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Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20

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Advances in technologies for the measurement of uranium in diverse matrices

D.P.S. Rathore ∗
Chemical Laboratory, Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research, Department of Atomic Energy, Pratap Nagar, Sector-V Extension, Sanganer, Jaipur 302030, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An overview of the advances in technologies, which can be used in the field as well as in a laboratory for
Received 8 May 2008 the measurement of uranium in diverse matrices like, waters, minerals, mineralized rocks, and other ben-
Received in revised form 14 June 2008 eficiation products for its exploration and processing industries is presented. Laser based technologies,
Accepted 16 June 2008
ion chromatography, microsample X-ray analysis method followed by energy dispersive X-ray fluores-
Available online 25 June 2008
cence technique (MXA–EDXRF), sensors for electrochemical detection followed by cyclic voltammogram
and alpha liquid scintillation counting techniques are the most promising techniques. Among these tech-
niques, laser fluorimetry/spectrofluorimetry, in particular, is the technique of choice because of its high
Uranium measurement technologies
performance qualification (PQ), inherent sensitivity, simplicity, cost effectiveness, minimum generation of
Automation analytical waste, rapidity, easy calibration and operation. It also fulfills the basic essential requirements of
Diverse matrices reliability, applicability and practicability (RAPs) for the analysis of uranium in solution of diverse matri-
Future trends ces in entire nuclear fuel cycle. A very extensive range of uranium concentrations may be covered. Laser
fluorimetry is suitable for direct determination of uranium in natural water systems within the ␮g L−1
and mg L−1 range while differential technique in laser fluorimetry (DT-LIF) is suitable for mineralized
rocks and concentrates independent of matrix effects (uranium in samples containing >0.01% uranium).
The most interesting feature of TRLIF is its capability of performing speciation of complexes directly in
solution as well as remote determination via fiber optics and optrode. Future trend and advances in lasers,
miniaturization and automation via flow injection analysis (FIA) has been discussed.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Available technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1. Laser based instrumental techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.1. Laser fluorimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.2. Time-resolved laser-induced fluorimetry (TRLIF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.3. Laser-induced kinetic phosphorimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2. Ion chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3. Microsample X-ray analysis method followed by Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique (MXA–EDXRF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4. Calixarenes and calixarence-based sensors (calixarenes coated gold electrode as a sensors for electrochemical detection of uranium). . 16
2.5. Alpha liquid scintillation counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3. Conclusions and trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1. Introduction contains nearly about 4 mg kg−1 uranium, 12 mg kg−1 thorium and

practically no plutonium. Natural uranium has two main isotopes,
Uranium, thorium and plutonium are the basic elements for uti- 238 U (99.3%) and 235 U (0.7%). 235 U is the only naturally occurring

lization of “nuclear fission” energy [1]. On average, the earth’s crust ‘fissile’ material. The extra available neutrons after maintaining the
chain reaction are utilized in transmuting the naturally occurring
238 U and 232 Th isotopes to produce man-made fissile isotopes

∗ Fax: +91 141 2791126. 239 Pu and 233 U, respectively. 238 U and 232 Th are called ‘fertile’

E-mail addresses:, isotopes. The fission energy is utilized in a nuclear power reactor

0039-9140/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
10 D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20

for generation of electricity or in a nuclear explosive device for teristic of the uranyl ion originates in a triplet states and decays
blast and thermal radiation damage. The fission process emits exponentially. The emission spectrum is quite characteristic, with
about 200 MeV per fission while a chemical reaction occurring three regularly spaced peaks at approximately, 494, 516 and 540 nm
in fossil fuels releases about 2–4 eV only per atom of carbon. The of strong O U O bonds [4]. Thus, this enhancement of fluorescence
fissile and fertile materials are used only for generating fission effects in laser-dyes is brought about by imposing rigidity on the
energy and additional fissile materials, respectively, while fossil flexible molecular framework by internal chemical bonding or by
fuels like coal or oil have several applications other than generating freezing-out rotational motion by use of a highly viscous solvent.
energy. These fissile materials led to the development of ‘nuclear Moreover, whether excitation occurs in the ultraviolet, the so-called
explosive devices’ based on weapon grade 239 Pu (<10% 240 Pu) and singlet absorption, or in the visible region, triplet absorption, the
high enriched uranium (HEU: >90% 235 U). Since there is no formal emission spectrum, lifetime, and intensity of optically excited solu-
exchange of uranium as is for other commodities like gold or oil, tions of uranyl nitrate are comparable [8].
uranium is, therefore, an element of strategic importance. There are many methods for the determination of uranium
Uranium is nearly ubiquitous, [2–4] due to its polyvalence (+4, in geological materials [9]: gravimetric, volumetric, spectropho-
+6), large atomic radius (0.97 Å), high chemical reactivity, relative tometric, fluorimetric, radiometric and XRF analyses. Choice of a
solubility of U(VI) compounds in aqueous solution, and relative particular method depends primarily on the nature of the sam-
insolubility of U(IV) compounds. Uranium forms many compounds, ple being analysed and on the amount of uranium in it. Analytical
enters in to the structure of many minerals and disperses readily. techniques with sufficient sensitivity in aqueous solutions include
Due to charge discrepancy, some limited U(IV) substitution occurs neutron activation [10], fission track [11] and optical fluorimetry
for Ca(II) in apatite, sphene, and fluorite but it undergoes exten- [12]. In conventional fluorimetric method [12,13], after solvent-
sive isomorphism with Th(IV) due to similar charge and radius. In extractive separation of uranium from accompanying matrix, the
primary minerals, such as pitchblende/uraninite or coffinite, ura- liquid sample containing uranium compound is first evaporated
nium occurs in the quadrivalent state. Under oxidizing conditions, carefully to dryness and the residue is fused at a high tempera-
hexavalent uranium appears as the uranyl ion, UO2 2+ (VI), which ture with a carbonate–fluoride flux to produce a solid disc. The
is linear and polar in nature. Uranyl ion is very stable, maintains disc is then placed in an optical fluorimeter where it is illumi-
identity through many chemical transformations, as found in many nated by ultraviolet light to cause the fluorescence of uranium. This
secondary uranium minerals. Cations in these secondary miner- conventional fluorimetric method of analysis for uranium in aque-
als are loosely held, added or removed by base exchange reactions ous samples suffers from a lack of sensitivity, limited precision,
without touching the UO2 keyed layer structures in solids repre- and complicated time-consuming preparative chemistry. More
sented by the general compositions, such as, A[(UO2 )(RO4 )]XH2 O; recently, Hou and Roos [14] reviewed the critical comparison of
B[(UO2 )(RO4 )2 ]XH2 O; B[(UO2 )(CO3 )2 ]XH2 O; where A = K(I), Na(I), radiometric and mass spectrometric methods for the determination
H(I); B = Ca(II), Ba(II), Mg(II), Cu(II), Fe(II), Pb(II); R = P(V), As(V),V(V). of uranium and other radionuclides in biological, environmental
These secondary minerals are variably soluble in aqueous solu- and waste samples. In this article, different radiometric meth-
tion. Uranium in significant concentrations may be transported ods, such as gamma (␥)-spectrometry, alpha (␣)-spectrometry,
throughout a wide range of Eh and pH conditions as various and beta (␤)-counting, and mass spectrometric methods, such
uranyl complexes. In this way, uranium is a relatively mobile ele- as ICP-MS, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), thermal ion-
ment in many surface or near-surface environments. Geochemical ization mass spectrometry (TIMS), resonance ionization mass
exploration methods and its prospecting can be based on the mea- spectrometry (RIMS), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)
surement of trace quantities of the metal itself in waters, soils, and glow discharge mass spectrometry (GDMS) and their appli-
sediments or rocks. Since, uranium is its own best indicator, there- cation for the determination of radionuclides are compared. The
fore, a better precision at all concentration levels is essential. application of on-line methods (flow injection/sequential injection)
It is only hexavalent uranium [4,5], U(VI), present in the for separation of radionuclides and automated determination of
uranyl ion, UO2 2+ (VI) phosphoresces with a relatively long life- radionuclides is also discussed. This review paper will be helpful
times of ␮s, while uranium of other valencies being essentially to the analysts and researchers to select the most suitable tech-
non-luminescent at the wavelengths of excitation used for its deter- niques as well as to improve upon the analytical capabilities for
mination by fluorimetry [6]. Laser-induced spectroscopic studies such applications.
of uranium(IV) have shown fluorescence properties observed in With advancements in electronics, instrumentation and
the UV–vis region with the lifetime <20 ns at room temperature automation at microlitre liquid delivery lines controlled by micro-
by excitation light at 245 nm, which is corresponding to the 5f–5f computers, there is a great pressure to change/or replace the age
electronic transition (=40820 cm−1 ) of this element in this oxida- old conventional time-consuming extractive methods [9,12,13] for
tion state [6]. Thus, uranyl compounds have a distinct well-known uranium determination in diverse matrices, owing to the skilled
characteristic long-lived green luminescence which can be isolated manpower necessity, minimization of generated analytical wastes
by optical filters and measured as intensity with a photodetector to and rising costs, even in the developed countries [15,16].
give an indication of the uranium concentration in a sample. In an In this review article, an overview of the advances in tech-
ion as heavy as UO2 2+ (VI), it is in fact arguable whether or not elec- nologies for the determination of uranium in diverse matrices is
tronic states of pure character exists [8,9]. The origin of the visible presented. Special emphasis is placed on the wide utility of laser
luminescence of the uranyl ion has been attributed to both fluo- fluorimetry/spectrofluorimetry.
rescence and phosphorescence [7,8]. The luminescence intensity,
radiative lifetimes and spectral resolution in the emission from the 2. Available technologies
optically excited uranyl ion were all remarkably enhanced in the
presence of high concentrations of acid (protons), base (hydrox- 2.1. Laser based instrumental techniques
ide ions) and pyrophosphate. This enhancement effects are partly
due to increases in absorptivity at the excitation wavelengths used, The laser based instrumental techniques, such as, fluorime-
but mostly arise from the formation of chemical complex having ter/spectrofluorimeters/phosphorimeters were evolved during the
vibronic structure, in which the UO2 2+ (VI) ion acquires a higher past three decades, utilizing the half-life of phosphorescent uranyl
probability for radiative transitions. The green emission charac- compounds and its decay as a diagnostic method for the low cost,
D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20 11

sity at pH ∼ 8 by adding a phosphate buffer as well as for optimum

masking efficiency for other interfering metals.
During these years, this technique has grown and utilized
the potentialities for its wide and diverse applications for the
determination of uranium in rocks, minerals, mineralized rocks,
mineral beneficiation products, concentrates, etc. for exploration
programmes and U-processing industries. Different laser fluorime-
ters are shown in Fig. 2(a–c).
In view of the rapidity and simplicity of measurement by laser
fluorimetry, the main emphasis was either on developing new
fluorescence-enhancing reagents or on methods of measurements
for different types of sample matrices. Several workers have devel-
oped methods for the determination of uranium in matrices, like
rocks, soils and sediments, mineralized rocks, concentrates and
other U-rich materials, in which sample matrix effects are either
eliminated by dilution of sample solution to such an extent that
quenching by impurities no longer influences the analysis, or
the separation of the uranium from the quenchers by extraction,
Fig. 1. Variation of the time constant of decay of intensity of the phosphorescence compensation of matrix effects by use of an internal standards
of uranium (VI) with the concentration of uranium, in an aqueous solution [5]. (standard addition), or other methods. Romanovskaya et al. [17]
suggested the possible use of polysilicates instead of Fluran reagent.
A method involving the separation of uranium from water sam-
simple and direct determination of uranium at ␮g L−1 levels in nat- ples by co-precipitation with calcium fluoride and measurement
ural water samples for hydro-geochemical reconnaissance surveys of its laser-excited fluorescence has been developed by Perry et
for uranium. al. [18]. The reported detection limit of uranium is 10−5 ␮g L−1 .
Harms et al. [19] proposed a method for the determination of
2.1.1. Laser fluorimetry uranium in plant ashes and McHugh [20] analysed various min-
In this technique [4], the heart of the system is the light source – erals by laser fluorimetry by fusing the samples with solid KOH.
a compact sealed nitrogen laser, which emits ultraviolet (337 nm) Tikoo and Murty [21] determined uranium in water and geological
short-lived pulses (3–4 × 10−9 s) at a repetition rate of 15 pulses per samples by decomposing the materials with HNO3 –HF and fusing
second. A laser is used in preference to other sources of ultravio- the residue with Na2 O2 using a mixture of ammonium dihydro-
let light because the resultant pulse is intense yet self-terminating, gen phosphate and phosphoric acid as a fluorescence-enhancing
monochromatic, and highly directional; the full output power is reagent. However, it was found that this fluorescence-enhancing
thus easily directed and focused on the sample cell. The phospho- buffer is unsuitable for water samples due to severe quenching by
rescence in the cell is detected by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) halides, in particular, chlorides [15]. The quenching effect in laser
isolated by a green-transmitting filter (480–540 nm). This tech- fluorimetry has also been studied repeatedly [22,23]. Campen and
nique comprises the steps of exciting the uranyl ion in the sample Bachmann [22] presented a comparative analytical performance of
by projecting electromagnetic energy of suitable wavelengths and laser fluorimetry with other techniques. Zook et al. [23] developed
measuring the decay with time of the uranium phosphorescence a versatile, direct method for the determination of trace amounts
after the termination of the incident electromagnetic radiation. of uranium in solution utilizing pulsed laser fluorimetry and a
This technique is based mainly on the following observations pyrophosphate fluorescence-enhancing reagent. Authors claimed
[5]: (1) At a very low concentrations (U less than 1 mg L−1 ), the the measurement with a 2–3% relative standard deviation and accu-
half-life of phosphorescence of uranium in an aqueous solution rate to better than 1% in the 0.01–4 mg U kg−1 range. The detection
increases very rapidly as the concentration decreases, (Fig. 1). (2) limit is 0.005 ␮g L−1 uranium. Time required per determination was
At low uranium concentrations, the effect of adding certain anions, 6 min. A special feature of the method was the use of a standard
notably polyphosphates, to the sample to be tested is to increase addition technique to eliminate sample matrix effects. The most
markedly the initial quantum yield. At the same time there is no interesting and simplified application of standard addition method
enhancement of organic luminescence by the addition of these is in the determination of uranium by laser-induced fluorescence
anions, and, thus such addition can be used to enhance the ura- technique in hydro-geochemical samples (water samples) each dif-
nium luminescence selectively. A phosphate taken from the group fering widely in its matrix composition [9,23,24].
pyrophosphate, tripolyphosphate, tetraphosphate, trimetaphos- Whitkop [25] reported a method for trace analysis of uranium
phate, tetrametaphosphate and hexametaphosphate is effective. in plutonium process stream samples containing large quantities
This family of reagent is sensitive to acid and will decompose even- of fluorescence quenchers. The effect of quenchers was eliminated
tually to simple monophosphates in highly acidic solutions. The by selective extraction of uranium from an aqueous sample into
monophosphate solutions so generated are considerably less effec- tri-n-butyl phosphate, with subsequent stripping into dilute phos-
tive in stimulating the luminescent efficiency of the uranyl ion. A phoric acid phase, and followed by its determination using the
buffer is, therefore, added to reduce the acidity of the solution. standard addition method by laser fluorimetry. The reported detec-
Since the phosphorescence enhancement is pH-dependent. The tion limit of uranium is 1 ␮g L−1 . The precision of the analysis was
polyphosphate was added to buffer in the ratio of about 1 to 10. The in the range of ±7% relative standard deviation. Veselsky et al.
primary function of the fluorescence-enhancing agent (complex- [26] have developed a procedure for determination of uranium in
ing agent + buffer) is the formation of the single phosphorescent minerals by decomposing the samples with HNO3 –HF–HClO4 in
uranyl species, but it also acts as a strong complexing agent for Teflon beakers, the sample residue was then dissolved in 2 ml of
other metals in solution to reduce their effects on uranyl lumi- HNO3 (1 + 25) + 10 ml of Ca(NO3 )2 –EDTA solution (400 g of calcium
nescence. The pH of the polyphosphate (pyrophosphate) solution nitrate and 6 g of disodium EDTA + 100 ml of water; warm until dis-
was maintained at the optimum value for phosphorescent inten- solved), followed by extraction with isobutyl methyl ketone (IBMK)
12 D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20

by laser-induced luminescence registration of its polysilicate com-

plexes. Premadas and Saravanakumar [28] used laser fluorimetry
for the direct determination of uranium at trace level using sodium
pyrophosphate as fluorescence-enhancing reagent and used the
calibration method as well as standard addition/spiking in rutile,
zircon, and monazite minerals and after separation in ilmenite, soil,
sediment, coal fly ash and red mud samples. The major problems in
the uranium determination of these minerals are: (i) preparation of
a clear sample solution, (ii) presence of interfering elements at very
high concentrations and (iii) accurate determination of uranium
at trace level (10 mg kg−1 or less). Ilmenite sample is decomposed
by heating with ammonium fluoride. Rutile, zircon and monazite
minerals are decomposed by fusion using a mixture of potassium
bifluoride and sodium fluoride. Environmental and industrial waste
materials were brought into solution by treating with a mixture
of hydrofluoric and nitric acid. Rathore et al. [15] studied acidic
buffer mixtures containing different dihydrogen phosphates plus
phosphoric acid as a uranyl fluorescence-enhancing reagents in
laser fluorimetry. An accurate and precise method for uranium
determination in mineralized rocks and concentrates was devel-
oped, in which interferences were eliminated by dilution of sample
aliquot using push-button microlitre pipettes (taking advantage of
high sensitivity and selectivity of laser fluorimetry) thereby bring-
ing the concentration of uranium within the operational range of
the instruments and computing the results using differential tech-
nique. These single push-button pipettes [29] combine superior
accuracy (±0.6%) and precision (<0.2%) over the volume range from
100 to 1000 ␮L, with ease of use for applications where one cannot
afford to make mistakes, and were found to be most suitable for
single step large dilutions. The authors utilized the technique used
in differential spectrophotometry for selecting the appropriate ref-
erence standard concentration to obtain the maximum precision
possible in any given analysis and introduced differential technique
in laser fluorimetry (DT-LIF). Differential technique (DT) [15,16] is
based on the comparison of the fluorescence of the reference solu-
tions or certified reference materials with a sample of similar but
unknown concentration on the same sample weight or dilution
basis, wherein all samples are subjected to exactly the same proce-
dures and measurement steps such that the whole methodology is
checked [9]. A simple one- or two-step dilution of sample solution
with distilled water removes matrix effects (linear decrease in ura-
nium content but an exponential decrease in quenching effects).
This method is free from high concentration of nitric acid and
matrix effects because of microlitre sample volumes as per the pre-
scribed procedure [15,16]. It was interesting to note that in practice,
the accuracy and precision of DT was found to be comparable with
differential spectrophotometric technique as well as to classical
titrimetry and gravimetric methods. Since DT fulfills the essen-
tial requirements of both equipment and method calibration [30],
it is, therefore, a self-standardized and an absolute methodology
by using standards of accurately known concentrations, such as,
certified reference materials [16,30].
In laser fluorimetry, the choice of the fluorescence-enhancing
reagent is of great importance and depends mainly on the matrix
Fig. 2. (a) UA-3 Uranium analyser (Scintrex, Canada). (b) Digital laser fluorimeter
composition (presence of quenching and/or absorbing species)
(fabricated by India). (c) Laser uranium analyser (miniaturized – fabricated by RRCAT,
INDORE, India).
and uranium concentration level. The desired acceptable precision
at different concentration levels in an instrumental technique is
achieved by the choice of mainly two aspects [31]: (1) choice of
and back extraction with 10 ml of 0.001 M HNO3 and subsequent ideally suited (fluorescence-enhancing) reagent systems, and (2)
measurement using laser fluorimeter. Kochan and Shuktomova different methods of measurement.
[27] reported a method for microamounts of uranium determi- A comparison of different techniques for the determination of
nation in soils after separation of uranium from luminescence uranium in diverse matrices [9,16,31] is presented in Table 1.
quenchers from liquid preparations by precipitation in strongly Later, a digital read-out laser fluorimeter [32] was fabricated by
basic carbonate medium in the presence of activated charcoal (as Laser Applications and Electronics Division, RRCAT, Department of
a collector of precipitate) and subsequent uranium determination Atomic Energy, Indore, India (weighing 15 kg), Fig. 2(b) [15,32]. The
D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20 13

Table 1
Comparison of the performance of the differential technique with other techniques for the determination of uranium

Conventional fluorimetry9,16 Solvent-extractive spectrophotometry9,16 Classical titrimetric and Differential technique in laser
gravimetric methods9,16 fluorimetry9,16

1. Time consuming, multiple steps 1.Time consuming, multiple steps 1. Time consuming, multiple steps 1. Simple, rapid, easy calibration
operation, and high PQ
2. Separation step is mandatory 2. Separation step is mandatory 2. Separation step is required 2. No separation step is needed,
except in Davies and Gray thus saving of manpower per hour.
titrimetric method
3. Less precision 3. Less precision 3. High precision 3. High precision
4. Moderate accuracy 4. Moderate accuracy 4. Most accurate 4. Most accurate
5. Applicable up to 500 mg kg−1 U3 O8 5. Applicable to >500 mg kg−1 to 1% U3 O8 5. Applicable to more than 5% U3 O8 5. Applicable to dynamic range of
concentration (<0.01% U3 O8 )
6.Analytical waste generated is maximum 6. Analytical waste generated is maximum 6. Analytical waste generated are 6. Analytical waste generated are
maximum minimum (microlitre sample
volumes, no effect of high acidity
of nitric acid)
7. It is a laboratory technique 7. It is a laboratory technique 7. It is a laboratory technique 7. It is a laboratory as well as field

laser intensity response was found to be unaffected with prolonged means, as well as to control monochromator and the position of the
use of the instrument up to more than 3 years [15,16,32]. This is measuring window.
beyond doubt a significant breakthrough in laser design. But, this This technique [33] is based on the fact that it is possible, by
instrument lacks the sensitivity control and range knobs vis-a-vis measuring the decay curve of the fluorescence intensity of uranium,
UA-3 uranium analyser. These two features in Scintrex UA-3 laser to obtain the value of F0 of said fluorescence immediately at the end
fluorimeter have significant advantages. Range knob facility (low of each pulse of the laser shot. Thus, the fluorescence, which is a
and high range) is useful to increase the concentration range of the function of the time F(t) can be written at all instants in accordance
instrument (without the need for dilution of samples) as well as to with the Eq. (1),
exactly know and facilitate the appropriate dilution of samples con-
taining high concentration of uranium. Likewise, sensitivity control F(t) = F0 e−t/ (1)
facility again is more advantageous to calibrate the instruments in in which, F0 is the value of said fluorescence at the end of each pulse
the desired range of concentration and necessary scale-expansion. of the laser shot. Moreover, the value F0 of this initial fluorescence
can be written according to Eq. (2);

2.1.2. Time-resolved laser-induced fluorimetry (TRLIF) F0 = kεItirr. [UO2+

2 ] (2)
This technique [33] specifically has additional features over the
laser fluorimetry such as: (1) it has a dispersive system making it in which k is an equipment factor, F0 is the initial fluorescence, ε
possible to obtain the spectrum giving the fluorescence intensity as is the molar extinction coefficient of the uranyl at the wavelength
a function of the emission wavelength. This spectrum is perfectly of the laser, I is the intensity of the laser line, tirr. is the irradia-
characteristic of uranium; its recording is the only way of ensur- tion time of each pulse, usually approximately 5 ns and [UO2 2+ ]
ing that the actual measured signal corresponds to uranium, and is the concentration of the uranyl molecules in the solution to be
(2) this technique makes it possible to measure the lifetime of the examined.
excited states of the uranyl species or, this amount to the same It can be seen that for given laser operating conditions, value F0
thing, to follow the decay of its fluorescence over a period of time. is proportional to the uranium concentration which is wished to
Thus, it provides vital information concerning the composition of measure. However, this quantity F0 is not generally accessible due
the solution. to the spurious emission phenomena (due to organic substances),
The process for the determination of traces of uranium in solu- which mask the fluorescence of the uranium by being superim-
tion by the known spectrofluorimetry method comprises of exciting posed thereon for a varyingly long time t1 after each excitation
the fluorescence of the uranium molecules in solution in the acid pulse.
phosphate medium (H3 PO4 ) by a pulsed nitrogen laser shot oper- Conversely, on measuring F(t) for different values of the time t
ating on a wavelength of 337 nm and which emits at a frequency chosen beyond t1, in such a way that the spurious fluorescence has
of 30 Hz pulses lasting 5 ns, wherein the exponential decay curve disappeared, it is possible to plot the straight line, whose equation
of said fluorescence is studied for a given wavelength, the value of corresponds to the logarithm of Eq. (1), i.e.:
F0 of said same fluorescence is deduced at the end of each laser LF(t) = L F0 e−t/ (3)

pulse and it is compared with the value F0 obtained for a standard
uranium solution containing a known uranium quantity. Behind By experimentally plotting several points, it is possible to plot a
the measuring cell is positioned a monochromator, which selects straight line, whose slope gives the value of 1/, and the ordinate
the wavelength chosen for examining the fluorescence. The pho- at the origin, the value of the logarithm of F0, which finally makes
tomultiplier, which on its output line, supplies electrical signals it possible to calculate the value of F0. It was found in a remarkable
corresponding at all times to the intensity of the fluorescence emit- manner that, under certain fixed experimental conditions (char-
ted in the measuring compartment. These signals are distributed acteristics of the emitting laser and the geometrical shape of the
between an oscilloscope, thus making it possible to display the measuring container), said value F0 is a constant which is indepen-
signals received and an averaging means which making it possi- dent of the measuring medium. Thus, it is possible by measuring
ble to both position the time reading window beyond time t1 and the value of F0 obtained on a sample to be determined with the

measuring the intensity corresponding to said window position. corresponding value F0 obtained on a standard solution sample
The computer makes it possible to acquire the data from averaging produced in the laboratory and containing a known uranium quan-
14 D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20

tity, to obtain the direct determination of a solution by external (UO2 )3 (OH)5 + and (UO2 )3 (OH)7 − [46]. Moulin et al. [48] also used
calibration, which consists of comparing the result obtained on the convolution procedure for speciation of uranyl species, UO2 2+ and
sample with that of a reference solution. UO2 OH+ ). Couston et al. [49] reported speciation of uranyl species
The studies carried out by Mauchien et al. [33–40] and Moulin et in nitric acid medium by TRLIF based on the assumptions made on
al. [41–53] on time-resolved laser-induced fluorimetry (TRLIF) are spectral distortion, leading to a spectral deconvolution model. With
commendable. Highly methodical and extensive studies related to the use of very well characterized chemical conditions (uranium
the quenching and inner-filter effects were carried out and pre- concentration, pH, ionic strength, atmospheric partial pressure)
sented a general formula accounting for both these effects. and whenever possible, time resolution and then spectral deconvo-
The great advantage of TRLIF is its triple resolution: (1) excitation lution, acquisition of precise fluorescence spectra and lifetimes for
resolution by the proper choice of the laser wavelength (N2 , tripled, different uranium-hydroxo complexes proved to be feasible. Some
or quadrupled Nd:YAG, dye, etc.); (2) emission fluorescence, which more reported results are interesting, such as, speciation diagram of
gives characteristic spectra of the fluorescent cation (free or com- uranium in nitric acid [52] and also uranium fluorescence spectrum
plexed); and (3) fluorescence lifetime, which is characteristic of its in nitric acid, together with the theoretical spectrum obtained for
environment (complexation, quenching). the contribution from free uranyl and the first and second nitrate
These two later types of data provide useful information on complexes. Thus, the applications of TRLIF coupled with spectral
the chemical species present in solution. A detailed studies were convolution will be particularly promising to validate the existence
reported related with the uranyl absorption spectra in various and proportion of uranium species.
nitric acid solutions, ([HNO3 ] from 0.5 to 4.1 M), [43,46]; ura- The state of the arts in time-resolved laser-induced fluores-
nium fluorescence spectrum close to the limit of detection in nitric cence for actinides analysis and trends towards the use of TRLIF
acid; influence of nitric acid on uranyl time-resolved fluorescence for remote determination via fiber optics and optrode as well a
spectrum; uranyl fluorescence decay curves for various nitric acid speciation, are well documented in the literature [54]. The instru-
concentrations; uranyl fluorescence decay curves at various nitric mentation has progressed [47,54]; gas laser have been replaced by
acid concentrations for different temperatures [43] and uranyl flu- solid state laser (tripled to quadrupled Nd-YAG) and monocanal
orescence spectra and main spectroscopic parameters in various detection (photomultiplier) has been replaced by multi-channel
media used in TRLIF [50]. From these studies, it is concluded that the detection (pulsed intensified photodiodes array). Imaging detectors
use of an appropriate gate position eliminates both quenching and based on an image intensifier have been used for the measure-
prefilter effects associated with nitric acid concentration in TRLIF. ment of luminescence [55]. Time-resolved optical array detectors
Complexation studies of radionuclides (such as uranium) are and charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras have been used for
important in order to predict their migration behaviour in natural more than a decade by several companies in equipment designed
systems as well as in nuclear reprocessing medium. Moulin et al. for studying the transient, unstable luminescence phenomena. To
[46] reported various studies related with uranium speciation in measure fast spectral changes, for example in the nanosecond
solution by TRLIF. The most interesting feature of TRLIF is its capa- range, the above devices may be generally coupled with a fast,
bility of characterizing species present in solution by modification gatable, proximity-focused image intensifier [56,57]. By the use of
of the fluorescence spectrum (and lifetime) and thus perform- these imaging detectors, speciation studies of this tetravalent ura-
ing speciation (determination of complexes directly in solution). nium ion can be expected. The evolution of the TRLIF instrument
Studies were reported on the variations in the uranyl fluorescence was finalized by the commercial apparatus FLUO 2001 (DILOR)
spectrum at low concentration (100 ␮g L−1 ) as a function of pH in under CEA license, which is now in operation in several labora-
a non-complexing medium (NaClO4 ); speciation diagram of ura- tories of COGEMA, ANDRA, CEA for various applications in nuclear
nium(VI) and compared uranyl fluorescence spectrum at pH 1 fuel cycle. The main laser source used in TRLIF, nitrogen laser, has
and first hydroxide complex fluorescence spectrum [46]. A total several drawbacks for remote uranium determination in nitric acid;
of nine uranyl species appear in the pH range 2–10 but primarily non-negligible nitric acid absorption at 337 nm, poor beam quality
hydroxide and carbonate complexes. Hence, at pH 1, only UO2 2+ and fiber optics transmission loss. The use of tripled Nd-YAG laser
is present in solution; at pH 4, UO2 OH+ appears; at pH 7, sev- (355 nm) for such purpose has several advantages: lower nitric acid
eral uranyl-hydroxide complexes are present (UO2 OH+ , UO2 (OH)2 , absorption, better beam quality, better fiber transmission and solid
UO2 (OH)3 − , UO2 (OH)4 2− , (UO2 )(OH)3+ ) as well as uranyl-carbonate state technology. Despite lower uranium absorption coefficient at
complexes (UO2 CO3 , UO2 (CO3 )2 2− ); at pH 10, uranyl tricarbon- 355 nm compared to 337 nm, tripled Nd-YAG laser seems promis-
ate, UO2 (CO3 )3 4− is the predominant species. Second, the lifetimes ing as laser source for on-line uranium determination by TRLIF [47].
observed for pH 7 are of the same magnitude and direct speciation Another interesting feature of TRLIF is the possibility to perform
at this pH is not straightforward as too many species are present. remote measurements via fiber optics and optrode [46,54]. Such
Since lifetime obtained for pH 1 (where UO2 2+ is only present) and instrumentation has been developed to carry out determinations
pH 4 (where UO2 OH+ appears) are distinctly different, namely, 2 in glove-box and shield cell. Jia et al. [58] have reported the applica-
and 80 ␮s, respectively, speciation by time resolution is performed. tion of laser-induced optical fluorimetry to the analysis of ultralow
Thus, placing a gate 40 ␮s after the laser pulse allows only the level of uranium. The fluorescence spectrometer includes five major
fluorescence due to UO2 OH+ , which was compared with the flu- components: a pulsed nitrogen laser, optical fibers, an optrode, a
orescence of the free uranyl obtained at pH 1. The same spectrum detector and a boxcar. The fluorescence intensity of uranyl ions is
(for free uranyl) is obtained at pH 4 by placing a gate only 1 ␮s after linear with respect to uranium. The detection limit of uranium in
the laser pulse and with a short duration (to avoid the important 1 M phosphoric acid is 24 ␮g L−1 . This technique can be used for
contribution of the long-time component). Through these mea- the remote, on-line measurement of low-level uranium. Wangen
surements, fluorescence wavelengths are shifted 10 nm between and co-workers [59] have reported the determination of uranyl in
the free uranyl and the first hydroxide complex and lifetimes move aqueous solutions using a fiber-optic-based, time-resolved lumi-
from 2 (for UO2 2+ ) to 80 ␮s (for UO2 OH+ ). By varying pH and ura- nescence sensor. They have coupled TRLIF with the use of a remote
nium concentration in the absence of carbonate ions and at fixed optical sensing device, a flow optrode, by using fiber-optic cables
ionic strength, it was possible, together with free uranyl UO2 2+ , to in order to probe for uranyl in aqueous solutions. The flow optrode
identify spectrally and temporally all the uranium-hydroxo com- incorporates a Nafion membrane through which UO2 2+ can diffuse
plexes, namely, UO2 OH− , UO2 (OH)2 , UO2 (OH)3 − , (UO2 )2 (OH)2 2+ , into a reaction/analysis chamber which contains phosphoric acid,
D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20 15

a reagent which enhances the uranyl luminescence intensity and which can be linearlized to,
excited-state lifetime. The excited-state lifetime measurement pro-
vides information on the chemical environment within the sensor. ln(U(t)) = ln(U(o)) − (Kp + Kq )t (6)
More compact and portable systems using new laser technology
Extrapolation to t = 0 leads to
(microchip laser pumped by diode) [44,54,60] are now being devel-
oped for tracer experiment or uranium monitoring. ln(U(t)) = ln (U(o))t=0 (7)
The fast and sensitive methods were developed for use in the
nuclear fuel cycle for ultratrace determinations of actinides and lan- i.e., the quenching disappears.
thanides [39]. Among the actinides and lanthanides, the ones that This principle was verified, for the quenching effect of chloride
are fluorescent in solution are uranium, curium, americium, and ions and proved up to an effect of 80%.
europium, terbium, dysprosium, samarium, gadolinium, cerium, Thus, plotting the natural logarithm of the emission intensity
thulium [39]. These elements have been studied in different com- as a function of time yields an intercept of ln(U(o)), a direct mea-
plexing media (nitric, phosphoric, sulphuric, carbonate, micellar) surement of the initially created population, independent of matrix
and have been analysed from the ␮g L−1 to the ng L−1 ). It is worth quenching effects. The decay lifetime, , is the reciprocal of (Kp + Kq ),
mentioning that the results of an inter-laboratory round-robin which is the negative reciprocal of the slope in Eq. (6). In this
study of the application of time-resolved emission spectroscopy technique, the time resolution parameters are computer controlled
[61] to the speciation of uranium(VI) in aqueous media were and can be varied in order to obtain the set most suitable for the
presented. As concluded based on these studies, (i) electronic species to be determined. The number of laser pulses was set at 200,
excitation is localized within the UO2 2+ group. (ii) Vibronic fine unless otherwise specified and can be increased to 2000 to enhance
structure is observed in both absorption and luminescence spectra, the sensitivity. In this method, using phosphoric acid as phospho-
and it depends on both the nature and symmetry of the species. rescence enhancing reagent, the severe quenching is due to the
The spectroscopic signature of a given U(VI) species can be made presence of chloride ions, which necessitates either large dilution
through its emission spectrum, not through its lifetime value. (iii) or boiling the sample to dryness with ca. 10% HNO3 ; the residue was
A complete description of the medium (chemical composition and redissolved with ca. 2 M HNO3 and then diluted to a final volume.
total ionic strength value) is necessary to allow comparison of life- Detection limits [7,8,33,62,63] of 1 ng L−1 have been demonstrated,
time for free U(VI), and probable uranyl complexes. Indeed different and in samples with concentrations greater than 100 ng L−1 , rela-
spectral signatures are observed for each emitting uranyl species. tive standard deviations of less than 3% are achieved routinely. In
addition to KPA-11, other different models of kinetic phosphores-
cence analysis (KPA) (KPA-11A, 11R and 11T) are available in the
2.1.3. Laser-induced kinetic phosphorimetry
market [63].
In this technique, a pulsed visible-region dye laser [8,62,63],
can selectively excite the normally spin-forbidden transition to the
excited triplet state in a given vibronic fine structure band of UO2 2+ 2.2. Ion chromatography
and phosphores with a lifetime characteristic of its matrix environ-
ment. A review [64] is available detailing the development of ion chro-
A method is described for measuring uranium in aqueous solu- matography (IC) as a selective analytical tool for the determination
tion comprising [8,62,63]: (a) adding 1.5 ml of 1 M phosphoric acid of toxic metals and their organic species in many environmental
to a 10 ml aliquot of a suitable sample to convert any uranium sample matrices. A brief outline of ion chromatographic principles,
present to a uranyl phosphate complex; (b) irradiating the sample together with an overview of the stationary phases used to sepa-
with a laser light pulse having a wavelength of 425 nm, (laser light rate metals, namely ion exchangers, modified ion pair sorbents and
produced by a nitrogen laser pumped broad band dye laser using chelating ion exchangers, and the methods for detecting metal ions
stilbene 420 dye) a band width of 10 nm, peak power of 50 kW, and including hyphenation with spectroscopy and sample preparation
pulse duration of 5 ns; (c) observing any resultant emissions at a schemes are also given. Developed methods are critically examined
wavelength of 520 nm at timed intervals of 10 ␮s duration during for various metals including arsenic, chromium, cadmium, lead,
the time from 50 to 400 ␮s after the laser light pulse; wherein the mercury, beryllium, aluminium and uranium since 1990. Chela-
natural logarithm of the emission intensity observed in step (c) is tion ion chromatography [65], involving a high efficiency neutral
plotted as a function of time yielding an intercept value which is polystyrene-divinylbenzene resin dynamically coated with 2,6-
directly proportional to uranium concentration. pyridinedicarboxylic acid, has been reported as a novel technique
In this method, the induced phosphorescence may be masked for the quantitative determination of uranium in complex matri-
by laser and Raman scattering, prompt fluorescing organic species, ces. An isocratic separation method, using an eluent consisting
and matrix quenching [33,62]. The scattering and prompt fluores- of 1 M KNO3 , 0.5 M HNO3 and 0.1 mM 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic
cence may be screened out by ignoring those photons generated in acid, allowed the uranyl ion to elute away from matrix interfer-
the first 50 ␮s after the laser pulse. The basis for correction of matrix ences in under 10 min. Detection was achieved using an Arsenazo
quenching is derived directly from the photo kinetics of the emit- III post-column reaction system. Good recoveries were obtained
ting state. If a given population of the uranyl phosphate is placed in from spiked mineral water and sea water and the standard addi-
the emitting excited state then its evolution may be described by tion curves produced good linearity (r2 > 0.997) with a detection
the simple first order differential equation, limit, calculated as twice baseline noise, of 20 ␮g L−1 . The proce-
dure was applied to the determination of trace uranium in standard
dU reference water and sediment samples. The results obtained com-
= (Kp + Kq )U (4)
dt pared well with the certified values for uranium. Two methods
where U, is the concentration of uranium in the emitting excited are described for the determination of uranium [66] in process
state, Kp is the intrinsic rate constant for phosphorescence decay liquors using ion chromatography based on cation separation and
and Kq is a summation for all the various channels of radiation less cation–anion separation with ammonium sulphate–sulphuric acid
deactivation. The integrated form of this equation is: as the eluent. The uranium species is detected spectrophotomet-
rically at 520 nm after post-column reaction with 4-(2-pyridylazo)
U(t) = U(o) exp (−(Kp +Kq )t ) (5) resorcinol. Chromatographic and detector variables, such as eluent
16 D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20

composition and concentration, metallochromic indicator concen- supplied by EDXRF). The MXA sample preparation method offers a
tration and eluent and indicator flow-rates, are discussed. The much higher sample turnout compared to other characterization
method is linear for peak heights up to 15 mg L−1 and has a quan- methods available. The XRF analysis is one of the most rapid means
titation limit of 0.04 mg L−1 using direct injection. A method has of spectrometry, and the MXA sample preparation procedure takes
been reported based on chelation ion chromatography [67], which only about 5 min. The method is very inexpensive. Only supplies
combines selective chelation concentration with analytical separa- (besides reagents) needed for sample preparation are XRF sample
tion and specific detection The selective post-column derivitization cups, X-ray window films, and some micropipettes of appropri-
of uranium is accomplished by using Arsenazo III. The detection ate volume settings. The simplicity of the MXA sample preparation
limit by direct injection (50-␮L loop) is 20 ␮g L−1 of uranium. method may allow application and adaptation for other target ele-
The Eppendorf-Biotronik Portable Ion Chromatograph Model IC ments. The amount of radioactive waste water generated from the
2001-2 is a field-portable ion chromatography instrument made MXA sample preparation procedure is minimal, which is extremely
in Germany [68]. This instrumental technique measures anions and favourable in terms of environmental protection. The minimum
cations in aqueous samples. The instrument is light weight (approx- detection limit of MXA samples is around 180 ␮g L−1 . The appli-
imately 16.5 kg) and is powered by either a rechargeable battery cation of this method includes the tracking of uranium leaching
pack or 110 AC. EB-IC used the following configuration for this test: behaviour in a simulated ground water storage condition and the
two pumps, one for transfer of the mobile phase sample (eluent), analysis of surface water sample. To verify the effectiveness of the
and one for pumping the uranium complexing agent; a uranium MXA sample preparation method, UA-3 uranium analyser was used
separation column; a UV–vis detector; and a notebook computer to measure the same set of uranium sample solutions.
running the Winpeak light. A single time dependent peak which is Some adaptations (to suits the needs for different target ele-
directly proportional to the uranium concentration in the sample ments) include acidification of samples for spot size control for
is detected by the UV–vis detector. dilute samples, switching the X-ray film to a thinner kind, sam-
This instrumental technique rapidly detected the uranium con- ple volume reduction, and XRF parameter adjustments. As long
centration in water, and has a detection limit in the low ␮g L−1 as the samples used for calibration and the real samples have the
range without using the sample concentrating feature. Additional same matrices similar to each other, matrix effects are minimized.
comparisons with on-site laboratory instrumental techniques, Minimizing the matrix effects improves data accuracy. Thus, the
such as, kinetic phosphorimetry and laser-induced fluorimetry are MXA sample preparation method, followed by the XRF analysis,
reported. As claimed by authors, overall, the ion chromatography can provide an affordable, quick, and simple alternative to materials
technique performed exceptionally well providing a detection limit characterization.
of <10 ␮g L−1 and giving rapid (<5 min) accurate and reproducible
results for the water samples with uranium concentrations in the 2.4. Calixarenes and calixarence-based sensors (calixarenes
region of interest (10–40 ␮g L−1 ). The per sample operating cost for coated gold electrode as a sensors for electrochemical detection of
this instrument technique is equivalent to the per sample cost for uranium)
the currently used kinetic phosphorimetry. The time required to
analyse a sample and provide a result is approximately the same Extensive literature survey review is available on “calixarenes”
for the ion chromatography, kinetic phosphorimetry, and laser- since their discovery as by-products of the phenol formaldehyde
induced fluorimetry. bakelites, their different modifications and potential applications
[75–77]. Calixarenes are of particular interest to synthetic organic
2.3. Microsample X-ray analysis method followed by Energy chemists as well as to analytical chemists because they have two
dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique (MXA–EDXRF) regions where the molecule can be modified. Each calix [4] arene
molecule has four positions at the top and bottom that can react.
XRF is a convenient, accurate, and versatile instrument for qual- Therefore, there is enormous potential for making a large number
itative and quantitative analysis. XRF is used in a variety of areas, of molecules. The calixarene molecule is very symmetrical, which
and there continue to be many innovations and new developments means that certain positions may often be of equivalent reactivity
[69–71]. Dewberry [72] outlined a method for determination of (it can either be a help or hinderance). Additionally, some posi-
total uranium amount in solutions. The concentrations of uranium tions may be more or less reactive than others; some will react
examined in that study were 1–15 g L−1 (uranium solutions in 2 M with electron-rich atoms, some will react with electron-deficient
nitric acid). 5 ml aliquots of liquid samples were pipetted in to plas- atoms. These principles can be used to design a calixarene molecule.
tic vials, then each was spiked with 50 ␮l of 40 ␮Ci/ml 109 Cd source. Metals in solution have certain sizes and shapes; so do the differ-
The U L-line measurements were used to determine the amount of ent calixarene cavities. The different members of calixarene groups
uranium. Turner et al. [73] reported a sample preparation method can be made with differently sized and charged cavities which will
called microsample X-ray analysis (MXA). A 50 ␮L droplet of sam- accommodate other entities, such as metal cations and anions. The
ple was deposited on an ultra thin (0.15 ␮m) X-ray window film invention has been reported [76,77] describing methods of syn-
support to dry completely. The resulting residue was then analysed thesizing the novel uranium-attractive calixarene dimers and their
by XRF for various elements other than uranium over a wide range incorporation in to sensors having good sensitivity suitable for use
of concentration. MXA results from river water samples were all in electrochemical analysis for the detection of uranium in solution.
within 12–14% of the known concentrations. Overall MXA results Depending upon the conditions, chemicals will react either at top
were in good agreement with ICP, and GFAA. It was concluded or the bottom of the cup, i.e., the upper or lower rim. By adding dif-
that this method is suited for determination of metal ions at low ferent chemical groups to the calixarene, the chemical and physical
concentrations in environmental waters. MXA procedure was later properties of the molecule can be radically changed. For example, it
adopted for determination of U(VI) in water. Quantitative determi- is possible, by adding certain groups, to make calixarenes adhere to
nation of trace uranium in water by microsample X-ray analysis surfaces. Sulphur-containing groups are particularly good at adher-
sample preparation method [74], followed by the EDXRF analysis, ing to gold surfaces and by attaching sulphur-containing groups to
has been reported. The dried sample residues were analysed on calixarenes it has been shown that they can be anchored to gold
Philips Analytical (Natick, MA) PW4025 Mini Pal EDXRF Spectrom- surfaces. Once the calixarenes are anchored, they can be used as
eter. The instrument is controlled by a personal computer (Software sensors by examining changes in the properties of the surface, for
D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20 17

example when the calixarene surface comes into contact with met- McDowell [87] used the Photon-Electron Rejecting Alpha Liquid
als or vapours. Thus, by anchoring the uranium-loving calixarenes Scintillation (PERALS® ) alpha spectrometer to perform uranium
to a gold surface a sensing method for uranium could be developed. measurements using only 1 ml of URAEX® . The specific measure-
As reported, when the gold surface of an electrode was exposed ment of uranium without extraction of other alpha emitters is
to a solution of the sticky calixarene, a monolayer film of the cal- based on a methodology first developed by Abuzeida et al. [81]
ixarene disulphide formed. Thus, a film just one molecule thick and applied by Duffey et al. [88] for the measurement of ura-
was easily prepared and no specialised or expensive film prepa- nium in water samples by selective and quantitative extraction
ration equipment was required. Once coated, the modified gold from diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) solution in to an
surface was used as an electrode. Gold allows good adsorption of extractive scintillator containing di-2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid
the calixarene dimers on to the surface of the electrode. (HDEHP) acidic extractant and alpha-counting by PERALS® spec-
The calixarene coated gold electrode was then dipped in a trometry. This method offers several advantages over the current
test solution containing uranium and used in an electrochemi- EPA and ASTM standard test methods for uranium in drinking water,
cal technique known as cyclic voltammetry. The potential applied including speed, simplicity, and isotopic information and has been
to the electrode was varied and the resulting current measured. proposed as a new ASTM standard test method.
In the presence of uranium ions, the monolayer film generated a Aupiais [89] further studied the above system and proposed a
distinct signal, which was proportional to the uranium concen- rapid, robust and simple method to measure uranium in all kinds of
tration in the solution. A typical response was obtained using the water samples, even those with very high salinity (e.g. 130 g kg−1 ).
cyclic voltammogram technique; by measuring the peak height, the The method is based on simple chemical treatment, only involv-
concentration of uranium solution could be determined. Thus, by ing addition of DTPA, 0.1 M instead of 0.01 M. Sample preparation
allowing the calixarene molecule to form a film on gold which is is carried out within 2 h for 100 ml samples. One optional step has
only one molecule thick, it becomes highly sensitive to the presence been inserted for a few samples to specifically remove Po because
of uranium cations and can be used as an electrochemical sensor. of interference with the 232 U spike in the alpha energy spectrum.
As reported, the proximity of both the uranyl ion and the calixarene Chemical yield is about 100% for most of water samples. A par-
group undergoing redox reactions to the electrode surface probably ticular deconvolution process of alpha energy spectra is applied
contribute to the superior performance of the sensors in accordance to perform accurate determination. The reported detection limit
with the invention [78]. The composition of the real waste sample is equal to 0.2 ␮g kg−1 i.e., 0.003 Bq kg−1 for 240,000 s counting
was (␮g L−1 ): uranium, 15; beryllium, <1; chromium, 2; iron, 850; time. Reproducibility of the method is within 5%. This method
nickel, 13; copper, 11; zinc, 75; cadmium, <1; lead, 4; mercury, <1; showed very good agreement with international and national inter-
chloride, 380; nitrate, <200. The wastes were analysed using the cal- comparison exercises for various water samples using other tech-
ixarene modified electrode connected to standard cyclic voltametry niques such as, KPA, time-resolved laser-induced fluorimetry and
apparatus, either using the bench top instrument or a portable fluorimetry.
mini-potentiostat connected to a lap-top. The methodology has
shown excellent response to laboratory generated uranium solu- 3. Conclusions and trends
tions and with real uranium containing wastes [76–78]. Therefore,
in effect, Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), UK has developed With the advancement in improved laser design and detector
a portable, novel, inexpensive and reliable field device having a systems, there is a challenging trend in designing miniaturized as
uranium-sensitive electrode. As claimed by authors, the film in the well as automated microanalytical systems via FIA and its sequels.
current device has demonstrated a limit of detection of 5 ␮g L−1 of Ruzicka [90] described the unique features of flow injection anal-
uranium in dilute sulphuric acid. In addition, studies with uranium ysis (FIA), which will change the concept of solution handling in
have shown that calixarenes have fluorescent properties them- the chemical laboratory and make chemical analyses truly com-
selves, but the addition of a fluorescent group may be necessary patible with tools of the computer age by enabling us to design
to increase sensitivity for environmental levels. Fluorescence spec- microchemielectronic devices. Christian [91] discussed the role and
troscopy is an inherently sensitive technique because it measures importance of flow analysis in analytical sciences. A review by
absolute emission and is likely to provide the most viable detec- Luque de Castro and co-workers [92] on valves and flow injec-
tion method. Likewise, developing sensors for other actinides in tion manifolds is commendable. In this review, the functions of
particular, plutonium is underway at AWE. valves—both injection and selection valves—in flow injection (FI)
for manipulating the manifold as a function of both necessities
2.5. Alpha liquid scintillation counting and imagination of the user is reported. Hansen and Wang [93]
reviewed the characteristic of the three generations of FIA, that is,
The advantages of alpha liquid scintillation counting (LSC) over FIA, sequential injection analysis (SIA), and bead injection-lab-on-
other types of detector are the easy sample preparation and the valve. Recently, Hansen and Miro [94] discussed and summarized
high counting efficiency (nearly 100%) due to the large (≈4) solid on the impact of FIA over the last 25 years on our way of performing
angle and the absence of self-absorption [14]. The various extrac- chemical analyses and touched upon many of the novel and unique
tive methods that have been reported for uranium determination analytical chemical possibilities that FIA and its sequels, SIA and
using LSC can be divided in to two types: non-extractive methods lab-on-valve (LOV), have offered. The challenges of microanalytical
[79,80] in which the sample is dissolved in a miscible scintillator systems for routine diverse applications are now well understood
cocktail, and methods in which the sample is measured by extract- and documented [95,96]. A review article by Schwarz and Hauser
ing the nuclide of interest in to the organic phase of a non-miscible [97] on development of detection methods for microfabricated ana-
cocktail. The principal reagents used in the extractive method are lytical devices is worth mentioning. A lot of current work is also
bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (HDEHP) [79–83] and tertiary focused on electrochemical methods as these represent the most
amines [84,85]. Based on the latter type of extractant, Oak Ridge direct approach to the signal conversion. Calixarene based elec-
Laboratory Inc. (ORDELA) has developed uranium extractive cock- trochemical sensors seem more promising [76–78]. More compact
tail URAEX® for measuring aqueous samples. A review of this and and portable systems using new laser technology (microchip laser
other trade extraction cocktails together with their principal com- pumped by diode) [54,60,98] are now being developed for tracer
ponents, has been published by McDowell and McDowell [86]. experiment or uranium monitoring.
18 D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20

Table 2
Figures of merit of different microchemielectronic technologies for the determination of uranium concentration

Type of instrument Technique used Instruments make/manufacturers Detection limitsa References

Laser based instrument Laser fluorimetry UA-3, Uranium analyser (Scintrex, 0.05 ␮g L [4,5,23]
Laser fluorimetry Digital read-out laser fluorimeter, 0.05 ␮g L [32]
RRCAT, Indore, India.
Miniaturized digital read-out laser 0.1 ␮g L−1
fluorimeter, RRCAT, Indore, India
Time resolution spectrofluorimetry Time-resolved laser-induced 1 ng L−1 [33,37]
spectrofluorimetry (TRLIS)
Kinetic phosphorescence analyser The Chemcheck kinetic ∼1 ng L−1 [7,8,62,63]
phosphorescence analyser (KPA),
KPA-11 and others (KPA-11A, 11R and
11T), Inc., USA
Ion chromatography Field-portable ion chromatography The Eppendorf-Biotronik Portable Ion 10 ␮g L−1 [68]
instrument Chromatograph Model (IC 2001-2
EB-IC), Germany and distributed in US
by Analytical Magnetics Inc. (AMI).
XRF Microsample X-ray analysis Philips Analytical PW4025 Mini Pal ∼1 mg L−1 [74]
(MXA)–EDXRF analysis EDXRF Spectrometer, Natick, MA
Sensors for electrochemical detection Calixarenes coated gold electrode Portable-field device having a 5 ␮g L−1 [76,77]
based sensors followed by cyclic uranium-sensitive electrode, AWE, UK
voltammogram technique
Detection limit: as reported by authors as per the IUPAC definition, 3 blank /slope.

The success of laser-induced fluorescence detection is due to its and bonding of fluorescent elements. Fluorescence lifetimes often
high sensitivity. Recently [99], laser instrumentation section, devel- provide accurate information about the physical state of a fluo-
oped world’s smallest sealed-off nitrogen laser module measuring rophore, its hydration status, molecules in its vicinity as well as
only 145 mm × 75 mm × 50 mm with integrated H.V. power supply. possible association with a like fluorophore. Unlike laser fluorime-
Now, they are successful in miniaturizing the digital read-out laser try, the TRLIS can be used for the analysis of other fluorescent
fluorimeter (Fig. 2(c)) version 8.5, specifications: detection limit: actinides and lanthanides in solution, such as, curium, ameri-
0.1 ␮g L−1 , range: 20 ␮g L−1 , excitation source: sealed-off nitrogen cium, and europium, terbium, dysprosium, samarium, gadolinium,
laser, size: 180 mm × 100 mm × 80 mm, power: 12 V DC, weighing cerium, and thulium.
only 2.5 kg and incorporated the software for scale-expansion, spik- In principle, such other reagent systems/analytical procedures
ing and counting mode. Although, this miniaturized device was based on differential technique having minimum steps and direct
found to be more suited for field conditions for the measurement determination of analytes (which need microlitre sample volume
of uranium in hydro-geochemical samples for survey work. But, and measurement at nano or micro level) may prove valuable
this miniaturized version of the instrument unlike the previously absolute methods in other fields of applications of fluorimetry
fabricated laser fluorimeter (weighing 15 kg; Fig. 2(b)), lacks in and also in other modern instrumental techniques, in the areas
consistencies in the signal response (low performance qualifica- of clinical pathology, biochemistry, medical research, pharma-
tion, PQ) for its varied utility for the determination of uranium ceutical industry, inorganic analysis and other related diverse
in the aqueous solutions of diverse matrices on routine basis as applications.
well as for control laboratory. Rathore and Kumar [16] discussed In summary, a judicious use of various available techniques
and outlined the designing of automated compact micro devices to provide quick feed back of analytical results at each phase
based on DT-LIF coupled with flow injection for uranium deter- of uranium exploration programme is essential, with the overall
mination. The advantages will include accurate spatial control objective of greatly increasing the chances of discovering an eco-
of reagents and samples, minimum steps, increased through- nomic deposit at the least possible cost.
put, automation, minimum generation of radioactive waste, cost The figures of merit of different techniques and their commercial
effective, etc., without the need for skilled operators or special instruments available in markets for the determination of uranium
equipments. concentration are summarized in Table 2.The unique relationship
Among the various technologies, laser-induced fluorimetry is between uranium and fluorimetry can be described as: An excellent
the method of choice for such applications, which can be used in the marriage with unlimited versatility.
field as well as in a control laboratory. It also fulfills the basic essen- In future, new generations of automated microfabricated
tial requirements of RAPs: reliability (accuracy and high precision), devices (microanalytical systems/compact portable devices) hav-
applicability (applicable to diverse sample matrices for wide appli- ing high PQ either based on laser fluorescence or calixarene based
cations in entire nuclear fuel cycle) and practicability (inherent electrochemical sensors will become a reality in analytical labora-
high sensitivity, high PQ, simple, rapid and direct, easy calibration tories.
and operation, cost effective). A very extensive range of concen-
trations may be covered, macro quantities in mineralized rocks
and concentrates to traces in rocks (by using either by standard Acknowledgements
addition method or after solvent-extractive separation); directly
in natural waters. Time-resolved laser-induced spectrofluorime- Author thanks Dr. Anjan Chaki, Director, AMD, for his kind
try (TRLIS) is a variant, and complementary to laser fluorimetry permission to publish this work. Thank is also due to Mr. L.K.
for both fundamental and applied reasons. It is used to evaluate Nanda, Regional Director, WR, Jaipur and Dr. D.S.R. Murthy,
the speciation, oxidation state, equilibrium distribution, structure, Head, Chemistry group, AMD/DAE, Hyderabad for their constant
D.P.S. Rathore / Talanta 77 (2008) 9–20 19

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grateful to the reviewers of the manuscript for their invaluable com- [52] C. Moulin, P. Decambox, P. Mauchien, D. Pouyat, L. Couston, Anal. Chem. 68
ments and suggestions in improving the manuscript in the present (1996) 3204.
form. [53] S. Scapolan, E. Ansoborlo, C. Moulin, C. Madic, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 226
(1997) 145.
[54] C. Moulin, P. Decambox, P. Mauchien, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 226 (1997) 135
(and other references cited therein).
References [55] C. Morgan, European Patent, patent no. EP 0 519 930 B1 (July 22, 1998).
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