e.1 each. Treonh me l•• os Sill Armor-.d FOOl In normol com bol, ond they ore
imp.v lDuS to normol m IIlU. llr. and mel •• hUt. T..... nb ond their occompa nylng
tr ••• 0'. mosl lubj_clla flom. (thi. I. r.fl. c:ted In the FG nto:ntlc: Combot Tobie). My
_emy flgu r. of non-fon lO. tic: type thol i. In melee ra nge of Ih. Treon! (or Iree) may
"'"""PlIO let It afire, ond c:Wloi n fonlostic:.types may a lso do to , Gobli ns, Ora, and
men ne<ed a two dice roU of 10 Of belter, Hero-types need 9 Of b." .r, Supfi H.rOM
neRd 7 Of better.
Marole Rat ing - 20 Point Value - - 15
DRAGONS: Dragon. ore feared e\lerywher., ond with good rllOSOn. We will deal
here with me great R:ed Dragon (DrOl;O Co nfiogrOllo, QiI Draco Honibil ls). Drogon. con

- ,.. equally w.1I In dorkn... or In light. They c:ouse enemy troops within 15" of m.m
10 c:hed< motole JUII OS If they hod suffered exce" cosuo hles. Dragons hcwe me
po_r 10 de leet any hidden or In\lisible ene mle. mey are Within IS" of. They can flv
25" per turn , ond remoin olott Indefinitely. They melee os if !hey _re four H4K1vy
H_ being Impe""io"'l to mlune or melee hili In normal Combol (see Hero and
Super Hero sec!lonl for the only .xc:eop!lonl ). Their most dreoded W80porl II meir
filtl'y tw.olh. whi Ch Is repr..."ted by 0 IfUnc:01ed co ne, y," In diameter o1thl mol,l\h.
ond 3" In d ia meter 01 the for e nd. The ro nge of the Dragon f ir. (a_roll length ) ,.9" .
A drogon con IIV o~erheod and bek h fire down on 11$ lne mlel 0 1 lhe end of ''''
mo~e. Dragon fire will kill a ny oppo nent II tou ch .. , except onoth •• Dr09On, Super
Hero, or a Wlrord, who 111O~ed , o n a TWO d lc:e roll of 7 or belter.
<:enoin Elemental, ore a lso Imperv lOUI 10 Drago n f ire , Afte r bo-ea thlng fire three

- limes. a Orogon muet land and remoin 110 1..,...... y for one turn In order 10 rek ind le hi'
Inte. nol fi•••. 8, :o use they a re e .. tremely eyil and egotistieol beasts, DrCJ90ns will
oolomo!ic:olly ottodo:. In order 01 prefe. e nce. !he following fanla'llc creature.
(regardless of which side they ore on ): Dragons, Glo n"" !toes, (true ) T,oll,.,
ElemenlOls, Treon"'. Orogonl never c:hec:k mo.ol • .
Th_ can be otMr types of Dragons -- Blue which breothe lightning (some Ol~
W!:r:orcl's lig htning miu ile except thot it extends from the Dragon 's mouth for 9 )

and While which breathe cloud of icy cold ( _ shope as Dragon Fire but only
.(" long) are tw o examples.

Momle R:ating - (-) Point Value - 100

Ott-er kinds of D"l90i1J con be introduced into gallO(;l, if 0 little imoginotlon

is...-d. White Dragons live in cold climates and breothe frost. Block Dragoo.,.
are tropical and :split caustic oeld. The Blue vOI'Iety dischorSft a bolt of .Iec-
triclty. Green Drogons waft poisonous vopon -- chlorine - at their Of'POI'lf:lits.
Fi nally, the Purple, or Mott led, Dragon is a rare, fight le" worm with a \leno-
mous sting in its toil.

ROCS (Including Wyverns " G' iffons): Ago im.t normal troops, Roes attock

- 35
as foul- light Hone and defend as four Heavy Ha rw, They require cumulative hits
aqAI to a nu",ber sufficient to kill Heovy Houe to be killed themselves, Roes
COdJSB the enemy to check morale as if they were Heroes. Roes eon detect hidden
.. ,riel within 48", but tn.y connat dehlct Invldbl. creatures, Roes are able 10
hUhspo'" a rnon-5ized figure up 10 36" duri"9 OIly tum. ROC5 neve r need check
MoJo" Rotll19 -- H Poinl Va lve -- 20
ELEMENTALS (including Djinn and Efre H): In order to bring these creatures -
In to 0 game , it b neee~ that they be conjured up by a Wiza rd. There gre two
el- 22U of Ele menlgls, th0$8 subiect 10 fire (AIr tlnd Waler Elemental,) and those
subiect to electricity (Earth and Fire Elementgls). Note that flr. breothing Drag-
ans wil l nat affect the laller kind of Elementals.
Air Elemental (i ncluding Djinn ): Fly 24" , aHack a s four Light Horw, are im-
ptrvious to normal a ttac ks O9OinsI them , ond add twg to their dice roll when com-
bating airborne opponents.
Egrth Eleme ntals: M...... e 6", gHack as four Heavy Horse, ore: impervious to
normal gttach ogginst them, and odd I to their dice $Core whcm fight ing earth-
bound Of'PO"lCnts .
Fire Elemenla ls (i ncluding Efreel): Move 12", a ttock as fa". Medium Horse, are
Imperv loullo normgl attocks a gainst them, gnd odd two to their dice score when
combating opponents who nor ma lly employ fire (Orog ons and Wizards who casl firo
Water Elem8fllals: Move 6" ouhide water. 18" in water (mUll remain within
6" of wgter 01 all lime,), attack as four Light Hone on land and as fuur Heavy
Horse in wate r . Water Elemental. arf!: impervious ta normal attacks agaln't them,
and they odd 2 to their dice s~ when Fight ing within or in 3" of a large body
of water (river or fake).
Only one Eleme nla l of eac h kind may be braught into any gome in p lay at the
time. If on Elementgl is unconlro lled by the Wizard who summoned iI, it will
attack the Wiza rd who conjured it , moving towa rds him in a straight path,
a ttac king a ny figures in ih pa th .
Morale Rating -- (-) Point Valve -- (-)
BASIliSK (Cockatrice): These horrib le beasts will turn 10 Slone a nyone, IIKCllpt a
mag ic user Or a Super Hero (ca n be lOved by a two dice roll ot 0 0 1 betT..,.) who
lools a Trh..i. face. Any figure rhot touches or !s touched by them must throw 10 be
~ved : HaltHng" [)worves, Gnomos, Gob lins, Kobolds, Orcs, Treonts, ond Gkmts need
10 or better; a ll others need 7 or beTler to be- ~ved .
They do nat otherwise attack. and they defend as a l ycanthrope. -
They shoul d only be ollawed in play onl y und er ~cific circumstances, and
nat by gene ro l $election.
Morale Roling -- (-) Paint Va lue -- (- )
CH IMEREA : Under this gene ral heading fa ll a ll sorts of beasts such 0$ Grif-
fom, Hippogriffs, Wyverns , etc. Treat them as the most nearly corrB$pOnding
type of creature cove red herein, i.e., Griffon - Roc, Wyvem '" DrQ9O", etc.
GIANT SPIDERS AN D INS ECTS: The possibil ities for e mp loying such crea-
tures a re almos:l end l.SIi , and the abilities a nd weaknesses of each should be de-
cided Upo"' pr ior to lhe ggme they are to be u$td In. For example, 0 giant spider
might be un killable by normal men , bul will kill them unless they ro ll a save of
8 or better and it would combat fantastic opponents as if il were a Lyca nthrope.
I -
GIANT WOlVES (including Oiro Wolves): These ereoluro, ore equal 10 Ught Horse
- In OTtoCk and Medium Hone in movement. They con bear small crea tur., Ilk. Goblins
on , bodes, bul Ihi. reduce1 lke l. ,peed \0 thO! of Heovy Ho.I". In combat ogo insr
fontosTic opponent$ give them two alTOC k, 01 men. They .-.qulr. 0 score .qual To thol
....,c.~:wl' to kil l (I Wight 10 klil lMm.

WIGHTS (and Ghou ls ): Although they ore foot figures. Wights (ond Ghou ls)
melee as Light Horse and defend os Heoyy Horse. They COrrlQ! be harmed by nor-
mal miuile nre. Wights (ond G houls ) con see in darlene" , and musllubtroct 1
- from ony die roll they roll whe n in full light. IF they touch (I normal figure dur-
ing melee, it be<:;;omo!s paralyzed and remain, $0 for one comple te tum . A pa r-
a lyzed figu re h coo sidered to be oble to strike (I blow at the Wight iust prior to
pCll"Ol Yl il lak ing effect, to melce eon occur but only one round . Zombies, are in
this c:l0S5 but attack 0$ Orcs and move olGabII'ls .
Motole Roling -- 10 Point VClI_ -- 10

fANTASY C O MBAT TABLE: (See Appendix E)


Elve$, hero-types, and certain magic use:rs con wield mag ical weoporos . En-
SOI"cel led arms ore of tw o kinds, enchanted a rrows and magieol swords, although
Odin's spear and Thor's hammer are properly in the general categary .
Em::hanted Arrows: Thes. mi,,;les will alwO}'$ hit a normal target, but
again1t fon tO$t ic opponents show n on the Fantasy Combot Table they a llow the
fig ure employ ing the weapon to roll two dice, just as iF a me lee W01 ta king
ploce, and if lhe score is sufficient, the large l is kill ed. Of COVr'Wl, lhere is no
re tum ro ll, unless the target is also OI ...ed with a similar weapon. Trea t Elves
armed with Enchanted Arrows as Hero-types for purposes of missile fire against -
fanto$tic to rgeh.
Point Va lue -- 10 per a rrow .
Magical Swords: Because these weopons ore almast entities in themse lves,
they occrve reol advonlage to the figure $0 armed . In nOlillal combat they merely
add an exira die. It is in fantadic combal the Magical Swords are most paNni.
Besides a llowing Elves 10 combot certain Fantasti c figures, they give a plus 1 10
the dice scote when employing tnc Fan tasy Combol Ta ble , and Magical Swords
shed a light of Iheir OWn over a circle 12" in diameter, which dispels darkness- -
but doel not &qual full Ilghl . Excaliber ond alher MSuper Swords~ would gl",e a
plus Iwo or th ree I
Maro le ROl ing -- 10 Po in t Va lue -- 10
Magje Armor: Subtracts one from opponent 's attock dice on Fantasy Table,
Ihree on Man-to man auoch.
• Morale Roling -- 10 Poi nl Va lue -- 10
If any number of figures are airborne at OI'Ie t ime, it become, difficult to
molntoin a lide record of the ir height ortd courw . It is recommended that 0
number of 36" dowe l, be sel firmly into r x 4 " boses , and fly in g figures be -
secured altne proper heighl in lhe dowe l by use: of a rvbber bond.
Only the fo ll ow in g kinds of ra nladic c reatures wil l be subiecllo calapu lt
fire (includ ing missile fire by Gia nh ):
Ho lfll ngl, Sprites, Dwarves, Gnome., Gobllnl, Kobold,. Elves,
Fal rle., Ora, HeroM. Antl· hero.s. Wlgh", Ghouls. Lyconthropes, •
Ogr••, Treon", and Roes.
There or. cerltlin naturol, although rore, cambinations . A good example of
this i. MoorcOCk'S ont i-tMlrabh "El ric of Meln ibone : who combine. the attributes
of the Hero-type with wizardry, ond wi.ld, a mogic JWord in the baloncel
Who lever co-nbinations you do decide to use, ~member to be co rerul iO as not 10
moke any one too powerful so as 10 ded ray ploy !x.lance.

To combine the siege o nd fontosy secti ons, use the foliGWing :
Dwarves dig twice as fast os on equal number of human ~n. They may
attempt 2 rnor4I ml"," or counte r-mines thon usual.


- (Orcs dig" Ii times os fost; one lnQI'e mine 01' eounr.r-ftllroe. )

Points of DolI!CIgI by Fonto5flc Forces:

• May inflame ony WoMLW
.tructure; so con Dragon,
Troll -2 points and Fire Elementol , .
Og~ -I point
Giont -3 pointt
- Treonl
points (AI., Ent-controlled trees)
points (fir. boll Of IIghtnlflg bolts)
EOMh ElomonlOl -6 points
II fmpoulbl. 10 draw (I d llllr>el line bet_en "good" and ".~W· tonkulie:
ligu,et. Three CClllfgorln are IIIIed below 01 0 ge"erol g uide for 1M -:t.gomer
de.lgni ng orders of bol1le involving fanlOltic creoN'.':
Holflings Sprites Goblins
Dworve. Pixie. Kobold,
Gnomes Elve, "'Anti-heroes
SuI*" Hefoes
lycanthrope... Wizards *
Wlrords· Gionb .. Wraith.
Treonrs Wights
Magic Weapons lyconth.opu ..
True Troll.

- Giants ..
·,ndlca'e. thI flgVR 'H)!o rs in two IIsh.
Underlined Neutl'cd figures nove (I slight pre-dhposl'lon for LAW. Nev,",1
figures con be dlced'Of to determine on wh lc;h ,Ide th.y wilt nght, with tl"
m.uhlng th.)' r_ln neutral.



Light Foot - 1 die per man, 6 kills Light Foot -2 dice per ma n, 5, I:> ki lls
Heavy Foot -1 die per two men,#} kills Heavy Fool -2 dice per man,#} kill s
Armored Foot - 1 die per th ree men, 6 kills Armor!d Foot -1 die per man, b kil ls
Light Hors e -1 die per two men , 6 kills light Horse - 1 die per man, b kil ls
Medium Horse -1 die per three men , 6 kills Medium Horse - 1 die per two men, b kills TABLES
Heavy Horse - 1 die per fou r men, 6 kills Heavy Horse -1 die per three men , b kills


L ight Foot -1 die per man, 5, b kills Light F oot - 2 dice per man, 4-6 kills. Ligh t Foot -4 dice per man, 5, b ki ll s
Heavy Foot - 1 die per man, b kills Heavy Foot -2 dice per man , 5 , b kills Heavy Foot -3 dice per man , 5, b kill s
A nnor~ Foot -1 die per two men, b kills Armored Foot -2 dice per man, b kills Armored Foot -2 dic ~ p~ man, 5, b kills
light Horse -1 die per two m~n, 6 ki lls light Horse -1 die per man , 5, b kills Light Horse -2 dice per man, 5 , b kill s
Medium Horse -1 die per three men, b kills Medium Horse -1 die per man, 6 kills Medi um Horse -1 die per man, 5, 6 kill s
Heavy Horse -1 die per fou r men, b kills H ~avy H ors~ -1 die per two men, 6 kills Heavy Horse -1 die per man, 6 ki ll s

Sw iss/ Land sk n~cht~
attacki,in clos e fo rmation <5 x 2 fig ures mi nimOOl) fight
light Foot -1 die per man, 4- 6 kills as Armord Foot, with extra dl~ or w ~apo ns. For every two men so attacking as
Heavy Foot -1 die per man, 5 , 6 kills additional ''mass shock " die is added. When d~ f~ndi n g in c lose oroer (1 " or less
Armored Foot -1 die per man, b kills apart), with pole arms facing the enemy, they are treated as Heavy Foot . If at-
light Horse -1 die per man, b kills lacked in flank or rear, or when in open order, they are treated as Light FOOL
Medium Horse -1 die PCf two men, 6 kills
Heavy Horse -1 die per three men, b kil ls All troop s formed in c lose order , with po le arms, ca n only suffer fro ntal melee
cas ualties from troops armed with lik~ weapons . Wh ile a Knight anned with a lanee
* Men armed with pike or ha lham add an ~)( t ra die. cou ld attac k a halhard format ion, he eQuid not attac k a formation of pikes .
.- -

I ( ( I I ( I I I ( ( I I I I


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Possible Defen sive Pos it ions

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. b. PDF" · PDP/ AP - Possible Defens ive
Aiming Lower Lean Lean Steady Shield Shiel d PDp· Positions Considering Aiming
po int He lm Right Left Seat High Low / AP
Helm M M H U 4·6

" 8 8
M , -6
CP B/ U/ I U G 8 8/ U U/ I A"
SC G M 8 G G U 2,4-6 DEXTER (0 ) PALE (P) SINI STER (S)
I OF 8 8/ U M 8 M B 4· 6
." DC CP SC C IEF (C )
FP B/ U G B 8/ U B/U / I 8 A"

SF G M B/U G G G 4· 6
f SS (F)
Base I B G U B B/ U/ I 8 1 , 4- 6

- - --
B - Breaks Laoce * * Any Kni ght who breaks hi s
G - Glances Off lance or has his Helm knocked
H - Hel m Knocked Off * off must assume position 4
I - Injured du ring the next ride.
M - Mis s
U - Unhorsed

l [ [ I [ ( [ I [ [ [ [ I I I
l r l ( ( 1 r ( r I

o Ho!tl l "II' 12 ' A • · 1'" LI. Ft . Lt. Ft .
Spri ll', pi.... , • 18 " • Lt. Ft. Lt.Ft .
Owo.~ .., llno ..... 8 • • Hv. F t. Lt. Ft.
Gobll"", kobold. 8 • · Hv . Ft. Ll. Ft .
[ Iv.., Folfla. A,B,C • • 18 " Hv . F t. Hv. Ft.
8 · 15 " Hv. F t. Hw. Ft.
He.oe. tinct.
"'" " '"
onl;''-oooo) 12 'U 8~> D 1 5'24 ") · 18" 4 men* 4 "M*
S ..... MotOft 12 ''nB'') D, E,F 15 "( 24"> · 21 " 8 melt' 8 • ..,.
WilO.cb 12"(30., A,B , D, E,X • •
,.. S!)It(: il J
W.aiths ( ... Id., 1 8' 8 , E ,F,G 36" · SlIC'C lai
Wighll. ghoul. 8 ,C '"0' · · SIIC'CIII
• l yconthropel "
1Mo.1W0 1f 9 "/12 " 8,H 1 2·/1 8~ · · S!)It(: ill
T.olI •• <>g'" S[U 12' · • ,-~ ,...... •
T_. " K · · SIIC'C II I
GianTS 1"2' 8,X 18 '
" · 20 " 1 2 men W 12 lIlen**
Elamanloll, al ai S~c l al Special Special Special Special S~ i l l
o.<>g0l'l' 0' B , E ,F, X IS ' 24 " · Spedll
,«. . E,F,L · 48" · SjlfC il l
1 r..t 0l/ ~ il horsed )

A- The ability to become lovle lble (Hellllng s only In bru sh 01'" wood s) H· TheebllUy 10 IISsume the shape 01and gath8f like anjmala
8- The ability 10 see In norm. darknees as It It were l ight I• Th, ablilly 10 regeo'flltl the body It roll. only and 001 tl4ulred}
C- The ability 10 ",lit rnO'We end tire K· Theablillylo causa l llll. to mO'We and tight
O· The abltllylo raise morale ot friend ly troops L· Th.abltlly 10 trlll1aport flg ur•• 01 man-wei ght
E· TtIeability to c.use the eoemyto cheek morale X· Th, abltlly to CI.I Ilr. Of .lmlLar .ub"anoa. or atona.
, F· TtIe ability to detect hid den Inv1slble enemies
G· The ebllity to parelyze by touc h
• Eithe< He;t\l1 Foot, AmlOmI Foot, Light Horse, ftc., depmd ll'lll on arms and !!s and Yn li re lFIissiles
eq~~1 to the ulFla tUr"ber of 111M, V$. regu lar OCIpofIel'tS blll. only once vs. bntl$tic opponents .

- Heavy Foot.
., ~~~
E , C U
, G "
o 0
•• • g g g "
• 0 ~
E , N E L T o , ome
- -• ",~ · ".
, L • W w <0< ~
o OM BAT 0 M T ,- ~ - meo o
, , A G H G I , "~
">m ,
:;.r Xl
f\BLE A N I H , H 0 H l A o • to
, · -. • 00 0
G T N A R E G 0 A I --;;
R R , T o ,
,, 0
0 A N P 0 U "' 0:",
·--, j ~
N L Do;
"~ .
0 o'3
• :1: ! ~ ::I
o~ ~ o 0 •
• ...::"S- 0
~. 0_.
• • •, - 0.
DRAGON 8 10 b 9 5 4 8 8 5 2 10 7 !:..;.- 8
• •
7 7 10 - 0 ~ ". 00
ELEMENTAL [0 II 7 9 4 4 7 2 8 o • _.~ '"
•" . ,-• •~ ~- ~ ~
o ';: e %
• •• • o -'0
4 7 7 [0 10
TREANT 12 12 7 8 4 II 3
. •• ~• -
• · ,m -:r >"TI
GIANT 9 [0 7 9 b 5 7 9 b 4 10 10 -o r '
r m
•• , " ! -:r",n
l • ' >~
HERO* 12 10 12 II 7 8 10 [0 9 b II II on
o m~
LYCANTHROPE 12 12 12 10 7 9 10 [0 8 b [0 12 • m m
~• 0 0
ROC l? 12 9 10 5 b 9 8 b 5 [0 9 o ~ m<
o ~ " m
SUPER HERO" [0 8 II 9 5 b 8 8 5 4 9 8 I
[ -
TROLL , OGRE 12 II [0 9 8 8 9 II 7 10 II 12 r
~ m
WIGHT, GHOU L 12 12 12 II 9 8 II 12 9 8 10 7 •
WIZ ARO "@ 9 b [0 II 8 7 9 10 8 b [0 5 •
WRAITH * 12 7 12 12 8 9 10 10 9 II 12 7 s·

I r r r r [ I I I I ( ( I I ( I

Other Fantasy Releases by TSR
MON"STER MANUAL _ Ad.4D<ed DUNGEONS .. DRAGOl'S - II rcoll} illw1l1l1W oD<J<4><dio 01 .lIllie

mon...", .....J ill D 4< D. This ",ajor ,..,.... oce work r.. toreo • f.ll·coIor ...... "'" is ""'" _no! .." •• 1r'O

DUNGEONS" DRA GONS _ SeI_ The _ ...,d""'OIpltl< DUN GEO~ S " DRAGONS ....... KI. delilDOd
_WI, lor btgiOtling ployoro. L...:!1WIoo ......,.u.;.g to.tan plo)'iDl! 0" D: Bali< Ga .... _~ polyhed •• <boo
oe\, D UG,..,.. GeolaorpbI Srt o.c(u..k 0 ... CO~) ..<I M ........ and T ,...... AnOrt.,..,
Sol OIOe(l.eo . ..
One toTh .... I.
DUNGEONS .. IlItAGONS eou..lot'. Ed _
p.,.••• _ Tile otipul go .... 01 ...o,d, u" ootot., rolo.playinS .. itlI
d. po""'l. irll .. oripal Iorrl ... Thil< 10 'he p .... ,bot .. ,11<"
il "'1.1 no _ _ kid., bo. «!

DUNGEONS I: DRAGON S a....Kwr R...-.nI SIft'! Pod _ A .... ful ,*,yiall aid Ia 0 &; D 10 f«ord the <lttlib
of. '-orie\:r<>' _"~,, ... te ..

L GREYHA't,K _ SUrrlo .... ' I ooOol 0

e~CKMOOR _ s.,ppi<_., II toO& 0

EWKITCH WUAR IJRt' _ Supplo"'""' 111 If> 0 k I)

L GO DS, DIlJol1.GOOS" H EROP.s _ A ",wi<w.<at 10 <lK 0 '" 0 ')",1<81 10 iot<,ral< 1II)'lhoqi.::al bei . .. ;"10

CIIAI.,,(MAIL _ Ruiu I ... M.dinoJ Miniatul'<' (pIu. Fanluy)

L L>U~GJ;ON GEOMORPIU _ ... "In, old 10< Oun...... " Ona<>", GevnkApbk...-:tion<
m",bln.d b¥'II<, i. "0, COIIlbinotkln. Du • ....,., .".,.,""''''''' "' • ..., . ..'1
SO'O" •. B.. i<: O " _
SttT_C.... " C..ern.
to 1>< ... ' ou, .,,~

S<1 Th_. u..-... Oun~n

OUTOOO R GEOMORPHS _ Plt.,iol .id lor Ouo_ lit Oro"",•. Gout_pbi<: seotioM 10 be • • , ",,1 and
co""'inC<I ....,11<.
10 on, <OII>b1rl." ....
Set Ou W.lled Cit1
MONSTER . TREASUItE ASSORTMi:.... T _ A.otho. oeM 01 pI.,io. aids lor Do_,. " I>o"ogo.., I~
p",,·kIt • IUIiDH of 1',.... __ ,«1 """,.ten ond ' .......... 10. ,h_ <lo"IfMo ~ •.

L Sd 0. • . Du"ll"" Lc. c1. o..e 10 n,,«

Sc. T_. Dun ..... lA<eb Fa-, '0 Si,
50'111_. OUogooort l ..... " So«n 10 Nine

DUNGEO Ni _ The boordai"l< of Il o'o .. k DIJ .reon Ad.. n,,""!! ..,.. " 121'4)"<,,- booed
WAR LOCK~ " WARRIOR S _ Tht ,,0;';"1 ga .... 0/ ."...,,"'...,d pu,",uit. lor 1 '" 6 pla,..,.. 01 all ....1
EMPIRE Or11lE PETAL THRONE_ r ....., A<t-c.'." <Ill ,be W...1d . IY. lo"",1.
2 f.ll~ map', t.c.txI
WAJoI: O~'
WIZAIlDS _ Ga .... 01 tanUtilk doul. bot,,·... migh'v .",.,-u ....... 1'1 ... ;n , ~ _ >enioo ;nducl·
1"tL .""'. _Ie •. ptoV"$ _nI. 1>c,,"<O,ik dn ON! ... 01 • ",loti ...", iiI''';''''' 10< LKC .. ployi"tL ~
LANKIIMAR _ Gome 01 . ~·o,d, . .d ....... ) ... arlon: on ,be I." ....., -.kI 01 Neh" •• Bued on ,II< ...-;p,.1
~."... desiln 01 ""thor Flit< leit>er. lIm..d. I... 2 to ~ p1~

STA R"'ROII" _ Coo-oplcl< ..... .-d"',.,..

01 ad_ .... "" upl<><Wo • . ud """I\i<.
io ""~ : 10< I to 8 "' __
"Ia:rc.... this I."" If'l<'" ..ill be '''P'''dod bV _ ...1 .dditio. .. booklell ill It.,..... "''''to.
(BooltloI 001)' ".IX»
L ~TIIII I!MI'.IIElii _ Ill< Como '" CaLoni< C_ ........ nd f<>lJooo-•• p '" STAll PIlOlU:' 1"101' oepo.".,oIy o . .. on
",,-.ian to STII II "' OB[. if tIooired.

METAMORPH OSIS ALPIIA _ Clm. of 11<;"'« lieti"" IdI'Crlrurn 011 , km S\&l1oo;p

M~"'_S_ ()I ... So .. _ Eoorh ..... "'. ...... """ 2(1... 12_. !-. ..... ud .... i _ die

L P. __ ... 1:JIco, _ T "" hi,l>-i.,,,,,,,, :zo..,.;dtxI <Ike: red ODd • bi..

On .11 mail ... """, odd 51.(1) for poota(jo ODd hu dlilll tOg. . d ..... of ....... 11M.

Tbe ""ly p"""';OftaI magarin< 01 F ... msy. S.._ " So,,",)" ...... $oln ... I'icfi01I G.,.I.,_ r","".I"\~ \II, STRATEGIC
REVI EW . It 10... ",,: 1.11",I", ~ I n _ coIot. 12 P"II'" ",,,,\mum. .tI~ <tit all f"'''',
and "".. a .. of F.ntasy. SolS ud
SF .',.." •• d pm.,.,. .,;n;",....,.. ~ and on.;w f.,lioa ... d ortwCTk. ""bl ..... d 8 time, ,aotl, . .,.d.bI... belter
hotll>1 ,I>opo .1><1 bookt ..... or from:

L 1"5R lIobbieo. Ino.

POl liO
Ukl!O'.... . WI !>.J147
5"'.101" 0. - g.oo
'J..I .. _ S. Mml'oo. in U.s. " No. _ S:W.OO
0=1<.. - 1-40.00

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