Unit Fourteen - When I Was Young Tizennegyedik Lecke - Amikor Fiatal Voltam

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Tizennegyedik lecke - Amikor fiatal voltam

Interviewer: This is Radio One, the radio programme: Thinking Back.
Kim Dale is speaking about her twenties when she was a nurse.
Kim: When I was young I was a nurse in a large hospital. The work was hard, and the days were long.
My friends at the hospital, doctors and nurses were from many different countries. My best
friend was a girl called Lisa - she was from Ireland. She was two or three years younger than I
was, and we were friends for years.
I don’t know where she is now - perhaps she’s back in Ireland. Yes, life was hard then, but we
were happy.
Interviewer: What can you remember about your old house?
Kim: It was a small house but the garden was long with a lot of trees in it.
Interviewer: How many children were there in your family?
Kim: There were five children in our family, three boys and two girls. My brothers were all better at
school than me. I was the youngest in the family.
Interviewer: What about your parents?
Kim: My father was a bus driver and we were poor. It was sometimes very difficult for my mother
with the five children. But mum and dad were always happy. I think it was nice that we were a
big family.

to think back visszagondolni

twenties húszas évek
to speak about sg beszélni valamiről
a hospital kórház
hard nehéz
called hívják
a girl called Lisa egy Liza nevű lány
perhaps talán
to remember emlékezni
difficult nehéz
to be young fiatalnak lenni
a nurse ápolónő
large nagy, hatalmas
different különböző, más
to be back visszajönni, visszatérni
Ireland Írország
poor szegény

This is Radio One, the radio programme Thinking  Itt az 1-es Rádió a Visszatekintés c.
Back. programmal.
Kim Dale is speaking about her twenties  Kim Dale beszél a húszas éveiről,
when she was a nurse.  amikor ápolónő volt.
- When I was young I was a nurse  Amikor fiatal voltam, ápolónő voltam
in a large hospital.  egy nagy kórházban.
The work was hard, and the days were long.  A munka nehéz volt, és a napok hosszúak
My friends at the hospital, doctors and nurses  A kórházi barátaim, orvosok és nővérek
were from many different countries.  sok különböző országból jöttek.
My best friend was a girl called Lisa –  A legjobb barátom egy Liza nevű lány volt –
she was from Ireland.  ő Írországból jött.
She was two or, three years younger than I was,  Két vagy három évvel volt fiatalabb tőlem,
and we were friends for years.  és évekig barátok voltunk.
I don’t know where she is now –  Nem tudom, most hol van –
perhaps she’s back in Ireland.  talán visszament Írországba.
Yes, life was hard then, but we were happy.  Igen, az élet nehéz volt akkor, de boldogok
- What can you remember about your old house?  Mire emlékszik a régi házukból?
It was a small house but the garden was long  Kicsi ház volt, de a kert hosszú volt
with a lot of trees in it.  sok fával.
- How many children were there in your family?  Hány gyerek volt a családjában?
There were five children in our family,  Öt gyerek volt a családunkban,
three boys and two girls.  három fiú és két lány.
My brothers were all better at school than me.  A fiútestvéreim mind jobbak voltak az
iskolában, mint én.
I was the youngest in the family.  Én voltam a legfiatalabb a családban.
- What about your parents?  És a szülei?
My father was a bus driver and we were poor.  Apám buszvezető volt, és szegények voltunk.
It was sometimes very difficult for my mother  Néha nagyon nehéz volt anyámnak az öt
with the five children. gyerekkel.

But mum and dad were always happy.  De anya és apa mindig boldogok voltak.
I think it was nice that we were a big family.  Azt hiszem, jó volt, hogy nagy családunk
Ask and answer

Was Kim a nurse when she was young? Yes, she was.
Was the work in the hospital hard? Yes, it was.
Was her friend called Lisa? Yes, she was.
Was Kim’s house small? Yes, it was.
Was Kim the youngest child? Yes, she was.
Was Kim a doctor? No, she wasn’t.
Was her best friend from Scotland? No, she wasn’t.
Was Kim’s father a taxi driver? No, he wasn’t.
Was life easy for Kim’s mother? No, it wasn’t.
Were they happy at the hospital? Yes, they were.
Were all Kim’s brothers older than her? Yes, they were.
Were they poor? Yes, they were.
Were all her friends from Ireland? No, they weren’t.
Were the days short for Kim? No, they weren’t.
Were all her friends English? No, they weren’t.
Were Kim’s parents unhappy? No, they weren’t.

Was Kim a nurse when she was young? Kim ápolónő volt, amikor fiatal volt?
Yes, she was. Igen.
Was the work in the hospital hard? Nehéz volt a kórházi munka?
Yes, it was. Igen.
Was her friend called Lisa? A barátját Lizának hívták?
Yes, she was. Igen.
Was Kim’s house small? Kicsi volt Kim háza?
Yes, it was. Igen.
Was Kim the youngest child? Kim volt a legfiatalabb gyerek?
Yes, she was. Igen.
Was Kim a doctor? Kim orvos volt?
No, she wasn’t. Nem.
Was her best friend from Scotland? A legjobb barátja Skóciából jött?
No, she wasn’t. Nem
Was Kim’s father a taxi driver? Kim apja taxisofőr volt?
No, he wasn’t. Nem.
Was life easy for Kim’s mother? Kim anyjának az élete könnyű volt?
No, it wasn’t. Nem.
Were they happy at the hospital? Boldogok voltak a kórházban?
Yes, they were. Igen.
Were all Kim’s brothers older than her? Minden fiútestvére idősebb volt tőle?
Yes, they were. Igen.
Were they poor? Szegények voltak?
Yes, they were. Igen.
Were all her friends from Ireland? Minden barátja Írországba való volt?
No, they weren’t. Nem.
Were the days short for Kim? A napok rövidek voltak Kim számára?
No, they weren’t. Nem.
Were all her friends English? Minden barátja angol volt?
No, they weren’t. Nem.
Were Kim’s parents unhappy? Kim szülei boldogtalanok voltak?
No, they weren’t. Nem.

Where was he/she last Saturday? Belinda: at a party

Carol: at the cinema
Where were they last Saturday? Sandra and Peter: at a concert
George’s sister: in London What was … like?
Mr and Mrs Davidson: at the opera
George: at a football match What were … like?
Mr Stewert: at a restaurant
Fred and Monica: in Tunis The people: very interesting
Bert and Tina: on a train The film: very boring
Mona: at the hairdresser’s The music: fantastic
The weather: not too bad
The singers: bad
The players: very good
The food: excellent
The hotel: very modern
The other people: very friendly
Her hair: awful

at a party egy partin

boring unalmas
at a concert egy koncerten
fantastic fantisztikus
at the opera az operá

excellent kiváló
friendly barátságos
at the hairdresser’s a fodrásznál
awful szörnyű
interesting érdekes

Where was Belinda last Saturday?  Where was Mona last Saturday?
She was at a party. She was at the hairdresser’s.
What were the people like?
 Where was Carol last Saturday? They were very interesting.
She was at the cinema.
 What was the film like?
 Where were Sandra and Peter last Saturday? It was very boring.
They were at a concert.
 What was the music like?
 Where was George’s sister last Saturday? It was fantastic.
She was in London.
 What was the weather like?
 Where were Mr and Mrs Davidson last It was not too bad.
They were at the opera.  What were the singers like?
They were bad.
 Where was George last Saturday?
He was at a football match.
 What were the players like?
 Where was Mr Stewart last Saturday? They were very good.
He was at a restaurant.
 What was the food like?
 Where were Fred and Monica last Saturday? It was excellent.
They were in Siófok.
 What was the hotel like?
 Where were Bert and Tina last Saturday? It was very modern.
They were on a train.
 What were the other people like?
They were very friendly.  What was her hair like?
It was awful.
 Where was Belinda last Saturday?  Hol volt Belinda a múlt szombaton?
She was at a party. Egy partin.

 What were the people like?  Milyenek voltak az emberek?

They were very interesting. Érdekesek.

 Where was Carol last Saturday?  Hol volt Carol a múlt szombaton?
She was at the cinema. A moziban.

 What was the film like?  Milyen volt a film?

It was very boring. Nagyon unalmas.

 Where were Sandra and Peter last Saturday?  Hol volt Sandra és Péter a múlt szombaton?
They were at a concert. Egy koncerten.

 What was the music like?  Milyen volt a zene?

It was fantastic. Fantasztikus.

 Where was George’s sister last Saturday?  Hol volt George nővére a múlt szombaton?
She was in London. Londonban.

 What was the weather like?  Milyen volt az idő?

It was not too bad. Nem volt túl rossz.

 Where were Mr and Mrs Davidson last  Hol volt Mr. és Mrs. Davidson a múlt
Saturday? szombaton?
They were at the opera. Az operában.

It was awful.
 What were the singers like?
They were bad.

 Where was George last Saturday?

He was at a football match.

 What were the players like?

They were very good.

 Where was Mr Stewart last Saturday?

He was at a restaurant.

 What was the food like?

It was excellent.

 Where were Fred and Monica last Saturday?

They were in Tunis.

 What was the hotel like?

It was very modern.

 Where were Bert and Tina last Saturday?

They were on a train.

 What were the other people like?

They were very friendly.

 Where was Mona last Saturday?

She was at the hairdresser’s.

 What was her hair like?

 Milyenek voltak az énekesek?
Rosszak.  Milyen volt a hotel?
Nagyon modern.
 Hol volt George a múlt szombaton?
Futballmeccsen.  Hol volt Bert és Tina a múlt szombaton?
 Milyenek voltak a játékosok?
Nagyon jók.  Milyen volt a többi ember?
Nagyon barátságosak.
 Hol volt Mr. Stewart a múlt szombaton?
Egy étteremben.  Hol volt Mona a múlt szombaton?
A fodrásznál.
 Milyen volt az élet?
Kitűnő.  Milyen volt a haja?
 Hol volt Fred és Monica a múlt szombaton?
Let’s see the full sentences. – Nézzük a teljes mondatokat!

Belinda was at a party last Saturday and the people were very interesting.
Carol was at the cinema last Saturday but the film was very boring.
Sandra and Peter were at a concert last Saturday and the music was fantastic.
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were at the opera last Saturday but the singers were bad.
George’s sister was in London last Saturday and the weather was not too bad.
George was at a football match last Saturday and the players were very good.
Fred and Tina were in Siófok last Saturday and the hotel was very modern.
Mr. Stewart was at a restaurant last Saturday and the food was excellent.
Bert and Tina were on a train last Saturday and the other people were very friendly.
Mona was at the hairdresser’s last Saturday but her hair was awful.


was / were / a to be ige múlt ideje /

+  ?
I was – én voltam I wasn’t was I?
you were – te voltál /ön volt you weren’t were you?
he he he
she was – ő volt she wasn’t was she?
it it it?
we were – mi voltunk we weren’t were we?
you were – ti voltatok / önök voltak you weren’t were you?
they were – ők voltak they weren’t were they?

+ -

I was I wasn’t
You were You weren’t
He / she / it was in our classroom He / she / it wasn’t here last Sunday.
We yesterday. We
You were You weren’t
They They

Were you at home? Yes, I was.
Was he at school? No, he wasn’t.
Were they good? Yes, they were.
Were they here? No, they weren’t.
Where were you yesterday? In our classroom.
When were you here? Last Sunday.
Exercises - Feladatok
1. Answer the questions
a. What programme is it?
b. Who are talking?
c. What are they talking about?
d. What was life like when Kim was young?
e. What do you know about Kim’s family?

Put the sentences in the past tense

a. They are at the cinema now.
b. Your car is extremely cheap.
c. This cat isn’t very wild.
d. Margarine is healthier than butter.
e. This is an easy sentence.
f. There are no women miners.

Translate the sentences

a. Hol voltál tegnap délután?
b. Mr. Pyke gazdag ember volt.
c. Milyen volt az idő a múlt héten?
d. Ő szerencsés ember volt.
e. Volt tojás a hűtőben?
f. Nagyon éhes voltam ma reggel. Te is?
g. Sok alma volt a kosárban, de nem volt semennyi körte.
h. Ki volt az első űrhajós a világon?
i. Chaplin Londonban született.
j. Te hol születtél?

Put the sentences in the right order

a. Yes, I was.
b. I was at home all last night because I was ill. I was in bed.
c. I’m sorry, Ann.
d. Hello, Ann here. Is that Tom?
e. What was it like?
f. Were you at the party last night?
g. Yes, it’s me. Hello, Ann.
h. It was fantastic. Why weren’t you there? Where were you?

5. Fill in the sentences with correct words.

a. She likes …… at the lake.
b. What about …… a nice dinner at the seaside.
c. Susan was the first …. and the last ……. .
d. The whole thing …… no more than a nightmare.
e. Unfortunately I haven’t got ……. friends.
f. There were …….. people at the sea.
6. Give the plural of the following words
a. tooth
b. foot
c. man
d. fish
e. mouse

7. What would you say in the following situations?

a. It’s someone’s birthday.
b. You want to pay in the cafe.
c. Someone is in danger.
d. You don’t hear the other person.
e. You’d like to offer some cakes.

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