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Sri Sairam Engineering College

Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44


Reg. No. : 412519205140




MAY 2021

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Department of Information Technology

Bonafide Certificate


Certified to be the bonafide record of the work done by

SURYA T Register No. ___412519205140___ of B.TECH

Information Technology in the academic year 2020-2021.


Subject Code: HS8461
Staff In-charge Head of the Department

Submitted for the FOURTH Semester Practical Examination held on

____________at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai-600 044.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44



1 Confusing Words in Pronunciation

2 Words almost similar in Meaning

3 Words opposite in Meaning

4 Error correction in Quantifiers

5 Phrases as Synonyms

6 Plain Synonyms

7 Paragraph Writing

8 Essay Writing

9 Proposal Writing

10 E-mail Composition

11 Job Application

12 Preparation of Vision statement

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Exercise -1
Confusing Words in Pronunciation

Fill in the blanks with the correct words

1, The police _________ into action as commanded by the DIG
a, swang
b, swung
c, swing
2, Being a philanthropist, he _______ this hospital
a, founded
b, was founded
c, found
3, It is an offence to ______ the trees in the forest
b, fall
c, befell
4, When sickness ________ the family, he faced it boldly
b, fall
c, befell
5, I think she _______ the clock this week
a, wounded
b, wind
c, wound
6, The tunnel ________ up by the terrorists only last week
a, blowed
b, who blowed
c, was blown
7, Last year, during the rainy season, the river~~~

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

a, overflowed
b, overflow
c, overflown
8, When, on stage, the leader was _____ with a stone, he chose to not retaliate
a, strike
b, striked
c, struck
9, Sheetal has ______ in the bed for four hours
a, laid
b, lain
c, lay
10, Nobody can ______ the weather accurately
a, forecast
b, forcast
c, forecasted

Exercise – 2
Select the word that is most similar in meaning
1, Solitude
a, single mindedness
b, true statement
c, musical composition
d, aloneness
2, Masquerade
a, to provide support
b, to go in disguise
c, to mesmerize

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

d, marathon race
3, Incongruous
a, inconsistent
b, incontrovertible
c, inevitable
d, inconceivable
4, Rectitude
a, rectification
b, recovery
c, integrity
d, duplication
5, Slipshod
a, vulgar
b, retaliatory
c, common place
d, careless
6, Knave
a, scoundrel
b, enchanter
c, emperor
d, soldier
7, Counterfeit
a, unknown
b, biased
c, fake
d, constant

8, Virtuoso
a, exceptionally skilled

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

b, futuristic
c, prompt
d, stubborn
9, Contraption
a, window
b, valley
c, forest
d, device
10, Reprisal
a, loneliness
b, retaliation
c, remuneration
d, pleasure

Exercise -3
Select the word that is furthest/opposite in meaning
1, Relentless
a, merciless
b, incisive
c, monotonous
d, yielding
2, Impromptu
a, appropriate
b, rehearsed
c, vast
d, foolish
3, Reticent

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

a, communicative
b, developed
c, sophisticated
d, forward
4, Forbearance
a, intolerance
b, self control
c, preference
d, patience
5, idiosyncrasy
a, generally
b, singularity
c, sanity
d, generality
6, Niggardly
a, likely
b, gorgeously
c, lavishly
d, hastily
7, Sublime
a, hilarious
b, ludicrous
c, amusing
d, mean

8, Petulant
a, industrious
b, fearless
c, practical idea

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

d, calm
9, Propensity
a, stagnation
b, forecast
c, disinclination
d, restlessness
10, Sobriety
a, dizziness
b, drunkenness
c, moderation
d, stupidity

Exercise - 4
Identify the errors in the following sentences with reference
to the usage of quantifiers

1, They have MUCH homework in Mathematics.

a, a lot
b, little
C, a little
d few
2, How MOST time do you need to finish this work?
a, little
b, few
c, many
d, much
3 There are too LITTLE students in the library

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

a, much
b, many
c, few
d, a lot
4, Have you visited MANY foreign countries?
a, any
b, little
c, few
d, most
5, Although he is very ill, he doesn't take a LITTLE medicine
a, many
b, few
c, much
d, any
6, LITTLE people as much about English grammar as John does
a, any
b, most
c, few
d, many
7, There is a FEW sugar leftover in the container
a, little
b, few
c, much
d, any
8, He is having FEW troubles passing his driving test
a, much
b, most
c, lot of
d, a little

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

9, I spend A LITTLE of my time reading grear biographies

a, much
b, few
c, a lot
d, most
10, Ravi knows A LOT English. He knows enough English to manage
a, much
b, a little
c, little
d any

Exercise -5
Phrases as Synonyms

Replace the BOLD part with the correct option

1, We spent an hour DISCUSSING ABOUT his career
A, on his career
B, of his career
C, discussing his career
D, No improvement
2, We should not BLAME OTHERS ABOUT our own failure
A, blame others for
B, blame others of
C, blame others on
D No improvement
3, The VC showed no LENIENCY ABOUT the university students
A, no leniency on
B, no leniency for

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

C, no leniency to
D, No improvement
4, The architect was told TO PUT ON his best in his new assignment
A, to put in
B, to have put up
C, is putting
D, No improvement
5, The Chief Minister has no ACQUAINTANCE FOR his counterpart
A, has acquaintance
B, acquaintance with
C, has acquaintance on
D, No improvement
6, The Commander firmly BELIEVES ON punctuality and discipline
A, firmly believes in
B, believes firmly with
C, firm believer on
D, No improvement
7, The son has a CLOSE RESEMBLANCE AGAINST his mother
A, close resemblance for
B, close resemblance to
C, close resemblance on
D, No improvement
8, Righteousness will have VICTORY AND EVIL in the long run
A, victory over evil
B, victory on evil
C, victory by evil
D, No improvement
9, Honorifics (respectable titles) were BESTOWED FOR the brave fighters
A, bestowed to

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

B, bestowed on
C, bestowed by
D, No improvement
10 Robin hoods ALLUDED ABOUT old stories to illustrate his ideas
A, alluded for
B, alluded in
C, alluded to
D, No improvement

Exercise - 6
Choose the suitable option to improve the sentence
by replacing the word in CAPITALS

1, Could you kindly OPEN the knot?

A, untie
B, break
C, loose
D, No improvement
2, Arjun SENT A WORD to me that he would be coming late
A, sent word
B, had sent a word
C, sent words
D, No improvement
3, Ravi HAD TOLD me that he hasn't sent the mail yet
A, told
B, tells
C, was telling

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

D, No improvement
4, If the manager HAD time, he will call you.
A, would have
B, would have had
C, has
D, No improvement
5, More than one person WAS KILLED in the accident
A, were killed
B, are killed
C, jave been killed
D, No improvement
6, 10 kms ARE NOT A LONG DISTANCE for a good runner like you
A, is not a long distance
B, in no distance
C, are not a great distance
D, No improvement
7, Sheela invited me with a view to INSULT me
A, to insulting me
B, of insulting me
C, for insulting me
D, No improvement
8, IF THE ROOM HAD BEEN BRIGHTER, I would have been able to come.
A, If the room was brighter
B, If the room are brighter
C, Had the room been brighter
D, No improvement
9, I look forward to HEAR from you
A, hearing
B, have heard

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

C, listen
D, No improvement
10, Either HE OR I AM leaving for Australia
A, he or i are going
B, he is going or i am
C, I or he is going
D No improvement

Exercise – 7
Write in two paragraphs about 250 words each on the positive as well as the negative
influence of Social Media
Write in two paragraphs accepting or denying this: Is Social media polarising society?


Social media is definitely one of the biggest parts of the lives of each and every individual right
now and this is why it cannot be ignored at all. One question that has been bothering a number
of individuals for a long time is whether social media is good or bad. Like every other thing,
even social media has certain positive as well as negative influence.


A big positive associated with social media is that it is easier to make a large number of friends
within a short time only. Just a few years ago, it wasn’t really easy to connect with many
people, until and unless you were extremely outgoing and could make conversations with
almost everyone you would just meet. Right now, it is possible to make hundreds to thousands
of friends over any social networking platform. It is true that they might not be those friends
with whom you are going to spend time but nonetheless, they are definitely going to be your
friends at least in the digital world. Another important thing that you should know is that a
social networking site helps in making as well as keeping friends. Apart from communicating
with your close friends and family members, social media networks help you to communicate
with other people who are based in different parts of the world. Communication has become
extremely effective as well as easy. Social media has the power of opening up the entire world

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

in front of you, thereby making it a considerably smaller place than what it used to be. Even if
you have your family members living in some other part of the globe, you can communicate
with them as if they were living right next door. You can also keep in touch with your friends,
with whom you have lost contact. In the world of social media, physical distance is not
important anymore. Social helps you to get back in touch with those people, with whom you
have lost contact years back. You can even build a relationship with a person with whom you
have numerous things in common. It can be rightly said that social media is one of the best
grounds where long-lasting relationships can start. Whether it is friendship or love, social media
will help you to nurture your relationship, which is extremely positive.


While social media makes it easier to meet new people and make friends, it also enables cruel
people to tear into others with little effort. Perpetrators of bullying can use the anonymity that
social networks provide to gain people's trust and then terrorize them in front of their peers. For
instance, they might create a fake profile and act friendly to a classmate, then later betray and
embarrass them online. These online attacks often leave deep mental scars and even drive
people to suicide in some cases. And as it turns out, cyberbullying doesn't just affect kids. Adults
can become victims of online abuse, too. Since screens hide our faces, you can end up being a
jerk on social media and other websites without even realizing it. Apart from this, spending too
much time on social media can lead to poor sleep. Numerous studies have shown that increased
use of social media has a negative effect on your sleep quality. Social media can be more
addictive than cigarettes and alcohol. It has a powerful draw for many people that leads to them
checking it all the time without even thinking about it. This addiction is proved to be the worst
bane of social media.

Exercise – 8
Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Write an essay on the topic, “Automobile Industry – Indian innovation and imported
Write an essay on the topic, “Are leaders born or made?”



The definition of leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act

towards achieving a common goal. Put in even simpler terms, the leader is
the inspiration and director of the action. He or she is the person in the group
that possesses the combination of personality and skills that makes others
want to follow his or her direction (Ward). Which brings us to the most basic
and most often-asked question in all leadership development, are great
leaders born or made? Let's discuss about it in this essay.


The basic feature which defines a leader is – Intelligence. Every individual born
is blessed with intelligence, it is just how one groom one’s intelligence level
and put in to the best use which makes him/her a leader. Besides, intelligence
there are many more characteristics which an individual needs to inculcate in
oneself to become an inspirational leader.These characteristics include strong
will and determination towards achievement, influencing the people’s mind
and actions, highly self motivated, possessing skills and talents and nourishing
and nurturing them at regular time periods. All these features and many more
added to them turns a simple individual into a leader. The leadership skills and
talents could be either adopted or learnt by one whilst moving ahead at
different spheres of life. A stabilized ongoing development of the intellectual
growth and enhancement of various skills and talents at different levels of an
individual development plays a pivotal role in the making of a great leader .


Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

The ability to effectively lead, motivate and direct a group of people –

whether it's in business, sport or politics - requires a very complex set of skills,
mostly acquired through experiences, self development as well as access to
subsequent training.To expect a person to be born a fully rounded leader with
the ability to influence and direct their team just doesn't make sense based on
what we know about group dynamics.The fact that leadership is mostly made
is good news for those of us involved in leadership development - leaders can
indeed be developed. However – and this is the one third – there are some
inborn characteristics that the great leaders have naturally which they use to
their advantage.

A Natural Born Leader?- Does this mean that introverts, persons of average
social intelligence, or those of us who are not particularly empathic will not
make good leaders? Certainly not. A great leader in recent history - the Rudi
Juliani – who had leadership thrust on him in the aftermath of the September
11 attacks for which he was subsequently honoured. Remember, most of
leadership is made, not born. So, if you aspire to positions of leadership, then
the best course is to embark on a leadership self-development plan.


Some believe that true leaders are born that way—naturally charismatic,
influential, and inspiring individuals who are destined to make a mark. But
while certain people may be naturally predisposed to leadership, just as
they’re naturally predisposed to athleticism or musicality, we believe it’s
absolutely possible to cultivate the characteristics and skills necessary to call
yourself a leader. As legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi once
said: “Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like
anything else, through hard work.” So whether you were born with the
“special sauce” or not, if you want to be a leader you’re going to have to work
to develop and refine the characteristics of the greats.

Exercise – 9

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Prepare a proposal for establishing a research and development laboratory for your
firm and submit the proposal to the general manager



This proposal is to request the management to provide facilities to establish a

research and development laboratory. The formation of this basic types’
laboratory will not require additional personnel or call for the establishment of
new courses or otherwise cause a significant change in the operation of
experimental studies conducted in our firm.
The purpose of the research and development laboratory is to bring new
engaging varieties of products. A variety of tests can be conducted to find the
finest product for emerging problems in our firm. Also, research laboratories
can be used to carry out both basic and applied research work. They usually
support our firm as a whole, rather than anyone division or department. They
may be located at a considerable distance from any other part of the company
and report to the highest levels of corporate management or even to the board of
directors. Adding to the research work carried by the technician we require a
development laboratory that is specifically committed to the support of
particular processes or product lines. The management of these labs will be
directly controlled by the division responsible for manufacture and marketing
and are often located close to the manufacturing area. The major functionality of
this laboratory includes: it can be used as problem solvers by many sections of
our company, development laboratories maintain close contacts with people in
manufacturing, advertising, marketing, sales, and other departments with
responsibilities for products or processes.
Microbiology R&D laboratories can provide third-party validation on cutting-
edge rapid diagnostic assays, including immunoassays, molecular methods,
proprietary enrichment media, and many others. Whether you are seeking to
obtain AOAC-PTM, AOAC-OMA, AFNOR, or Micro Val certification, or
simply to conduct internal validations, the Microbiology R&D team can help.

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

✔ To develop and refine rigorous and interactive laboratory experiences for

our employees that allow engagement in various fields of the
organization, this helps to develop carefully designed and assessed
project-based experimental studies.
✔ To develop logical thinking and enhance their creativity and innovation
with possible actions through experiments.
✔ To develop experimental collaboration skills of employees via, sharing
data and ideas while working in the laboratory.
From pharmaceuticals and medical devices to petrochemicals and consumer
products, companies in virtually every industry have become dependent on
R&D to stay competitive. The procedures involved in diverse services such as
processing samples for clinical research, developing industrial chemicals or
testing advanced composites require different specialized expertise — but they
all need people with a passion for advancing the science behind them. From
initial experimental discovery to product validation and optimization, we can
combine Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) with a constant focus on making
new and better products, processes, and technologies.
Having a research and development laboratory for our firm will reduce expenses
made on research works, and enhance full forced products preparation from idea
to its development. Significant improvement of a research and development
laboratory will qualify our employees as a better workforce with quality work
on time.


01 Hot air oven Used for sterilization. Glassware needs 180 deg C INR-14,999
for 3 hrs.

02 Autoclave Sterilize liquid substances and glassware. INR-10,500

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

03 Drying Oven For the preparation of certain reagents, the

glassware, after proper cleaning and rinsing with
distilled water, is required to be dried. INR-9500
04 Microbiological Profuse growth of microbes is obtained in the INR-11,900
incubator laboratory by growing them at suitable
temperatures. This is done by inoculating the
desired microbe into a suitable culture medium and
then incubating it at the temperature optimum for
its growth.

05 BOD incubator Some microbes are to be grown at lower

temperatures for specific purposes. The BOD low-
temperature incubator, which can maintain INR-32,900

temperatures from 50°C to as low as 2-3°C is used

for incubation in such cases.

06 Refrigerator It serves as a repository for thermo-labile INR-10,000

chemicals, solutions, antibiotics, serums and
biochemical reagents at cooler temperatures and
even at sub-zero temperatures (at less than 0°C).

07 Distilled water Water is used in the preparation of media and INR-10,000

plant reagents. If the media are prepared using tap water,
the chemical impurities present in it may interfere
with the growth of the microorganisms in the

08 Homogeniser For microbiological analysis, liquid samples are INR-27,000

directly used, whereas solid samples have to be
mixed thoroughly with a diluent (usually
physiological saline), so as to get a homogenous
suspension of bacteria.

09 Laminar Flow It is a chamber used for the aseptic transfer of

Chamber sterilized materials, as well as for the inoculation of
microbes. Dust particles floating in the air harbor INR-32,000

10 The automatic It is an instrument used for automatic INR – 10,000

bacteria computer-assisted identification of bacteria

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

11 Electrical A fluctuation of electric voltage in the laboratory is

Devices one of the most important reasons, which reduces
the longevity of the equipment and sometimes INR-65,000
damages them.

12 Membrane Certain substances like urea disintegrate and lose

filtrations their original properties if sterilized by heat. Such
apparatus substances are sterilized by membrane filtration INR- 10,000

13 Sonicator It is used to rupture cells using high-frequency INR- 15,600


14 Magnetic stirrer In the preparation of solutions, certain chemicals

require stirring for a long time, to be dissolved in
INR – 2,000
certain solvents. The magnetic stirrer is used to
dissolve such substances easily and quickly.

15 Hot plate The hot plate is used to heat chemicals and INR- 3,000
reagents. The hot plate is made of an iron plate,
which gets heated by an electric heating element
from below

Other general products:

1. Computers
2. Microscope
3. Spectrophotometer
4. pH meter
5. PCR Thermocycler
6. Refrigerated Centrifuge
7. Ultra-centrifuge
8. Gas Chromatography (GC)
9. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
10.Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)
11.Paper Chromatography
12.Column Chromatography and
13.Electrophoresis Unit
Chemicals required:

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

1. Selective Media:
a. MacConkey Agar
b. EMB Agar
c. Mannitol Salt Agar
2. Differential media:
a. MacConkey Agar
b. Blood Agar
These media are used for testing biochemical activities of bacteria, which help
in their identification. A list of important biochemical media used in the
biochemical tests performed for the identification of different bacteria is given
SI.No. Biochemical Tests Biochemical Media
1. Indole test Indole broth

2. Methyl red test MR-VP broth

3. Voges-Proskauer test MR-VP broth

4. Citrate utilisation test Simmons citrate agar

5. Oxidation-fermentation test (O/F Hugh-Leifson glucose broth

6. Amino acid decarboxylase test Amino acid decarboxylase
7. Urease test Urea agar

8. Nitrate reduction test Nitrate broth

9. Triple sugar iron (TSI) test Triple sugar iron agar (TSI
10. Gelatinase test Fraizer’s gelatin agar

11. Starch hydrolysis test Starch agar

12. Lipid hydrolysis test Tributyrin agar

13. Deoxyribonuclease (DNase) test DNase agar

14. Phenylalanine deaminase test Phenylalanine agar

15. Ortho-nitrophenyl galactoside te Triple sugar iron agar (TSI
(ONPG test) st agar)

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

16. Hydrogen sulphide test Triples sugar iron agar (T

agar)/Cysteine broth SI

17. Carbohydrate fermentation test Carbohydrate broth

18. Litmus milk test Litmus milk broth





The application of modern microbiology laboratories in developing

countries like India has great prospects. Necessary efforts in the form of
financing policies, technologies, collaboration, etc. will help us to realize the
inherent potentials and immerse contribution to scientific development. Clear
indication states that consistency, great leadership, teamwork, human and
infrastructural capacity building, good networking, and collaboration are keys to
establishing a sustainable system. Presently, a multipurpose general
Microbiology research and development laboratory is being proposed to
facilitate basic to modern activities related to curriculum-based and research
too. It is hopeful that the impetus will keep building up, and more innovative
strategies will be put in place to harness the utilization of microbiology tools in
our firm.

Exercise – 10
Prepare an E-mail stating the advantages and shortcomings of online learning to your
uncle, assuming that he is the principal of a higher secondary school. Compose in the
right format.

right format.

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Subject: Advantages and shortcomings of online learning - reg
Dear Uncle,
I hope you are doing good in this pandemic situation. Being the principal of the
school, you might have loads of responsibilities on your shoulder and the major among
them would have been online classes. Well uncle, as a student even I have experienced
online class and eventually I have come up with some pros and cons of online learning.
The advantages are:
Online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to students. Online
learning has a number of tools such as videos, PDFs, podcasts, and teachers can use all
these tools as part of their lesson plans. By extending the lesson plan beyond traditional
textbooks to include online resources, teachers are able to become more efficient educators.
Another advantage of online education is that it allows students to attend classes from any
location of their choice. It also allows schools to reach out to a more extensive network of
students, instead of being restricted by geographical boundaries. Additionally, online
lectures can be recorded, archived, and shared for future reference. This allows students to
access the learning material at a time of their comfort. Since online classes can be taken
from home or location of choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on
lessons. Thus, online learning offers students the accessibility of time and place in

Well I had even observed some shortcomings of online learning. The disadvantages are:

For many students, one of the biggest challenges of online learning is the struggle with
focusing on the screen for long periods of time. With online learning, there is also a greater
chance for students to be easily distracted by social media or other sites. Therefore, it is
imperative for the teachers to keep their online classes crisp, engaging, and interactive to
help students stay focused on the lesson. Another key challenge of online classes is internet
connectivity. While internet penetration has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few
years, in smaller cities and towns, a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem.
Without a consistent internet connection for students or teachers, there can be a lack of
continuity in learning for the child. This is detrimental to the education process. Apart from
this there are many other cons too.

Uncle, I know it might be hard for you to manage all this but I also know that you are a
responsible person and would handle everything with ease. I pray that all your students get
the benefit of online learning and may the cons turn to become pros. Well Uncle, I am
eagerly waiting to meet you and I hope that day is not far. Take care of yourself and the
entire family.

Your loving niece,

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44


Exercise – 11
Assume yourself that you are a final year student of Information Technology. You have
come across in LinkedIn the vacancies for the post of Product Verification Engineer.

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Draft an application to a company’s managing director, assuming required/relevant

details. Attach your Resume as well.



No. 3, Thirumalai Street,
Kalaignar Nagar, chennai-607303

The Managing director,
RJ Corporation,
No. 15 Kannappar Tidal Street,
New Colony, Porur,
Chennai – 600056

Respected Sir,
Sub: Application for the post of Software Engineer – Reg,
I wish to apply for the post of Software Engineer advertised on LinkedIn website dated on
I am currently studying B.Tech IT in Sri Sairam Engineering college. I have basic knowledge
about web and app development. I have developed a website and have also built an app. I am
also good at coding. My base is C Language and Python. I had attended numerous workshops
in my field. I had also completed Certified Cyber Security course in Cisco Networking
Academy. I have also done two internships previously. Apart from this, I have good
communication skills and my academic requirements matches your profile. I had also
attached my resume for your kind perusal.

Thanking you

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Yours Faithfully,


Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44


I SURYA T declare that the statement mentioned above is true to the best of my

DATE:8th Jun 2021 SIGNATURE:

Exercise – 12
Prepare a Vision Statement, assuming that you are the CEO of a multinational
automobile firm

Sri Sairam Engineering College
Sai Leo Nagar, Chennai-44

Company Name: ABBA tech solutions

Vision Statement:

AT tech. is an Indian multinational company that develops, manufactures,

licenses, and sells technology products, including computer software,
electronics, and personal computers. It is also one of the largest corporations in
the world, alongside companies such as Apple, Inc. and, Inc. It
also creates local opportunity, growth and impact in every community and
country around the world.


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