Chonpkcamgs: Significance of Phase

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A chemical species actively taken up by
organisms & used to maintain its bodily
Essential elements/bioelements:
C H O N P K Ca Mg S

Supply of bioelements are finite or

Have both biotic (within organisms) &
abiotic phase (geochemical/physical) 1. Oxygen in crust: present as silicate &
environment. aluminosilicate minerals- based on
SiO4 tetrahedral unit, as water, O
Continuation of cycles depends upon containing non-silicate minerals- O2-
sustained energy supply, provided by PO42- CO32- SO42-
 the sun 2. Oxygen in the ocean; as H2O which
 internal energy of the earth dissolved in small but significant
Important features: Biogeochemical cycles amount O2 silicate SiO44- sulfate,
are interlinked. NO3- & carbonate

SIGNIFICANCE OF PHASE 3. 3. Oxygen in atmosphere; complex

speciation involves O2 (20.95% by
Not the same for all cycles. vol of dry air), CO2 (0.03% vol dry
air), H2O (0.5-4% by vol of moist
air), O3, oxides of S (SO2, SO3
– Transformation in biotic phase of great
collectively as SOx) sulfate (SO4),
oxides of N (NO, NO2 collectively
P Na K Mg NOx) & N2O & NO3-
– essentially geochemical (little change)
Oxygen in these reservoirs moves through 3
OXYGEN CYCLE separate cycles

 Biggest reservoir (lithosphere) 1. Rock cycle

 Biggest reservoir of free oxygen
2. Water cycle
3. Atmospheric oxygen cycle

Water Cycle
1. as solvent & transport medium-

2. Maintenance of world climate- by

trapping & redistributing solar E

3. Aerobic photosynthesis (CO2 


Circulation of water through the

environment - water cycle/hydrological

Major reservoirs- oceans, atmosphere, ice,

land based (river, lake, ground water) Sulphur Cycle

Water transfer between reservoirs: Carbon Cycle

1. Translocation- surface runoff & wind Joins w other element to form compounds
necessary for life (sugars, starches, fats,
2. Changes in phase- evaporation proteins)
(transpiration & evapotranspiration) ,
Major constituent of living tissues.
Half of the total dry mass of living things.
The cycle is driven by solar E
- which absorption powers the key processes Regulating the Earth’s climate by controlling the
of evaporation & translocation by wind concentration of carbon dioxide in the
The bulk of evaporation- ocean
precipitation in ocean & land Allows carbon to be recycled and reused
throughout the biosphere and all of the
More water enter land via precipitation than organisms.
leave via evaporation
Carbon Pools
Earth’s Ocean Atmospher Terrestrial
Excess water run-off to ocean by rivers &
Crust e ecosystem
ground water seepage Carbon Mostly in In the form In the form of
stored in the form of CO2 , plants,
Human activity has little impact on sedimentary of methane and animals, soils
rocks and dissolve various other and
hydrological cycle hydrocarbo inorganic compounds. microorganism
ns carbon .
Fresh water extraction (for ground & river) (petroleum, stored at Most are
natural gas, great organic
have severe local consequences coal) depths carbon.
Carbon Flux Nitrogen Cycle

The movement of any material from one Used by living organisms to produce
place to another is called a flux. complex organic molecules like amino
acids, protein and nucleic acid.
Carbon flux is the transfer of carbon from
one pool to another. Found in the atmosphere (N2 gas) about 1
million times larger than the total N
Major Carbon Flux
Photosynthesis Land cover change contained in living organisms.
Absorption & Deforestation
combination of CO2 with Agricultural and Other major stores of N include OM in soil
water to from sugar. reforestration and oceans.
Plant respiration Geological process
Release water and CO2 Collectively convert C Important process in N Cycle:
as it uses glucose to into sedimentary rocks
generate energy. within the Earth’s crust.
The bound C would 1. N fixation
eventually be release to 2. Nitrification
the surface through 3. Denitrification
volcano eruption, uplift,
weathering and erosion. 4. N mineralization
Soil respiration Decay of animal and 5. N uptake
When OM in soil plant matters
6. Volatilization
decomposed, CO2 or Fungi and bacteria break
methane is released to down C compounds in 7. Immobilization
the atmosphere. dead animals and plants
to CO2 if O present, CH4 N Fixation
if O absent.
Litterfall Fossil fuel combustion N2 NH4+
Plant shed their leaves, Combustion of OM
root and branches, which oxidizes the C,
transfer carbon to soil. forming CO2.
 Non-biological
Ocean-atmosphere Burning of fossil fuels  Biological (e.g. bacteria)
exchange releases C into the
Inorganic C is absorbed atmosphere at a faster Biological N fixation is estimated to be
and release at the rate than it is removed.
twice as much as total N fixation by non-
interface of the ocean’s
surface and surrounding biological process.
air through the process of
diffusion. By bacteria that has form symbiotic
Dissolved CO2 react with association with plants or other organisms.
water and form H2CO3.
The formation of CO3
allow ocean to store Nitrification
large amount of C.
About 93% of the worlds NH3 or NH4+ NO2- NO3-
CO2 is stored the oceans.
Marine organism also Nitrate is the most plant available form of N,
use carbonate to build
but is also highly susceptible to leaching
losses. This is because nitrate ion has a
negative charge and therefore is not held by
soil particles (which has negative charge) Dead organisms will be consumed by
and so can be washed down the soil profile, bacteria and fungi, thus leads to
leading to decreased soil fertility and nitrate decomposition. The nitrogen contained
enrichment of downstream surface and within the dead organism is converted to
groundwater. ammonium and can be used by plants.

Rapid nitrification occurs when the soil is The ammonium can also be converted to
moist, well-aerated and warm (19-30 °C). nitrate (another form of plant-available form
of nitrogen) through nitrification
However, at temperature below 5 °C or
above 50 °C, the nitrification process would Mineralization is a biological process.
almost stop. Therefore the rates of mineralization vary
with soil temperature, moisture and the
Nitrification requires the presence of amount of oxygen in the soil (aeration).
oxygen, so nitrification can happen only in
oxygen-rich environments like circulating or Mineralization readily occurs in warm (20-
flowing waters and the very surface layers 35 °C), well-aerated and moist soils.
of soils and sediments
N Uptake
The ammonia produced by nitrogen fixing
bacteria is usually quickly incorporated into
protein and other organic nitrogen
compounds, either by a host plant, the
Microbial facilitated process of nitrate bacteria itself, or another soil organism.
Occurs when N is lost through the
Loss of N through the conversion of
conversion of nitrate to gaseous forms of N,
ammonium to ammonia gas, which is
such as nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide
released to the atmosphere.
(N2O) and dinitrogen (N2) gas. This occurs
when the soil is saturated and the bacteria
use nitrate as an oxygen source.

Common in poorly drained soils. Increase at higher soil pH and conditions

that favor evaporation (e.g. hot and windy).
N Mineralization
Volatilization losses are higher for manures
and urea fertilizers that are surface applied
and not incorporated (by tillage or by rain)
Organic N is converted to plant-available into the soil.
inorganic forms and nitrate.
Immobilization 4. Within the soil, organic forms of
phosphate can be made available to plants
Nitrate and ammonium are taken up by soil by bacteria that break down organic matter
organisms and therefore become unavailable to inorganic forms of phosphorus (e.g.
to crops. H2PO4- or HPO42-, also known as
orthophosphate). This process is known as
5. Phosphorus in soil can end up in
Opposite of mineralization. waterways and eventually oceans. Once
there, it can be incorporated into sediments
Temporarily locks up N. The organic N is over time.
converted by mineralization and nitrification
to plant available nitrate.

Phosphorus Cycle

Does not include a gas phase; although

small amounts of phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
may make their way into the atmosphere,
contributing—in some cases—to acid rain.

Very little phosphorus circulates in the

atmosphere because at Earth’s normal
temperatures and pressures, phosphorus and
its various compounds are not gases.

The movement of P through the lithosphere,

hydrosphere and biosphere.

Steps in P Cycle

1. Rain and weathering cause rocks to release

phosphate ions and which is then
distributed in soils and water.
2. Plants take up inorganic phosphate from
the soil. The plants may then be consumed
by animals. Once in the plant or animal,
the phosphate is incorporated into organic
molecules such as DNA.
3. When the plant or animal dies, it decays,
and the organic phosphate is returned to
the soil
NITROGEN 3. Denitrrification
4. Mineralization
Nitrogenous plant compenents: Nucleic acid 5. Immobilization Occur simultaneously in the soil.
(vital for hereditary traits) & Chlorophyll
(photosynthesis) Soil conditions affecting nitrification

Needed to utilize carbohydrates efficiently. Nitrifying bacteria are much sensitive to soil
Stimulates root growth and development,
increasing nutrient uptake by plants. Affect Nitrisomonas and Nitrobacter

How do plant utilize N? 1. Availability of Oxygen

To make Nitrate and Nitrogen
1. Dominant N ions taken up by plants Dioxide. Well aerated soil is
are NH4+ and N03-. preferred. O is usually contained in
2. Plants grow best when using one or the solution phase of the soil.
the other ions, however for some 2. Soil moisture
species both ions in eual amount are O supply is moderated by soil
needed for growth. moisture. Too much water inhibits
3. Different plants are also able to use nitrification.
other forms of N. 3. Temperature
4. Sorghum and rice are efficient in Opt. Temp: 30-35 degree Celcius
uptaking soluble protein N. Nitrification is low at temp below 5
In cold condition, may lead to
accumulation od Nitrogen dioxide in
the soil, toxic effect on plants.
4. Soil pH
Opt. pH: 7-8
Nitrification reduced when pH below
6 and above 8.
5. Pesticides and pollutant
High amount can slow down the
nitrification process, by changing the
Volume of N in dry air: 78.09% process.
High heavy metal content supress N
N from atmosphere (N2) input back in the mineralization.
soil for the use of organisms. 6. Fluctuations in weather
Sudden increase in soil nitrate
N cycles via:
production (irrigation of arid soil,
1. N fixation rain after dry season, aeration by
2. Nitrification tillage).
Rapid decomposition of dead Natural System
microbial cells previously killed in
the dry, hot season. Antropogenic activities have contributed to
the amount and frequency of N introdeuced
Too much N? into the hemisphere.

 Increase plant growth (Large but More N are being introduced by deposition
weak structure) – high rainfall and fossil fuels
 Plants topple over
 Plants mature slower, increasing Internal N cycling in ecosystems are
their vulnerability to pests attacks complex, may not respond the way crop
and diseases. system would.
 Fruits become less nutritious and low This causes N saturation – forest ecosystem
in sugar. are unable to retain N, causing soil
 Nitrate can persist in soil and leaves acidification, losses of Mg & Ca
harming harming livestock and
humans. Reduces tree growth and productivity of
 Environmental degradation and aquatic ecosystems.
downstream water basin.
The downside of N fertilizer
o Increase in N in coastal ecosystem
o Component in ATP, DNA, RNA,
causes eutrophication.
o Causes massive algae bloom.
o Adequate P ensures:
o Depletion of O – anoxia and hypoxia
 Photosynthesis
o Massive kill – dead zones.
 Fruiting
Nitrate in drinking water  Maturation
 Flowering
 E.coli reduces nitrate to nitrite(NO2-)  N fixation
 Nitrite ions are absorbed into blood  Strengthens structural tissues
 Nitrite oxidized Fe2+ in haemoglobin of plants
to Fe3+
 Combination of Hb + Fe3+ P DEFICIENT PLANTS:
(methaemoglobin) decreases O2 o Stunted, thin stemmed, spindly
carrying capacity of blood cells.
o Foliage dark, almost bluish green
 Bluish skin & lips (25%)
o Delayed maturity
 Fatal (60-85%)
o Sparse flowering
o Poor seed quality
o Yellowing & senescence of leaves
o Develop purple color (pigmentation)
THE P CYCLE - Cycle OM – use residues/prunnings
from P efficient plants.
1. Plants absorb P in the soil solution, - Proper liming to maintain soil pH.
mainly as phosphate ions (HPO42- - Inoculate with appropriate fungi
and H2PO4-)
2. Soluble organic compounds are POTASSIUM IN SOIL (K)
taken up.
3. Chemical species of P dependent on Present in soil as cation K+
pH. Does no from gases that could be lost to
4. Acid soil: H2PO4- atmosphere.
Alkaline soil: HPO42-
5. Movement from soil solution to root Behaviour influenced by cation exchange
surface is slow. properties and mineral weathering.
6. Enhanced movement through
Not toxic, does not cause eutrophication, no
mycorrhizal fungi – hyphae
offsite environmental problems when it
leaves the soil system.
7. Plant shed leaves, roots dia, leaf
litter, wastes – returns P to soil. Act as activator in cell enzymes in plant cell
8. Microbes decompose these residues. and animal.
9. Organic form P – slowly mineralized
to soluble form that plant and root Lower osmotic water potential – reducing
absorb. water loss from leaves
10. Leaching generally slow, as P is not
Plants adapt better to environmental stresses
loss in gas form.
11. Losses occur through plant removal, Enhances quality of flowers, fruits and
erosion, P dissolved in surface runoff vegetables – improving flavour, color and
water, leaching to groundwater. strengthening stems.


 Reduced drought tolerance
- Adjust application of fertilizer to suit  Foliar symptoms such as chlorotic
soil status (yellowish) margins on leaves
- Use pellets instead of powder (less  K usually mobile in plant,
likely to undergo fixation reaction) translocated from older to younger
- Combine ammonium with P. Acidity tissue when supply become
produced by oxidization of insufficient
ammonium ions and uptake of  Yellow and die (necrosis)
excess cations as ammonium keeps  Tear in leaf edges
phosphate as a more soluble  Small, white necrotic spots
K cycle Light addition – less waste, less luxury
1. Original source of K are mineral
(mica & potassium feldspar) Return plant residues
2. Plants take up large quantities of K
in the soil solution
3. K in soil: leached from rainfall, plant
residues, animal waste
4. K loss: erosion, runoff water,
leaching into ground water

K problems in soil

1. Large proportion of K is unavailable

to plants.
2. Removal of K by plants is high
3. K is subject to leaching losses

The easily exchangeable condition at any

one time is very small

Plants uptake more K than needed – termed

luxury consumption

Types of K in soil

 Primary mineral structure

 None exchangeable K in secondary
mineral (slowly available)
 Exchangeable K on soil colloids
(readily available)
 K+ soluble in water (readily

K management

Problem: Rate of transformation, from

unavailable to availabel form

Little plant removal – cycling of K between

plant and soil is adequate

If plant removed – add fertilizer

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