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Shaft capacity of driven

pipe piles in clay


Introduction ships, which showed a decreasing with Recent pile testing

THE DEMANDS OF offshore construction increasing s„the shear strength values had a Research in Europe and the USA has
continue to focus attention on improving close positive correspondence with the over- tended to focus on cyclic load
axial capacity prediction for driven pipe piles. consolidation ratio, OCR, of the soils. Hence response"""". The most recent static
Considerable research efforts have been a was taken as unity for normally con- tests performed on relatively large pile
made over the last 10-1 5 years involving soil solidated clays, regardless of s„and smaller sections, at Empire, La. and Long Beach,
mechanics theories, model and field scale a values were used for overconsolidated Calif.'37, provided important new
pile testing. Recently, the American clays as independently suggested by information for data base interpretation. The
Petroleum Institute (API) sponsored a two- Wroth". For many areas of offshore industry-sponsored "ESACC" project""
year project, undertaken by Olson and his development outside the Gulf of Mexico, this stimulated static testing of instrumented
co-workers at the University of Texas at concept was effectively lost in the mid- piles at a University of California test site",
Austin, to establish a data bank of static pile 1970's when the American Petroleum and at model scale at Cambridge
load test records. Existing data were Institute incorporated an a — s„correlation
thoroughly examined and comprehensively into RP2A'.
documented in that well conceived and Semple" estimated OCR values for some data interpretations
executed study". pile load test sites and was able to show that Working with the data base they compiled
Application of the test data in offshore measured a values could be related to OCR. for API, Dennis & Olson'eveloped an a — s,
design requires extrapolation to the pile sizes Randolph Er Wroth4'onverted Meyerhof's correlation in which a reduced from 1 to 0.3
and to some of the soil conditions semi-empirical effective stress procedure" with increasing shear strength. A length-
encountered. Accordingly, capacity criteria into curves of a versus the strength ratio s„/0„ related correction factor was formulated to
derived from pile load test results should which is related to OCR but can be deduced account for the capacity of long piles in (stiff)
reflect sound physical principles. This Paper more directly from site investigation data. normally consolidated clays being
presents new criteria for skin friction in clay Comparison of these a— s„/o„curves with pile underestimated by this a — sa correlation.
interpreted from the API data base. test data'ndicated reasonable agreement Randolph" found that the a values
for relatively short piles but that scale effects correlated well with the strength ratio sJI7„in
Analytical developments due to pile length and flexibility" 'hould general accordance with the concept
Simple effective stress analyses are well also be considered. The relationship of a to published earlier by Randolph Er Wrothx'. For
represented by the proposals of Burland'nd s„/o„and pile scale is considered further strength ratios up to unity, Randolph found
MeyerhoPI wherein skin friction is related to herein. that a = k(s,/17„)-'ith k = 0.5 provided a
the effective overburden pressure, 0„, by a A true representation of offshore pile good average fit to the test data. Randolph
parameter P that incorporates the frictional response should recognise time varying load further generalised the relationship by
characteristics of the soil and a coefficient of effects on soil resistance'nd performance defining k as the square root of the strength
earth pressure at failure, K,. As discussed by criteria". However, this Paper considers only ratio for normally consolidated soil. The
Randolph4', Meyerhof's recommendation for the static capacity of pipe piles as it is relationship was later expanded to include
K„derived from soil mechanics theory and assessed for conventional steel framed strength ratios greater than unit44.
pile load test data, are well supported by offshore structures. Randolph" also noted a possible effect of
results of recent high quality model tests'4. pile length, with a tendencyfor longer pi(esto
More sophisticated effective stress have lower capacities than computed from
methods based on critical state concepts and the average a— s,/17„correlation. He
cavity expansion theory"" have contributed Symbols used in this Paper recommended that the pile length effect be
significantly to understanding while not fully assessed separately, considering pile
explaining test observations (e.g."). Recent D = pile outside diameter compressibility and likely residual values of
analytical developments'ave included skin friction, as described by Randolph4'.
detailed consideration of likely strain paths modified length factor
around the pile tip during installation, and K, lateral earth pressure coefficient New approach
this may increase the reliability of theoretical In assessing prospects for improving pile
prediction. k = constant of proportionality capacity predictions for long offshore piles,
Initial attempts to generalise pile load test L = pile embedded length Focht Et Kraft" recommended that the
information used the most obvious soil problem be conceived as having two
characteristic, undrained shear strength, s„. I F = length factor components. The first component is the load
The a coefficient, defined as the fraction of s„ OCR = overconsolidation ratio transfer response of a soil element as
mobilised as skin friction, has generally been characterised by its local peak and residual
correlated with undrained shear strength. Pl = plasticity index skin friction and associated displacements,
However, McClelland" noted that a decision Qs, = calculated shaft capacity commonly termed t— z curves. The second
was taken in early Gulf of Mexico offshore component involves the integration of this
practice to relate a to the degree of Q, = measured shaft capacity local soil response over the pile length with
overconsolidation of the soil. This decision
recognised that in existing a — s„relation-
s„= undrained shear strength due regard to pile compressibility and the
resulting variation in load transfer between
t = unit skin friction peak and residual values at various points on
z = relative soil-pile displacement the pile shaft. Focht Er Kraft suggested as an
objective the development of an analysis
'Director, McClelland Ltd., McClelland House, Chantry
a = skin friction coefficient = t/s„ based on t— z soil response curves in which
Place, Headstone Lane, Harrow, Middlesex.
>Manager, Cwil and Geotechnical Branch, Central
P = skin friction coefficient = t/o„ the value of peak skin friction is predicted by
Engineenng Department, BP International Ltd., London.
—pile-soil stiffness ratio applying soil mechanics theory to assessing
This Paper was presented at the ASCE annual convention 173 stress changes in soil elements.
held in October 1994 in San Francisco. It was included in
an ASCE special technical publication entitled "Analysis
and Design of Piled Foundations", published by The
0„=vertical effective stress Peak skin friction for a soil profile is the
value that would be deduced from a load test
Amencan Society of Cwil Engineers, 345 East 47th St.,
= angle of internal friction on an incompressible pile. Accordingly, one
New York, New York 1OOI 7-2398. approach to interpreting the API data base is

January 1986 11
first to distinguish peak skin friction as which are considered more relevant than the Table II indicates how the reference soil
measured on relatively rigid piles and then to jacked pile data from the same site given in strength was measured. The most common
identify appropriate adjustments for longer, the API listing. All the piles represented in test type was unconfined compression so
less stiff piles. Table I were installed by driving. Most a this value was usually selected from the API
values are from compression tests after listing even if other measurements were
Pile test results allowing for end bearing which was available. Exceptions were made for very soft
Although the 1982 API data base~ calculated to be small for these friction piles. and soft soils (s„(
40kPa) for which vane
contains results from over 1 000 pile load Unit end bearing was taken as 9 x s„at the strengths were selected, where available, as
tests, only a fraction of these are from driven pile tip. such soils are too weak for reliable
steel pipe piles in predominantly cohesive Source documents for the data are compression testing. Vane strengths were
soil profiles. The data were quality graded identified on Table II. Inspection of the not available for the first three data lines in
using a five point scale and the lowest quality documents indicates that a few of the soil Table I; however the soil testing appears to
data excluded from further consideration by profiles had a relatively thin, surficial sand have been performed carefully on 125mm
the compilers in developing correlations'. stratum that would have made a modest diameter piston samples. After reviewing
The same approach has been taken in this contribution to the measured axial capacity. each source document, the strength profile
study. Unit skin friction in these surficial sands was given therein was sometimes preferred to the
Table lists data from 24 sites that we have
I taken as 0.4o„, and the pile capacity information in the API listing (LTN 106, 487-
selected for analysis. The data are given in attributed to cohesive resistance was 491, 495). Soil unit weight data for LTN 23
order of increasing strength ratio, sJo„, adjusted accordingly. Only in one case did were provided by BP for whom the tests were
which are averages for the embedded pile the calculated adjustment approach 10% of performed.
lengths. The identifying Load Test Numbers capacity, adjustments for the few remaining
(LTN) from the API listing are indicated. cases being less than 5%. Pile geometry
Several of the data lines in Table are I The pile lengths in Table I are those Pile embedment length, L, has been
averages of more than one test pile at a site. embedded in clay beneath surficial sand, expressed as a multiple of pile diameter, D, in
This averaging was performed to avoid excavation or casing over the upper part of Table I. The simple aspect ratio L/D cannot
clutter on data plots and giving undue weight the pile where these occurred. represent all the variables influencing the
to essentially repetitive results from a soil- effects that pile geometry and stiffness
pile condition. Soil shear strength characteristics may have on axial capacity.
The second from last data line refers to Undrained shear strengths are given in The pile scale or "length effect" f2 2'3' is
LTN 860 in the API listing. However the pile Table I. Sampling quality was generally good probably related to pile stiffness as it affects
data on Table were taken from Rigden etaf"
I with thin-walled pushed samplers being either lateral whip during driving or
who presented results for a driven pipe pile used at almost all sites. compressibility under axial loading. If pile


Load D, in s„, in o„, in Load Shear

Test L, in milli- kilo- kilo- Test Strength
Number metres metres L(D pascals pascals spa, a Number Test Source reference
(f) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) (7) (8) (f) (2) (3)

8 20.4 762 27 30 144 0.21 0.92 8 U Mansur B Focht"

6,20 21.6 457 47 31 147 0.21 0.93 6,20 U Mansur & Focht"
3,7,17 19 2 610 32 31 142 0.22 0.99 3,7,1 7 U Mansur Ef Focht"
478,489 1 5.2 356 43 104 448 0.23 1.05 487,489 U Cox, Kraft Ef Verner'ox,

491,493 12 2 356 34 162 718 0.23 1.00 491.493 U Kraft Ef

854,855 43.9 305 144 38 162 0.23 0.79 854,855 V

868 96.0 610 158 80 354 0.23 0.55 868 U Confidential

869 73.8 610 121 67 273 0.25 0.71 869 U Confidential
873 22 6 767 30 170 651 0.26 1.13 873 U Pelletier Ef Doyle"
451 66.4 325 205 60 223 0.27 0.52 451 U Peckss
42 30.5 325 94 45 153 0.29 0.65 42 U Darragh Ef

444,450 45.7 325 142 52 148 0.35 0.42 444,450 U

507,508 29.0 330 88 39 105 0.37 1.02 507,508 U Raymond"
30 13 7 325 42 45 112 0.40 0.94 30 U Woodward, Lungren Ef Boitanosx
150 18 3 325 57 33 51 0.43 0.97 150 U A.R.E.A s
45 48 2 610 79 64 152 0.43 0.59 45 U McCammon Ef Golder
844,846 11.6 114 101 21 44 047 064 844,846 Kirby Ef Rousselia
848.851 848,851
856 12.2 168 72 16 33 0.50 0.62 856 M Confidential
325 14 0 351 40 30 59 0.51 0.78 325 FV Hutchinson B Jensen"
67 39.6 274 145 165 297 0.56 0.49 67 U Peck"
43 30 5 610 50 52 91 0.57 0.59 43 U McCammon Ef Golder
443,449 22 9 325 71 52 91 0.57 0.52 443,449 U Peck
368,369 25.9 325 80 61 99 0.62 0.56 368,369 U Peck"
435.436 25 3 274 92 185 244 0 76 0 48 435,436 Peck"
437,438 437,438
70 14.9 528 28 53 66 0.79 0.52 70 U Togroles
998 32.0 274 1 1 7 115 141 0 82 0.52 998 U Endley, Ulrich Ef Gray"
106 1 2.8 325 40 96 110 0.87 0 57 106 M Stermac, Selby 8 Devatta"
547,549 16 8 610 28 100 87 1.15 0.55 547,549 U U.S.A.C.E.
31,32 1 3.7 325 42 137 112 1.22 0.47 31,32 U Woodward, Lungren Ef Boitanosx
829,830 13 1 274 48 110 80 1.37 0.49 829,830 0 O'eill, Hawkins Ef Mahar
495,497 20.4 61 0 34 208 105 1.98 0.44 495,497 M Heerema"
9.1 450 20 144 54 2.65 0.51 M Rigden er a('"
23,24 18 3 762 24 335 115 2.90 0.46 23,24 U Fox, Sutton Ef Oksuzler"

Note: L= Embedment length; Note: U = Unconfined compression FV = Field vane

D = Outside diameter Q = Quick tnaxial M = Other test
lm = 3.28ft; 1mm = 0.039in; 1 kpa = 20.9psf V = Laboratory miniature vane

12 Ground Engineering
whip controls, then the ratio of the travelling friction. If the displacement corresponding to confidently determined.
stress wave length to pile diameter should be the limit of elastic soil response is related to The ratio LJD only approximately
considered~. Another reason for the "length the pile diameter, then rr, for an open pipe represents pile geometry and stiffness
effect" may be progressive failure of strain- pile is a function of the aspect ratio L/D, peak characteristics. It is an expedient that can be
softening soil as the pile shaft compresses skin friction, and the pile area ratio (steel considered as replacing more complex
under axial load. From this viewpoint, it is the section as a fraction of gross sectional area). expressions for flexural and axial pile
relative pile-soil stiffness in axial loading that Although pile area ratios are known for most stiffness while reflecting more of these
is important. of the data in Table I, being on average about factors than does pile length alone.
Relative axial pile-soil stiffness has been 10%, there is uncertainty over which of the
termed rrs and defined by Murff" as the ratio pipe piles were filled with concrete prior to Conventional a correlation
of pile elastic compression, acting as a free- testing thereby altering their axial stiffness. The data from Table are plotted as a

standing column, to the local soil Further, the relevant peak skin friction values versus sv on Fig. 1. in which the L/D value is
displacement required to mobilise peak skin are unknown so rr, values cannot be given for each data point. Criteria

1.2 1.6
c ~30 c
~43 43 30
8 1.0
32 O88 ~ 34 8 32~ o 88o
c0 %%57
47'42 42
27 0.8 0144 ~ 40
~ 94 101O 72 50
~121 ~ 158 79~ ~ ~40
~205 ~ 20
$01 50 O79 92 145 O92 42O
~ 48
0.6 72 40 ~API ~ 34
oo28 0.4. O142
28 o80
710 O205 i~158 ~
O117 20
~ ~ 24
48 145
~ 142 34 SU =335
0.2. 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2
Soil strength ratio,S la

0 csl
0 50 100 150 200 250
Undrained shear strength, IrPa
Fig. 1 (aboveJ. Alpha vs. undrained shear strength
0 F057
08. 27
Fig. 2 (right, topj. Alpha vs. strength ratio (all dataJ

Fig. 3 (right, central. Alpha vs. strength ratio (L/DC6DJ 48 20O

42 34o 24O
Fig. 4 (right, bottomJ. Length factor vs. aspect ratio

Fig. 5 fbelovvj. Comparison of measured and calculated capacities

0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2
0 Soil strength ratio, S„/6„
8 0


8 1.6-

~ yg ff~ w~~' Sc.~~
cOiw O- 55O
0 R~ OCR
0.4- CR
C = Oversized dosure plate
R = Redriven before test

0.1 10 10 20 40 160 320
Measured capacity, Q5~IMN Pile aspect ratio. LID

January 1986 13
ratio on Fig. 3 bears some resemblance in If the empirical evidence for the pile length
F 1.0- form to the existing API a — s, criteria. It factor is attributed to relative pile-soil
reflects conventional wisdom that a is unity stiffness effects in axial loading, then the
for normally consolidated clays and 0.5 for expected shape of the relationship between
heavily overconsolidated clays. LF and L/D can be inferred from theory. As
L/D is related to the pile-soil stiffness factor
Pile length effect tt3 the characteristic shape of the theoretical
Having established a correlation for peak —
LF rr, relationship shown on Fig. 6 would
skin friction from the relatively shorter piles, suggest a lower limit for LF corresponding to
log rrs the effect of greater pile embedments has the ratio of residual to peak skin friction.
been evaluated borrowing from the From such considerations,
Fig. G. Theoretical length effect
technique used by Dennis Et Olson'. For each that the measured capacity of a

strength ratio in Table I, a value of a, was highly compressible pile could be 70% of the
obtained from the correlation on Fig. 3, and capacity based on peak skin friction.
recommended by API're represented by the this was used to normalise the It is not known, however, that the "length
solid curve. The data conform quite well to corresponding measured value a . The effect" is entirely due to progressive soil
the API criteria with the exception of the resulting ratios of a„/a are shown on Fig. 4 failure in axial loading. Pile whip during
three points for stiff clays having a values of as a function of the pile aspect ratio, L/D. driving may cause irrepairable damage to the
1 or more. These data represent the sites at Approximate bounds to the data are soil, particularly in overconsolidated clays
Empire and Long Beach"'here pile indicated together with an average line that cannot flow back to establish a pressure
sections were installed through casings set obtained by regression analyses. on the pile wall. This effect may partly explain
sufficiently deeply into normally The average value of unity for a /a~ for the the reduction in a, with increasing strength
consolidated clays that the soils tested were relatively shorter piles is of course ratio. In addition, the nature and magnitude
of a stiff consistency. conditioned by the fact that these piles of lateral pile oscillations during driving
The Empire and Long Beach tests were (average L/D = 40) were used to define ap. depend on, among other factors, the lengths
performed after the API a — s„criteria were Values of ct /a for relatively longer piles fall of the stress wave and the pile. Some
formulated. Their inclusion on Fig. 1 progressively below unity. The data scatter is progress has been made in quantifying this
indicates that s, is not the variable controlling due partly to the limitations of L/D in behaviour . However, an analytical model
a. Further, this difference in a values for stiff, representing pile stiffness, and to other providing insight into pile whip effects,
normally consolidated and stiff, overcon- factors that indicate a "length effect" for analogous to that for axial pile-soft stiff-
solidated clays underlay the introduction of a individual test piles. These factors are ness", remains to be developed. Pile and
positive length-related adjustment factor in discussed subsequently. stress wave lengths may combine to provide
the a— s„ formulation of Dennis Et Olson'. Adopting the term LF, or length factor, for a skin friction reduction effect related to a
a /a~, the solid line between the data bounds flexural stiffness ratio for which the pile
Peak a values on Fig. 4 provides a pile embedment factor to aspect ratio, L/D, is an approximation.
The pile test data are presented on Fig. 2 as be applied to the a, values from Fig. 3. The
a versus the strength ratio spa„, using average unit skin friction for a pile is then Modified relationships
logarithmic scales, and again with values of LFa~„where s„ is the average value over the On Fig. 3, the best fit line to the heavily
L/D indicated. Inspection discloses a pattern pile length. overconsolidated clays has a slight negative
in the L/D values with the relatively longer slope that is largely conditioned by the two
piles generally having smaller a values for a Evaluation smallest a values in Table I. In both cases the
given strength ratio. Computed values of pile shaft capacity, piles were tested shortly after installation.
Peak skin friction is measured by stiff piles Qac, based on LFa~„are compared with the Further, the result from the most heavily
so the data for the relatively shorter piles, measured values, Qa„, on Fig. 5. Agreement overconsolidated soil in the data base was
including those tested at Empire and Long is good, the data falling within a fairly tight obtained after several cycles of redriving and
Beach, are plotted separately on Fig. 3. The scatter band. The average ratio of measured testing. Given these unfavourable
scatter is small, and curves were readily fitted to computed pile capacity is 1.01 with a circumstances, the adoption of a minimum
to the data by separate regression analyses standard deviation of 0.15. value of 0.5 for a~ appears reasonable. The
for strength ratios greater than unity and in The results on Fig. 5 indicate that the maximum value of unity for a~ applies to
the range 0.35 to 1. For strength ratios below a— s,/rT„—L/D correlations provide a good fit to essentially normally consolidated clays
about 0.35, a value of unity was selected for the pile test data which supports an which may be defined as those having a
a as these soils are essentially normally approach based on peak skin friction strength ratio less than 0.35.
consolidated, s„ increases with depth, and modified, where appropriate, to account for For predicting pile capacity, we believe that
the strength ratio tends to be constant over pile scale. Examination of the pile load test the best-fit a — s,/rT,—L/D correlations in Figs.
the pile length. In soil profiles having greater documents does, however, indicate certain
average strength ratios, the s„profile is more deficiencies in execution of some tests that
uniform, and the strength ratio varies over will have biased the data towards low a o 1.6
the pile length with relatively large values values. These effects were discussed by Kraft
occurring near the ground surface. et al" who adjusted their data interpretation c (1.0, 0.35)
The curve on Fig. 3 is labelled aato suggest to minimise this bias. 6
that the relationship is for peak skin friction. o 0.8.
The curve actually represents piles having Length factor adjustment c0
L/D = 40+20, and so is likely to be a lower Olson Er Dennis" note that piles redriven 5
bound to peak a values. and reloaded to failure exhibited capacities V (0.5, 0.8I
In this formulation, the strength ratio is a lower than on initial loading. They also 0.4.
measure of soil overconsolidation. No recognised the harmful effect on skin friction CL

attempt has been made to normalise the of an oversized closure plate at the pile tip.
strength ratio to account for possible effects The data to which these considerations apply
of variation in basic soil plasticity are identified on Fig. 4. With one exception 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2
characteristics as expressed by plasticity they are all relatively long piles so the bias is Soil strength ratio, S„lo„
index, Pl, or the associated angle of internal incorporated into the pile length factor, LF. Of
friction, gi. One possibility is to relate each the six LF values less than 0.7, all but one of
strength ratio to the value for the same soil in the piles were either redriven or had an 1.6
a normally consolidated condition, (s„/o„)„,. oversized closure plate, or both as in the case 0
There is, however, conflicting information on of the two smallest values. As evidence of LF 5
how this value varies with Pl or lg" e, while less than 0.7 derives from particularly
the normally consolidated strength ratio adverse circumstances, we consider an LF
c 0.8-

obtained from compression test data can be value of 0.7 to be a reasonable lower limit. It I0.7, 120)
independent of Pl". Given this uncertainty, should also be remembered that the ci,
the term s„/o„has been taken to represent correlation on Fig. 3 was derived from piles 0.4
soil overconsolidation without further with L/D = 40+20, thereby incorporating 20 40 80 160 320
generalisation. some scale effect and providing a lower Pile aspect ratio LID
The correlation between a and strength bound to peak a values. Fig. 7. Criteria for capacity prediction

14 Ground Engineering
Undrained shear strength, kPa Ultimate pile capacity. MN
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 60
0 0
c0 c0

ec 25-
c~ 25 Ill





Fig. 8. Strength profiles for normally consolidated clays offshore Fig. 9. Compressive pile capacities for normally consolidated clays
Louisiana offshore Louisiana

3 and 4 should be modified to the forms Fig. 7 using average values of s„and a,for the "Site 2". Undrained shear strength profiles
shown on Fig. 7. The main alteration is clays, and to select the scale factor using the appropriate to the API method and to the
constraining the length factor, now total embedded pile length. This gives the criteria on Fig. 7 are shown on Fig. 8. The
designated F, to have a minimum value of average skin friction in clay from which the quick triaxial strength profile on Fig. 8 is
0.7. This modification avoids the shaft capacity in clay can be determined. The essentially the same as the interpreted shear
underestimation of capacity for very long, shaft capacity in sand can be separately strength profile for the site given in the
slender piles that otherwise would result if assessed in the usual way and added to give source publication.
the a values measured for such piles under the total shaft capacity. At present, pile Compressive capacity curves developed
unfavourable circumstances were taken at length effects in sand are broadly accounted using API Method 1, the criteria on Fig. 7, and
face value. Calculated shaft capacities based for in offshore practice by the use of limiting the appropriate shear strength profiles on
on unit skin friction equal to Fa~„with F and skin friction values. Fig. 8 are presented for two different pile
a~ from Fig. 7, still correlate well with the The prospects for improving pile design by diameters on Fig. 9. Unit end-bearing was
measured values. appropriate site-specific testing are taken as 9 x s„at the pile tip. The curve for the
increased by finding that an empirical 1.83m OD pile attributed to the API method
Application to design approach based on peak skin friction agrees with the corresponding pile capacity
The relationships given on Fig. 7 may be adjusted for pile scale effects accurately curve given by Quiros et al".
used in predicting pile capacity. Due to the represents existing pile capacity The a— s„/o„-L/D criteria produce the
nature of the information available, the skin measurements. Peak skin friction can be greater capacities on Fig. 9. In percentage
friction correlation and scale factor were measured either by testing a pile segment or, terms, the differences are greater for the
derived using average results for each pile more economically, by the use of precision larger diameter pile which is less affected by
test. An incremental pile capacity method, in in-situ instruments4 calibrated against pile the length factor in the new procedure. At
which the soil profile is considered layer by test measurements. If site-specific data are penetrations of interest for the 1.22m OD
layer, is ultimately preferable but its available then analyses incorporating pile pile, the proposed method gives predicted
formulation must await the development of stiffness characteristics can be used in an capacities about 10% greater than the API
an appropriate data base. Layer-by-layer independent assessment of likely scale method, producing a small reduction in
application of the criteria on Fig. 7 would effects. required pile length of the order of 5%. The
represent a misapplication of the existing corresponding increase in predicted capacity
test data, and would generally invoke errors Comparison with for the 1.83m OD pile is about 25% which
on the conservative side. current practice reduces the required pile penetration by
Standard offshore practice in many areas The criteria on Fig. 7 have been applied to about 10%.
is to measure s, by quick triaxial tests on three representative offshore sites for Heavily overconsolidated clay
samples recovered by pushing a thin-walled comparison with capacity predictions Fig. 10 gives a shear strength profile for
sampler. The criteria developed herein are obtained from the current API methods. The the Heather Field located about 100km east
based on high quality pushed samples, but API methods used are those given in of the Shetland Islands in the North Sea.
the reference undrained shear strength was Paragraph 2.6.4b of the 1982 edition of Quick triaxial shear strength and vertical
most commonly measured by the unconfined RP2A'. Method 1, commonly termed "f= effective stress profiles were obtained from
Durning & Rennie". The other curve shown

compression test. However, this test is not skin friction equals undrained shear
appropriate to stiff, structured clays for strength), is restricted to highly plastic clays on Fig. 10 represents the average value s,/o„
which quick triaxial tests are necessary. In such as are found in the Gulf of Mexico. to a given depth. These silty clays are heavily
other clays, unconfined and quick triaxial Method 2, for other clays, corresponds to the overconsolidated and particularly strong, the
compression tests give comparable results line designated API on Fig. 1. average s,/a, and s„values for the profile
where sampling disturbance is minimised. Normally consolidated clay being about 2 and 500kPa, respectively.
Accordingly, we recommend that the Site investigation practice in the Gulf of For the 1.83m (60in) OD piles installed at
reference shear strength be taken as that of a Mexico has involved percussive sampling Heather Field, the criteria on Fig. 7 yield an a
pushed sample tested in triaxial compression with miniature vane or unconfined value of 0.5 which is also the value given by
at natural water content. Where other compression testing to determine shear API Method 2 commonly used for North Sea
sampling and testing techniques are applied, strength of clays. The criteria on Fig. 7 are installations. In hard, heavily over-
equivalent soil strengths can be obtained intended for use with quick triaxial strengths consolidated silty clays the a — s,/o„—L/D
using adjustment factors where these are from pushed samples. Quiros et al'ave criteria proposed herein will generally give
available from correlation studies of similar presented a comprehensive set of soil the same pile capacity as the existing API
type soils (e.g.') strength data to about 150m penetration in a method.
If sand is present in a soil profile, the most normally consolidated clay at a location Overconsolidated clay
rational approach is to apply the criteria on offshore Louisiana which they designate North Sea cohesive soil profiles are

January 1986 15
commonly less heavily overconsolidated controlling the degree to which either reduced by 10— 15% in clays that are
than at Heather Field. Fig. 11 gives quick progressive failure can develop in static intermediate in terms of strength and degree
triaxial shear strength profiles for two loading or the soil is damaged by pile whip of overconsolidation.
pushed sample borings at Magnus Field4', during driving, or both. Consideration should also be given to
which is located about 200km northeast of Interpreting pile test data within a applying the underlying concepts on a site-
the Shetland Islands. A thin sand stratum framework of soil overconsolidation ratio and specific basis as a means of improving pile
occurred in the upper part of the profile at pile stiffness is believed to reflect sound design for offshore structures. Site-
this site. Also indicated on Fig. 11 are curves physical principles that increases confidence specifically, peak skin friction can be
of the average s,/o„values that reduce to in extrapolating the pile test information to economically measured and the scale
about 0.5 to 0.6 at the depths of interest. The large offshore foundations. Criteria adjustment assessed analytically.
Magnus piles were 2.13m OD and the target suggested for use in pile design are given on
penetration was about 80m4'. Fig. 7. Acknowledgements
As shown on Fig. 12, pile capacity curves When compared with current practice, as The study reported herein was initially part
for the profiles derived using API Method 2 embodied in the 1982 edition of API RP2A, of a state-of-practice review performed in
and Fig. 7 are the same to about 60m the a— s,/Tr„—L/D criteria generally produce connection with BP's planning of a pile load
penetration, both methods giving a = 0.5 to more optimistic results. For typical piles and test programme in the UK. We are grateful to
this depth. At 80m penetration, the capacity normally consolidated highly plastic clays in BP International Ltd. for permission to
predicted by the a— s,/B,-L/D method is the Gulf of Mexico the required pile lengths publish this Paper.
about 30% greater than the API value which are 5 to 10</o less. At the other extreme of The work was further stimulated by
again corresponds to a =0.5.The associated hard, very heavily overconsolidated silty publication of the API data base compiled by
reduction in required pile penetration is clays there is no difference in the predicted R.E. Olson and his co-workers at the
about 10m, or 12% of the embedment capacity of offshore piles. Pile lengths are University of Texas at Austin, and by
length required by the API method.
Although similar shear strength profiles
were obtained from the two borings, there Undrained shear strength, kPa
are differences which are reflected in the pile 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
capacity predictions for each method. 0
However, the range in pile capacity is c0
reduced using the new criteria. Of the two Bl
profiles, Boring 11 gave the greater average BI
shear strength. This is compensated by a
lower a value, as the sJa„ratio is also greater Fig. 10 (below, left). 20-
Soilinformation for
for Boring 11.The Magnus example demon- Heather Field, North
strates the reduced sensitivity to undrained Sea
shear strength, and hence to measurement
errors, in stiff overconsolidated clay. This can
be deduced from inspection of the a — sJa„ 40-
relationship on Fig. 7.
Fig. 11 (right). Soil
information for
Conclusions Magnus Field, North
Measured shaft capacities of driven pipe
piles in clay represented in the 1982 API data
base can be reproduced quite accurately by
correlations based on the concept of a peak
skin friction reduced to account for pile scale
effects. Peak skin friction is obtained from a Fig. 12 (below,
correlation between a and the strength ratio right). Compressive
s,/a„which indicates the degree of soil pile capacities for
overconsolidation. The reduction factor Magnus Field, North
depends on pile aspect ratio, L/D. It Sea
represents the influence of pile stiffness in
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Undrained shear strength, kPa
Soil strength ratio, Se lay
0 250 750 1 000
c0 Ultimate pile capacity, IirIN

+ 0 25 50 75 100 125
10- +
r~ EO

r Cl
r 20.
I 40-
I 60.
40- l
I 60

0 10 15 20
Soil strength ratio, S„lo„100
16 Ground Engineering
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We particularly wish to thank J.A. Focht of pp.1 1 35-1 1 46 Offshore Piling, Austin, Texas, pp.163-182
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January 1986 19

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