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Confirm Meaning

of Words
Using a Dictionary
Learning outcomes:

You will :

1) know the sections available on online dictionary entry

1) understand how to choose & confirm suitable definition

for an unknown word
• Looking up words you don't know can be time-consuming,
especially if you don't know which definition to choose when
you open the dictionary.

• Understanding how an English dictionary is organised, and

which definition to choose will help you effectively use the
dictionary to improve your understanding of academic texts.
Using the Dictionary
• In order to know which definition to choose from the
dictionary, you need to understand how a dictionary is

• Online dictionaries allow you to type the word into a search

bar to find an entry.
• Within each entry, you will see the following sections:

↘ the word, its part of speech (whether the word is a NOUN, an

pronunciation, and one or more definitions.

• Each definition will also usually include a sample sentence to help you
determine how the word is used and whether that definition matches
how the word is used in the text you are reading.

• The next slide will show you an example of online dictionary entry for
the word ‘decode’.
Online dictionary entry example: The word

Part of speech



Sample sentence
So how to choose the right definition if
the word has several definitions?
If a word has several definitions, you should:

1) identify which part of speech is appropriate for the word based

on the context.

↘In particular, you should determine whether the word used in the
sentence is a noun, an adjective and so on.

The following slide can help you get a clearer picture of what the
above means.
Part of speech

This can help u

decide if the
definition is suitable
for the unknown
So let’s do one example together…

"It is believed that such ills are due to bad or imperfect legislation
and can only be relieved by good or more perfect legislation”.

What do you think the word ‘ills’ in the above sentence


Let’s refer to Cambridge Online Dictionary and see what we can

"It is believed that such ills are due to bad or imperfect legislation and can only be relieved by
good or more perfect legislation”.
• Below is the first definition given by online Cambridge dictionary:
Definition 1:

definition of the word

Definition 2:

definition of the word

Definition 3:

definition of the word

definition of the word

Definition 4:

definition of the word

• Since there are four definitions for the word ‘ills’, you need to
identify the part of speech of the word as it is used in the

• Once the part of speech is identified, then you can choose the
suitable definition that fits the sentence.
"It is believed that such ills are due to bad or imperfect
legislation and can only be relieved by good or more perfect

• In the above sentence, the word ‘ills’ is functioning as a noun.

• Therefore, we should refer to Definition 3 because it fits the part

of speech (a noun) in the sentence given.
Definition 3:

So in order to confirm what the word ‘ills’ mean in the sentence, replace the definition given into the
idea/sentence/context to see if it is fitting:
1) It is believed that such harm are due to bad or imperfect legislation and can only be relieved by good
or more perfect legislation.
2) It is believed that such problem(s) are due to bad or imperfect legislation and can only be relieved by
good or more perfect legislation.
→ Which word fits the context better? Harm? Or Problem(s)?
• ‘problem(s)’ is the more accurate definition for this sentence.

• Thus, the word ‘ills’ means ‘problems’.

Note: If the unknown word asked is in the plural form (e.g. ‘ills’, instead of its singular
form-’ill’) the answer must also be in the plural form (hence, problems, and NOT
To sum up…
• In order to decide which is the appropriate definition to use
in the dictionary, these are what you need to do:

1) identify the part of speech of the word (as used in the


1) put the definition in the original sentence and decide see if

it fits the context.

Adapted from

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