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Tizenötödik lecke - Mikor történt?

Quiz Time is on TV once a week. Four students from Codsall High School and four from Bristol High School
are in the finals.

Interviewer: Welcome to the last part of Quiz Time.

Bristol High School has got three correct answers. I’ve got five questions and Codsall High
School must have four correct answers to win. Question one:
When did the American astronaut, Neil Armstrong first walk on the moon?
Students: In 1969.
Interviewer: Right. Well done. Number two: In which country did Picasso live when he was a child?
Students: In Spain.
Interviewer: Right again! And here comes question three: When did the Second World War end?
Students: I think it was in 1945. Yes, it was in 1945.
Interviewer: That’s correct. You’ve got three answers right and two more questions. You only need one
more right answer to win. So, question four: What did Alexander Bell invent in 1876?
Students: The electric light.
Interviewer: Oh, no, I’m sorry .... no. He didn’t invent the electric light, he invented the telephone. Oh,
bad luck but there’s still one more question. You must get this one right. Last question: In
which American state did the first space shuttle land?
Students: In California.
Interviewer: Right, well done. You’ve got four questions correct, so the team from Codsall High School
are the winners. And the prize? Well, the space shuttle landed in California, and that’s where
you can go for two weeks - to sunny California.

to happen  történni
a quiz  rejtvény
once a week  egyszer egy héten
high school  középiskola
in the finals  a döntőben
the finals  a döntő
welcome to  Isten hozta!
to win  nyerni
the moon  a hold
world war  világháború
one more  még egy
to invent  feltalálni
invented  feltalálta
electric light  elektromos fény
bad luck  balszerencse
space shuttle  űrhajó
to land  landolni
landed  landolt
well done  jól van
a winner  győztes
still  még mindig
a state  állam
correct  helyes, hibátlan, kifogástalan
a team  csapat
a prize  díj


Quiz Time is on TV once a week. to sunny California.

Four students from Codsall High School and four  A quiz Time c. műsor egyszer van egy héten.
from Bristol High School are in the finals.  Négy diák a Codsall High School-ból és négy a
 Welcome to the last part of Quiz Time. Bristol High School-ból a döntőben vannak.
Bristol High School has got three correct  Isten hozta Önöket a Quiz Time utolsó adásán!
answers.  A Bristol High School-nak három helyes válasza
I’ve got five questions and Codsall High School  Öt kérdésem van és Codsall High School-nak
must have four correct answers to win. négy helyes válasz kell a nyeréshez.
Question one: When did the American astronaut,  Első kérdés: Mikor járt az amerikai Neil
Neil Armstrong, first walk on the moon? Amstrong először a holdon?
 In 1969.  1969-ben.
 Right. Well done.  Helyes. Jól van.
Number two: In which country did Picasso live  Második: Melyik országban élt Picasso, amikor
when he was a child? gyerek volt?
 In Spain.  Spanyolországban.
 Right again!  Újra helyes!
And here comes question three: When did the  És következik a harmadik kérdés: Mikor ért
Second World War end? véget a 2. világháború?
 I think it was in 1945.  Azt hiszem 1945-ben.
 Yes, it was in 1945. That’s correct.  Igen, 1945-ben. Helyes.
You’ve got three answers right and two more  Három helyes válaszotok van és van még két
questions. kérdésetek.
You only need one more right answer to win.  Már csak egy helyes válasz kell a nyeréshez.
So, question four: What did Alexander Bell  Tehát, a négyes kérdés: Mit fedezett fel
invent in 1876? Alexander Bell 1976-ban?
 The electric light.  Az elektromos fényt.
 Ó, nem, sajnálom ... nem.
 Oh, no, I’m sorry .... no.
 Nem az elektromos fényt fedezte fel, hanem
He didn’t invent the electric light, he invented
a telefont.
the telephone.
 Ó, balszerencse, de van még egy kérdés.
Oh, bad luck but there’s still one more question.
 Ezt helyesen kell megfejteni.
You must get this one right.
 Utolsó kérdés: Melyik amerikai államban landolt
Last question: In which American state did the
az első űrhajó?
first space shuttle land?
 Kaliforniában.
 In California.
 Helyes, jól van.
 Right, well done.
 Négy helyes válaszotok van, így a Codsall High
You’ve got four questions correct, so the team
School csapata a győztes.
from Codsall High School are the winners.
 És a díj?
And the prize?
 Nos, az űrhajó Kaliforniában landolt, és
Well, the space shuttle landed in California, and
ez az ahová mehettek két hétre –
that’s where you can go for two weeks –
a napos Kaliforniába.

Questions about the quiz

Did the students from Codsall High School win the  Yes, they did.
Did they get all the answers right?  No, they didn’t.
Did the students from Bristol get four answers  No, they didn’t.
Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon in 1969?  Yes, he did.
Did Picasso live in Italy when he was a child?  No, he didn’t.
Did Picasso live in Spain when he was a child?  Yes, he did.
Did the Second World War end in 1939?  No, it didn’t.
Did Alexander Bell invent the electric light?  No, he didn’t.
Did Alexander Bell invent the telephone?  Yes, he did.
Did the space shuttle land in California?  Yes, it did.


Did the students from Codsall High School win the  A Codsall High School diákjai nyerték meg a
quiz? játékot?
Yes, they did.  Igen.
Did they get all the answers right?  Minden válaszuk helyes volt?
No, they didn’t.  Nem.
Did the students from Bristol get four answers  A Bristol csapat diákjainak négy helyes
right? válasza volt?
No, they didn’t.  Nem.
Did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon in 1969?  Neil Amstrong 1969-ben járt a holdon?
Yes, he did.  Igen.
Did Picasso live in Italy when he was a child?  Picasso Olaszországban élt, mikor gyerek
No, he didn’t. volt?
Did Picasso live in Spain when he was a child?  Nem.
 Picasso Spanyolországban élt, mikor gyerek
Yes, he did. volt?
Did the Second World War end in 1939?  Igen.
No, it didn’t.  A II. világháború 1939-ben ért véget?
Did Alexander Bell invent the electric light?  Nem.
No, he didn’t.  Alexander Bell az elektromos fényt találta fel?
Did Alexander Bell invent the telephone?  Nem.
Yes, he did.  Alexander Bell a telefont találta fel?
Did the space shuttle land in California?  Igen.
Yes, it did.  Az űrhajó Kaliforniában landolt?
 Igen.

Model sentences – Mondatmodellek

+ Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon in 1969.

(Neil Armstrong 1969-ben járt a Holdon.)
? Did Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon in 1970?
(Neil Armstrong 1969-ben járt a Holdon?)
No, he didn’t.
Did he walk on the Moon in 1969?
(1969-ben járt a Holdon?)
Yes, he did.
? Who walked on the Moon in 1969?
(Ki járt a Holdon 1969-ben?)
Neil Armstrong did.
(Neil Armstrong)
? Where did he walk in 1969?
(Hol járt 1969-ben?)
He walked on the Moon.
(A Holdon járt.)
He didn’t walk on Mars.
(Nem a Marson járt.)



Simple Past Tense I. – Regular verbs

Egyszerű múlt idő – Szabályos igék

Az igék nagy csoportja múlt időben –d/-ed végződést kap. Ezek a szabályos (regular) múlt idejű igék.
pl.: live – lived [d] → zöngés mássalhangzó után
work – worked [t] → zöngétlen mássalhangzó után
want – wanted [id] –t vagy –d végű igék után
mend – mended [id] -t vagy –d végű igék után

Tagadásban és kérdésben did a segédige.

Helyesírási tudnivalók:
a) Ha az ige végződése rövid magánhangzó+mássalhangzó kapcsolat, az utóbbi megkettőződik
pl.:. knit – knitted
b) Ha az ige végződése msh + y kapcsolat, az y-ból i lesz
pl.: dry – dried

Past Simple: regular

? + -
What did he invent? He invented the electric light. He didn’t invent the telephone.
What did he paint? He painted pictures. He didn’t paint houses.
What did he kidnap? He kidnapped the poodle. He didn’t kidnap the rich lady.
What did she knit? She knitted a pullover. She didn’t knit a dress.
Where did she live? She lived in Manchester. She didn’t live in London.
Where did they dance? They danced at the disco. They didn’t dance in the park.
Did he invent the electic light? Yes, he did.
Did he paint houses? No, he didn’t.
Did he kidnap the poodle? Yes, he did.
Did she knit a dress? No, she didn’t.
Did she live in Manchester? Yes, she did.
Did she live in London? No, she didn’t.


Exercises - Feladatok

1. Write these words in the sentences

by, to (5x), in (5x), on (5x), at (4x), of (3x), from, for,

a. Would you like to come .... my party?

b. He said ‘goodbye’ ... his uncle.
c. We’re going to help my friends who live ... Hastings.
d. He tried .... a pair of boots ... the department store.
e. They visited us .... Sunday.
f. He walked ..... the car park .... the supermarket .... foot.
g. I’m going to travel ...... car.
h. Brighton is ..... the south ...... England.
i. There are 15 people ... the party.
j. She hired a pair ... ski sticks.
k. We have 2 bottles ... red wine.
l. He stayed at the hotel ... 2 weeks.
m. He invented the electric light .... 1876.
n. My friend wasn’t very good ... swimming.
o. We watched the film ... TV.
p. She visited her daughter ... her birthday.
q. They go .... bed at 10.
r. They arrived ... the pub ... 9 o’clock.
s. I was born ... Hungary.
t. Did you walk ... the bank yesterday?

2. Write these words in the correct order to make questions

a. evening, did, you, a, restaurant, eat, dinner, have, you, did, home, at, or, in, yesterday?
b. when, child, you, live, did, where, you, were, a?
c. watch, the, did, on, quiz, you, TV?
d. to, go, when, five, you, school, you, did, were, where?
e. last, to, go, night, time, bed, what, did, you?
(Ask your partner these questions.)

3. Write these words in the sentences

was (3x), were (2x), wasn’t, did (4x), didn’t (1x)
A: When ... you born, Mrs. Butcher?
B: I ... born in 1920.
A: And where ... you born?
B: In Broadstairs.
A: … you go to school there?
B: No, I .... . I only ... in Broadstairs only for 5 years.
A: So, where ... you go?
B: To Exeter. Exeter ... too expensive. It ... cheaper than Broadstairs.
A: ... you go to school in Exeter?
B: Yes, I ...


4. What do you know about John Lennon?

a. He was born in Liverpool, wasn’t he?
b. He was born in 1940, wasn’t he?
c. He was a famous pop star, wasn’t he?
d. He lived in New York, didn’t he?
e. He had a lot of songs, didn’t he?
f. He died in 1990, didn’t he?
(Now ask and answer about other famous people. Eg. Mozart, Chaplin, Bartók, Napoleon etc...)

5. Add a question word at the beginning and a preposition at the end of these sentences
e.g. Who is this present for?

a. ..... is she laughing ....?

b. .... are you going ....?
c. .... did you talk....?
d. .... did you write....?
e. ..... did you get it....?
f. .... station did they start ....?
g. .... pen did you write ....?
h. .... are they waiting .....?


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