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Tizenhetedik lecke – Hétvégi elutazás

Jane: Oh, what a weekend!
Colin: Why? What happened?
Jane: Well, it was my aunt’s 70th birthday on Saturday so I visited her in Brussels.
Colin: How did you go?
Jane: By car. But as I was driving to Folkestone I had a puncture.
Colin: Oh poor Jane! What did you do?
Jane: Well, fortunately there was a garage near, so they could help me. But I missed the ferry and I
had to wait two hours in Folkstone.
Colin: Oh, no!
Jane: Well, I arrived in Brussels three hours late. And while I was looking for a parking place in the
city centre, I had an accident. Not a serious one, fortunately.
Colin: Never mind. It can happen to anyone.
Jane: Anyway, in the end I arrived late, of course. When I entered my aunt’s house they were having
Colin: And what did your aunt say?
Jane: Oh, she is lovely. She just smiled.

a puncture  defekt
fortunately  szerencsére
a garage  garázs
to miss the ferry  lekésni a kompot
to wait  várni
three hours late  3 óra késés
it can happen to anyone  bárkivel megeshet
never mind  sose bánd
anyway  mindenestre, akárhogy is
in the end  végül
to enter the house  belépni a házba

Jane: Oh, what a weekend!  Ó, micsoda hétvége!
Colin: Why? What happened?  Miért? Mi történt?
Jane: Well, it was my aunt’s 70th birthday on  Nos, a nagynénim 70. születésnapja volt
Saturday, so I visited her in Brussels. szombaton, és így meglátogattam
Colin: How did you go?  Hogy mentél?
Jane: By car. But as I was driving to  Autóval. De miközben Folkstonba
Folkestone I had a puncture. utaztam, defektet kaptam.
Colin: Oh poor Jane! What did you do?  Ó, szegény Jane. Mit csináltál?
Jane: Well, fortunately there was a garage  Nos, szerencsére volt a közelben egy
near, so they could help me. szerelőműhely, így tudtak segíteni.
But I missed the ferry and I had to wait  De lekéstem a kompot, és két órát kellett
two hours in Folkstone. várnom Folkstonban.
I had an accident.
Not a serious one, fortunately.
 Ó, nem!
 Nos, 3 órás késéssel érkeztem Brüsszelbe.
Colin: Oh ,no! És miközben parkolóhelyet kerestem a
Jane: Well, I arrived in Brussels three hours városközpontban,
late. And while I was looking for a volt egy balestem .
parking place in the city centre Nem súlyos, szerencsére.
Colin: Never mind. It can happen to anyone.  Ne törődj vele. Mindenkivel megeshet.
Jane: Anyway, in the end I arrived late,  Nos, végül megérkeztem, későn
of course. When I entered my aunt’s természetesen. Amikor beléptem a
house they were having dinner. nagynénim házába, éppen ebédeltek.
Colin: And what did your aunt say?  És mit mondott a nagynénid?
Jane: Oh, she is lovely. She just smiled.  Ó, ő nagyon aranyos. Csak mosolygott.

Now listen to Jane again

Jane: I was very embarrassed.

Colin: Oh, really? What happened?
Jane: Well, I arrived while the guests were having dinner.
Colin: They were having dinner?! How unfortunate.
Jane: Yes, it was.

Jane: I was very embarrassed.

Colin: Oh, really? What happened?
Jane: Well, I arrived as my cousins were leaving the party.
Colin: They were leaving the party?! Oh, how unfortunate.
Jane: Yes, it was.

Jane’s problems were

While she was driving to Folkestone – she had a puncture.

While she was looking for a parking place – she had an accident.
They were having dinner – when she entered the house.

Now listen to Jane again  Most hallgassuk meg ismét Jane-t!

Jane: I was very embarrassed.  Nagyon zavartan voltam.

Colin: Oh, really? What happened?  Tényleg? Mi történt?
Jane: Well, we arrived while the guests were  Nos, akkor érkeztem, amikor a vendégek
having dinner. vacsoráztak.
Colin: They were having dinner!  Vacsoráztak!
How unfortunate.  Ó, milyen kellemetlen!
Jane: Yes, it was.  Igen, az volt.

to be embarrassed  zavarban lenni

how unfortunate  milyen szerencsétlen, milyen kellemetlen

Jane: I was very embarrassed.  Nagyon zavarban voltam.

Liz: Oh, really? What happened?  Tényleg? Mi történt?
Jane: Well, I arrived as my cousins were  Nos, akkor érkeztem, amikor az
leaving the party. unokatestvéreim mentek el a partyról.
Liz: They were leaving the party?! Oh, how  Mentek el a partyról?!
unfortunate.  Ó, milyen kellemetlen!
Jane: Yes, it was  Igen, az volt.

a cousin  unokatestvér
Jane’s problems were:  Jane problémái voltak:

While she was driving to Folkstone – she had a  Miközben Folkstone felé tartott, defektje
puncture. volt.
While she was looking for a parking place –  Miközben parkolóhelyet keresett, balesete
she had an accident. volt.
They were having dinner – when she entered  Vacsoráztak, amikor belépett a házba.
the house.

Listen to Jane and her brother and uncle – Next day

Brother: What happened to you yesterday? Why were you late?

Jane: I’m sorry. While I was driving to Folkestone I had a puncture.
Brother: A puncture?
Jane: Yes, it was really bad.

Uncle: What happened to you yesterday? Why were you late?

Jane: I’m sorry. While I was looking for a parking place in the city centre I had an accident.
Uncle: An accident?
Jane: Yes, it was quite bad.

Brother: We were waiting for hours. Why didn’t you telephone?

Jane: I’m sorry, I tried to but it was out of order.

Uncle: We were looking for you everywhere? Where were you?

Jane: I’m sorry, I had an accident.

to try  próbálni
I tried  próbáltam
to be out of order  nem működni
it was out of order  nem működött

Brother: What happened to you yesterday? Jane: I’m sorry. While I was looking for a
Why were you late? parking place in the city centre I had
Jane: I’m sorry. While I was driving to an accident.
Folkestone I had a puncture. Uncle: An accident?
Brother: A puncture? Jane: Yes, it was quite bad.
Jane: Yes, it was really bad. Brother: We were waiting for hours.
Why didn’t you telephone?
Uncle: What happened to you yesterday? Jane: I’m sorry, I tried to but it was out of
Why were you late? order.
Uncle: We were looking for you  Mi történt veled tegnap?
everywhere? Where were you? Miért késtél?
Jane: I’m sorry, I had an accident.  Sajnálom. Miközben Folkestone-ba
tartottam az autóval, defektem volt.
 Defekted?
 Igen, igazán kellemetlen volt.

 Mi történt veled tegnap?

Miért késtél?
 Sajnálom. Miközben parkolóhelyet
kerestem a városközpontban, balesetem
 Baleseted?
 Igen, elég kellemetlen volt.
 Órákig vártunk.
Miért nem telefonáltál?
 Sajnálom, próbáltam, de a telefon nem
 Mindenhol kerestünk.
Hol voltál?
 Sajnálom, balesetem volt.
Past Continuous Tense – Folyamatos múlt idő

Képzése: a to be /was, were/ segédige múlt ideje és az ige –ing végű alakja.

1. A múlt adott időpontjában végbemenő tartós cselekvés kifejezésére
pl.: At 8 o’clock yesterday we were watching TV.
(Tegnap 8 órakor tévét néztünk.)

2. Két múlt idejű cselekvés közül a tartósabb cselekvés kifejezésére. A hosszabb ideig tartó
cselekvés már folyamatban volt, amikor a rövidebb ideig tartó cselekvés már megtörtént.
pl.: Mum was talking on the phone, when I arrived.
(Mama éppen telefonált, amikor megérkeztem.)

3. A múltban párhuzamosan folyó cselekvések kifejezésére.

pl.: My sister was playing the piano while I was reading.
(A nővérem zongorázott, amig én olvastam.)

4. A múltban huzamosabb ideig tartó cselekvés kifejezésére.

pl.: It was raining all day.
(Egész nap esett.)

+ I was working all day.

- I wasn’t listening to music at 5.
? Were you watching TV at 8?
? What were you doing when your mother arrived?
Exercises - Feladatok
1. Complete these sentences

a. When they arrived home................................................................................................................

b. .................................................................................................. while they were having breakfast.
c. ................................................................................................................... when the water is cold.
d. While she was on holiday last year ……………………………………………………………....
e. ………………………………………………………… …………... while the sun was shining.
f. When we got to the seaside ……………………………………………………………………....

2. Put the correct word in these sentences

a. Can you (came, come, comes) to London on Monday?

b. She hasn’t (some, any) books in her bag.
c. Have they (some, any) flowers in their garden?
d. (Do, did, does) he go to the seaside last Saturday?
e. David is (played, playing, plays) tennis this afternoon.
f. Are there (some, any) students in the room?
g. It was (rained, rain, raining) all day.

3. Put the correct preposition into these sentences

a. Mr. Hunt is speaking ... the car mechanic.

b. He went to London ... his wife.
c. They are staying ... home this evening.
d. The dog was asleep ... the table.
e. They were looking ... a new flat.

4. Put the verb into the correct tense

a. At 6 o’clock in the morning I (have) a wonderful dream.

b. This time on Monday I (visit) the British Museum.
c. He (meet) his friend while he (travel) in Portugal.
d. When the teacher (come) in everybody (stop) talking.
e. He (break) his leg while he (play) football.

5. Write questions to the sentences in exercise 4.

Question words: who? what? when? where?

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