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Places to Live – Lakóhelyek

Dave and Linda live in Norwich – a town about 150 kilometres north-east of London. Dave’s got a new job at
Gatwick Airport, south of London. So, they’re looking for a new flat nearer the airport. They don’t want to buy
a house because they both work and they haven’t got time to look after the garden.
Dave would like to live in London, but Linda wants to live in Brighton because it’s by the sea. She’d like to
find a job in a language school.

north-east of London  Londontól észak-keletre

an airport  repülőtér
south of London  Londontól délre
to look for  keresni
a flat  lakás
both  mindkettő
to look after  vigyázni valamire, gondozni
by the sea  a tengernél
to find  találni, megtalálni

Dave and Linda live in Norwich – a town about  150 km-re lévő város észak-keletre Londontól.
150 kilometres north-east of London.  Dave új állást kapott Londontól délre, a
Dave’s got a new job at Gatwick Airport, south of Gatwick repülőtéren.
London.  Így új lakást keresnek a repülőtérhez
So, they’re looking for a new flat nearer the közelebb.
airport. They don’t want to buy a house because  Nem akarnak házat venni, mert mindketten
they both work and they haven’t got time to look dolgoznak, és nincs idejük a kertet gondozni.
after the garden.
Dave would like to live in London, but Linda  Dave Londonban szeretne lakni, de Linda
wants to live in Brighton because it’s by the sea. Brightonban akar, mert az a tenger mellett
She’d like to find a job in a language school. van.
 Dave és Linda Norwich-ban laknak, amely  Egy nyelviskolában szeretne munkát találni.

Dave: But Linda, the airport is nearer London than Brighton – and there’s a train every 15 minutes from
Linda: Yes, I know – but there are trains from Brighton to Gatwick, too.
Let’s go to Brighton next weekend and have a look.
You don’t know Brighton!
Dave: Well, I know I’d like to live in London. It’s more interesting and more exciting than Brighton…
you can do everything there.
Linda: Yes, you can… but it’s also a very expensive city, a lot more expensive than Brighton.
We aren’t millionaires! Brighton’s smaller and quieter than London and…
Dave: …not in the summer when all the tourists come!
Linda: Oh, it’s always quieter than London – the tourists go to London too, all year round.
I think the most important question for us is money – and Brighton is cheaper than London, a lot
Dave: Okay, let’s go to Brighton next weekend and…
Linda: …oh good… you know, I’m sure Brighton is the place for us.


a train  vonat
every 15 minutes  minden 15 percben
let’s go  menjünk
next weekend  jövő hét vége, jövő hét végén
to have a look  megnézni
more interesting  érdekesebb
more exciting  izgalmasabb
everything  minden
You can do everything  Mindent megtehetsz. / Mindent csinálhatsz.
also  is, szintén
expensive  drága
a lot more expensive  sokkal drágább
millionaire  milliomos
all year round  egész évben
the most important question  a legfontosabb kérdés
I’m sure  biztos vagyok benne
the place for us  a nekünk való hely

Dave: But Linda, the airport is nearer London  De Linda, a repülőtér közelebb van
than Brighton – and there’s a train Londonhoz, mint Brightonhoz – és van vonat
every 15 minutes from Victoria. minden 15 percben a Viktóriáról.
Linda: Yes, I know – but there are trains  Igen, tudom – de vannak vonatok
from Brighton to Gatwick, too. Brightonból a Gatwickre is.
Let’s go to Brighton next weekend Menjünk el Brightonba a jövő héten
and have a look. és nézzük meg.
You don’t know Brighton! Te nem is ismered Brightont!
Dave: Well, I know I’d like to live in London.  Nos, azt tudom, hogy Londonban szeretnék
It’s more interesting and more exciting lakni. Sokkal érdekesebb és izgalmasabb,
than Brighton…you can do everything mint Brighton… mindent csinálhatsz ott.
Linda: Yes, you can… but it’s also a very  Igen, valóban… de ez egy nagyon
expensive city, a lot more expensive than drága város is, sokkal drágább, mint Brighton.
Brighton. We aren’t millionaires! Nem vagyunk milliomosok.
Brighton’s smaller and quieter Brighton kisebb és csendesebb,
than London and… mint London és…
Dave: …not in the summer when all the tourists  …nem nyáron, amikor az összes turista jön!
Linda: Oh, it’s always quieter than London –  Oh, mindig csendesebb, mint London –
the tourists go to London too, a turisták Londonba is mennek
all year round. egész évben.
I think the most important question for us Azt hiszem, a legfontosabb kérdés számunkra
is money – and Brighton is cheaper than a pénz – és Brighton olcsóbb, mint London,
London, a lot cheaper. sokkal olcsóbb.
Dave: Okay, let’s go to Brighton next weekend  Jól van, menjünk el Brightonba a jövő héten
and… és…
Linda: …oh good… you know, I’m sure  …oh, jól van…tudod, biztos vagyok benne,
Brighton is the place for us. Brighton a nekünk való hely.


Dave and Linda are at the Brighton Property Office.
The estate agent offers them two flats:

Man: This is a ground floor flat with three bedrooms, a living room and a dining room. It has central
Dave: How old is the flat?
Man: It’s twenty years old.
Linda: How far is it from the sea?
Man: It’s only five minutes from the sea and five minutes from the shopping centre.
Linda: Oh, it sounds great.
Dave: How much is the rent?
Man: 120 pounds a week.
Dave: And what is the other flat like?
Man: It’s thirty years old, on the first floor. It has got two large bedrooms and a large living-room.
Dave: What kind of heating is there?
Man: Electric fires. And it is near the shopping centre and ten minutes from the sea.
Dave: And what about the rent?
Man: It’s 95 pounds a week.
Dave: O.K. thank you for the information.


Linda: I prefer the first flat. It’s bigger, more comfortable than the second, and it’s nearer the sea, too.
Dave: Yes, it’s true, but the rent is more expensive and the shopping centre is farther.
Linda: But the first flat is newer, more modern and the central heating is less expensive.
Look at the photos! It’s the most beautiful, isn’t it?
Dave: But it’s too big for us.
Linda: And what about our children? Two bedrooms are for them and one for us.
And I like the dining-room, too.
Dave: O.K. Let’s rent it then.
a property office  ingatlan-közvetítő hivatal/iroda
an estate agent  ingatlanközvetítő
to offer  ajánlani
ground floor  földszint
a ground floor flat  földszinti lakás
a bedroom  hálószoba
a living room  nappali szoba
a dining room  ebédlő
central heating  központifűtés
a flat  lakás
how far  milyen messze
a shopping centre  bevásárló központ
it sounds great  nagyszerűen hangzik
How much is the rent?  Mennyibe kerül a bérleti díj?
first floor  első emelet
large  nagy
electric fires  elektromos fűtés
thank for…  köszönet valamiért
to prefer  kedvelni, jobban szeretni
comfortable  kényelmes
more comfortable  kényelmesebb
it’s true  igaz
expensive  drága
more expensive  drágább
less expensive  kevésbé drága
the most beautiful  a leggyönyörűbb


Dave and Linda are at the Brighton Property  Dave és Linda a Brightoni Ingatlan-közvetítő
Office. irodában vannak.
 Az ingatlan ügynök két lakást ajánl nekik:
The estate agent offers them two flats:  Ez egy földszinti lakás három
Agent: This is a ground floor flat with three hálószobával, egy nappalival és egy
bedrooms, a living room and one ebédlővel. Központi fűtése van.
dining room. It has central heating.  Milyen idős a lakás?
Dave: How old is the flat?  20 éves.
Agent: It’s twenty years old.  Milyen messze van a tengertől?
Linda: How far is it from the sea?  Csak öt percre van a tengertől,
Agent: It’s only five minutes from the sea és öt percre a bevásárlóközponttól.
and five minutes from the shopping  Ó, ez nagyszerűen hangzik!
centre.  Mennyibe kerül a bérlet?
Linda: Oh, it sounds great.  48 font egy hétre.
Dave: How much is the rent?  És milyen a másik lakás?
Agent: 120 pounds a week.  Ez egy első emeleti 30 éves lakás.
Dave: And what is the other flat like? Két nagy hálószobája
Agent: It’s thirty years old, on the first floor. és egy nagy nappalija van.
It has got two large bedrooms  Milyen fajta fűtés van benne?
and a large living room.  Elektromos. És közel van a
Dave: What kind of heating is there? bevásárlóközponthoz, és tíz percre van a
Agent: Electric fires. And it is near the shopping tengertől.
centre and ten minutes from the sea.  És a bérleti díj?
 95 font egy hétre.
Dave: And what about the rent?  Rendben. Köszönjük az információt.
Agent: It’s 95 pounds a week.
Dave: O.K. Thank you for the information.
 …Később…

 Nekem az első lakás tetszik.
Nagyobb, kényelmesebb,
Linda: I prefer the first flat. mint a második,
It’s bigger, more comfortable than és közelebb van a tengerhez is.
the second,  Igen, ez igaz, de a bérleti díj
and it’s nearer the sea, too. drágább, és a bevásárló központ
Dave: Yes, it’s true, but the rent is more messzebb van.
expensive and the shopping centre is  De az első lakás újabb, modernebb
farther. és a központi fűtés kevésbé drága.
Linda: But the first flat is newer, more modern Nézd a képeket! Ez a legszebb,
and the central heating is less expensive. ugye?
Look at the photos! It’s the most  De ez túl nagy nekünk!
beautiful, isn’t it?  És mi van a gyerekeinkkel?
Dave: But it’s too big for us. Két hálószoba nekik és egy nekünk.
Linda: And what about our children? És tetszik az ebédlő, is.
Two bedrooms are for them and one for  O.K. Akkor vegyük ki.
us. And I like the dining room, too.
Dave: O.K. Let’s rent it then.



The Comparison of Adjectives II. - A melléknév fokozása II.

Longer words (Többszógatú melléknevek)

A is expensive. B is more expensive than A. C is the most expensive.

A is modern. B is more modern than A. C is the most modern.
A is interesting. B is less interesting than A. C is the least interesting.

Szabály: A többszótagos melléknevek elé felfelé fokozásnál

középfokban more,
felsőfokban most,
lefelé fokozásnál
középfokban less,
felsőfokban least szócskát teszünk.

Present Conditional Tense – Feltételes jelen idő

Képzése: would segédige + ige to nélküli alakja

Gyakori használata a like igével kifjezett szerkezet.

Pl.: I would like to buy a house.  Szeretnék venni egy házat.

I wouldn’t like to buy a flat.  Nem szeretnék lakást venni!
Would you like to buy a house?  Szeretnél házat venni?
Yes, I would.  Igen.
No, I wouldn’t.  Nem.
What would you like to buy?  Mit szeretnél venni?

Look, feel, sound … - Érzékelést kifejező igék

It looks nice. It doesn’t look nice Does it look nice?
feels pleasant. feel pleasant. feel pleasant?
sounds terrible. sound terrible sound terrible


Question Tags – Utókérdés

+ -
You are the new secretary, aren’t you?
- +
You aren’t the new secretary, are you?

She can speak Italian, can’t she?
They wouldn’t go there, would they?
You like animals, don’t you?
I’m late, aren’t I?

Exercises - Feladatok

1. Answer the questions

a. Where is Norwich?
b. Where has David got a new job?
c. Why don’t they want to buy a house?
d. Why does Linda want to live in Brighton?

2. What do you know about Dave and Linda?

True False Don’t know

a. They live in Norwich.
b. They like Norwich.
c. Norwich is nearer Gatwick Airport than London.
d. They are looking for a house to buy.
e. They don’t want a garden.
f. Linda wouldn’t like to live in London.
g. Dave thinks London’s more exciting than Brighton.
h. Linda would like to live near the sea.
i. Linda’s got a job in a language school in Norwich.
j. Dave knows Brighton.

3. Write a short description of the flat that Linda and Dave would like to have.

4. Comparison

Use the right forms of the adjectives in the sentences.

expensive, fast, good, beautiful, old, hot, clever, intelligent, dangerous, cold

a. Cars are ............ planes.

b. Skiing is .............. football.
c. Travelling to London is .................. travelling to Vienna.
d. It is ................. day of my life.
e. January is ............. month of the year.
f. Your test is ...................
g. Mark is 40. His friend is 40, too. Mark is .................. his friend.
h. Africa is ...................... continent.
i. Monkeys are .............. dogs.
j. Dolphins are ................. animals in the world.

5. Say sentences with ‘prefer’.

e.g.: I’d like to watch TV. (go to the cinema)

I’d prefer to go to the cinema.

a. I’d like to ski. (climb mountains)

b. I’d like to drink tea (drink coffee)
c. I’d like to eat pizza. (spaghetti Bolognese)
d. I’d like to go to the disco. (theatre)
e. I’d like to read a good book. (listen to music)

6. Translate the sentences.

a. Tom az idősebb fiútestvérem, John a fiatalabb.

b. Mark a legintelligensebb hallgató a csoportban, de Sarah keményebben dolgozik.
c. Edinburgh az egyik legszebb város Nagy-Britanniában.
d. Néhány könyv érdekesebb, mint a többi.
e. Ez a legolcsóbb kalap a boltban.
f. A legdrágább autót veszi meg.
g. A vonatok általában olyan gyorsan mennek, mint a buszok.
h. Nem hiszem, hogy Tom olyan okos, mint Bob.

7. How would you translate?

a. as poor as a church mouse

b. as happy as a dog with two tails
c. as clear as daylight
d. as old as the hills
e. as busy as a bee
f. as light as a feather
g. as fit as a fiddle
h. as flat as a pancake
i. as cool as a cucumber
j. as cold as Christmas

8. Choose the right word

a. I don’t think fishing is exciting / excited.

b. He isn’t really interested / interesting in surfing.
c. The English usually eat a big / great breakfast.
d. Does she keep the house clean / clear?
e. Can I open the window? It is too hot / cold in this room.
f. He likes to live a quite / quiet life.
g. Great things have small / little beginnings.
h. Speech is silver, silence is golden / gold.
i. Is it heavy / difficult to do this well?
j. Those apples are rather small / little.

9. What are the first words of these questions?

They are all different.

a. ............ is your birthday?
b. ............ old are you?
c. ............ money have you got?
d. ............ is your favourite writer?
e. ............ brothers and sisters have you got?
f. ............ is your mother at the moment?
g. ............ is your father doing now?
h. ............ do you work?
i. ............ does he want a new house?
j. ............ wouldn’t he like to live?

10. Complete the sentences with the correct question –tag.

a. He was at home yesterday, ….?

b. This isn’t her car, …?
c. He works as a tour guide, …?
d. You don’t live in New York, …?
e. They work in a bank every year, …?

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