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y cunnet, EM Wave in bounded Medio Rejection _and Transmission of ware? ty a perfect electric: (Normal sncidence) Puayect dlieluchndc A perfect dieleclric is one which os Zero conductivity (ie 620) 0 that thuce Us no Lees on absorption ok enuigi} sin propagation Hhreough ib. whon o plane elechemagnetic wae is incident normally on the surpact ef & perfect dielectric, par of onirgy is trantmitted anol part of tk 13 aflueted Ei incident wore Ex Fea pi 7 Arunmitted wane En —e___ Replaced wroume medium 4 Medium 2. Has Ey, yan) AL, & a Pet wore incidents nusmally 6m le funda between Juve medio Scanned with CamScanner me [Let 4 Ua 4 -be perumitivi ali —— 1 ity., d indning npedomce Jor medium 1 nape ty amd ivctningic ne & thm, be ta vt perumitvity, aiid y. Vseards Jimpedormes poy aiden ee & Indrinwie Ei= Elechde field. chungth Sf “uncldent: woe M= Magnete tel sungth of dincidunt ware En = Flectnie Held abrangih ofp ciflrcked ure: He = Magnetic tield strorgth of ofluchecd wae Ee Edvcdric. biolal Srength of dranumibted wane Hie = Magnetic. fret) shungth ef doumnitbed ware Now, trinsic bimpechoynee for medium 4 iy Or, ee ed Aneel @ Simi tory Ye = Ee _----@. ; ae negative Sim due to phase al) Grd) aap see ee eee a io | Tongentiol component of E must be continu conti ab boundary of didlrclnic, nes ci ie, Ei +E =Ey Scanned with CamScanner am Tengenti lol Components of H rust be Continuity, — ade Isoundory. oly dielvetric Now by adding eq”) ond @ we get, Ree Hee EL Be ME Mp Alo HitHe= HE” (frome nd boundary exnditien “Wy = CEf-Fe) ur : © Now, Jom eqn Qi), Hp= Ey - an ond Eb= Ertin (from 48° boundary condition) SoMps EitEe 2 Ly ® Cormparung ogn @) and ©) we get, Fifa _ Ey + Be 1% 7, 7 “a (Ei-En =, LE +E) 7) HELM EL = EEN Be” A} M47, Ee =" Ep, 8; A) Ex +9,) = (m=) 4 Scanned with CamScanner Vhe us the oxpreylen i the eaptiin 44 tan Oh elockele Cruvrigllas« Reflection Corbbiciont, Mus dened ax the radio of eluettic fiotd te of He ieee othe “rettecked wane ama eluctvic 4ield shauna Thawumizsion iclent *. U4 is dtfined as ratio of olreltuic Holl sreungth of Anand mitted wore, (Ex) and oluciric field shungth of Incidonk wom CEL). from 1+ Boundary. condibiew , deans eS eric, Pividerg loth cides by. Ej Ee Bk MBE Et te oe ere aoc Ee [= Bea da" 2 ta nc on, F Ee om, ® ey Wty Buprogion for uamnamision coeffi Scanned with CamScanner ag, ys oi (-¥e Sign due to phaze neat on, Ep = Ay He Similonly, Ej = 1, Hi on cUvicing two equations, we get: Me 2 be Wyck Bp pv . Subitituting the value ek Fale, Bron eqn @) ae canal (a-y ) ‘ ‘ . 47, c we Know, Hy = Hi tHe Fiala ginwngth : Dividing woth elelos by We He He - 44 4, Hy Me Potting the value alte Ti Foe eqn fil) weqat fata Tom . NN » | Be aay “| wea | Scanned with CamScanner er Cftwsntlis Forum) 1 a post of ab ws refuted and a, pur of Letom of umes bya. perkeck didlscince Coblique incidence) a phone em wane tu wncidint en oon cingulledor uk iy Sranuyniited From lows of Aopluction, Arghe ob tncidumece = Angle of nebluction o, = = Oe = ---~ -@ Fxom Snolls Jou, sin eM Sink Ny whee Ty amd nh, ome rebrackve | buh he ond nae Indias ef; medium 4&2 Vs N y Avely ure Vy anol Vy Ofte Wineity. oy wore -in idliun S onda. C = velodty of wore Jn oon» Now, putting the values of a 1), antl) in eqn) , Sines 2 My Sin Q Cy, ot, Sin®t _ Moe, f Sin Op YE ® Mio. Ve etl. amd Vy = } Yue MEG ut, Uy = y= Alp So, Veo, fond = OE Scanned with CamScanner putting: the values of VjanaV, in 2qn O), ’ a Sindt Sin, Mawel Poe so, Pal ag dc, Sing: -(& ---®%) Sin®t Now, Poynting yector os pen by P= Ext ot, P= Etcing ot, Perey (singe! = 4) Now, Srbreinge Inpedomes, n= r on, Hak Spa eee de a PE ta | ewe rong P dank de ee PO Spats te om Scanned with CamScanner ay 7a Thudfpore, % Er Cs0, = lneldent omartgye nh 4o pd i ciently, a, G, G86, = ‘Reftrcted amare DS ang, 2 EG = m, Treansnnitteo| enuryry t ot, Es Cos. 6 4 , t fae. 4 My t Fete + sy putting 8 = On a. the Oy. . Dividing both tides Beene = 2 hes Eo + Cosy * 7 EY OM, EP ese 7 tee 7 Ee Us OF G Ne Es 8i Ee Beton RW Wf ee otal Scanned with CamScanner Now, dn nefliction of; wanes ‘by a dielucdite, wo types of polarisation with anice, Perpendicular Polarisatten Pasallel, Polanteaten Perpendicular. Polarisachon: ! Gs dahinecl as the polanicadion oun urhich suckle Held wetoe, ee perpendiculor dv tke plone of sineidumce. Tramamittyed prone | Se domgerdial componint- of E cx Cendinuaus OHS the. boundary. I be Ep = Ey tee Scanned with CamScanner Ny ~ Dividing beth cider by. Ey ~ = = 44 Ee sg Value in 2am (), we get Fao > (14 Ea Y cosa i % Ei / Ces 9; 1 es EVs {=( (1 Fe) ae to ak i)= Ess 2 AE (oS) Ee = & Gm +/G cou fc. of Cosy (Eee En & (38) ee 4 En - 4 [cod By Ei (& CHB; Eg Ex. G30, ?| Fe (14 eo) & a Ex Gi0t Ge 7\ Ee 4 [& Cosy ; © es05 t+] & cose 1 ase Ee TE wert 1S Coon Scanned with CamScanner Se - NE, @0i -YE. ci. © NG G50 AVE, [isha Er VE, soi +f &-¢, cin Ot FE, 86; + 1 €€,si6e €, SiO, =€ sive; En cto — f Se -sivor Ez ee Ee eee Scanned with CamScanner PAR oer BE ees Bye BSS Sh is dabined 04 the pola i wow, 4S Paral do ok dmeidunce . onl PS the lane poipendiculas a ye Pa Held veton Jy" Plane. 5 ame dence 8 conditions w. AY Se Nat? sey a ~ BA Es | ‘ | \ hediuan a. oe aan ob E us confinusur aeress ie, E; Ces 0; - Ere Co5On = Ey Cos Oy [fant Ey © Stan, on, Ex CoO: — Ex (030; = Ey Cos Oy (: 0: =O) orc, CE; - En) Cos 0; = Ey (08 Op Dividing both Hees by Ej, we geh - 1- Fe \ (9; = ( Ee \cws : Gay Scanned with CamScanner NY Ee E> ais ein ey 80, Cok O4 : ENE Gos Or C504 fe (Zeer coe). VE, 0564 -VE, 80 TE, cosdy NGwiop En. NE Gs; — VE Cosy VE,C58i +VE, 05 04 / Scanned with CamScanner ~\ a > j Ei : —Y + Fm not ; . VE ree ey (-sirtoy [: VOL Loen) From snetli Jaw, 2 E Sint = € Sib re ot, SI Oy = es 5 e S Ia : 3 = & Oi - Let ve Sin 2 Wa Ug sin) (E, Cs0s Renee Dividing segiates and ee eb Belk by Ve, ont Tome Now nrusttipbying ond dividing RH by. |S > -\ Bsn 07 @ This ws the, erprunion Fore chen uk in dele op indice agi doe parallel, polortited wat: Scanned with CamScanner gd — Browster’s Joo’ — whony an unpolarized Light -of Known woarelengt 8" neldenk on 0. ae suuovtamee sudhaee LH expetionets vnaxirawe plane polactizadion at he angle of aimcldonce » urhrote Aomgoyt is Lhe refractive index -of substance fer the usanilengt. A Beawtlecs dow ix the relationship of Light waves at He masinwm polarizahion amgte of Wight » rn arl aele fo lc anh o tafluchion is Zoro - : ?/ On, OF ds angle off Ineldence at which Hore as No Aeflocten » ‘ This ocouns, whon Eo &° | Reffection cecfbiciont fore petal pulaciced vee oy Lae tw. = wet {So aite, Re Eater angle, ‘Eye, =o E ’ | fogeey 0 esi — (si Bf Scanned with CamScanner EEES’”SC™ = & i= [ & oo . 7| tee = {oi 0: — Squoting beth cicles 2 & wo = & oe, ee u lea Ny Is ey H xs Ss 2 CS nt o 1 i 5 a 3 Sino = 6 =G& ye SSeS) Ree ee) 7 Sive, = 6 (E-&) sie = -& (&-%) (€,-&) CE+6, ) 7 swep= & 0 & + & % 38°; Ee 4- Sin & co, = 4- Ge / Re E14 & Scanned with CamScanner Y lor Faas area are (80; - & fy4 This 33 Known ot browsters angle: or, Polardeung ange » I] Prewstes angle fe forpondiculas polarisation AL So Y From eqn cei eS aite Breuer anf, Fe c C05 05 - | 2 sire, =0 Co8@t + \ & — sive @ (Ceblection coebhicient for perpendicular (olatised ume) Scanned with CamScanner ~ N (es0i = \ & site; ——— Squaring both cider. 2 CoO; = & _ ginrg, ey u on, Cos Oi + SiytOy = & & But: Cos" Oi Sindge = 4 & & ly & fQeG) Se. condihen for, no acbleedion din perpendicular pelarication us =e Application of Browster : In ys Jasers Vike He -Ne. ges Loser, Browsers windows places at the Browser angle vin order do minimize rolkoction Lewes . Scanned with CamScanner (ol Medium 4. should Ise dunses than vredium 2» o Une angle of dncidunce should she verry gh O) sing >. 2 in| Reflection coefpiciond fos, perpendicular polaucisetion wil by fe - CF +i Vsine -(&) =i ‘e36r -j [ Sin; -(. ) D Reflection coefficient, fe parallel polarisation, wile be, oa (=) CoSEt Fy [sna ( pe es (&) we - i Sib 6- (Se) Wo of C@T IR’. widely, used dn binoculare optics . N Scanned with CamScanner

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