Research Methology: Objectives of The Study

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Analysing The Marketing Of Consumer Product (Both Durable And

Non-Durable Products) In Rural Area.



Any task without sound objective is like tree without roots. Similarly, in case of any research study undertaken,
initially the objectives of the same are determined and accordingly the further steps are taken on. A research
study may have many objectives but all these objectives revolve around one major objective which is the focus
of the study. In this study, the focus is on the emergence of Rural markets as the most happening market on
which every marketer has an eye. And so, this study will be based on studying the emergence of rural market in
various contexts. The main objective of the study is to analyse and present the marketing of consumer product
in rural areas.
The following objectives have been set forth. They are to:
1. Present a rural market perspective.
2. Examine the product and brand penetration in rural markets.
3. Present a profile of Indian rural market.
4. Present marketing strategy frame for marketing consumer product in rural areas.
5. Study and analyse the consumer behaviour in rural markets.
6. Analyse marketing of consumer product in rural markets.


The study is restricted to selected districts of ORRISA. Further, product and brand penetration are examined.
As regards marketing of consumer product in rural areas, the study analyses product from non-durable
category (a tea, shampoo, coffee, bathing shop, detergent) and from durable category (a television, watch,
refrigerator, fan and bicycle).

Sample Unit:
1. Working people (basically farmers, labours)
2. Senior citizen
3. School students
4. College students

Sample Region:
1. I have selected Orissa, Of ORISSA as the area of the study.
2. I have chosen ANGUL, GANJAM, NUAPADA, and some part of JHARSUGUDA as an area of research.


1. PRIMARY DATA: It will be collected with the help of a self-administrated questionnaire. This
questionnaire aims to gather information related to various branded products.
Questionnaire Design:
As the questionnaire is self-administrated one, the survey is kept simple and user friendly. Words
used in questionnaire are readily understandable to all the respondent. Also, technical
jargons ae avoided to ensure that there is no confusion for respondents.

2. SECONDARY DATA: It will be collected with the help of books, research papers, magazines,
newspapers, journals, internet, etc.

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