Technical Guide ICT 10.2 SP7

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December 2020

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December 2020 ii


1. Introduction
1.1. About the Technical Guide ...................................................................................... 1
1.2. Target Audience ..................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Layout of the manual ............................................................................................. 1
1.4. Typographical conventions ....................................................................................... 2

2. Server Architecture
2.1. Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................ 3
2.2. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3
2.3. Application Architecture .......................................................................................... 4
2.3.1. Physical architecture and platforms ................................................................ 4
2.3.2. Logical architecture ....................................................................................... 5
2.3.3. Component Architecture ................................................................................ 7
2.4. Increase Memory versus Increase Bucket Sizes ....................................................... 20
2.5. Reports ............................................................................................................... 20
2.6. Multiple Environments .......................................................................................... 21
2.6.1. Multiple Stand-Alone Environments ............................................................... 21
2.6.2. Single installation with multiple environments ................................................ 21

3. Server File Structure

3.1. Directory Structure ............................................................................................... 23
3.2. Groups and Users ................................................................................................ 24
3.3. Permissions ......................................................................................................... 24
3.4. Ownership - Directories and Files ........................................................................... 24
3.4.1. Functionality - Software Directories ............................................................... 25
3.4.2. Application Executables ............................................................................... 26
3.4.3. Application Configuration ............................................................................. 28
3.4.4. Database Maintenance Utilities ..................................................................... 28
3.4.5. File Location Configuration ........................................................................... 30 Functionality - BMD Rating Directories ................................................. 30 Functionality - Extract And Statement Directories .................................. 31 Functionality - Bulk Load Directories .................................................... 32 Functionality - Archive Directories ....................................................... 32

4. Database Architecture
4.1. Overview ............................................................................................................. 34
4.2. Oracle Software Installation .................................................................................. 34
4.2.1. Server Installation ...................................................................................... 34
4.3. Database Creation and Implementation .................................................................. 34
4.4. Oracle Tablespaces ............................................................................................... 34
4.5. Oracle Schemas ................................................................................................... 36
4.5.1. Database Link ............................................................................................ 37
4.5.2. Central Schema .......................................................................................... 37
4.5.3. Interconnect Schema .................................................................................. 37 Direct Integration With Optimised Routing ............................................ 38 Direct Integration With Contract Manager (CM)/CSG Route ..................... 38 Reference Data Caching ..................................................................... 39 Rating Database Usage ...................................................................... 39 Merge Service Database Usage ........................................................... 41 Bulk Loader Programs ........................................................................ 41

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4.5.4. Reporting Schema ....................................................................................... 42

4.6. Database backups ................................................................................................ 42

5. Working With Server Components

5.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 43
5.2. Interconnect Startup Script ................................................................................... 43
5.3. Start Process ....................................................................................................... 43
5.4. Server Log Files ................................................................................................... 44
5.5. The System Log ................................................................................................... 46

6. Client Architecture
6.1. Application Architecture ........................................................................................ 48
6.1.1. Interconnect Workstation Specification .......................................................... 48
6.1.2. Interconnect Online Architecture ................................................................... 48
6.1.3. Client Installation with Web Start ................................................................. 49 Starting the client application using Web Start ...................................... 50
6.1.4. Connecting Through A Firewall ..................................................................... 51
6.1.5. Configuring RMI Communications For Firewall ................................................ 51
6.2. Running A Batch Job ............................................................................................ 52
6.2.1. Starting A Batch Job ................................................................................... 52
6.2.2. Monitoring A Batch Job ............................................................................... 53
6.2.3. Stopping A Batch Job .................................................................................. 54

7. EDR Layout Specification

7.1. EDR Layout Example & Purpose ............................................................................. 56
7.2. Specification Scope .............................................................................................. 56
7.2.1. Inclusion .................................................................................................... 56
7.2.2. Exclusions .................................................................................................. 56
7.2.3. Assumptions ............................................................................................... 56
7.3. EDR File Header and Trailer Format ........................................................................ 56
7.3.1. EDR File Header Format .............................................................................. 56
7.3.2. EDR File Trailer Format ................................................................................ 57
7.4. Input EDR Specification ........................................................................................ 57
7.4.1. Standard Input EDR Specification ................................................................. 57
7.4.2. Enhanced EDR Specification ......................................................................... 79
7.4.3. Refund EDR Specification ............................................................................. 80
7.4.4. Mediation Reprice Undo EDR Specification ...................................................... 81
7.4.5. CM/CSG Route EDR Specification .................................................................. 82
7.4.6. Fields Included for Future Extensions ............................................................ 87
7.5. Dependencies ...................................................................................................... 87
7.6. Example EDR ....................................................................................................... 87
7.7. Internal Fields ..................................................................................................... 87

8. Field Mapping
8.1. Daily Summary .................................................................................................... 92
8.1.1. General ...................................................................................................... 92 Daily Summary Tables ....................................................................... 92 Daily Summary Views ........................................................................ 92
8.1.2. Data Model ................................................................................................ 93
8.1.3. Daily Summary ........................................................................................... 94 DAILY SUMMARY View ........................................................................ 94
8.2. CDR .................................................................................................................. 107
8.2.1. General .................................................................................................... 107

December 2020 iv
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE CDR Tables ..................................................................................... 107 CDR Views ...................................................................................... 107
8.2.2. Data Model .............................................................................................. 108
8.2.3. CDR ........................................................................................................ 108 CDR Detail YYYMMDD Views .............................................................. 108
8.3. Error CDR .......................................................................................................... 128
8.3.1. ERROR_CDR table ..................................................................................... 129

9. Financial Finalisation Service: Partner-Based Rating

9.1. The Financial Extract File .................................................................................... 141
9.2. Transaction Types ............................................................................................... 141
9.3. Aggregation Keys ............................................................................................... 141
9.3.1. Optional Module Listing ............................................................................. 142
9.4. Business Hierarchy ............................................................................................. 142
9.5. Line Item Types ................................................................................................. 143
9.6. Data Structures .................................................................................................. 143
9.7. Extract Versioning .............................................................................................. 159
9.8. Interconnect ICT Window Screenshot .................................................................... 160
9.9. Interface Files Provided by Interconnect Partner-Based Rating (ICT) ......................... 160
9.9.1. File names ............................................................................................... 161
9.9.2. File Format ............................................................................................... 161 File Header ..................................................................................... 162 Table Header ................................................................................... 162 Table Column Names ....................................................................... 162 Table Column Sizes .......................................................................... 162 Table Column Types ......................................................................... 162 Table Column Decimal Places ............................................................ 162 Table Section .................................................................................. 162 File Trailer ...................................................................................... 162

10. Financial Finalisation Service: Route-Based Rating

10.1. The ITU Financial Extract File ............................................................................. 164
10.2. Transaction Types ............................................................................................. 164
10.3. Aggregation keys .............................................................................................. 165
10.3.1. Optional Module Listing ............................................................................ 166
10.4. Business Hierarchy ........................................................................................... 167
10.5. Line Item Types ............................................................................................... 167
10.6. Data structures ................................................................................................ 168
10.7. Extract Versioning ............................................................................................. 184
10.8. Interconnect ITU Window Screenshot .................................................................. 185
10.9. Interface Files Provided by Interconnect ITU ........................................................ 185
10.9.1. File names ............................................................................................. 186
10.9.2. File Format ............................................................................................. 188 File Header ................................................................................... 188 Table Header ................................................................................. 188 Table Column Names ...................................................................... 188 Table Column Sizes ........................................................................ 188 Table Column Types ....................................................................... 188 Table Column Decimal Places .......................................................... 188 Table Section ................................................................................. 189 File Trailer ..................................................................................... 189

11. Data Warehouse Feed (DWF)

December 2020 v

11.1. The DWF Service .............................................................................................. 190

11.2. Data Warehouse Feed Functionality Overview ....................................................... 190
11.2.1. Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed ................................................................. 190
11.2.2. Static Data Warehouse Feed ..................................................................... 191
11.3. Enabling the DWF module ................................................................................. 192
11.4. Configuring DWF .............................................................................................. 192
11.4.1. System Settings ...................................................................................... 192
11.4.2. Extract Versioning ................................................................................... 196
11.4.3. Optimally configuring dynamic DWF .......................................................... 197
11.5. Output File Creation .......................................................................................... 197
11.6. Output File Naming ........................................................................................... 197
11.7. File Output Protocol .......................................................................................... 199
11.8. DWF Workflow Overview .................................................................................... 199
11.9. DWF Output File Format .................................................................................... 199
11.9.1. The File Header ...................................................................................... 200
11.9.2. The File Data .......................................................................................... 202
11.9.3. The File Trailer ........................................................................................ 203
11.10. Common Questions ......................................................................................... 203
11.10.1. What happens when I reprice a file, undo a file or undo a record? ................ 203
11.10.2. DWF Exports too Many Fields - Do I Need Them All? .................................. 204
11.11. CSV File Data Description ................................................................................ 204

12. IBS Electronic File Format (ISF)

12.1. Legend ............................................................................................................ 221
12.2. IBS Electronic File Header Format ...................................................................... 221
12.3. IBS Electronic File Detail Format (Line Items) ...................................................... 222
12.4. IBS Electronic File Total Format (Total Records) .................................................... 225
12.5. IBS Electronic File Trailer Format ........................................................................ 226

13. Security
13.1. Overview ......................................................................................................... 230
13.2. User Maintenance ............................................................................................. 230
13.3. Java Security Policies ........................................................................................ 230
13.4. Security Mechanisms ......................................................................................... 230
13.5. Registering a Signed Certificate .......................................................................... 230
13.6. Controlling Client Application Access ................................................................... 232
13.7. Security Settings .............................................................................................. 232
13.8. Configuring External Identity Management (IM) .................................................. 235
13.8.1. IM configuration checklist ......................................................................... 237
13.8.2. IM configuration errors ............................................................................ 237 Setting up LDAP and SSL Authentication ........................................... 238
13.9. Process Groups ................................................................................................ 239
13.10. Roles ............................................................................................................. 239
13.10.1. Data Role ............................................................................................. 239
13.10.2. Transaction Role .................................................................................... 240
13.11. Oracle Security ............................................................................................... 241

14. Maintenance
14.1. Housekeeping ................................................................................................... 242
14.1.1. Automated Housekeeping Tasks ................................................................ 242
14.1.2. Manual Housekeeping Tasks ..................................................................... 242
14.1.3. Monitor Logs ........................................................................................... 243
14.1.4. Monitoring Space .................................................................................... 244

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14.1.5. Oracle Maintenance ................................................................................. 244

14.1.6. Modify System Settings ........................................................................... 250
14.1.7. File System Backup ................................................................................. 250
14.2. Application Configuration ................................................................................... 251
14.2.1. System Configuration Values .................................................................... 251
14.2.2. Distributed Rating Setup and Configuration ................................................ 251 Configuring the file .............................................. 252 Configuring the auxiliary nodes ....................................................... 253
14.2.3. CM/CSG Route Integration Configuration .................................................... 254 CM/CSG Route Fields ...................................................................... 255 File Format .................................................................................... 258 Consolidation Keys ......................................................................... 259 Financial Aggregation Keys .............................................................. 262
14.2.4. JWT Authentication Configuration .............................................................. 262 Generating Public/Private Key Pairs .................................................. 262 Registering Public Keys ................................................................... 263 Deregistering Public Keys ................................................................ 264 Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 266
14.2.5. Language Configuration ........................................................................... 266
14.2.6. Rating Configuration ................................................................................ 266 Rating Performance ........................................................................ 266 Overview of Pricing Architecture ...................................................... 267 Input Files .................................................................................... 269 Rating Engines .............................................................................. 269 Rating Program Instances ............................................................... 270 Processing EDR Files Concurrently ................................................... 270 Rating Debug Log .......................................................................... 271 Other Factors That Affect Rating Performance .................................... 272 Monitoring Rating ........................................................................... 272 Rating Load ................................................................................. 273 Support Tools .............................................................................. 275
14.2.7. Summary Relocate Configuration ............................................................... 278
14.3. Maintaining Reference Data ............................................................................... 282
14.4. Controlling Aged Data ....................................................................................... 284
14.4.1. Monitoring Tablespaces ............................................................................ 285
14.4.2. Archiving Interconnect Data ..................................................................... 286 Archiving Rated EDRs ..................................................................... 286 Archiving Detail Records ................................................................. 287 Reloading Archived Stored Data ....................................................... 289
14.5. Scheduling ....................................................................................................... 291
14.5.1. Overview ................................................................................................ 291
14.5.2. Automating Task Execution ....................................................................... 291
14.5.3. Configuration Dependencies ...................................................................... 294
14.5.4. Defining The Schedule ............................................................................. 294
14.6. Patching And Upgrading .................................................................................... 295
14.6.1. Types Of Patches ..................................................................................... 295
14.6.2. Obtaining A Patch ................................................................................... 295
14.6.3. Possible Changes Made By Patches ............................................................ 295
14.6.4. Installing Patches .................................................................................... 296
14.7. Changing Database User Passwords .................................................................... 297
14.8. System Administration Tasks and Dependencies ................................................... 299
14.8.1. System Administration Features ................................................................ 299
14.8.2. Applying A Server Patch .......................................................................... 299

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14.8.3. Applying A Client Patch ............................................................................ 300

14.8.4. Patching Armadillo Reports ....................................................................... 301
14.9. Retrieving Personal Information .......................................................................... 301

15. Troubleshooting
15.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 303
15.2. Problems and Solutions ..................................................................................... 303
15.3. Error Codes ..................................................................................................... 311

Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 322

Appendix A. The Installer Properties File ..................................................................... 324

Appendix B. System Settings ........................................................................................ 336

Appendix C. Java Implementations ............................................................................... 383

Appendix D. Analyst Security SOX ................................................................................ 385

December 2020 viii


List of Figures
Figure 2.1. Logical processing sequence of Interconnect .......................................................... 4
Figure 2.2. Physical Architecture ........................................................................................... 5
Figure 2.3. Application Architectural Overview ........................................................................ 7
Figure 2.4. Component Architectural Overview ........................................................................ 7
Figure 2.5. Main Server Components ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.6. Constantly Available Components ........................................................................ 10
Figure 2.7. Pricing Architecture ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.8. Pricing Process .................................................................................................. 12
Figure 2.9. Reference Data Server Architecture ..................................................................... 14
Figure 2.10. Online Server Architecture ................................................................................ 15
Figure 2.11. Online Server Processes ................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.12. Bulk Update Processes ..................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.13. API Connectors ............................................................................................... 18
Figure 2.14. Example of multiple-environment structure ......................................................... 22
Figure 3.1. Typical Directory Structure ................................................................................. 23
Figure 3.2. Groups and Users ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 3.3. Ownership Of Directories And Files ...................................................................... 25
Figure 3.4. Functionality Of Software Directories ................................................................... 25
Figure 3.5. Functionality Of BMD Rating Directories ............................................................... 30
Figure 3.6. Functionality Of Extract and Statement Directories ................................................ 31
Figure 3.7. Functionality Of Bulk Load Directories .................................................................. 32
Figure 3.8. Functionality Of Archive Directories ..................................................................... 33
Figure 4.1. Example of automatic tablespace selection ........................................................... 36
Figure 4.2. Central Schema Configuration ............................................................................. 37
Figure 4.3. Interconnect Schema ......................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.4. EDR Storage Preparation Database Usage ............................................................ 40
Figure 4.5. Summary Preparation Database Usage ................................................................ 40
Figure 4.6. Merge Service Database Usage ........................................................................... 41
Figure 4.7. Bulk Loader Programs ........................................................................................ 42
Figure 5.1. Start Process .................................................................................................... 44
Figure 5.2. System Log ...................................................................................................... 46
Figure 6.1. Online Architecture ............................................................................................ 49
Figure 6.2. Client Installation with Web Start ........................................................................ 50
Figure 6.3. Connecting through a firewall ............................................................................. 51
Figure 6.4. Message Logging ............................................................................................... 54
Figure 7.1. Interconnect EDR .............................................................................................. 81
Figure 13.1. Data Role ..................................................................................................... 239
Figure 13.2. Transaction Role ............................................................................................ 240
Figure 13.3. Oracle Security .............................................................................................. 241
Figure 14.1. Housekeeping Tasks ....................................................................................... 242
Figure 14.2. Oracle Tablespaces ......................................................................................... 244
Figure 14.3. File System Backup ....................................................................................... 251
Figure 14.4. Pricing Architecture Overview .......................................................................... 267
Figure 14.5. Rating Engines .............................................................................................. 270
Figure 14.6. Concurrent EDR Processing ............................................................................. 271
Figure 14.7. Monitoring Rating .......................................................................................... 273
Figure 14.8. Rating Load .................................................................................................. 274
Figure 14.9. Support Tools ................................................................................................ 276
Figure 14.10. Bulk Load and Export ................................................................................... 284
Figure 14.11. Archiving Rated EDRs ................................................................................... 286
Figure 14.12. Archiving Rated EDRs ................................................................................... 287

December 2020 ix

Figure 14.13. Reloading Archived Stored Data ..................................................................... 290

Figure 14.14. Example Day ............................................................................................... 293
Figure 14.15. Example Month ............................................................................................ 294
Figure 14.16. Installation History Structure ......................................................................... 297

December 2020 x

List of Tables
Table 1.1. Typographical Conventions ..................................................................................... 2
Table 1.2. Command usage syntax ........................................................................................ 2
Table 1.3. Filename/path variable syntax ............................................................................... 2
Table 1.4. Admonitions ......................................................................................................... 2
Table 1.5. Icons .................................................................................................................. 2
Table 8.1. DAILY SUMMARY View ......................................................................................... 94
Table 8.2. CDR_DETAIL_yyyymmdd_VIEW .......................................................................... 108
Table 8.3. ERROR_CDR table ............................................................................................. 129

December 2020 xi

1.1. About the Technical Guide
The following aspects of the application are covered in this manual:
• The technical architecture of the application - the processes and programs of the application and
their interaction.
• The operating environment, in other words, the configured hardware and software environment
on which the application runs.
• The application databases using the Oracle database management system.
• The directory structure and components of the installed application.
• Application-related activities performed by a system administrator and database administrator.
• The activities that take place periodically during the application's processing cycle.
• System administration tasks.
• Installing application patches.
• Fields in the summary lookup tables and error EDR tables.
• Troubleshooting application problems.
• A glossary of application-specific terms.

1.2. Target Audience

The manual is written for technical managers, system and database administrators and anyone re-
sponsible for maintaining the application environment and operating the database and batch com-
ponents of the application. Tasks related to the configuration, administration, maintenance and trou-
bleshooting of the application are covered in this manual.

1.3. Layout of the manual

Chapter 2 describes the server architecture.
Chapter 3 describes the location and structure of the files that make up the Interconnect application.
Chapter 4 describes the database architecture required to store and reference the application's data.
Chapter 5 describes how to start and stop the Interconnect application and how to access the server
Chapter 6 describes the components of the Interconnect client.
Chapter 7 describes the standard EDR layout in ICT.
Chapter 8 describes the fields in the summary lookup tables and error EDR tables.
Chapter 9 describes the Financial Finalisation process for partner-based rating.
Chapter 10 describes the Financial Finalisation process for route-based rating.
Chapter 11 describes how to configure the Data Warehouse Feed and explains each field in the CSV
Chapter 12 describes the fields that make up the header, line items, total records and trailer of an
IBS Electronic File.
Chapter 13 describes the levels of security controlling Interconnect and how to set security permis-
sions within the application.
Chapter 14 describes the maintenance tasks required to keep the Interconnect application opera-

December 2020 1
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 15 describes common errors and solutions.

1.4. Typographical conventions

The following typographical conventions are used throughout this manual:

Convention Applies to
Bold onscreen elements
Capitalised Words Words capitalised onscreen.
Italic Filenames, directories
Typewriter Computer screen output,command syntax,
source code
CAPITAL_LETTER_TEXT (sometimes with under- Database table names and column names
Table 1.1. Typographical Conventions

between curly brackets { and } required argument

between square brackets [ and ] optional argument
Table 1.2. Command usage syntax

Command usage syntax example:

sh {targetSchema} {targetPassword} [targetTNS]
disableConstraints.bat {targetSchema} {targetPassword} [targetTNS]

between sharp brackets < and > variable file and path names
Table 1.3. Filename/path variable syntax

Variable path and file name examples:

Directory name : C:\Program Files\InterconnecT\<environment name>
File name: centralserver<environment>.ini

Note: Icon used for a note
Table 1.4. Admonitions

Partner-based information
Route-based information
Table 1.5. Icons

In instances where information is relevant to either Partner-based or Route-based billing, icons are
used to distinguish this content. The table above lists the icons used.

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2.1. Pre-requisites
A basic familiarity with a number of technologies, products and processes is assumed in this guide.
Where these items may be less well-known, a brief explanation is offered.

You will ideally have expertise in Oracle relational database management, UNIX, Windows and be fa-
miliar with the C++ and Java programming languages. Because of the huge breadth that any one of
these subject areas covers, it is unlikely that you will have considerable expertise in all of them.
In addition to the above, you should also understand the role of the Billing Mediation Device (BMD),
which delivers EDR files to the application. Knowledge of the Event Detail Record (EDR) file format
delivered by the BMD is also assumed.

The Common Object Broker Architecture (CORBA) framework and infrastructure is also discussed.

2.2. Introduction
Interconnect uses files created by an event recording device, such as a telecoms switch or BMD, to
produce rated EDRs.

Interconnect normally processes millions of EDRs every month. In order to be manageable, Inter-
connect summarises the individual EDRs according to user-defined criteria in order that service
providers can be billed and the invoices produced by other service providers can be reconciled.

Optionally, Interconnect can be used to calculate the value of a recurring event, such as the monthly
payment for the rental of a property or the use of a license.

Interconnect is a client/server application that uses the Oracle® relational database management

December 2020 3
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.1. Logical processing sequence of Interconnect

2.3. Application Architecture

2.3.1. Physical architecture and platforms

The Physical Architecture diagram below shows a representation of the server- and client-side archi-

December 2020 4
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.2. Physical Architecture

Application Server Hardware And Software Requirements

UNIX Platform Operating System Oracle Version Java Version

x86-64 RHEL 6.(1+) or OL v6.(1+) 12c SE2, EE
See Java Imple-
Oracle (SPARC) Solaris* 10+ or 11+ 12.1.0.(2+)
IBM (Power) AIX 7.1 12.2.0.(1+)

*Solaris 10: Latest recommended patchset

Business Objects Custom Reporting

A Windows sever is required to run the optional Business Objects Custom Reporting solution.

Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC)

WBMS product can be installed into an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) cluster. Note that the
products will not be cluster aware, in other words, Transparent Application Failover (TAF) is not sup-
ported. Both one node (Oracle RAC One Node) and multiple nodes (Oracle RAC) can be used as
databases for WBMS products. The Oracle RAC database server(s) can be on any platform supported
by Oracle.

2.3.2. Logical architecture

Interconnect is a fully integrated batch and online application.
The batch system handles high-volume background data processing activities, such as rating of
EDRs, while the online system provides a user interface for the control of application activities and
maintenance of reference data.
The batch components are written in C++ and use Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) for inter-process communication. The components may be distributed and are inter-oper-
able across operating systems. The C++ Object Request Broker (ORB) used is TAO® and the Java
ORB is JacORB. The two ORBs communicate using Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP). Batch com-
ponents use the Object Request Broker (ORB) to make object references and to direct their invoca-
tions, identifying the exact instance of the object they want to invoke.

December 2020 5
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Interconnect processes EDR files created by a BMD to produce rated EDRs and summarised rated
EDRs that are stored in the Oracle database. Rating could be done on multiple servers concurrently if
EDR volumes require add-on processing power.

The application uses the Oracle database management system to provide three schemas:
• The Central schema contains infrastructure data such as user security settings, language transla-
tion tables, and other technical data required by the application
• The Interconnect schema contains all business reference data and data resulting from the pricing
of EDR files
• The Reports schema contains infrastructure data for the reporting subsystem
The separation of these schemas allows the addition of new modules that run against their own
schemas, but make use of the functionality provided by the Central and Reporting modules, such as
security, messaging and archiving.

The batch components communicate with the database using Oracle Call Interface (OCI).

The online clients and servers are written in Java and use Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) for
the client/server interface. CORBA is used for communication between the online servers and the
batch application. The online servers use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to access the Oracle

The graphical user interface (GUI) is run on a Windows workstation. The GUI can be started using a
web browser, and the required libraries are brought down to the workstation using Web Start.

Standard Armadillo reports are produced by a Visual Basic (VB) application on the workstation that
uses Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) to access Interconnect's Reporting database schema.

Interconnect's standard reporting solution is delivered via SAP Business Objects. This is the replace-
ment for the Armadillo reports. ICT provides Business Objects universes which enable users to de-
velop their own reports. These universes are built on top of Interconnect's reporting schema. In ad-
dition ICT provides a set of template reports that are built on top of the universes.

The Application Architectural Overview diagram below shows a simplified representation of the appli-
cation architecture:

December 2020 6
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.3. Application Architectural Overview

2.3.3. Component Architecture

The Component Architectural Overview diagram below shows a simplified representation of the com-
ponent architecture:

Figure 2.4. Component Architectural Overview

The Interconnect application components can be further grouped into the following areas:
• Main server-side components

December 2020 7
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

• Pricing components
• Client-side components
• Transient program components

Main Server Components

The Main Server Components diagram below show a simplified representation of the main server

Figure 2.5. Main Server Components

The main server components are always active when the application is running. These servers are all
started from the command line using the system management script.

Description Process name

The Naming Service is a CORBA locating service that allows clients to look up tao_cosnaming
an object location using a name as a key. A client can access an object adver-
tised by the Naming Service. This consists of looking up the object reference
using its name as a key. The object reference is then used by the client to ac-
cess the required object.
The LoadManager is a CORBA service that is used to efficiently distribute tao_loadmanager
work among the available rating servers.
SCM Agent or Implementation Repository is a CORBA service that is one of tao_imr_locator
the two parts of the Distributed Implementation Repository. Requests are sent
to the IMR Service by the SCM server to activate the requested processes.
Implementation Repository Activator is the second part of the Distributed tao_imr_activator
Implementation Repository CORBA service. The Activator is used by the Imple-
mentation Repository to launch and monitor batch and transient processes.
The Config Server provides access to configuration parameters that are config_srvr
stored in the Central database schema tables. It is also used for initialisation of
some system settings when Interconnect is installed.
The Message Server provides message logging facilities for both batch and messaging_srvr
online server processes. Messages are normally stored in the Central schema

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Description Process name

The System Control Manager (SCM) Server controls batch and transient scm_srvr
processes. It is used for all batch job scheduling, monitoring and maintenance.
• manages all batch transient and daemon processes in the system.
• manages machine configurations.
• monitors processes and reports errors.
• manages dependencies between daemons and transient processes, and de-
pendencies between transient processes themselves.
The RMI registry is the client/server middleware for the interface between on- rmiregistry
line clients and servers.

There are many online modules in the application. These are written in Java and provide the normal
mechanisms for creation, modification and deletion of reference data.

The online modules are implemented as two server processes: the Central Online server and the In-
terconnect Online server.

Description Process name

The Central Online Server is a Java process containing modules for java (-
maintaining system configuration and control data, e.g. for maintain- Dpname=centralserver)
ing user security settings.
The ICT Online Server is a Java process containing modules that im- java (-Dpname=ictserver)
plement all online business functionality such as reference data main-

The remaining processes, for on-demand activities, are written in Java.

Description Process name

The Jetty web server is used by Web Start to download the online java (-Dpname=webserver)
client files to user workstations.
The CORBA Application Program Interface (API) server is called java (-Dpname=capiserver)
by the bulk load transient program to bulk load reference data into
the database.

Constantly Available Components

The Constantly Available Components diagram below shows a simplified representation of additional
server processes that are started by the SCM when Interconnect starts. These additional server pro-
cesses are supporting processes used by the core components of the application, such as pricing and

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.6. Constantly Available Components

In addition to the main server components, nine other server processes run when the Interconnect
application is active. Six of these will be described as part of the explanation of the Pricing architec-
ture. The remaining three have the following roles:

Description Process name

The Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed server is used when there is a re- dwfeed_srvr
quirement to produce files for a Data Warehouse system during the course
of a rating job. This is an optional module.
The IBS File Reader server reads IBS if required in an ITU-rating system. file_reader_srvr
The IBS File Writer server creates IBS if required in an ITU-rating system. file_writer_srvr

Pricing Architecture

The Pricing Architecture diagram below shows a simplified representation of the pricing architecture.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.7. Pricing Architecture

The Interconnect batch system for rating EDR files has been designed to provide efficient and effec-
tive processing of large volumes of data.
When the application is started a number of processes that support pricing are automatically started.
This includes, the storage preparation servers, the merge server and the reference data server. Also
started automatically is the preconfigured number of rating engines.
When a user schedules a pricing job, the preprocessor daemon is started by the SCM. The prepro-
cessor monitors a preconfigured number of input file directories for new EDR files. The rating pro-
cesses use the Message server to log information in the database.
The pricing architecture consists of a number rating-related components within a stream framework,
and rating engines that control the flow of EDRs through the framework.
The pricing architecture comprises the following logical parts:
• Preprocessing component.
• Rating component consisting of a number of rating evaluators, some of which run in an evaluator
sequence depending on the EDR format.
• Reference Data Server component that caches all reference data in shared memory for use by the
rating engines.
• Reference Data Server Manager component that acts as a proxy for interfacing with the Reference
Data Servers.
• Consolidation component dealing with summarisation of data.
• Daily Summary Preparation Server component that checks for and if necessary creates daily sum-
mary lookups, keys and empty daily summary entries.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

• CDR Preparation Server component that checks for and if necessary creates EDR lookups and
• Error Preparation Server component that checks for and if necessary creates error summary and
error value summary entries.
• Storage component that stores daily summaries, rated EDRs and errors.
The preprocessing component performs format and syntactic validation tests on the various input
formats of the EDRs.
Preprocess will take files from one or more predefined input directories and validate their contents.
Preprocess will establish if the file is:
• To be rejected. This will occur if the predefined fixed-position EDR format does not match the
contents of the EDR file, or if the file contains invalid data for the field type, for example, a text
value has been supplied in a numeric field. Additionally, an EDR file with headers or trailers will
be rejected, if the count of records differs from the header/trailer information. Rejected files are
moved into a predefined directory. Files that are corrupt cannot be reprocessed.
• Considered to be a duplicate. Interconnect records the names of files that it has processed. If the
name of the file matches one in the database, the file is rejected as a duplicate and it is moved to
a predefined directory. This functionality is optional, but is enabled by default.
• Considered to be a valid file and suitable to be processed. EDRs are placed in a memory structure
of unprocessed EDRs, known as a bucket, and are sent to an available rating server.
After being rated and summarised, the EDR files are moved to the processed directory.
Pricing Process
The Pricing Process diagram below shows a simplified representation of the pricing process.

Figure 2.8. Pricing Process

A Pricing job requires that the main server components are running and that seven other servers,
started when the application is started, are available. Of the main server components, the one
specifically involved in the rating operation is the Load Manager.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Description Process name

Load Manager is used to ensure that work is efficiently distributed tao_loadmanager
among the available rating servers.

The following components are started and stopped with the main server components:

Description Process name

EDR storage preparation server. Rating passes rated EDR data to this edr_storage_prep_srvr
service which populates rated EDR lookup tables in the normalised rated
EDR database structure and returns a key to rating for the common por-
tions of each rated EDR element.
Error storage preparation server. Rating passes errored EDR da- error_storage_prep_
ta to this service to populate the Error Summary and Error Value Sum- srvr
mary tables and returns the keys of these summaries for storage on the
ERROR_EDR table.
Daily summary storage preparation server. Rating passes daily sum- dlys_storage_prep_srvr
mary data to this service which populates daily summary lookup, key and
detail tables in the normalised daily summary database structure and re-
turns daily summary IDs to rating.
Merge server merges summary records stored by rating in temporary ta- merge_srvr
bles into the permanent summary tables. The merge server handles all
summary information, including daily summary and error summary infor-

The rating batch process, the Preprocess server, is started when a pricing job begins execution. The
rating engines are started when the application starts and are available to any process that requires
a rating engine, for example, pricing and reprocessing. They are written in C++ and use CORBA for
inter-process communication.

Description Process name

Preprocess server reads and validates files of incoming EDRs. EDR preprocess_srvr
records are stored in buckets and passed to rating for further processing.
Rating server rates EDRs. Normally multiple instances of the rating serv- rating_srvr
er process will be configured depending on processing requirements and the
UNIX server capacity.

Reference Data Server

The Reference Data Server is started as part of the System configuration when the application is
started. The Reference Data Server reads all reference data into shared memory and makes this
memory available to rating engines and summary reprice. The Reference Data Server has an active
and an inactive shared memory region. Any clients of the Reference Data Server always refer to the
reference data in the active region. The Reference Data Server provides the facility to read a new set
of reference data into the inactive shared memory region and once complete, swaps the active and
inactive regions. The inactive region then becomes the active region and vice versa. All reference
data in the inactive region is removed. This process is referred to as the refreshing of reference da-

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

The refresh of the reference data can be requested in one of the following ways:
• Requesting a refresh on the Reference Data Server Maintenance panel
• Scheduling an ad hoc or recurring job to request a refresh
• Selecting the Refresh Ref Data checkbox when scheduling a configuration that uses reference da-

Figure 2.9. Reference Data Server Architecture

Pricing and one other process that uses rating engines may run together. For example, pric-
ing and reprocess can run together or pricing and structural reprice can be run together. You
cannot run pricing, reprocess and structural reprice together and you also cannot run repro-
cess and structural reprice together. Other processes that use rating engines include, record
and file undo.

In a distributed setup, there must be a Reference Data Server on each server running rating en-
gines. The Reference Data Server Manager server acts as a proxy by providing a single interface for
communicating and controlling all Reference Data Servers.

Online Server Architecture

The Online Server Architecture diagram below shows a simplified representation of the online server

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.10. Online Server Architecture

The online component has a GUI client interface consisting of many modules. These are written in
Java and provide the mechanisms for:
• creation, modification and deletion of reference data
• viewing and processing of transactional data
• the scheduling and control of application processes
• accessing the bulk loading/exporting/authorising interfaces
These modules are delivered to a workstation from a server using Web Start application deployment
technology and the client web browser. The client web browser ensures that the cached version of
the online component running on a client workstation corresponds with the version on the server de-
livering the application.

The online modules are implemented as two server processes: the Central Online server and the In-
terconnect Online server.

The Central Online server contains modules that maintain system configuration and control data
while the Interconnect Online server contains modules that maintain application and reference data.

The online servers are dependent on the batch messaging, configuration and SCM servers. The in-
stallation and use of the online component requires the installation of Web Start and the relevant
JRE on the client.

Online Server Processes

The Online Server Processes diagram below shows a simplified representation of the online server

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.11. Online Server Processes

The online server processes are written in Java and use Java RMI for the client/server interface.
JacORB CORBA ORB is used by the online servers for communication with some of the main server
processes, e.g. for sending messages to the Messaging Server.
The UNIX process name for each of the online servers is java, and the UNIX process name for the
RMI registry is rmiregistry. The specific Java online server processes can be identified from the com-
mand line arguments that are used when the processes are started. The command lines for the java
processes have the following format:
java -Dename=<environment> -Dpname=<process name> ... ...
The environment name specified by -Dename=<environment> and the server process name speci-
fied by -Dpname=<process name> are used together to identify the Java online servers.
For example:
java -Dename=PRD -Dpname=centralserver ... ...

Description Process name

The Central Online server controls access to the Central database schema for centralserver
display and maintenance of infrastructure data. It supports all requirements of
the Central online client.
The Interconnect Online server controls access to the Interconnect database ictserver
schema for display and maintenance of all Interconnect reference and call detail
data. It supports all requirements of the Interconnect online client.
The RMI registry is the client/server middleware for the interface between on- rmiregistry
line clients and servers. (UNIX process
The Jetty web server is used by Web Start to download the online client files to webserver
user workstations.
The CORBA API server is called by the bulk load transient program to bulk load capiserver
certain types of reference data into the database.

December 2020 16
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Description Process name

The API server provides an interface for third party and other CSG Interna- apiserver
tional software to the Interconnect Online server. Functions normally accessed
through the Interconnect GUI are exposed by the API server. This server will only
be present in systems that are configured to use it.

Reference Data Bulk Update Processes

The Bulk Update Processes diagram below shows a simplified representation of the bulk update pro-

Figure 2.12. Bulk Update Processes

Data used by the Rating process to rate calls is referred to as the Reference Data.
Users are able to add reference data to the database through the Interconnect GUI, or through a
separate facility in the application known as Bulk Loader, which loads reference data from Microsoft
Office Excel spreadsheets. Data can be loaded with a status of pending or authorised. Pending data
is not used in the rating of EDRs and can be deleted by any valid user.
The Bulk Loader and the GUI apply the same validation rules to reference data. This means that the
Bulk Loader cannot load invalid reference data. However, while reference data can be valid in terms
of the validation rules, the validation rules cannot test whether the reference data is correct in terms
of the business.
For the reference data to be used in the rating process, it must be classified as Authorised. The Bulk
Authorise facility allows the pending data to be classified as authorised in a single user action. The
Authorisation process can only be performed by authorised users.
The UNIX process names for Bulk Loader import and export will always be Java.
API Connectors
The API Connectors diagram below shows a simplified representation of how the API server inter-
faces with third party software.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.13. API Connectors

A connector process provides an interface between the Interconnect API server and third party soft-
ware, or allows reference data updates using XML files.
The three available API connectors are:
• The CSG International API Server, which allows designated reference data to be loaded from XML
• The TIBCO® Connector, which provides an interface between the API server and TIBCO software.
• The JMS Queue connector, which provides an interface to CSG International's Partner Relation-
ship Management (PRM) product.
The non-CSG International connector processes are only required if TIBCO or PRM are being used
with Interconnect. All these API connectors are disabled by default.

Transient Process Functionality

The batch rating processes convert EDRs in flat files into rated EDRs and summaries in database ta-
bles. Transient processes are used to change and maintain both reference and transactional data.
Transient processes carry out their function and then terminate without intervention.
Transient processes work on data held in the database and on data in Microsoft Excel XML files. Op-
erations are carried out against reference data, rated EDRs, summaries of rated EDRs, and invalid
Some transient processes are written in C++ and the others are written in Java. The UNIX process
name of all Java transient processes will be java.
Transient programs that use rated EDR data or charges

Description Process name

Archive transient process is used to transfer application data to archive archive
Charge Generation creates values for recurring charges. java (-Dpname=
EDR Restore is used to reload/restore archived rated EDR information edr_restore
from CSV files back into the database.
File Undo undoes the effect of processing all EDRs of selected EDR files. fileundo

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Description Process name

Record Undo performs undo processing for selected Daily Summaries and recordundo
their component EDRs.
Reprice performs structural repricing of EDRs after a rate or other refer- reprice
ence data update.
Restore is used to reload/restore non-rated EDR archived data (e.g. restore
Billing Period Archives).

Transient programs that use unrated EDR data

Description Process name

Housekeep process runs when a rating batch job is started to clean up any housekeep
incomplete data that may exist if a previous rating job failed. It performs
general cleanup activities to remove data that may remain on the system
following process aborts. It can be scheduled to clean up EDRs, daily sum-
maries, delete processed files and compress audit records.
Reprocess performs reprocessing of error EDRs that are stored in the reprocess
ERROR_CDR database table.

Transient programs that use Summary Data

Description Process name

Accrual Calculation extracts data from the ACCRUAL_SUMMARY table and accr_calc
writes it to the ACCRUAL_INTERFACE table.
period end will close billing periods and, if appropriate, calculate volume java (-Dpname=
based rating (VBR) and discounts and then extract all data related to the DAILY_AGENT)
closed billing periods as financial data.
Pre-estimate calculates the current value of transactions including, if ap- java (-Dpname=
propriate, volume based rating (VBR) and discounts. PRE_ESTIMATE)
Refresh Billing Period Caches instructs the daily summary preparation refresh_blp
server to refresh its cache of billing period information.
Report Extract is used to extract, transform and load data into the Seman- sl_etl
tic Layer.
Summary Reprice transient performs repricing of Daily Summaries. summaryrerate
Summary Relocate transient moves daily summary EDRs from the summary_relocate
DLYS_DETAIL table (current data) to the DHIS_DETAIL table (historical da-
ta). This is only done after a billing period has been successfully closed and
Verification summarises declared and measured traffic for comparison pur- verification
poses. This is scheduled in one of three ways: manually from the online sys-
tem, automatically after an IBS complete, and automatically after a period
end run.

Transient programs that use Reference Data

Description Process name

Bulk Authorise updates the status of rows in the selected tables from java (-Dpname=
Pending to Authorised thereby allowing the data to be used in pricing jobs. BULK_AUTHORISE)

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Description Process name

Bulk Export creates XML files from the selected reference data tables. java (-Dpname=
Bulk Load reads XML files containing Reference Data and loads the data in- java (-Dpname=
to the Interconnect database. BULK_LOAD)
Report Extract is used to extract, transform and load data into the Seman- sl_etl
tic Layer.
Weighted Rates is a transient process that can be scheduled to calculate weightedrates
weighted rates.

Transient programs that feed data to other applications

Description Process name

Financial Extract extracts financial summary information from the Inter- financialextract
connect database for export to a flat file which can be imported into the
customer's financial system
IBS complete creates inbound statement transactions (also known as ibs_comp
posted account entries) from the line items of an Inbound Statement. It is
scheduled automatically from the online system when a user 'completes' an
Inbound Statement.
Rated EDR Extract extracts rated EDR information from the database and ratededrextract
exports into CSV format.
Settlement Statements Manager extracts Settlement Statement records ssm_financialextract
(only available with ITU Manager) and exports the records into CSV files.
Static Data Warehouse Feed extracts rated EDR data based on Event static_dwfeed
Date into CSV files . The CSV files can then be imported into a customer's
Data Warehouse system. This is a separate binary from the dynamic Data
Warehouse feed (process name of dwfeed_srvr).

2.4. Increase Memory versus Increase Bucket Sizes

Buckets are kept in memory by the processes when they are being processed. Increased bucket
sizes result in more memory being required by the system.

2.5. Reports
Standard Reports
The reporting system is a Visual Basic application with its own GUI. The application accesses
database tables and presents customisable reports of client, product and statistical data as well as
reference data and data throughput.
Interconnect Business Objects Custom Reports
The Business Objects reporting platform is deployed on top of the Interconnect tables, providing a
semantic layer and Business Objects Universe(s), in order to provide a stable platform for reporting.
The Semantic layer consists of views and physical tables which will provide a view of the ICT appli-
cation database suitable for use with Business Objects. Custom SQL can also be written against the
Semantic Layer, however, using the Universe will ensure that the correct SQL is generated.
A set of template reports is provided that can be customised according to the business require-
ments. When using Business Objects to customise reports, the reports developer/writer does not

December 2020 20
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

need a database client or an understanding of the back-end database structure. The data in the Se-
mantic Layer is represented as objects in the BO Universe that can be used to customise a report.

2.6. Multiple Environments

It is possible to install multiple environments on a single server. This is achieved in one of the follow-
ing ways:
• multiple stand-alone environments
• single installation with multiple environments

2.6.1. Multiple Stand-Alone Environments

Using this approach the application is installed multiple times in separate locations on the same
server. Each environment has the following:
• its own unique directory tree under a directory specified in the installation properties file

This directory structure contains application code for online and batch functionality and all the
other application server components.
• its own set of Oracle users and database tables
• its own startup scripts and configuration files

The script is considered as source code and may not be customised in any
way during support. It may be overwritten at any time during a patch installation.

2.6.2. Single installation with multiple environments

It is possible for several Interconnect environments to share a set of common files (such as, library
and binary files). This makes it easier for customers with multiple environments (for example, one
per franchise) to keep all of their environments in sync and up-to-date. It is also possible for cus-
tomers with multiple stand-alone environments to consolidate these environments into a new mul-
ti-environment structure.

An example of a multiple-environment structure is depicted below:

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 2. Server Architecture

Figure 2.14. Example of multiple-environment structure

Each environment shares a common set of binaries, libraries and utilities. The configuration file for
each environment is stored in the common configuration (cfg) directory. Each environment has its
• log and other output directories
• set of Oracle users and database tables

December 2020 22


The following chapter describes the location and structure of the files that make up the Interconnect
application on the UNIX server. Only the directories and files that are used for administration and da-
ta input and output are explained.

3.1. Directory Structure

The Typical Directory Structure diagram shows a simple representation of the Interconnect directory

Figure 3.1. Typical Directory Structure

The Interconnect application and work directories can be located according to site-specific require-
ments. The only exception is the /var/.intec directory. Most directories are configurable either during
installation (using the file) or by using the online.
Interconnect application files are normally installed in the /product/ict/<ENV> directory, where typi-
cally ENV is the environment code as below:
DEV = Development
PRD = Production
TST = Test
TR = Training (where code can be TRN, TR1, TR2, etc.)
Input and processed EDR files are normally stored on a separate file system. In the example provid-
ed, these files are stored in the /bmd/rating directory.
It is also suggested that archived or extracted data is stored in a separate file system. In the exam-
ple provided, these files are stored in the /ict_archive directory.
The Oracle application is normally in a separate directory structure. The Oracle database may have
been configured to archive logs of database transactions. In this example, the archivelog directory
will be used to store these logs.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

The files used to start and stop Interconnect on system reboot/shutdown may be placed into operat-
ing system-specific directories.

3.2. Groups and Users

It is suggested that a new UNIX user (for example, ict) and a new UNIX user group (for example,
ict) is created for the installation, maintenance and the running of the Interconnect installation.

The image below is a representation of a user and the group to which it belongs.

Figure 3.2. Groups and Users

3.3. Permissions
The Interconnect user is set up to use the Korn shell (ksh93).

In general, the Interconnect files are set up so that they can be:
• read, written to, or executed by the owner
• read or executed by members of the owner's group
• no permissions for anyone else
The Interconnect UNIX user ID will normally be ict or ict<ENV>, e.g. ictprd for a Production system.

3.4. Ownership - Directories and Files

Ownership of directories and files is dependent on the function of the files. ict will own all Intercon-
nect files with the exception of those files at the system level or those files that are owned by oracle.

The Ownership Of Directories And Files diagram represents directory-level ownership of a typical in-

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

Figure 3.3. Ownership Of Directories And Files

3.4.1. Functionality - Software Directories

The Functionality Of Software Directories diagram represents how Interconnect software files are
grouped into directories according to the function of the files.

Figure 3.4. Functionality Of Software Directories

The table below describes these functional areas.

/product/ict Contains no application related files

/product/ict/<ENV> Contains directories specifically for environment ENV
/product/ict/<ENV>/log Contains application log files for environment ENV

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

/product/ict/bin Contains C++ application programs and application startup scripts

/product/ict/cfg Contains configuration files for all environments
/product/ict/envpatch Contains files used in application patching operations
/product/ict/images Contains online splash screen images
/product/ict/lib Contains shared libraries for C++ programs and all Java code
/product/ict/log Contains patch and application runtime log files.
/product/ict/support Contains application support utility scripts.
/product/ict/utils Contains database maintenance utility scripts

3.4.2. Application Executables

The application's executable files all exist in the bin/ directory. The table below briefly describes the
most important binaries.

Unix filename Description

aar Transient binary for archiving transactional data related to messages and
billing periods.
aarRestore Transient binary for restoring transactional data related to messages and
billing periods.
accr_calc Transient binary for calculation of ITU accruals.
archive Transient binary for archiving rated and error EDRs.
cdr_migration_srvr Daemon binary enabling V6.0 to V7.1 EDR migration.
cdr_migrator Transient binary enabling V6.0 to V7.1 EDR migration.
config_srvr Daemon binary providing access to system settings and other configura-
tion information stored on the Central database.
dlys_migration_srvr Daemon binary enabling V6.0 to V7.1 daily summary migration
dlys_migrator Transient binary used during the migration of data from v6 to v7.1.
dlys_storage_prep_srvr Daemon binary for preparing daily summary storage.
dwfeed_srvr Daemon binary for producing DWF files from pricing.
edr_restore Transient binary used for restoring rated EDRs.
edr_storage_prep_srvr Daemon binary for preparing EDR storage.
error_storage_prep_srv Daemon binary for preparing error storage.
expandenv Binary used to provide environment parameters to programs on startup.
file_reader_srvr Daemon binary providing file reading services for inbound electronic inter-
face files.
file_writer_srvr Daemon binary providing file writing services for outbound electronic in-
terface files.
fileundo Transient binary for managing file-level undo tasks.
financialextract Transient binary for financial extracts.
hostcheck Binary used by the SCM to check if a host is active.
housekeep Transient service to perform system housekeeping tasks.
ictant Wrapper script used by Interconnect when calling the Java Ant program.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

Unix filename Description

ibs_comp Transient binary for completion of inbound statements.
ImplRepo_Service A CORBA implementation repository used as an SCM agent to activate re-
quested processes.
ImR_Activator A CORBA implementation activator service is used by the Implementation
Repository to launch and monitor batch and transient processes.
LoadManager The TAO load manager service.
merge_srvr Daemon binary for storing summary data.
messaging_srvr Daemon binary for logging messages.
mig_preproc_srvr Binary utilised in the migration of V6.0 to V7.1.
mig_storage_prep_srvr Binary used in the migration of V6.0 to V7.1.
Naming_Service The TAO COS naming service.
objcheck Used by script to check if programs are running.
preprocess_srvr Daemon binary for reading and parsing EDR files.
program_cli Command-line binary for interfacing with the system control manager for
modules with run parameters stored in module specific tables.
ratededrextract Transient binary for the extraction of rated EDR data.
rating_srvr Daemon binary for performing rating tasks.
reactive-server.conf CORBA configuration file.
recordundo Transient binary for managing record-level undo tasks.
ref_data_client A command-line binary for interfacing with the Reference Data Server
ref_data_srvr Daemon binary that caches reference data for use in batch processing.
ref_data_srvr_mgr A daemon proxy server to all running reference data servers.
ref_data_srvr_refresh Transient binary that coordinates refreshing and swapping of reference da-
ta between active and inactive shared memory regions.
refresh_blp Transient service to ensure billing period consistency in the preparation
reprice Transient binary for managing structural repricing tasks.
reprocess Transient binary for managing error reprocessing tasks.
restore Transient binary for rated EDR and other archive restoration.
restoreV6Archive Transient binary for importing Interconnect v6.0.7 archive files.
run_config A script used by the installer to run the config_srvr.
scm_srvr Daemon binary for managing the execution of other binaries.
scmclient Command-line binary for interfacing with the system control manager.
sl_etl A procedure that extracts, transforms and loads data from the operational
database to the semantic layer database tables.
ssm_financialextract Performs financial extract for settlement statements.
static_dwfeed Transient daemon for ad-hoc extraction of rated event data in data ware-
house feed format.

December 2020 27
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

Unix filename Description

summary_relocate Binary responsible for the relocation of the daily summaries from current
to historical storage for closed and extracted billing periods.
summaryreprice Transient binary for repricing call data at a summary level.
svc.conf A CORBA configuration file.
verification Transient binary for verifying declared traffic against measured traffic.
weightedrates Transient binary for the calculation of weighted rate values.

3.4.3. Application Configuration

The application's configuration files all exist in the cfg/ directory. The table below briefly describes
the most important binaries.

Configuration File Name Description Contains the RMI host name and port number for the application
apiServerConversions.xml Contains the XML schema definitions for the API. Lists the CORBA services that are provided by the CAPI server.
config[environment].ini Binary file containing encrypted user ID, password and other de-
tails created during application startup
error.jsp Contains an error handling routine.
help.jsp Web Start online help configuration file. Contains property values used by the Java application logger. Lists client Jars that will be sent to a client machine which could
be signed with a signature other than the WBMS signature.
other.jsp Contains the JNLP configuration for the Jars that are not signed
with the WBMS signature.
plugins Contains XML files with the method and parameter definitions for
the application API. Lists the supported Locales for the current installation.
[environment].ini A text file containing configuration values used by the application
startup scripts.
[environment].properties A text file containing database network connection details and
other information relevant to the installation. Lists application client Jars that will be sent to a client machine
which are signed with the WBMS signature.
webstart.jsp Web Start online startup and update configuration file starts up
the client on the local machine and downloads the latest files
(jars) from the server.

3.4.4. Database Maintenance Utilities

The database maintenance utilities all exist in the utils/ directory. The table below briefly describes
the most important utilities.

Script Name Description Removes SDU, EBC and ICT reference data.

December 2020 28
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

Script Name Description

Note: This would only be used if those products are also installed. Removes SDU, EBC and ICT rated data. Clears all archive, bulk load and statistical information stored on
the Central database schema and truncates the MESSAGE_LOG
table. Removes all reference data from the database. When the installa-
tion tests are complete, the script can be used to delete all refer-
ence data that was used for the installation tests. Removes data associated with batch processing. This includes all
rated information, summaries, IBS, OBS, verification, financial
summarisation, and other non-reference data stored on the ICT
schema. Removes reporting data created by the ETL processing. These scripts contain functions used by other scripts. These scripts contain functions used by other scripts.
createContractManagerViews.sql This script creates the Oracle views required by ICT to reference
objects and data in the intermediate CM/CSG Route schema. Disables ICT constraints. Enables ICT constraints. Export the effective consolidation and financial aggregation keys. Exports file location data from the FILE_LOCATION table. Exports a subset of the input file format data to an Oracle export
file (.dmp).
• The Format Sensing Logic and File Location data is not included
in this export and must be set up manually after importing the
data to another environment.
• Any errors logged relating to data already inserted by the ICT
patcher can be ignored. Exports reference data into an Oracle export (.dmp) file. Export the ICT user-defined tier determination data. Sets all required file permissions.
Note: This script is used by the installer or patcher. Sets up database grants and synonyms.
Note: This script is used by the installer or patcher. Import the effective consolidation and financial aggregation keys
that have been exported using the associated export script. Imports file location data to the FILE_LOCATION table. Deprecated. Imports file format data. (A list of tables can be found in the
corresponding .par file.)

December 2020 29
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

Script Name Description Imports reference data into the ICT schema from an Oracle .dmp
file created by
Note: You can only import data that was exported using the at the same Interconnect version lev-
el. Import the ICT user-defined tier determination data. Used when migrating from v6 to v7. View script comments for de-
tails. Used when migrating from v6 to v7. View script comments for de-
tails. Used when migrating from v6 to v7. View script comments for de-
tails. Used when migrating from v6 to v7. View script comments for de-
tails. Used when migrating from v6 to v7. View script comments for de-
tails. Resets sequences and metadata tables in the Central and Inter-
connect schemas. Applies database patches.
Note: This script is used by the installer or patcher.

3.4.5. File Location Configuration

File locations related to transactional data are configurable. The File Location panel allows you to
change the default file locations configured at implementation time. Functionality - BMD Rating Directories

The Functionality Of BMD Rating Directories diagram represents the four mandatory directories re-
quired by the Pricing configuration.

Figure 3.5. Functionality Of BMD Rating Directories

EDR files that have come from a billing mediation device (BMD) or switch, and the files that have
been processed by the Interconnect rating processes, are grouped into directories according to the
status and origin of the files.

December 2020 30
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

Financial extract, inbound and outbound statement files are grouped in separate directories. The ta-
ble below describes the purpose of each of the BMD rating directories.

/bmd Contains no files, will hold data directories.

/bmd/rating Contains data directories for input EDR files for environment ENV.
/bmd/rating/data Contains input EDR files for environment ENV. This is the default input di-
rectory for EDR files which the system will rate. The SCM monitors this di-
rectory for any new files. Preprocess will ask the SCM every few seconds
if there any new files to process. If there are, the preprocess will begin
processing these files.
/bmd/rat- Contains rejected duplicate input EDR files for environment ENV. When
ing/duplicate_reject a file with the same name has been submitted for the second time, pre-
process will move it from the input directory (default .../rating/data) and
place it in this directory. The duplicate filename checking functionality is
optional, but enabled by default in the application.
/bmd/rat- Contains errored input EDR files for environment ENV. When an input file
ing/original_reject is rejected for reasons other than duplication (i.e. unable to sense format,
invalid format, and so on) it is moved by preprocess to this directory.
/bmd/rating/processed Contains processed input EDR files for environment ENV. The original files
placed in the input directory are moved here by preprocessor after rating
has completed processing them.

All of the above directories are configurable using the Interconnect GUI. Multiple rating input direc-
tories can be configured. There can only be a single instance of each of the duplicate reject, original
reject and process directories. Functionality - Extract And Statement Directories

The Functionality Of Extract and Statement Directories diagram represents suggested directory lay-
out for statements and other output files.

Figure 3.6. Functionality Of Extract and Statement Directories

Files that optionally are extracted from Interconnect to feed a data warehouse, or provide data in
the form of financial extract files, inbound, and outbound statement files, are grouped into separate

December 2020 31
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

/bmd/CdrExtract May contain rated EDR data that has been extracted from Interconnect and
stored in CSV files.
/bmd/DWF May contain data in CSV files to feed a data warehouse.
/bmd/FinancialExtract May contain Financial Extract files.
/bmd/IBS/data May contain Inbound Statement files.
/bmd/IBS/processed May contain processed Inbound Statement files.
/bmd/IBS/reject May contain rejected Inbound Statement files.
/bmd/OBS/processed May contain Outbound Statement files.
/bmd/SSMFinan- May contain Settlement Statement extract files.

All of the above directories are configurable using the Interconnect GUI. Functionality - Bulk Load Directories

The Functionality Of Bulk Load Directories diagram represents suggested directory layout for bulk
import and export files.

Figure 3.7. Functionality Of Bulk Load Directories

Reference data can be loaded into the Interconnect application using XML files. Typically, the user
will create an XML file using Microsoft Office Excel. The XML file is captured by the Interconnect ap-
plication and copied into a defined directory on the server. The contents are then loaded into the
The user may want to obtain copies of the reference data to import the data into another installation
of Interconnect. The user can also use the export functionality to create a template XML file for use
in subsequent imports. In this case the user will initiate a task to export the data in XML format to a
file in a nominated directory.
These two directories are defined in the following system setting values:
The files in these directories are not maintained by Interconnect and will need to be manually
purged on a regular basis. Functionality - Archive Directories

The Functionality Of Bulk Load Directories diagram represents suggested directory layout for
archived and restored archive files.

December 2020 32
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 3. Server File Structure

Figure 3.8. Functionality Of Archive Directories

The Automated Archive and Restore (AAR) facility uses one directory for archived rated EDR files and
another for archived data that is extracted from the database and written in comma-separated value
(CSV) format. A further directory is used for data that has been restored from CSV archives to the
database. When an archive file is restored it is moved into the restore directory.
Files that are optionally extracted from Interconnect to feed a data warehouse, financial extract files,
inbound and outbound statement files are grouped into separate directories.

/ict_archive/AAR/ Contains data that has been extracted from the Interconnect database and
archive/csv stored in CSV archive files.
/ict_archive/AAR/re- Contains CSV archives that have been restored to the Interconnect
store database.

December 2020 33


4.1. Overview
The Oracle database is used to store the online reference data and all transactional data that is pro-
duced and used by Interconnect. The data is modified using the application's GUI interface, the au-
to-loaders and/or the batch processes.
The application uses server side PL/SQL functions, procedures and packages to provide fast and effi-
cient access to the server-side data.
The following versions of Oracle are supported:
Oracle 12c SE2, EE:
• 12.1.0.(2+)
• 12.2.0.(1+)
The Oracle server may be installed on an application server or on a database server.

4.2. Oracle Software Installation

4.2.1. Server Installation

It is important that the platform specific prerequisites and installation tasks be adhered to as speci-
fied within the platform specific documentation that is included with the Oracle software.
Depending on the operating system that the database server is running on certain kernel parameters
must be modified to ensure optimal database performance. Oracle makes recommendations per op-
erating system. It is suggested that these recommendations are adhered to, unless otherwise speci-
fied by CSG Support.
Ensure that the required database and operating system patches have been applied to your
database server before continuing with the installation.
In addition, check that the Oracle settings specified in the Pre-installation Checklist section in the In-
terconnect Installation Guide have been set correctly.

4.3. Database Creation and Implementation

Prior to installing Interconnect, the physical Oracle database instance has to be created. The
database has to be configured according to the application implementations and sizing guide.

4.4. Oracle Tablespaces

By default, the application will be installed into a database with the following tablespaces:

Data Tablespace Index Tablespace Description

SYSTEM These are the standard Oracle SYSTEM
tablespace(s) where all information about the
Oracle database users and database objects are
UNDOTBS1..n The rollback/undo segments are housed within
this tablespace(s). The size of the tablespace(s)
and the number of rollbacks segments are de-
termined based upon the client specific require-

December 2020 34
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

Data Tablespace Index Tablespace Description

TEMP This is the temporary tablespace required by Or-
acle to perform any database functions that re-
quire the use of a temporary tablespace.
TOOLS The Oracle tablespace used by common tools.
ICT_DEFAULT_DATA ICT_DEFAULT_INDEX This tablespace is the default tablespace for all
Interconnect database users. The tablespace
holds temporary tables used by the application.
ICT_REF_DATA ICT_REF_INDEX This tablespace is used to store the client's refer-
ence data.
ICT_CENTRAL_DATA ICT_CENTRAL_INDEX This tablespace holds infrastructure data, such
as, user security settings, language translation
tables and message log.
ICT_REPORTS_DATA ICT_REPORTS_INDEX This tablespace holds reporting infrastructure and
ETL data.
ICT_KEY_DATA ICT_KEY_INDEX This tablespace holds key tables for lookup of
priced EDRs and priced EDR daily summaries.
ICT_LOOKUP_DATA ICT_LOOKUP_INDEX This tablespace holds lookup tables for priced
EDRs and priced EDR daily summaries.
ICT_SUMMARY_DATA ICT_SUMMARY_INDEX This tablespace holds call data summary informa-
ICT_SUMMARY_ ICT_SUMMARY_ This tablespace holds aged summary data.
ICT_WORK_DATA ICT_WORK_INDEX This tablespace holds tables for temporary stor-
age of EDR summary data while rating EDRs.
ICT_CDR_DATA ICT_CDR_INDEX This tablespace holds all the priced EDRs
if multiple tablespaces are not used. See
ICT_CDR_DATA_[...nnn] below.
ICT_CDR_DATA_[...nnn] CDR_INDEX_[...nnn] These tablespaces holds all the priced EDRs. Mul-
tiple tablespaces can be used.
ICT_ERROR_DATA ICT_ERROR _INDEX This tablespace holds error EDRs, error sum-
maries and error value summaries.
ICT_RESTORED_DATA ICT_RESTORED_INDEX This tablespace holds EDRs that have previously
been priced and archived and have now been re-

You are able to specify and create custom tablespaces, if required. If you want to have custom ta-
blespaces, they must be configured in the installation properties file when Interconnect is installed.

Stored EDR Tablespaces

The majority of the data in the database will normally relate to the processed EDRs. While this rat-
ed EDR data could be held in one set of tablespaces (one tablespace for tables, another for indexes),
such an arrangement could prove problematic when carrying out backups or restores.
In most cases the rated EDR data will be held in multiple sets of tablespaces. Normally the number
of tablespace sets will be a factor of 7 x n - 1. For example, 6 (7 x 1 - 1), 13 (7 x 2 - 1), 20 (7 x 3
- 1), etc. This arrangement is practical due to typical peaks and troughs in the weekly number of

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

EDRs. Having a number of tablespace sets that offset the days in the week helps to ensure even dis-
tribution of data in the tablespaces.
The application will automatically select the next tablespace in the sequence for a day's calls and
then return to the beginning when the end is reached, in other words:
Day 1 goes to DATA_001
Day 2 goes to DATA_002
Day 3 goes to DATA_003
Day 4 goes to DATA_004
Day 5 goes to DATA_005
Day 6 goes to DATA_006
Day 7 goes to DATA_001
Day 8 goes to DATA_002
and so on.
For example:

Figure 4.1. Example of automatic tablespace selection

If Oracle ASM is used, having multiple EDR data tablespaces may not be required.

4.5. Oracle Schemas

Three Oracle schemas are created at installation time - the central schema, the application schema
and the reports schema. The table below briefly describes the three application schemas.

User Function
Central Security and infrastructure data.
Intercon- Reference and transactional data.

December 2020 36
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

User Function
Reporting Views of reference and transactional data.

4.5.1. Database Link

Interconnect requires a single database link to exist from the Interconnect user to the Central
The link, which is named CENTRAL, enables programs that connect to the Interconnect schema to
access the Central schema for retrieval of parameters and other information from the tables in the
Central schema.

4.5.2. Central Schema

The Central schema controls infrastructure data such as user security settings, language translation
tables and other technical data required by the application. This information is accessed and man-
aged primarily using the Central application GUI.

Data Usage
The Central schema contains objects used to maintain application security.
For example, when a user attempts to log on to the application, the login tokens are validated and
the user's profile is obtained.
Information relating to system usage is also logged in the Central schema.

The Central Schema Configuration diagram represents the interaction between Interconnect process-
es and the Central Schema.

Figure 4.2. Central Schema Configuration

The Central schema contains values which, among other things, are used to configure the applica-
tion, to define the location of input and output directories, and control the usage of binaries.

4.5.3. Interconnect Schema

The Interconnect schema controls all business reference data and all call-related data that is stored
in the database. The Interconnect schema may be installed into the same database as the Central
schema or into a separate database instance.
The Interconnect Schema diagram represents the types of information that are stored under the In-
terconnect Schema.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

Figure 4.3. Interconnect Schema

The Interconnect schema is larger than the Central schema in terms of the number of objects it con-
tains and the volume of data it holds. Direct Integration With Optimised Routing

For Carrier Based scenarios, the reference data server loads some of its reference data from the IOR
database schema, which it then uses to rate events with 'Carrier Based' type rating components. The
relevant IOR table's data is made available to Interconnect via Oracle synonyms. You may set these
up yourself or you may use the following stored procedure to point these synonyms at the IOR ta-
To point Oracle synonyms at the IOR tables
1. From the Interconnect Schema (I or ICT), execute the following:
2. Replace dblinkname with the appropriate Oracle Database Link that points at the IOR schema. Direct Integration With Contract Manager (CM)/CSG Route

In Contract Manager (CM)–based scenarios, the reference data server requires reference data from
the CM/CSG Route database schema to rate events with 'Contract Manager' type rating components.
CM/CSG Route creates and populates an intermediate schema with all of the database objects and
data that ICT requires to run the rating process in CM/CSG Route–based scenarios. ICT references
the objects and data in this intermediate schema via Oracle views that must be created by perform-
ing the steps outlined below.
To create Oracle views for CM/CSG Route–based scenarios
1. Create an Oracle database link from the Interconnect schema to the intermediate schema.

Note: This is a manual step that can be performed by a DBA or someone with technical knowl-
edge of how to create database links.

2. Run the following procedure to point the Interconnect views at the intermediate database:

December 2020 38
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

3. Replace dblinkname with the appropriate Oracle database link that points to the intermediate
database. Reference Data Caching

To optimise application performance, all reference data used by rating and summary reprice is
cached in shared memory by the reference data server. Rating and summary reprice then directly
access the cached data and never access the database for reference data.
The selection of reference data is based on a system setting parameter (DBC_LED_DAY_RANGE),
which defines the number of days prior to the current date that reference data must be considered
for caching. If reference data within that period has not expired, the data will be cached. Any data
that has expired before the current date less the DBC_LED_DAY_RANGE value will not be cached.
For example, if the current date is 01/01/2001 and the DBC_LED_DAY_RANGE value has been set to
90 days, and the following reference data exists:

Organisation Expiry Date

PRD1 01/09/2000
PRD2 01/10/2000
PRD3 01/11/2000
PRD4 01//12/2000
PRD5 01/01/2001

Only PRD3, PDR4 and PRD5 would be cached as these don't expire within the last 90 days.
Additionally, any EDRs with an event date that is less than the current date minus the
DBC_LED_DAY_RANGE value will go into error.
The caching of reference data is done before EDR processing begins. Rating Database Usage

Rating stores rated EDRs in database tables. There will be at least one table for each EDR traffic
date. If the rated EDR rows for a date exceed the limit for maximum rows in a rated EDR table or if
you have configured that multiple rated EDRs tables should be created per day, then multiple rated
EDR tables will exist per EDR traffic date. The row limit is specified by the CDR_ROWS_PER_TABLE
system setting and the number of concurrent tables is specified by the CDR_CONCURRENT_TABLES
system setting. The CDR_ROWS_PER_TABLE system setting is a soft limit. Only once this value has
been exceeded will a new storage table be created and used. The rated EDR tables are created by
rating at runtime, if required.
Rating stores summary information in temporary summary queue tables. There are three categories
of summary information:
• Daily summary
• Error summary
• Error value summary
The summary merge process merges the data from the summary queue tables into the permanent
summary tables.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

Rating also updates the statistics tables in the database and writes error EDRs to the ERROR_CDR

EDR Storage Preparation Database Usage

The EDR Storage Preparation Database Usage diagram represents how rating interacts with the EDR
Storage Preparation Service to create EDR lookup and key values.

Figure 4.4. EDR Storage Preparation Database Usage

In order to minimise data storage, the information is normalised, and use is made of lookup tables.
Rating passes rated EDR data to this service. It populates rated EDR lookup tables and key table in
the normalised rated EDR database structure and returns a key value to rating for each rated EDR

Summary Preparation Database Usage

The Summary Preparation Database Usage diagram represents how rating interacts with the Sum-
mary Preparation Service to create daily summary lookup, key and daily summary values.

Figure 4.5. Summary Preparation Database Usage

Rating sends daily summary business keys to the Summary preparation service.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

The daily summary lookup tables are updated with the business key values.

If no daily summary exists for a business key, the preparation service will create a new daily sum-
mary table row with zero value. Merge Service Database Usage

The Merge Service Database Usage diagram depicts how the merge service merges temporary daily
summary and error data.

Figure 4.6. Merge Service Database Usage

The merge service takes temporary daily and error summaries and merges them into the Daily Sum-
mary Detail, Error Summary and Error Value Summary tables.
This approach is necessary to avoid locking on the Daily Summary Detail, Error Summary and Error
Value Summary tables. Bulk Loader Programs

The Bulk Loader Program diagram depicts the flow of loader information.

December 2020 41
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 4. Database Architecture

Figure 4.7. Bulk Loader Programs

A Bulk Export transient program can be used to export reference data from the database into Ex-
cel-formatted XML files.
Excel can be used to modify the data, or add new data, which can be imported into the database
with a Bulk Import transient program.

4.5.4. Reporting Schema

The Reports schema provides read-only access to certain parts of the Interconnect data for report
production. The Reports Schema is populated by various ETL processes that extract, transform and
load the data from the Interconnect Schema.
The first time the ETL processes are run they do a full extract, transform and load of all data avail-
able at that point in time.
Subsequent runs do delta loads, in other words, they only load data that has changed since the last
load. ETL processes may run in parallel with Pricing but it is strongly suggested that this is not done
for the initial load. Running an initial data load in parallel with Pricing will have severe performance

4.6. Database backups

All of the user and business information pertaining to the application exists within the Oracle
database. It is essential that a proper and thorough backup strategy is established and tested. Back-
up strategies are best determined by the customer. See: Oracle Backup.

December 2020 42


5.1. Introduction
This chapter describes how to start and stop Interconnect and how to access the server logs.

5.2. Interconnect Startup Script

The Interconnect application's main server components are started, stopped and monitored using a
UNIX shell script.
The script must be located in the Interconnect bin directory and cannot be moved to
the system boot directory. If it is desired to automatically start the main server components at boot
time, the script can be called by a wrapper script located in the system boot directo-
The script does not start the Oracle database server process or the Oracle TNS lis-
tener process; these must be running before the is used to start Interconnect.
This script must not be edited as the script is always overwritten when patching the application.
Location of the shell script
/<ICT Home>/bin
Script usage {start | stop | restart | kill | status | quiet_status } <ENV>
The commands that can be used with the script are: Starts all main server processes for both batch and online components of the
start <ENV> application. Normal stop of all application processes.
stop <ENV> Equivalent to a stop followed by a start.
restart <ENV> Displays the status of server processes for both the online and batch application
status <ENV> components. kill Abnormal stop of all application processes. The kill command should only be
<ENV> used after a process failure and before attempting to restart the system. For
example, in the event of a SCM server failure it will shut down all processes in-
cluding those that were started by the SCM server. Only for use in a wrapper script that starts Interconnect automatically at sys-
quiet_status tem boot time. It is used to set a return code indicating if the start was suc-
<ENV> cessful. Displays usage instructions for the script.

There are currently two unsupported parameters that will be accepted by the script: check_files Produces a file containing the check sums for the files under the
<ENV> <ENV> directory. envconfig Displays information about the UNIX environment.

5.3. Start Process

December 2020 43
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 5. Working With Server

Figure 5.1. Start Process

When the script is invoked to start the high level components it goes through this
sequence of operations:
1. Configuration files are read and variables are set.
2. The CORBA implementation repository locator is started.
3. The CORBA implementation repository activator is started.
4. The CORBA load manager is started.
5. The CORBA naming service is started.
6. The Configuration server is started.
7. The Messaging server is started.
8. The SCM is started.
9. The ICT boot strapper is started. This starts the following servers:
a. The Java online Central server.
b. The Java online ICT server.
c. The Java API server.
d. The web server for Web Start.
10. Schedules are enabled.
When all processes have started, the system is ready and online users can log on.

5.4. Server Log Files

Each of the server processes creates two log files; one for normal support output and another to
store error output. The server processes create log files in the /product/ict/<ENV>/log directory. The
lof files created by the servers are as follows:
• <ENV>_config_srvr_err.log
• <ENV>_config_srvr.log
• <ENV>_imr_activator_err.log
• <ENV>_imr_activator.log
• <ENV>_imr_locator_err.log
• <ENV>_imr_locator.log
• <ENV>_java_bootstrapperclient_err.log
• <ENV>_java_bootstrapper_err.log
• <ENV>_java_bootstrapper.log
• <ENV>_java_capiserver_err.log
• <ENV>_java_capiserver.log
• <ENV>_java_central_server_err.log
• <ENV>_java_central_server.log

December 2020 44
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 5. Working With Server

• <ENV>_java_ictserver_err.log
• <ENV>_java_ictserver.log
• <ENV>_java_webserver_err.log
• <ENV>_java_webserver.log
• <ENV>_loadmanager.log
• <ENV>_messaging_srvr_err.log
• <ENV>_messaging_srvr.log
• <ENV>_naming_err.log
• <ENV>_naming.log
• <ENV>_scm_srvr_err.log
• <ENV>_scm_srvr.log
These logs contain information for use in diagnosing application faults by CSG Support staff. Gener-
ally, if the cause of an error cannot be found in the System Log, then the server log files should be
examined next.
The following log files most frequently contain useful information when errors occur:

Log file Purpose

.../log/<ENV>_imractivator.log These log files contain output from process-
es started by the application using the imple-
mentation repository service.
.../log/<ENV>_java_centralserver.log These log files contain output from the online
Central application server.
.../log/<ENV>_java_ictserver.log These log files contain output from the online
Interconnect application server.

Log File Rotation

There is a setting in <Env name>/cfg/<Env name>.ini to tell the system how many zipped archives
of the log files to keep.
If the new setting is empty or invalid (a non-positive integer), the default value of '5' is used. To
change this setting, edit the value in the .ini file and it will be implemented the next time the sys-
tem is restarted.
A value of '0' disables this functionality and no zipped archive files will be created.
On each system restart, all the existing log files are archived together and zipped to
loghistory.tgz.<n>. The value of <n> for the existing zip files is incremented for each file each time
the system restarts, and a new zip is created with <n>=1. So the higher the value of <n> in the zip
file name, the older the zip file.
The maximum value of <n> is set by <ICT_LOG_COUNT>. Once that number is reached, the next
time the system restarts, the oldest zip file is deleted. So only the newest <ICT_LOG_COUNT> zip
files are retained.


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INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 5. Working With Server

On the first system restart:

1. The existing log files are archived together and zipped to loghistory.tgz.1
On the second system restart:
1. loghistory.tgz.1 is renamed loghistory.tgz.2
2. The existing log files are archived and zipped to loghistory.tgz.1
On the third system restart:
1. loghistory.tgz.2 is deleted
2. loghistory.tgz.1 is renamed loghistory.tgz.2
3. The existing log files are archived and zipped to loghistory.tgz.1
This rotation of log files is repeated for each subsequent system restart.

5.5. The System Log

Interconnect uses a message logging service to record messages from both batch and online compo-
nents of the system. These messages are stored in the MESSAGE_LOG table, known as the Intercon-
nect System Log, in the Central schema. In the event of an error occurring in the application, recent
messages in the System Log should be examined before any other action is taken. This can be done
using the System Log panel of the Interconnect online application. Below is an example of the Sys-
tem Log panel.

Figure 5.2. System Log

Messages include date, time logged, job ID, program name, and the severity of the message. This
simplifies location of messages that you want to examine. The System Log panel by default displays
messages in descending date and time sequence for all programs.

December 2020 46
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 5. Working With Server

Messages are categorised by severity as shown in the following table:

Severity code Description

1 Critical
2 Error
4 Warning
8 Informational
16 Statistical
32 Debug Level 1
64 Debug Level 2
128 Debug Level 3

Each program has a logging level that can be set on the PROGRAM table in the Central schema. Mes-
sages with a severity code equal to or less than the specified logging level are stored in the System
The logging level is normally set at a value of 31, which will cause all messages with a severity code
of less than 31 to be logged.
For example, if logging level were set at a value of 7 (that is, 1 + 2 + 4), then only Critical, Error
and Warning messages would be logged. If the logging level is set to 15 (that is 1 + 2 + 4 + 8) then
Informational messages would be logged in addition to Critical, Error and Warning messages.
The logging level will not usually be changed from the default value of 31. However, to provide addi-
tional debugging information it can be changed using Oracle SQLPlus. For example:
connect ictprdcen/ictprdcen@ICT update program set logging_level = 255 where id =
The message log should be purged at regular intervals, as volume of logged data can become large
over time. This can be done from the Tools menu in Interconnect GUI.

December 2020 47


6.1. Application Architecture
The following chapter describes the components of the Interconnect client.

6.1.1. Interconnect Workstation Specification

The table below shows the minimum client workstation specification required to run the Interconnect

Software Version
Microsoft Windows 7, 32- or 64-bit
8.1.(1+), 64-bit
10, 64-bit
Microsoft Office Suite 2003-2016
Internet Explorer 11
Java See Java Implementations.
Oracle 12c SE2, EE:
• 12.1.0.(2+)
• 12.2.0.(1+)

The Interconnect client can also run on a Terminal Server, with lower specification workstations con-
necting via a suitable Terminal Server client or Windows Remote Desktop client software.

6.1.2. Interconnect Online Architecture

The online component of Interconnect uses a distributed process client/server architecture as depict-
ed in the diagram.

December 2020 48
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 6. Client Architecture

Figure 6.1. Online Architecture

The clients and servers are written in Java and use Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) for the
client/server interface.

The servers use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to access the Oracle database.

A Java Runtime Environment is required on the server and on user workstations (see Java Imple-

CORBA is used for inter-process communication between the Java online server components and
components of the C++ Application Framework. For example, the online system uses the Messaging
Server to log all messages and the SCM Server for scheduling and monitoring of programs.

6.1.3. Client Installation with Web Start

The online client Java Archive (JAR) files are stored on the UNIX server machine and are automat-
ically downloaded and installed on demand to a cache directory on user workstations using Web
Start. See Java Implementations

December 2020 49
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 6. Client Architecture

Figure 6.2. Client Installation with Web Start

If using Java Web Start, it should be configured to not use a proxy server. For sites where a proxy
server is employed, this is done by selecting the following options on the Java Web Start menu and
selecting the Direct Connection option.
Tools | Internet Options | Connections | LAN Settings Starting the client application using Web Start

The client application is started by using a web browser, such as, Internet Explorer. Enter a URL
in the form of https://<server hostname or IP Address>:<ssl-port number> into the web
browser to display the Login page for the Interconnect and Central clients, enter the username and
password and then select the relevant link on the application tray to request download of the client

If your organisation is using the default SSL certificates provided with the Interconnect and
Central applications, the users will be prompted with security warnings when they launch the
applications for the first time after patching the system. If you do not want the users to re-
ceive the security warnings, then your organisation must purchase and install its own "do-
main-specific" certificates. Please refer to the Installation Guide for more information on how
to deal the security warnings.

If the online application is not installed on the user workstation, or the JAR files on the workstation
are not up to date, Web Start will download them to a user cache directory.
After downloading the application, Web Start will request confirmation to run it.
When using Web Start the application can, optionally, create a file shortcut on the workstation GUI
desktop and add entries in a workstation's list of program files.
Web Start does not require administrator privileges and does not update the Windows registry.

December 2020 50
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 6. Client Architecture

Web Start eliminates the need to update Interconnect online client code on user workstations - if
a new version of the client code is placed on the UNIX server, it is automatically downloaded and
installed when users next run the application. This ensures that errors resulting from inconsistent
client and server software versions do not occur.

6.1.4. Connecting Through A Firewall

If there is a firewall between client workstations and the Interconnect server, the application and
firewall should be configured to allow communication between the client and the server as repre-
sented in the diagram below.

Figure 6.3. Connecting through a firewall

The following ports must be opened through the firewall:

Port description Name in Configuration file

Web server port for Web Start WS_PORT
Java RMI registry port RMI_PORT
All Central server ports from RMI range start CENTRAL_RMI_RANGE_START to
to RMI range end for Central online applica- CENTRAL_RMI_RANGE_END
All ICT server ports from RMI range start to ICT_RMI_RANGE_START to ICT_RMI_RANGE_END
RMI range end for Interconnect online appli-
Oracle listener port Defined in the Oracle listener.ora file
CORBA Naming Service port NAME_SVC_PORT
Configuration server port CONFIG_PORT

6.1.5. Configuring RMI Communications For Firewall

When there is no firewall between client workstations and the Interconnect server, only a single port
needs to be specified for RMI client/server communication.
This is specified by the variable RMI_PORT in the initialisation files for the Central and Interconnect
online servers

December 2020 51
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 6. Client Architecture

When a firewall is present, a separate range of ports needs to be specified for the Central and Inter-
connect online servers.
This is done with variables RMI_RANGE_START and RMI_RANGE_END, which must be specified in
the initialisation file. For example:
All these variables must be present, and represent two inclusive ranges. In the above example, the
server will attempt to utilise ports 14020 and 14021, and 14030 and 14031 for RMI communication
in addition to the standard RMI port. A range of two ports should be adequate. If connectivity prob-
lems are encountered with the online application, the size of the range can be increased.
The two port number ranges must not overlap.

6.2. Running A Batch Job

This section describes how to control and monitor batch processing through the client GUI.

6.2.1. Starting A Batch Job

Batch jobs are started from the Interconnect GUI client.
It will not be possible to display the Interconnect client or start a batch job unless the server pro-
cesses have been successfully started from the script.
The batch job that will be run most frequently is Pricing.
A pricing job can be started from the Schedule panel by selecting these options from the Intercon-
nect main menu:
Administration |Processing |Schedule |Pricing
Pricing can also be started from the Batch Monitor panel.

Scheduling A Job
Interconnect supports two job schedule types:
• Run Once. The job runs once only and starts at a specified date and time in the future.
• Recurring. A recurring job runs at a specified time and with a specified frequency which can be
daily, weekly or monthly. The job can be scheduled to occur only during a specific time frame.
All jobs can be specified to finish at a given time or be killed (that is, stopped immediately) at a time
that is different to the finish time.
A new job is scheduled by clicking on the Add New button and completing the information in the De-
tail section of the schedule panel before clicking on the OK button.
Jobs in the existing schedule can be displayed in the List section of the panel by clicking on the Filter
button. The list can be restricted to specific jobs by entering selection criteria in the Search section
of the panel.
The parameters of existing jobs can be edited and jobs can be deleted from the schedule. A new job
can also be created from an existing one by selecting a job in the list and clicking on the Add Copy

December 2020 52
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 6. Client Architecture

The List section will display a new job after it is submitted. The job will be highlighted and the but-
tons in the List section of the panel will be enabled.

The job status can be monitored by clicking on the Status Monitor button.

6.2.2. Monitoring A Batch Job

Once a batch job has started, the status of the job and its processes can be monitored on the Job
Status Monitor panel.

Job Status Monitor Panel

The Job Status Monitor can be launched from the job scheduling panel or from the main Intercon-
nect menu by selecting:

Administration | Processing | Status Monitor

The Pricing tree must be expanded to view pricing jobs and a specific job must be expanded to view
its details.

The job status information is refreshed by clicking the Filter button. Any running job can be stopped
by selecting the relevant job in the tree and clicking either the Stop Immediate or Stop Normal but-
ton. For more information on how to stop a batch job, see: Stopping A Batch Job.

This panel shows the status of the job and its processes but does not give information about EDRs
that are processed. That information is obtained on the Batch Monitor panel.

Batch Monitor Panel

The Batch Monitor window can be launched from the main Interconnect menu by selecting:

Administration | Processing | Batch Monitor

The Batch Monitor panel provides a summary of work done by batch jobs that process EDRs, and is
useful for monitoring job progress. Results of pricing, repricing, reprocessing, file and record undo
jobs can be viewed.

This window also provides an alternative simple method to start and stop pricing.

The results of the most recent job will be displayed by default.

The results of one or more previous jobs can be selected by entering appropriate values in the
search fields at the top of the window and clicking on Filter.

Message Logging

More detailed information about batch jobs is provided by the message logging facility. The diagram
below represents how messages are logged by the components of the Pricing configuration.

December 2020 53
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 6. Client Architecture

Figure 6.4. Message Logging

Each batch process can write to the MESSAGE_LOG table and this information can be viewed
through the System Log window of the Interconnect client.
The message logging facility logs messages from both the batch and online components of Intercon-

The System Log

The message log table can fill up quickly depending on the level of logging. The log can be purged
via the online.
There are a variety of types of message that can appear in the message log:
Each program can be set to its own logging level. When first installed, Interconnect is set to report
statistical, informational, warning, error and critical messages.

6.2.3. Stopping A Batch Job

There are two ways to stop a batch job from the Job Status Monitor window.
Stop Normal
This is the usual way to stop a batch job. The command is issued by clicking on the Stop Normal
button of the Job Status Monitor panel.
The batch processes will complete any files that they are processing and then shut down.
If a job has been scheduled with a Finish by timestamp then the job will be stopped at that time with
a Stop Normal by the SCM.
Stop Immediate
This command is for immediate termination of a batch job. It is issued by clicking on the Stop Im-
mediate button of the Job Status Monitor panel.
Buckets from files that are processing when the command is issued will not be completed but up-
dates resulting from buckets that were completed before the command was issued will be committed
to the database.

December 2020 54
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 6. Client Architecture

If a job has been scheduled with a Kill by timestamp then the job will be stopped at that time with a
Stop Immediate.
As 'Stop Immediate' is an immediate termination of a batch transient job, some of the programs
may reflect a failed status as they would not have completed what they were scheduled to process.
Stopping Interconnect with the script
If the entire Interconnect system is shut down with the script, any batch jobs that
are running will be aborted. The effect on batch job runs will be the same as issuing a Stop Immedi-
ate command.

Unit Of Work Completed

If a pricing job is stopped with Stop Normal, any files that are being processed when the command
is issued will be completed before the job stops.
In the case of Stop Immediate, any files that are being processed when the command is issued will
not be completed. Updates from buckets that were completed before the command was issued will
however be committed to the database.
It is safe to stop a pricing job at any point in time. All buckets that have been rated will be retained.
Any data that has not completed the processing cycle will be dealt with automatically in a subse-
quent pricing job run.
It should be remembered that an EDR bucket is the unit of work in Interconnect. If a pricing job is
stopped before all input EDR files have completed the processing cycle, the number of EDRs input
will not equal the number of EDRs processed. It will, therefore, be necessary to reconcile the input
EDRs against the number of EDRs processed in multiple pricing job runs.

If Oracle or the batch processes terminate abnormally for any reason it can be recovered. The cause
of the failure should be first identified and the problem corrected; the Interconnect System Log and
server logs may assist with this. Oracle will automatically recover to its last commit point.
All Interconnect processes should be stopped and restarted with the script using the
restart command: restart <environment>
When pricing is started again, processing will resume with any input files that have not been fully
processed. Processing will automatically resume with buckets that have not yet been successfully
Interconnect monitors the processing of input EDR files and will ensure that files are processed only

December 2020 55


7.1. EDR Layout Example & Purpose
The following sections describe an example input EDR format that Interconnect should be able to
process. This format contains the required fields to achieve the following:
• Normal rating of Interconnect incoming, outgoing or transit calls
• Enhanced rating with up to four volume fields, their units of measure, and three discrete fields on
the EDR
• Revenue share rating with up to three revenue share fields and their currencies on the EDR
• Refund rating that enables the user to increase or reduce the effect of previously rated EDRS
• Mediation Reprice Undo rating that enables a user to find and remove previously rated EDRs
• Contract Manager Style rating that enables a user to use reference data from both Interconnect
and Contract Manager (CM)/CSG Route to rate events.
• The ability to specify the Franchise, Incoming and Outgoing Network Operator directly on the EDR
• The ability to specify the event direction directly on the EDR

7.2.1. Inclusion
The scope includes descriptions of:

No. Area
1. Header Record
2. Trailer Record
3. Record Detail

In addition, a sample of the EDR fields for Enhanced Rating is provided.

7.2.2. Exclusions
The scope excludes descriptions of:

No. Area
1. Packet Switching (Format to be finalised)

7.2.3. Assumptions
The standard file header and trailer formats as well as the standard input EDR specification are de-
scribed in the paragraphs below. It should be noted that Interconnect supports the processing of
files in different input formats. These formats can be configured via the Interconnect online EDR File
Mapping facility, also known as the format window.
Many combinations of format are possible and this document purely serves to illustrate a specific ex-
ample with which most rating combinations are possible.

7.3. EDR File Header and Trailer Format

A EDR file may contain a header and/or a trailer but header and trailer records are optional.

7.3.1. EDR File Header Format

The header is an optional component of the EDR. Only the RECORD COUNT will be validated if the
header has been configured in the EDR mapping.

December 2020 56
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

1 Record ID 0 3 Text No User De-
finable e.g.
2 Record Count 3 10 Numeric, n Yes Number of
Decimal 10 records or
EDRs in the

7.3.2. EDR File Trailer Format

The trailer is an optional component of the EDR. Only the Record Count will be validated if the trailer
has been configured in the EDR mapping.

No. Field Offset Size Format Justifica- Mandato- Descrip-

Name tion ry tion
1 Record ID 0 3 Text Left No User Defin-
able, e.g.,
2 Record 3 10 Numeric, n Left Yes Number of
Count Decimal 10 records or
EDRs in the

7.4. Input EDR Specification

7.4.1. Standard Input EDR Specification
The body of the EDR file contains the detailed event data records that require rating.
EDR fields should be padded with spaces if the actual field length is less than the specified field
length, e.g., a field with 22 bytes will be required to be padded with 8 spaces if the field length was
specified as being 30 bytes.
All reference data is converted to upper case when loaded via the online or bulk loaders unless oth-
erwise stated in the table below.

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
1 EVENT_DIREC- 3 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- • Indicates the direc-
TION tional tion of the call from
the franchise's per-
spective, for exam-
ple, incoming, outgo-
ing and transit.
• The user can define
their own event di-
rection codes which,
although they must
be mapped to the
standard incoming,
outgoing and tran-

December 2020 57
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
sit directions, can be
used to influence the
choice of rate.
• If the event direction
is populated the sys-
tem will validate the
value and error the
record if invalid.
• If the event direction
is not populated it
will be derived as fol-
• If incoming Net-
work Node, in-
coming trunk (or
incoming opera-
tor) and incom-
ing product are
populated, then
event direction =
• If outgoing Net-
work Node, out-
going trunk (or
outgoing opera-
tor) and outgoing
product are popu-
lated, then event
direction = Outgo-
If both Network Node,
trunks (or operator
fields) and products
are populated, then the
event direction = Transit
2 INCOMING_NODE80 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, • The Network Node
if the is used to derive the
call franchise.
is in- • If populated, the val-
com- ue will be validated
ing or and the franchise will
tran- be derived
and • If both the Network
the Node and franchise
Fran- fields are populated,

December 2020 58
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
chise the rating evaluator
ID configuration will de-
not termine which takes
popu- precedence.
lated • The record will be er-
rored if:
• Event Direction =
• Incoming Network
Node is not popu-
• Franchise ID is not
• Event Direction =
• Incoming Network
Node and/or Out-
going Network
Node is not popu-
• Franchise ID is not

Maximum length
for this field is
20. However this
field length can
be set to any
other value less
than 20, e.g. 7.
3 OUTGOING_ 80 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, • The Network Node
NODE if the is used to derive the
call franchise.
direc- • If populated, the val-
tion is ue will be validated

December 2020 59
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
go- and the franchise will
ing or be derived
tran- • If both the Network
sit Node and the fran-
and chise fields are pop-
the ulated, the rating
Fran- evaluator configura-
chise tion will determine
ID which takes prece-
not dence.
lated • The record will be er-
rored if...
• Event Direction =
• Outgoing Network
Node is not popu-
• Franchise ID is not
• Event Direction =
• Incoming Network
Node and/or Out-
going Network
Node is not popu-
• Franchise ID is not

Maximum length
for this field is
20.However this
field length can
be set to any
other value less
than 20, e.g. 7.

December 2020 60
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
4 INCOMING_PATH 80 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, • The trunk is used in
if In- conjunction with the
com- Network Node ID to
ing derive the Intercon-
Net- necting network op-
work erator.
Node • If populated, the val-
popu- ue will be validated
lated and the network op-
and erator will be derived
com- • If both the incoming
ing trunk and incoming
Oper- operator fields are
ator populated, the rating
not evaluator configura-
popu- tion will determine
lated which takes prece-
• The record will be er-
rored if...
• Event Direction =
• Incoming Network
Operator not pop-
• Event Direction =
• Incoming Trunk
and/or Outgoing
Trunk is not popu-
• Incoming Opera-
tor is not populat-

Maximum length
for this field is

December 2020 61
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
20. However this
field length can
be set to any
other value less
than 20, e.g. 7.
5 OUTGOING_PATH 80 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, if • The trunk is used in
Out- conjunction with the
going Network Node ID to
Net- derive the Intercon-
work necting network op-
Node erator.
popu- • If populated, the val-
lated ue will be validat-
and ed and the network
Out- operator will be de-
going rived.
ator • If both the outgoing
not trunk and outgoing
popu- operator fields are
lated populated, the rating
evaluator configura-
tion will determine
which takes prece-
• The record will be er-
rored if...
• Event Direction =
• Outgoing Network
Operator not pop-
• Event Direction =
• Incoming Trunk
and/or Outgoing
Trunk is not popu-
• Outgoing Operator
is not populated.

December 2020 62
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
Maximum length
for this field is
20. However this
field length can
be set to any
other value less
than 20, e.g. 7.
6 INCOMING_OP- 6 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, If mediation can popu-
ERATOR if in- late this field it would
com- not be necessary to
ing or use the Path and Net-
tran- work Node to obtain the
sit Billing Operator.
is not
7 OUTGOING_OP- 6 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, if If mediation can popu-
ERATOR out- late this field it would
go- not be necessary to
ing or use the Path and Net-
tran- work Node to obtain the
sit Billing Operator.
is not
8 INCOMING_ 14 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, if • If the incoming prod-
PRODUCT prod- uct is populated the
uct value will be vali-
deriva- dated and, if invalid,
tion is the record will be er-
exter- rored.
nal to

December 2020 63
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
Inter- • If the incoming prod-
con- uct is not populat-
nect ed AND if Intercon-
nect is configured to
No, if
derive the product,
then the A- and/or
B-number is validat-
ed and the product is
fig- • The record will error
ured if...
to de- • Event Direction =
rive Incoming
prod- AND
uct • Incoming Network
Node or franchise
not populated
• Incoming Trunk or
Incoming Network
Operator not pop-
• Interconnect is
configured to de-
rive the product
• Event Direction =
• ((Incoming and/or
outgoing Network
Node) OR fran-
chise is not popu-
• ((Incoming and/or
Outgoing Trunk)
OR (Incoming
and/or outgoing
network opera-

December 2020 64
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
tor)) is not popu-
• Interconnect is
configured to de-
rive the product

The maximum
length for this
field is 14. How-
ever this field
length can be set
to any other val-
ue less than 14,
e.g. 4.
9 OUTGOING_ 14 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, if • If the outgoing prod-
PRODUCT prod- uct is populated the
uct value will be vali-
deriva- dated and, if invalid,
tion is the record will be er-
exter- rored.
nal to • If the outgoing prod-
Inter- uct is not populat-
con- ed AND if Intercon-
nect nect should derive
No, if the product, the A or
Inter- B number is validat-
con- ed and the product is
nect derived.
is • The record will error
con- if...
ured • Event Direction =
to de- Outgoing
rive AND
prod- • Outgoing Network
uct Node or franchise
not populated
• Outgoing Trunk or
Outgoing Network
Operator not pop-

December 2020 65
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
• Interconnect is
configured to de-
rive the product
• Event Direction =
• ((Incoming and/or
outgoing Network
Node) OR fran-
chise is not popu-
• ((Incoming and/or
Outgoing Trunk)
OR (Incoming
and/or outgoing
network opera-
tor)) is not popu-
• Interconnect is
configured to de-
rive the product.

10 FRANCHISE 6 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, • If the franchise is

if In- populated the value
com- will be validated and,
ing if invalid, the record
Net- will be errored.
work • If both the Network
Node Node and the fran-
and/ chise fields are pop-
or ulated, the rating
Out- evaluator configura-
going tion will determine
Net- which takes prece-
work dence.
not • The record will be er-
popu- rored if...
lated • Event Direction =

December 2020 66
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
• Incoming Network
Node is not popu-
• Franchise ID is not
• Event Direction =
• Outgoing Network
Node is not popu-
lated AND o Fran-
chise ID is not
• Event Direction =
• Incoming Network
Node and/or Out-
going Network
Node is not popu-
• Franchise ID is not

11 ANUM 50 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Indicates the originating

tional number for the call. Not
converted to upper case
when captured.
12 BNUM 50 TEXT 80 TEXT L Manda-Indicates the terminat-
tory ing or dialled number
for the call. Not convert-
ed to upper case when
13 EVENT_START_ 8 YYYYM- 1013 DATE L Manda-Indicates the start date
DATE MDD tory of the call. Typically this
would be when the call
was answered.

December 2020 67
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
• YYYY = Year
• MM = Month
• DD = Day
Example: 20040301.
14 EVENT_START_ 8 HH- 2030 TIME L Manda-Indicates the start time
TIME mmSShh tory of the conversation, i.e.
the time the call was
answered. Format: HH-
mmSShh where
• HH = Hours
• mm = Minutes
• SS = Seconds
• hh = 100th of sec-
15 EVENT_DURA- 10 9999 51 TIME L Yes, if • Indicates the conver-
TION mmSShh Event sation duration for
Start the call.
Date • Maximum value is
and 9999MMSShh where
Time 9 represents hours (0
are to 9999), M minutes,
popu- S seconds and H rep-
lated resents hundredths
of seconds.
• Interconnect sup-
ports alternative for-
mats and they are
pre-defined in the
appropriate online
EDR mapping drop-
down list.
• Maximum duration
value is configurable.

Maximum length
for this field is
10. However
this field length
can be set to

December 2020 68
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
any other val-
ue less than 10
The format for
a length of 10 is
where 9999 rep-
resents hours,
mm minutes, SS
seconds and hh
hundredths of
seconds. Thus a
EDR with dura-
tion of 3 hours
12 mins 33 sec-
onds and 9 hun-
dredths of a
second will be
presented as
16 NETWORK_ 8 YYYY 1013 DATE L Op- Indicates the start
START_DATE MMDD tional date when the call was
made, i.e. when num-
ber was dialled. Format:
= Year MM = Month
DD = Day Example:
17 NETWORK_ 8 HHmm 2030 TIME L Op- Indicates the network
START_TIME SShh tional start time, i.e. the time
the number was dialled.
Format: HHmmSShh
HH = Hours mm = Min-
utes SS = Seconds hh
= 100th of seconds Ex-
ample: 22104834 or
18 NETWORK_DU- 10 9999 51 TIME L Yes, if • Indicates the net-
RATION mmSShh Net- work duration for the
work call.
Start • Maximum value is
Date 9999MMSShh where
and 9 represent hours,
Time M minutes, S sec-
are onds and H repre-
popu- sents hundredths of
lated seconds.

December 2020 69
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
• Interconnect sup-
ports alternative for-
mats and they are
pre-defined in the
appropriate online
EDR mapping drop-
down list.
• Maximum duration
value is configurable.
19 DATA_VOLUME 25 10n 72 ULONG L Op- • Also known as
ULONG tional "Range Param-
eter 1" · Format
• Typically populat-
ed for non-time-
based calls but can
be used in conjunc-
tion with time with
both elements be-
ing rated hence no
need to clone EDRs
which contain both
an event duration
and a data volume.
• Indicates the volume
of data passed.
20 DATA_UNIT 8 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, Indicates the unit of
if the measure for the data
match-volume, e.g. kiloseg-
ing ments, words, charac-
Data ters, etc.
21 DATA_VOLUME_2 25 19n Deci- 70 NUMERIC L Op- • Also known as
mal 6 tional "Range Parameter 2".
• Format
• Indicates a num-
ber to be matched
against a range ma-

December 2020 70
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
22 DATA_UNIT_2 8 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, Indicates the unit of
if the measure for the corre-
match-sponding Range Param-
ing eter, e.g. kilosegments,
Data words, characters, etc.
23 DATA_VOLUME_3 25 19n Deci- 70 NUMERIC L Op- • Also known as
mal 6 tional "Range Parameter 3".
• Format
• Indicates a num-
ber to be matched
against a range ma-
24 DATA_UNIT_3 8 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, Indicates the unit of
if the measure for the corre-
match-sponding Range Param-
ing eter, e.g. kilosegments,
Data words, characters, etc.
25 DATA_VOLUME_4 25 19n Deci- 70 NUMERIC L Op- • Also known as
mal 6 tional "Range Parameter 4".
• Format
• Indicates a num-
ber to be matched
against a range ma-
26 DATA_UNIT_4 8 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, Indicates the unit of
if the measure for the corre-
match-sponding Range Param-
ing eter, e.g. kilosegments,
Data words, characters, etc.

December 2020 71
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
27 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_1 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
28 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_2 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
29 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_3 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-

December 2020 72
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
30 REVENUE_ 25 19n Deci- 70 NUMERIC L Op- A Currency amount
SHARE_ mal 6 tional coming in on the EDR,
AMOUNT_1 e.g. 100.123456
31 REVENUE_ 3 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, • The currency in
SHARE_CUR- if the which the revenue
RENCY_1 match- share amount is ex-
ing pressed, e.g. USD.
Rev- • This currency has
enue to match the rating
Share component currency.
32 REVENUE_ 25 19n Deci- 70 NUMERIC L Op- A Currency amount
SHARE_ mal 6 tional coming in on the EDR,
AMOUNT_2 e.g. 100.123456
33 REVENUE_ 3 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, • The currency in
SHARE_CUR- if the which the revenue
RENCY_2 match- share amount is ex-
ing pressed, e.g. USD.
Rev- • This currency has
enue to match the rating
Share component currency.
34 REVENUE_ 25 19n Deci- 70 NUMERIC L Op- A Currency amount
SHARE_ mal 6 tional coming in on the EDR,
AMOUNT_3 e.g. 100.123456
35 REVENUE_ 3 TEXT 80 TEXT L Yes, • The currency in
SHARE_CUR- if the which the revenue
RENCY_3 match- share amount is ex-
ing pressed, e.g. USD.
Rev- • This currency has
enue to match the rating
Share component currency.

December 2020 73
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
36 REPAIR_INDICA- 1 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- • Used internally to in-
TOR tional dicate if a record has
been repaired.
• Not for customer
37 REASON_FOR_ 4 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- • Indicates why a call
CLEARDOWN tional ended, e.g. line fail-
• Not used in the rat-
ing process, but cus-
tomers may use this
field for tracking and
statistical purposes.
• The value of this field
is not validated.
38 CALL_COUNT 19 n Decimal 60 NUMERIC L Op- Reserved for bulk coun-
0 tional ters, e.g. where a sin-
gle record in the EDR
file does not represent a
single call
39 LINK_FIELD 2 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- • Used for long dura-
tional tion calls.
• Where a call is split
over several EDRs
this field enables In-
terconnect to identi-
fy the start, end and
middle segments of
the call. These seg-
ments are handled
in different ways al-
though Interconnect
does not attempt to
reassemble the call
and does not asso-
ciate the individual
segments with each
Customers are advised
that the best way to ac-
curately rate long du-
ration calls is to have
mediation collect and

December 2020 74
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
"stitch" the EDRs to-
gether to provide one
long duration EDR.
tional used for various pur-
poses within Pricing.
1) To identify Medi-
ation Undo records
for normal EDRs. A
Mediation Undo CDR
contains exactly the
same information
as a previously pro-
cessed EDR, but has
field set to the val-
ue specified in the
system setting (de-
fault value MU, but
this is user defin-
able). Rating treats
these EDRs as a nor-
mal EDR, but after
rating it negates all
the sigma fields.
2) When process-
ing Refund records
(described in section
Section 7.4.3, “Re-
fund EDR Specifica-
tion”, enabled by set-
ting system setting
to true) the Refund
EDR needs to state
whether it is a deb-
it or credit Refund.
Two system settings
(default value
RF, but this is us-
er definable) and
_TYPE (default value
RR, but this is user

December 2020 75
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
definable) are com-
pared against the
values on the Refund
EDR to determine if
the EDR is a debit or
credit Refund.
3) When process-
ing undo Refund
records the undo Re-
fund EDR needs to
state whether it is a
debit or credit undo.
Two system settings
(default value
RT, but this is us-
er definable) and
(default value RU,
but this is user defin-
able ) are compared
against the values
on the undo Refund
EDR to determine if
the EDR is a debit or
credit undo Refund.
4) For Mediation
Reprice functionality
(described in section
Section 7.4.4, “Me-
diation Reprice Un-
do EDR Specification
”, enabled by set-
ting system setting
ENABLED to true),
the record type is
used to identify un-
do and redo records.
The system settings
fault UN, but this is
user definable) and

December 2020 76
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
fault RE, but this is
user definable) are
compared against
the values on the
EDRs to determine if
the EDR is mediation
reprice undo or me-
diation reprice redo
does not match any
of these values, rat-
ing will ignore this
field and just store it
on the rated EDR.
• Users not wanting
the above functional-
ity may use this field
for tracking and in-
formational purpos-
• The value of this field
is not validated.
• User definable
41 RECORD_SE- 40 n Decimal 60 TEXT L Op- • Network Node gen-
QUENCE_NUM- 0 tional erated number that
BER uniquely identifies a
• This field is used
by the Refund, Re-
fund Undo, Mediation
Reprice Undo and
Mediation Reprice
Redo functionality in
Pricing. Customers
may use this field for
tracking and audit
• The value of this field
is not validated.
42 REFUND_FACTOR 9 3n Deci- 70 NUMERIC L Op- The percentage that
mal 6 tional should be applied
against the original
events sigma values.

December 2020 77
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
Number with 3 whole
numbers and 6 places
of decimal precision (for
example 45.567 percent
would be represented as
045567000 on the EDR.
43 USER_SUM- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- User-defined field to
MARISATION tional summarise rated EDRs
by. These are not en-
tered via the online so
both upper and lower
case characters are ac-
44 USER_DATA 249 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- User-defined field - Any
tional Data the user may want
Interconnect to carry
through and store along
with the priced EDRs.
NOTE: The maximum
length for this field is
249. However this field
length can be any oth-
er value less than 249
These are not entered
via the online so both
upper and lower case
characters are accepted.
45 USER_DATA_2 80 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- User-defined field - Any
tional Data the user may want
Interconnect to carry
through and store along
with the priced EDRs.
NOTE: The maximum
length for this field is
80. However, this field
length can be any oth-
er value less than 80.
These are not entered
via the online so both
upper and lower case
characters are accepted.
46 USER_DATA_3 80 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- User-defined field - Any
tional Data the user may want
Interconnect to carry
through and store along
with the priced EDRs.
NOTE: The maximum

December 2020 78
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
length for this field is
80. However, this field
length can be any oth-
er value less than 80.
These are not entered
via the online so both
upper and lower case
characters are accepted.

7.4.2. Enhanced EDR Specification

Enhanced Rating in Interconnect provides a feature whereby additional parameters can be included
on the EDR and brought into play in selecting the rate and in calculating the cost.
These parameters are:
• Data Volume (and Unit) - four pairs of fields
• Discrete Rating Parameter - three fields
• Revenue Share Amount (and Currency) - three pairs of amount and currency
Revenue Share Amount will not be discussed in detail.
The Data Volume fields can be given user-defined and meaningful names and are then checked
against ranges of values, hence these are known as Range Parameters.
The Discrete Rating Parameter fields can also be given user-defined and meaningful names and are
then checked for specific values.
A matrix must be built that contains all possible combinations of ranges and discrete parameters and
later the individual rows of the matrix are used to select a rate.
Here is a very simple example:-
Assume that we use two range parameters and call them Error Level and Frame Count. Assume also
that we use one discrete rating parameter and call it QoS. Then our matrix might appear as follows:-

Error Level Frame Count QoS

From To From To
0 50 0 3 Gold
0 50 0 3 Silver
0 50 3 9999 Gold
0 50 3 9999 Silver
50 9999 0 3 Gold
50 9999 0 3 Silver
50 9999 3 9999 Gold
50 9999 3 9999 Silver

In the matrix above we are interested in two ranges for Error Level, two ranges for Frame Count and
two values for QoS in all making 2x2x2 = 8 combinations represented in the matrix.

December 2020 79
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

When we come to define the rates that use these parameters we will need to define 8 rates - one for
each row in the matrix.

7.4.3. Refund EDR Specification

When pricing Refund functionality is enabled, the user has the option to supply an EDR that can in-
crease or decrease the effect of a previous rated EDR by a certain percentage. The format you cre-
ate for this sort of EDR should have a format record type of Refund Credit or Refund Debit. The EDR
can contain any of the available fields when setting up a format, but the following fields are manda-

No. Field Length Domain Just. Manda- Description

1 Refund factor 9 N Decimal 6 L YES The percentage that should
be applied against the origi-
nal events sigma values. Num-
ber format is 3 whole numbers
and 6 places of decimal preci-
sion. For example, 45.567 per-
cent would be represented as
045567000 on the EDR.
TYPE (default value RF) and
TYPE (default value RR). These
values are user-definable.
3 Record Sequence 40 N Decimal 0 L YES The record sequence number
Number of the original events against
which you wish to perform a
4 Adjusted Date 14 YYYYMMD- L YES Indicates the date and time on
DHHmmss which the original event that
you want to refund occurred.

EDR Example:
Refund of 85.06%

System Settings

ID Description Actual Val- Minimum Maximum

ue Value Value
REFUND_BILLING_DATE The date on the refund ADJUSTED_
EDR. This value can either DATE
REFUND_CREDIT_RECORD_ Refund credit record type. RF
REFUND_DAYS The number of days that 90 0 3600
the system will look back
for original EDRs.

December 2020 80
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

ID Description Actual Val- Minimum Maximum

ue Value Value
REFUND_DEBIT_RECORD_ Refund debit record type. RR

Figure 7.1. Interconnect EDR

7.4.4. Mediation Reprice Undo EDR Specification

When pricing Mediation Reprice functionality is enabled, the user has the option to supply an EDR
that is capable of finding previous events and removing them. The format you create for this sort of
EDR should have a format record type of Mediation Reprice Undo.
The EDR can contain any of the available fields when setting up a format, but the following fields are
mandatory and are the only ones used by Pricing when processing a Mediation Reprice Undo EDR.

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
1 RECORD_SE- 40 n Decimal 60 TEXT L Op- The record sequence
QUENCE_NUM- 0 tional number of the original
BER events you want to un-
2 MESSAGE_DATE 8 YYYYM- 1013 DATE L Manda-Indicates the date on
MDD tory which the original event
that you want to undo
occurred on.
• YYYY = Year
• MM = Month
• DD = Day
Example: 20040301.

December 2020 81
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
3 RECORD_TYPE 2 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- The system setting
RECORD_TYPE (default
UN, but this is user de-
finable) is compared
against the value on the
EDRs to determine if the
EDR is mediation reprice
undo EDR.

7.4.5. CM/CSG Route EDR Specification

When integration with CM/CSG Route is enabled, EDRs that contain fields used by the CSG Route
application can be supplied. This type of EDR should have a format record type of Contract Manager
The EDR can contain any of the available fields when setting up a format, but the following fields are
used by Pricing when processing a Contract Manager Billing EDR.

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
1 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_1 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
3 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_2 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an

December 2020 82
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
4 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_3 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
5 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_4 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
6 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_5 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable

December 2020 83
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
7 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_6 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
8 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_7 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
9 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_8 eter than assists in de-

December 2020 84
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
10 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_9 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service
2 DISCRETE_RAT- 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- Used in Interconnect
ING_PARAME- tional rating to store a param-
TER_10 eter than assists in de-
termining an applicable
• Indicates a discrete
value that must be
matched within an
enhanced rating ma-
• If the value cannot
be matched then the
EDR will be rejected
Typical example of use:
Quality of Service

December 2020 85
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
11 IN_EVENT_ 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Manda-Event mappings de-
MAPPING_CODE tory fine how the traffic da-
ta should be interpreted
for the different traffic
types, and can be seen
as a named construct
that specifies how the
generic usage record
formats are interpreted
for a given market/sub-
market. It specifies
where parameters can
be found in the input
format, which parame-
ters that will determine
the rates, which param-
eters influence the ag-
gregation, and which
are simply copied over
to the rated records.
12 IN_SERVICE_ 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- The short name of the
SHORT_NAME tional CSG Route incoming
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.
13 OUT_EVENT_ 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Manda-Event mappings de-
MAPPING_CODE tory fine how the traffic da-
ta should be interpreted
for the different traffic
types, and can be seen
as a named construct
that specifies how the
generic usage record
formats are interpreted
for a given market/sub-
market. It specifies
where parameters can
be found in the output
format, which parame-
ters that will determine
the rates, which param-

December 2020 86
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

No. Field LengthDomain Internal Data Jus- Manda-

Domain Type tifi- tory
ID ca-
eters influence the ag-
gregation, and which
are simply copied over
to the rated records.
14 OUT_SERVICE_ 20 TEXT 80 TEXT L Op- The short name of the
SHORT_NAME tional CSG Route outgoing
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.

7.4.6. Fields Included for Future Extensions

The format window currently lists (on the field tab) many internal fields which are not typically
present on an EDR. The reason for this is to allow for future extensions to the functionality, for ex-
ample, the evaluation of "What If" scenarios.
The determination of which fields are needed when defining a format should be based on the fields
present on the EDR.
The list in Internal Fields lists these fields.

7.5. Dependencies

7.6. Example EDR

The following is an example of how you can set up an EDR file containing header information, mul-
tiple detail records and a trailer record. The actual format depends on your mediation and business

7.7. Internal Fields

These are fields which do not typically appear on EDRs:

December 2020 87
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

• A# Network Address CNP

• Ad Hoc Summary Ind
• A Num Operator
• Accounting Method
• Accounting Method
• Actual Usage
• Adjusted Date
• Agreement Destination
• Agreement Destination Level
• Agreement ID
• Agreement Item ID
• Agreement Origin
• Agreement Origin Level
• Agreement Part ID
• Amount
• Apportioned Call Count
• Apportioned Duration Sec
• B# Network Address CNP
• B Num Operator
• Base Unit
• Billed Product
• Billing Agreement Operator
• Billing Base Direction
• Billing Date
• Billing End Time
• Billing Method
• Billing Negotiation Direction
• Billing Operator
• Billing Period
• Billing Rating Scenario Type
• Billing Route
• Billing Route Type
• Billing Start Time
• Billing Summary Ind
• Bundled Rate
• Call Attempt Ind
• Call Count
• Call Duration Bucket

December 2020 88
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

• Call Scenario
• Cash Flow
• Charged Units
• Charged Usage
• Complimentary Summary Ind
• Component Direction
• Contra Type
• Carrier Charge Definition ID
• Carrier Destination Alias
• Carrier Destination Name
• Carrier Origin Name
• Carrier Rate Type ID
• Daily Summary ID
• Date Processed
• Derived product Ind
• Destination ID
• Destination Level
• EDR Element
• Error Category
• Error Code
• Estimate Indicator
• Event Direction Derived
• Flat Rate Charge
• Incoming POI
• Input File
• Incoming Service ID
• Max Charge Adjustment
• Message date
• Min Charge Adjustment
• NAA A#
• NAA B#
• Network Type Anum
• Network Type Bnum
• Optimal POI
• Origin Level
• Outgoing POI
• Outgoing Service ID
• Parameter Matrix

December 2020 89
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

• Parameter Matrix Line

• Pre revenue share amount
• Price Model ID
• Product Group
• Rate Name
• Rate Owner
• Rate Step Call Count
• Rate step Flat Charge
• Rate Type
• Rate Unit
• Rated Billing Period
• Rating Component
• Rating Rule Dependency
• Rating Scenario
• Recon Destination
• Recon Origin
• Refile Ind
• Remuneration Ind
• Reverse Charge
• Rounded Unit ID
• Route Identifier
• Settlement Percentage
• Start Call Count
• Statement Direction
• Step Number
• Tier Group
• Tier Type
• Tiers
• Time Of Day Bucket
• Time Premium
• Time Type ID
• Traffic Agreement Operator
• Traffic Base Direction
• Traffic Movement Counter
• Traffic Negotiation Direction
• Traffic Origin
• Traffic Period
• Traffic Rating Scenario Type

December 2020 90
INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 7. EDR Layout Specifica-

• Traffic Route
• Traffic Route Type
• Traffic Summary Ind
• Unit Cost Used
• World View NAAG A Number
• World View NAAG B Number

December 2020 91


8.1. Daily Summary

8.1.1. General
Interconnect stores summarised data in nine normalised summary lookup tables and a single key ta-
ble. The detail tables (current and history tables) simply contain a reference to the key table. This
normalised architecture greatly reduces the amount of storage required by not repeating common
data for each record, improving rating performance. This also stabilises rating performance over
time, in other words, rating performance does not deteriorate the longer the system is in operation.
In addition, further performance benefit is gained by minimising the amount of data in the current
detail table by moving data to an historical data table once the data has been extracted to the finan-
cial system. Daily Summary Tables

The physical tables are defined below:

Table Name Description

DLYS_LOOKUP_01 Groups Rating Rule information
DLYS_LOOKUP_02 Groups Rate Information
DLYS_LOOKUP_03 Groups all indicators
DLYS_LOOKUP_04 Groups Incoming network information
DLYS_LOOKUP_05 Groups Outgoing network information
DLYS_LOOKUP_06 Groups Route Information
DLYS_LOOKUP_07 Groups all Enhanced Rating units
DLYS_LOOKUP_08 Groups A Number information
DLYS_LOOKUP_09 Groups B Number information
DLYS_KEY A composite key based on the lookup key from
each of the 9 lookup tables.
DLYS_DETAIL The current Daily Summary detail rows
DHIS_DETAIL The historic Daily Summary detail rows. Rows are
moved from the current to the history detail ta-
ble once they have been extracted to the finan-
cial system. Daily Summary Views

A single denormalised ‘DAILY_SUMMARY’ view joins these nine summary lookup, key and current
and history detail tables, and can be used to query data in Interconnect 7.1.
The ‘DAILY_SUMMARY_CURRENT’ and ‘DAILY_SUMMARY_HISTORY’ views join the 9 lookup, key and
current or history detail tables respectively.

December 2020 92
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

8.1.2. Data Model

December 2020 93
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

8.1.3. Daily Summary DAILY SUMMARY View

The table below details all the columns in the Interconnect Daily Summary view, the actual physi-
cal table the column comes from and the column data type and a description of the usage of the col-

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

ACCOUNTING_METHOD DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates if cascade or direct accounting.
ACTUAL_USAGE DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The actual usage for a component.
ADHOC_SUMMARY_IND DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) The ad hoc summary indicator indicates to
03 the verification module which summaries
should be used in the verification process.
There are two ways of getting this set:
a) Automatically
The ad hoc summary indicator is used
if the customer is using the verification
functionality and has the system setting
VERIFICATION_ID set to ‘A’ (indicating au-
tomatic marking of components requiring
verification) . If this is true, rating deter-
mines if components of a CDR should be
marked for verification by applying some
logic to the components.
b) Manually
The user, at route billing operator level,
specifies which charges need to be used in
verification - they can do this by checking
the verification ind checkbox. When rating
finds a route billing operator element with
this set, it sets the ad hoc summary ind on
the charge.
ADJUSTED_DATE DLYS_DETAIL DATE The adjusted date represents the new
billing date after applying the time zone
Note: Billing Period Start/End Date, Traf-
fic Period Start/End Date, Account Period
Start/End Date more likely to be extract-
AGREEMENT_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of the CSG Route
agreement used when rating the call.
AGREEMENT_ITEM_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the CSG Route
agreement item used when rating the call.
Agreement Items enable you to define
Rates, and Contractual and Quality Param-
eters for Agreement parts.

December 2020 94
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

AGREEMENT_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates the agreement origin - may not
NAAG_ANUM 06 CHAR2(8) necessarily be the same as the EDR origin.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Agreement Origin Level - Indicates the
ANUM_LEVEL 06 network address aggregation level for
the agreement origin. Required to roll
cities up to country level for reconciliation
purposes. Not used from v9.0 onwards.
AGREEMENT_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates the agreement destination - may
NAAG_BNUM 06 CHAR2(8) not necessarily be the same as the EDR
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Agreement Destination Level - Indicates
BNUM_LEVEL 06 the network address aggregation level for
the agreement destination. Required to
roll cities up to country level for reconcil-
iation purposes. Not used from v9.0 on-
AGREEMENT_PART_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of the CSG Route
agreement used when rating the call. An
agreement can have one or two parts: one
for the buy side (outgoing) and one for the
sell side (incoming).
AGREEMENT_RATE_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the CSG Route
agreement rate used when rating the call.
AMOUNT DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The total cost of a call.
ANUM_CNP DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The A# Prefix derived for billing. This
CHAR2(20) is derived only if the A# is required for
ANUM_OPERATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The operator owning the A Number.
08 CHAR2(6)
APPORTIONED_CALL_ DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(16) The call count apportioned across the time
COUNT premium.
APPORTIONED_DURA- DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The apportioned duration across the time
TION_SECONDS BER(25,6) premium.
AR_EXTRACTED_IND DLYS_DETAIL CHAR(1) Technical field used by Interconnect AR.
BASE_AMOUNT DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The total cost of the call in the base unit.
BASE_AMOUNT_ DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The conversion factor to the base unit
BASE_UNIT DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The family base unit in which Actual and
CHAR2(8) charged usage are represented, for exam-
ple, minutes, seconds, and so on.
BILLED_PRODUCT DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The ID of the product that is billed for ei-
01 CHAR2(14) ther contains incoming product ID or out-

December 2020 95
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

going product ID based on the component
BILLING_AGREEMENT_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Agreement operator for the billing route.
OPERATOR 06 CHAR2(6) This is the operator that is used in order to
determine to which billing period the traf-
fic should be assigned.
BILLING_DATE DLYS_DETAIL DATE The billing date represents either network
start date or conversation start date based
on the billing setting.

Billing Period Start/End Date, Traf-
fic Period Start/End Date, Account
Period Start/End Date more likely
to be extracted.
BILLING_END_TIME DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(5) Time of the day when the rate ends (sec-
onds after midnight). Not yet implement-
ed in Rating.
BILLING_METHOD DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates the billing method used.
BILLING_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Negotiation direction for the Billing route
NEGOTIATION_DIR 06 which means you are buying or selling ca-
pacity on the network or termination. Val-
ues are:
• B (Buy – the partner offers you a rate
so they are in control of the rate)
• S (Sell - you offer the partner a rate to
handle an event so you are in control of
the rate)
BILLING_OPERATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The operator with whom the Franchise
02 CHAR2(6) needs to settle.
BILLING_PERIOD DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) ID of the billing period to which the trans-
action has been associated.
BILLING_RATING_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Billing Rating Scenario Type.
06 CHAR2(80)
BILLING_ROUTE_TYPE DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Route type of billing route.
06 CHAR2(3)
BILLING_START_TIME DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(5) Time of the day when the rate kicks in
(seconds after midnight). Not yet imple-
mented in Rating.

December 2020 96
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

BILLING_SUMMARY_IND DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) A technical field marking whether the dai-
03 ly summary row to which this field relates
was marked as billing.
BNUM_CNP DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The B# Prefix derived for billing. This
CHAR2(20) is derived only if the B# is required for
BNUM_OPERATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The operator owning the B Number.
09 CHAR2(6)
CALL_ATTEMPT_INDI- DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Set to Y if the call attempt charge applied.
CATOR 02 Otherwise set to N.
CALL_COUNT DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) Only applicable for bulk EDRs.
CALL_DURATION_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ NUMBER(10) If the call duration buckets were disabled
BUCKET 03 this value would be -1, otherwise this indi-
cates that the function was enabled but no
buckets defined and a positive value indi-
cates the internal bucket ID.
CALL_SCENARIO DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- This is an internal static value. Always set
01 CHAR2(3) to "TEL".
CARRIER_CHARGE_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the CSG Route
DEFINITION_ID 01 charge definition applicable to this compo-
nent of an event. One or more charge def-
initions are defined for an event mapping,
and are the basis for defining rates in the
agreement items.
CARRIER_ DLYS_DETAIL VAR- Carrier Destination Alias – this originates
DESTINATION_ALIAS CHAR2(100) from Carrier-based rating (IOR direct inte-
CARRIER_ DLYS_DETAIL VAR- Carrier Destination Name – this originates
DESTINATION_NAME CHAR2(100) from Carrier-based rating (IOR direct inte-
CARRIER_ORIGIN_ DLYS_DETAIL VARC Stores a Carrier Origin Name as derived
NAME HAR2(100) during Contract Manager/CSG Route rat-
CARRIER_RATE_TYPE_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ NUMBER(9) Each agreement item may be rated using
ID 02 several rates per charge component (def-
inition). The typical case is when a transit
call should be rated using both a terminal
and transit part. Each of these rates has a
rate type.
CASH_FLOW DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates whether the call represents a
01 cost or revenue for the Franchise. Value
can be either:
• E (Expense, in other words, the Fran-
chise needs to pay)
• R (Revenue, in other words, the Fran-
chise receives money)

December 2020 97
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

CDR_SOURCE DLYS_DETAIL CHAR(1) Source of the EDR that went through rat-
ing. Values:
• P = Pricing, Refund original, Mediation
Undo/Redo original
• R = Reprocess, Refund-Reprocess, Me-
diation Undo/Redo Reprocess
• S = Reprice, Refund-Reprice
• U = Summary Reprice (only visible
on Daily Summaries from Summary
• F = File Undo (only contra's)
• E = Record Undo (only contra's)
CHARGE_BUNDLE DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Technical field. For ITU use only. Used for
BER(16,6) cascade outgoing indirect scenario where
charge bundling is applicable.
CHARGED_UNITS DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(20) The priced number of units in case of unit
COMPLEMENTARY_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) A technical field marking whether the dai-
SUMMARY_IND 03 ly summary row to which this field relates
was marked as a complimentary summary
(traffic view within a billing period).
COMPONENT_DIREC- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates which leg of the EDR is being
TION 01 CHAR2(2) rated. Value can be either:
• I - Incoming
• O - Outgoing
• TI - Transit Incoming
• TO - Transit Outgoing
CONTRA_TYPE DLYS_DETAIL CHAR(1) Actually means the row type. Values are:
• S = Normal
• U = Summary Reprice contra
• R = Structural Reprice contra
• F = File Undo contra
• A = Summary Reprice
• E = Record Undo contra
• M = Mediation Reprice contra
CURRENCY DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The currency from daily summary or dis-
CHAR2(3) count summary. Will be blank if Item Type
= 'VBR'

December 2020 98
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

DATA_UNIT DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Mandatory if Data Volume is populated.
07 CHAR2(8) Indicates the measure of unit for a data
call. Example of values: Bytes
DATA_UNIT_2 DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Required for Content Billing, but could be
07 CHAR2(8) extended for telephony.
DATA_UNIT_3 DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Required for Content Billing, but could be
07 CHAR2(8) extended for telephony.
DATA_UNIT_4 DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Required for Content Billing, but could be
07 CHAR2(8) extended for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Indicates the data volume. Only applicable
BER(25,6) to data calls.
DATA_VOLUME_2 DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Required for Content Billing, but could be
BER(25,6) extended for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME_3 DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Required for Content Billing, but could be
BER(25,6) extended for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME_4 DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Required for Content Billing, but could be
BER(25,6) extended for telephony.
DESTINATION_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the destination ap-
plicable to this component of an event.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect rating to store a pa-
RAMETER_1 07 CHAR2(20) rameter that assists in determining an ap-
plicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect rating to store a pa-
RAMETER_2 07 CHAR2(20) rameter that assists in determining an ap-
plicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect rating to store a pa-
RAMETER_3 07 CHAR2(20) rameter that assists in determining an ap-
plicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect contract manag-
RAMETER_4 07 CHAR2(20) er-based rating to store a parameter that
assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect contract manag-
RAMETER_5 07 CHAR2(20) er-based rating to store a parameter that
assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect contract manag-
RAMETER_6 07 CHAR2(20) er-based rating to store a parameter that
assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect contract manag-
RAMETER_7 07 CHAR2(20) er-based rating to store a parameter that
assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect contract manag-
RAMETER_8 07 CHAR2(20) er-based rating to store a parameter that
assists in determining an applicable rate.

December 2020 99
ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect contract manag-
RAMETER_9 07 CHAR2(20) er-based rating to store a parameter that
assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Used in Interconnect contract manag-
RAMETER_10 07 CHAR2(20) er-based rating to store a parameter that
assists in determining an applicable rate.
DLYS_DETAIL_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(20) System allocated unique system number.
DLYS_KEY_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(20) A foreign key pointing to the parent
DLYS_KEY table.
ESTIMATE_INDICATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates whether this rated EDR repre-
01 sents an estimate.
EVENT_DIRECTION DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates the direction of the call. Example
01 CHAR2(3) of values: I - Incoming, O - Outgoing, T-
EVENT_DURATION DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Conversation duration.
Billable duration more likely to be
EVENT_START_DATE DLYS_DETAIL DATE Conversation Start Date – usually on the
FLAT_RATE_CHARGE DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Flat rate or surcharge per call.
FRANCHISE DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates the Franchise, in other words,
01 CHAR2(6) the Interconnect owner.
IN_EVENT_MAPPING_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Event mappings define how the traffic da-
CODE 04 CHAR2(20) ta should be interpreted for the different
traffic types, and can be seen as a named
construct that specifies how the gener-
ic usage record formats are interpreted
for a given market/submarket. It specifies
where parameters can be found in the in-
put format, which parameters that will de-
termine the rates, which parameters influ-
ence the aggregation, and which are sim-
ply copied over to the rated records.
IN_SERVICE_SHORT_ DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The short name of the CSG Route in-
NAME CHAR2(20) coming product. A CSG Route product is
something that is offered to the market
with well-defined characteristics and a
price. For example, a CDR Group of Tele-
phony might contain two products, Gold
and Silver.
INCOMING_NODE DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The incoming node or switch used. Can
04 CHAR2(80) possibly be used in derivation of tax point

December 2020 100

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

INCOMING_OPERATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The operator of the incoming path or
04 CHAR2(6) trunk.
INCOMING_PATH DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The incoming path or trunk used to route
04 CHAR2(80) the call.
INCOMING_POI DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Represents the incoming Point of Intercon-
04 CHAR2(8) nect.
INCOMING_PRODUCT DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Represents the product ID for incoming
04 CHAR2(14) calls or incoming leg of transit calls.

The user may prefer to rather ex-
tract the Billed Product.
LINK_FIELD DLYS_DETAIL VAR- Used for long duration calls. Where a call
CHAR2(2) is split over several EDRs this field enables
Interconnect to identify the start, end and
middle segments of the call.
These segments are handled in different
ways, although Interconnect does not at-
tempt to reassemble the call and does not
associate the individual segments with
each other.
Customers are advised that the best way
to rate long duration calls accurately is
to have mediation collect and "stitch" the
EDRs together to provide one long dura-
tion EDR.
MAXIMUM_CHARGE_ DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The adjusted amount after applying the
ADJUSTMENT BER(25,6) Maximum Charge rule.
MESSAGE_DATE DLYS_DETAIL DATE Mapped to date portion of Adjusted Date
or based on the actual call date.
MINIMUM_CHARGE_ DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The adjusted amount after applying the
ADJUSTMENT BER(25,6) Minimum Charge rule.
NAAG_ANUM_LEVEL DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates the network address aggregation
08 level for the Origin. Required to roll cities
up to country level for reconciliation pur-
NAAG_BNUM_LEVEL DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates the network address aggregation
09 level for the Destination. Required to roll
cities up to country level for reconciliation
NETWORK_ADDRESS_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- A Number Aggregation ID. A multi-lev-
AGGR_ANUM 08 CHAR2(8) el grouping of network addresses that
complements the Tier hierarchy, in oth-
er words, a grouping of network address-
es based on their location (origin/destina-

December 2020 101

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

NETWORK_ADDRESS_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- B Number Aggregation ID. A multi-lev-
AGGR_BNUM 09 CHAR2(8) el grouping of network addresses that
complements the Tier hierarchy, in oth-
er words, a grouping of network address-
es based on their location (origin/destina-
Billable duration more likely to be
NETWORK_START_DATE DLYS_DETAIL DATE Network Start Date – usually on the EDR.
NETWORK_TYPE_ANUM DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates if the A number is of type Mo-
08 CHAR2(3) bile, Fixed, International, and so on. User
definable value.
NETWORK_TYPE_BNUM DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates if the B number is of type Mo-
09 CHAR2(3) bile, Fixed, International, and so on. User
definable value
OPTIMUM_POI DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- EBC field not used in Rating. Used to
02 CHAR2(8) specify the optimum POI for the EBC Tier
Determination Styles.
OUT_EVENT_MAPPING_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Event mappings define how the traffic da-
CODE 05 CHAR2(20) ta should be interpreted for the different
traffic types, and can be seen as a named
construct that specifies how a generic us-
age records format is interpreted for a giv-
en market/submarket . The event map-
ping code is defined in mediation and al-
lows the rating engine to identify which
event mapping to use.
OUT_SERVICE_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of the CSG Route
outgoing product. A CSG Route product
is something that is offered to the mar-
ket with well-defined characteristics and a
price. For example, a CDR Group of Tele-
phony might contain two products, Gold
and Silver.
OUT_SERVICE_SHORT_ DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The short name of the CSG Route out-
NAME CHAR2(20) going product. A CSG Route product is
something that is offered to the market
with well-defined characteristics and a
price. For example, a CDR Group of Tele-
phony might contain two products, Gold
and Silver.
OUTGOING_NODE DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The outgoing node or switch used. Can
05 CHAR2(80) possibly be used in derivation of tax point

December 2020 102

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

OUTGOING_OPERATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The operator of the outgoing path or
05 CHAR2(6) trunk.
OUTGOING_PATH DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The outgoing path or trunk used to route
05 CHAR2(80) the call.
OUTGOING_POI DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Represents the outgoing Point of Intercon-
05 CHAR2(8) nect.
OUTGOING_PRODUCT DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Represents the product id for outgoing
05 CHAR2(14) calls or outgoing leg of transit calls.

The user may prefer to rather ex-
tract the Billed Product.
PARAMETER_MATRIX DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Represents the matrix that was used for
02 CHAR2(8) content billing.
PARAMETER_MATRIX_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ NUMBER(3) Indicates which matrix line was used to
LINE 02 rate the call.
PRICE_MODEL_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the CSG Route
price model that this summary was used
PRODUCT_GROUP DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The ID of the billing product group to
01 CHAR2(4) which the billed product belongs.
RATE_LOOKUP_STYLE DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Type of Rate lookup that was done. Val-
02 ues:
• O = Operator
• R = Route
• C = Carrier Destination
02 CHAR2(30)
RATE_OWNER_OPERA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Identifies the Rate Owner.
TOR 02 CHAR2(6)
RATE_STEP_CALL_ DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) Refers to flat rate per step.
RATE_STEP_FLAT_ DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Represents the flat rate that has been ap-
CHARGE BER(16,6) plied to a particular rate step.
RATE_TYPE DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Rate Type. Indicates if weighted, confiden-
02 tial or negotiated rate was used.
RATE_UNIT DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The unit of measure for which the unit
CHAR2(8) cost is specified, for example, minutes,
seconds, and so on.
RATED_BILLING_PERI- DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) Original Billing Period ID in which the
OD call was rated. This does not change af-
ter a billing period is re-opened and the
BILLING_PERIOD field has been updated
to something else.

December 2020 103

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

RATING_COMPONENT DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Describes a distinct fee that is transact-
01 CHAR2(8) ed between the Franchise and the inter-
connect partner, for example, interconnect
fee, connection fee, termination charge,
porting fee, and so on.
RATING_RULE_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Technical field to mark summaries to indi-
DEPENDENCY_IND 01 cate dependencies of Revenue Share Rat-
ing Elements.
RATING_SCENARIO DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Defines a rating scenario.
01 CHAR2(8)
RECON_NAAG_ANUM DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Recon Origin - Reconciliation happens at
08 CHAR2(8) country level.
RECON_NAAG_BNUM DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Recon Destination. Reconciliation happens
09 CHAR2(8) at country level.
RECORD_TYPE DLYS_DETAIL VAR- User definable. Currently this field is not
CHAR2(2) used in the rating process; however it is
used to trigger an EDR Undo operation
where the EDR price is reversed prior to
summarisation in an attempt to back out a
previously erroneously submitted EDR that
has been successfully rated.
Customers that do not want the EDR Undo
feature may use this field for tracking and
informational purposes. The value of this
field is not validated.
REFILE_INDICATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates whether a particular call was re-
06 filled.
ICT rating.
REVENUE_SHARE_ DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Required for Content Billing.
AMOUNT_1 BER(25,6)
REVENUE_SHARE_ DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Required for Content Billing.
AMOUNT_2 BER(25,6)
REVENUE_SHARE_ DLYS_DETAIL NUM- Required for Content Billing.
AMOUNT_3 BER(25,6)
REVENUE_SHARE_CUR- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Required for Content Billing.
RENCY_1 07 CHAR2(3)
REVENUE_SHARE_CUR- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Required for Content Billing.
RENCY_2 07 CHAR2(3)
REVENUE_SHARE_CUR- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Required for Content Billing.
RENCY_3 07 CHAR2(3)
REVERSE_INDICATOR DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates if product is reverse or not.

December 2020 104

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

ROUNDED_UNIT_ID DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The family base unit in which Charge Units
CHAR2(8) are represented, for example, bytes
06 CHAR2(50)
SETTLEMENT_OPERA- DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- This is the operator to whom the settle-
TOR 02 CHAR2(6) ment amount is actually due.
STATEMENT_DIRECTION DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates whether the Franchise sent or
01 received a statement. Value can be either:
• S (Send, in other words, the Franchise
sends a statement)
• R (Receive, in other words, the Fran-
chise receives statement)
STEP_NUMBER DLYS_LOOKUP_ NUMBER(3) Indicates which step of a rate was applied
02 to a call.
TIER DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Tier ID. Defines the termination point of a
02 CHAR2(8) call.
TIER_GROUP DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Represents a grouping of tiers, for exam-
02 CHAR2(8) ple, geographical area.
TIER_TYPE DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- A grouping of tier groups, for example,
02 CHAR2(8) long national, domestic, and so on.
TIME_OF_DAY_BUCKET DLYS_LOOKUP_ NUMBER(10) If the time of day duration buckets were
03 disabled this value would be -1, otherwise
this indicates that the function was en-
abled but no buckets defined and a posi-
tive value indicates the internal bucket ID.
TIME_PREMIUM DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Indicates the time band a call was made,
02 CHAR2(3) for example, Off-Peak, Peak, Economy,
and so on.
TIME_TYPE_ID DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of the time type ap-
plicable to this portion of the call. A time
type defines a part of a day, and is the
same concept as a time premium in Inter-
TRAFFIC_AGREEMENT_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Agreement operator for the traffic route.
OPERATOR 06 CHAR2(6) This is the operator that is used in order to
determine to which billing period the traf-
fic should be assigned.
TRAFFIC_BASE_DIREC- DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Indicates the Traffic Base Direction:
TION 06 • I - Incoming
• O - Outgoing
• T - Transit
TRAFFIC_MOVEMENT_ DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(3) Technical field used to uniquely identify
CTR Rated billing period.

December 2020 105

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

TRAFFIC_NAAG DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- ITU only. Original Network Address
08 CHAR2(8) Aggregation based on A Number
(Origin) in case of replace outgo-
ing route, otherwise the same as
TRAFFIC_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) Negotiation direction for the traffic route
NEGOTIATION_DIR 06 which means you are buying or selling ca-
pacity on the network or termination. Val-
ues are: B (Buy – the partner offers you
a rate so they are in control of the rate) S
(Sell - you offer the partner a rate to han-
dle an event so you are in control of the
TRAFFIC_PERIOD DLYS_DETAIL NUMBER(10) Billing Period ID in which the traffic date
(Event start date on the EDR) falls.
TRAFFIC_RATING_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Defines the Traffic Rating Scenario Type,
SCENARIO_TYPE 06 CHAR2(10) for example, incoming refile, traditional
transit, and so on.
TRAFFIC_ROUTE DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Defines the traffic route.
06 CHAR2(80)
06 CHAR2(3)
TRAFFIC_SUMMARY_IND DLYS_LOOKUP_ CHAR(1) A technical field marking whether the dai-
03 ly summary row to which this field relates
was marked as traffic (traffic view).
UNIT_COST_USED DLYS_DETAIL NUM- The actual rate used in rating this call or
BER(16,6) event. In the case of revenue share this
field carries the percentage applied.
USER_SUMMARISATION DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- Specific value a user would like to extract
03 CHAR2(20) to the financial system, but the value can-
not be derived within Interconnect. The
value is available in the input EDR.
USER_SUMMARISA- DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The user may supply any additional infor-
TION_2 CHAR2(249) mation relevant to the event on this field
on the EDR. This information can be sum-
marised on. Great care must be taken not
to have too many unique values stored in
this field, as it can lead to poor summari-
sation and overall performance degrada-
USER_SUMMARISA- DLYS_DETAIL VAR- The user may supply any additional infor-
TION_3 CHAR2(249) mation relevant to the event on this field
on the EDR. This information can be sum-
marised on. Great care must be taken not
to have too many unique values stored in
this field, as it can lead to poor summari-

December 2020 106

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

sation and overall performance degrada-
WORLD_VIEW_ANUM DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- NAA World View corresponding to the ori-
06 CHAR2(20) gin.
WORLD_VIEW_BNUM DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- NAA World View corresponding to the des-
06 CHAR2(20) tination.
WORLD_VIEW_NAAG_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The origin network address aggregation
ANUM 06 CHAR2(8) corresponding to the derived NAA World
WORLD_VIEW_NAAG_ DLYS_LOOKUP_ VAR- The destination network address aggre-
BNUM 06 CHAR2(8) gation corresponding to the derived NAA
World View.

Table 8.1. DAILY SUMMARY View

8.2. CDR

8.2.1. General
A similar architecture used for the summarised data has been applied to Interconnect 888VER;-rated
CDR data. Nine normalised CDR lookup tables and a single key table are used. The detail tables per
Call Date simply contain a reference to the key table to determine the reference data used. This nor-
malised architecture greatly reduces the amount of storage required by not repeating common da-
ta for each record, which improves rating performance. This also stabilises rating performance over
time, in other words, rating performance does not deteriorate the longer the system is in operation. CDR Tables

The physical tables are defined below:

Table Name Description

CDR_LOOKUP_01 Groups Rating Rule information.
CDR_LOOKUP_02 Groups Rate Information.
CDR_LOOKUP_03 Groups all indicators.
CDR_LOOKUP_04 Groups Incoming network information.
CDR_LOOKUP_05 Groups Outgoing network information.
CDR_LOOKUP_06 Groups Route Information.
CDR_LOOKUP_07 Groups all Enhanced Rating units.
CDR_LOOKUP_08 Groups A Number information.
CDR_LOOKUP_09 Groups B Number information.
CDR_KEY A composite key based on the lookup key from
each of the nine lookup tables.
CDR_DETAIL_YYYYMMDD_NNNN CDR detail table for Call Date. CDR Views

A single denormalised ‘CDR_DETAIL_YYYYMMDD_NNNN_VIEW’ view joins these nine CDR lookup,
key and detail tables, and can be used to query data in Interconnect 7.1.

December 2020 107

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

8.2.2. Data Model

8.2.3. CDR CDR Detail YYYMMDD Views

The table below details all the columns in the Interconnect 888VER; CDR view per Call Date, the ac-
tual physical table the column comes from and the column data type and a description of the usage
of the column.

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

ACCOUNTING_METHOD CDR_LOOKUP_01 CHAR(1) Indicates if cascade or
direct accounting.
ACTUAL_USAGE CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) The actual usage for a

December 2020 108

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

ADHOC_SUMMARY_IND CDR_LOOKUP_03 CHAR(1) The ad hoc summary
indicator indicates to
the verification mod-
ule which summaries
should be used in the
verification process.
There are two ways of
getting this set:
a) Automatically
The ad hoc summary
indicator is used if the
customer is using the
verification functionality
and has the system set-
set to ‘A’ (indicating
automatic marking of
components requiring
verification) . If this is
true, rating determines
if components of a CDR
should be marked for
verification by applying
some logic to the com-
b) Manually
The user, at route billing
operator level, speci-
fies which charges need
to be used in verifica-
tion - they can do this
by checking the veri-
fication ind checkbox.
When rating finds a
route billing operator el-
ement with this set, it
sets the ad hoc summa-
ry ind on the charge.
ADJUSTED_DATE CDR_DETAIL DATE The adjusted date rep-
resents the new billing
date after applying the
time zone adjustments.

Billing Period
Start/End Date,
Traffic Period
Start/End Date,
Account Period
Start/End Date

December 2020 109

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

more likely to be
AGREEMENT_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of
the CSG Route agree-
ment used when rating
the call.
AGREEMENT_ITEM_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of
the CSG Route agree-
ment item used when
rating the call. Agree-
ment Items enable you
to define Rates, and
Contractual and Quality
Parameters for Agree-
ment parts.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(8) Indicates the agree-
ANUM ment origin - may not
necessarily be the same
as the EDR origin.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 CHAR(1) Agreement Origin Lev-
ANUM_LEVEL el - Indicates the net-
work address aggrega-
tion level for the agree-
ment origin. Required to
roll cities up to country
level for reconciliation
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(8) Indicates the agree-
BNUM ment destination - may
not necessarily be the
same as the EDR desti-
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 CHAR(1) Agreement Destination
BNUM_LEVEL Level - Indicates the
network address ag-
gregation level for the
agreement destination.
Required to roll cities up
to country level for rec-
onciliation purposes.
Not used from v9.0 on-
AGREEMENT_PART_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of
the CSG Route agree-
ment used when rat-
ing the call. An agree-
ment can have one or
two parts: one for the
buy side (outgoing) and

December 2020 110

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

one for the sell side (in-
AGREEMENT_RATE_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of
the CSG Route agree-
ment rate used when
rating the call.
AMOUNT CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) The total cost of a call.
ANUM CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR(32) The number from which
the call originated.
ANUM_CNP CDR_LOOKUP_08 VARCHAR2(20) The A# Prefix derived
for billing. This is de-
rived only if the A# is
required for billing.
ANUM_OPERATOR CDR_LOOKUP_08 VARCHAR2(6) The operator owning
the A Number.
COUNT tioned across the time
TION_SECONDS ration across the time
BASE_AMOUNT CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) The total cost of the call
in the base unit.
BASE_AMOUNT_ CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(7,4) The conversion factor to
FACTOR_USED the base unit.
BASE_UNIT CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(8) The family base unit
in which Actual and
charged usage are rep-
resented, for example,
minutes, seconds, and
so on.
that is billed for Either
contains incoming prod-
uct ID or outgoing prod-
uct ID based on the
component direction.
BILLING_AGREEMENT_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(6) Agreement operator for
OPERATOR the billing route. This
is the operator that is
used in order to deter-
mine to which billing
period the traffic should
be assigned.
BILLING_BASE_DIREC- CDR_LOOKUP_01 CHAR(1) Billing Base Direction.

December 2020 111

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

BILLING_DATE CDR_DETAIL DATE The billing date repre-
sents either network
start date or conversa-
tion start date based on
the billing setting.

Billing Period
Start/End Date,
Traffic Period
Start/End Date,
Account Period
Start/End Date
more likely to be
the rate ends (seconds
after midnight). Not
yet implemented in Rat-
BILLING_METHOD CDR_LOOKUP_01 CHAR(1) Indicates the billing
method used.
BILLING_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 CHAR(1) Negotiation direction for
NEGOTIATION_DIR the Billing route which
means you are buying
or selling capacity on
the network or termina-
tion. Values are: B (Buy
– the partner offers
you a rate so they are
in control of the rate)
S (Sell - you offer the
partner a rate to handle
an event so you are in
control of the rate)
BILLING_OPERATOR CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(6) The operator with whom
the Franchise needs to
BILLING_RATING_ CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(10) Billing Rating Scenario
BILLING_ROUTE_TYPE CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(3) Route type of billing
the rate kicks in (sec-
onds after midnight).
Not yet implemented in

December 2020 112

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

BILLING_SUMMARY_IND CDR_LOOKUP_03 CHAR(1) A technical field mark-
ing whether the daily
summary row to which
this field relates was
marked as billing.
BNUM CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR(32) The termination number
for the call.
BNUM_CNP CDR_LOOKUP_09 VARCHAR2(20) The B# Prefix derived
for billing. This is de-
rived only if the B# is
required for billing.
BNUM_OPERATOR CDR_LOOKUP_09 VARCHAR2(6) The operator owning
the B Number.
CALL_ATTEMPT_INDI- CDR_LOOKUP_02 CHAR(1) Set to Y if the call at-
CATOR tempt charge applied.
Otherwise set to N.
CALL_COUNT CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) Only applicable for bulk
CALL_DURATION_ CDR_LOOKUP_03 NUMBER(10) If the call duration
BUCKET buckets were disabled
this value would be -1,
otherwise this indicates
that the function was
enabled but no buckets
defined and a positive
value indicates the in-
ternal bucket ID.
CALL_SCENARIO CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(3) This is an internal stat-
ic value. Always set to
CARRIER_CHARGE_ CDR_LOOKUP_01 NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of
DEFINITION_ID the CSG Route charge
definition applicable
to this component of
an event. One or more
charge definitions are
defined for an event
mapping, and are the
basis for defining rates
in the agreement items.
Name as derived during
Contract Manager/CSG
Route rating.
CARRIER_ CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(100) Carrier Destination Alias
DESTINATION_ALIAS – this originates from

December 2020 113

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

Carrier Based rating
(IOR direct integration)
CARRIER_ CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(100) Carrier Destination
DESTINATION_NAME Name – this originates
from Carrier Based rat-
ing (IOR direct integra-
may be rated using sev-
eral rates per charge
component (definition).
The typical case is when
a transit call should be
rated using both a ter-
minal and transit part.
Each of these rates has
a rate type.
CASH_FLOW CDR_LOOKUP_01 CHAR(1) Indicates whether the
call represents a cost or
revenue for the Fran-
chise. Value can be ei-
• E (Expense, in other
words, the Franchise
needs to pay)
• R (Revenue, in other
words, the Franchise
receives money)
unique system number.
CDR_KEY_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(20) A foreign key pointing
to the CDR key table.
CDR_SOURCE CDR_DETAIL CHAR(1) Source of the CDR that
went through rating.
• P = Pricing, Refund
original, Mediation
Undo/Redo original
• R = Reprocess, Re-
fund-Reprocess, Me-
diation Undo/Re-
do Reprocess S
= Reprice, Re-

December 2020 114

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

• U = Summary
Reprice (only visi-
ble on Daily Sum-
maries from Summa-
ry Reprice)
• F = File Undo (only
• E = Record Undo
(only contra's)
gle call can result in
multiple elements when
crossing time premium
or having multiple rat-
ing rules.
source file.
use only. Used for cas-
cade outgoing indirect
scenario where charge
bundling is applicable.
CHARGED_UNITS CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(20) The priced number of
units in case of unit
CHARGED_USAGE CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) The billed duration.
COMPLEMENTARY_ CDR_LOOKUP_03 CHAR(1) A technical field mark-
SUMMARY_IND ing whether the daily
summary row to which
this field relates was
marked as a compli-
mentary summary (traf-
fic view within a billing
COMPONENT_DIREC- CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(2) Indicates which leg of
TION the EDR is being rated.
Value can be either:
• I - Incoming
• O - Outgoing
• TI - Transit Incoming
• TO - Transit Outgoing
CURRENCY CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(3) The currency from dai-
ly summary or discount
summary. Blank if Item
Type = 'VBR'

December 2020 115

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

DATA_UNIT CDR_LOOKUP_07 VARCHAR2(8) Mandatory if Data Vol-
ume is populated. In-
dicates the measure of
unit for a data call. Ex-
ample of values: Bytes
DATA_UNIT_2 CDR_LOOKUP_07 VARCHAR2(8) Required for Content
Billing, but could be ex-
tended for telephony.
DATA_UNIT_3 CDR_LOOKUP_07 VARCHAR2(8) Required for Content
Billing, but could be ex-
tended for telephony.
DATA_UNIT_4 CDR_LOOKUP_07 VARCHAR2(8) Required for Content
Billing, but could be ex-
tended for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Indicates the data vol-
ume. Only applicable to
data calls.
DATA_VOLUME_2 CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content
Billing, but could be ex-
tended for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME_3 CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content
Billing, but could be ex-
tended for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME_4 CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content
Billing, but could be ex-
tended for telephony.
DERIVED_EVENT_DI- CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(3) Derived Event Direction.
DERIVED_PRODUCT_ CDR_DETAIL CHAR(1) Technical field. Used to
INDICATOR indicate whether the
incoming, outgoing or
both products were giv-
en or derived.
DESTINATION_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of
the destination applica-
ble to this component of
an event.
RAMETER_1 rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_2 rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-

December 2020 116

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

termining an applicable
RAMETER_3 rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_4 contract manager-based
rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_5 contract manager-based
rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_6 contract manager-based
rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_7 contract manager-based
rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_8 contract manager-based
rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_9 contract manager-based
rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-
termining an applicable
RAMETER_10 contract manager-based
rating to store a param-
eter that assists in de-

December 2020 117

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

termining an applicable
in which the CDR has
been summarised into.
ESTIMATE_INDICATOR CDR_LOOKUP_01 CHAR(1) Indicates whether this
rated EDR represents
an estimate.
EVENT_DIRECTION CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(3) Indicates the direction
of the call. Example of
values: I - Incoming, O
- Outgoing, T- Transit
EVENT_DURATION CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Conversation duration.

Billable duration
more likely to be
FLAT_RATE_CHARGE CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(16,6) Flat rate or surcharge
per call.
FRANCHISE CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(6) Indicates the Franchise,
in other words, the In-
terconnect owner.
IN_EVENT_MAPPING_ CDR_LOOKUP_04 VARCHAR2(20) Event mappings de-
CODE fine how the traffic da-
ta should be interpreted
for the different traffic
types, and can be seen
as a named construct
that specifies how the
generic usage record
formats are interpreted
for a given market/sub-
market. It specifies
where parameters can
be found in the input
format, which parame-
ters that will determine
the rates, which param-
eters influence the ag-
gregation, and which
are simply copied over
to the rated records.

December 2020 118

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

IN_SERVICE_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of
the CSG Route incoming
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.
IN_SERVICE_SHORT_ CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(20) The short name of the
NAME CSG Route incoming
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.
INCOMING_NODE CDR_LOOKUP_04 VARCHAR2(80) The incoming node or
switch used. Can pos-
sibly be used in deriva-
tion of tax point calcula-
INCOMING_OPERATOR CDR_LOOKUP_04 VARCHAR2(6) The operator connected
to the incoming path or
INCOMING_PATH CDR_LOOKUP_04 VARCHAR2(80) The incoming path or
trunk used to route the
INCOMING_POI CDR_LOOKUP_04 VARCHAR2(8) Represents the incom-
ing Point of Intercon-
INCOMING_PRODUCT CDR_LOOKUP_04 VARCHAR2(14) Represents the product
ID for incoming calls or
incoming leg of transit

The user may
prefer to rather
extract the Billed
LINK_FIELD CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(2) Used for long duration
calls. Where a call is

December 2020 119

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

split over several EDRs
this field enables In-
terconnect to identi-
fy the start, end and
middle segments of the
call. These segments
are handled in different
ways although Intercon-
nect does not attempt
to reassemble the call
and does not associate
the individual segments
with each other. Cus-
tomers are advised that
the best way to rate
long duration calls accu-
rately is to have media-
tion collect and "stitch"
the EDRs together to
provide one long dura-
tion EDR.
MAXIMUM_CHARGE_ CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) The adjusted amount
ADJUSTMENT after applying the Maxi-
mum Charge rule.
tion of Adjusted Date or
based on the actual call
MINIMUM_CHARGE_AD- CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) The adjusted amount
JUSTMENT after applying the Mini-
mum Charge rule.
NAAG_ANUM_LEVEL CDR_LOOKUP_08 CHAR(1) Indicates the network
address aggregation
level for the Origin. Re-
quired to roll cities up
to country level for rec-
onciliation purposes.
NAAG_BNUM_LEVEL CDR_LOOKUP_09 CHAR(1) Indicates the network
address aggregation
level for the Destina-
tion. Required to roll
cities up to country lev-
el for reconciliation pur-
AGGR_ANUM ID. A multi-level group-
ing of network address-
es that complements
the Tier hierarchy, in

December 2020 120

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

other words, a grouping
of network addresses
based on their location
AGGR_BNUM ID. A multi-level group-
ing of network address-
es that complements
the Tier hierarchy, in
other words, a grouping
of network addresses
based on their location

Billable duration
more likely to be
NETWORK_TYPE_ANUM CDR_LOOKUP_08 VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the A num-
ber is of type Mobile,
Fixed, International,
and so on. User defin-
able value.
NETWORK_TYPE_BNUM CDR_LOOKUP_09 VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the B num-
ber is of type Mobile,
Fixed, International,
and so on. User defin-
able value
OPTIMUM_POI CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(8) EBC field not used in
Rating. Used to speci-
fy the optimum POI for
the EBC Tier Determi-
nation Styles.
OUT_EVENT_MAPPING_ CDR_LOOKUP_05 VARCHAR2(20) Event mappings de-
CODE fine how the traffic da-
ta should be interpret-
ed for the different traf-
fic types, and can be
seen as a named con-
struct that specifies how
a generic usage records
format is interpreted for
a given market/submar-
ket . The event map-
ping code is defined

December 2020 121

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

in mediation and al-
lows the rating engine
to identify which event
mapping to use.
OUT_SERVICE_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of
the CSG Route outgoing
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.
OUT_SERVICE_SHORT_ CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(20) The short name of the
NAME CSG Route outgoing
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.
OUTGOING_NODE CDR_LOOKUP_05 VARCHAR2(80) The outgoing node or
switch used. Can pos-
sibly be used in deriva-
tion of tax point calcula-
OUTGOING_OPERATOR CDR_LOOKUP_05 VARCHAR2(6) The operator connected
to the outgoing path or
OUTGOING_PATH CDR_LOOKUP_05 VARCHAR2(80) The outgoing path or
trunk used to route the
OUTGOING_POI CDR_LOOKUP_05 VARCHAR2(8) Represents the outgoing
Point of Interconnect.
OUTGOING_PRODUCT CDR_LOOKUP_05 VARCHAR2(14) Represents the product
id for outgoing calls or
outgoing leg of transit

The user may
prefer to rather

December 2020 122

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

extract the Billed
PARAMETER_MATRIX CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(8) Represents the matrix
that was used for con-
tent billing.
PARAMETER_MATRIX_ CDR_LOOKUP_02 NUMBER(3) Indicates which matrix
LINE line was used to rate
the call.
EDR was rated.
product group to which
the billed product be-
that was done. Values:
• O = Operator
• R = Route
• C = Carrier Destina-
RATE_NAME CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(30) Rate Name. This is us-
er defined.
TOR Owner.
RATE_STEP_CALL_ CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) Refers to flat rate per
COUNT step.
RATE_STEP_FLAT_ CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(16,6) Represents the flat rate
CHARGE that has been applied to
a particular rate step.
RATE_TYPE CDR_LOOKUP_02 CHAR(1) Rate Type. Indicates if
weighted, confidential
or negotiated rate was
RATE_UNIT CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(8) The unit of measure for
which the unit cost is
specified, for example,
minutes, seconds, and
so on.
OD which the call was rat-
RATING_COMPONENT CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(8) Describes a distinct fee
that is transacted be-
tween the Franchise
and the interconnect

December 2020 123

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

partner, for example,
interconnect fee, con-
nection fee, termination
charge, porting fee, and
so on.
RATING_RULE_ CDR_LOOKUP_01 CHAR(1) Technical field to mark
DEPENDENCY_IND summaries to indicate
dependencies of Rev-
enue Share Rating Ele-
RATING_SCENARIO CDR_LOOKUP_01 VARCHAR2(8) Defines a rating sce-
REASON_FOR_CLEAR- CDR_DETAIL CHAR(1) Technical field used by
DOWN Interconnect AR.
RECON_NAAG_ANUM CDR_LOOKUP_08 VARCHAR2(8) Recon Origin - Reconcil-
iation happens at coun-
try level.
RECON_NAAG_BNUM CDR_LOOKUP_09 VARCHAR2(8) Recon Destination. Rec-
onciliation happens at
country level.
NUMBER ber that uniquely iden-
tifies an EDR. Not used
in the rating process,
but customers may use
this field for tracking
and audit purposes. The
value of this field is not
RECORD_TYPE CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(2) User definable. Current-
ly this field is not used
in the rating process;
however, it is used to
trigger an EDR Undo
operation where the
EDR price is reversed
prior to summarisation
in an attempt to back
out a previously erro-
neously submitted EDR
that has been success-
fully rated. Users that
do not want the EDR
Undo feature may use
this field for tracking
and informational pur-
poses. The value of this
field is not validated.

December 2020 124

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

REFILE_INDICATOR CDR_LOOKUP_06 CHAR(1) Indicates whether a
particular call was re-
CATOR ly. Based on
Blank for ICT rating.
REPAIR_INDICATOR CDR_DETAIL CHAR(1) Used internally to in-
dicate if a record has
been repaired.Not for
customer use.
REVENUE_SHARE_ CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content
AMOUNT_1 Billing.
REVENUE_SHARE_ CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content
AMOUNT_2 Billing.
REVENUE_SHARE_ CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content
AMOUNT_3 Billing.
RENCY_1 Billing.
RENCY_2 Billing.
RENCY_3 Billing.
REVERSE_INDICATOR CDR_LOOKUP_01 CHAR(1) Indicates if product is
reverse or not.
ROUNDED_UNIT_ID CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(8) The family base unit in
which Charge Units are
represented, for exam-
ple, bytes
Franchise sent or re-
ceived a statement. Val-
ue can be either:
• S (Send, in other
words, the Franchise
sent statement)
• R (Receive, in other
words, the Franchise
received statement)
STEP_NUMBER CDR_LOOKUP_02 NUMBER(3) Indicates which step of
a rate was applied to a

December 2020 125

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

TIER CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(8) Tier ID. Defines the ter-
mination point of a call.
TIER_GROUP CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(8) Represents a grouping
of tiers, for example,
geographical area.
TIER_TYPE CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(8) A grouping of tier
groups, for example,
long national, domestic,
and so on.
TIME_OF_DAY_BUCKET CDR_LOOKUP_03 NUMBER(10) If the time of day dura-
tion buckets were dis-
abled this value would
be -1, otherwise this in-
dicates that the func-
tion was enabled but no
buckets defined and a
positive value indicates
the internal bucket ID.
TIME_PREMIUM CDR_LOOKUP_02 VARCHAR2(3) Indicates the time band
a call was made, for ex-
ample, Off-Peak, Peak,
Economy, and so on.
TIME_TYPE_ID CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of
the time type applica-
ble to this portion of the
call. A time type defines
a part of a day, and is
the same concept as a
time premium in Inter-
TRAFFIC_AGREEMENT_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(6) Agreement operator for
OPERATOR the traffic route. This
is the operator that is
used in order to deter-
mine to which billing
period the traffic should
be assigned.
TRAFFIC_BASE_DIREC- CDR_LOOKUP_06 CHAR(1) Indicates the Traffic
TION Base Direction
CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(10) Technical field used to
uniquely identify Rated
billing period.
work Address Aggrega-
tion based on A Num-
ber (Origin) in case of
replace outgoing route,
otherwise the same as

December 2020 126

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

TRAFFIC_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 CHAR(1) Negotiation direction for
NEGOTIATION_DIR the traffic route which
means you are buying
or selling capacity on
the network or termina-
tion. Values are:
• B (Buy – the partner
offers you a rate so
they are in control of
the rate)
• S (Sell - you offer
the partner a rate to
handle an event so
you are in control of
the rate)
which the traffic date
TRAFFIC_RATING_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(10) Defines the Traffic Rat-
SCENARIO_TYPE ing Scenario Type, for
example, incoming re-
file, traditional transit,
and so on.
TRAFFIC_ROUTE CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(80) Defines the traffic
TRAFFIC_SUMMARY_IND CDR_LOOKUP_03 CHAR(1) A technical field mark-
ing whether the daily
summary row to which
this field relates was
marked as traffic (traffic
UNIT_COST_USED CDR_DETAIL NUMBER(16,6) The actual rate used in
rating this call or event.
In the case of revenue
share this field carries
the percentage applied.
USER_DATA CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR(250) Specific value a user
would like to store on
EDR level but not on
daily summary level.
would like to extract to
the financial system,
but the value cannot be

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

Column Physical Table Data Type Description

derived within Intercon-
nect. The value is avail-
able in the input EDR.
USER_SUMMARISA- CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(249) The user may supply
TION_2 any additional infor-
mation relevant to the
event on this field on
the EDR. This informa-
tion can be summarised
on. Great care must be
taken not to have too
many unique values
stored in this field, as it
can lead to poor sum-
marisation and overall
performance degrada-
USER_SUMMARISA- CDR_DETAIL VARCHAR2(249) The user may supply
TION_3 any additional infor-
mation relevant to the
event on this field on
the EDR. This informa-
tion can be summarised
on. Great care must be
taken not to have too
many unique values
stored in this field, as it
can lead to poor sum-
marisation and overall
performance degrada-
sponding to the origin.
sponding to the destina-
WORLD_VIEW_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(8) The origin network ad-
NAAG_ANUM dress aggregation cor-
responding to the de-
rived NAA World View.
WORLD_VIEW_ CDR_LOOKUP_06 VARCHAR2(8) The destination net-
NAAG_BNUM work address aggrega-
tion corresponding to
the derived NAA World

Table 8.2. CDR_DETAIL_yyyymmdd_VIEW

8.3. Error CDR

December 2020 128

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping

8.3.1. ERROR_CDR table

The table below details all the columns in the ERROR_CDR table.


ACCOUNTING_METHOD CHAR(1) Indicates if cascade or direct accounting.
ACTUAL_USAGE NUMBER(25,6) The actual usage for a component.
ADHOC_SUMMARY_IND CHAR(1) The ad hoc summary indicator indicates to the veri-
fication module which summaries should be used in
the verification process. There are two ways of get-
ting this set:
a) Automatically
The ad hoc summary indicator is used if the customer
is using the verification functionality and has the sys-
tem setting VERIFICATION_ID set to ‘A’ (indicating
automatic marking of components requiring verifica-
tion) . If this is true, rating determines if components
of a CDR should be marked for verification by apply-
ing some logic to the components.
b) Manually
The user, at route billing operator level, specifies
which charges need to be used in verification - they
can do this by checking the verification ind checkbox.
When rating finds a route billing operator element
with this set, it sets the ad hoc summary ind on the
ADJUSTED_DATE DATE The adjusted date represents the new billing date af-
ter applying the time zone adjustments.

Billing Period Start/End Date, Traffic Period
Start/End Date, Account Period Start/End Date
more likely to be extracted.
AGREEMENT_ID NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of the CSG Route agreement
used when rating the call.
AGREEMENT_ITEM_ID NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the CSG Route agreement
item used when rating the call. Agreement Items en-
able you to define Rates, and Contractual and Quality
Parameters for Agreement parts.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ANUM VARCHAR2(8) Indicates the agreement origin - may not necessarily
be the same as the EDR origin.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ CHAR(1) Agreement Origin Level - Indicates the network ad-
ANUM_LEVEL dress aggregation level for the agreement origin. Re-
quired to roll cities up to country level for reconcilia-
tion purposes. Deprecated from v7.1.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_BNUM VARCHAR2(8) Indicates the agreement destination - may not neces-
sarily be the same as the EDR destination.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ CHAR(1) Agreement Destination Level - Indicates the network
BNUM_LEVEL address aggregation level for the agreement destina-

December 2020 129

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


tion. Required to roll cities up to country level for rec-
onciliation purposes. Deprecated from v7.1.
AGREEMENT_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) This is the operator that is used in order to determine
to which billing period the traffic should be assigned.
AGREEMENT_PART_ID NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of the CSG Route agreement
part used when rating the call. An agreement can
have one or two parts: one for the buy side (outgo-
ing) and one for the sell side (incoming).
AGREEMENT_RATE_ID NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the CSG Route agreement
rate used when rating the call.
AMOUNT NUMBER(25,6) The total cost of a call.
ANUM VARCHAR2(50) The number from which the call originated.
ANUM_CNP VARCHAR2(50) The A# Prefix derived for billing. This is derived only
if the A# is required for billing.
ANUM_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) The operator owning the A Number.
APPORTIONED_CALL_ NUMBER(16,6) The call count apportioned across the time premium.
APPORTIONED_DURATION_NUMBER(25,6) The apportioned duration across the time premium.
BASE_AMOUNT NUMBER(25,6) The total cost of the call in the base unit.
BASE_AMOUNT_FACTOR_ NUMBER(7,4) The conversion factor to the base unit.
BASE_EVENT_DIRECTION VARCHAR2(3) Base Event Direction (I, O or T).
BASE_UNIT VARCHAR2(8) The family base unit in which Actual and charged us-
age are represented, for example, minutes, seconds,
and so on.
BILLED_PRODUCT VARCHAR2(14) The ID of the product that is billed for Either contains
incoming product id or outgoing product ID based on
the component direction.
BILLING_AGREEMENT_ VARCHAR2(6) Agreement operator for the billing route.
BILLING_BASE_DIREC- CHAR(1) Billing Base Direction.
BILLING_DATE DATE The billing date represents either network start date
or conversation start date based on the billing setting.

Billing Period Start/End Date, Traffic Period
Start/End Date, Account Period Start/End Date
more likely to be extracted.
BILLING_END_TIME NUMBER(5) Time of the day when the rate ends (seconds after
midnight). Not yet implemented in Rating.
BILLING_METHOD CHAR(1) Indicates the billing method used.

December 2020 130

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


BILLING_NEGOTIATION_ CHAR(1) Negotiation direction for the Billing route which
DIR means you are buying or selling capacity on the net-
work or termination. Values are:
• B (Buy – the partner offers you a rate so they are
in control of the rate)
• S (Sell - you offer the partner a rate to handle an
event so you are in control of the rate)
BILLING_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) The operator with whom the Franchise needs to set-
BILLING_PERIOD NUMBER(10) ID of the billing period to which the transaction has
been associated.
BILLING_RATING_ VARCHAR2(10) Billing Rating Scenario Type.
BILLING_ROUTE_TYPE VARCHAR2(3) Route type of billing route.
BILLING_START_TIME NUMBER(5) Time of the day when the rate kicks in (seconds after
midnight). Not yet implemented in Rating.
BILLING_SUMMARY_IND CHAR(1) A technical field marking whether the daily summary
row to which this field relates was marked as billing.
BNUM VARCHAR2(50) The termination number for the call.
BNUM_CNP VARCHAR2(50) The B# Prefix derived for billing. This is derived only
if the B# is required for billing.
BNUM_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) The operator owning the B Number.
CALL_ATTEMPT_INDICA- CHAR(1) Set to Y if the call attempt charge applied. Otherwise
TOR set to N.
CALL_COUNT NUMBER(10) Only applicable for bulk EDRs
CALL_DURATION_BUCKET NUMBER(10) If the call duration buckets were disabled this value
would be -1, otherwise this indicates that the func-
tion was enabled but no buckets defined and a posi-
tive value indicates the internal bucket ID.
CALL_SCENARIO VARCHAR2(3) This is an internal static value. Always set to "TEL".
CARRIER_CHARGE_ NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the CSG Route charge defi-
DEFINITION_ID nition applicable to this component of an event. One
or more charge definitions are defined for an event
mapping, and are the basis for defining rates in the
agreement items.
CARRIER_DESTINATION_ VARCHAR2(100) Carrier Destination Alias – this originates from Carrier
ALIAS Based rating (IOR direct integration)
CARRIER_ VARCHAR2(100) Carrier Destination Name – this originates from Carri-
DESTINATION_NAME er Based rating (IOR direct integration)
CASH_FLOW CHAR(1) Indicates whether the call represents a cost or rev-
enue for the Franchise. Value can be either:

December 2020 131

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


• E (Expense, in other words, the Franchise needs to
• R (Revenue, in other words, the Franchise receives
CDR_FILE_NO NUMBER(10) CDR Source File Number
CDR_SOURCE CHAR(1) Source of the CDR that went through rating. Values:
• P = Pricing, Refund original, Mediation Undo/Redo
• R = Reprocess, Refund-Reprocess, Mediation Un-
do/Redo Reprocess
• S = Reprice, Refund-Reprice
• U = Summary Reprice (only visible on Daily Sum-
maries from Summary Reprice)
• F = File Undo (only contra's)
• E = Record Undo (only contra's)
CDR_UCI_NO NUMBER(10) CDR Number in the source file
CHARGE_BUNDLE NUMBER(16,6) Technical field. For ITU use only. Used for cascade
outgoing indirect scenario where charge bundling is
CHARGED_UNITS NUMBER(20) The priced number of units in case of unit billing.
CHARGED_USAGE NUMBER(25,6) The billed duration.
COMPLEMENTARY_ CHAR(1) A technical field marking whether the daily summary
SUMMARY_IND row to which this field relates was marked as a com-
plimentary summary (traffic view within a billing peri-
COMPONENT_DIRECTION VARCHAR2(2) Indicates which leg of the EDR is being rated. Value
can be either:
• I – Incoming
• O – Out Outgoing
• TI – Transit Incoming
• TO – Transit Outgoing
CURRENCY VARCHAR2(3) The currency from daily summary or discount sum-
mary. Will be blank if Item Type = 'VBR'
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_ NUMBER(15,6) If currencies were converted this records the conver-
RATE sion rate used.
DATA_UNIT VARCHAR2(8) Mandatory if Data Volume is populated. Indicates the
measure of unit for a data call. Example of values:
DATA_UNIT_2 VARCHAR2(8) Required for Content Billing, but could be extended
for telephony.
DATA_UNIT_3 VARCHAR2(8) Required for Content Billing, but could be extended
for telephony.

December 2020 132

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


DATA_UNIT_4 VARCHAR2(8) Required for Content Billing, but could be extended
for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME NUMBER(25,6) Indicates the data volume. Only applicable to data
DATA_VOLUME_2 NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content Billing, but could be extended
for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME_3 NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content Billing, but could be extended
for telephony.
DATA_VOLUME_4 NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content Billing, but could be extended
for telephony.
DERIVED_EVENT_DIREC- VARCHAR2(3) Derived Event Direction.
DERIVED_PRODUCT_IN- CHAR(1) Technical field. Used to indicate whether the incom-
DICATOR ing, outgoing or both products were given or derived.
DESTINATION_ID NUMBER(9) The unique identifier of the destination applicable to
this component of an event.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect rating to store a parameter that
RAMETER_1 assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect contract manager-based rating
RAMETER_10 to store a parameter that assists in determining an
applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect rating to store a parameter that
RAMETER_2 assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect rating to store a parameter that
RAMETER_3 assists in determining an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.

December 2020 133

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect contract manager-based rating
RAMETER_4 to store a parameter that assists in determining an
applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Required for Content Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect contract manager-based rating
RAMETER_5 to store a parameter that assists in determining an
applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect contract manager-based rating
RAMETER_6 to store a parameter that assists in determining an
applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect contract manager-based rating
RAMETER_7 to store a parameter that assists in determining an
applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect contract manager-based rating
RAMETER_8 to store a parameter that assists in determining an
applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2(20) Used in Interconnect contract manager-based rating
RAMETER_9 to store a parameter that assists in determining an
applicable rate.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2(7) Error code such as PATHV01. See ERRORS table.
ERROR_SUMMARY_ID NUMBER(10) Reference to the Error Summary row representing
this and other EDRs.
ERROR_VALUE_ NUMBER(10) Reference to the Error Value Summary row represent-
SUMMARY_ID ing this and other EDRs.
ESTIMATE_INDICATOR CHAR(1) Indicates whether this rated EDR represents an esti-
EVENT_DIRECTION VARCHAR2(3) Indicates the direction of the call. Example of values:
I - Incoming, O - Outgoing, T- Transit.
EVENT_DURATION NUMBER(25,6) Conversation duration.

Billable duration more likely to be extracted.
EVENT_START_DATE DATE Conversation start date.
EVENT_START_DATE_TIME DATE Date and Time that the event occurred. Field on the
EVENT_START_TIME NUMBER(7,2) Conversation Start Time
FLAT_RATE_CHARGE NUMBER(16,6) Flat rate or surcharge per call.
FRANCHISE VARCHAR2(6) Indicates the Franchise, in other words, the Intercon-
nect owner.
IN_EVENT_MAPPING_ VARCHAR2(20) Event mappings define how the traffic data should
CODE be interpreted for the different traffic types, and can
be seen as a named construct that specifies how the
generic usage record formats are interpreted for a

December 2020 134

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


given market/submarket. It specifies where parame-
ters can be found in the input format, which param-
eters that will determine the rates, which parame-
ters influence the aggregation, and which are simply
copied over to the rated records.
IN_SERVICE_SHORT_ VARCHAR2(20) The short name of the CSG Route incoming product.
NAME A CSG Route product is something that is offered to
the market with well-defined characteristics and a
price. For example, a CDR Group of Telephony might
contain two products, Gold and Silver.
INCOMING_NODE VARCHAR2(80) The incoming node or switch used. Can possibly be
used in derivation of tax point calculations.
INCOMING_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) The operator of the incoming path or trunk.
INCOMING_PATH VARCHAR2(80) The incoming path or trunk used to route the call.
INCOMING_POI VARCHAR2(8) Represents the incoming Point of Interconnect.
INCOMING_PRODUCT VARCHAR2(14) Represents the product id for incoming calls or incom-
ing leg of transit calls.

The user may prefer to rather extract the
Billed Product.
INTERCARRIER_PATH_ VARCHAR2(3) Path Type, for example, ICR.
JOB_ID NUMBER(10) Unique job number allocated by the system – is the
job number of the Pricing or Reprocessing job that
put the EDR into error.
LINK_FIELD VARCHAR2(2) Used for long duration calls. Where a call is split over
several EDRs this field enables Interconnect to iden-
tify the start, end and middle segments of the call.
These segments are handled in different ways al-
though Interconnect does not attempt to reassem-
ble the call and does not associate the individual seg-
ments with each other. Customers are advised that
the best way to rate long duration calls accurately is
to have mediation collect and "stitch" the EDRs to-
gether to provide one long duration EDR.
MAXIMUM_CHARGE_AD- NUMBER(25,6) The adjusted amount after applying the Maximum
JUSTMENT Charge rule.
MINIMUM_CHARGE_AD- NUMBER(25,6) The adjusted amount after applying the Minimum
JUSTMENT Charge rule.
MINIMUM_CHARGE_IND CHAR(1) Was a Minimum charge applied to the EDR? Y/N
NAAG_ANUM_LEVEL CHAR(1) Indicates the network address aggregation level for
the Origin. Required to roll cities up to country level
for reconciliation purposes.

December 2020 135

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


NAAG_BNUM_LEVEL CHAR(1) Indicates the network address aggregation level for
the Destination. Required to roll cities up to country
level for reconciliation purposes.
NEGOTIATION_DIRECTION VARCHAR2(3) Refers to the Agreement and can either be Buy (B) or
Sell (S).
NETWORK_ADDRESS_ VARCHAR2(8) A Number Aggregation ID. A multi-level grouping of
AGGR_ANUM network addresses that complements the Tier hierar-
chy, in other words, a grouping of network addresses
based on their location (origin/destination)
NETWORK_ADDRESS_ VARCHAR2(8) B Number Aggregation ID. A multi-level grouping of
AGGR_BNUM network addresses that complements the Tier hierar-
chy, in other words, a grouping of network addresses
based on their location (origin/destination).
NETWORK_DURATION NUMBER(25,6) Network duration.

Billable duration more likely to be extracted.
NETWORK_TYPE_ANUM VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the A number is of type Mobile, Fixed, In-
ternational, and so on. User definable value.
NETWORK_TYPE_BNUM VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the B number is of type Mobile, Fixed, In-
ternational, and so on. User definable value.
OPTIMUM_POI VARCHAR2(8) EBC field not used in Rating. Used to specify the opti-
mum POI for the EBC Tier Determination Styles.
OUT_EVENT_MAPPING_ VARCHAR2(20) Event mappings define how the traffic data should
CODE be interpreted for the different traffic types, and can
be seen as a named construct that specifies how the
generic usage record formats are interpreted for a
given market/submarket. It specifies where param-
eters can be found in the output format, which pa-
rameters that will determine the rates, which param-
eters influence the aggregation, and which are simply
copied over to the rated records.
OUT_SERVICE_SHORT_ VARCHAR2(20) The short name of the CSG Route outgoing product. A
NAME CSG Route product is something that is offered to the
market with well-defined characteristics and a price.
For example, a CDR Group of Telephony might con-
tain two products, Gold and Silver.
OUTGOING_NODE VARCHAR2(80) The outgoing node or switch used. Can possibly be
used in derivation of tax point calculations.
OUTGOING_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) The operator of the outgoing path or trunk.
OUTGOING_PATH VARCHAR2(80) The outgoing path or trunk used to route the call.
OUTGOING_POI VARCHAR2(8) Represents the outgoing Point of Interconnect.

December 2020 136

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


OUTGOING_PRODUCT VARCHAR2(14) Represents the product id for outgoing calls or outgo-
ing leg of transit calls.

The user may prefer to rather extract the
Billed Product.
PARAMETER_MATRIX VARCHAR2(8) Represents the matrix that was used for content
PARAMETER_MATRIX_ NUMBER(10) Indicates which matrix line was used to rate the call.
PROCESS_DATE DATE Date the original EDR file was processed by Pricing.
PROCESS_ID VARCHAR2(20) Technical field.
PRODUCT_GROUP VARCHAR2(4) The ID of the billing product group to which the billed
product belongs.
RATE_LOOKUP_STYLE CHAR(1) Type of Rate lookup that was done. Values:
• O = Operator
• R = Route
• C = Carrier Destination
RATE_OWNER_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) Identifies the Rate Owner.
RATE_STEP_CALL_COUNT NUMBER(10) Refers to flat rate per step.
RATE_STEP_FLAT_ NUMBER(16,6) Represents the flat rate that has been applied to a
CHARGE particular rate step.
RATE_TYPE CHAR(1) Rate Type. Indicates if weighted, confidential or nego-
tiated rate was used.
RATE_UNIT VARCHAR2(8) The unit of measure for which the unit cost is speci-
fied, for example, minutes, seconds, and so on.
RATED_BILLING_PERIOD NUMBER(10) Billing Period ID in which the call was rated.
RATING_COMPONENT VARCHAR2(8) Describes a distinct fee that is transacted between
the Franchise and the interconnect partner, for ex-
ample, interconnect fee, connection fee, termination
charge, porting fee, and so on.
RATING_QUANTITY_FIELD VARCHAR2(8) Rating quantity field - from the Rating Component pa-
RATING_QUANTITY_UOM VARCHAR2(8) Rating quantity Unit of Measure field - from the Rat-
ing Component parameters.
RATING_RULE_ CHAR(1) Technical field to mark summaries to indicate depen-
DEPENDENCY_IND dencies of Revenue Share Rating Elements.
RATING_SCENARIO VARCHAR2(8) Defines a rating scenario.
REASON_FOR_CLEAR- VARCHAR2(4) Technical field used by Interconnect AR.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


RECON_NAAG_ANUM VARCHAR2(8) Recon Origin - Reconciliation happens at country lev-
RECON_NAAG_BNUM VARCHAR2(8) Recon Destination. Reconciliation happens at country
RECORD_SEQUENCE_ VARCHAR2(40) Switch generated number that uniquely identifies an
NUMBER EDR. Not used in the rating process, but customers
may use this field for tracking and audit purposes.
The value of this field is not validated.
RECORD_TYPE VARCHAR2(2) User definable. Currently this field is not used in the
rating process; however, it is used to trigger an EDR
Undo operation where the EDR price is reversed pri-
or to summarisation in an attempt to back out a pre-
viously erroneously submitted EDR that has been suc-
cessfully rated. Users not desiring the EDR Undo fea-
ture may use this field for tracking and informational
purposes. The value of this field is not validated.
REFILE_AGREEMENT_NE- CHAR(1) Was the Agreement a Refile one? (Y/N)
REFILE_INDICATOR CHAR(1) Indicates whether a particular call was refiled.
REFUND_FACTOR NUMBER(9,6) If the EDR was a refund, this records the factor from
the EDR. 0.5 means 50% refund.
REMUNERATION_INDICA- CHAR(1) ITU rating only. Based on
REPAIR_INDICATOR CHAR(1) Used internally to indicate if a record has been re-
Not for customer use.
REVENUE_SHARE_ NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content Billing.
REVENUE_SHARE_ NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content Billing.
REVENUE_SHARE_ NUMBER(25,6) Required for Content Billing.
REVENUE_SHARE_CUR- VARCHAR2(3) Required for Content Billing.
REVENUE_SHARE_CUR- VARCHAR2(3) Required for Content Billing.
REVENUE_SHARE_CUR- VARCHAR2(3) Required for Content Billing.
REVERSE_INDICATOR CHAR(1) Indicates if product is reverse or not.
ROUNDED_UNIT_ID VARCHAR2(8) The family base unit in which Charge Units are repre-
sented, for example, bytes.
SETTLEMENT_OPERATOR VARCHAR2(6) This is the operator to whom the settlement amount
is actually due.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 8. Field Mapping


START_CALL_COUNT NUMBER(10) Start call count.
STATEMENT_DIRECTION CHAR(1) Indicates whether the Franchise sent or received a
statement. Value can be either:
• S (Send, in other words, the Franchise sent state-
• R (Receive, in other words, the Franchise receives
STEP_NUMBER NUMBER(3) Indicates which step of a rate was applied to a call.
TIER VARCHAR2(8) Tier ID. Defines the termination point of a call.
TIER_DETERMINATION_ VARCHAR2(4) The Tier determination style used to determine the
TIER_GROUP VARCHAR2(8) Represents a grouping of tiers, for example, geo-
graphical area.
TIER_TYPE VARCHAR2(8) A grouping of tier groups, for example, long national,
domestic, and so on.
TIME_OF_DAY_BUCKET NUMBER(10) If the time of day duration buckets were disabled this
value would be -1, otherwise this indicates that the
function was enabled but no buckets defined and a
positive value indicates the internal bucket ID.
TIME_PREMIUM VARCHAR2(3) Indicates the time band a call was made, for exam-
ple, Off-Peak, Peak, Economy, and so on.
TIME_TYPE_ID NUMBER(10) The unique identifier of the time type applicable to
this portion of the call. A time type defines a part of
a day, and is the same concept as a time premium in
TRAFFIC_AGREEMENT_ VARCHAR2(6) Agreement operator for the traffic route.
TRAFFIC_BASE_DIREC- CHAR(1) Indicates the Traffic Base Direction:
TION • I – Incoming
• O – Outgoing
• T- Transit
TRAFFIC_MOVEMENT_CTR NUMBER(3) Technical field used to uniquely identify Rated billing
TRAFFIC_NAAG VARCHAR2(8) ITU only. Original Network Address Aggrega-
tion based on A Number (Origin) in case of re-
place outgoing route, otherwise the same as
TRAFFIC_ CHAR(1) Negotiation direction for the traffic route which means
NEGOTIATION_DIR you are buying or selling capacity on the network or
termination. Values are:
• B (Buy – the partner offers you a rate so they are
in control of the rate)

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• S (Sell - you offer the partner a rate to handle an
event so you are in control of the rate)
TRAFFIC_PERIOD NUMBER(10) Billing Period ID in which the traffic date falls.
TRAFFIC_RATING_ VARCHAR2(10) Defines the Traffic Rating Scenario Type, for example,
SCENARIO_TYPE incoming refile, traditional transit, and so on.
TRAFFIC_ROUTE VARCHAR2(80) Defines the traffic route.
TRAFFIC_SUMMARY_IND CHAR(1) A technical field marking whether the daily summary
row to which this field relates was marked as traffic
(traffic view).
UNDO_DESCRIPTION_ID NUMBER(10) EDR Undo description (populated for Undone EDRs).
UNIT_COST_USED NUMBER(16,6) The actual rate used in rating this call or event. In the
case of revenue share this field carries the percentage
UPDATE_CTR NUMBER(2) Technical field used by the online.
USER_DATA VARCHAR2(249 Specific value a user would like to store on EDR level
but not on daily summary level.
USER_DATA_2 VARCHAR2(80) User data field 2 (on input EDR).
USER_DATA_3 VARCHAR2(80) User data field 3 (on input EDR).
USER_SUMMARISATION VARCHAR2(20) Specific value a user would like to extract to the fi-
nancial system, but the value cannot be derived with-
in Interconnect. The value is available in the input
WORLD_VIEW_ANUM VARCHAR2(50) NAA World View corresponding to the origin.
WORLD_VIEW_BNUM VARCHAR2(50) NAA World View corresponding to the destination.
WORLD_VIEW_NAAG_ VARCHAR2(8) The origin network address aggregation correspond-
ANUM ing to the derived NAA World View.
WORLD_VIEW_NAAG_ VARCHAR2(8) The destination network address aggregation corre-
BNUM sponding to the derived NAA World View.
Table 8.3. ERROR_CDR table

December 2020 140



9.1. The Financial Extract File
The Financial Extract is a CSV file containing all financial information obtained from the Interconnect
Financial Summary table.
The information in the following sections describes the Financial Extract file and Interconnect finan-
cial finalisation process.

9.2. Transaction Types

Transaction types define whether financial data in Interconnect is regarded as being a:
• Pre-estimate, i.e., represents a financial position at a point in time
• Estimate, i.e., represents expected revenue or expenses (final revenue and expense will only be
known once an invoice or declaration has been received from a carrier)
• Actual, i.e., represents actual revenue or expenses (franchise invoices a carrier)

Transaction Type ID Transaction Type Name


The following table illustrates how the transaction types are applied:

Source Billing Period Status Statement Direction Transaction Type/

All Summaries Open Receive Pre-estimate
All Summaries Open Send Pre-estimate
All Summaries Closed Receive Estimate
All Summaries Closed Send Actual

9.3. Aggregation Keys

Interconnect has one set of aggregation keys for all Business Hierarchies.
The system has a minimum set of aggregation keys, but allows additional keys to be added (these
can change over time).
Some keys are coupled to optional modules (for example, ICT, ITU), as listed below.
The following is the minimum set of aggregation keys:

Field Optional Module


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Field Optional Module


9.3.1. Optional Module Listing

Optional Module Description

AAR Archive and Restore
ADJ Adjustments
BLK Bulk Loaders & Exporters
ENH Enhanced rating
FEX Financial Export
ICT Partner Based Rating
REC Recurring Charges
TCH Discount and Traffic Charges
TER Tiers
VBR Volume Based Rating
XIF XML interface for content

9.4. Business Hierarchy

A Business Hierarchy is the structure into which the Line Item Types are grouped. The table below
gives some indication of how the Line Item Types are allocated and their business meaning.

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Business Hierarchy Financial Summary Indicator Summary Source

ment VIEW
ring Charges
Charges VIEW

9.5. Line Item Types

There is a fixed set of low-level Item Types that categorize the various source summary rows
(ITEM_TYPE) and define the business areas they pertain to. Item Types are static and are sum-
marised in the table below.

Line Item Type Summary

ADJ_REVENUE_SHARE Adjustment Summary
ADJ_TRAFFIC_PENALTY Adjustment Summary
ADJ_TRAFFIC_ADJ Adjustment Summary
ADJ_COMMISSION Adjustment Summary
ADJ_DAILY_SUMMARY Adjustment Summary
ADJ_VBR Adjustment Summary
ADJ_DISCOUNT Adjustment Summary
ADJ_CHARGE Adjustment Summary
DISCOUNT Discounts and Special Charges
CHARGE Discounts and Special Charges
COMMISSION Discounts and Special Charges
REVENUE_SHARE Discounts and Special Charges
TRAFFIC_ADJ Discounts and Special Charges
TRAFFIC_PENALTY Discounts and Special Charges
VBR_DLYS_USAGE Volume Based Rating
VBR_PENALTY Volume Based Rating
VBR_PENALTY_FLAT_AMT Volume Based Rating
VBR_USAGE_FLAT_AMT Volume Based Rating

9.6. Data Structures

The Financial Extract file includes the fields listed below. Please note that these fields are listed in al-
phabetical order to make searching easier.
• Fields that are not aggregated on will be NULL.

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• It should be noted that Partner-based Rating (ICT) and Route-based Rating (ITU) Financial Ex-
tract files contain all of the fields listed in the table below, i.e., no distinction is made between the
two installations. Fields that are not applicable to Partner-based Rating (ICT) are marked as 'Not
applicable to ICT - will always be NULL' or 'Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0' and descrip-
tions for these fields have been removed.
• In v10.2 SP7, the following extract profiles are available:
• V71SP7
• V71SP8
• V80SP0
• V80SP2
• V90SP0
• V10SP0
• V1002SP0
• V1002SP3
• The fields used in the Financial Extract files are determined by the currently selected extract pro-
file. For more information, see Extract Versioning.
• The table below lists the fields that are available in the Financial Extract file and the extract pro-
file from which each of the fields are available.


ACCOUNTING_METHOD CHAR 1 V71SP7 Set to either Direct or Cascade as de-
termined by the Rating Rule applicable
ACTUAL_RELEASE_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
ACTUAL_USAGE NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The actual usage for a component
ADJ_BPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of billing period adjusted.
Required for financial finalisation
ADJ_BPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of billing period adjusted.
Required for financial finalisation
ADJUSTED_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 The adjusted date represents the new
billing date after applying the time
zone adjustments

Billing Period Start/End Date,
Traffic Period Start/End Date,
Account Period Start/End Date
more likely to be extracted.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ANUM_ CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be

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AGREEMENT_NAAG_BNUM_ CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
AMOUNT NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The total cost of a call.
Amount after weighted rate or
recovery percentage calcula-
tions have been taken into ac-
See RATED_AMOUNT for original
AMOUNT_PREF NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Amount after preferred currency con-
BER version. If no currency conversion is
required, AMOUNT is used.
ANUM_CNP VAR- 50 V71SP7 The A# Prefix derived for billing. This
CHAR2 will be derived only if the A# is re-
quired for billing.
ANUM_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP7 The operator owning the A Number.
CHAR2 User definable value
APPORTIONED_CALL_COUNT NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The call count apportioned across the
BER time premium
APPORTIONED_DURATION_ NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The apportioned duration across the
SECONDS BER time premium
BASE_UNIT VAR- 8 V71SP7 The family base unit in which Actual
CHAR2 and charged usage are represented,
e.g. minutes, seconds, etc.
User definable value
BILLED_PRODUCT VAR- 14 V71SP7 The ID of the product that is billed for
CHAR2 Either contains incoming product id or
outgoing product id based on the com-
ponent direction User definable value
BILLING_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 The billing date represents either net-
work start date or conversation start
date based on the billing setting

Billing Period Start/End Date,
Traffic Period Start/End Date,
Account Period Start/End Date
more likely to be extracted
BILLING_METHOD CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the billing method usedUser
definable value

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BILLING_METHOD_TYPE CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates if transaction is invoice or
declaration related
Value will be:
• I (Invoice)
• D (Declaration)
For ICT the value will always be 'I - In-
BILLING_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP7 The operator with whom the Franchise
CHAR2 needs to settle
User definable value
BILLING_PERIOD NUM- 10 V71SP7 ID of the billing period to which the
BER transaction has been associated.
BILLING_PERIOD_ADJUSTED NUM- 10 V71SP7 Billing period that has been adjusted
BILLING_RATING_ VAR- 10 V71SP7 Billing Rating Scenario Type
BILLING_ROUTE VAR- 80 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
BNUM_CNP VAR- 50 V71SP7 The B# Prefix derived for billing. This
CHAR2 will be derived only if the A# is re-
quired for billing.
BNUM_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP7 The operator owning the B Number
CHAR2 User definable value
BPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 The actual start date of the billing peri-
od. Required for financial finalisation
BPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 The actual end date of the billing peri-
od. Required for financial finalisation
BUSINESS_CONTEXT VAR- 20 V71SP7 Indicates the context of the summary.
CHAR2 Value will be:
• Financial Summary

It is anticipated that this field
will be discarded before the first
BUSINESS_HIERARCHYS VAR- 20 V71SP7 A Business Hierarchy is determined
CHAR2 at implementation time and item
types are associated to the hierar-
chy. The hierarchies are then as-
sociated with a business context

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(BUSINESS_CONTEXT), which is a
'business view' of summaries.
CALL_ATTEMPT_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Set to Y if the call attempt charge ap-
plied. Otherwise set to N
CALL_COUNT NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The number of calls that made up the
BER financial summary
CASH_FLOW CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates whether the call represents a
cost or revenue for the Franchise
Value will be either:
• E (Expense, i.e. Franchise needs to
• R (Revenue, i.e. Franchise receives
CHARGE_BUNDLE NUM- 16,6 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
CHARGED_UNITS NUM- 20,0 V71SP7 The priced number of units in case of
BER unit billing
CHARGED_USAGE NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The billed duration.
COMPONENT_DIRECTION VAR- 2 V71SP7 Indicates which leg of the EDR is being
CHAR2 rated
Value will be either:
• I (Incoming)
• O (Outgoing)

In additional some customers
may prefer to use TI (Transit)
and TO (Transit Outgoing) for
transit calls.
CURRENCY VAR- 3 V71SP7 The currency from daily summary or
CHAR2 discount summary. Will be blank if
Item Type = 'VBR'
CURRENCY_PREF VAR- 3 V71SP7 Indicates the preferred currency
DATA_UNIT VAR- 8 V71SP7 Mandatory if Data Volume is populated
CHAR2 Indicates the measure of unit for a da-
ta call
Example of values:
• Bytes
• Packets
• Segments

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• Etc
User definable value
DATA_UNIT_2 VAR- 8 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but could
CHAR2 be extended for telephony
DATA_UNIT_3 VAR- 8 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but could
CHAR2 be extended for telephony
DATA_UNIT_4 VAR- 8 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but could
CHAR2 be extended for telephony
DATA_VOLUME NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Indicates the data volume.
BER Only applicable to data calls
DATA_VOLUME_2 NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but could
BER be extended for telephony
DATA_VOLUME_3 NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but could
BER be extended for telephony
DATA_VOLUME_4 NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but could
BER be extended for telephony
DESCRIPTION VAR- 50 V71SP7 Text description that describes why a
CHAR2 transaction was adjusted
DISCOUNT_FLAT_AMOUNT NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Represents flat amount applicable to a
BER discount.
This field is optional, i.e. if this field
is null then the discount amount field
cannot be null.
DISCOUNT_FLAT_AMOUNT_ NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Discount Flat Amount after preferred
PREF BER currency conversion
DISCOUNT_PERIOD VAR- 20 V71SP7 Discount Period ID.
CHAR2 Identifies the period for which the dis-
count was applicable, e.g. the discount
period ID derives the start and end
date of the discount period.
DISCOUNT_TEMPLATE VAR- 20 V71SP7 Discount Template ID.
CHAR2 Identifies the template or discount/VBR
plan that was used for calculating the
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V71SP7 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_1 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate. Required for Con-
tent Billing.
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V71SP7 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_2 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate. Required for Con-
tent Billing.

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DISCRETE_RATING_vvPA- VAR- 20 V71SP7 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
RAMETER_3 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate. Required for Con-
tent Billing.
DPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of Discount Period. Required
for financial finalisation
DPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of Discount Period. Required
for financial finalisation
ESTIMATE_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
EVENT_DIRECTION VAR- 3 V71SP7 Indicates the direction of the call.
CHAR2 Example of values:
• I (Incoming)
• TI (Transit Incoming)
• O (Outgoing)
• Etc
EVENT_DURATION NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Conversation duration
Billable duration more likely to
be extracted
EVENT_START_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Conversation start date
FIN_AGGR_TRAFFIC_MAX_ DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
FIN_AGGR_TRAFFIC_MIN_ DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
FK_OLIT NUM- 10 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
FLAT_RATE_CHARGE NUM- 16,6 V71SP7 Flat rate or surcharge per call
FLAT_RATE_CHARGE_PREF NUM- 16,6 V71SP7 Flat rate after preferred currency con-
BER version
FRANCHISE VAR- 6 V71SP7 Indicates the Franchise, i.e. Intercon-
CHAR2 nect owner
User definable value
IBS_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be

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IBS_HEADER_ID NUM- 10 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
IBS_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
IBS_PERIOD NUM- 10 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
IBS_STATUS CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
IBS_SUPPLEMENTARY_NUM- NUM- 2 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
ID NUM- 10 V71SP7 System Generated
INCOMING_NODE VAR- 80 V71SP7 The incoming node or Network Node
CHAR2 used
Can possibly be used in derivation of
tax point calculations
INCOMING_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP7 The operator of the incoming path or
CHAR2 trunk
INCOMING_PATH VAR- 80 V71SP7 The incoming path or trunk used to
CHAR2 route the call
INCOMING_POI VAR- 8 V71SP7 Represents the incoming point of inter-
CHAR2 connect
INCOMING_PRODUCT VAR- 14 V71SP7 Represents the product id for incoming
CHAR2 calls or incoming leg of transit calls

The user may prefer to rather
extract the Billed Product
ITEM_TYPE VAR- 20 V71SP7 Indicates the type of transaction, e.g.
CHAR2 Daily Usage, Discount, Inbound decla-
ration/Invoice, VBR Simple Usage, VBR
Variable Usage, VBR Balanced Usage,
VBR Penalty, Adjustments, etc
MAXIMUM_CHARGE_ADJ_ NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Maximum Charge Adjustment after
PREF BER preferred currency conversion
MAXIMUM_CHARGE_AD- NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The adjusted amount after applying the
JUSTMENT BER Maximum Charge rule
MESSAGE_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Mapped to date portion of Adjusted
Date or based on the actual call date
MINIMUM_CHARGE_ADJ_ NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Minimum Charge Adjustment after pre-
PREF BER ferred currency conversion

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MINIMUM_CHARGE_ADJUST- NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 The adjusted amount after applying the
MENT BER Minimum Charge rule
NAAG_ANUM_LEVEL CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the network address aggre-
gation level for the Origin. Required to
roll cities up to country level for recon-
ciliation purposes
NAAG_ANUM_NAME VAR- 30 V71SP7 Name of Network Address Aggrega-
CHAR2 tion.
User definable value
NAAG_BNUM_LEVEL CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the network address aggre-
gation level for the Destination. Re-
quired to roll cities up to country level
for reconciliation purposes
NAAG_BNUM_NAME VAR- 30 V71SP7 Name of Network Address Aggrega-
CHAR2 tion.
User definable value
NETWORK_ADDRESS_AGGR_ VAR- 8 V71SP7 A Number Aggregation ID. A multi-lev-
ANUM CHAR2 el grouping of network addresses that
complements the Tier hierarchy, i.e.
grouping of network addresses based
on their location (origin/destination)
User definable value
NETWORK_ADDRESS_AGGR_ VAR- 8 V71SP7 B Number Aggregation ID. A multi-lev-
BNUM CHAR2 el grouping of network addresses that
complements the Tier hierarchy, i.e.
grouping of network addresses based
on their location (origin/destination)
User definable value
NETWORK_DURATION NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Network duration
Billable duration more likely to
be extracted
NETWORK_START_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Network start date.
NETWORK_TYPE_ANUM VAR- 3 V71SP7 Indicates if the A number is of type
CHAR2 Mobile, Fixed, International, etc. User
definable value
NETWORK_TYPE_BNUM VAR- 3 V71SP7 Indicates if the B number is of type
CHAR2 Mobile, Fixed, International, etc. User
definable value
OBS_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be

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OBS_HEADER_ID VAR- 150 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
OBS_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
OBS_PERIOD NUM- 10 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
OBS_SUPPLEMENTARY_NUM- NUM- 2 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
OBS_TRAFFIC_MAX_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
OBS_TRAFFIC_MIN_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
OBS_WITHHELD_PERIOD NUM- 10 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
OUT_PAYMENT_METHOD CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
OUTGOING_NODE VAR- 80 V71SP7 The outgoing node or Network Node
CHAR2 used
OUTGOING_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP7 The operator of the outgoing path or
CHAR2 trunk
OUTGOING_PATH VAR- 80 V71SP7 The outgoing path or trunk used to
CHAR2 route the call
OUTGOING_POI VAR- 8 V71SP7 Represents the outgoing point of inter-
CHAR2 connect
OUTGOING_PRODUCT VAR- 14 V71SP7 Represents the product id for outgoing
CHAR2 calls or outgoing leg of transit calls

The user may prefer to rather
extract the Billed Product
PARAMETER_MATRIX VAR- 8 V71SP7 Represents the matrix that was used
CHAR2 for content billing
PARAMETER_MATRIX_LINE NUM- 10 V71SP7 Indicates which matrix line was used to
BER rate the call
PRODUCT_GROUP VAR- 4 V71SP7 The ID of the billing product group to
CHAR2 which the billed product belongs
User definable value
RATE_NAME VAR- 30 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
RATE_OWNER_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be

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RATE_STEP_CALL_COUNT NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Refers to flat rate per step
RATE_STEP_FLAT_CHARGE NUM- 16,6 V71SP7 Represents the flat rate that has been
BER applied to a particular rate step
RATE_TYPE CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
RATE_UNIT VAR- 8 V71SP7 The unit of measure for which the unit
CHAR2 cost is specified, e.g. minutes, seconds,
RATED_AMOUNT NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Amount before weighted rate or recov-
BER ery percentage calculations have been
applied. If no weighted rate or recovery
percentage calculations are required it
will take on the value of AMOUNT
RATED_USAGE NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Billable duration before recovery per-
BER centage calculations have been applied.
If no weighted rate or recovery per-
centage calculations are required it will
take on the value of CHARGED_USAGE
RATING_COMPONENT VAR- 8 V71SP7 Describes a distinct fee that is trans-
CHAR2 acted between the Franchise and the
interconnect partner e.g. intercon-
nect fee, connection fee, termination
charge, porting fee etc.
User definable value
RATING_SCENARIO VAR- 8 V71SP7 Defines a rating scenario
CHAR2 User definable value
RECON_NAAG_ANUM VAR- 8 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
RECON_NAAG_ANUM_NAME VAR- 30 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
RECON_NAAG_BNUM VAR- 8 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
RECON_NAAG_BNUM_NAME VAR- 30 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
RECOVERY_PERCENTAGE NUM- 7,2 V71SP7 Optional field. Indicates the per-
BER centage by which call durations and
amounts should be adjusted.

Only applicable to calls where
Statement Direction = Receive
REFILE_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be

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REORIG_NAAG_NAME VAR- 30 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
REORIGINATE_NAAG VAR- 8 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
REPLACED_FRANCHISE VAR- 30 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
REPLACED_PRODUCT VAR- 30 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
REVENUE_SHARE_AMOUNT_1 NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_AMOUNT_2 NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_AMOUNT_3 NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_CURREN- VAR- 3 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_CURREN- VAR- 3 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_CURREN- VAR- 3 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVERSAL_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
REVERSE_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates if product is reverse or not
ROUNDED_UNIT_ID VAR- 8 V71SP7 The family base unit in which Charge
CHAR2 Units are represented, e.g. bytes
ROUTE_IDENTIFIER VAR- 50 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
ROUTE_TYPE CHAR 3 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
START_CALL_COUNT NUM- 10 V71SP7 Start call count
STATEMENT_DIRECTION CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates whether the Franchise sent or
received a statement
Value will be either:
• S (Send, i.e. Franchise sent state-
• R (Receive, i.e. Franchise receives
STEP_NUMBER NUM- 3 V71SP7 Indicates which step of a rate was ap-
BER plied to a call
TAG_FIELD_CODE VAR- 50 V71SP7 Optional field. A code allocated to cer-
CHAR2 tain combinations of fields and their

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values on the financial summarisation
table to compensate for certain short-
comings in Interconnect, e.g. For tier1,
IDD allocate 'Mapping Code1' and tier2,
ITF allocate 'Mapping code2'
TAX_AMOUNT NUM- 25,6 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be 0
TAX_TYPE VAR- 3 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
TIER VAR- 8 V71SP7 Tier ID. Defines the termination point
CHAR2 of a call
TIER_GROUP VAR- 8 V71SP7 Represents a grouping of tiers, e.g. ge-
CHAR2 ographical area
TIER_NAME VAR- 80 V71SP7 Name of the tier. Required for financial
CHAR2 extraction.
TIER_TYPE VAR- 8 V71SP7 A grouping of tier groups, e.g. long na-
CHAR2 tional, domestic, etc.
TIME_PREMIUM VAR- 3 V71SP7 Indicates the time band a call was
CHAR2 made, e.g. Off-Peak, Peak, Economy,
User definable value
TPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of traffic period. Required
for financial finalisation
TPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of traffic period. Required for
financial finalisation
TRAFFIC_BASE_DIRECTION CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the Traffic Base Direction,
• I - Incoming
• O - Outgoing
• T - Transit
TRAFFIC_PERIOD NUM- 10 V71SP7 Billing Period ID in which the traffic
BER date falls
TRAFFIC_RATING_ VAR- 10 V71SP7 Defines the Traffic Rating Scenario
SCENARIO_TYPE CHAR2 Type, e.g. incoming refile, traditional
transit, etc
TRAFFIC_ROUTE VAR- 80 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always be
TRANSACTION_TYPE VAR- 20 V71SP7 Indicates the type of transaction.
CHAR2 Value will be either:
• Pre-estimate

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• Estimate
• Actual
• Suspension
UNIT_COST_USED NUM- 16,6 V71SP7 The rate that was applied to the call
UNIT_COST_USED_PREF NUM- 16,6 V71SP7 Unit cost after preferred currency con-
BER version
USER_SUMMARISATION VAR- 50 V71SP7 Specific value a user would like to ex-
CHAR2 tract to the financial system, but the
value cannot be derived within Inter-
connect. The value will be available in
the input EDR.
CONTRA_TYPE CHAR 1 V71SP8 Indicates the type of transaction pro-
duced, for example
• S (Normal - no contra)
• U (Summary Rerate - summary ta-
bles only)
• R (Structural Reprice)
• F (File Undo)
• E (Record Undo)
MINIMUM_CHARGE_IND CHAR 1 V71SP8 Indicates a component that has had
a minimum charge applied or has a
Threshold Field specified.
REFUND_FACTOR NUM- 9,6 V71SP8 Indicates the refund percentage used
BER when processing refunds.
SETTLEMENT_OPERATOR VAR- 6 V71SP8 Indicates the operator to which pay-
CHAR2 ment is made, if the operator differs
from the billing operator.
CARRIER_DESTINATION_ VAR- 100 V80SP0 Stores a Carrier Destination Alias as
ALIAS CHAR2 derived during carrier-based rating.
CARRIER_DESTINATION_ VAR- 100 V80SP0 Stores a Carrier Destination Name as
NAME CHAR2 derived during carrier-based or Con-
tract Manager/CSG Route rating.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ANUM VAR- 8 V80SP1 The A Number Network Address Aggre-
CHAR2 gation used when determining the ap-
plicable Rating Scenario
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ANUM_ VAR- 30 V80SP1 The name of the A Number Network
NAME CHAR2 Address Aggregation used when deter-
mining the applicable Rating Scenario
AGREEMENT_NAAG_BNUM VAR- 8 V80SP1 The B Number Network Address Aggre-
CHAR2 gation used when determining the ap-
plicable Rating Scenario

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AGREEMENT_NAAG_BNUM_ VAR- 30 V80SP1 The B Number Network Address Aggre-
NAME CHAR2 gation used when determining the ap-
plicable Rating Scenario
AGREEMENT_ID NUM- 10 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
BER agreement used when rating the call.
AGREEMENT_ITEM_ID NUM- 9 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
BER agreement item used when rating the
call. Agreement Items enable you to
define Rates, and Contractual and
Quality Parameters for Agreement
AGREEMENT_PART_ID NUM- 10 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
BER agreement part used when rating the
call. An agreement can have one or
two parts: one for the buy side (outgo-
ing) and one for the sell side (incom-
AGREEMENT_RATE_ID NUM- 9 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
BER agreement rate used when rating the
CARRIER_CHARGE_ NUM- 9 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
DEFINITION_ID BER charge definition applicable to this
component of an event. One or more
charge definitions are defined for an
event mapping, and are the basis for
defining rates in the agreement items.
CARRIER_RATE_TYPE_ID NUM- 9 V90SP0 Each agreement item may be rated us-
BER ing several rates per charge component
(definition). The typical case is when a
transit call should be rated using both a
terminal and transit part. Each of these
rates has a rate type.
DESTINATION_ID NUM- 9 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the destina-
BER tion applicable to this component of an
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V90SP0 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_10 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V90SP0 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_4 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V90SP0 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_5 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate.

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DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V90SP0 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_6 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V90SP0 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_7 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V90SP0 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_8 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RATING_PARAME- VAR- 20 V90SP0 Used in Interconnect rating to store a
TER_9 CHAR2 parameter than assists in determining
an applicable rate.
IN_EVENT_MAPPING_CODE VAR- 20 V90SP0 Event mappings define how the traffic
CHAR2 data should be interpreted for the dif-
ferent traffic types, and can be seen as
a named construct that specifies how
the generic usage record formats are
interpreted for a given market/submar-
ket. It specifies where parameters can
be found in the input format, which pa-
rameters that will determine the rates,
which parameters influence the aggre-
gation, and which are simply copied
over to the rated records.
IN_SERVICE_ID NUM- 10 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
BER incoming product. A CSG Route prod-
uct is something that is offered to the
market with well-defined characteris-
tics and a price. For example, a CDR
Group of Telephony might contain two
products, Gold and Silver.
OUT_EVENT_MAPPING_CODE VAR- 20 V90SP0 Event mappings define how the traffic
CHAR2 data should be interpreted for the dif-
ferent traffic types, and can be seen as
a named construct that specifies how
the generic usage record formats are
interpreted for a given market/sub-
market. It specifies where parame-
ters can be found in the output format,
which parameters that will determine
the rates, which parameters influence
the aggregation, and which are simply
copied over to the rated records.
OUT_SERVICE_ID NUM- 10 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
BER outgoing product. A CSG Route prod-
uct is something that is offered to the
market with well-defined characteris-

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tics and a price. For example, a CDR
Group of Telephony might contain two
products, Gold and Silver.
OUT_SERVICE_SHORT_NAME VAR- 20 V90SP0 The short name of the CSG Route out-
CHAR2 going product. A CSG Route product is
something that is offered to the market
with well-defined characteristics and
a price. For example, a CDR Group of
Telephony might contain two products,
Gold and Silver.
PRICE_MODEL_ID NUM- 9 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the CSG Route
BER price model that this summary was
used in.
TIME_TYPE_ID NUM- 10 V90SP0 The unique identifier of the time type
BER applicable to this portion of the call. A
time type defines a part of a day, and
is the same concept as a time premium
in Interconnect.
CARRIER_ORIGIN_NAME VAR- 100 V10SP0 Stores a Carrier Origin Name as de-
CHAR2 rived during Contract Manager/CSG
Route rating.
BUNDLE_NAME VAR- 20 V1002SP0 Optional bundle ID
TIER_PARAMETER VAR- 20 V1002SP0 Optional tier determination value
USER_DATE_1 DATE 14 V1002SP0 User-definable date
USER_DATE_2 DATE 14 V1002SP0 User-definable date
ADDITIONAL_CHARGE VAR- 50 V1002SP3 A description of an additional charge.
STEP_FLAT_CHARGE_ VAR- 50 V1002SP3 A description of the flat rate that has
CHRGE_DESC CHAR2 been set up on a particular rate step.
UNIT_COST_CHRGE_DESC VAR- 50 V1002SP3 A description of the unit cost used to
CHAR2 rate a call or event.

9.7. Extract Versioning

The following extract profiles are available in v10.2 SP7 and each profile has an ID to identify it in
the system:

ID Financial Extract Profile

6 V71SP7
3 V71SP8
9 V80SP0
10 V80SP2
11 V90SP0

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ID Financial Extract Profile

14 V10SP0
17 V1002SP0
20 V1002SP3

The profile that is used by default depends on the version of Interconnect that was installed. For ex-
ample, for a new v10.2 SP7 installation, profile 20 is used by default.

If an older profile is used with a patched version of Interconnect, changes to database field
definitions will be reflected on the file generated by the finalisation process.
For example, if fields' definitions are changed from length 15 to 20 in the database, it would
affect customers using older extract profiles from previous ICT versions in which those fields
are present.

The profile can be changed by using the Central System. On the System Setting window, select the
FIN_EXTRACT_PROFILE system setting. Click the Edit button and enter the desired profile ID in the
Actual Value field. Click OK to save the changes.

9.8. Interconnect ICT Window Screenshot

The tabbed window below is used to schedule one of the three types of finalisation.

9.9. Interface Files Provided by Interconnect Partner-Based Rating (ICT)

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Interconnect provides a series of comma-delimited extract files containing financial information to

the financial system.
Three types of financial finalisation processes can be scheduled:
• Pre-estimates
• A single file is created and contains all rated data (statement direction send and receive) asso-
ciated to open Billing Periods.
• This finalisation excludes data from inbound declarations or invoices.
• This finalisation can be scheduled any time during the month.
• Pre-estimate finalisation are optional and can be ignored
• The user has the option to include or exclude summaries when they run pre-estimates, e.g.,
user has the ability to limit pre-estimates to VBR if required.
• Declared Actuals
• A single file is created and contains all declared data from declarations or invoices. However,
an option is available to create a file per cash flow (revenue or expense). This is managed via
a system setting.
• This extract is independent of Period End and can be scheduled as and when inbound declara-
tions or invoices are accepted.
• It is advisable to run this finalisation with Period End to ensure that all accepted declarations
and invoices are extracted.
• Period End
• The Period End finalisation creates three file categories, Actual, Estimate and Declared
Actual. An option is available to create these files per cash flow. This is managed via a system
• The actual file contains all rated data where Statement Direction = Send.
• The estimate file contains all rated data where statement direction = Receive.
• The Period End finalisation is only scheduled at Period End.

The file names are dependent on the following system settings:

Depending on the type of finalisation and the settings above, examples of the file names are:

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The format consists of a file header record, followed by a table section, with a terminating file trailer
The table section consists of an identifying record, three records describing the table columns and
then data records containing the data for the table.
Each field in a record will be separated by a comma and enclosed by quotation characters (where re-
The first record in the output will be a header record containing the following fields

Identifier (AARHDR)
Version 1.0
Process FinancialExtract
Type The format of the file, e.g., CSV.
DTG The date and time at which the output was started, in the required format
e.g. %Y%m%d %H%M%S.

This is the first record in the sections.

Identifier (AARTAB)
Table Section The general description of the section e.g. Financial Summary.
DTG The date and time at which the output was started, in the required format
e.g. %Y%m%d %H%M%S.
List of actual table The table names (including joined tables and tables whose data has been
names processed to yield the export) from which the data originated.

Identifier (AARCOL)
List of actual column The column names from which the data originated.

Identifier (AARSIZ)
List of actual column The size of each field, e.g., number of characters. For date columns, the for-
sizes mat of the date will be YYYYMMDD.

Identifier (AARTYP)
List of actual column The data type of each column: DATE, INT, FLOAT, CHAR or VARCHAR2.

Identifier (AARDEC)
Actual column deci- List of actual column decimal places if applicable (0 for varchar or if number
mal places. does not have decimal places).

The table section consists of data as represented in section 1.5 above

The last record in the output will be a trailer record containing the following field

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Identifier (AARTRA)
DTG The date and time at which the output was stopped, in the required format,
e.g., %Y%m%d %H%M%S.

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10.1. The ITU Financial Extract File
The Financial Extract is a CSV file containing all financial information as obtained from the Intercon-
nect Financial Summary table.
The information in the following sections describes the Interconnect financial finalisation process.
Concepts, rules, aggregation keys and their pre-requisites, file format and a detailed description of
the file are described in the paragraphs below.

10.2. Transaction Types

Transaction types define whether financial data in Interconnect is regarded as being a:
• Pre-estimate, i.e., represents a financial position at a point in time
• Estimate, i.e., represents expected revenue or expenses (Final revenue and expense will only be
known once an invoice or declaration has been received from a carrier.)
• Actual, i.e., represents actual revenue or expenses (Franchise sends outbound declarations or in-
voices or receives inbound declarations or invoices.)

Transaction Type ID Transaction Type Name


The following tables illustrate how the transaction types are applied:

Posted Account Entries refer to records created from accepted inbound declarations and in-

Source Billing Period Statement Direction Transaction Type/

Status,Process Comment
Posted Account Entries Closed Send or Receive Actual
Posted Account Entries Open, Pre-Estimate Receive No pre-estimates on
(PAE) PAE receives
Posted Account Entries Open, Accept Summa- Receive Actual
(PAE) rization
Posted Account Entries Open, Pre-Estimate Send Pre-estimate
Posted Account Entries Open, Scheduled Fin Send Pre-estimate
(PAE) Summarization
All summaries, excl. Open Receive Pre-estimate
All summaries, excl. Open Send Pre-estimate

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Source Billing Period Statement Direction Transaction Type/

Status,Process Comment
All summaries, excl. Closed Receive Estimate
Daily Summaries and Closed Send Estimate
VBR Summaries where
estimate indicator = 'Y'
All PAE summaries Closed Send Estimate
where out payment
method = 'Withheld'
All PAE summaries Closed Send Suspension
where out payment
method = 'Suspend'
All summaries, other Closed Send Actual
than the above condi-

The option chosen will determine which entries will be extracted.

Other factors influencing the finalisation process:
• If the system setting for OBS is on, and the Billing Period is closed, then do not finalise if OBS not
Accepted. This means that the system does not allow finalisation of actual records unless the OBS
is accepted.
• Accepted inbound declarations and invoices can be extracted to the financial system independent
of Period End, i.e., accepted inbound declarations and invoices can be finalised at any point in

10.3. Aggregation keys

Interconnect has one set of aggregation keys for all Business Hierarchies.
The system has a minimum set of aggregation keys, but allows additional keys to be added (these
can change over time).
Some keys are coupled to optional modules (for example, ICT, ITU), as listed below.
The following is the minimum set of aggregation keys:

Field Optional Module


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Field Optional Module


10.3.1. Optional Module Listing

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Optional Module Description

AAR Archive and Restore
ACC Accruals
ADJ Adjustments
BLK Bulk Loaders and Exporters
CRT Credit Management
ENH Enhanced rating
FEX Financial Export
IBS Inbound Statements
ICT Interconnect
ITU Route Based Rating
OBS Outbound Statements
REC Recurring Charges
TCH Discount and Traffic Charges
TER Tiers
VBR Volume Based Rating
XIF XML interface for content

10.4. Business Hierarchy

A Business Hierarchy is the structure into which the Line Item Types are grouped. The table below
gives some indication of how the Line item types are allocated and their business meaning.

Business Hierarchy Financial Summary Indicator Summary Source

bound Statement
ring Charges
Charges VIEW

10.5. Line Item Types

There is a fixed set of low-level Item Types that categorize the various source summary rows
(ITEM_TYPE) and define the business area they pertain to. Item Types are static and are sum-
marised in the table below.

Line Item Type Summary Description

ADJ_REVENUE_SHARE Adjustment Summary
ADJ_TRAFFIC_PENALTY Adjustment Summary

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Line Item Type Summary Description

ADJ_TRAFFIC_ADJ Adjustment Summary
ADJ_COMMISSION Adjustment Summary
ADJ_DAILY_SUMMARY Adjustment Summary
ADJ_DECLARED_USAGE Adjustment Summary
ADJ_VBR Adjustment Summary
ADJ_DISCOUNT Adjustment Summary
ADJ_CHARGE Adjustment Summary
DISCOUNT Discounts and Special Charges
CHARGE Discounts and Special Charges
COMMISSION Discounts and Special Charges
REVENUE_SHARE Discounts and Special Charges
TRAFFIC_ADJ Discounts and Special Charges
TRAFFIC_PENALTY Discounts and Special Charges
DECLARED_USAGE Posted Account Entry This includes Usage, Rate Delta
and Rate Contra line items on
the PAE
VBR_DECL_USAGE Volume Based Rating
VBR_DLYS_USAGE Volume Based Rating
VBR_PENALTY Volume Based Rating
VBR_PENALTY_FLAT_AMT Volume Based Rating
VBR_USAGE_FLAT_AMT Volume Based Rating

10.6. Data structures

The Financial Extract File includes the fields listed below. The fields are listed in alphabetical order to
facilitate searching.
• Fields that are not aggregated on will be NULL.
• The following extract profiles are available in v10.2 SP7:
• V71SP7
• V71SP8
• V80SP0
• V80SP2
• V90SP0
• V10SP0
• V1002SP0
• V1002SP3
• The fields used in the Financial Extract files are determined by the currently selected profile. For
more information, see Extract Versioning.

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• The table below lists the fields that are available in the Financial Extract file and the extract pro-
file from which each of the fields are available.


ACCOUNTING_METHOD CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates if cascade or direct ac-
ACTUAL_RELEASE_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Date on which OBS withheld trans-
actions were released.
ACTUAL_USAGE NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 The actual usage for a component
ADJ_BPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of billing period adjust-
ed. Required for financial finalisa-
ADJ_BPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of billing period adjusted.
Required for financial finalisation
ADJUSTED_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 The adjusted date represents the
new billing date after applying the
time zone adjustments

Billing Period Start/End
Date, Traffic Period Start/
End Date, Account Period
Start/End Date more likely
to be extracted
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ANUM VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Indicates the agreement origin -
may not necessarily be the same
as the EDR origin. User definable
AGREEMENT_NAAG_ANUM_ CHAR 1 V71SP7 Agreement Origin Level - Indicates
LEVEL the network address aggregation
level for the agreement origin.
Required to roll cities up to country
level for reconciliation purposes
NAME User definable value
AGREEMENT_NAAG_BNUM VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Indicates the agreement destina-
tion - may not necessarily be the
same as the EDR destination.
User definable value.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_BNUM_ CHAR 1 V71SP7 Agreement Destination Level - In-
LEVEL dicates the network address ag-

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gregation level for the agreement
destination. Required to roll cities
up to country level for reconcilia-
tion purposes
NAME User definable value
AMOUNT NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 The total cost of a call.

Amount after weighted
rate or recovery percent-
age calculations have been
taken into account. See
RATED_AMOUNT for origi-
nal values
AMOUNT_PREF NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Amount after preferred currency
conversion. If no currency conver-
sion is required, AMOUNT is used.
ANUM_CNP VARCHAR2 50 V71SP7 The A# Prefix derived for billing.
This will be derived only if the A#
is required for billing.
ANUM_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 The operator owning the A Num-
User definable value
APPORTIONED_CALL_COUNTNUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 The call count apportioned across
the time premium
APPORTIONED_DURATION_ NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 The apportioned duration across
SECONDS the time premium
BASE_UNIT VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 The family base unit in which Ac-
tual and charged usage are repre-
sented, e.g. minutes, seconds, etc.
User definable value
BILLED_PRODUCT VARCHAR2 14 V71SP7 The ID of the product that is billed
for Either contains incoming prod-
uct id or outgoing product id based
on the component direction.
User definable. value
BILLING_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 The billing date represents either
network start date or conversation
start date based on the billing set-

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Billing Period Start/End
Date, Traffic Period Start/
End Date, Account Period
Start/End Date more likely
to be extracted
BILLING_METHOD CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the billing method used.
User definable value.
BILLING_METHOD_TYPE CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates if transaction is invoice
or declaration related.
Value will be:
• I (Invoice)
• D (Declaration)
BILLING_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 The operator with whom the Fran-
chise needs to settle.
User definable value.
BILLING_PERIOD NUMBER 10 V71SP7 ID of the billing period to which
the transaction has been associat-
BILLING_PERIOD_ADJUSTEDNUMBER 10 V71SP7 Billing period that has been adjust-
VARCHAR2 10 V71SP7 Billing Rating Scenario Type
User definable value
BNUM_CNP VARCHAR2 50 V71SP7 The B# Prefix derived for billing.
This will be derived only if the A#
is required for billing.
BNUM_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 The operator owning the B Num-
User definable value.
BPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 The actual start date of the billing
period. Required for financial fi-
BPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 The actual end date of the billing
period. Required for financial fi-
BUSINESS_CONTEXT VARCHAR2 20 V71SP7 Indicates the context of the sum-

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Value will be:
• Financial Summary

It is anticipated that this
field will be discarded be-
fore the first implementa-
BUSINESS_HIERARCHY VARCHAR2 20 V71SP7 A Business Hierarchy is deter-
mined at implementation time and
item types are associated to the
hierarchy. The hierarchies are then
associated with a business context
(BUSINESS_CONTEXT), which is a
'business view' of summaries.
Refer to Business Hierarchy for
CALL_ATTEMPT_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Set to Y if the call attempt charge
applied. Otherwise set to N
CALL_COUNT NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Only applicable for bulk EDRs
CASH_FLOW CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates whether the call repre-
sents a cost or revenue for the
Value will be either:
• E (Expense, i.e. Franchise
needs to pay)
• R (Revenue, i.e. Franchise re-
ceives money)
CHARGE_BUNDLE NUMBER 16,6 V71SP7 Indicates if rating components
should be bundled, i.e. should
transit rate and destination rate be
displayed as a single rate on out-
bound declaration
CHARGED_UNITS NUMBER 20,0 V71SP7 The priced number of units in case
of unit billing
CHARGED_USAGE NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 The billed duration.
COMPONENT_DIRECTION VARCHAR2 2 V71SP7 Indicates which leg of the EDR is
being rated
Value will be either:
• I (Incoming)
• O (Outgoing)

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In additional some cus-
tomers may prefer to use
TI (Transit) and TO (Transit
Outgoing) for transit calls.
CURRENCY VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 The currency from daily summa-
ry or discount summary. Will be
blank if Item Type = 'VBR'
CURRENCY_PREF VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Indicates the preferred currency
DATA_UNIT VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Mandatory if Data Volume is popu-
Indicates the measure of unit for a
data call
Example of values:
• Bytes
• Packets
• Segments
• Etc
User definable value
DATA_UNIT_2 VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but
could be extended for telephony
DATA_UNIT_3 VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but
could be extended for telephony
DATA_UNIT_4 VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but
could be extended for telephony
DATA_VOLUME NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Indicates the data volume.Only
applicable to data calls
DATA_VOLUME_2 NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but
could be extended for telephony
DATA_VOLUME_3 NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but
could be extended for telephony
DATA_VOLUME_4 NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing, but
could be extended for telephony
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 50 V71SP7 Text description that describes why
a transaction was adjusted
DISCOUNT_FLAT_AMOUNT NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Represents flat amount applicable
to a discount. This field is option-
al, i.e. if this field is null then the
discount amount field cannot be
DISCOUNT_FLAT_AMOUNT_ NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Discount Flat Amount after pre-
PREF ferred currency conversion

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Identifies the period for which the
discount was applicable, e.g. the
discount period ID derives the
start and end date of the discount
Identifies the template or dis-
count/VBR plan that was used for
calculating the discount
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
DPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of Discount Period. Re-
quired for financial finalisation
DPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of Discount Period. Re-
quired for financial finalisation
ESTIMATE_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates if statement direction
SEND transactions should be
flagged as an Estimate or Actual
• Y (Yes) - Flag as estimate
• N (No) - Flag as actual
EVENT_DIRECTION VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Indicates the direction of the call.
Example of values:
• I (Incoming)
• TI (Transit Incoming)
• O (Outgoing)
• Etc
EVENT_DURATION NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Conversation duration

Billable duration more likely
to be extracted
EVENT_START_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Conversation start date

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FIN_AGGR_TRAFFIC_MAX_ DATE 14 V71SP7 Maximum traffic date for financial
DATE aggregation key
FIN_AGGR_TRAFFIC_MIN_ DATE 14 V71SP7 Minimum traffic date for financial
DATE aggregation key
FK_OLIT NUMBER 10 V71SP7 OBS line item sequence number
FLAT_RATE_CHARGE NUMBER 16,6 V71SP7 Flat rate or surcharge per call
FLAT_RATE_CHARGE_PREF NUMBER 16,6 V71SP7 Flat rate after preferred currency
FRANCHISE VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 Indicates the Franchise, i.e. Inter-
connect owner
User definable value
IBS_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of inbound declaration
or invoice.
IBS_HEADER_ID NUMBER 10 V71SP7 Inbound Statement Header
IBS_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of inbound declaration or
IBS_PERIOD NUMBER 10 V71SP7 Indicates the inbound declaration
or invoice account month. This
field will be decoded to a start date
and end date
IBS_STATUS CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates status of inbound decla-
• I = In Progress
• A = Accepted
• E = Extracted
• C = Complete
IBS_SUPPLEMENTARY_ NUMBER 2 V71SP7 Indicates number of accounts re-
NUMBER ceived for the same operator, pe-
riod and product group, e.g. 1 =
first IBS received, thereafter incre-
mented by 1 for each IBS received
for the same key
ID NUMBER 10 V71SP7 System Generated
INCOMING_NODE VARCHAR2 80 V71SP7 The incoming node or Network
Node used.
Can possibly be used in derivation
of tax point calculations.

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INCOMING_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 The operator of the incoming path
or trunk
INCOMING_PATH VARCHAR2 80 V71SP7 The incoming path or trunk used
to route the call
INCOMING_POI VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Represents the incoming point of
INCOMING_PRODUCT VARCHAR2 14 V71SP7 Represents the product id for in-
coming calls or incoming leg of
transit calls

The user may prefer to
rather extract the Billed
ITEM_TYPE VARCHAR2 20 V71SP7 Indicates the type of transaction,
e.g. Daily Usage, Discount, In-
bound declaration/Invoice, VBR
Simple Usage, VBR Variable Us-
age, VBR Balanced Usage, VBR
Penalty, Adjustments, etc
MAXIMUM_CHARGE_ADJ_ NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Maximum Charge Adjustment after
PREF preferred currency conversion
MAXIMUM_CHARGE_AD- NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 The adjusted amount after apply-
JUSTMENT ing the Maximum Charge rule
MESSAGE_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Mapped to date portion of Adjust-
ed Date or based on the actual call
MINIMUM_CHARGE_ADJ_ NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Minimum Charge Adjustment after
PREF preferred currency conversion
MINIMUM_CHARGE_AD- NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 The adjusted amount after apply-
JUSTMENT ing the Minimum Charge rule
NAAG_ANUM_LEVEL CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the network address ag-
gregation level for the Origin. Re-
quired to roll cities up to country
level for reconciliation purposes
NAAG_ANUM_NAME VARCHAR2 30 V71SP7 Name of Network Address Aggre-
gation. Required for financial fi-
User definable value.
NAAG_BNUM_LEVEL CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the network address ag-
gregation level for the Destination.
Required to roll cities up to coun-
try level for reconciliation purposes

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NAAG_BNUM_NAME VARCHAR2 30 V71SP7 Name of Network Address Aggre-
gation. Required for financial fi-
User definable value.
NETWORK_ADDRESS_ VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 A Number Aggregation ID. A mul-
AGGR_ANUM ti-level grouping of network ad-
dresses that complements the Tier
hierarchy, i.e. grouping of network
addresses based on their location
User definable value.
NETWORK_ADDRESS_ VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 B Number Aggregation ID. A mul-
AGGR_BNUM ti-level grouping of network ad-
dresses that complements the Tier
hierarchy, i.e. grouping of network
addresses based on their location
User definable value.
NETWORK_DURATION NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Network duration

Billable duration more likely
to be extracted
NETWORK_START_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Network start date.
NETWORK_TYPE_ANUM VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Indicates if the A number is of
type Mobile, Fixed, International,
User definable value
NETWORK_TYPE_BNUM VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Indicates if the B number is of
type Mobile, Fixed, International,
User definable value.
OBS_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of outbound declaration
or invoice.
OBS_HEADER_ID VARCHAR2 150 V71SP7 Outbound Statement Header
OBS_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of outbound declaration
or invoice.
OBS_PERIOD NUMBER 10 V71SP7 Indicates the outbound declaration
or invoice account month. This

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field will be decoded to a start date
and end date
OBS_SUPPLEMENTARY_ NUMBER 2 V71SP7 Indicates number of accounts sent
NUMBER to the same operator, period and
product group, e.g. 1 = first OBS,
thereafter incremented by 1 for
each OBS sent to the same key
OBS_TRAFFIC_MAX_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Maximum traffic date for OBS line
OBS_TRAFFIC_MIN_DATE DATE 14 V71SP7 Minimum traffic date for OBS line
OBS_WITHHELD_PERIOD NUMBER 10 V71SP7 Indicates which outbound decla-
ration or invoice period is being
OUT_PAYMENT_METHOD CHAR 1 V71SP7 Flags statement direction Send
transactions as being suspended or
being paid out
OUT_PAYMENT_METHOD CHAR 1 V71SP7 Not applicable to ICT - will always
OUTGOING_NODE VARCHAR2 80 V71SP7 The outgoing node or Network
Node used.
Can possibly be used in derivation
of tax point calculations.
OUTGOING_NODE VARCHAR2 80 V71SP7 The outgoing node or Network
Node used
OUTGOING_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 The operator of the outgoing path
or trunk
OUTGOING_PATH VARCHAR2 80 V71SP7 The outgoing path or trunk used to
route the call
OUTGOING_POI VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Represents the outgoing point of
OUTGOING_PRODUCT VARCHAR2 14 V71SP7 Represents the product id for out-
going calls or outgoing leg of tran-
sit calls

The user may prefer to
rather extract the Billed
PARAMETER_MATRIX VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Represents the matrix that was
used for content billing

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PARAMETER_MATRIX_LINE NUMBER 10 V71SP7 Indicates which matrix line was
used to rate the call
PRODUCT_GROUP VARCHAR2 4 V71SP7 The ID of the billing product group
to which the billed product be-
User definable value.
User definable value.
RATE_OWNER_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 Identifies the Rate Owner
RATE_STEP_CALL_COUNT NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Refers to flat rate per step
RATE_STEP_FLAT_CHARGE NUMBER 16,6 V71SP7 Represents the flat rate that has
been applied to a particular rate
RATE_TYPE CHAR 1 V71SP7 Rate Type. Indicates if weighted,
confidential or negotiated rate was
RATE_UNIT VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 The unit of measure for which the
unit cost is specified, e.g. minutes,
seconds, etc.
RATED_AMOUNT NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Amount before weighted rate or
recovery percentage calculations
have been applied. If no weighted
rate or recovery percentage calcu-
lations are required it will take on
the value of AMOUNT
RATED_USAGE NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Billable duration before recovery
percentage calculations have been
applied. If no weighted rate or re-
covery percentage calculations are
required it will take on the value of
RATING_COMPONENT VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Describes a distinct fee that is
transacted between the Franchise
and the interconnect partner e.g.
interconnect fee, connection fee,
termination charge, porting fee
User definable value.
RATING_SCENARIO VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Defines a rating scenario.
User definable value.
RECON_NAAG_ANUM VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Recon Origin - Reconciliation will
happen at country level.
User definable value.

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RECON_NAAG_ANUM_NAME VARCHAR2 30 V71SP7 Name of verification origin NAAG.
User definable value.
RECON_NAAG_BNUM VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Recon Destination. Reconciliation
will happen at country level.
User definable value.
RECON_NAAG_BNUM_NAME VARCHAR2 30 V71SP7 Name of verification destination
User definable value.
RECOVERY_PERCENTAGE NUMBER 7,2 V71SP7 Optional field. Indicates the per-
centage by which call durations
and amounts should be adjusted.

Only applicable to calls
where Statement Direction
= Receive.
REFILE_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates whether a particular call
was refilled.
REORIG_NAAG_NAME VARCHAR2 30 V71SP7 Name of re-originate NAAG.
User definable value.
REORIGINATE_NAAG VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Refile Re-origination.
User definable value.
REPLACED_FRANCHISE VARCHAR2 30 V71SP7 Represents Franchise legal name
REPLACED_PRODUCT VARCHAR2 30 V71SP7 Replaces product ids on outbound
REVENUE_SHARE_ NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_ NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_ NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_CURREN- VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_CURREN- VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVENUE_SHARE_CURREN- VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Required for Content Billing
REVERSAL_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP7 Indicates the NOP against which
the accrual was created
REVERSE_INDICATOR CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates if product is reverse or

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ROUNDED_UNIT_ID VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 The family base unit in which
Charge Units are represented, e.g.
ROUTE_TYPE CHAR 3 V71SP7 Route Type, either Direct, Indirect
or Transit
START_CALL_COUNT NUMBER 10 V71SP7 Start call count
STATEMENT_DIRECTION CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates whether the Franchise
sent or received a statement.
Value will be either:
• S (Send, i.e. Franchise sent
• R (Receive, i.e. Franchise re-
ceives statement)
STEP_NUMBER NUMBER 3 V71SP7 Indicates which step of a rate was
applied to a call
TAG_FIELD_CODE VARCHAR2 50 V71SP7 Optional field. A code allocated to
certain combinations of fields and
their values on the financial sum-
marisation table to compensate for
certain shortcomings in Intercon-
nect, e.g. For tier1, IDD allocate
'Mapping Code1' and tier2, ITF al-
locate 'Mapping code2'
TAX_AMOUNT NUMBER 25,6 V71SP7 Tax Amount, only for PAE's
TAX_TYPE VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Tax Type, only for PAE's
TIER VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Tier ID. Defines the termination
point of a call
TIER_GROUP VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 Represents a grouping of tiers,
e.g. geographical area
TIER_NAME VARCHAR2 80 V71SP7 Name of the tier. Required for fi-
nancial finalisation.
TIER_TYPE VARCHAR2 8 V71SP7 A grouping of tier groups, e.g. long
national, domestic, etc.
TIME_PREMIUM VARCHAR2 3 V71SP7 Indicates the time band a call was
made, e.g. Off-Peak, Peak, Econo-
my, etc.
User definable value
TPER_FED DATE 14 V71SP7 Start date of traffic period. Re-
quired for financial finalisation

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TPER_LED DATE 14 V71SP7 End date of traffic period. Re-
quired for financial finalisation.
TRAFFIC_BASE_DIRECTION CHAR 1 V71SP7 Indicates the Traffic Base Direc-
tion. For example:
• I - Incoming
• O - Outgoing
• T - Transit
TRAFFIC_PERIOD NUMBER 10 V71SP7 Billing Period ID in which the traffic
date falls
TRAFFIC_RATING_ VARCHAR 10 V71SP7 Defines the Traffic Rating Scenario
SCENARIO_TYPE Type, e.g. incoming refile, tradi-
tional transit, etc
TRAFFIC_ROUTE VARCHAR2 80 V71SP7 Defines the traffic route
TRANSACTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 20 V71SP7 Indicates the type of transaction.
Value will be either:
• Pre-estimate
• Estimate
• Actual
• Suspension
Refer to paragraph 1.1 for values
UNIT_COST_USED NUMBER 16,6 V71SP7 The rate that was applied to the
UNIT_COST_USED_PREF NUMBER 16,6 V71SP7 Unit cost after preferred currency
USER_SUMMARISATION VARCHAR2 50 V71SP7 Specific value a user would like to
extract to the financial system, but
the value cannot be derived with-
in Interconnect. The value will be
available in the input EDR.
CONTRA_TYPE CHAR 1 V71SP8 Indicates the type of transaction
produced, for example
• S (Normal - no contra)
• U (Summary Rerate - summary
tables only)
• R (Structural Reprice)
• F (File Undo)
• E (Record Undo)

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MINIMUM_CHARGE_IND CHAR 1 V71SP8 Indicates a component that has
had a minimum charge applied or
has a Threshold Field specified.
REFUND_FACTOR NUMBER 9,6 V71SP8 Indicates the refund percentage
used when processing refunds.
SETTLEMENT_OPERATOR VARCHAR2 6 V71SP8 Indicates the operator to which
payment is made, if the operator
differs from the billing operator.
CARRIER_DESTINATION_ VARCHAR2 100 V80SP0 Stores a Carrier Destination Alias
ALIAS as derived during Carrier Based
CARRIER_DESTINATION_ VARCHAR2 100 V80SP0 Stores a Carrier Destination Name
NAME as derived during Contract Manag-
er/CSG Route rating.
AGREEMENT_ID NUMBER 10 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
AGREEMENT_ITEM_ID NUMBER 9 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
AGREEMENT_PART_ID NUMBER 10 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
AGREEMENT_RATE_ID NUMBER 9 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
CARRIER_CHARGE_ NUMBER 9 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
CARRIER_RATE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 9 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
DESTINATION_ID NUMBER 9 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
DISCRETE_RATING_PA- VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always

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IN_EVENT_MAPPING_CODE VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
IN_SERVICE_ID NUMBER 10 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
OUT_EVENT_MAPPING_ VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
OUT_SERVICE_ID NUMBER 10 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
OUT_SERVICE_SHORT_ VARCHAR2 20 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
PRICE_MODEL_ID NUMBER 9 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
TIME_TYPE_ID NUMBER 10 V90SP0 Not applicable to ITU - will always
be 0
CARRIER_ORIGIN_NAME VARCHAR2 100 V10SP0 Stores a Carrier Origin Name as
derived during Contract Manag-
er/CSG Route rating.
BUNDLE_NAME VARCHAR2 20 V1002SP0 Optional bundle ID
TIER_PARAMETER VARCHAR2 20 V1002SP0 Optional tier determination value
USER_DATE_1 DATE 14 V1002SP0 User-definable date
USER_DATE_2 DATE 14 V1002SP0 User-definable date
ADDITIONAL_CHARGE VARCHAR2 50 V1002SP3 A description of an additional
_CHRGE_DESC charge.
STEP_FLAT_CHARGE_ VARCHAR2 50 V1002SP3 A description of the flat rate that
CHRGE_DESC has been set up on a particular
rate step.
UNIT_COST_CHRGE_DESC VARCHAR2 50 V1002SP3 A description of the unit cost used
to rate a call or event.

10.7. Extract Versioning

The following extract profiles are available in v10.2 SP7 and each profile is identified by an ID in the

ID Financial Extract Profile

6 V71SP7
3 V71SP8
9 V80SP0
10 V80SP2
11 V90SP0
14 V10SP0
17 V1002SP0
20 V1002SP3

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The profile that is used by default depends on the version of Interconnect that was installed. For ex-
ample, for a new v10.2 SP7 installation, profile 20 is used by default.

If an older profile is used with a patched version of Interconnect, changes to database field
definitions will be reflected on the file generated by the finalisation process.
For example, if fields' definitions are changed from length 15 to 20 in the database, it would
affect customers using older extract profiles from previous ICT versions in which those fields
are present.

The profile can be changed by using the Central System. On the System Setting window, select the
FIN_EXTRACT_PROFILE system setting. Click the Edit button and enter the desired profile ID in the
Actual Value field. Click OK to save the changes.

10.8. Interconnect ITU Window Screenshot

10.9. Interface Files Provided by Interconnect ITU

Interconnect provides a series of comma-delimited extract files containing financial information to
the financial system.
Three types of financial finalisation processes can be scheduled:
• Pre-estimates
• A single file is created and contains all rated data (statement direction send and receive) asso-
ciated to open Billing Periods.

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• This finalisation excludes data from inbound declarations or invoices.

• This finalisation can be scheduled any time during the month.
• Pre-estimate finalisation are optional and can be ignored
• The user has the option to include or exclude summaries when they run pre-estimates, e.g.
user has the ability to limit pre-estimates to VBR if required.
• Declared Actuals
• A single file is created and contains all declared data from declarations or invoices. However,
an option is available to create a file per cash flow (revenue or expense). This is managed via
a system setting.
• This extract is independent of Period End and can be scheduled as and when inbound declara-
tions or invoices are accepted.
• It is advisable to run this finalisation with Period End to ensure that all accepted declarations
and invoices are extracted.
• Period End
• The Period End finalisation creates four categories of files: Actual, Estimate, Declared Actuals,
and Suspension. An option is available to create these files per cash flow. This is managed via
a system setting.
• The actual file contains all rated data included in outbound declarations or invoices, i.e. State-
ment Direction = Send where estimate indicator < 'Y'> and all transactions generated from in-
bound declarations or invoices received.
• The estimate file contains all rated data where statement direction = Receive and Business Hi-
erarchy is not inbound statement.
• The suspension file contains all data placed in suspension for whatever reason (Audiotex).
• The Period End finalisation is only scheduled at Period End.

10.9.1. File names

The filenames are dependent on the following system settings:
Depending on the type of finalisation and the settings above, examples of file names are:


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10.9.2. File Format

The format consists of a file header record, followed by a table section, with a terminating file trailer
The table section consists of an identifying record, three records describing the table columns and
then data records containing the data for the table.
Each field in a record will be separated by a comma and enclosed by quotation characters (where re-
quired). File Header

The first record in the output will be a header record containing the following fields

Identifier (AARHDR)
Version 1.0
Process FinancialExtract
Type The format of the file e.g. CSV.
DTG The date and time at which the output was started, in the required format,
e.g., %Y%m%d %H%M%S. Table Header

This is the first record in the sections.

Identifier (AARTAB)
Table Section The general description of the section e.g. Financial Summary.
DTG The date and time at which the output was started, in the required format
e.g. %Y%m%d %H%M%S.
List of actual table The table names (including joined tables and tables whose data has been
names processed to yield the export) from which the data originated. Table Column Names

Identifier (AARCOL)
List of actual column The column names from which the data originated.
names Table Column Sizes

Identifier (AARSIZ)
List of actual column The size of each field e.g. number of characters. For date columns, the for-
sizes mat of the date will be YYYYMMDD. Table Column Types

Identifier (AARTYP)
List of actual column The data type of each column: DATE, INT, FLOAT, CHAR or VARCHAR2.
types Table Column Decimal Places

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Identifier (AARDEC)
Actual column deci- List of actual column decimal places if applicable. (0 for varchar or if number
mal places. does not have decimal places) Table Section

The table section consists of data as represented in section 1.5 above File Trailer

The last record in the output will be a trailer record containing the following field

Identifier (AARTRA)
DTG The date and time at which the output was stopped, in the required format,
e.g., %Y%m%d %H%M%S.

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11.1. The DWF Service
Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed (DWF) is an optional Interconnect service which produces a textual
record of charges created by Rating as Interconnect rates events.
DWF is used by customers who wish to perform customised analysis of the charges produced by In-
A Static Data Warehouse Feed function also exists which produces files in the same format. This
function is intended as a 'catch up' mechanism and is used for ad-hoc data warehouse feeds.
The guide discusses an overview of DWF functionality, enabling and configuring the DWF module and
using the files produced by Interconnect.

11.2. Data Warehouse Feed Functionality Overview

Data Warehouse Feed (DWF) describes the process whereby information on EDRs is extracted and
exported to comma-separated value (CSV) text files for subsequent import into business information
applications for purposes such as statistical and trend analysis.
Data Warehouse Feed functionality is provided by two modules; Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed and
Static Data Warehouse Feed.

11.2.1. Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed

Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed is an optional service that the rating process can use and is started
automatically when the application is started. The DWF service is listed under system processes on
the Job Status Monitor.
Every component that rating generates will be placed in a DWF file. A DWF file is a comma separated
text file that is created in the location specified by the file location for processing mode DW. A single
DWF file may contain EDR components from multiple input files.
A DWF file is created when one of the following conditions are met:
• No EDRs are received for more than the period configured in the 'DWF_FILE_TIMEOUT' system
setting. This period is defined in seconds and defaults to one hour (3600 seconds).
• The number of rows to place into a file has exceeded the value as specified in the
'DWF_RECORDS_PER_FILE' system setting.
• The size of an output file, in megabytes, has reached or exceeded the value as specified in the
'DWF_MBYTES_PER_FILE' system setting.
When the DWF server has completed creating the DWF file, it creates a tag file (.TAG) to indicate
that the file is available for use by third-party applications.

The extracted file can only be used once the .TAG file is created.

If the DWF optional module is enabled you may enable or disable the creation of DWF files by setting
the 'RAT_DWF_ENABLED' system setting.
Dynamic DWF is transactionally safe. This means that when it is enabled, Interconnect guarantees
that every component generated by rating will be placed in a dynamic DWF file.
In the event of a rating failure, any EDRs that were being processed will not be stored for use by the
DWF server. You need to determine and resolve the cause of the problem and then restart the appli-
cation. Any EDRs that were being processed when the failure occurred are recovered by rating and if
rated successfully are stored for use by the DWF server.

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INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

In the event of a DWF server failure (for example, insufficient tablespace to store the DWF compo-
nents), rating will not complete the rating of any EDRs that were being processed at the point of fail-
ure. Both rating and the DWF server will stop. You need to determine and resolve the cause of the
problem and then restart the application. Any EDRs that were being processed when the failure oc-
curred are recovered by rating and if rated successfully are stored for use by the DWF server.
Any partially produced EDR files that existed when a failure occurred are deleted and the EDRs con-
tained withing these partially produced files are placed in a new DWF file.
The user can configure the system settings related to DWF from the following systems:
• Online Central System client GUI - Tools | System Settings.
• Interconnect ITU client GUI - Administration | System Settings.

Dynamic DWF architecture

When rating needs to write a set of EDR components to a data warehouse feed file, it requests a
DWF resource from the DWF server. A DWF resource is a dynamically created Oracle table that is
able to store all the available information of a EDR component. The DYNAMIC_DWF_CONTROL ta-
ble keeps a record of all DWF resources. Once rating has received the details of the DWF resource,
it writes all the EDR components it is busy with to the Oracle table. It then continues processing the
EDRs as normal and when rating commits the rest of the stored EDR and summarised EDR data, the
data written to the DWF resource is committed within the same transaction. Rating then releases the
resource back to the DWF server, and tells the DWF server how many rows it added to the resource.
The DWF server then calculates if the resource has met or exceeded either the value as speci-
fied in the DWF_RECORDS_PER_FILE system setting or the estimated file size as specified in the
DWF_MBYTES_PER_FILE system setting.
• If it has not met or exceeded these values, the resource is made available to the next rating pro-
cess that requires a DWF resource.
• If it has met or exceeded these values, the resource is marked as being complete and the DWF
server creates and writes all the information to a DWF file.
If a DWF resource has not had any data written to it for the period defined in the
DWF_FILE_TIMEOUT system setting, the resource is marked as being complete and the DWF server
writes all the information to a DWF file.
If the DWF server is able to successfully write all information to the file and close the file, the DWF
file is marked as being complete in the database, a .TAG file is produced for the file and the DWF re-
source is truncated and made available for use again.
In the situation where the data warehouse run encounters an unexpected error (for example disk
space problems) and successful files have been produced, all the incomplete files are left in place.
Dynamic DWF housekeeping on start up will delete all incomplete files and mark the files as errored
on the dynamic DWF file table. The EDR components that were contained in the incomplete DWF
files are written to new DWF files.
A record of all DWF files created is stored in a table called DYNAMIC_DWF_FILE. A record of all
statistics pertaining to a dynamic DWF file in relation to the original input files is stored in a table
called DYNAMIC_DWF_INPUT_FILE_STATS. Two views have been created to present the statistics in
a readable format:

11.2.2. Static Data Warehouse Feed

Static Data Warehouse Feed is an optional service that is started manually by the user. Static Data
Warehouse Feed is a post-rating and post-summarisation process that works through the rated-EDR

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INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

storage to extract the EDRs. The process is launched from the Administration | EDR Management
panel. It extracts the Rated EDR data according to the selected event date. A Static Data Warehouse
Feed defaults to a Run Once schedule that occurs only when the user schedules the feed.
Once a rated EDR file is completely extracted and the .CSV file is produced, a .TAG file is created to
indicate that the file is ready for use.

11.3. Enabling the DWF module

The Dynamic DWF service is implemented as an Interconnect optional module. This means that the
DWF module must be enabled at the time of implementation. If the DWF module is not enabled at
implementation, contact CSG Support to enable the module.
To check if the DWF optional module is enabled, select Help from the Interconnect or Central main
menu and click About. The 'About Interconnect System' panel displays. Click the 'System Info...' but-
ton to display the 'System Info...' panel. Check if 'DWF - Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed' displays in
the list of Optional Modules.
Once the DWF optional module is enabled, restart the system using the system maintenance script.
The restart is required to ensure that the DWF module is recognised by the system. After the restart,
check the DWF system settings (See: System Settings) and set the RAT_DWF_ENABLED system set-
ting to TRUE. The RAT_DWF_ENABLED system setting instructs Rating to send data to DWF.

11.4. Configuring DWF

11.4.1. System Settings
Dynamic DWF can be configured with regards to:
• the fields that exist within the DWF files produced
• the naming of the DWF files
• the tag extension appended to .TAG files
• the number of DWF files that can be created in parallel
• the period of inactivity (in other words, no data received from rating) after which a DWF file is
• defining the number of records after which a DWF file should be produced
• the average number of bytes per row placed in the DWF file
• defining the estimated file size after which a DWF file should be produced
It is important to note that if the values used to optimise rating performance change, the DWF con-
figuration must be revised as well.
System settings used by Dynamic DWF:

The system has to be restarted for the changed system settings to take effect.

ID Description Default
RAT_DWF_ENABLED When set to TRUE dynamic DWF is enabled and FALSE
the application will generate DWF files for rated
EDRs. When set to FALSE, dynamic DWF is not en-
DWF_DYNAMIC_PRO- ID of extract profile to be used for the Dynam- 21
FILE ic DWF. The extract profile defines the fields that
will exist in a DWF file. This value is configured
when the application is installed and can only be
changed after consultation with CSG Support. This

December 2020 192

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

ID Description Default
ensures that the fields in the dynamic DWF output
file is always the same, even after applying ser-
vices packs or patches.
DYNAMIC_DWF_ Defines the file name for dynamic Data Ware- DYNAMICD-
FILENAME house Feed files. This is a free-form string (in WF_%DWF_DATE
other words, any text that is not a placehold- %_1_%THREAD_ID%_
er will form part of the file name) that may con- %FILE_NO%.%FOR-
tain one or more of the following placehold- MAT%
The placeholders are replaced when the file is pro-
duced by the values relevant at that point in time
for the type of DWF file.
For example, the %DWF_ID% value is the
unique job ID for the dynamic DWF server, the
%DWF_DATE% is the start time of the DWF serv-
er (which is only started once by the S999 scripts)
and the %DWF_FILE_DATE% indicates the date
and time on which the file was created by the DWF
server. See Output File Naming for more informa-
tion on the dynamic placeholders.

To ensure that each filename is unique,
the following placeholders need be
supplied as a minimum per name
string: %DWF_DATE%, %DWF_ID%,
%THREAD_ID%, %FILE_NO%. In the
case of dynamic DWF, the %DWF_DATE
%, placeholder can be substituted with
either the %DWF_FILE_DATE% or
DWF_DATE_FORMAT Format of date used in DWF file names when YYYYMMDD
%DWF_RESOURCE_DATE% placeholders are used.
DWF_FULL_TAG_EX- If the value is set to TRUE, then it appends the TRUE
TENSION extension .CSV.TAG. If the value is set to FALSE,
then it appends only the .TAG extension.
DWF_WORKER_ Defines the number of DWF worker threads that 1
THREADS are available to produce DWF files.
Generally, this should be set to the number of log-
ical rating engines in the system. For more infor-
mation on how to determine an optimum value for
this system setting, see: Optimally configuring dy-
namic DWF.

December 2020 193

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

ID Description Default
Unless a specialised installation is being per-
formed, this is equal to the total number of oc-
currences of the rating_srvr program in the PRO-
GRAM table (found in the CENTRAL schema). The
following SQL can be used to determine this val-
very large installations, this setting can be adjust-
ed to reduce the amount of memory that the Data
Warehouse Feed service uses.
DWF_FILE_TIMEOUT Defines the DWF file timeout in seconds. If a DWF 3,600
resource has not been used for the defined period
of time, the DWF server will write the information
contained in the resource to a DWF file.
DWF_RECORDS_PER_ When the number of records of a DWF resource 1,000,000
FILE equals or exceeds the specified value of this sys-
tem setting, the DWF server will write the informa-
tion contained in the resource to a DWF file.
DWF_AVERAGE_ Defines the average number of characters found
ROW_BYTE_SIZE in a row of a DWF file. This value is used to calcu-
late an estimated file size and is used in conjunc-
tion with the DWF_MBYTES_PER_FILE system set-
ting to determine when a DWF resource contains
enough information to be written to a DWF file.
DWF_MBYTES_PER_ When the number of records contained 2,048
FILE within a DWF resource multiplied by the
average row byte size (defined in the
exceed the specified value of the system setting,
the DWF server will write the information con-
tained in the resource to a DWF file.
DWF_SRVR_DB_ The name that can be used to identify the DWF dwf_srvr
MODULE_NAME server module when running an Oracle trace on
the DWF server. This value cannot be edited.
DWF_SRVR_DB_ This setting should only be used when request- FALSE
ENABLE_DB_TRACE ed by CSG Support. This enables a level 12 Oracle
trace for all database interaction by the DWF serv-

System settings used by Static DWF:

ID/Name TRANSLAT- Default Description

DWF_STATIC_PRO- ID of profile 22 Determines the extract profile for the
FILE to be used Static DWF. The extract profile defines
for the Static the fields that will exist in a DWF file.
DWF. This value is configured when the ap-
plication is installed and can only be
changed after consultation with CSG

December 2020 194

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

ID/Name TRANSLAT- Default Description

Support. This ensures that the fields
in the static DWF output file is always
the same, even after applying services
packs or patches.
STATIC_DWF_FILE- Filename for DWF-%DATE%- For more information about the vari-
NAME static Data %MESSAGE_DATE ables, see: Input File Naming. NOTE:
Warehouse %-%TABLE_NO To ensure that each filename is unique,
Feed files. %-%DWF_ID%- the following placeholders need be
May con- %FILE_NO%.%FOR- supplied as a minimum per name
tain any of MAT% string: %DWF_DATE%, %DWF_ID%,
the following $MESSAGE_DATE%, %TABLE_NO%,
The placeholders are
variables: %FILE_NO%.
replaced when the file
%MESSAGE_ is produced by the val-
DATE%, ues relevant at that
%TABLE_NO point in time for the
%, type of DWF file.
%FORMAT%, For example, the
%DATE%, %DWF_ID% value is
%DATE- the DWF request ID,
TIME%, the %DATE% value is
%FILE_NO the date on which the
%. file is produced and the
the event date of the
data that is placed in
the file. See Output File
Naming for more in-
formation on the static
STATIC_DWF_COM- Enable file FALSE This setting determines whether the
PRESS compression file created will automatically be com-
for Static pressed or not.
Data Ware-
house files.
STATIC_DWF_ Maximum 0 Maximum number of records per file for
RECORDS_PER_FILE number Static Data Warehouse files.
of records
per file for
Static Data
files, or 0
to disable
file split-

December 2020 195

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

ID/Name TRANSLAT- Default Description


11.4.2. Extract Versioning

The fields extracted to a DWF file are determined by the extract profile specified in either the
DWF_STATIC_PROFILE or the DWF_DYNAMIC_PROFILE system setting. When patching the applica-
tion, the existing profile is retained and you need to specify a new profile if required. Whenever a
new set of fields become available in Interconnect, a new profile is created that contains the exist-
ing and new fields. This mechanism ensures that the format of the DWF files produced across service
packs remains the same, unless you specifically want to change the format to include new fields. All
fields included in the latest version of Interconnect are described in CSV File Data Description of this

If an older profile is used with a patched version of Interconnect, changes to database field
definitions will be reflected on the file generated by the finalisation process.
For example: If the following DWF fields are changed from length 15 to 20 in the database:
It would affect customers using older DWF profiles from previous ICT versions in which the
above-mentioned fields are present.

The following extract profiles are available in v10.2 SP7 and each profile has an ID to identify it in
the system:

Static Profile ID Dynamic Profile ICT Version

5 4 V71SP7
2 1 V71SP8
8 7 V80SP0
13 12 V90SP0
16 15 V10SP0
19 18 V1002SP0
22 21 V1002SP3

The profile used by default depends on the service pack level at which Interconnect was installed.
Example, for a new v10.2 SP7 installation, profile 22 is used for the static feed and 21 for the dy-
namic feed by default.
Profiles can be changed by using the Central System.
To update an extract profile

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INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

1. On the System Setting window, select the DWF_STATIC_PROFILE or

DWF_DYNAMIC_PROFILE system setting, depending on the type of feed you want to config-
2. Click Edit, and then enter the desired profile ID in the Actual Value field.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
Contact CSG Support if you require more information on configuring the extract profile.

11.4.3. Optimally configuring dynamic DWF

The optimal configuration of dynamic DWF server is dependent on the rating configuration. The
only system setting that must be reconfigured when the rating configuration changes is the
DWF_WORKER_THREADS system setting. This system setting is dependent on the value of the
RAT_STORAGE_THREADS system setting and the number of rating processes that the application
has been configured to run. The number of rating processes is defined on the Host Programs panel
in the Central system for the RATING program.
The general rule is to set the DWF_WORKER_THREADS equal to the product of the
RAT_STORAGE_THREADS system setting and the number of configured rating processes. Each DWF
worker thread is capable of writing a DWF file, which can be file system and database intensive.
Therefore, care must be taken not to create too many DWF worker threads as the system resources
are limited and each of the worker threads may run in parallel consuming CPU, memory and disk
space. Conversely, if the number of DWF worker threads are under configured, this may result in a
backlog in DWF resources that require writing to disk and the creation of too many DWF resources.
If you need assistance with the configuration of the DWF server, please contact CSG Support.

11.5. Output File Creation

Output files are written to the path specified in the FILE_LOCATION table corresponding to the PRO-
CESSING_ MODE table entry 'DW' (Data Warehouse Feed). The default file location is a directory
named DWF under the environment directory. If the specified directory does not exist, an error is
logged and the DWF server will fail and stop.
Error messages that may be encountered are:
DWF_BAD_FLOCATION DWF file location %1% does not exist.
DWF_NO_FLOCATION DWF file location is not specified.

11.6. Output File Naming

DWF output files are named according to the following pattern as specified in the
Placeholder Static DWF Dynamic DWF
%DATE% Indicates the date on which file Indicates the date and time on
is created. The value is out- which the dynamic DWF serv-
putted in the format specified by er was started. The value is out-
the AAR_DATE_FORMAT system putted in the format specified by
setting. the DWF_DATE_FORMAT system
%DATETIME% Indicates the date on which file Indicates the date and time on
is created. The value is out- which the dynamic DWF server
putted in the format specified thread set is started. The value
by the AAR_DATETIME_FORMAT is outputted in the format speci-
system setting.

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INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Placeholder Static DWF Dynamic DWF

fied by the DWF_DATE_FORMAT
system setting.
%DWF_DATE% Indicates the date on which Indicates the date and time on
file is created. Outputted which the dynamic DWF serv-
in the format specified by er is started (only once by the
DWF_DATE_FORMAT system S999ictV7 script). The value is
setting. outputted in the format specified
by the DWF_DATE_FORMAT sys-
tem setting.
%DWF_FILE_DATE% Not applicable. Indicates the date and time on
which the file was created by
the DWF server. The value is
outputted in the format specified
by the DWF_DATE_FORMAT sys-
tem setting.
%DWF_RESOURCE_DATE% Not applicable. Indicates the date and time at
which the first element in the
DWF output file was rated. DWF
elements (each row in a DWF
file) are placed into a temporary
Oracle table until such time that
these are written to file. This
placeholder will reflect the date
and time at which the first line
was written to the temporary
Oracle table. The value is out-
putted in the format specified by
the DWF_DATE_FORMAT system
%MESSAGE_DATE% Indicates the Message Date of Not applicable. The default value
EDR Detail table being written to is set to 00000000.
a static DWF file in YYYYMMDD
%TABLE_NO% Indicates the sequential table Not applicable. The default value
number for the message date is set to 0.
being written to a static DWF
file (when the EDR Detail for a
single message date span more
than one table).
%DWF_ID% Indicates the static DWF request Indicates the dynamic DWF job
%FILE_NO% Indicates the sequential number Indicates the sequential number
starting at 1, incremented when starting at 1, incremented when
a file split occurs. a file split or a file timeout oc-
%FORMAT% The value is always set to CSV. The value is always set to CSV.
%THREAD_ID% Not applicable. The default value Indicates the dynamic DWF
is set to 0. thread that created the file.

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INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

For example, the static DWF output file name for a file produced on 6 January 2006 containing calls
for 2006/01/01, may look as follows:

If the format used is... Then the output is...

%DWF_ID%-%FILE_NO%.%FORMAT% 20060101-0001-314-1.CSV

For example, if the application was started on 1 January 2006 (which implies that the DWF server
started at the same time) and a dynamic DWF output file was produced on 6 January, the output file
name may look as follows:

If the format used is... Then the output is...

%FILE_NO%.%FORMAT% 20060106-521-1.CSV

Third-party applications should not rely on the name of the DWF output file for meaning-
ful data about the content of the file. Any information relevant to correct data processing is
stored within the file.

11.7. File Output Protocol

DWF requires a mechanism to inform third-party systems that a DWF file is complete and ready for
The solution employed by DWF is to write a predictably named zero-length control file when Inter-
connect releases the file for use by other systems.
The zero-length control file has the same name as the output filename, but with an additional exten-
sion of '.TAG'. If this file exists, it is safe for a program to read from the DWF output file.
For example the file, DWF-20071116-20060228-0001-172-1.CSV, has the following TAG file:
In the situation where the data warehouse run encounters an unexpected error (for example disk
space problems) and successful files have been produced, all the incomplete files are left in place.
Dynamic DWF housekeeping on start up will delete all incomplete files and mark the files as errored
on the dynamic DWF file table. The EDR components that were contained in the incomplete DWF
files are written to new DWF files.

11.8. DWF Workflow Overview

Given the tag file mechanism used to indicate that a file is ready for processing by an external sys-
tem, a high-level overview of the processing a third-party application could perform is:
For each file in the DWF output directory which does not have a .TAG extension:
If a corresponding file with a .TAG extension exists:
• Process the file.
• Remove or archive the file.
• Remove the .TAG control file.
The above processing would be performed in a loop for the duration of the run of the third-party ap-

11.9. DWF Output File Format

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INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

DWF produces a modified CSV file format. The difference between standard CSV and DWF CSV is
that DWF writes control and audit data into the file to facilitate error checking when reading the file.
Here is an example of a DWF CSV file:
1. AARHDR,1.0,DWFEED,CSV,20070116105401
2. AARTAB,DWF,20070116105401,DWF
4. AARSIZ,20,20,6,20,20,31,31,YYYYMMDDHH24MISS,8,25
6. AARDEC,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6
7. ,DIFFSERV_1,,TELWST,MAIN,,,02083435325,20060705,09000000,915.000000
8. ,DIFFSERV_1,,TELWST,MAIN,,,02083435325,20060705,09000000,915.000000
9. ,DIFFSERV_1,,TELWST,MAIN,,,02083435325,20060705,09000000,915.000000
10. ,DIFFSERV_1,,TELWST,MAIN,,,02083435325,20060705,09000000,915.000000
11. AARCNT,4
12. AARTRA,20070116105401
A DWF CSV file is split into three main sections. These are:
• The file header (lines 1 to 6). Contains control data and describes the data area.
• The file data (lines 7 to 10). Contains a number of rows representing the charges produced by In-
terconnect rating.
• The file trailer (lines 11 and 12). Contains audit data.

11.9.1. The File Header

The first six lines of a DWF output file contain file control data. Third-party applications are expected
to use this data to ensure that the file contains the data format they are expecting. A flexibly written
third-party application can use the data present in the DWF file header to adjust to most changes in
the data section of the DWF file.
The file header contains the following lines:
Line 1: Archive and Restore (AAR) Header Marker
The header marker line contains five fields describing, at the highest level, the properties of the file.
Field 1: 'AARHDR' defines this line as a HEADER and confirms the file format as an AAR CSV Format.
A third-party application should ensure that this field is always set correctly, and reject the file oth-
Field 2: The AAR CVS Format output version. Inflexible third-party applications can use this field to
ensure that the file being read is in a format they expect. More flexible applications may still be able
to read files with an unexpected version number.
Field 3: The name of this file format (defined internally by Interconnect). This will always be set to
the text 'DWFEED' to indicate that this file came from the Data Warehouse Feed process.
Field 4: The format of the file. For DWF, this field will always be set to the text 'CSV'.
Field 5: The timestamp the file was created. This data is formatted as a four digit year, a two digit
month, a two digit day of month, a two digit hour in 24 hour format, a two digit minute and a two
digit second.
Line 2: Archive and Restore Table Data

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This line introduces a block of data from a table in Interconnect. This could be a physical table or a
logical gathering of data into a required dataset.
Field 1: 'AARTAB' defines this line as the start of the table.
Field 2: Labels the table a Data Warehouse Feed.
Field 3: The timestamp when the copy of this table of data was taken. That is, 16-Jan-2007 at
Field 4: Labels the process that produced this table.
Line 3: Archive and Restore Column Data
This is the first of three lines which describe the data in the DWF output file. This line contains the
field names of the DWF data. The columns in the export file will always be found in the same posi-
tion after Interconnect has been updated. If new columns are available after an update, you need
to update the system setting (DWF_STATIC_PROFILE or DWF_DYNAMIC_PROFILE) to use the new
export profile that contains the new columns. To cater for the addition of new columns when you
choose to include them on the DWF files, any third-party application using DWF files should not as-
sume that columns in the export file will always be found in the same position and should rather use
the data in this line to map field positions to field names.
This line always starts with an identifier field, which always contains the text 'AARCOL'. After the
identifier field, there are a number of fields, each containing the name of a field. The order these
names appear in is the same order that the fields will appear in when interpreting the data portion of
the file.
Line 4: Size or Format Data
This line always starts with an identifier field, which always contains the text 'AARSIZ'. The total
number of fields in this line shall be the same as the total number of fields in the Archive and Re-
store Column Data line.
The data in these fields describes the maximum widths of the fields named in the Archive and Re-
store Column Data line. When the content of a field is not a number, it will be a date format, speci-
fied in Oracle date format. This format is normally specified as YYYYMMDDHH24MISS.
When the content of an AARSIZ field is a number, it corresponds to the length portion of an Oracle
column definition.

Oracle Column DWF AARSIZ Field

CHAR(1) 1
VARCHAR2(20) 20

Line 5: Datatype Data

This line starts with an identifier field, which always contains the text 'AARTYP'. The total number of
fields in this line shall be the same as the total number of fields in the Archive and Restore Column
Data line.

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The data in this line describes the datatypes of the fields named in Archive and Restore Column Data
line. The values of the fields in this line are specified as Oracle RDBMS datatype names, for example:
Line 6: Numeric Scale Values
This line starts with an identifier field, which always contains the text 'AARDEC'. The total number of
fields in this line shall be the same as the total number of fields in the Archive and Restore Column
Data line.
The data in this line further describes the attributes of numeric fields. If the corresponding AARTYP
field is not a numeric datatype, the value of this field will be 0.
If the datatype of the corresponding AARTYP field is a numeric datatype, the value of this field will
be interpreted as the scale of the number.


NUMBER(25,6) NUMBER 25 6
CHAR(1) CHAR 1 0

11.9.2. The File Data

The data area of the file contains the charges produced by rating along with the original EDR data
from the input files and the reference data that Interconnect has enriched the EDR with. Each charge
is specified on a separate line in the DWF file.
The field descriptions found in the AAR file header lines describe these columns, including their
names and datatypes and sizes. The columns in the file data area can be found at the same position
as the column description in the file header. This means that the first column in the data area of the
file is always empty, as its position corresponds to the header line identifier.
The data lines in the example DWF CSV file (See: Example of a DWF CSV file) are interpreted as fol-
Incoming Node = DIFFSERV_1
Outgoing Node = <blank>
Franchise = TELWST
Incoming Path = MAIN
Outgoing Path = <blank>
A-Number =
B-Number = 02083435325
Event Start Date = 20060705 = 05-Jul-2006
Event Start Time = 09000000 = 09:00 and 00.00 seconds
Event Duration = 915.000000 seconds
The number of rows in the data area of the file is described in the DWF file trailer. To ensure accura-
cy, a developer should scan both the header and trailer prior to parsing the file data area. The first

December 2020 202

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

field is always empty, in other words each line begins with a comma before the first data field. This
is due to the fact that the File Data section has no datatype on the front of each record.
Note the following about the data and how it displays:
• A special case exists for field RATE_TYPE. A space ' ' is written and not a NULL in the case where
it is not specified
• Prior to v7.1 SP05 the following columns existed. These have been removed:
• BILLING_PERIOD column has been removed. (The RATED_BILLING_PERIOD exists as the field
to use)
• Prior to v7.1 SP05 the following fields appeared as format YYYYMMDD. They have been changed

11.9.3. The File Trailer

The last two lines of the DWF output file contain audit data and a trailer marker. The audit data is a
useful way for an application to ensure that the number of records it parsed from the file matches
the number of records that the DWF service claims it wrote to the file.
Second Last Line: Record Count
This line contains two fields. The first field is an identifier field, and always contains the text AARCNT.
The second field is a record counter and it indicates that there were 4 records in the table. This value
should be checked against the actual number of records read.
Last Line: Archive and Restore Trailer Marker
AARTRA, 20070116105401
The header marker line contains two fields describing the file. The first field is the identifier field and
is always set to the text 'AARTRA'.
The second field is a timestamp, formatted in the same way as the timestamp in the file header
marker record. This timestamp contains the timestamp that this file was completed, and can be used
to determine the amount of time that was spent writing to the file.

11.10. Common Questions

11.10.1. What happens when I reprice a file, undo a file or undo a record?
All of these actions produce contra records for those records being removed from stored data, and in
the case of reprice, further standard records are produced to indicate the new value to be applied for
the repriced calls.
A third-party system should be prepared to deal with a contra record. This could be achieved by
merging the contra records' values into an existing record or otherwise aggregating the data loaded
from the data warehouse feed.
The CONTRA_TYPE field in the data warehouse feed output file identifies the origin and action that
the record represents. If an installation uses the mediation undo functionality in Interconnect, spe-
cial steps may need to be taken to accurately identify records negated by the billing mediation de-

December 2020 203

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Standard rating produces records with a CONTRA_TYPE field value of 'S' and a CDR_SOURCE of 'P'.
Normal charges have a RECORD_TYPE field which is not equal to the SYSTEM_SETTING value "MU".
If the RECORD_TYPE field is equal to the SYSTEM_SETTING value "MU", the charge produced will
have negative sigma values, and should be merged into the existing charge to negate the financial
and traffic count effects of the previous charge.
Summary-Level Repricing does not produce any records in the data warehouse feed output file.
Structural Repricing produces records with a CONTRA_TYPE field of 'R' and a CDR_SOURCE of 'S' for
the charges that it removes. It further records a CONTRA_TYPE of 'S' and CDR_SOURCE of 'S' for
the new charges it produces. The records with a CONTRA_TYPE of 'R' can be used to negate charges
previously produced by Interconnect. The records with a CONTRA_TYPE of 'S' and a CDR_SOURCE of
'S' contain the new charges produced.
File Undo produces records with a CONTRA_TYPE of 'F' and a CDR_SOURCE of 'F'. These records can
be used to identify charges which should be removed (or otherwise negated) from the data ware-
Record Undo produces records with a CONTRA_TYPE of 'E'. As with File Undo, these records can be
used to identify charges which should be removed (or otherwise negated) from the data warehouse.

11.10.2. DWF Exports too Many Fields - Do I Need Them All?

Interconnect places all fields relevant to a rated event into the DWF output file.
Specific customer requirements dictate which fields are required for business reporting require-
ments, but for reconciling charge data with the data in Interconnect, you will need at least these
CDR_FILE_NO: The ID of the file this event was passed to Interconnect in (See: Administration |
Processing | File Processing Log on the Interconnect GUI).
CDR_UCI_NO: The record number in the original input file passed to Interconnect. This allows your
data warehouse reports to be reconciled all the way back to your billing mediation device.
CDR_UCI_ELEMENT: The charge number for this event. Shows the order in which charges were ap-
plied to this event in the billing system.

11.11. CSV File Data Description

The Data Warehouse Feed file includes the fields listed below.

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
ACCOUNTING_ Indicates if cascade or direct account- CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
ACTUAL_USAGE The actual usage for a component. NUM- 25 6 59.67 V71SP7
ADHOC_ Not used currently. CHAR 1 0 V V71SP7
ADJUSTED_DATE The adjusted date represents the new DATE 0 V71SP7
billing date after applying the time zone
adjustments. NOTE: Billing Period Start/
End Date, Traffic Period Start/End Date,
Account Period Start/End Date are more
likely to be extracted.

December 2020 204

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
AGREEMENT_ Agreement Origin Level - Indicates the CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
NAAG_ANUM_LEV- network address aggregation level for
EL the agreement origin. Required to roll
cities up to country level for reconcilia-
tion purposes.
AGREEMENT_ Agreement Destination Level - Indicates CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
NAAG_BNUM_LEV- the network address aggregation level
EL for the agreement destination. Required
to roll cities up to country level for rec-
onciliation purposes.
AMOUNT The total cost of a call. NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
ANUM The number from which the call origi- VAR- 50 0 V71SP7
nated. CHAR2
ANUM_CNP The A# Prefix derived for billing. This VAR- 50 0 V71SP7
will be derived only if the A# is required CHAR2
for billing.
ANUM_OPERATOR The operator owning the A Number. VAR- 6 0 V71SP7
APPORTIONED_ The call count apportioned across the NUM- 16 6 1 V71SP7
CALL_COUNT time premium. BER
APPORTIONED_ The apportioned duration across the NUM- 25 6 59.67 V71SP7
DURATION_SEC- time premium. BER
BASE_AMOUNT The total cost of the call in the base NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
unit. BER
BASE_AMOUNT_ The conversion factor to the base unit. NUM- 7 4 1 V71SP7
BASE_UNIT The family base unit in which actual and VAR- 8 0 SECO V71SP7
charged usage are represented, for ex- CHAR2
ample, minutes, seconds, and so on.
BILLED_PRODUCT The ID of the product that is billed for. VAR- 14 0 AMTE V71SP7
Either contains incoming product id or CHAR2
outgoing product id based on the com-
ponent direction.
BILLING_AGREE- Agreement operator for the billing VAR- 6 0 BT V71SP7
BILLING_BASE_ Billing Base Direction. CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
BILLING_DATE The billing date represents either net- DATE 0 V71SP7
work start date or conversation start
date based on the billing setting. NOTE:
Billing Period Start/End Date, Traffic
Period Start/End Date, Account Peri-

December 2020 205

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
od Start/End Date more likely to be ex-
BILLING_END_ Time of the day when the rate ends VAR- 8 0 0 V71SP7
TIME (seconds after midnight). Not yet imple- CHAR2
mented in Rating.
BILLING_METHOD Indicates the billing method used. CHAR 1 0 I V71SP7
BILLING_ Negotiation direction for the Billing CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
NEGOTIATION_DIR route which means you are buying or
selling capacity on the network or ter-
mination. Values are: B (Buy - operator
offers you a rate so they are in control
of the rate) S (Sell - you offer operator
a rate to handle an event so you are in
control of the rate)
BILLING_OPERA- The operator with whom the Franchise VAR- 6 0 FNT V71SP7
TOR needs to settle. CHAR2
BILLING_RATING_ Billing Rating Scenario Type. VAR- 10 0 V71SP7
BILLING_ROUTE Billing Route. VAR- 80 0 V71SP7
BILLING_ROUTE_ Route type of billing route. VAR- 3 0 V71SP7
BILLING_START_ Time of the day when the rate kicks in VAR- 8 0 0 V71SP7
TIME (seconds after midnight). Not yet imple- CHAR2
mented in Rating.
BILLING_ A technical field marking whether the CHAR 1 0 Y V71SP7
SUMMARY_IND Daily Summary row to which this field
relates was marked as billing.
BNUM The termination number for the call. VAR- 50 0 9526 V71SP7
BNUM_CNP The B# Prefix derived for billing. This VAR- 50 0 9526 V71SP7
will be derived only if the B# is required CHAR2
for billing.
BNUM_OPERATOR The operator owning the B Number. VAR- 6 0 FNT V71SP7
CALL_ATTEMPT_ Set to Y if the call attempt charge is ap- CHAR 1 0 N V71SP7
INDICATOR plied. Otherwise set to N.
CALL_COUNT Only applicable for bulk EDRs. NUM- 10 0 1 V71SP7
CALL_DURATION_ If the call duration buckets were dis- NUM- 10 0 -1 V71SP7
BUCKET abled this value would be -1, otherwise BER
a 0 indicates that the function was en-
abled but no buckets defined and a pos-

December 2020 206

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
itive value indicates the internal bucket
CALL_SCENARIO This is an internal static value. Always VAR- 3 0 TEL V71SP7
set to 'TEL'. CHAR2
CASH_FLOW Indicates whether the call represents a CHAR 1 0 E V71SP7
cost or revenue for the Franchise. Value
will be either:
• E - Expense, in other words Fran-
chise needs to pay
• R - Revenue, in other words Fran-
chise receives money
CDR_FILE_NO EDR source file number. NUM- 10 0 5 V71SP7
CDR_UCI_ELEMENT Element number. A single call can result NUM- 3 0 1 V71SP7
in multiple elements when crossing time BER
premium or having multiple rating rules.
CDR_UCI_NO EDR number in the source file. NUM- 10 0 9973 V71SP7
CHARGE_BUNDLE Technical field. For ITU use only. Used NUM- 16 6 0 V71SP7
for cascade outgoing indirect scenario BER
where charge bundling is applicable.
CHARGED_UNITS The priced number of units in case of NUM- 20 0 0 V71SP7
unit billing BER
CHARGED_USAGE The billed duration. NUM- 25 6 59.67 V71SP7
COMPLEMENTARY_ A technical field marking whether the CHAR 1 0 Y V71SP7
SUMMARY_IND Daily Summary row to which this field
relates was marked as a complimenta-
ry summary (traffic view within a billing
COMPONENT_DI- Indicates which leg of the EDR is being VAR- 2 0 O V71SP7
RECTION rated. Value will be either: CHAR2
• I (Incoming)
• O (Outgoing)
• T (Transit)
• TI (Transit Incoming)
• TO (Transit Outgoing)
NOTE: In addition, some customers
may prefer to use TI (Transit Incom-
ing) and TO (Transit Outgoing) for tran-
sit calls.

December 2020 207

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
CURRENCY The currency from daily summary or VAR- 3 0 USD V71SP7
discount summary. Will be blank if Item CHAR2
Type = 'VBR'.
DATA_UNIT Mandatory if Data Volume is populated. VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
Indicates the measure of unit for a data CHAR2
call. Example of values: - Bytes - Pack-
ets - Segments
DATA_UNIT_2 Required for Content Billing, but could VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
be extended for telephony. CHAR2
DATA_UNIT_3 Required for Content Billing, but could VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
be extended for telephony. CHAR2
DATA_UNIT_4 Required for Content Billing, but could VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
be extended for telephony. CHAR2
DATA_VOLUME Indicates the data volume. Only appli- NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
cable to data calls. BER
DATA_VOLUME_2 Required for Content Billing, but could NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
be extended for telephony. BER
DATA_VOLUME_3 Required for Content Billing, but could NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
be extended for telephony. BER
DATA_VOLUME_4 Required for Content Billing, but could NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
be extended for telephony. BER
DERIVED_EVENT_ Derived Event Direction. VAR- 3 0 OG V71SP7
DERIVED_PROD- Technical field. Used to indicate whether CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
UCT_INDICATOR the incoming, outgoing or both products
were given or derived.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect rating to store a VAR- 20 0 V71SP7
ING_PARAME- parameter than assists in determining CHAR2
TER_1 an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect rating to store a VAR- 20 0 V71SP7
ING_PARAME- parameter than assists in determining CHAR2
TER_2 an applicable rate.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect rating to store a VAR- 20 0 V71SP7
ING_PARAME- parameter than assists in determining CHAR2
TER_3 an applicable rate.
DLYS_DETAIL_ID The Daily Summary row in which the NUM- 20 0 13273 V71SP7
EDR has been summarised. BER
ESTIMATE_INDI- Indicates whether this rated EDR repre- CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
CATOR sents an estimate.
EVENT_DIRECTION Indicates the direction of the call. Ex- VAR- 3 0 OG V71SP7
ample of values: CHAR2
• I (Incoming)

December 2020 208

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
• O (Outgoing)
• T (Transit)
EVENT_DURATION Conversation duration. NOTE: Billable NUM- 25 6 59.67 V71SP7
duration more likely to be extracted. BER
EVENT_START_ Conversation start date. DATE 0 V71SP7
EVENT_START_ Conversation start time in HHMMSShh VAR- 8 0 2313298V71SP7
TIME format. CHAR2
FLAT_RATE_ Flat rate or surcharge per call. NUM- 16 6 0 V71SP7
FRANCHISE Indicates the Franchise, in other words VAR- 6 0 NTF V71SP7
the Interconnect owner. CHAR2
INCOMING_NODE The incoming node or Network Node VAR- 80 0 V71SP7
used. Can possibly be used in derivation CHAR2
of tax point calculations.
INCOMING_OPER- The operator of the incoming path or VAR- 6 0 V71SP7
ATOR trunk. CHAR2
INCOMING_PATH The incoming path or trunk used to VAR- 80 0 V71SP7
route the call. CHAR2
INCOMING_POI Represents the incoming Point of Inter- VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
connect. CHAR2
INCOMING_PROD- Represents the product id for incom- VAR- 14 0 AMTE V71SP7
UCT ing calls or incoming leg of transit calls. CHAR2
NOTE: The user may prefer rather to
extract the Billed Product.
LINK_FIELD Used for long duration calls. VAR- 2 0 1 V71SP7
MAXIMUM_ The adjusted amount after applying the NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
CHARGE_ADJUST- Maximum Charge rule. BER
MESSAGE_DATE Mapped to date portion of Adjusted DATE 0 V71SP7
Date or based on the actual call date.
MINIMUM_CHARGE The adjusted amount after applying the NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
_ADJUSTMENT Minimum Charge rule. BER
NAAG_ANUM_LEV- Indicates the network address aggrega- CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
EL tion level for the Origin. Required to roll
cities up to country level for reconcilia-
tion purposes.
NAAG_BNUM_LEV- Indicates the network address aggrega- CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
EL tion level for the Destination. Required
to roll cities up to country level for rec-
onciliation purposes.

December 2020 209

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
NETWORK_ A Number Aggregation ID. A multi-lev- VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
ADDRESS el grouping of network addresses that CHAR2
_AGGR_ANUM complements the Tier hierarchy, in oth-
er words grouping of network addresses
based on their location (origin/destina-
NETWORK_ B Number Aggregation ID. A multi-lev- VAR- 8 0 DGN V71SP7
ADDRESS el grouping of network addresses that CHAR2
_AGGR_BNUM complements the Tier hierarchy, in oth-
er words grouping of network addresses
based on their location (origin/destina-
NETWORK_DURA- Network duration NOTE: Billable dura- NUM- 25 6 59.67 V71SP7
TION tion more likely to be extracted. BER
NETWORK_START_ Network start date. DATE 0 V71SP7
NETWORK_START_ Network start time in HHMMSShh for- VAR- 8 0 2313298V71SP7
NETWORK_TYPE_ Indicates if the A number is of type Mo- VAR- 3 0 V71SP7
ANUM bile, Fixed, International, and so on. Us- CHAR2
er definable value.
NETWORK_TYPE_ Indicates if the B number is of type Mo- VAR- 3 0 FIX V71SP7
BNUM bile, Fixed, International, and so on. Us- CHAR2
er definable value.
OPTIMUM_POI EBC field not used in Rating. Used to VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
specify the optimum POI for the EBC CHAR2
Tier Determination Styles.
OUTGOING_NODE The outgoing node or Network Node VAR- 80 0 NTFW- V71SP7
used. Can possibly be used in derivation CHAR2 ST2
of tax point calculations.
OUTGOING_OPER- The operator of the outgoing path or VAR- 6 0 FNT V71SP7
ATOR trunk. CHAR2
OUTGOING_PATH The outgoing path or trunk used to VAR- 80 0 FN- V71SP7
route the call. CHAR2 NTJOH
OUTGOING_POI Represents the outgoing Point of Inter- VAR- 8 0 JOHFNT V71SP7
connect. CHAR2
OUTGOING_PROD- Represents the product id for outgo- VAR- 14 0 AMTE V71SP7
UCT ing calls or outgoing leg of transit calls. CHAR2
NOTE: The user may prefer to rather
extract the Billed Product.
PARAMETER_MA- Represents the matrix that was used for VAR- 8 0 * V71SP7
TRIX content billing. CHAR2
PARAMETER_ Indicates which matrix line was used to NUM- 10 0 1 V71SP7
MATRIX_LINE rate the call. BER

December 2020 210

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
PROCESS_DATE Date and time when the EDR was rated. DATE 0 V71SP7
PRODUCT_GROUP The ID of the billing product group to VAR- 4 0 AM V71SP7
which the billed product belongs. CHAR2
RATE_NAME Rate Name. VAR- 30 0 V71SP7
RATE_OWNER_OP- Identifies the Rate Owner. VAR- 6 0 V71SP7
RATE_STEP_CALL_ Refers to flat rate per step. NUM- 10 0 1 V71SP7
RATE_STEP_FLAT_ Represents the flat rate that has been NUM- 16 6 0 V71SP7
CHARGE applied to a particular rate step. BER
RATE_TYPE Rate Type. Indicates if weighted, confi- CHAR 1 0 A space V71SP7
dential or negotiated rate was used. or value
RATE_UNIT The unit of measure for which the unit VAR- 8 0 SECO V71SP7
cost is specified, for example, minutes, CHAR2
seconds, and so on.
RATED_BILLING_ Billing Period ID in which the call was NUM- 10 0 66011 V71SP7
PERIOD rated. This will not change if the call is BER
allocated to a different billing period due
to re-opening of earlier billing periods.
This field supersedes BILLING_PERIOD.
RATING_COMPO- Describes a distinct fee that is transact- VAR- 8 0 AMTUN V71SP7
NENT ed between the Franchise and the In- CHAR2
terconnect partner, for example, Inter-
connect fee, connection fee, termination
charge, porting fee and so on.
RATING_RULE_ Technical field to mark summaries to in- CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
DEPENDENCY_IND dicate dependencies of Revenue Share
Rating Elements.
RATING_SCENARIO Defines a rating scenario. VAR- 8 0 AMTELE V71SP7
REASON_FOR_ Indicates why a call ended, for example, VAR- 4 0 V71SP7
CLEARDOWN line failure. CHAR2
RECON_NAAG_ Recon Origin - Reconciliation will hap- VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
ANUM pen at country level. CHAR2
RECON_NAAG_ Recon Destination. Reconciliation will VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
BNUM happen at country level. CHAR2
RECORD_SE- Network Node generated number that VAR- 40 0 V71SP7
QUENCE_NUMBER uniquely identifies an EDR. Not used in CHAR2
the rating process, but customers may
use this field for tracking and audit pur-

December 2020 211

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
poses. The value of this field is not vali-
RECORD_TYPE User definable. VAR- 2 0 V71SP7
REFILE_INDICATOR Indicates whether a particular call was CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
REMUNERATION_ ITU rating only. Based on CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
ICT rating.
REPAIR_INDICA- Used internally to indicate if a record CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
TOR has been repaired.
REVENUE_SHARE_ Required for Content Billing. NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
REVENUE_SHARE_ Required for Content Billing. NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
REVENUE_SHARE_ Required for Content Billing. NUM- 25 6 0 V71SP7
REVENUE_SHARE_ Required for Content Billing. VAR- 3 0 V71SP7
REVENUE_SHARE_ Required for Content Billing. VAR- 3 0 V71SP7
REVENUE_SHARE_ Required for Content Billing. VAR- 3 0 V71SP7
REVERSE_INDICA- Indicates if product is reverse or not. CHAR 1 0 N V71SP7
ROUNDED_UNIT_ The family base unit in which Charge VAR- 8 0 MINUTE V71SP7
ID Units are represented, for example, CHAR2
ROUTE_IDENTIFI- To identify IPSS Routes. VAR- 50 0 V71SP7
START_CALL_ Start call count. NUM- 10 0 1 V71SP7
STATEMENT_DI- Indicates whether the Franchise sent or CHAR 1 0 R V71SP7
RECTION received a statement. Value will be ei-
• S - Send, in other words Franchise
sent statement
• R - Receive, in other words Franchise
receives statement
STEP_NUMBER Indicates which step of a rate was ap- NUM- 3 0 0 V71SP7
plied to a call. BER

December 2020 212

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
TIER Tier ID. Defines the termination point of VAR- 8 0 AMTIER V71SP7
a call. CHAR2
TIER_GROUP Represents a grouping of tiers, for ex- VAR- 8 0 SPEC V71SP7
ample geographical area. CHAR2
TIER_TYPE A grouping of tier groups, for example VAR- 8 0 NGE V71SP7
long national, domestic, and so on. CHAR2
TIME_OF_DAY_ If the time of day duration buckets were NUM- 10 0 -1 V71SP7
BUCKET disabled this value would be -1, oth- BER
erwise a 0 indicates that the function
was enabled but no buckets defined and
a positive value indicates the internal
bucket ID.
TIME_PREMIUM Indicates the time band a call was VAR- 3 0 CHP V71SP7
made, for example Off-Peak, Peak, CHAR2
Economy, and so on. NOTE: Equivalent
to ICT Charge Type.
TRAFFIC_AGREE- Agreement operator for the traffic VAR- 6 0 ATT V71SP7
TRAFFIC_BASE_ Indicates the Traffic Base Direction, for CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
DIRECTION example:
• I - Incoming
• O - Outgoing
• T - Transit
TRAFFIC_MOVE- Technical field used to uniquely identify NUM- 3 0 0 V71SP7
MENT_CTR Rated billing period. BER
TRAFFIC_NAAG ITU only. Original Network Address VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
Aggregation based on A Number CHAR2
(Origin) in case of replace outgo-
ing route, otherwise the same as
TRAFFIC_ Negotiation direction for the traffic route CHAR 1 0 V71SP7
NEGOTIATION_DIR which means you are buying or selling
capacity on the network or termination.
Values are: B (Buy - operator offers you
a rate so they are in control of the rate)
S (Sell - you offer operator a rate to
handle an event so you are in control of
the rate).
TRAFFIC_PERIOD Billing Period ID in which the traffic date NUM- 10 0 66011 V71SP7
falls. BER
TRAFFIC_RATING_ Defines the Traffic Rating Scenario Type, VAR- 10 0 V71SP7
SCENARIO_TYPE for example, incoming refile, traditional CHAR2
transit, and so on.

December 2020 213

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
TRAFFIC_ROUTE Defines the traffic route. VAR- 80 0 V71SP7
TRAFFIC_ROUTE_ Traffic Route Type. VAR- 3 0 V71SP7
TRAFFIC_ A technical field marking whether the CHAR 1 0 Y V71SP7
SUMMARY_IND Daily Summary row to which this field
relates was marked as traffic (traffic
UNIT_COST_USED The actual rate used in rating this call or NUM- 16 6 0 V71SP7
event. In the case of revenue share this BER
field carries the percentage applied.
USER_DATA Specific value a user would like to store VAR- 249 0 V71SP7
on EDR level but not on daily summary CHAR2
USER_SUMMARI- Specific value a user would like to ex- VAR- 20 0 V71SP7
SATION tract to the financial system, but the CHAR2
value cannot be derived withinIntercon-
nect. The value will be available in the
input EDR.
WORLD_VIEW_ NAA World View corresponding to the VAR- 50 0 DE- V71SP7
WORLD_VIEW_ NAA World View corresponding to the VAR- 50 0 DE- V71SP7
BNUM destination. CHAR2 FAULT
WORLD_VIEW_ The origin network address aggregation VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
NAAG_ANUM corresponding to the derived NAA World CHAR2
WORLD_VIEW_ The destination network address ag- VAR- 8 0 V71SP7
NAAG_BNUM gregation corresponding to the derived CHAR2
NAA World View.
CONTRA_TYPE This is the row type. Values are: CHAR 1 0 S V71SP8

Value Definition Descrip-

S Standard A standard
entry, not
actually a
contra en-
R Structural A contra
Reprice entry cre-
Contra ated by

December 2020 214

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
Value Definition Descrip-
A Summary A standard
Reprice entry due to
U Summa- A contra en-
ry Reprice try created
Contra by Summa-
ry Reprice
E Record Un- A contra
do Contra created by
the Record
Undo pro-
F File Undo A contra en-
Contra try created
by File Undo
M Mediation A contra en-
Reprice try creat-
Contra ed by Me-
diation pro-
MINIMUM_CHARGE Indicates a component that has had CHAR 1 0 V71SP8
_IND a minimum charge applied or has a
Threshold Field specified.
REFUND_FACTOR Indicates the refund percentage used NUM- 9 6 V71SP8
when processing refunds. BER
SETTLEMENT_OP- Indicates the operator to which pay- VAR- 6 0 V71SP8
ERATOR ment is made, if the operator differs CHAR2
from the billing operator.
CARRIER_DESTI- Stores a Carrier Destination Alias as de- VAR- 100 N/A Any V80SP0
NATION_ALIAS rived during Carrier-based or Contract CHAR2 text
Manager/CSG Route rating. string
For ex-

December 2020 215

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
CARRIER_DESTI- Stores a Carrier Destination Name as VAR- 100 N/A Any V80SP0
NATION_NAME derived during Carrier-based rating. CHAR2 text
For ex-
CDR_SOURCE Indicates the source of the EDR at the CHAR 1 0 V80SP0
time the source was sent to the Dynam-
ic DWF, for example:
• P: Preprocessor
• R: Reprocessing
• S: Structural Reprice
• U: Summary Reprice
• F: File Undo (contras only)
For the Static DWF, this value is always
set to P.
CURRENCY_CON- Stores the currency conversion rate NUM- 15 6 V80SP0
VERSION_RATE used for Revenue Share scenarios. BER
RATE_LOOKUP_ Indicates the internal Interconnect rat- CHAR 1 N/A O, R or V80SP0
STYLE ing method used, for example O (Oper- C
ator) based, R (Route) based or C (Car-
rier) destination based rating.
AGREEMENT_NAAG_Indicates the agreement origin - may VAR- 8 0 V80SP1
ANUM not necessarily be the same as the EDR CHAR2
AGREEMENT_NAAG_Indicates the agreement destination - VAR- 8 0 V80SP1
BNUM may not necessarily be the same as the CHAR2
EDR destination.
AGREEMENT_ID The unique identifier of the CSG Route NUM- 10 N/A 1000 V90SP0
agreement used when rating the call. BER
AGREEMENT_ The unique identifier of the CSG Route NUM- 9 N/A 1000 V90SP0
ITEM_ID agreement item used when rating the BER
call. Agreement Items enable you to de-
fine Rates, and Contractual and Quality
Parameters for Agreement parts.

December 2020 216

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
AGREEMENT_ The unique identifier of the CSG Route NUM- 10 N/A 1000 V90SP0
PART_ID agreement part used when rating the BER
call. An agreement can have one or two
parts, one for the buy side (outgoing)
and one for the sell side (incoming).
AGREEMENT_ The unique identifier of the CSG Route NUM- 9 N/A 1000 V90SP0
RATE_ID agreement rate used when rating the BER
CARRIER_CHARGE_ The unique identifier of the CSG Route NUM- 9 N/A 1000 V90SP0
DEFINITION_ID charge definition applicable to this com- BER
ponent of an event. One or more charge
definitions are defined for an event
mapping, and are the basis for defining
rates in the agreement items.
CARRIER_RATE_ Each agreement item may be rated us- NUM- 9 N/A 1 V90SP0
TYPE_ID ing several rates per charge component BER
(definition). The typical case is when a
transit call should be rated using both a
terminal and transit part. Each of these
rates has a rate type.
DESTINATION_ID The unique identifier of the destination NUM- 9 N/A 1000 V90SP0
applicable to the this component of an BER
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect contract manag- VAR- 20 0 PREMI- V90SP0
ING_PARAME- er-based rating to store a parameter CHAR2 UM
TER_4 than assists in determining an applica-
ble rate.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect Contract Manag- VAR- 20 0 PREMI- V90SP0
ING_PARAME- er-based rating to store a parameter CHAR2 UM
TER_5 than assists in determining an applica-
ble rate.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect Contract Manag- VAR- 20 0 PREMI- V90SP0
ING_PARAME- er-based rating to store a parameter CHAR2 UM
TER_6 than assists in determining an applica-
ble rate.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect Contract Manag- VAR- 20 0 PREMI- V90SP0
ING_PARAME- er-based rating to store a parameter CHAR2 UM
TER_7 than assists in determining an applica-
ble rate.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect Contract Manag- VAR- 20 0 PREMI- V90SP0
ING_PARAME- er-based rating to store a parameter CHAR2 UM
TER_8 than assists in determining an applica-
ble rate.

December 2020 217

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect Contract Manag- VAR- 20 0 PREMI- V90SP0
ING_PARAME- er-based rating to store a parameter CHAR2 UM
TER_9 than assists in determining an applica-
ble rate.
DISCRETE_RAT- Used in Interconnect Contract Manag- VAR- 20 0 PREMI- V90SP0
ING_PARAME- er-based rating to store a parameter CHAR2 UM
TER_10 than assists in determining an applica-
ble rate.
ESTIMATED_RATE_ Indicates whether or not the traffic has VAR- 1 N/A Y V90SP0
TRAFFIC_IND been rated using a currently- CHAR2
valid rate or the last expired rate.
IN_EVENT_ Event mappings define how the traffic VAR- 20 N/A OEM V90SP0
MAPPING_CODE data should be interpreted for the dif- CHAR2
ferent traffic types, and can be seen as
a named construct that specifies how a
generic usage records format is inter-
preted for a given market/submarket.
The event mapping code is defined in
mediation and allows the rating engine
to identify which event mapping to use.
IN_SERVICE_ID The unique identifier of the CSG Route NUM- 10 N/A 1 V90SP0
incoming product. A CSG Route prod- BER
uct is something that is offered to the
market with well-defined characteristics
and price. For example, a CDR Group of
Telephony might contain two products:
Gold and Silver.
IN_SERVICE_ The short name of the CSG Route in- VAR- 20 N/A GOLD V90SP0
SHORT_NAME coming product. A CSG Route product CHAR2
is something that is offered to the mar-
ket with well-defined characteristics
and price. For example, a CDR Group of
Telephony might contain two products:
Gold and Silver.
OUT_EVENT_ Event mappings define how the traffic VAR- 20 N/A IEM V90SP0
MAPPING_CODE data should be interpreted for the dif- CHAR2
ferent traffic types, and can be seen as
a named construct that specifies how a
generic usage records format is inter-
preted for a given market/submarket.
The event mapping code is defined in
mediation and allows the rating engine
to identify which event mapping to use.
OUT_SERVICE_ID The unique identifier of the CSG Route NUM- 10 N/A 2 V90SP0
outgoing product. A CSG Route prod- BER
uct is something that is offered to the

December 2020 218

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
market with well-defined characteristics
and price. For example, a CDR Group of
Telephony might contain two products:
Gold and Silver.
OUT_SERVICE_ The short name of the CSG Route out- VAR- 20 N/A SILVER V90SP0
SHORT_NAME going product. A CSG Route product is CHAR2
something that is offered to the mar-
ket with well-defined characteristics
and price. For example, a CDR Group of
Telephony might contain two products:
Gold and Silver.
TIME_TYPE_ID The unique identifier of the time type NUM- 10 N/A 1000 V90SP0
applicable to this portion of the call. A BER
time type defines a part of a day, and is
the same concept as a time premium in
USER_DATA_2 Any specific value a user would like VAR- 80 0 V90SP0
to store on EDR level but not on daily CHAR2
summary level.
USER_DATA_3 Any specific value a user would like VAR- 80 0 V90SP0
to store on EDR level but not on daily CHAR2
summary level.
USER_SUMMARI- The user may supply any additional in- VAR- 249 N/A My own V90SP0
SATION_2 formation relevant to the event on this CHAR2 data
field on the EDR. This information can
optionally be summarised on. Great
care must be taken not to have too
many unique values stored in this field,
as it can lead to poor summarisation
and overall performance degradation.
USER_SUMMARI- The user may supply any additional in- VAR- 249 N/A My own V90SP0
SATION_3 formation relevant to the event on this CHAR2 data
field on the EDR. This information can
optionally be summarised on. Great
care must be taken not to have too
many unique values stored in this field,
as it can lead to poor summarisation
and overall performance degradation.
CARRIER_ORIGIN_ Stores a Carrier Origin Name as derived VAR- 100 N/A Any V10SP0
NAME during Contract Manager/CSG Route CHAR2 text
rating. string
For ex-

December 2020 219

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 11. Data Warehouse Feed

Column Description Data Size Deci- Exam- Avail-

Type mal ple Da- able
ta From
BUNDLE_NAME Optional bundle ID VAR- 20 N/A GOLD V1002SP0
DERIVED_BUNDLE_ Technical field. Used to indicate whether CHAR 1 0 Y V1002SP0
INDICATOR the bundle was provided or derived.
SUBSCRIBER_ID Indicates the subscriber ID VAR- 50 N/A 6 V1002SP0
TIER_PARAMETER Optional tier determination value VAR- 20 N/A ABC01 V1002SP0
USER_DATE_1 User-definable date DATE 14 0 V1002SP0
USER_DATE_2 User-definable date DATE 14 0 V1002SP0
ADDITIONAL_ A description of an additional charge. VAR- 50 N/A AC- V1002SP3
STEP_FLAT_ A description of the flat rate that has VAR- 50 N/A SFC- V1002SP3
CHARGE_CHRGE_ been set up on a particular rate step. CHAR2 CD01
UNIT_COST_ A description of the unit cost used to VAR- 50 N/A UC- V1002SP3
CHRGE_DESC rate a call or event. CHAR2 CD01

December 2020 220



The following legend has been used to define the format of the various fields:

Legend Description
A Alpha
9 Numeric
S Space character
X Hex ASCII control character

12.2. IBS Electronic File Header Format

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

1. 1 Record Type 0 1 A Yes Identifies
the record as
Header. Val-
ue must be
2. 2 Message 1 4 A Yes Identifies the
Identifier file as an In-
bound State-
ment File.
Value must
be 'ISF'.
3. 3 Version 5 2 9 Yes Version num-
Number ber of file
format. '01'
for the first
4. 4 Document 7 2 A, N Yes Identifies
Type if the file is
a Declara-
tion or an In-
5. 5 Reference 9 30 A, 9, S Yes Declaration
Number or Invoice
6. 6 Issue Date 39 8 9 No Date the
or Invoice
was issued
(file creation
date). For-
mat: DDM-
7. 7 Document 47 1 A No Identifies the
Nature document

December 2020 221

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

8. 8 Sender 48 30 A, 9, S Yes Identifies the
Carrier who
the file.
9. 9 Account Start 78 8 9 Yes Start date of
Date the account-
ed period for
the Decla-
ration or In-
voice. For-
mat: DDM-
10. 1 Account End 86 8 9 Yes End date of
Date the account-
ed period for
the Decla-
ration or In-
voice. For-
mat: DDM-
11. Supplemen- 94 2 9 Yes Identifies a
tary No complemen-
tary docu-
ment for the
same 'header
values'. If '1',
it is the first
document for
this period.
12. Service 96 4 A, 9, S Yes Identifies the
main service
reported in
the file.
13. Recipient 100 30 A, 9, S Yes Identifies
Carrier who
should re-
ceive the file.
14. Comment 130 50 A, 9, S Yes Free text
field. Avail-
able for free
15. Record Sepa- 180 3 A, 9, S Yes End of record
rator indicator.
Value must
be 'EOR'.

12.3. IBS Electronic File Detail Format (Line Items)

December 2020 222

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

1. Record Type 0 20 A, 9, S Yes Type of
record: (Nor-
mal, correc-
tive etc.).
2. Traffic Start 20 8 9 Yes Start date of
Date the traffic or
service. For-
mat: DDM-
3. Traffic End 28 8 9 Yes End date of
Date the traffic or
service. For-
mat: DDM-
4. Origin Carrier 36 30 A, 9, S No Identifies the
Carrier who
the traffic.
5. Transit Carri- 66 30 A, 9, S No Identifies the
er 1 Carrier who
is the first
transit point.
6. Transit Carri- 96 30 A, 9, S No Identifies the
er 2 Carrier who
is the second
transit point.
7. Transit Carri- 126 30 A, 9, S No Identifies the
er 3 Carrier who
is the third
transit point.
8. Destination 156 30 A, 9, S No Identifies the
Carrier Carrier who
the traffic.
9. Product 186 30 A, 9, S Yes Identifies the
product or
service for
this detail
10. Time Ele- 216 30 A, 9, S No Time period
ment differentia-
11. Number of 246 25 9 No Number
Calls of Calls.

December 2020 223

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

999 (19 units
and 6 deci-
12. Call Rate 271 16 9 No Rate per
call. Format:
99999 (10
units and 6
13. Number of 287 25 9 No Number of
Units units for the
given occur-
rence of de-
tail record.
999 (19 units
and 6 deci-
14. Unit Type 312 30 A, 9, S No Unit of mea-
sure used for
15. Unit Rate 342 16 9 No Rate ap-
plied to each
unit. Format:
99999 (10
units and 6
16. Amount Due 358 25 9 Yes Monies owed
to/by the re-
cipient or
sending car-
rier. Format:
(19 units and
6 decimals).
17. Currency 383 30 A, 9, S Yes Currency ap-
plicable to
the Amount.
18. Accounting 413 1 A No Accounting
Method Method. Valid
values: D =
Direct, C =

December 2020 224

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

19. Fee Type 414 30 A, 9, S No Type of fee
for that
record: (Set
up, recur-
ring, and so
20. User Sum- 444 50 A, 9, S No Free text
mary field, avail-
able for com-
21. Terminating 494 30 A, 9, S No Identifies the
Geographical location, city,
Areas where traffic
22. Originating 524 30 A, 9, S No Identifies the
Geographical location, city,
Areas where traffic
23. Route Identi- 554 50 A, 9 No Identifies the
fier route for the
detail record.
24. Tier 604 30 A, 9 No Defines the
point for the
detail record.
25. Rate Name 634 30 A, 9, S No Similar to
26. Record Sepa- 664 3 A Yes End of record
rator indicator.
Value must
be 'EOR'.

12.4. IBS Electronic File Total Format (Total Records)

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

1. Record Type 0 1 A Yes Identifies the
record as To-
tal. Value
must be 'S'.
2. Currency 1 30 A, 9, S Yes Currency for
this record.
3. Amount Total 31 25 9 Yes Sum of
amount fields
for that cur-
rency and
unit type.

December 2020 225

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

999 (19 units
and 6 deci-
4. Total of Calls 56 25 9 Yes Sum of Num-
ber of Call
fields from
every De-
tail Record
for that cur-
rency and
unit type.
999 (19 units
and 6 deci-
5. Unit Type 81 30 A, 9, S Yes Unit of mea-
sure used for
6. Total Number 111 25 9 Yes Sum of Num-
of Units ber of Unit
fields from
every De-
tail Record
for that cur-
rency and
unit type.
999 (19 units
and 6 deci-
7. Record Sepa- 136 3 A Yes End of record
rator indicator.
Value must
be 'EOR'.

12.5. IBS Electronic File Trailer Format

Note: Apart from the Record type the trailer is the same as the header.

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

1. Record Type 0 1 A Yes Identifies
the record as
Trailer. Value
must be 'T'.

December 2020 226

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

2. Message 1 4 A Yes Identifies the
Identifier file as an In-
bound State-
ment File.
Value must
be 'ISF'.
3. Version 5 6 9 Yes Version num-
Number ber of file
format. '01'
for the first
4. Document 7 2 A, N Yes Identifies
Type if the file is
a Declara-
tion or an In-
5. Reference 9 30 A, 9, S Yes Declaration
Number or Invoice
6. Issue Date 39 8 9 No Date the
or Invoice
was issued
(file creation
date). For-
mat: DDM-
7. Document 47 1 A No Identifies the
Nature document
8. Sender 48 30 A, 9, S Yes Identifies the
Carrier who
the file.
9. Account Start 78 8 9 Yes Start date of
Date the account-
ed period for
the Decla-
ration or In-
voice. For-
mat: DDM-
10. Account End 86 8 9 Yes End date of
Date the account-
ed period for
the Decla-
ration or In-

December 2020 227

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

No Field Name Offset Size Format Mandatory Description

voice. For-
mat: DDM-
11. Supplemen- 94 2 9 Yes Identifies a
tary No complemen-
tary docu-
ment for the
same 'header
values'. If '1',
it is the first
document for
this period.
12. Service 96 4 A, 9, S Yes Identifies the
main service
reported in
the file.
13. Recipient 100 30 A, 9, S Yes Identifies
Carrier who
should re-
ceive the file.
14. Comment 130 50 A, 9, S Yes Free text
field. Avail-
able for free
15. Record Sepa- 180 3 A, 9, S Yes End of record
rator indicator.
Value must
be 'EOR'.

December 2020 228

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Chapter 12. IBS Electronic File

December 2020 229



This chapter describes the levels of security controlling Interconnect and how to set security permis-
sions within the application.

13.1. Overview
There are a number of layers of security available to the Interconnect administrator.
The end user has no visibility of the server or the mechanisms used to populate the client worksta-
tion windows. If the end user is given access to the server, they can be restricted from seeing Inter-
connect files and the Oracle instance.
All users can add reference data to panels in which they have access rights. All reference data that is
entered is classified as Pending. Pending data can be modified by any user with access rights to the
relevant window.
Certain users are designated with an Administrator transaction role. The administrator transaction
role (Admin) is supplied with the system installation and cannot be modified.
The application data on the server is protected by UNIX or Linux security, Oracle security, and Inter-
connect application security.

13.2. User Maintenance

New users can be created and configured and existing user configurations can be viewed and modi-
fied. Other administration tasks include: activating or revoking user privileges, setting password ex-
piry dates and resetting passwords.
There are two types of users: physical and logical. Physical users are people. Logical users are non-
physical and carry out tasks such as bulk loading and importing from external systems. By default,
10 logical bulk loading users are created to carry out bulk loading tasks.

13.3. Java Security Policies

The Java security policy file that the Java security manager uses is located here:
By default, this policy file allows all permissions. You can edit the file if you have stricter permission
requirements regarding java policy files.

13.4. Security Mechanisms

Interconnect is protected by the normal security features provided by UNIX, Linux, and Windows.
Further protection is provided to the database by Oracle's own security.
It is advisable to set the UNIX or Linux file system permissions on the Interconnect directories and
files to at least:
• User - Read, Write, Execute
• Group - Read, Execute
• All - No access
Interconnect allows access to the client application through a server-controlled access mechanism.
All significant user actions are logged.
It is possible for a user to manipulate database objects if they know the Oracle user accounts and
passwords. The ordinary Interconnect users are not required to know the Oracle user accounts and
passwords. The Interconnect Oracle users do not require DBA privileges.

13.5. Registering a Signed Certificate

December 2020 230

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

This section describes the required procedures for changing encryption and server verification op-

All communication between the client and server is encrypted using a signed certificate, which must
be registered. By default, a self-signed certificate is used but, at installation time, you can elect to
use a CA-signed certificate, which must be registered on the server. Refer to the Interconnect (INT)
Installation Guide for more information.

Server Verification
At installation time, you can choose whether to enable or disable verification of the server's SSL
certificate by setting the value of the ssl server verification installer property (environment.ssl-en-
By default, this property is set to 'true'. During the installation procedure, the relevant certificates
need to be registered on the server and client machines, depending on your chosen option. Refer to
the Interconnect (INT) Installation Guide for more information.
During installation, this property is added to the runtime configuration properties file,
<environment.ini>' and renamed, 'SSL_ENABLE_SERVER_VERIFICATION'. This is the property you
must edit if you wish to enable or disable verification of the server's certificate after installation.

Changing the value of the ssl server verification property after installation
SSL_ENABLE_SERVER_VERIFICATION can only be changed after stopping ICT. Choose the correct
• Change the value of SSL_ENABLE_SERVER_VERIFICATION to, 'false':
1. Stop ICT.
2. In <environment>.ini, change the value of SSL_ENABLE_SERVER_VERIFICATION to 'false'.
3. Start ICT.
• Change the value of SSL_ENABLE_SERVER_VERIFICATION to, 'true':
1. Stop ICT.
2. In <environment>.ini, change the value of SSL_ENABLE_SERVER_VERIFICATION to 'true'.
3. Register the certificates(s) according to your choice of type of certificate. Choose the correct
• Register a CA-signed certificate whose CA root certificate is shipped with Java.
• Register a CA-signed certificate whose CA root certificate is not shipped with Java.
• Register a self-signed certificate.
4. Start ICT.

To register a CA-signed certificate whose CA root certificate is shipped with Java:

• No action is required. This certificate would already have been registered on the server for en-

To register a CA-signed certificate whose CA root certificate is not shipped with Java:
1. Use the Java keytool to import the CA-signed certificate, with a customer alias, into the JRE
trusted keystore ('cacerts') on all client machines running ICT, as well as the server.

December 2020 231

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore <path-to-jre>/lib/security/cacerts

-file <path-to-certificate-file>

To register a self-signed certificate:

1. Use the Java keytool to export the self-signed certificate from the Jetty keystore <ict_base>/
keytool -export -alias jetty -file <certificate filename> -keystore jetty.jks
-storepass j3ttyk3yst0r3

Note: The '0' in 'j3ttyk3yst0r3' is the numeral, zero.

2. Use the Java keytool to import the self-signed certificate, with a customer alias, into the JRE
trusted keystore ('cacerts') on all client machines running ICT, as well as the server:
keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore <path-to-jre>/lib/security/cacerts
-file <path-to-certificate-file>

13.6. Controlling Client Application Access

To gain access to the Interconnect application, the Windows user must enter a valid User ID and
password in the Login page.
When Interconnect is first installed there is one account, ADMIN, with a system administrator-speci-
fied password. This account has full system administration rights. Interconnect will force a password
change at the first log on to the system.
The application records each time a user logs on to the system and certain details of user activity
are kept. The application also records unsuccessful log on attempts.

13.7. Security Settings

There are a number of System Setting parameters that can be used to determine how security is en-

The initial password for a new internal user is manually set by the system administrator. The us-
er must change this at the first login. The following System Settings determine how a password is

System Setting Description

SEC_LAUNCH_TOKEN_ Time in seconds during which an application launch token is valid. If an
TIMEOUT application takes longer than that to launch, an error is shown and the
user has to relaunch the application.
SEC_PW_EXPIRE_ Specifies how many days before the password expires that the user will
REMINDER_DAYS receive a password change reminder. During the reminder period, the
user will receive a reminder every time they log on.

When defining the user, the system administrator can set the number of days until the password ex-
pires and must be changed.

Password Complexity
There are a number of rules that need to be adhered to when users change their passwords. The ad-
ministrator need to select the rules that the users must adhere to and also specify how many of the

December 2020 232

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

selected rules the users need to adhere to for each new password. The following system settings are
used to control the required password complexity:

System Setting Description

SEC_ENFORCE_ Enforces the use of passwords that contain alphabetic and numeric char-
SEC_ENFORCE_LOWER_ Enforces the use of passwords that contain at least one lower case alpha
CASE_PW character.
SEC_ENFORCE_SPECIAL_ Enforces the use of passwords that contain at least one special character
CHAR_PW in the set ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~.
SEC_ENFORCE_UPPER_ Enforces the use of passwords that contain at least one upper case al-
CASE_PW pha character.
SEC_PW_COMPLEXITY_ Indicates the number of password complexity rules that need to be sat-
RULE_COUNT isfied simultaneously (0 - 4).
SEC_PW_REPEAT_CHARS_ If set to a number (n) greater than 0, the system compares characters
IN_USERNAME in the newly entered password against the characters in the username.
If more than 'n' characters match, the password will not be accepted.
For example, if the user 'FREDDY' enters his password as, 'EDDY12345'
and SEC_PW_REPEAT_CHARS_IN_USERNAME = 3, the password will not
be accepted because 4 consecutive characters are repeated in the pass-
SEC_PW_LENGTH Minimum length of password. There is no maximum length.
SEC_PW_UNIQUE_CHAR_ Specifies the minimum number of unique characters required in a pass-
SEC_REUSE_PW* Restricts the reuse of previous passwords
Old passwords are stored, encoded on the database.
SEC_PW_CHANGE_MIN_ Specifies the minimum number of characters that must differ between
CHARS_DIFF the old password and a new password. Case sensitive, so 'A' is different
from 'a'. The first character of the old password is compared with the
first character of the new password and so on until the last character of
the shorter of the two passwords is reached.
SEC_REUSE_PW_COUNT* Determines the number of previous passwords that cannot be reused
during a password change.
Only applicable if SEC_REUSE_PW is, 'FALSE'.
SEC_REUSE_PW_DAYS* Determines the age of previous passwords that cannot be reused during
a password change.
Only applicable if SEC_REUSE_PW is, 'FALSE'.

*Password reuse
The effect of setting a value on a particular password reuse property may differ depending on the
value of the other two properties:
• TRUE - Unlimited password reuse is permitted (SEC_REUSE_PW_COUNT and
SEC_REUSE_PW_DAYS are ignored).
• FALSE - Some password reuse is permitted but subject to the limitations in settings

December 2020 233

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

• SEC_REUSE_PW_COUNT and SEC_REUSE_PW_DAYS - only positive integers are applicable.


Settings Effect
True 0 0 Unlimited password reuse is permitted
True 3 5 Unlimited password reuse is permitted
False 0 0 No password reuse is permitted
False 5 0 The previous 5 passwords are not permitted
False 0 4 Passwords from the previous 4 days are not per-
False 2 4 The previous 2 passwords are not permitted AND
passwords from the previous 4 days are not per-

A session starts when you log on to the application and ends when you log off or exceed the defined
inactivity period. The following system settings pertain to sessions:

System Setting Description

SEC_AUTO_LOGOFF Automatically log off inactive users.
SEC_INACTIV_PERIOD Minutes of inactivity before user is logged off.
SEC_MAX_PW_ATTEMPTS Maximum number of permitted login attempts before account is re-
voked. Once the maximum number of attempts is exceeded the ac-
count is locked and must be reactivated by the system administrator.
SEC_MULTIPLE_LOGINS Permit multiple logins of the same account. When set to FALSE the ap-
plication will not allow the same user to log in more than once.

Interconnect provides its own form of user authentication or allows the use of third-party authenti-
cation protocols. For more information on this functionality, see Configuring External Identity Man-
agement (IM).

System Setting Description

SEC_AUTH_METHOD Method used to check on the user trying to log in. The default method is
the internal "ICT-SECURITY", with Java Authentication and Authorization
Service (JAAS) and Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) external au-
thentication also being supported.
SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG If SEC_AUTH_METHOD is set to not use ICT security then these four pa-
SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE rameters could be set to support JAAS LDAP.

December 2020 234

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

On the User panel the system administrator can set an expiry date for a user account. Once that
date has passed, the user is revoked and cannot log in.

13.8. Configuring External Identity Management (IM)

The login security solution is generic and can be used for any External Identity Management configu-
The Interconnect configuration implementation reads the configuration information from system set-
tings, and not from a configuration file. Currently the solution only provides system settings for a
single external LDAP login module.
The Sun and IBM LDAP login module implementations are supported. The correct module is auto-de-
tected by ICT during login.
The LDAP configuration is carried in the two system settings:

System Setting Function

SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG Contains key and value pairs for a JAAS LDAP login module configura-

If the system encounters a tag {n}, it decodes and substitutes
the value/s in the SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE system setting.

The options are specified in the form of a semi-colon separated list,

where each option has the form Option='Value'.

The double quotes are not mandatory for the option value.

For example the value can be:


The values can be quoted if a semi-colon is required within the
value string. The values cannot contain quotes.

In the following example LDAP authenticates against a Windows 2008

Active Directory service:


December 2020 235

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

System Setting Function


If the NT domain ID is used, you only need to enter the NT user
ID to authenticate - no email address is required. In the above
example, the NT domain ID is represented as 'INTC'.

You must restart the system for any changes to the system set-
ting to take effect.
SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE Sensitive values (or parts thereof) are retrieved from this system set-
ting. Each secure value is substituted back into the configuration values
where a tag {n} is encountered. Here, n indicates a consecutively-num-
bered integer starting with zero (0).
The options are specified in the form of a semi-colon separated list of
secure values. For example: 'password1; password2'. Where password1
is substituted wherever {0} is found in the configuration values and
password2 is substituted wherever {1} is found in the configuration val-

Values cannot contain semi-colons.
The system setting can be set from either the Online System Set-
tings panel or from the command line config_srvr tool.

To set the value from the command line use the syntax:
./config_srvr -systemSettingId SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE -system-
NewPassword -system SEC -env V80LINUXTRUNK

You must restart the system for any changes to the system set-
ting to take effect.

For specific configuration details refer to the LdapLoginModule configuration documentation
for either the Sun Microsystems or IBM configuration.


The configuration settings ... Results in ...

SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG: userProvider: "ldap://
userProvider="ldap:// ou=group,dc=example,
ou=group,dc=example,dc=com"; dc=com";" cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com";

December 2020 236

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

The configuration settings ... Results in ...

security.credentials="{0}";userFilter="(&(cn= ="password";userFilter="(&(cn={USERNAME})
{USERNAME})(objectClass=*))";useSSL=false (objectClass=*))";useSSL=false

13.8.1. IM configuration checklist

To ensure that that your IM configuration is correct, review these points:
• Ensure that the three system settings - SEC_AUTH_METHOD, SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG and
SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE - are configured.
• Ensure that the external IM server is running and check passwords against the configuration
string in the SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG system setting.
• Ensure that user ID's in ICT correspond to external IM user ID's. If the two user ID's are not the
same the administrator must bulk load new users with the correct user ID's.
• Ensure that externally authenticated users are marked on the bulk load sheet as External Ind=Y
or that the Externally Authenticated checkbox on the User panel in the Online system is selected
for these users.
• Do a test login using an external IM user. If there are errors, look at the system log after logging
in as the administrator - check for any logged errors.

13.8.2. IM configuration errors

Identity Management configuration errors may result in external users not being able to log into the
A login error for external users occur if the SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG system setting is set to a val-
ue that is invalid and the system services are restarted.

The SEC_AUTH_METHOD system setting must also be set to EXTERNAL-IM.

When externally authenticated users attempt to log in, they receive a message informing them that
they cannot log in. The message displays regardless of the validity of the username and password
At this point an INVALID_LDAP_CONFIG error message is logged in the system log. The message is
logged as an error.
An example of the message logged in the system log:

The LDAP configuration is invalid - Invalid System Setting: SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG

For userProvider="ldap://,dc=example,dc=com" ;;"{0}"
In this case the principal value has been omitted.

An ICT authenticated user (for example, the Admin user) must log in to review the system log mes-
sage and correct the invalid value set in the SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG system setting.
A login error for external users occur when a connection to the external authentication server cannot
be established.

December 2020 237

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

An example of the message logged in the system log:

Could not establish a connection to the external authentication server. The server may either be
unavailable or else the configuration may be incorrect. Setting up LDAP and SSL Authentication

Follow the steps below to set up LDAP and SSL Authentication to work with the Interconnect system.
1. Ensure that the SEC_AUTH_METHOD system setting is set to EXTERNAL-IM.
2. Ensure that the LDAP server is installed, configured and running.
3. Change the LDAP server configuration to use the trust certificate and key for SSL/TLS communi-
cation with Central Server, and restart the LDAP server.
4. Configure the required Central system settings: SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG= debug=true;
5. Are you using SSL authentication?
No. Follow the steps below:
a. Ensure that the useSSL value is set to 'false' (the default value is 'false').
b. Ensure that your userProvider port number is pointing to a non-SSL secure port. The port is
set to 389 by default.
c. Set the protected value/s using the SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE system setting (if necessary)
to match the placeholders in the SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG system setting. You can use the
System Settings panel to update this value.
d. Configure the userFilter. This should be done by an Administrator.
Yes. Follow the steps below:
a. Ensure that your userProvider port number points to a secure SSL port. The port is set to
636 by default.
b. Set the useSSL value to 'true'.
c. Configure the SEC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH system setting using the System Settings pan-
el in the Central Online system. This system setting houses the path to the file that holds the
SSL certificate. The default path is: /usr/share/java1.6/jre/lib/security/cacerts. It is recom-
mended that you use the default path.
d. Configure the SEC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PWD system setting using the System Settings panel
in the Central Online system. This system setting houses the password for the keystore file.
e. Import the SSL certificate into the keystore file.
i. Copy the certificate file into the location you set in the SEC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH
system setting.
ii. Run the following command to import the certificate into the keystore:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <alias name> -file <certificate> -key-
store <keystore filename>.
iii. Test if the certificate imported successfully by running the following command:
keytool -list -v -keystore <keystore filename> -alias <alias name>.

December 2020 238

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

6. Restart your environment using the script.

13.9. Process Groups

The online application includes many processes. Most of the processes are associated with GUI pan-
els with buttons that invoke transactions in the application. For the purpose of security administra-
tion, these can be grouped into collections of related processes called Process Groups.
A Process Group is a collection of the processes from an area of the application, for example, pro-
cesses for reference data maintenance could be placed in a group.
When Interconnect is installed, all processes will initially belong to the Default Process Group.
Processes can subsequently be assigned to groups according to the needs of the business although
this is not mandatory.
Users require access privileges to be granted for each transaction that they are authorised to exe-
cute. Process Group is used to filter the processes that are displayed on the Privileges panel when
granting privileges to roles. This facilitates the task of granting privileges by displaying only the re-
quired processes on the panel.

A process can only belong to one group, but group membership of a process can be changed.

Some buttons and controls do not require access privileges to be granted. The Filter button for ex-
ample is always available to users.
For the purpose of access control, Menu Item is considered a process. A transaction role must al-
ways include the Menu Item process, otherwise all menu items will be disabled for the role.

13.10. Roles
13.10.1. Data Role
In situations where Interconnect is used with multiple franchises, Data Level Security can be enabled
to control access to data that is linked to a data level security type (for example, franchise). This is
done by creating Data Roles and assigning them to users as depicted below. To activate data level
security, select the 'Activate' checkbox on the Data Level Security Items panel.

Figure 13.1. Data Role

In this diagram, user access is restricted to the required franchise data by assigning data roles that
include only the required franchises (Franchises A, B and C).

December 2020 239

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

A special data role "ALLFRN" is assigned to those users that require unrestricted access to all fran-
chise data.

Data level security is not required and should not be enabled if Interconnect is used with a
single franchise.

13.10.2. Transaction Role

A transaction role defines the access privileges required for a specific type of user as depicted below.
For example, a System Administrator would require unrestricted access to the entire system where-
as a Data Capturer might only require access to reference data.

Figure 13.2. Transaction Role

Transaction security
An Interconnect user must have at least one Transaction Role in order to use the application.
Transaction roles determine which panels the user can access and what the user is permitted to do
in those panels.
Transaction roles simplify the administration of Interconnect application security.
The system administrator will create transaction roles with required access privileges for each of the
different user categories.
Once transaction roles have been defined, users can easily be given access to the application by as-
signing the appropriate transaction roles to them.
One or more roles may be assigned to a user.
The administrator can also specify different security aspects that are applied to user access from the
Transaction Role Parameter panel.

Granting Privileges To Roles

After transaction roles have been created, the Central System Privileges panel is used to grant ac-
cess privileges to them.
When working with the Privileges panel, search criteria can be specified to limit the display to a se-
lected process group, process or transaction type. The administrator transaction role is read-only
and cannot be modified using this panel.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 13. Security

13.11. Oracle Security

Access to the Oracle database is controlled using standard Oracle user security mechanisms. The
users and passwords are stored in both the application and the database as depicted in the diagram

Figure 13.3. Oracle Security

Oracle Passwords
The name and password of the Interconnect Central schema user are stored in encrypted form in the
file cfg/config<enviromentname>.ini
The names and encrypted passwords of all three Interconnect Oracle users are held in the
SYSTEM_SETTING table of the Central schema.
This information is not stored anywhere else in the application.
If it is necessary to change the Oracle passwords, the encrypted passwords stored by the application
must also be updated. This is done with the configuration server.
For more information on how to change the Oracle passwords, see: Changing Database User Pass-

December 2020 241



This chapter describes what needs to be done in order to keep the Interconnect application opera-

14.1. Housekeeping
This section describes the day-to-day activities required to maintain the Interconnect application.

14.1.1. Automated Housekeeping Tasks

The application performs some housekeeping tasks that do not require user intervention. For exam-
ple, the following housekeeping tasks are performed by the application:
• when the application is started any shared memory semaphores that exist due to an abnormal
termination of the application will automatically be cleared.
• when rating engines are started a number of housekeeping tasks are performed on stored EDR
and error EDR tables. These include checking that tables are consistent, checking that indexes
exist, and checking that any zero-valued error summaries are removed.

14.1.2. Manual Housekeeping Tasks

The Housekeeping Tasks diagram represents the tasks that the Interconnect Administrator must car-
ry out regularly to ensure that the application remains operational.

Figure 14.1. Housekeeping Tasks

The primary problem is one of data storage. The system or Oracle administrator must systematical-
ly monitor the space on the system to ensure that sufficient space is available in the database and
that the database is functioning correctly. Additionally, if the dynamic data warehouse feed function-
ality is being used, the system administrator should monitor disk space on the file system to which
the files are written.
From time to time it may be necessary to reconfigure certain system values to keep in line with the
business's requirements.

December 2020 242

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Data must be backed up regularly to ensure that the system is protected from disaster.

14.1.3. Monitor Logs

The UNIX or Linux system log should be checked periodically. It can provide valuable information if
problems are encountered with Oracle or Interconnect.
In general, the Interconnect server logs do not require monitoring during normal system operation
but they can provide diagnostic information to the CSG International Support Group.
The Oracle logs often provide a valuable source of information when problems are encountered with
The Interconnect online System Log will be the main source of operational information when running
the application. It should be checked each day to ensure that no failures have occurred during nor-
mal daily processing.

System/Application Logs
The default location of the system, Oracle and application logs are as follows:

System Log /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log (AIX default)

/var/adm/messages (Solaris default)
/var/log/messages (Linux default)
Oracle Logs .../bdump/alert_SID.log
Interconnect Server Logs .../<environment>/log/*
Interconnect System Log MESSAGE_LOG table, accessed
via the online System Log

The location where the system and Oracle logs are stored may be changed by a Unix or system ad-

Message Log
The MESSAGE_LOG table, and its online representation as the Interconnect System Log, will provide
useful diagnostic and performance information.

Input File Statistics Panel

The Input File Statistics panel provides high level information about each file processed in Intercon-
nect. This allows the administrator to check the total EDRs processed in a particular batch job and to
identify partially processed or failed files. The reasons for failure are also available.
Additionally, you can also see any error EDRs associated to a file, select and schedule files to be un-
done as well as recover any files that are deemed recoverable.
The Input File Statistics should also be checked each day.

File Processing Log Panel

The File Processing Log panel provides a more granular view of all activity performed on the EDRs of
a particular EDR file at a job level.

December 2020 243

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

14.1.4. Monitoring Space

On UNIX systems, the administrator must ensure that none of the file systems fill up. The df utilities
can help with this task.
Oracle provides a number of utilities to monitor the health of the database.

14.1.5. Oracle Maintenance

Oracle Tablespaces
The Oracle Tablespaces diagram below represents the standard Interconnect tablespaces and their
expected growth.

Figure 14.2. Oracle Tablespaces

The Interconnect application database has been sized based on certain business parameters. Two
key factors are the volume of EDRs to be processed each day and the number of days that the
priced information will be stored.
It is important that the application administrators ensure that the stored data is archived at the end
of the retention period.
Reference data tables are stored in the ICT_REF_DATA tablespace . After the initial data load
ICT_REF_DATA will grow slowly.
The ICT_CDR_DATA and ICT_CDR_INDEX tablespaces will contain the priced EDR data. Tables in
these tablespaces must be archived regularly to ensure that there is enough space for new priced
EDR data.

Optionally, multiple tablespaces may be used for priced EDR storage. If multiple tablespaces
are used, a three digit number is appended to the tablespace names. For example:

December 2020 244

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance



ICT_LOOKUP_DATA and ICT_LOOKUP_INDEX tablespaces will grow as more EDR summaries are
added to the database. These should be monitored to ensure that sufficient free space is maintained.
Growth of the ICT_ERROR_DATA and ICT_ERROR_INDEX tablespaces will depend on the number of
error EDRs that are processed by the system. Error EDRs are removed from the ERROR_CDR table
by reprocessing after the cause of the errors has been corrected. These tablespaces should be moni-
tored to ensure that sufficient free space is maintained.
Growth of the ICT_CENTRAL_DATA tablespace will result mainly from growth of the MESSAGE_LOG
table. The ICT_CENTRAL_DATA tablespace will not grow significantly over time provided that the
MESSAGE_LOG table is purged regularly.
In general, no significant data is added to the ICT_REPORTS_DATA and ICT_REPORTS_INDEX ta-
blespaces after the initial data load. These will have no significant growth, unless the ETL functional-
ity is used. If the ETL functionality is used, both reference and transactional data is extracted, trans-
formed and loaded into the ICT_REPORTS_DATA and ICT_REPORTS_INDEX tablespaces.

Oracle Performance
The database should be monitored to confirm that its performance is not being degraded.
It is recommended that the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) utility is used. The AWR utility
can produce text or html reports on the performance of a system, including:
• Wait events used to identify performance problems.
• Time model statistics indicating the amount of DB time associated with a process from the V
• Active Session History (ASH) statistics from the V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view.
• Some system and session statistics from the V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT views.
• Object usage statistics.
• Resource intensive SQL statements.
An alternative way of gathering performance information is to ensure that the timed_statistics pa-
rameter is set to TRUE, and then run the Oracle statspack utility before starting an Interconnect
batch run. Once the run is complete, run the statspack utility again to produce another set of snap-
This information can be compiled into a report using the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spreport.sql
script. The resulting file can provide detailed information on the performance of the system for Ora-
cle database administrators.
Additionally the Active Session History (ASH) facility will provide information about the session per-
formance statistics. The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) will analyse the perfor-
mance of the system, identify possible issues, and can make recommendations about possible reso-
The Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) is the means by which all the information from AWR, ASH and
ADDM can be retrieved and acted upon.

Database Utilities
These scripts are provided to remove data from the database. It is quite normal to use them to ini-
tialise the database during the test phase.

December 2020 245

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Utilities for clearing transactional data

Script Name Description Command Format Clears all archive, ./
bulk load and
statistical infor- {Central schema Oracle userid}
mation stored { Central schema Oracle password}
on the Central [TNS name]
database schema
and truncates the
ble. Removes data as- ./
sociated with batch {ICT schema Oracle userid} {ICT
processing. This schema Oracle password} [TNS
includes all rat- name]
ed information,
summaries, IBS,
OBS, verification,
financial summari-
sation, and other
non-reference data
stored on the ICT
schema. Removes reporting ./
data created by {Central schema Oracle userid}
the ETL process- { Central schema Oracle password}
ing. [TNS name]

These scripts will not remove any reference data or unnecessary system data.

These scripts are provided for use in test and development procedures. Great care must be
exercised when using these scripts in a production environment. It is advisable to remove the
files or make them unreadable in production systems.

Utility for removing reference data

Script Name Description Command Format Removes all reference data from ./
the database. When the instal- {ICT schema Oracle userid}
lation tests are complete, the { ICT schema Oracle pass-
script can be used to delete all word} [TNS name]
reference data that was used for
the installation tests.

This script is provided for use in test and development procedures. Great care must be exer-
cised when using it in a production environment. It is advisable to remove the file or make it
unreadable in production systems.

December 2020 246

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Utilities for exporting and importing reference and related configuration data

Script Name Description Command Format Exports reference data into an ./
Oracle .dmp file. {ICT schema Oracle userid}
{ICT schema Oracle pass-
word} {Oracle export file-
name} [TNS name] Imports reference data from an ./
Oracle .dmp file created by the {ICT schema Oracle userid}
associated export script. {ICT schema Oracle pass-
word} {Oracle export file-
If custom tier derivation styles
name} [TNS name]
are used, this data should also
be exported and imported. Exports financial aggregation ./
and consolidation key data into {exportSchema} {exportPass-
an Oracle .dmp file. word} {exportFilename} [ex-
portTNS] Imports financial aggregation ./
and consolidation key data from {importSchema} {importPass-
the Oracle .dmp file created by word} {importFilename} [im-
the associated export script. portTNS] Exports file location data into an ./
Oracle .dmp file. {exportSchema} {exportPass-
word} {exportFilename} [ex-
portTNS] Imports file location data from ./
the Oracle .dmp file created by {ICTUsername} {ICTPassword}
the associated export script. {CentralUsername} {Central-
Password} {importFileName}
[targetTNS] Exports EDR file format data da- ./
ta into an Oracle .dmp file. {exportSchema} {exportPass-
word} {exportFilename} [ex-
portTNS] Imports EDR file format data ./
from the Oracle .dmp file cre- {importSchema} {importPass-
ated by the associated export word} {importFilename} [im-
script. portTNS] Exports custom tier determina- ./
tion data into an Oracle .dmp
file. {exportSchema} {exportPass-
word} {exportFilename} [ex-
portTNS] Imports custom tier determina- ./
tion data from the Oracle .dmp
file created by the associated {ICTUsername} {ICTPassword}
export script. {importFileName} [target-

December 2020 247

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

• These scripts are provided for use in test and development procedures. Great care must
be exercised when using these scripts in a production environment. It is advisable to re-
move the files or make them unreadable in production systems.
• It is essential to use the correct Oracle userid when running any of the database utility
scripts – the Central and ICT schema userids must never be confused.
• You can only import data using the associated export script from the same Interconnect

Utility for resetting an environment

Script Name Description Command Format Resets sequences and metadata • Central System
tables in the Central and Inter- ./
connect schemas. {Central schema Oracle
userid} {Central schema
Oracle password} [TNS
• Interconnect System
{Interconnect schema Ora-
cle userid} {Interconnect
schema Oracle password}
[TNS name]

Oracle Backups
It is important that careful consideration is given to the strategy that will be employed in making
backups of the Oracle database. The approach will depend on:
• The processing cycle being used
• The types of backup to be used
• The speed of the hardware being used
• The level of risk that is acceptable in the company
Rated EDRs will also have to be archived in order to meet corporate and legal requirements.

Oracle Database Backup Strategy

It is essential that care and attention is given to planning your backup strategy.
Oracle provides functionality that allows the user three ways of effecting a backup. Setting the
database into archivelog mode ensures that all three methods are available.
A normal Production level installation of Interconnect will ensure that logs are placed in the archivel-
og directory and that there is space for at least one day's processing.
We recommend that backups are made daily. The method and timing of backups are best decided by
the customer.
There are three types of database backups that could be considered:

December 2020 248

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

• NOARCHIVELOG mode (cold backup)

• ARCHIVELOG mode (hot and cold backup)
• Export/import (NOARCHIVELOG or ARCHIVELOG mode)

Type Advantages Disadvantages

Offline Back- • Not necessary to lay out expense for re- • The database must be down while
up taining archive redo logs. the backup is taken.
• Not necessary to have the complicated • Cannot recover to the most recent
administrative work of looking after the committed transaction, only the last
archive information backup.
Online Back- • The entire database can be open for nor- • Dedicated tape drive or additional
up mal use during backup. disk space to store archive logs.
• The database can be open for use while • Extra administrative operations are
recovering part of the database. required for archived redo log files.
• All committed transactions can be recov-
Export/Im- • Database is available for queries. • Must also take additional backups.
port • Can export the structure only to reorgan- • Cannot roll forward through the
ise database tablespaces. day's work.
• Updates performed whilst the export
is busy will result in an inconsistent

Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) can be used to automate the backup process. The advantages
of using RMAN are:
• Incremental backups can be made.
• Another Oracle database keeps track of the administration of the backups.
It is recommended that:
• A Hot database backup is made daily, ideally while batch jobs are not running.
• Cold backups of the database are made once a week.
• RMAN is used to automate the backup process of the database.

Monitoring Performance
The database should be monitored to confirm that its performance is not being degraded.
For systems running Oracle 12c, one of the simplest ways to do this is to ensure that the
timed_statistics parameter is set to TRUE, and then run the Oracle statspack utility before starting
an Interconnect batch run. Once the run is complete, run the statspack utility again to produce an-
other set of snapshots.
This information can be compiled into a report using the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spreport.sql
script. The resulting file can provide a wealth of detail on the performance of the system for Oracle
database administrators.
Oracle 12c provide better tools than earlier versions for monitoring performance. The Automatic
Workload Repository (AWR) utility can produce text or html reports on the performance of a system.

December 2020 249

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

The AWR is used to collect performance statistics including:

• Wait events used to identify performance problems.
• Time model statistics indicating the amount of DB time associated with a process from the V
• Active Session History (ASH) statistics from the V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view.
• Some system and session statistics from the V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT views.
• Object usage statistics.
• Resource intensive SQL statements.
Additionally the Active Session History (ASH) facility will provide information about the session per-
formance statistics. The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) will analyse the perfor-
mance of the system, identify possible issues, and can make recommendations about possible reso-

The Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) is the means by which all the information from AWR, ASH and
ADDM can be retrieved and acted upon.

14.1.6. Modify System Settings

Changes to the performance characteristics of the Interconnect application are done primarily by up-
dating values in the SYSTEM_SETTING and HOST_PROGRAM tables of the Central schema. Some of
the values should only be changed by, or on the recommendation of, the CSG International Support

All rows in the SYSTEM_SETTING table that have the USER_VIEW_IND value set to 'Y' will be dis-
played in the System Setting window of the Central System application. Those rows that also have
the USER_UPDATE_IND set to 'Y' will be available for update.

The table below can be used to quickly identify system settings applicable to a specific component of
the application:

Prefix Description
AUDIT_ Audit configuration values
BLOAD_ Bulk loading configuration values
CSP_ EDR storage preparation
DSP_ Daily summary storage preparation
MERGE_ Merge service
PREP_/PRE_/PP_ Batch pre-processing values
RATER_/RAT_ Batch rating values

The table in Appendix B: System Settings describes all system settings in the application.

14.1.7. File System Backup

The File System Backup diagram represents the directories that must be backed up prior to installa-
tion of e-fixes, patches or upgrades.

December 2020 250

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Figure 14.3. File System Backup

Safeguarding Data
The Interconnect application files, scripts and configuration files as well as files from the BMD are all
located on Mounted File Systems.
A backup should be taken of the installed Interconnect product directory. Unless changes are made
to these products there will be no need to take any further backups beyond normal system backups.
Changes will be made to the Interconnect product directory when an e-fix, patch or upgrade is ap-
plied to the software. A new backup should always be made before and after applying an e-fix, patch
or upgrade.

14.2. Application Configuration

14.2.1. System Configuration Values

System configuration data are of two types: The first are configuration values entered in configura-
tion files which are read by system applications and loaded at start-up time. These values are envi-
ronmental values and cannot be modified while the application is running. The second type of config-
uration data can be updated during runtime and these values are stored in database tables. The GUI
client interface has a system settings menu item on the Administration sub-menu which provides for
the modification of these values.
The configuration and initialisation files are found in the /cfg sub-directory of the application home
directory. Common variables set in these files are initialisation values for the operating system envi-
ronment, the database, RMI, Java, and CORBA naming service.
There are numerous configurable settings available from the online GUI for Interconnect programs.
Consult Appendix B: System Settings for more information on these settings.

14.2.2. Distributed Rating Setup and Configuration

You can configure Interconnect to run additional rating daemons on distributed servers after you
have installed the master system. These distributed servers are referred to as auxiliary nodes.
To configure an auxiliary node, you need to install Interconnect on the node using a modified file.

December 2020 251

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance Configuring the file

This procedure configures the variables in the file for an auxiliary installation
of Interconnect. For more detailed information about the variables, see Appendix A, The Installer
Properties File.

• The master host must be installed with a TYPICAL install profile.
• You need to consult the pre-install checklist before configuring an auxiliary installation of Inter-
Perform the following steps:
1. Log on to the auxiliary node and change the installer.profile parameter to AUXILIARY.
2. Adjust the following variables:
• Change the simple.imr-act-port to an available port outside the ephemeral range. All other
port values should remain the same as the ports on the master server
• Change the simple.installation.nodename variable to the name of the auxiliary server
• Change the simple.master.nodename variable to the name of the master server
• Change the simple.username.stem variable to reflect the same value as variable on the master server. For example, if the
simple.username.stem=${} variable on the master,
then the simple.username.stem variable on the auxiliary should be the same as the variable on the master
• Change the, and simple.environment.root
variables to match those of the master or change the system settings
a path that exists on the master and auxiliary
• Change all the database values to match those used on the master server

For example:

December 2020 252

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

installer.profile=AUXILIARY<same as master>${}

simple.dbport=<same as master>
simple.dbinstance=<same as master>
simple.tnsname=<same as master>

simple.installation.nodename=<auxiliary server>
simple.master.nodename=<master server>
simple.dbhost=<same as master><same as master><same as master>

# Static IP port assignments
simple.www-port=<master port>
simple.imr-svc-port=<master port>
simple.imr-act-port=<auxiliary port>
simple.load-manager-port=<master port><master port>
simple.config-port=<master port>
simple.msg-svc-port=<master port>
simple.scm-port=<master port>
simple.rmi-port=<master port>
3. Run the installer on the auxiliary node using the modified file. Configuring the auxiliary nodes

The master node and each auxiliary node need to run one reference data server each. The master
node reference data server is configured automatically and only auxiliary nodes need to be config-
ured. The reference data servers must be configured to have a second memory region. Single mem-
ory region configuration is not supported for distributed rating.
The master node and each auxiliary node may run multiple rating daemons. The master node is au-
tomatically configured to run one rating daemon. The auxiliary nodes need to be configured to run
the desired number of rating daemons.
To complete the installation for distributed rating you need to perform the following configuration
tasks from the Interconnect GUI:
• Configuring the reference data servers for dual memory regions
• Configuring the auxiliary host programs
• Using the auxiliary nodes

Configuring the reference data servers for dual memory regions

This procedure configures the reference data servers on auxiliary nodes.
• The auxiliary nodes have been successfully installed.
Perform the following steps:
1. In Interconnect, go to Administration | System | Settings to open the System Settings
2. Select REF_DATA_SERVER_HAS_INACTIVE_REGION system setting and click Edit.

December 2020 253

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

3. Select the Actual Value checkbox and click OK.

The default value for the system setting is TRUE.
4. The Default Value field is now set to TRUE.

Configuring the auxiliary host programs

This procedure configures the reference data host programs in the Central System for the auxiliary
nodes. This procedure must be followed for each auxiliary node.
Perform the following steps:
1. In the Central System, go to Tools | Host Programs to open the Host Programs panel.
2. Click Filter and the Add New.
3. Select the auxiliary node from the Host drop-down list.
4. Select AUX_CLEAN_SEMAPHORES from the Program drop-down list.
5. Specify a working path for the program in the Working Path field and click OK.

The working path is the location of the program.
6. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 to add:

One AUX_CLEAN_SEMAPHORES and one AUX_REF_DATA_SRVR host program must be
configured for each auxiliary node. You should not add more than one of each of these
host programs on each auxiliary node.

Using the auxiliary nodes

This procedure starts the rating daemons on the auxiliary nodes. If the rating daemons are already
running when an auxiliary is started they must be restarted to activate the reference data server
and rater on the new auxiliary.
• The master Interconnect installation must be running.
Perform the following steps:
1. Start Interconnect on each of the auxiliary nodes using the script.
2. In Interconnect, go to Administration | Processing | Schedule Maintenance to open the
Schedule Maintenance panel.
3. Click Filter and then Add New.
4. Select Auxiliary Reference Data Server from the Task drop-down list.
5. Leave the schedule type as Run Once.

You cannot create a recurring schedule for these tasks.
6. Click OK to save the schedule.
7. Follow the steps above to start the Auxiliary Rater job.

14.2.3. CM/CSG Route Integration Configuration

December 2020 254

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

A number of fields exist in the Interconnect system to enable it to integrate with Contract Manager
(CM)/CSG Route.

For a full list of these fields, see Section, “CM/CSG Route Fields”.

For instructions on how to configure Interconnect for the integration, see:

• File Format
• Consolidation Keys
• Financial Aggregation Keys CM/CSG Route Fields

The following fields in the Interconnect system are used for integrating ICT with CM/CSG Route:

Field Name Field Type Size Description

Agreement ID AGREEMENT_ID NUMBER 10 The unique identifier of the CSG
Route agreement used when
rating the call.
Agreement Item AGREEMENT_ITEM_ID NUMBER 9 The unique identifier of the CSG
ID Route agreement item used
when rating the call. Agree-
ment Items enable you to de-
fine Rates, and Contractual and
Quality Parameters for Agree-
ment parts.
Agreement Part AGREEMENT_PART_ID NUMBER 10 The unique identifier of the CSG
ID Route agreement part used
when rating the call. An agree-
ment can have one or two parts:
one for the buy side (outgoing)
and one for the sell side (incom-
Agreement Rate AGREEMENT_RATE_ID NUMBER 9 The unique identifier of the CSG
ID Route agreement rate used
when rating the call.
Carrier Charge CARRIER_CHARGE_ NUMBER 9 The unique identifier of the CSG
Definition ID DEFINITION_ID Route charge definition appli-
cable to this component of an
event. One or more charge defi-
nitions are defined for an event
mapping, and are the basis for
defining rates in the agreement
VARCHAR2 100 The name of the destination that
tion Name NAME has been derived and is relevant
to the component of an event.
For example, Cape Town, Paris,
Orange UK.
Carrier Rate Type CARRIER_RATE_TYPE_ NUMBER 9 Each agreement item may be
ID ID rated using several rates per
charge component (definition).

December 2020 255

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Field Name Field Type Size Description

The typical case is when a tran-
sit call should be rated using
both a terminal and transit part.
Each of these rates has a rate
Destination ID DESTINATION_ID NUMBER 9 The unique identifier of the des-
tination applicable to this com-
ponent of an event.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect rating to
Parameter 1 PARAMETER_1 store a parameter that assists in
determining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect rating to
Parameter 2 PARAMETER_2 store a parameter that assists in
determining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect rating to
Parameter 3 PARAMETER_3 store a parameter that assists in
determining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect contract
Parameter 4 PARAMETER_4 manager-based rating to store a
parameter that assists in deter-
mining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect contract
Parameter 5 PARAMETER_5 manager-based rating to store a
parameter that assists in deter-
mining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect contract
Parameter 6 PARAMETER_6 manager-based rating to store a
parameter that assists in deter-
mining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect contract
Parameter 7 PARAMETER_7 manager-based rating to store a
parameter that assists in deter-
mining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect contract
Parameter 8 PARAMETER_8 manager-based rating to store a
parameter that assists in deter-
mining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect contract
Parameter 9 PARAMETER_9 manager-based rating to store a
parameter that assists in deter-
mining an applicable rate.
Discrete Rating DISCRETE_RATING_ VARCHAR2 20 Used in Interconnect contract
Parameter 10 PARAMETER_10 manager-based rating to store a
parameter that assists in deter-
mining an applicable rate.
Incoming Event IN_EVENT_MAPPING_ VARCHAR2 20 Event mappings define how the
Mapping Code CODE traffic data should be interpret-

December 2020 256

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Field Name Field Type Size Description

ed for the different traffic types,
and can be seen as a named
construct that specifies how
the generic usage record for-
mats are interpreted for a given
market/submarket. It specifies
where parameters can be found
in the input format, which pa-
rameters that will determine the
rates, which parameters influ-
ence the aggregation, and which
are simply copied over to the
rated records.
Incoming Service IN_SERVICE_ID NUMBER 10 The unique identifier of the CSG
ID Route incoming product. A CSG
Route product is something that
is offered to the market with
well-defined characteristics and
a price. For example, a CDR
Group of Telephony might con-
tain two products, Gold and Sil-
Incoming Service IN_SERVICE_SHORT_ VARCHAR2 20 The short name of the CSG
Short Name NAME Route incoming product. A CSG
Route product is something that
is offered to the market with
well-defined characteristics and
a price. For example, a CDR
Group of Telephony might con-
tain two products, Gold and Sil-
Outgoing Event OUT_EVENT_MAPPING_ VARCHAR2 20 Event mappings define how the
Mapping Code CODE traffic data should be interpret-
ed for the different traffic types,
and can be seen as a named
construct that specifies how
the generic usage record for-
mats are interpreted for a given
market/submarket. It specifies
where parameters can be found
in the output format, which pa-
rameters that will determine the
rates, which parameters influ-
ence the aggregation, and which
are simply copied over to the
rated records.
Outgoing Service OUT_SERVICE_ID NUMBER 10 The unique identifier of the CSG
ID Route outgoing product. A CSG
Route product is something that
is offered to the market with

December 2020 257

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Field Name Field Type Size Description

well-defined characteristics and
a price. For example, a CDR
Group of Telephony might con-
tain two products, Gold and Sil-
Outgoing Service OUT_SERVICE_SHORT_ VARCHAR2 20 The short name of the CSG
Short Name NAME Route outgoing product. A CSG
Route product is something that
is offered to the market with
well-defined characteristics and
a price. For example, a CDR
Group of Telephony might con-
tain two products, Gold and Sil-
Price Model ID PRICE_MODEL_ID NUMBER 9 The unique identifier of the
CSG Route price model that this
summary was used in.
Time Type ID TIME_TYPE_ID NUMBER 10 The unique identifier of the time
type applicable to this portion
of the call. A time type defines
a part of a day, and is the same
concept as a time premium in
Interconnect. File Format

When integrating ICT and CM/CSG Route, some changes to the standard file format will be required.
The following fields should be added:
Note: The values for these fields will need to be supplied by the input EDR from Mediation or PREP.

Field Name Field Description/Comment

Incoming Event IN_EVENT_MAPPING_CODE Mandatory—Used if the event has an
Mapping Code incoming component. An Event Map-
ping can be seen as a named construct
that specifies how the generic usage
record formats are interpreted for a
given market/submarket. It specifies
where parameters can be found in the
input format, which parameters that
will determine the rates, which param-
eters influence the aggregation, and
which are simply copied over to the
rated records.
Outgoing Event OUT_EVENT_MAPPING_CODE Mandatory—Used if the event has an
Mapping Code outgoing component. An Event Map-
ping can be seen as a named construct
that specifies how the generic usage
record formats are interpreted for a
given market/submarket. It specifies
where parameters can be found in the

December 2020 258

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Field Name Field Description/Comment

output format, which parameters that
will determine the rates, which param-
eters influence the aggregation, and
which are simply copied over to the
rated records.
Discrete Rating Pa- DISCRETE_RATING_ Optional—
rameter 1 ... Dis- PARAMETER_ 1 … • Only required if they will be need-
crete Rating Pa- DISCRETE_RATING_ ed for rate-dependent parameters in
rameter 10 PARAMETER_10 CSG Route
• Only the number of fields that will
be required will need to be added.
Incoming Service IN_SERVICE_SHORTNAME Optional—CSG Route Incoming Product
Short Name value, if derived by Mediation/PREP.
Outgoing Service OUT_SERVICE_SHORTNAME Optional—CSG Route Outgoing Product
Short Name value, if derived by Mediation/PREP.
Note: New customers may only need to change the default file format to include the required fields.
Existing customers may need to create an additional file format to cater for events processed before
and after the switch to integration with CSG Route.
To update the default file format (for new customers)
1. On the Administration menu, point to Input Files, and then click Format.
2. In the Search section, click Filter.
3. In the List section, select the default file format, and then click Edit.
4. In the Detail section, click the Field tab.
5. Click Add New, enter the details of the field you want to add, and then click Apply.
6. Repeat step 5 to add all of the required fields.
7. Click OK.
8. In the audit dialog box that appears, enter a description of your change, and then click Yes.
To create a new file format (for existing customers)
1. On the Administration menu, point to Input Files, and then click Format.
2. In the Search section, click Filter.
3. Do you want to...
i. add a new file format? In the List section, click Add New. On the Input File Format tab,
add the required file format details. Click OK.
ii. copy an existing file format? In the List section, select the format to copy. Click Add
Copy. On the Input File Format tab, update the required file format details to create a
new format. Click OK. Consolidation Keys

The following fields should be added to the consolidation keys for ICT-CM/CSG Route integration:
Field Field Type Size Description Required Required
Name for for
CM/CSG Price
Route? Models?
Agreement AGREEMENT_ID NUM- 10 The unique identifier of Optional Mandatory
ID BER the CSG Route agree-

December 2020 259

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Field Field Type Size Description Required Required

Name for for
CM/CSG Price
Route? Models?
ment used when rating
the call.
Agreement AGREEMENT_ NUM- 10 The unique identifi- Optional Mandatory
Part ID PART_ID BER er of the CSG Route
agreement part used
when rating the call.
An agreement can have
one or two parts: one
for the buy side (outgo-
ing) and one for the sell
side (incoming).
Agreement AGREEMENT_ NUM- 9 The unique identifier of Optional Mandatory
Item ID ITEM_ID BER the CSG Route agree-
ment item used when
rating the call. Agree-
ment Items enable you
to define Rates, and
Contractual and Quality
Parameters for Agree-
ment parts.
Agreement AGREEMENT_ NUM- 9 The unique identifier of Mandatory Mandatory
Rate ID RATE_ID BER the CSG Route agree-
ment rate used when
rating the call.
Carrier CARRIER_CHARGE_ NUM- 9 The unique identifier of Optional Mandatory
Charge DEFINITION_ID BER the CSG Route charge
Definition definition applicable
ID to this component of
an event. One or more
charge definitions are
defined for an event
mapping, and are the
basis for defining rates
in the agreement items.
Carrier CARRIER_RATE_ NUM- 9 Each agreement item Optional Mandatory
Rate Type TYPE_ID BER may be rated using sev-
ID eral rates per charge
component (definition).
The typical case is when
a transit call should be
rated using both a ter-
minal and transit part.
Each of these rates has
a rate type.
Destination DESTINATION_ID NUM- 9 The unique identifier of Optional Optional
ID BER the destination applica-

December 2020 260

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Field Field Type Size Description Required Required

Name for for
CM/CSG Price
Route? Models?
ble to this component of
an event.
Time Type TIME_TYPE_ID NUM- 10 The unique identifier of Optional Optional
ID BER the time type applica-
ble to this portion of the
call. A time type defines
a part of a day, and is
the same concept as a
time premium in Inter-
Price Model PRICE_MODEL_ID NUM- 9 The unique identifier Optional Mandatory
ID BER of the CSG Route price
model that this summa-
ry was used in.
Incoming IN_SERVICE_ID NUM- 10 The unique identifier of Optional Optional
Service ID BER the CSG Route incoming
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.
Outgoing OUT_SERVICE_ID NUM- 10 The unique identifier of Optional Optional
Service ID BER the CSG Route outgoing
product. A CSG Route
product is something
that is offered to the
market with well-de-
fined characteristics and
a price. For example, a
CDR Group of Telephony
might contain two prod-
ucts, Gold and Silver.

Note: For new customers, this will be done during initial implementation and only one set of consol-
idation keys would be required. For existing customers, if required, a new set of consolidation keys
should be set up. This set should be configured to have a start date that indicates when the system
should switch to using direct ICT-CM/CSG Route integration to rate events.
To add a field to the consolidation keys
1. On the Implementer menu, click Consolidation Keys.
2. In the List section, click Add New.
3. In the Detail section, in the Available list, select the field you want to add, and then click the
right arrow (>).

December 2020 261

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

4. In the Start Date field, type or select the date on which the system should switch to using ICT-
CM/CSG Route integration to rate events.
5. In the End Date field, type or select an end date.
6. Click OK. Financial Aggregation Keys

If any of the fields that have been added for the direct integration between ICT and CM/CSG Route
are required for financial aggregation, these should be added to the financial aggregation keys.
Note: For new customers, this will be done during initial implementation and only one set of finan-
cial aggregation keys would be required. For existing customers, if required, a new set of financial
aggregation keys should be set up with a start date that indicates when the system should switch to
using direct ICT-CM/CSG Route integration to rate events.
To add a field to the financial aggregation keys
1. On the Financial Management menu, point to Financial Summarisation, and then click Ag-
gregation Keys.
2. Do you want to...
i. add a field for a new customer? In the Search section, click Filter. In the List section,
click Add New. In the Detail section, in the Business Area list, select a business area. In
the Aggregation Period list, select a period. In the Field list, select a field, and then click
ii. add a set of keys for an existing customer? Click Period Management. In the Ag-
gregation Period window that appears, in the List section, click Add New. In the Busi-
ness Area list, select a business area. In the Start Date field, type or select a start date,
and then click OK. In the List section, select the new aggregation period, and then click Au-
thorise. In the confirmation dialog box that appears click Yes. Return to the Aggregation
Keys window, and then add each key required, using the new aggregation period.
3. Click OK.

14.2.4. JWT Authentication Configuration

WBMS REST services support JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. In a JWT authentication sce-
nario, a third-party application makes a REST call to ICT requesting information. In the header of
that call, the application would need to provide the ICT server with a signed token. For the ICT serv-
er to verify the token, a public/private key pair is required. The following sections describe how to
generate key pairs.
For more information about JWT authentication, refer to the ICT Developer Guide, available on re-
quest from CSG.
Tip: To view a list of token-related commands, use the --help command:
java -cp "../lib/*" com.csgi.wbms.sso.keytool.KeyTool --help Generating Public/Private Key Pairs

The keys generated by the following process are required to enable third-party applications to make
REST calls to ICT without a username and password.
To generate a public/private key pair:
1. Copy the lib folder, located in /ict_env/lib on the ICT server, to a folder on the third-party
application's client server (referred to below as <NewKeytoolFileLocation>).
2. Run the keytool utility:

December 2020 262

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

java -cp "<NewKeytoolFileLocation>/*" com.csgi.wbms.sso.keytool.KeyTool --generate <ApplicationID>

Running the --generate command successfully results in the following files being created in the
<NewKeytoolFileLocation> folder:
• KeyPair.json - This contains both the public and the private keys for the ApplicationID
• PublicKey.json - This contains only the public key for the ApplicationID. (This key will be regis-
tered on the ICT server.)
Note: These files will be overwritten if they already exist in the <NewKeytoolFileLocation> folder.
Sample KeyPair.json contents

Sample PublicKey.json contents

"sig","kid":"Portal-dcb7614a-c365-4828-bf88-aa88d62c7bd0"} Registering Public Keys

To register a public key:
1. Copy the PublicKey.json file, located in the <NewKeytoolFileLocation> folder, to /ict_env/
keystore on the ICT server.
2. Run the following command:
java -cp "../lib/*" com.csgi.wbms.sso.keytool.KeyTool --register <PublicKeyFile>

java -cp "../lib/*" com.csgi.wbms.sso.keytool.KeyTool --register PublicKey.json

Sample Response:
The public key is successfully registered.

December 2020 263

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Note: ICT must be restarted after a public key is registered in order to update the "key set" cache.
Running the --register command successfully will result in the following file being created (or up-
dated) in the /ict_env/keystore folder:
• PublicKeyRegistry.json.
• This file contains all the public keys that are registered using the command.
• It is created when the first public key is registered.
• Additional key information is appended to this file when subsequent public keys are registered
PublicKeyRegistry.json sample contents (single key registered)


PublicKeyRegistry.json sample contents (multiple keys registered)

bGFJDXAK6rF5X59iD_Q","kty":"RSA","use":"sig","kid":"CDM-7cdfa665-a221-40c4-8337-79facef3442e"}]} Deregistering Public Keys

To deregister a public key, run the following command:

java -cp "../lib/*" com.csgi.wbms.sso.keytool.KeyTool --deregister <Key ID>


java -cp "../lib/*" com.csgi.wbms.sso.keytool.KeyTool

--deregister CDM-7cdfa665-a221-40c4-8337-79facef3442e

Sample Response:

The public key was successfully deregistered.

Note: ICT must be restarted after a public key is deregistered in order to update the "key set" cache.
Running this command successfully will result in the following file being created (or updated) in the
/ict_env/keystore folder: PublicKeyRegistry.json.
• The key (identified by the Key ID in the command) is removed from the file
PublicKeyRegistry.json sample contents

December 2020 264

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance


PublicKeyRegistry.json sample contents (after all keys are deregistered)


December 2020 265

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance Troubleshooting

No. Error Reason Resolution

1 A file system er- Occurs when running the -- Copy the PublicKey.json
ror has occurred: register option with a key file to the ict_env/keystore
(PublicKey.json) that does not
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: folder and then run the com-
PublicKey.json exist. mand again.
2 Deregistering failed, please Occurs when running the -- Rerun the command with the
check the specified key id. deregister option with a key correct key ID.
id that does not exist.
3 Parsing failed. Reason: Miss- Occurs when running the Rerun the command with the
ing argument for option: <ar- any of the options without correct argument,
gument> the required argument (e.g.,
ApplicationID, KeyID or File
4 Public key file is invalid. Public key file is invalid. Ensure that the public key file
is a valid JSON file containing
content in the correct format.

14.2.5. Language Configuration

If more than on language has been made available, you can select the relevant language by modify-
ing the GLB_SYSTEMLANGUAGE system setting with the appropriate language code. The default lan-
guage code is 2057 (English).
You can also add thesaurus overrides to change any existing GUI text value to text that is more
meaningful to your business. For example, if you wanted to change Organisation to Carrier, you
would add an thesaurus override for the Organisation thesaurus entry on the Thesaurus Override
Once thesaurus overrides or language selection has changed, you can refresh the GUI using Refresh
Language menu item.
The configuration file can accept additional character-sets in the supported locales, however this
should only be altered in consultation with the database administrator (DBA), as the database will
only accept character-sets as determined by the DBA on installation. Supported character-sets are of
the ISO/IEC 8859 type.

14.2.6. Rating Configuration Rating Performance

Many factors in the hardware and software of the system will affect overall rating performance.
Since Interconnect needs to process millions of EDRs per day, performance must be optimised to ob-
tain high system throughput.
After installation, the system must be configured to run with optimum efficiency on the specific
hardware that has been used.

The effect of hardware on rating performance

The UNIX/Linux server hardware must have sufficient capacity to deliver the required rating

December 2020 266

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

The number of CPUs and the amount of memory (RAM) installed in the server will have a significant
effect on performance.
CPU speed will of course affect application performance in many areas. The fastest available CPUs
should be used whenever possible.
Since Interconnect must be able to process millions of EDRs each day and store the results in the
database, a high performance disk system will be required to deliver adequate database perfor-
In an Interconnect installation that uses multiple servers, a fast network will be required to ensure
that data is transferred between the servers at the highest possible speed. Overview of Pricing Architecture

To configure pricing, it is helpful to have some knowledge of the pricing architecture as depicted in
the Pricing Architecture Overview diagram.

Figure 14.4. Pricing Architecture Overview

EDR files from a BMD are the primary input to the system. The files are picked up for processing in
the order defined by the PREPROCESS_FILE_ORDER system setting.
These files are read by Preprocess, which performs various checks, such as a search for invalid char-
acters in the files and trailer record count verification. Files which fail validation are rejected.
Preprocess places EDRs from valid files into memory structures, known as buckets, which are then
delivered via CORBA inter-process communication to rating for further processing.

December 2020 267

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

The bucket size, which is typically 10,000 records, is important in terms of the optimal configuration
of the application. Changing the bucket size affects how the values for other settings are calculated.
A file will normally contain more records than a bucket can hold and will result in the creation of
multiple buckets. Input EDR files are divided into buckets of configurable sizes as defined by the
PRE_BUCKET_SIZE system setting. For example, a file of 1 million EDRs will result in the creation of
100 buckets of 10,000 records.
The optimum bucket size will usually lie between 5,000 and 10,000 depending on memory con-
straints, but there is no benefit in configuring it above the average EDR file size.
Buckets are kept in memory by the rating engines when they are being processed. Increased bucket
sizes result in more memory being required by the system.
There is a trade-off between bucket size and memory usage: bucket size should not be excessive
otherwise failures may occur due to lack of free memory. Failures of this type will be recorded in the
System Log.
Bucket size can be reduced to decrease memory utilisation if necessary, but performance will de-
grade if bucket size is too small.
The bucket size will significantly affect memory usage of both preprocess and the rating engines.

Rating Engines
Rating engines use business rules and reference data to rate each EDR obtained from Preprocess. All
reference data is cached by the reference data server for use by the rating engines.
If all necessary reference data exists, and the EDR conforms to business rules, it will be successfully
rated. More than one charge or rating element may be produced from an EDR.
If an EDR cannot be rated, it will be stored in the error EDR table on the database. The error EDRs
can be reprocessed when the cause of the errors has been rectified.
Rating stores rated EDRs, summarised data as well as summarised error data in the database. The
summarised data is initially stored in temporary summary queue tables.
The EDR preparation service, daily summary preparation service and error summary preparation ser-
vice are used by rating to populate normalised database lookup tables for rated EDRs, daily sum-
maries, error summaries and error value summaries. These tables are also cached in memory to im-
prove rating performance.
Multiple rating engines are used to achieve required throughput levels. This enables concurrent pro-
cessing of buckets of EDRs.

EDR storage preparation

Rating passes rated EDR data to the EDR storage preparation service, which populates rated EDR
lookup tables in the normalised rated EDR database structure and returns a key to rating for each
rated EDR element.

Daily summary storage preparation

Rating passes daily summary data to this service, which performs the following actions:
• Looks up daily summary IDs. If no daily summary is found then a daily summary is created with
0 (zero) financial value to get an ID to put on the rating element.
• Populates daily summary lookup tables in the normalised database structure.

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Rating sets the daily summary ID on the rating element to the ID created for the summary.
The daily summaries are updated with the correct financial values by the merge service.

Error summary storage preparation

Rating passes rated error EDR data to the error storage preparation service, which populates the er-
ror summary and error value summary tables and returns keys to rating for each error EDR.

Summary merge
This service merges summary records stored by rating in temporary tables into the permanent sum-
mary tables.
The merge server handles daily summary,, error summary, error value summary and statistical in-
formation. Input Files

Input files from billing mediation devices may vary. When Interconnect is installed the implementer
will have created an Interconnect file format for each distinct type of file that the billing mediation
device creates for billing purposes. Format sensing logic is used to derive the input file format from
the file name patterns and their locations. If a new format becomes available, then the system ad-
ministrator will need to capture the new format and create the applicable format sensing logic. If an
existing format changes, then the system administrator will need to edit the file format using the
Format panel.

The application allows the system administrator to specify input file formats using the Format panel.
New input file formats can be defined and existing formats can be modified. Records are newline-de-
limited. The following information relating to the Input Files is required to create or modify a file:
• The fields and their meaning within the file. For example, characters 10 - 20 on each line repre-
sents a network operator.
• The format (field mask) of each field in the file based on whether it is a text, date or numeric
• The justification of the field.
• The position of each field in the file (field offset).

File offset starts at position 0.
• Length of each field.
• Know whether each field is always supplied, is optional or never supplied.
• Know if a default value should be applied to an optional or never supplied field and what that val-
ue is.
Gaps may exist between fields in an input file, and fields may also overlap. Input file formats defined
here are all mapped to an internal data structure (CUC format) which accommodates all available
fields. Rating Engines

The Rating Engines diagram depicts a multi-rating engine installation.

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Figure 14.5. Rating Engines

Multiple instances of the rating process can run concurrently on a server, and each rating process will
by default create a single rating engine.
Each rating engine independently processes buckets of EDRs. This enables concurrent processing of
buckets of EDRs to achieve increased rating throughput.
The optimum number of rating engines is usually equal to about half, or slightly more than half, the
number of CPU cores in the UNIX/Linux server. The number of rating engines affect memory usage.
System performance may degrade if too many rating engines are configured. Rating Program Instances

The number of rating program instances to be run on a server are set at installation to safe values.
These values may need to be modified to improve performance. They should not be altered without
first consulting the CSG International Support Group.
Changes to the number of instances can have a negative impact on performance and stability if fac-
tors, such as the number of CPUs and the amount of server RAM, are not taken into account.
If the number of instances is to be changed, it can be done using the Host Programs panel of the
Central System application, which allows the number of instances (occurrences) of a program to be
defined. If the number of rating instances is changed, there are a number of other system settings
that must be modified at the same time. Contact CSG Support for assistance.
Rating is the only program for which more than one instance is permitted.
Rating program instances will normally equal about half the number of CPUs on the server. The sys-
tem should be configured so that some free memory remains while rating is running – performance
will be degraded if rating is forced to swap out of memory, and stability may be compromised.
Rating configuration is discussed in more detail in the next session.
It is also recommended that the buffer cache hit ratios are monitored using the sar -b UNIX com-
mand. If the buffer cache read ratio is constantly below 95% then an increase in the UNIX buffer
cache may be beneficial. Processing EDR Files Concurrently

For optimum performance Interconnect must be configured to process EDRs from more than one file
concurrently as depicted in the diagram below.

December 2020 270

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Figure 14.6. Concurrent EDR Processing

Performance when processing small files can be optimised by ensuring multiple files are processed
simultaneously. This will help maintain a steady flow of EDRs through the system and minimise idle
time, which occurs when no EDR buckets are available for the rating engines to process.
The maximum number of files that Interconnect will open for concurrent processing is configured by
parameter PP_CONCURRENT_FILES in the SYSTEM_SETTING table of the Central schema. This can
be changed through the System Setting panel of the Central System application.
If small EDR files are to be processed, PP_CONCURRENT_FILES may need to be set to a higher value
that should be calculated. System performance will degrade if the average file size is low.
To calculate the value for PP_CONCURRENT_FILES you need to know the following:
• If dynamic warehouse feed is enabled.
• The bucket size as defined in PRE_BUCKET_SIZE
• The number of rating engines
• The average file size
If dynamic warehouse feed is enabled, then the following formula can be used to determine the sug-
gested number of files that should be processed concurrently:
(7 x [number of raters] x [bucket size]) / [average file size]
If dynamic warehouse feed (DWF) is not enabled, you can replace the number 7 with 6.
For example, if you have DWF enabled, your bucket size is 10000, you have 3 rating engines and
your average file size is 30 000, the equation will look as follows:
(7 x [3] x [10000]) / [30000]
This means that your PP_CONCURRENT_FILES should be set to at least 7. Rating Debug Log

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Interconnect can produce detailed rating logs to assist users when setting up reference data or diag-
nosing rating problems. These provide a verbose trace of the process when EDRs are rated, showing
reference data that is used and values that are derived.

The log files are written in the <environment>/bin directory and can be recognised by the .html ex-

The rating log is enabled by setting the value for parameter ENABLE_RATING_LOG in the
SYSTEM_SETTING table of the Central schema to TRUE. This can be changed through the System
Setting panel of the Central System application.
Rating throughput will be substantially reduced and disk space will be consumed by the log files
when logging is enabled. It should only be enabled when setting up reference data or diagnosing rat-
ing problems. Other Factors That Affect Rating Performance

Apart from hardware performance and rating configuration, a number of other factors can affect rat-
ing throughput.

Number of summary EDRs or summarisation percentage

EDR summary information is stored in the database when EDRs are processed. Typically the summa-
ry rows created from an input EDR file will be a small percentage of the records in the EDR file. The
value of this percentage, which is determined by the customer's data and business requirements,
will affect rating throughput.

Number of error EDRs

EDRs that cannot be rated due to missing reference data are stored in the database ERROR_CDR ta-
ble. This process is slower than rating valid EDRs, and rating performance will be degraded by a high
percentage of error EDRs.

Database performance for rated EDR and EDR summary storage

Since the system stores large numbers of rated EDRs and EDR summaries, rating throughput will be
dependent on good database performance.

Rating Log enabled

The verbose rating log that can be enabled when debugging reference data will substantially reduce
rating speed. This log should only be enabled to diagnose reference data problems. Monitoring Rating

The Rating processes should be monitored after configuration to check throughput and memory us-
age using tools such as top, prstat or other platform specific platform monitoring tools. The example
below uses top on a Linux server.

December 2020 272

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Figure 14.7. Monitoring Rating

The EDR files used for these tests should contain a low percentage of errors (less than 10%) since
error processing will slow down the system and make it impossible to accurately assess normal rat-
ing performance.
While Rating is actively processing EDR files, CPU usage should be high - each rating engine may
utilise nearly 100% of a CPU. This will only be apparent if files containing several thousand EDRs are
processed - smaller files will be processed too quickly to observe this.

CPU usage by Preprocess will vary during the file processing cycle.

The system should not be configured so that all available memory is used. This will result in degrad-
ed throughput and possible failures arising from memory allocation errors.

If CPU usage remains low while rating EDR files, check the following:
• Rating debug log is not enabled
• EDRs are mostly valid
• EDR files are not too small
Many small EDR files will degrade rating performance. Rating Load

Each rating engine is a streamed process containing multiple tasks. Each task is dependent of the
previous task completing its processing and on the next task being available to receive work from
the current task. The rating load enables you to quickly identify bottlenecks within the streamed

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Figure 14.8. Rating Load

While rating is processing EDRs, status information will be written to the RATING_LOAD table in the
Interconnect schema. This can be monitored with SQL such as the support/ratingload.sql script or
SQL such as:
column Job format 9999
column Instance format a10
column Logged format a8
column Preque format 9999 heading "Pre-|queue"
column Active format 9999 heading "Activ"
column Refund format 9999 heading "Refnd"
column Rating format 9999 heading "Ratng"
column Consolidation format 9999 heading "Consl|dtion"
column CPrep format 9999 heading "CDR|Prep"
column DPrep format 9999 heading "DLYS|Prep"
column EPrep format 9999 heading "Err|Prep"
column Store format 9999 heading "Storg"
column DWF format 9999 heading "DWF"
set pages 100
instance_name "Instance", to_char(time_logged,'HH24:MI:SS') "Logged", prequeued
"Preque", Active "Active", refund "Refund", rating "Rating",
consolidation "Consolidation", cdr_prep "CPrep",
dlys_prep "DPrep", error_prep "EPrep", storage "Store", DWF "DWF"

December 2020 274

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

from rating_load where job_id = (select max(job_id) from rating_load)

order by time_logged;

The table below can be used to interpret the rating load data:

PREQUEUED Each rater can, by default, pre-queue 2 buckets. The value in this column indi-
cates the average number of buckets being prequeued.
ACTIVE The average number of buckets being processed in the rating engine. This is, in
default configuration, limited to 6. The rater will not accept more buckets than
the configuration value. If preprocess is feeding buckets quickly enough it will re-
main close to the configuration value.
REFUND The load average for refunds. If the value is less than 1, the task is partly idle.
This value can be ignored if the refunds functionality is not enabled.
RATING The load average for the rating of EDRs. If the value is less than 1, the task is
partly idle. The maximum value will be 2.
CONSOLIDATION The load average for summarisation and contra generation. If the value is less
than 1, the task is partly idle.
DLYS_PREP The load average for summaries sent to dlys_storage_prep_srvr for ID allocation.
If the value is less than 1, the task is partly idle.
CDR_PREP The load average for EDRs sent to edr_storage_prep_srvr for ID allocation. If the
value is less than 1, the task is partly idle.
ERROR_PREP The load average for error summaries sent to error_storage_prep_srvr for ID al-
location. If the value is less than 1, the task is partly idle.
STORAGE The load average for storage of EDRs, summaries and control information in the
database. If the value is less than 1, the task is partly idle.
DWF The load average for EDRs sent to DWF, if this feature is enabled. If the value is
less than 1, the task is partly idle. Support Tools

A number of scripts are provided to provide information about the operation of the application and
the state of database objects. These scripts exist under the support directory as depicted in the dia-
gram below.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Figure 14.9. Support Tools

The table below lists all the support scripts available.

Script User Function

batjobs.sql Interconnect Provides information about all batch jobs over the last
user-specified number of days.
blps.sql Interconnect Summarised information about the statuses of all billing
cdr_key_cleanup_ Interconnect Calculates change in CDR key quantities following a
diagnose.sql cleanup.
cdrs.sql Interconnect Summarised information about online and archived
configure.sql Interconnect Gives suggested configuration changes based on us-
er-supplied and historic information to optimise pric-
ing performance. Optionally, applies the suggested
dlys.sql Interconnect Displays number of Daily Summaries per day
edraar.sql Interconnect Displays EDR archive information
errors.sql Interconnect Displays the current number of distinct errors per date.
For example, it could show that 50 'Rate not found' and
25 'Tier not found' errors exist for EDRs with a call date
of 2001/01/01.
files.sql Interconnect Provides summarised file information for EDR files pro-
cessed on a specific date. This includes information,
such as, the number of files processed, the average file
size, the number of EDRs priced and errored, as well
as, the average elements per call.

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Script User Function

jobmess.sql Interconnect Displays all message log entries for a given job ID and
the severity of the errors.
jobparam.sql Interconnect Displays parameters used for a specified job.
jobs.sql Interconnect Displays the type, the status and the elapsed time of all
jobs for a given number of days.
lookups.sql Interconnect Provides information on the number of entries created
in the lookup and key tables. The information is sum-
marised according to the processed days using pow-
ers of 2. For example, when the process day is 1, this
means that the summarised information contains all
the data for the last day of processing. The next pro-
cess days will be 2, which means that the row contains
summarised information for the 2 days preceding the
first day. The next process days will be 4, which means
that the row contains summarised data for the 4 days
preceding the first 3 days, and so on.
merge.sql Interconnect Displays information regarding the volume of unmerged
data in merge resources.
ratingload.sql Interconnect Displays the load on each task in the rating stream.
See: Rating Load.
showsys.sql Interconnect Displays system setting information for user-specified
IDs. The supplied ID may also be wildcarded using %
and _ SQL syntax.
support-info.sql Interconnect A master script that will run a number of the support
scripts that provide useful information to support staff.
tuning.sql Interconnect Similar to the configure script, but this script is based
purely on current settings and historic information. No
user-specified information is used.
versions.sql Interconnect Diplays Oracle and Interconnect version information.
ora/desc.sql All Describes user-specified oracle tables in terms of Ora-
cle column names and types. This includes information
about indexed columns.
ora/free.sql system Displays all tablespace usage.
ora/indinfo.sql All Displays detailed information about the state of indexes
for a user-specified table.
ora/nondefaults.sql system Displays database parameter values not set to Oracle
default values.
ora/showplan.sql system Shows execution plan for user-specified SQL.
ora/tabinfo.sql All Displays the tablespace in which a table resides and the
current usage of that tablespace by the user-specified
ora/waits.sql system Shows any Oracle-level waits. This is useful for diag-
nosing performance issues.

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ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

14.2.7. Summary Relocate Configuration

The Summary Relocate job moves daily summaries from the current storage location (DLYS_DETAIL
table) to the historic storage location (DHIS_DETAIL table) on the database. By default, this occurs
automatically, and as a single bulk task, at the end of the Period Finalisation process but you can
change when and how it runs to suit your environment.

The following table describes the configuration options available:

Option Steps
1 Move data after Period Finalisa- None required.
tion (default) By default, Summary Relocation is configured to
run at the end of the Period Finalisation process
via the following system settings:
Tip: For more information about index recre-
ation and parallelization, see 3. Move data in bulk
(custom configuration) at the end of this table.
2 Move data frequently, incremen- If you want relocation processing to run for short
tally intervals, at particular times (for example, ev-
ery morning at 2AM for 1 hour), you can disable
the automatic post–Period Finalization processing
and schedule short, frequent jobs, as described
Step 1: Decouple relocation and Period Fi-
nalisation processing
1. Go to Administration | System | Settings.
setting, and then click the Edit button.
3. Clear the Actual Value check box.
4. Select the
setting, and then click the Edit button.
5. Ensure that the Actual Value check box is
6. Select the DB_PARALLEL_MAX setting, and
then click the Edit button.
7. Ensure that the Actual Value is set to 0.
8. Click Save.
Step 2: Schedule frequent relocation
1. Go to Administration | Processing |
Schedule | Summary Relocate.

December 2020 278

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Option Steps
2. On the Schedule Maintenance window,
click the Filter button.
3. Click the Add New button.
4. On the Detail tab, do the following:
a. In the Name field, type a name for the
schedule. (For example, "Evening Sum-
mary Relocate Schedule".)
b. In the Schedule Type section, in the
Type drop-down list, select Recurring.
c. In the Frequency field, select how often
you want the task to run. (That is, Daily,
Weekly, or Monthly.)
d. In the Effective From and Effective
To fields, enter a time period to limit the
schedule to by entering dates and times.
e. In the Execute Information section, in
the Next Run fields, enter the next date
and time at which the task should begin.
f. In the Finish By fields, enter the date
and time at which the next task should
be completed.
g. In the Kill By field, enter the date and
time at which the next task should be
aborted if the previous task is still run-
5. Click OK.
Note: The Summary Relocate process moves da-
ta incrementally. So if at any point it is stopped,
the data already moved remains moved.
3 Move data in bulk (custom con- If you want to use a single processing job to
figuration) move all relevant data, you can schedule the job
as a once-off or recurring task. You can also en-
able the dropping and recreation of indexes to
potentially speed up processing time.
Note: If you run the process manually, as a
once-off process, ensure that you do so at least
once every 60 days.
Do you want to schedule relocation to run...
Note: If the system is configured to run Sum-
mary Relocate tasks after Period Finalisa-
tion, this will not disable that automation. To
disable the default automation, enable the
AUTO_INCL_SUM_RELOCATE system setting.
• manually?

December 2020 279

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Option Steps
To do this, schedule a once-off job:
1. Go to Administration | Processing |
Schedule | Summary Relocate.
2. Click the Filter button.
3. Click the Add New button.
4. On the Detail tab, do the following:
a. In the Name field, type a name for
the schedule (for example, "Evening
Summary Relocate Schedule").
b. In the Type drop-down list, select
Run Once.
c. In the Next Run fields, specify the
date and time at which the task
should begin.
d. In the Kill By field, if required, speci-
fy the date and time at which the task
should be aborted if still running.
5. Click OK.
• automatically?
• at the end of Period Finalisation? This
should be set up by default. To ensure that
it is:
1. Go to Administration | System |
2. Select the
tem setting, and ensure that the Actu-
al Value check box is selected.
3. Go to Administration | Processing |
Schedule | Summary Relocate.
4. Click the Filter button.
5. Click the Add New button.
6. On the Detail tab, do the following:
i. In the Name field, type a name
for the schedule. (For exam-
ple, "Evening Summary Relocate
ii. In the Schedule Type section, in
the Type drop-down list, select
iii. In the Frequency field, select
how often you want the task to

December 2020 280

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Option Steps
run. (That is, Daily, Weekly, or
iv. In the Effective From and Effec-
tive To fields, enter a time period
to limit the schedule to by entering
dates and times.
v. In the Execute Information section,
in the Next Run fields, enter the
next date and time at which the
task should begin.
vi. In the Finish By fields, enter the
date and time at which the next
task should be completed.
vii. In the Kill By field, enter the date
and time at which the next task
should be aborted if the previous
task is still running.
7. Click OK.
• independently of Period Finalisation?
1. Go to Administration | System |
2. Select the
tem setting and ensure that the Actual
Value check box is clear.
3. Go to Administration | Processing |
Schedule | Summary Relocate.
4. Click the Filter button.
5. Click the Add New button.
6. On the Detail tab, do the following:
i. In the Name field, type a name
for the schedule. (For exam-
ple, "Evening Summary Relocate
ii. In the Schedule Type section, in
the Type drop-down list, select
iii. In the Frequency field, select
how often you want the task to
run. (That is, Daily, Weekly, or
iv. In the Effective From and Effec-
tive To fields, enter a time period
to limit the schedule to by entering
dates and times.

December 2020 281

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 14. Maintenance

Option Steps
v. In the Execute Information section,
in the Next Run fields, enter the
next date and time at which the
task should begin.
vi. In the Finish By fields, enter the
date and time at which the next
task should be completed.
vii. In the Kill By field, enter the date
and time at which the next task
should be aborted if the previous
task is still running.
7. Click OK.
• with index dropping and recreation?
1. On the System Setting window, select
2. Click the Edit button.
3. Select the Actual Value check box.
• with parallel execution of index dropping
and recreation?
1. Select the DB_PARALLEL_MAX setting.
2. Click the Edit button.
3. In the Actual Value field, enter an appro-
priate maximum value. Notes:
• Consult your database administrator to
enquire about a valid value within your
• This option is only available for envi-
ronments using Oracle Enterprise Edi-
Note: If for any reason, the process stops before
all data has been moved, schedule another relo-
cate job. The process will continue from its last
processing point.

14.3. Maintaining Reference Data

Reference data can be maintained using the GUI or the Bulk Load and Export functionality.
Reference data can be exported, created or updated (possibly using external applications) and re-
imported in bulk. The file format used for import and export is XML and can be opened and edited in
a Microsoft Excel 2002, 2003 and 2007 spreadsheet.

XML files are not maintained by ICT, they must be manually backed up and deleted by the

December 2020 282

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Two columns on the left of the spreadsheet are added to the XML file: Load Status and Errors.
These columns need to be present in order for the file to be parseable. The order of all other
columns can be rearranged. A bulk load transaction will ignore rows containing entries in the Load
Status column, allowing the user to control which spreadsheet rows are processed by the applica-
tion. Once the file has been loaded, the load copy (similar in name but prefixed with the Intercon-
nect username that started the load) displays load results.

Additional columns can be added to this template, e.g. for validation or other specific purposes. The
minimum requirement is that at least all required columns be present.

Imported and exported XML files are added to the directories as specified in the
BLOAD_IMPORT_DIR and BLOAD_EXPORT_DIR system settings. The directories are specified as a
relative path to the application installation directory on the machine where the bulk load and export
server is installed.

Load errors can be examined from the system log and the Bulk Load Results panel, while export
errors can be examined from the system log.

There is a facility to re-transfer the loaded file back to the client, or transfer the exported file to the

Transferring the loaded file back to the client overwrites the original input file at the load
path, however users will not overwrite each other's files as file naming includes the user

December 2020 283

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Figure 14.10. Bulk Load and Export

14.4. Controlling Aged Data

This section describes the method used to archive, extract or delete aged data. Archived data can be

All installations of the Interconnect application are sized to process a certain volume of EDRs per day
and retain those rated EDRs for a fixed period of time.
Rated EDRs are not deleted from the system automatically. Unless there is intervention the
ICT_CDR_DATA[_nnn] and ICT_CDR_INDEX[_nnn] tablespaces will become full and will result in er-
rors being logged by the application.
It is, therefore, important that the Interconnect System Administrator plans the archiving of time-
expired data from the system to ensure that the retention period for rated data is not exceeded.
In addition to rated EDRs, billing period data, which includes, daily summaries, VBR summaries, ad-
justments and so on, should be archived.
Unrecoverable error EDRs should be archived from the system to ensure that error volumes do not
exceed the application sizing for errors. Large volumes of error data will result the error tablespaces

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being exceeded. Logs detailing processing and user actions will also have to be removed from the
system in order to keep the database tablespaces within their designed sizes.

From time to time it may be desirable to take information from Interconnect and make it available to
other applications or to display it to end users in ways not supported by Interconnect. It is possible
to extract certain data in CSV format.

Certain types of data such as message logs and bulk load summaries that are not required for future
use can be permanently removed from the database.

14.4.1. Monitoring Tablespaces

All the database tablespaces must be monitored on a daily basis to ensure that they have enough
capacity to support daily processing. There are utilities available that can help project the time it will
take to fill the tablespaces. The following tablespaces store transactional data and should be moni-
tored closely as they will experience the most growth:
• ICT_CDR_DATA[_nnn] and ICT_CDR_INDEX[_nnn]
These contain all rated EDRs and are likely to be very large.
You should start archiving rated EDRs by the time the initial retention period has been reached
and processes should be put in place to continue the archiving of this data at regular intervals.
Rated EDRs will typically remain in online storage for a retention period of 90 days.
These contain current summarised EDR data. These will grow as rated EDR summaries are added
to the database.
Rated EDR summary and other summary data is removed from the database when Billing Periods
are archived.
These contain key data for both EDR and summary transactional data. The volume of data in
these tablespaces can be reduced only if regular archiving has been done. The EDR Cleanup and
Daily Summary Cleanup transients will remove unused key data, but these should only be run
when you are advised to run them by CSG Support.
These contain data for errored EDR and their summaries. Error data and summaries may be
archived and restored at a later stage, if required.
These contain data for all the Central activities, including message log information. As message
log data can grow quickly over time, it is important to purge the message log regularly.
These contain ETL data produced by running the various ETL processes. Currently, there are no
processes to archive or remove any of the ETL data.
The actual timing of the archives or purges will depend on your business requirements, but in gener-
• Rated EDRs should be archived daily.
• Billing Period data should be archived as required to ensure that the summary data is within the
time constraints specified at the time of installation. For example, if the requirement is to keep

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1 year worth of summaries available on the system, then any summaries older than one year
should be archived. The age of the billing periods should be checked at least once a month.
• Error EDRs should be archived as required.
• Message log data and Bulk Load summaries should be purged weekly.
• Audit log data should be archived as required.
A day is the lowest level of processing granularity. Nothing less than a whole day's data can be se-
lected for archiving or purging, except in the case of Error EDRs that fail to have a date.

14.4.2. Archiving Interconnect Data

The Archive functionality of Interconnect is used to archive the five types of data that can be re-
moved from the system.

Data type Bina- GUI path Status Monitor

ry Task
EDR archiveInterconnect | Administration | EDR Management EDR Archive
Error EDR archiveInterconnect | Administration Error Management | Error Error Archive
Audit Log aar Interconnect | Tools | Archive and Restore | Archive | Audit Archive
Detail Archive
Billing Pe- aar Interconnect | Tools | Archive and Restore | Archive | Billing Archive
riod Period Archive
Message aar Interconnect | Tools | Archive and Restore | Archive | Mes- Archive
Log sage Log Archive Archiving Rated EDRs

The Archiving Rated EDRs diagram depicts the movement of rated EDRs from the database to flat
file storage.

Figure 14.11. Archiving Rated EDRs

Rated EDRs remain in the database for a period of time that is termed the Retention Period.
When rated EDRs are archived, those that exceed the retention period are extracted from the
database and converted to CSV files which are saved in a directory reserved for that purpose.

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The location of this directory is specified in the File Location panel on the Interconnect GUI. The
Processing Mode is AA, which shows the location of the archives on the application server. The
FILE_LOCATION table must not be updated using SQL as it exists in both the Central and ICT
schemas; synchronization is achieved by the application when using the File Location panel.
The CSV files are compressed after being stored in the archive directory. The compressed files have
a .gzip extension.
The EDR Management facility can also be used to restore Rated EDRs that have been archived back
to the database for user access if necessary.
How Rated EDR archives are recorded in the database
The ARR_ARCHIVE table in the Central schema contains a record of archive and restore jobs for rat-
ed EDRs. One or more new entries are created in this table when an archive job is run.
The CDR_CONTROL table in the Interconnect database schema holds a catalogue of Rated EDR ta-
bles. The AAR_ARCHIVE_ID and STATUS columns of this table are updated when rated EDRs are
archived. Archiving Detail Records

When data is archived it is stored flat files on the application server and removed from the database
as depicted in the diagram below.

Figure 14.12. Archiving Rated EDRs

Automated Archiving Of Rated EDRs

A recurring batch job can be scheduled to automatically archive Rated EDRs.
This is set up from the Interconnect application window by selecting on the menu:
Administration | EDR Management
When the Archive on Ret. button is clicked the scheduling panel is presented to the user.

Scheduling An Archive Job

Typically a stored EDR that has been retained for a specific number of days will be the target of an
archiving operation. In a normal business cycle the stored EDRs are held for three billing periods,
usually 90 days. The retention period will then be set to 90 days.

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Archiving is typically done every day.

The archive job is resource intensive and should be scheduled to run when no other resource inten-
sive activity is going to occur. For example, archiving should not be scheduled to run when rating is
You can see the results of a rating activity from the GUI. You will be able to confirm the results by
looking into the file system and finding the compressed CSV file

Archiving Error EDRs

The following tables in the ICT database schema are affected:
• ERROR_CDR table
The name of the archive output file is AARERR_%AAR_ID%. For example,
AARERR-20080908-132224-7.CSV.gz where 20080908 represents the year, month and day the
archive was created.
Only non-recoverable error EDRs should be archived. Those that are recoverable should be repro-
cessed after correcting the errors that caused them to be rejected.
When Error EDRs are archived, an entry will be created in the ERROR_ARCHIVE_REQUEST table in
the ICT schema.

Archiving Other Data

Archiving of non-EDR data is achieved using a different set of binaries to that used for stored EDRs.
This difference is exhibited in the GUI where a different set of menu options is used.
The criteria used in selecting the required data are:

Message Log Retention period, or data range of message

Severity of message
Audit detail Retention period, or data range of audit detail
Billing Period End date of period

Archiving Other Interconnect Data

Billing Period information, message and audit logs can also be archived using the Archive and Re-
store facility.
These are converted to CSV files and saved in same directory that is used for rated EDR CSV files.
Billing Period information
Billing Period archive affects the following database tables in the ICT schema:
• Daily Summary History (DHIS_DETAIL)
• Discount Summaries (DISCOUNT_SUMMARY)
• Financial Summaries (FINANCIAL_SUMMARY)

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• Recurring Charges (CHARGE)

• Inbound Statement Summaries (IBS_TRANSACTION, IBS_SUMMARY)
• Credit Management Summary (CREDIT_MANAGEMENT_SUMMARY)
The name of the archive output file is BILLING_PERIOD_%NAME%.AAR_%AAR_ID%.

For example, BILLING_PERIOD_2005_01_01_-_2005_01_31_AAR_10.CSV where 2005_01_01_-

_2005_01_31 is the Billing Period name and 10 is the Process ID of the AAR process.
When a Billing Period is archived, an entry will be created in the AAR_ARCHIVE table in the Central
schema and the ARCHIVE_ID column of the BILLING_PERIOD table will be updated with the number
of the archive.

Message Log Rows

The data from the following table is archived:

• MESSAGE_LOG table in Central database schema.
The name of the archive output file is MESSAGE_LOG.AAR_%AAR_ID%. For example,
MESSAGE_LOG_AAR_6.CSV where 6 is the Process ID of the AAR process.

When the Message Log is archived, an entry will be created in the AAR_ARCHIVE table in the Central

Message log data cannot be restored.

Audit Log Rows

The following table is affected:

• AUDIT_LOG table in Central and ICT database schemas.
The name of the archive output file is AUDIT_LOG.AAR_%AAR_ID%. For example,
AUDIT_LOG_AAR_6.CSV where 6 is the Process ID of the AAR process.

When the Audit Log is archived, an entry will be created in the AAR_ARCHIVE table in the Central
schema. Reloading Archived Stored Data

Some archived data can be restored as depicted in the diagram below.

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Figure 14.13. Reloading Archived Stored Data

Data can only be reloaded as a result of administrator action. All restoration actions are manual op-
Message logs cannot be restored. In the event that this data is required it can be viewed using tools
that can handle CSV format files, such as Excel.
For rated EDRs and Audit Details the level of granularity for a restore action is one day. A day, or a
range of days, is selected and Interconnect will prompt with the list of suitable files. For Billing Pe-
riod data the level of granularity for a restore is one billing period. A billing period, or a range of
billing periods, is selected and Interconnect will prompt with the list of suitable files. For restoring
error EDRs the level of granularity is the same as for the original archive. Error archives can be per-
formed using various criteria, such as error code, error category and so on.

Restoring Rated EDRs

Restoring rated EDRs causes the EDRs in selected archive files to be restored to the database.
Rated EDRs can be restored from the Interconnect application panel by selecting on the menu:
Administration | EDR Management
The filter criteria can be used to locate the required rated EDR archives.
Select all the dates you wish to restore from the List tab, and click the Restore button. This opens a
schedule panel. You must also specify a Retention Date. Restored EDRs will be protected from auto-
matic re-archiving (in other words, archiving using the retention period) until this date.
If you need to re-archive the Rated EDRs before the retention date, you can do so using a Run Once
scheduled job using traffic dates.

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Restoring Billing Periods

Previously archived billing periods can be restored from the Billing Period panel. Select the billing pe-
riods to be restored and click Restore.

Restoring Other Interconnect Data

Archived data can be restored from the Interconnect Archive Maintenance window or EDR Manage-
ment window, as appropriate. These options are selected on the Interconnect main menu using:
Tools | Archive and Restore | Archive Maintenance
Administration | EDR Management
To locate the archive you wish to restore, select a Request to view only the archives not already re-
stored and select the Process you wish to Restore. You can also filter by the archive creation date.
In the list view, select all the archives to be restored. Then click Restore and complete the Schedule
When the restore is performed, the archive CSV files are removed from the archive directory and
placed in the restore directory (as indicated by the setting for processing mode AR in the File Loca-
tion panel) to indicate which archives have been restored.

14.5. Scheduling
This section defines which tasks can be scheduled for execution.

14.5.1. Overview
A schedule runs a task (configuration) as one or more processes on one or more servers: either im-
mediately, once only at a specified time, or regularly at a specified time. A recurring schedule can be
active for a specified time interval, for example, the Pricing task can be scheduled to run every day
for a week. The following conditions need to be considered when scheduling a task:
• the configuration or type of schedule
• the data volume to be processed
• the server loads and server capabilities
A time can be set for the normal termination of the task and for the immediate termination of the
task. At normal termination, all queued data will be processed. For immediate termination, any work
in progress is aborted and the task will stop immediately.

14.5.2. Automating Task Execution

It is possible to arrange for certain business and application tasks to be scheduled for periodic exe-
cution. Each company needs to decide if it is practical to automate some or all of these jobs so that
they get run on a scheduled basis.
Business Tasks:
Business tasks are the Interconnect processes that are run frequently to maintain reference data
and generate settlement information.

Bulk Export Extraction of reference data into a XML file.

Bulk Import (Load) Creation of reference data from information supplied in a file.

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Charge Generation Creation of a charge for a recurring event.

period end Closure of Billing Periods that have reached their scheduled close
Financial Extract Extracts summary information from the Billing period and finalises
the Billing Period.
Pre-estimate Preparation of financial estimates before the period end.
Pricing Rating of EDRs.
Static Data Warehouse Feed Extraction of data from rated EDR data for use by a data ware-
house system.
Semantic Layer Extract Trans- Replicates data into the Reports schema.
form and Load

Ad hoc Business Tasks:

Ad hoc business tasks are the Interconnect processes that are only run when required by certain
business processes and are generally not scheduled on a recurring basis.

Reprocess Reprocessing of user-selected error EDRs after correction of either the

errored EDR or related reference data.
Structural Reprice Complete repricing of already successfully processed EDRs, due to a
change in the reference data.
Summary Reprice Summary-level repricing of data, due to a rate change (specifically,
changes to unit costs, flat rates, additional charges or call attempt
File Undo Removal of all successfully processed and errored EDRs for a given file.
Record Undo Removal of all successfully processed EDRs. The EDRs are selected by
the user.
Reopen BLP Reopening of user-selected billing periods.
Reopen Discount Reopening of user-selected discounts.
Reopen VBR Reopening of user-selected VBRs.

Application Tasks:
Application tasks are Interconnect processes that are required to ensure that the application runs ef-
fectively. These tasks, primarily, deal with the maintenance of transactional data.

Audit Compress Compression of audit data in the database. Requires use of the Enterprise
Edition of the Oracle RDBMS.
Audit Detail Archive Removal of rated audit data from the database to a CSV file.
Billing Period Archive Removal of billing period data from the database to a CSV file.
Bulk Load Summaries Removal of bulk load summary data from the database.
Daily Summary (Key) Cleans up tables holding information about daily summaries after billing
Cleanup periods and their associated daily summaries have been archived.
EDR Archive Removal of rated EDR data from the database to a CSV file

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EDR (Key) Cleanup Cleans up tables holding information about EDRs that have been archived
Message Log Archive Removal of message log data from the database to a CSV file.
Message Log Purge Removal of rated EDR data from the database.
Processed File Removal Deletion of processed EDR files that are older than a specified retention
Summary Relocate Moves all extracted billing periods' daily summaries from the current table
to the history table.

Scheduled Processing
When considering the use of scheduled jobs it is essential to note the timing of the activities so that
they can support, rather than detract from, the operation of the business. For example, if manage-
ment reports need to be available to the business then they should contain the most current infor-
mation. Typically this would mean having the Pricing operation terminate before the business day
begins, and not scheduling the Pricing operation to take place during the day. Similarly reprocess-
ing of error EDRs might best be scheduled immediately after the business day is complete in the as-
sumption that any errors would have been corrected during the day. The diagram below shows a
typical example of when to run schedules of Interconnect tasks.

Figure 14.14. Example Day

Continuous Processing
Interconnect provides the functionality to have the Pricing process running and processing EDRs
continuously. However, this requires adequate system resources as the Pricing process is resource
intensive. If there are inadequate system resources, the other Interconnect processes will be nega-
tively impacted. Even when pricing continuously with adequate system resources, it is important to
carefully manage the scheduled times of other processes.

Scheduling of Application Tasks

Pricing of EDRs and the removal of aged EDR data should happen on a daily basis, but other tasks
can best be done on a weekly or monthly basis. For example, it can be beneficial to remove system
log data on a regular basis, but it may not be worthwhile doing it too often. The diagram below de-
picts an example of when the application tasks could be scheduled.

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Figure 14.15. Example Month

14.5.3. Configuration Dependencies

It is recommended that you view the schedule configuration dependencies—managed by the SCM—
before scheduling jobs, so that you can avoid creating conflicting job schedules.
To view the dependency configuration enforced by the SCM:
• Run the following SQL query against the Interconnect Central Schema:


Example Responses

Response Description
figuration cannot run until there
is a running RATER configura-
figuration must put the RATER
configuration to sleep before
figuration cannot run until while
there is a running DAILY_AGENT

14.5.4. Defining The Schedule

Recurring jobs are scheduled using the Interconnect GUI. Jobs can be scheduled to occur daily,
weekly or monthly. All jobs that have been scheduled will be shown in the list for a particular pro-

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It is possible to schedule recurring jobs for the same program with over-lapping periods. This should
be avoided.
Note: See Configuration Dependencies for a description of how to view job configuration dependen-

14.6. Patching And Upgrading

This section describes how CSG International handles issue resolution and describes the patches that
are supplied for agreed issues.

14.6.1. Types Of Patches

Interconnect is patched using three different types of patches:
• Service Packs (includes version changes)
• Patches on service packs
• Emergency Fixes (E-fixes)
The service pack contains the patch levels and emergency patches that were released since the pre-
vious service pack. The service pack may contain new functionality.
Typically, patches on service packs contain all existing e-fixes for the previous service pack and
patch level. Additionally, it may contain general application fixes that were not released as e-fixes.
There is no need to apply previous e-fixes as they will be bundled into the patch. The patch does not
normally contain new functionality.
An e-fix contains at least one binary, library or SQL script that resolves a critical issue. Typically an
e-fix is applied using UNIX or Linux commands, for example cp (copy) and by running SQL scripts.
An e-fix does not normally contain new functionality.

14.6.2. Obtaining A Patch

All patches are available from the CSG International web site, http:// You will need to obtain a username and password from CSG
International to log on. Alternatively the patch can, on special request, be sent via email, ftp or on
removable media.
When obtaining a patch from the CSG International website, the downloaded patch file is first saved
to disk.

14.6.3. Possible Changes Made By Patches

Depending on the nature of the problem, a patch can involve changes to any of the following compo-
• the database, including stored procedures and static data
• server C++ binaries or libraries
• client and server JAR files
• Reports application and Reports framework
A patch is identified by a number of the form PPP_VV-MM-SNN-PXX-EYYZ_BBB_LL. The following ta-
ble lists and describes each part of the number.

Part Description
PPP Product Identifier (mandatory)
_ Separator: underscore

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Part Description
VV Version (mandatory)
- Version separator: Minus
MM Release number (mandatory)
- Version separator: minus
S Service Pack
NN Service Pack number (optional if 0 and both patch and e-fix omitted)
- Version separator: minus
P Patch
XX Patch number (optional if 0 and E-fix is also omitted)
- Version separator: minus
E E-fix
YY E-fix number (optional if release is not an e-fix)
Z Customer suffix (optional if not customer-specific e-fix)
_ Separator: underscore
OO Operating system, architecture and Oracle version (deprecated, see BBB below)
_ Separator: underscore
BBB Binary platform: Operating system and processor architecture
_ Separator: underscore
LL Language identifier (optional)


14.6.4. Installing Patches

The patch will normally be delivered as a .zip file containing both the patch and documentation.
Online client patches are always bundled with server patches because the online client JAR files are
stored in the environment lib directory on the server, and are automatically downloaded by Web

Patch Components
Two documentation files are included with the patch: one file gives installation instructions (.rme)
and the other file describes the issues that are fixed by the patch (.pdf or .txt).
Service packs and service pack patches are supplied as self-extracting binary files in which the patch
utility is bundled with the patch code. This file can be identified by the .bin extension.
The instructions in the readme.txt file should be strictly followed. It may contain pre- and post-in-
stall actions. The readme.txt file will also contain a list of the patch components, including the size
and checksum for each component.
The file downloaded from the patch web site can be extracted at the workstation or on the server.

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Installation History Structure

When Interconnect is installed on a UNIX server, information about the installation is created under
the /var directory in a sub-directory named .intec as depicted in the diagram below.

Figure 14.16. Installation History Structure

This information must be retained as it provides the data required by the patcher when installing
An Interconnect software release has a service pack level and a patch number, for example, service
pack 11, patch 001.
A directory containing a servicepack.ini file is created for each patch that is installed.
servicepack.ini File
A servicepack.ini file exists for each service pack level that has been installed on the server.
It contains a record of the patches that have been applied for the service pack and is used by the
patcher to ensure that patches are applied in the correct sequence.
The patcher applies the following rules to ensure that patches are applied in the correct sequence:
• If a patch has the same service pack number as the previous patch, its number must be 1 greater
than the number of the previous patch.
• If a patch has a different service pack number than the previous patch, the service pack number
must be 1 greater than the previous patch and the patch number must be 000 or higher.

14.7. Changing Database User Passwords

The names and encrypted passwords of all three Interconnect Oracle users are held in the
SYSTEM_SETTING table of the central schema. The name and password of the Intercon-
nect central schema user are also stored in encrypted form in the file <environment>/cfg/
If it is necessary to change the Oracle password for the central, Interconnect or reports user, the en-
crypted passwords must also be updated. This is done using the configuration server.

Oracle passwords are case sensitive.

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Follow the steps below to change the database passwords:

1. Stop the application.
2. Log on to the central schema and enter the following SQL:
alter user <centraluser> identified by <newcentralpassword>;
3. Log on to the Interconnect schema and enter the following SQL:
alter user <ictuser> identified by <newictpassword>;
4. Log on to the reporting schema and enter the following SQL:
alter user <reportsuser> identified by <newreportspassword>;
5. Log on to the UNIX/Linux server and go to the /bin directory.
6. Execute the following commands to ensure the environment variables are correctly configured:
./ envconfig <environmentname> > ee
. ./ee
7. Configure the central password by typing the following:
config_srvr -create 1 -userid <centraluser -pwd <newcentralpassword> -server
<tnsconnectstring> -env <environmentname>
The following variables must be replaced in the above command:
• <centraluser> needs to be replaced with the Oracle central schema, for example, ICTTSTC.
• <newcentralpassword> needs to be replaced with the new oracle password that was changed
• <tnsconnectstring> needs to be replaced with the TNS entry that is used to connect to the
database. If unsure, check the value of the DB_SERVER system setting in the current central
• <environmentname> needs to be replaced by the name of the ICT environment, for example,
8. Configure the Interconnect user by typing the following and replacing <newictpassword> with
the relevant Interconnect password and <environmentname> with the name of the Interconnect
config_srvr -pwd <newictpassword> -system ICT -env <environmentname>
The following variables must be replaced in the above command:
• <newictpassword> needs to be replaced with the new oracle password that was changed
• <environmentname> needs to be replaced by the name of the ICT environment, for example,
9. Configure the reports user by typing the following and replacing <newreportspassword> with
the relevant reports password and <environmentname> with the name of the ICT environment:
config_srvr -rptPwd <newreportspassword> -system ICT -env <environmentname>
10. On the Interconnect schema, there is an Oracle database link to the central schema. This
database link uses the central password, so the link must be updated for the new central pass-
word. To do this run the following SQL commands when connected to the Interconnect database
drop database link central;

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create database link central connect to <centraluser> identified by <newcentral-

password> using '<tnsconnectstring>';
To test that this works, run the following command:
select * from tab@central;
If data is returned without an Oracle error, then the database link has been successfully

14.8. System Administration Tasks and Dependencies

14.8.1. System Administration Features

Menu items on the central system module and on the Administration menu of the application on-
line client GUI allow users with system administration rights to carry out administrative tasks which
include scheduling, bulk processing of EDR files, error management, log file monitoring and system
value configuration.
System administration includes optimisation and load balancing of processes across multiple servers,
managing run-away processes, carrying out system-wide configuration tasks, the set up of default
values, auditing, troubleshooting and error processing.
Details on the use of the GUI panels on the Administration menu are explained in the application
online help.

14.8.2. Applying A Server Patch

After downloading a patch from the CSG International web site, the components of the patch must
be extracted from the archived ZIP file. This can be done using any unzipping application tool.
File Transfer Protocol (ftp) can be used in binary transfer mode to transfer the patcher binary file to
a directory such as the /product/ict/<environment>/install directory on the UNIX machine.
These files must be owned by the UNIX Interconnect (for example, ict) user on the server.
The patcher binary file must be granted execute permission on the server.
chmod +x ICT_10*.bin
chmod +x ICT_10-00-S00*.bin File
A file is created when the application is installed. This file must be supplied as an
argument to the patch utility so that the patch is applied to the correct Interconnect environment.
The file may be renamed to prevent confusion with files be-
longing to other installations of Interconnect.
For example:

The Patcher
The patch utility uses the Apache Ant scripting language to install the patch. When the patch is exe-
cuted a process is started that will read an XML file in the installer directory. It will validate the appli-
cability of the patch by checking the servicepack.ini file in the /var/.intec directory structure.
New files will be extracted to the /tmp directory, and it is essential that sufficient space is available
in this directory. Temporary SQL scripts are written to a temporary directory named database.
All actions are recorded in the Interconnect application log directory.

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Stopping Environment Server Processes

It is essential to stop Interconnect before applying a server patch. The patch will fail when attempt-
ing to update server executables if the application is running.
Ensure that all environment processes have stopped. This can be done as follows: status <environment>
If the script shows that any processes are running, the processes must be stopped
using the as follows: stop <environment>

A patch will fail if it is applied while server processes are running.

Backup Before Applying Patch

It is strongly recommended that the database and Interconnect environment directories are backed
up before applying a patch, as there is currently no automated facility to undo a patch.
To undo a patch, it is necessary to restore the database and environment directories from the back-

Installing The Server Patch

Only when the patcher bin file and the patcher properties files are in place can the patch utility be
successfully run.
Checklist for applying a patch:
1. Log in as the Interconnect user; the root must not be used.
2. Change to a patch work directory such as /product/ict/<environment>/install.
3. Grant patch file execute permission.
4. Check that <environment> file is correct.
5. Check that no Interconnect processes are running.
6. Perform all pre-installation task set out in the readme.txt file.
7. Run the patch utility.
./ICT_10nnnnn.bin -p <environment>
The patch utility obtains parameters from the properties file specified by the -p option on the
command line. If the -p option is not used, or a valid file is not present, the
patch installation will fail.
The patch utility unpacks the compressed patch file in the /tmp directory location except if the --
target parameter is used
../ICT_10*bin --target/product/ict/tmp -p <environment>
The patch utility applies the patch and log the results in the patch.log file in the log directory.
8. Check the patch.log file in the log directory for problems. A tail of the file should show the mes-
9. Perform all post-installation tasks as set out in the readme.txt file.
10. Check that the library and binary checksums match those specified in the readme.txt file.

14.8.3. Applying A Client Patch

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Interconnect online client JAR files are stored in the environment lib directory on the UNIX server.
Online client patches are bundled with server patches and are applied only to the server. Web Start
detects any updates to online client code and automatically downloads these to user workstations
when users next log on to the application.
Web Start eliminates the need to patch the Interconnect online code on user workstations manually.

14.8.4. Patching Armadillo Reports

When patches for Interconnect Armadillo reports are released, these must be installed on user work-
Patches to reports are usually released as complete new versions of the workstation software that
replace any prior versions.
A reports patch may also include scripts that update the Reports schema on the server.

14.9. Retrieving Personal Information

The new EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) provide the following guidelines to cus-
tomers so they can understand how to access personally identifiable data on a subscriber.
There are 4 main sources of personal data kept by Interconnect:
• Input files from Mediation
• Accepted files (went through Pricing)
• Rejected files
• Priced EDRs
• Error EDRs
• Archived EDRs
Input Files
Input files containing A# and B#s could be rejected by the system for a few reasons. These end
up in the Original reject file directory or Duplicate reject directory.
Menu path: Administration | Input Files | File Location
The EDRs in these files will not be present in any of the sources below.
It is possible to set up multiple formats with the system so the A# and B# could be in different
positions in each type of file or absent e.g. A#. Users can find out about each format using the
Input File Format panel:
Menu path: Administration | Input Files | Format
Fields like the person’s IP address may occur in a variety of fields e.g. if it is used in rating Con-
tent or Revenue Share EDRs but customers need to have some insight into where to find this da-
The mapping of filename masks to Formats is found using the panel below:
Menu path: Administration | Input Files | Sensing Logic
Priced EDRs
EDRs that have been priced end up in the database for a time before they are archived. The
stored EDRs are organized into different tables based on Event start date and there may be multi-
ple tables of EDRs for the same event start date e.g.

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Fields for the A# and B#:
If other reference data fields are needed to extract, it is possible to use the corresponding views
that aggregate all the tables for 1 event date:
In these views, the A# and B# field names are the same as the tables.
If there was a Transit call or more than one rating component was applied to a leg of the call, it
is possible that there will be multiple records in the tables and views above for each EDR with
the same A# and B# combination. The records in these tables and views represent "charges" not
EDRs as such.
Error EDRs
EDRs that did not get priced successfully end up in the Error table. This is a single database ta-
ble: ERROR_CDR and the columns for the A# and B# are:
This data may not be enriched with other derived values like the Agreement Operator, etc. It de-
pends at what point in Pricing that the error occurred.
Archived Priced EDRs
Archived EDRs represent Priced EDRs that have been removed from the live system due to space
constraints and stored in a flat file or in zipped format. These are self-describing files and the im-
portant information is identified in this way:
A number: ANUM
B number: BNUM
The location of these files can be found using the File Location panel shown above for Processing
mode = AA.
Miscellaneous Output

The following may include raw A#, B# and IP addresses:

• Data warehouse Feed files (source is priced EDR tables)
• EDR Extract files (source is priced EDR tables)

December 2020 302



15.1. Introduction
General guidelines for troubleshooting are itemised below, along with tables containing typical error
• Check the system log - accessible from the Administration menu item on the online GUI - for
error messages. System messages can be filtered on the System Log tab to display only error
• Check the job status monitor - accessible from the Administration menu item - for the results
and status of batch runs.
• Have the system activities been performed, in particular maintaining disk space?
• If you are unable to resolve problems, please contact the CSG International Help desk.

15.2. Problems and Solutions

The user may face problems of various types: environmental, network, system and memory.

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
ICT Central won't start up Java serialisation filter Update Java to 1.8.0_181
changes introduced in Java OR
Use the following config-
uration to set the seriali-
sation filter pattern in the file:
Scheduled job not registering with SCM Incorrect application config- Check that the RMI_HOST
uration. and RMI_PORT settings
are correct. Check
sure the execution settings
are correct for the specific
operating system.
java.rmi.UnMarshallException be- There is a version mis- Check that the jar files
tween client and server, or Applica- match between the client used on the server corre-
tion Tray error: 'Could not launch and server jar files. spond exactly to the jars
com.intec.ict.client.ICTClient : used on the client and that
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException' they have not changed
since the client and server
were started.

December 2020 303

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
If they are incorrect, fix the
jars and restart the client.
Also check the RMI_HOST
and PORT settings used at
log on time are those for
the selected environment.
Intermittent Java JDBC errors are logged Oracle JDBC uses the /dev/ CSG Support suggests the
on a Linux implementation. Messages random device by default. following workaround:
similar to the messages below may be ob- This file usually does not In the JAVA_HOME directo-
served: cause issues on clients that ry, a security file must be
users run with console ac-
[java] java.sql.SQLException: modified to ensure it points
cess, because the user's
Got minus one from a read call to the dev/urandom device
unpredictable actions will
[java] at oracle.jdbc.driver. correctly.
keep the entropy pool well-
fed. However, on a server 1. Locate the java. securi-
( [ja-
without a GUI, the entropy ty file in jre/lib/securi-
va] at oracle.jdbc.driver. ty/ of your Java instal-
pool tends to stay empty,
which may cause this prob- lation.
lem. 2. Open the file and
[java] at oracle.jdbc.driver.
T4CConnection.<init> search for the
( [ja- following line:
va] at oracle.jdbc.driver. securerandom.source=file:/
T4CDriverExtension.getConnection dev/urandom.
( 3. Modify the line by
[java] at oracle.jdbc.driver. adding two forward
OracleDriver.connect slashes to the URL:
( securerandom.source=
[java] file:///dev/urandom.
IO Error: Connection reset [ja-
va] at oracle.jdbc.driver.
( [ja-
va] at oracle.jdbc.driver.
[java] at oracle.jdbc.driver.
( [ja-
va] at oracle.jdbc.driver.
[java] at oracle.jdbc.driver.
System services fail to start and the fol- UNIX or Linux port conflict. This problem is caused
lowing messages may be observed in the when Interconnect tries to
application's logs: use a port that is already

December 2020 304

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
1|CMN_RESOLV_EXCEPTION|Pro- in use by another process.
cessState|startup|0|| This occurs because:
17050|11271&00|1314681372|Com- 1. Another Interconnect
monException%RootPOA%%CORBA Ex- environment on the
ception%%system exception, ID 'IDL:o same server is using' TAO ex- the same ports.
ception, minor code = 62 (endpoint ini-
tialization failure in Acceptor Registry; 2. Unix or Linux serv-
low 7 bits of errno: 98 Address already in er is using the ports.
use), completed = NO%. Unix servers use ports
from a reserved range
of ports ("ephemeral
port range"). On So-
laris, this range usual-
ly starts at 32,768 and
we normally config-
ure interconnect ports
to be below this (in
The default for Lin-
ux seems to be much
lower (often as low
as 1000). This means
that the Linux OS could
use the same ports we
want to use in our ap-
Ask the UNIX or Linux sys-
tem administrator for the
ephemeral port range. If
the ports defined for In-
terconnect are within this
range, either the Intercon-
nect ports need to change
to a range outside the
ephemeral port range or
the administrator must
change the ephemeral port
Occasionally, a UNIX system configuration Local IP being returned in- A workaround for this is to
setting may result in the local IP (in other stead of Global IP. add the argument
words, the subnetted IP) being returned -Djava.rmi.server.
instead of the global IP. hostname=X
where X is the hostname as
reachable from outside the
network to the arguments
of the Java executable in
the script,

December 2020 305

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
for both the startictserv-
er() and startcentralserv-
er() procedures within the
On AIX, when launching ICT you are pre- AIX platform v7 only sup- To launch ICT on these
sented with an error, indicating that: "This ports TLSv1 currently platforms, the workaround
page can't be displayed" and that "it is and IBMJSSE2 supports is to use the follow-
possible that this site uses an unsupport- different cipher suites ing cipher suites in
ed protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (see: the system setting:
which is not considered secure". support/knowledgecen- SSL_CIPHER_ENABLED=SSL_
component.80.doc/securi- AES_128_CBC_SHA by
ty-component/jsse2Docs/ running the following
ciphersuites.html). script against the Central
Please note that the TLS
versions of these cipher
suites are not working,
contrary to what is stated
in the IBM documentation.
On AIX, when starting ICT you are pre- AIX platform v7 only sup- To start ICT on this plat-
sented with an error, indicating that: ports TLSv1 currently form, the workaround is:
"Client requested protocol TLSv1 not en- and IBMJSSE2 supports • Edit the
abled or not supported". different cipher suites Central.SYSTEM_SETTING
(see: Actual Value column for
support/knowledgecen- SSL_CIPHER_ENABLED
ter/en/SSYKE2_8.0.0/ from "DEFAULT" to: SSL_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_
component.80.doc/securi- AES_128_CBC_SHA,
ciphersuites.html). SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_
• Edit the
Actual Value column for
from "DEFAULT" to:

December 2020 306

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
• Restart ICT

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
Client not connecting to server Incorrect application configura- Check the RMI port / host
Java WebStart client not in- Incorrect Internet browser con- If you experience problems con-
stalling figuration. necting to the webserver to
download the client jars, ensure
that your browser settings are
correctly configured to bypass
proxies for local addresses.

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
Menu or button not enabling on The user does not have the re- Check the privileges for the
the screen quired privileges to access the screen (screencode is know as
menu or button. 'Process' in the security system,
menus have their own process
called 'Menu Item')
ICTServer or CentralServer can- The database user ID's and The System Administrator must
not connect to database due to passwords stored in the appli- check the DB_USERID and
incorrect user ID/password com- cation do not match the current DB_PASSWORD values in the
bination database ID's and passwords. configuration table, and possibly
re-run the config server com-
mand line script to set the cor-
rect user ID and password.
Unable to allocate ... bytes of The application is using more 1. Reduce the amount of ref-
memory. memory than is available on the erence data loaded by re-
This error appears in the system server. ducing the value of the
or message logs and is normal-
tem setting.
ly followed by a process shut-
down. For example, a rating en- The default is 180, in oth-
gine stops working. er words, 180 days worth of
reference data is loaded. Re-
ducing this will reduce mem-
ory used.

If EDRs are rated us-
ing reference data
older than the speci-
fied period, it will go
into error.
2. Reduce number of raters.
The support script,
configure.sql, can be used

December 2020 307

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
to adapt all relevant system
settings to the given num-
ber of raters.
3. Check that there is not an
operating system level re-
striction on memory that a
single process can use.
Rating simply doesn't start (core Known Oracle OCI error. Correct the sqlnet.ora file entry
dumps) and SCM only records to ensure that the tns names file
that 'Rating is not executing'. is used before LDAP. For exam-
The core file lists a SIGSEV ple:
abort from Oracle OCI libraries. Change the entry in sqlnet.ora
The application should be
stopped and Oracle must be
Input files are accepted by No primary evaluator sequence 1. On the Interconnect menu,
the system but no EDRs are has been defined for the report- go to Administration | Input
rated. You see lines like this ed file format. Files | Format
in the imractivator_err.log 2. Associate the input file for-
config::initialise mat with a specific record
config::initialise type and evaluator tem-
config::initialise plate.
(6) processRun() 1|
RAT_NO_PRIMARY_EVAL| 3. Restart the application and
Rater|calculatePrice|179| process another file.|19953|
monException%ABC% 1|
monException%ABC% 1|
ABC refers to the format for
which there is no Primary Evalu-

December 2020 308

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
ator. This usually happens when
a primary evaluator sequence
was not set up for a format.
When an error summary or error Either the error summaries or Check that the error summa-
value summary is selected and value summaries have been ry or error value summary has
you drill down to see the related contra'ed due to reprocessing a row count of more than ze-
errors, no errors are displayed. and now have a zero value and ro. If the row count is zero, this
therefore no related EDRs or the means that there are no valid
summaries have gotten out of errors left for that summary.
sync with the error EDRs. The next time the application is
started these errors will be re-
If the row count is more than
zero, then the summaries are
out of sync with the actual
error EDRs and need to be
rebuilt. To rebuild the sum-
maries, execute stored proce-
dure rebuild_summaries against
the Interconnect schema using
the following SQL:
sqlplus> truncate table
sqlplus> exec
table is used to record the last
commit point during a sum-
mary rebuild, and allows the
process to be restarted in the
event of failure. If you want to
restart the rebuild_summaries
process, do not truncate the
This procedure will drop the two
summary tables and rebuild
them from ERROR_CDR also up-
dating ERROR_CDRs keys to
these tables.
When scheduling a configura- The UNIX or Linux user does not 1. Identify the UNIX or Linux
tion using the scmclient from exist as a user on the Intercon- username - this would be
the command line, the following nect application. the username that you use
error is displayed: User xxx is to log on to the UNIX or Lin-
ux server.

December 2020 309

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
not validated on the system. yyy 2. Create a new Interconnect
has not been scheduled. user with the same name as
the UNIX or Linux user from
the User panel.

Dynamic DWF files are not being This is a perceived problem and The ensure that DWF files are
produced. not a real one. Previously, files produced soon after comple-
were produced and written while tion of pricing, you should make
EDRs were being rated. On- the file time-out setting smaller
ly once the file met one of the than the current 3600 seconds
DWF file completion criteria (i.e. (1 hour). The suggested val-
max rows reached, max file size ues for the DWF_FILE_TIMEOUT
reached, time out) was the tag system setting are either 5 min-
file produced and this file was utes (300) or 10 minutes (600).
considered ready for use. In the
current version of dynamic DWF,
the data is stored in temporary
database tables and the file is
only produced and tagged once
one of the DWF file completion
criteria are met.
Dynamic DWF performance is Potentially too many If high CPU loads are ob-
slow. DWF_WORKER_THREADS con- served during the creation
figured. of DWF files, the number of
be reduced. Reducing the num-
ber of threads has the side af-
fect of files being produced
more slowly and more runtime
database tablespace being con-
sumed as the resources will be
cleared more slowly.

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
java.lang.OutOfMemory error on The Java process has attempted In the client and server start-
client or server to use more memory than was up script the amount of memo-
allocated to it. ry the Java Virtual Machine can
allocate can be set by using ja-
va -Xms<nn>m -Xmx<nn>m
where <nn> is the number of
Megabytes allocated.
The -Xms<nn>m is the mini-
mum allocation, -Xmx<nn>m is
the maximum. Check if this set-
ting is used and if it is adequate
for the specific machine.

December 2020 310

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
This error is output to the A client request from a high vol- In the ictserver<env>.ini file,
client : Memory size for result is ume combo box has exceeded make sure the following settings
greater than max allowed size the maximum number of bytes are adequate, for example:
per request. Not able to cache allowed by the server cache. MAX_TOTAL_CACHE :
results! 1000000000

Problem Cause Action to be carried out
When you click the EDR Drill- This is an existing Oracle issue A workaround is available
down button on the EDR Er- (Reference Oracle Service Re- until the issue is resolved
ror Management or Error Value quest Number 3-3131690761 on the Oracle side. Set the
Summary panels, you may see a and Oracle Bug Number following system parame-
[ORA-17450: KERNEL COLUMN 11868583: ORA-17450 KERNEL ter at the target RDBMS:
TOCOL VIOLATION] error, telling ED).
you that a SQL exception has
Application fails and the follow- The maximum number of Oracle Increase the value of the Oracle
ing message is observed in the processes have been exceeded. processes initialisation parame-
message log: ORA-00020: max- ter.
imum number of processes (50)

15.3. Error Codes

Error Description
AICERR1 This call was apportioned over one or more time types. For one of the derived time
types, an agreement item with valid rates was not found.
Capture agreement items and valid agreement rates for all time types applicable to the
ARATNF0 No active agreement rates could be determined for the agreement rate period applicable
to the agreement item.
Capture rates for all charge definitions associated with the current agreement item and
agreement rate period.
ARATNF1 An agreement item exists, but no agreement rates have been assigned to it.
Capture agreement rates for the agreement items and increase the agreement version.
ARATNF2 Failed to derive the base unit for the unit of measure on the applicable rate definition.
Determine what the base unit of the rate definition unit of measure should be (for exam-
ple, if the rate unit is minutes, then the base unit would be seconds). Ensure that within
the CM/CSG Route reference data, the base unit is mapped to an Interconnect unit that
is also marked as a base unit.

December 2020 311

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
ARATNF3 An unknown threshold type has been specified on the agreement rate definition. Only
tiered and non-tiered threshold types are allowed.
Ensure that only tiered or non-tiered threshold types are used for Contract Manager rat-
ARATUM0 The unit of measure on the rate definition does not have a base unit that has been
mapped to an Interconnect unit that is a base unit.
Determine what the base unit of the rate definition unit of measure should be (for exam-
ple, if the rate unit is minutes, then the base unit would be seconds). Ensure that within
the CM/CSG Route reference data, the base unit is mapped to an Interconnect unit that
is also marked as a base unit.
ARATUM1 The unit of measure on the rate definition is not mapped to an Interconnect unit.
Ensure that, within the CM/CSG Route reference data, the rate unit of measure is
mapped to an Interconnect unit of measure.
ARATUM2 One or more of the rate steps on a tier of a rate definition have not been mapped to an
Interconnect unit of measure.
Capture the required unit of measure and unit of measure conversion.
ARATUM3 One or more of the unit steps on a tier of a rate definition have not been mapped to an
Interconnect unit of measure.
Capture the required unit of measure and unit of measure conversion.
BLKFREE Bulked EDR may not have free usage.
BLKMINC Bulked EDR may not have min or max charge.
BLKMINU Bulked EDR may not have min or max usage.
BLKRATE Bulked EDR may not have rates with rate steps.
BLKTIME Bulked EDR may not have time apportionment.
BOPRD01 Fail to derive billing operator.
BOPRD02 Invalid value for TimeOrData.
BOPRD03 Fail in unit conversion.
BOPRD04 Invalid billing operator type.
BOPRD05 No tier specified for billing operator. Tier determination style is N.
BOPRD06 Tier derivation style is specified route, but no rate name specified.
BOPRD07 No effective billing operator elements for rating component.
BPERD01 Unable to derive billing or traffic period.
BPERD02 Unable to derive effective consolidation key for billing period.
BTQED01 Call attempt rule reject.
BTQED02 Unknown call attempt rule.
BTQED03 Unable to rate the call successfully.
BTQED04 Unable to locate the call attempt threshold record. Deprecated error - no longer occurs
anywhere in rating.
BTQHD01 No call rating rule applies.

December 2020 312

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
BTQHD02 No bulk call rating rule applies.
CHBUN01 Charge bundling does not allow more than one time premium.
CHBUN02 Charge bundling does not allow more than one rate step.
CMCAR03 Unable to derive a carrier using the A or B number on the EDR by dial code analysis in
the destination set defined on the event guiding rule detail.
Ensure that the destination exists in the relevant agreement destination set.
CMCAR05 A Interconnect operator has not been mapped to the Agreement Carrier as specified by
the event guiding rule.
Map the relevant carrier to the equivalent Interconnect operator.
CMCD- One or more of the revenue share currencies (used for pre-rated markup or amounts)
CU1 supplied on the EDR do not match the agreement currency.
• Correct mediation so that the correct currency is supplied on the EDR.
• Correct CM/CSG Route data so that the agreement reflects the same currencies as
those supplied on the EDR.
CMCD- The currency supplied on the EDR does not exist as a currency in the CM/CSG Route ref-
CU3 erence data.
• Correct mediation so that the correct currency is supplied.
• Add the relevant currency to the CM/CSG Route reference data.
CM- The Interconnect incoming or outgoing product is not mapped to a CM/CSG Route CDR
CGNF1 group.
Capture the equivalent CDR group and/or map the equivalent CDR group to the Intercon-
nect product.
CMD- The event guiding rule specifies that dial code analysis should be used on either the A or
CANN the B number, but the relevant number was not supplied on the EDR.
• Correct mediations
• Correct the file format.
• Correct the event guiding rule.
CMEGR- More than one applicable CM/CSG Route event guiding rule was derived.
MO Correct the event guiding rule data.
CMEGRMR More than one applicable rate exists for a charge on the event.
Check all the agreement items in the applicable agreement to ensure that there is only
one matching item with valid rates for each charge definition applicable to the event.
CMEGRN0 An agreement rate was found for the Direct component of the event, but not for the Indi-
rect component.
Ensure that valid rates are set up for both DIRECT and INDIRECT components.
CMEGRN1 An agreement rate was found for the Indirect component of the event, but not for Direct
Ensure that valid rates are set up for both DIRECT and INDIRECT components.
CMEGRND No event guiding rule details exist for the derived event guiding rule.

December 2020 313

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
Capture event guiding rule details for the event guiding rules.
CMEGRNF No CM/CSG Route event guiding rule could be derived.
Create an event guiding rule and/or check validity periods of the event guiding rule.
CMEGRNR No valid agreement rates could be found for any of the event guiding rule details.
• If agreement items that are applicable to this event exist, add valid rates to the
agreement item.
• If agreement items that are applicable to this event do not exist, create the agree-
ment item and add applicable rates.
CMEMB- The event mapping specifies that destinations are enabled, but no B Number has been
NU supplied on the EDR.
• Correct the file format.
• Correct mediation.
• Correct the event mapping so that destinations are disabled.
CMEM- The incoming or outgoing event mapping code was not supplied on the EDR.
COD • Correct the file format.
• Correct the rating rules.
• Correct mediation.
CMEM- The incoming or outgoing event mapping code supplied on the EDR could not be mapped
CON to an event mapping code in CM/CSG Route.
• Correct mediation so that it places a valid event mapping code on the EDR.
• Capture and finalise the event mapping code in CM/CSG Route.
• Finalise the event mapping code if it has not been finalised.
CMEME- Usage Volume can only be EVENT_DURATION or NETWORK_DURATION for time based
Correct the event mapping charge definition.
CMEMEN0 Usage Volume can only be DATA_VOLUME, DATA_VOLUME_2 or DATA_VOLUME_3 for da-
ta based EDR.
Correct the event mapping charge definition.
CMEMEN1 Unable to recognise pre-rated markup or usage field amount specified on the CM/CSG
Route event mapping charge definition. Only 1, 2 or 3 are valid.
Correct the event mapping charge definition.
CMEMIPA The event mapping has a mandatory parameter, but no discrete parameter value has
been supplied on the EDR for the mandatory parameter.
• Correct mediation.
• Correct the file format.
• Correct the event mapping code parameter definition.
CMEMIU1 The event mapping has a charge definition that specifies that a data unit is required but
no data unit has been supplied on the EDR.
• Correct mediation.

December 2020 314

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
• Correct the file format.
• Correct the event mapping charge definition.
CMEMIU2 The unit family of the DATA_UNIT supplied on the EDR differs from the unit family de-
fined in the charge definition.
• Correct mediation.
• Correct the event mapping charge definition.
CMEMIU3 The unit of measure of the DATA_UNIT supplied on the EDR is not mapped onto a unit in
CM/CSG Route.
• If the equivalent unit already exists in CM/CSG Route, map it to the Interconnect
unit of measure.
• If the equivalent unit does not already exist in CM/CSG Route, create it and map it
to the Interconnect unit of measure.
CMEM- The event mapping did not have any charge definitions defined.
NCD Correct event mapping by adding all required charge definitions.
CMEM- The currency of the pre-rated markup or usage amount supplied on the EDR has not
PAM been mapped to a CM/CSG Route Currency.
• If the equivalent currency already exists in CM/CSG Route, map it to the Interconnect
• If the equivalent currency does not exist in CM/CSG Route, create it and map it to the
Interconnect currency.
CMEMP- The event mapping has a charge definition that specifies that a pre-rated markup or us-
MA age has been supplied, but no pre-rated currency has been supplied on the EDR.
• Correct mediation.
• Correct the file format.
• Correct the event mapping charge definition.
CMERNF1 The Interconnect INCOMING_PATH is not mapped to a CM/CSG Route route.
Capture the equivalent route and/or map the equivalent route to the Interconnect path.
CMERNF2 The Interconnect OUTGOING_PATH is not mapped to a CM/CSG Route route.
Capture the equivalent route and/or map an equivalent route to the Interconnect path.
CMEV- The parameter type of a parameter on an agreement item is invalid for Interconnect rat-
MA1 ing. It can only be "Destination Set" or "Parameter" for Interconnect rating.
Ensure that the event mapping and associated agreement items only have parameters
with types of "Parameter" or "Destination Set".
CMEV- More than one agreement exists with valid rates applicable for the event.
MA2 Correct the reference data so that there is only one valid agreement with valid rates for
this event.
CMNENF The Interconnect incoming or outgoing node has not been mapped to a network element
in CM/CSG Route.
In the CM/CSG Route GUI, map the Interconnect network node to the relevant network

December 2020 315

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
CMPNF1 No equivalent CM/CSG Route PoP could be found for the Interconnect franchise.
In the CM/CSG Route GUI, map the Interconnect franchise to the relevant CM/CSG Route
Point of Presence (PoP).
CMPNS01 The INCOMING_PATH was not specified on the EDR.
• Correct the meditation.
• Correct the file format.
• Correct the rating rule.
CMPNS02 The OUTGOING_PATH was not specified on the EDR.
• Correct the meditation.
• Correct the file format.
• Correct the rating rule.
CM- No products could be derived from the CDR group of the current event guiding rule.
PRDD0 Ensure that there is at least one product associated with the CDR group.
CM- No mapping for ICT product to CM/CSG Route product.
CMPRNF1 The incoming or outgoing service short name supplied on the Interconnect EDR is not
mapped to a CM/CSG Route product.
• Correct mediation.
• Correct the file format.
• Capture the equivalent CM/CSG Route product with a short name matching the ser-
vice short name.
CMRCNF1 No incoming Route Class could be found for the PoP and Route.
Ensure an incoming Route Class exists for the PoP and Route.
CMRCNF2 No outgoing Route Class could be found for the PoP and Route.
Ensure an outgoing Route Class exists for the PoP and Route.
CON- Unable to retrieve conversion factor for unit. There exists no unit conversion for two units
VH01 in some rating scenario. The byte to kilobyte conversion is not set up.
CON- Unable to retrieve conversion factor for FBU Unit.
CON- One of the data units supplied on the EDR does not match any unit defined in CM/CSG
VH03 Route, or it matches one of the units defined in CM/CSG Route, but that unit has not
been mapped to an Interconnect unit of measure.
• Correct mediation
• Correct the Interconnect file format
• Correct the CM/CSG Route reference data.
CON- One of the data units supplied on the EDR does not have a base unit defined in CM/CSG
VH04 Route that is mapped to a base unit in Interconnect.
Correct the CM/CSG Route reference data.

December 2020 316

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
COOFRNF Region of operation for franchise was not found.
COOINNF Region of operation for incoming operator was not found.
COOINVA Region of operation for franchise was not defined in the origin agreement world view.
COOINVB Region of operation for franchise was not defined in the destination agreement world
CPARE01 Unable to retrieve the agreement parameter record for the franchise, NOP and product.
CPARE02 Unable to retrieve the agreement record for the franchise and network operator.
CRQ001 Put into call retention queue.
CRQ002 Base direction undefined.
DATERNG Call date is too old. Check system setting DBC_LED_DAY_RANGE.
DEFERR0 To catch all unknown error codes
EDIRV01 Invalid event direction.
ERSCD00 Invalid base event direction.
ERSCD01 Invalid franchise or event direction.
ERSCD02 Unable to derive rating scenario.
ERSCD03 Failed to find route rating scenario. Ensure that rating rule determination and related
route rating scenario exist.
ERSCD04 Invalid route replacement style.
ERSCD06 Transit call was split but no incoming rating scenario was found.
ERSCD07 Transit call was split but no outgoing rating scenario was found.
ERSCD08 Route replacement style cannot be applied as the origin has already been replaced.
FL_CUND Conversion record undo.
FL_NNDO File undo.
FRNHD01 Franchise determination method has been set to A operator and there is no supplied A
number operator to use as a franchise .
FRNHD02 Franchise determination method has been set to B operator and there is no supplied B
number operator to use as a franchise.
FRNHD03 Invalid franchise determination method.
FRNHD04 Invalid base direction value.
FRNHD05 Invalid shared indicator value.
FRNHD06 In transit call, both incoming/outgoing switches are shared but belongs to different fran-
FRNHD07 In incoming/outgoing call, not data is found at NNODE0.
FRNHD08 While deriving transient values, no data is found at ORGA0 for franchise.
FRNHE01 Failed to validate given franchise.
LOP01 Local operator split required an incoming event direction but none was defined.
LOP02 Local operator split required an outgoing event direction but none was defined.
LOP03 Local operator split required a region of operation for the franchise but none was defined.

December 2020 317

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
LOP04 Reverse charge for incoming and outgoing products do not match.
NAAGD01 Invalid A#.
NAAGD02 Invalid B#.
NAAGD03 Failed to match A# from reference data.
NAAGD04 Failed to match B# from reference data.
NAAGD05 Failed to find origin by A# and by incoming operator.
NAAGD06 Failed to find origin by A# and by franchise.
NAAGD07 Failed to find destination by B# and by franchise.
NAAGD10 Number of digits of B# is less than the minimum digits for network aggregation system
NAAGD11 No recon network address aggregation found for origin.
NAAGD12 No recon network address aggregation found for destination.
NA- Network address is present in more than one network address group.
NDIRD01 Reverse charge for incoming and outgoing products do not match.
NODEV01 The component direction is incoming, but no incoming node has been supplied on the
Correct the Interconnect rating rule.
NODEV01 Invalid incoming node.
NODEV02 The component direction is outgoing, but no outgoing node has been supplied on the
Correct the Interconnect rating rule.
NODEV02 Invalid outgoing node.
NOPD01 Failed to validate incoming network operator.
NOPD02 Incoming network operator not specified.
NOPD03 Failed to validate outgoing network operator.
NOPD04 Outgoing network operator not specified.
OVERFLW Numeric overflow has occurred. The result of a calculation was too big to store.
PATHV01 Neither incoming nor outgoing paths are intercarrier. One of the path and node combina-
tions should be defined as intercarrier.
PATHV02 Incoming path is not an intercarrier path. Incoming path and node combination is not
PATHV03 Outgoing path is not an intercarrier path. Outgoing path and node combination is not
PGRPD01 No record in Product_Group_Category with billing_indicator = Y.
PGRPD02 Only one entry in Product_Group_Category allowed with billing_indicator = Y.

December 2020 318

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
PGRPD03 Fail to derive product group.
PNOPD01 No POI/NOP defined for the path and node.
PNOPD02 No POI/NOP for the given number.
PRMTX01 No parameter matrix line could be derived.
PRODD01 Invalid product. The product on the EDR is not a product that has been configured in the
reference data.
PRODD02 Fail to derive product.
PRODD03 Fail to derive network address for product derivation.
PRODD04 Product not available on EDR and product derivation not permitted. See
QOSEV01 QoS key field not found.
RATED01 There is no tariff in the database for the rate key.
RATED02 Unable to find matching tariff(rate) step record.
RATED03 Unable to derive tier-based tariff(rate).
RATED04 Unable to derive route-based tariff(rate).
RATV401 Billing operator element ID could not be referenced on this EDR.
RATV402 This billing operator element has RATING_PARAMETER = V4, but has no reference to a
parent element.
RAW- Failed to convert EDR field to internal format during preprocessing of input file. Examine
CON0 message log for more information.
RAWDUP0 Duplicate EDR found.
RAWLEN0 Invalid record length.
RCOMD01 Rating component not found or invalid. Applicability depends on product, direction, effec-
tive rating scenario, and billing operators elements, where the rate date range overlaps
with the above entities.
RCOMD02 Reverse charge for incoming and outgoing products do not match.
RDTYD01 No rating style found (operator or route based). The rating style is defined when you
capture a franchise, so in theory this error should also never occur if using the GUI or
bulk loaders to capture franchises.
RDTYD02 Rating style differs for incoming and outgoing products.
REC_UND Record level undo.
RLSPR1 Need to supply at least one product for route lookup.
RLSPR2 No reverse indicator supplied for incoming product.
RLSPR3 No reverse indicator supplied for outgoing product.
RLSPR4 Incoming and outgoing product reverse Indicators do not match.
RLSPR5 Unknown route lookup error.
ROUTD01 Route not found.
ROUTD02 Invalid base direction.
ROUTD03 Invalid origin.

December 2020 319

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
ROUTD04 Invalid destination.
ROUTD05 The world view agreement is invalid.
ROUTD08 No indirect agreement operator found for origin.
ROUTD09 No indirect agreement operator found for destination.
RPARM01 Rating parameter not found.
RPARM02 Discrete parameter was not given on EDR.
RPARM03 Unit of measure field was not given on the EDR.
RPARM04 Revenue share currency doesn't match with rating component's expected currency.
SBILD01 Two (2) rate steps are needed when rating component indicates long call/short call
SBILD02 Invalid threshold rate steps.
SBILD03 Invalid slab rate steps. Usage does not fall within a configured slabbed rate step. The
GUI enforces that the last step rate' date is set to infinity, which means that this error
should never occur.
SBILD04 Unknown step type. This error should never occur if the GUI or bulk loaders have been
used to load rates.
SBILD05 The rate indicates no steps, but either there are steps or no rate exists at all. This error
should never occur if the GUI or bulk loaders have been used to load rates.
TIERD02 Unable to extract B# prefix.
TIERD03 Unable to extract A# prefix.
TIERD04 Unable to determine POI to use.
TIERD05 A# Aggregation hierarchy is invalid.
TIERD06 B# Aggregation hierarchy is invalid.
TIERD07 Network address tier membership is not defined.
TIERD08 POI Network address tier membership is not defined.
TIERD09 A# - B# Tier membership is not defined.
TIERD10 A# - B# - POI Tier membership is not defined.
TIERD11 A# Aggregation - B# aggregation tier is not defined.
TIERD12 A# Aggregation POI - B# aggregation tier is not defined.
TIERD13 Billing operator or adjusted date time is not defined.
TIERD14 No tier specified. Tier determination style is N.
TIERD15 No tier specified. Tier determination style is NB.
TIERD16 No tier specified. Tier determination style is CA.
TIERD17 No tier specified. Tier determination style is CB.
TPREH01 Calendar not found.
TPREH02 Day slice not found.
TPREH03 Unable to derive tier type.

December 2020 320

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Chapter 15. Troubleshooting

Error Description
TRGTD01 Invalid tier.
TRGTD02 Unable to derive tier group.
TRGTD03 Unable to derive tier type.
TTDATNF The time type applicable to this charge has not been mapped to an Interconnect time
premium, or is not valid on the date of the call.
• Create a corresponding Interconnect time premium.
• Map the CM/CSG Route time type to the relevant Interconnect time premium.
• Ensure that the CM/CSG Route time type is valid on the billing date of the component.
• Ensure that all the time types relevant to the agreement are mapped to Interconnect
time premiums.
TZADD01 Invalid component direction.
WNAE- No world view agreements found.
WNAGD- Number of digits of A# is less than the minimum digits for network aggregation system
DA setting.
WNAGDDBNumber of digits of B# is less than the minimum digits for network aggregation system
WNAGM- No agreement specific network address found for origin (A#).
WNAGMBBNo agreement specific network address found for destination (B#).
WNAGR- No A# was present for a reverse charge product.
WNAGR- No worldview found for re-originated origin (A#).
WNAGR- No worldview found for re-originated destination (B#).
WVA- No worldview agreement found.

December 2020 321


Application database Database containing business data for the application.

Batch Component Processes and services which run as daemons during the batch rating
process. The supervisor, preprocess, rating and post-process services
constitute the batch component.

Batch daemons Daemons which run during the batch process.

Batch Process The batch processing of EDRs.

Batch Rating Rating taking place during the batch process.

Batch transients Processes and services which run during the batch rating process but
which do not run as daemons. The system control manager launches
and stops these processes during processing phases such as re-process-
ing, bulk authorisations and deletions, archiving, discounting and ac-

Billing Mediation Device The device which delivers EDRs to the application for processing.

Buckets Sized chunks of EDRs prepared during preprocessing which are then
cached and made available to the rating component.

Bulk Loading Process Stage of the batch process during which large numbers of EDRs are
loaded for processing.

Call Retention Queue The application can be configured to retain, rather than error, particu-
lar products or types of EDRs. The EDRs may then be passed through
the system at a later date, once the correct reference data has been en-
tered, in order to price them correctly.

Central database The database containing system configuration as well as user and secu-
rity settings for each installed module, accessible from the administra-
tive interface to the application or from its own central system interface.

Central Server The service initiated at system start-up. Provides access to the central

Central System The system comprising of central server, central database and the client

Classpath Environmental variable: path for Java classes.

Client Component The component comprising the client GUI and application database.

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture. A specification that allows

different systems to interface.

Config Service Service responsible for reading and updating configuration values. Con-
trolled by the system control manager.

Configuration A number of programs that are run together to perform a specific task.
For example the programs REFRESH_BLP and PREPROCESS make up
the PRICING configuration.

December 2020 322


Configuration Server Server running the configuration service.

Daemon A process that continues to execute until it is terminated. It will carry

out work as soon as some is available.

Data Role A role created to be applied to users during user security set up using
the Administration menu. The role concerns data available to a user
for access, viewing, and modification.

Default Process Group A grouping of business processes. Accessible through the application
client module, available during user security set up using the Adminis-
tration menu.

EDR retrieval The access of EDRs during preprocessing and re-processing.

Evaluators Subcomponents of the application rating component performing differ-

ent functions during the rating process.

Evaluator Sequence The sequence of executing Evaluators varies according to differing in-
coming EDR types and associated business data. Each evaluator se-
quence performs an overall evaluation of an EDR.

Event Data Record An offset-delimited record of call data delivered in large numbers in a
(EDR) file to the application for processing.

Feeder Process Any process that supplies data to a rating engine for processing. Cur-

Format Rule Specification of the mapping between an input EDR file and database ta-
ble fields in the application.

GUI Graphical User Interface. The collection of frames, panels and widgets
usually navigated using the mouse.

Implementation Reposi- The application batch component responsible for CORBA services.

Java_Home Operating system base path where the Java interpreter is installed.

JVM Java Virtual Machine. The environment in memory - created when the
Java interpreter is run - where Java applications execute.

Logical User Type Applications running batch components. These 'users' should not be re-

Physical User Type GUI application users. These users are administered from the central
GUI interface.

SCM System Control Manager. An application batch component managing

batch process calls.

Transient Process A process that performs a job and terminates on completion.

December 2020 323



The Interconnect installer installs components based on the options you define in a file called This section describes the options in the file.

A template of the file is provided. The parameters in this file should be up-
dated according to the values defined for your environment in the PIC.

The Unix System Administrator should choose a port range that does not conflict with any ex-
isting application on the Unix server and that is outside the ephemeral port range.

The following variables should be reviewed. Assign suitable port numbers where necessary and en-
sure they correspond with the TCP/IP parameters in the file.
The table describes the content of the file:

Property Description Default/Recommended

Value This is a general installation pa- PRD
rameter. It refers to the installa-
tion/environment name.
simple.installation.root This is a general installation pa- /product/intPRD/ict
rameter that refers to the path /product/ICT/
of the environment. This prop- ${}
erty must be completed and not
left as its default. For example,
simple.dbport The Oracle database port for the 1521
server on which the schemas for
the environment will be created.
simple.dbinstance The Oracle server SID on which PRD
the schemas for the environment
will be created.
simple.tnsname The TNS connect string that PRD_${default.nodename}
the application will use to con-
nect to the Oracle instance
on which the schemas will
be created. For example,
UXCPTH03. The name of the environment ${}
that will be created on the in-
stallation specified at the top of
the properties file. For simple in-
stallations, the supplied value
of ${}
should be used.

December 2020 324

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

simple.environment.root For simple installations, ${simple.installation.root}/
the supplied value of ${}
should be used.
simple.installation.nodename The name of the server that ${default.nodename}
the environment should be in-
stalled on. For simple installations,
${default.nodename} should be
simple.master.nodename The name of the master serv- ${simple.installation.nodename}
er when installing an auxiliary
environment. For simple instal-
lations, the supplied value of
should be used. The java home directory. This ${java.home}
variable takes its value from the
JAVA_HOME environment vari-
able. If your JAVA_HOME envi-
ronment variable is correctly set
(which is a prerequisite for an in-
stall), then the supplied value of
${java.home} should be used. The path of the Oracle client in- ${env.ORACLE_HOME}
stallation. If your ORACLE_ HOME
environment variable is correctly
set (which is a prerequisite for an
install), then the supplied value of
${env.ORACLE_HOME} should be
simple.dbhost This should reflect the host ${simple.installation.nodename}
name of the database serv-
er. If the database server is
installed on the same server
as the environment being in-
stalled, then the supplied value of
should be used. The username for the system us- system
er. The password for the system us- manager
er. If the Oracle system password
is not available (for example, due
to customer security restrictions),
installation profile should be used.

December 2020 325

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

The password "manager" can
be left as it is not used in the
simple.username.stem The name that the schema cre- ${}
ated by the database will be
prefixed by. For simple instal-
lations, the supplied value of
should be used.
simple.enable.dwf If set to true, the system will en- false
able Data Warehouse Feed (DWF)
functionality. As DWF is an option-
al module, this is set to 'false' by
Static IP Port Assignments
simple.www-port Static IP port assignment for the 14055
web server. Use the supplied port
if it is not used by any other appli-
cation or process.
simple.imr-svc-port Static IP port assignment for the 14001
IMR service. Use the supplied port
if it is not used by any other appli-
cation or process.
simple.imr-act-port Static IP port assignment for the 14002
IMR activator. Use the supplied
port if it is not used by any other
application or process.
simple.load-manager-port Static IP port assignment for the 14003
Load Manager. Use the supplied
port if it is not used by any other
application or process. Static IP port assignment for the 14004
Name Server. Use the supplied
port if it is not used by any other
application or process.
simple.config-port Static IP port assignment for the 14005
Configuration Server. Use the sup-
plied port if it is not used by any
other application or process.
simple.msg-svc-port Static IP port assignment for the 14006
Messaging Server. Use the sup-
plied port if it is not used by any
other application or process.
simple.scm-port Static IP port assignment for the 14007
SCM Server. Use the supplied port

December 2020 326

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

if it is not used by any other appli-
cation or process.
simple.rmi-port Static IP port assignment for the 14008
Java RMI registry. Use the sup-
plied port if it is not used by any
other application or process.
simple.ssl-port The static IP port assignment for 14000
Secure Socket Layer used by the
web server. Use the supplied port
if it is not used by any other appli-
cation or process.
#simple.sec.central-auth-port This setting is used for enabling 14012
reports to use the central security
module. If you are going through
a firewall, then uncomment this
line and add a static IP port.

The following port ranges must not overlap with the port ranges specified above. Neither
may the port ranges for ICT (ict) and Central (sec).
simple.firewall.present If a firewall is installed between false
the installation master server and
the GUI client, set this variable to
'true', uncomment the lines below
it and insert valid values for the
#simple.sec.rmi-range-start This setting is used to specify the 14013
start of the range of ports that the
central RMI server will use. If you
are going through a firewall, then
uncomment this line and add a
static IP port.
#simple.sec.rmi-range-end This setting is used to specify the 14034
end of the range of ports that the
central RMI server will use. If you
are going through a firewall, then
uncomment this line and add a
static IP port.
#simple.ict.rmi-range-start This setting is used to specify the 14035
start of the range of ports that the
ICT RMI server will use. If you are
going through a firewall, then un-
comment this line and add a static
IP port.
#simple.ict.rmi-range-end This setting is used to specify the 14054
end of the range of ports that the
ICT RMI server will use. If you are

December 2020 327

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

going through a firewall, then un-
comment this line and add a static
IP port.
simple.route.enabled Set this variable to 'true' to cre- false
ate the schema used for integra-
tion with Contract Manager/CSG
Note: The configured tablespaces should only be changed from these defaults after consultation
with CSG. When creating a new schema, Or- ICT_DEFAULT_DATA
acle needs to know in which ta-
blespace to create tables that do
not specify a specific tablespace.
This, therefore, refers to the ta-
blespace in which tables will be
created on the SEC schema if no
tablespace has been specified. All
the tables created by Interconnect
are created in application-specific
tablespace.sec.temp When creating a new schema, Or- TEMP
acle needs to know what the tem-
porary tablespace is.
Temporary tablespaces are used
to manage space for database sort
operations and for storing glob-
al temporary tables. This defines
the temp tablespace for the SEC
schema. This contains data for all the Cen- ICT_CENTRAL_DATA
tral activities, including message
log information. As message log
data can grow quickly over time, it
is important to purge the message
log regularly.
tablespace.sec.index This contains data for all the Cen- ICT_CENTRAL_INDEX
tral activities, including message
log information. As message log
data can grow quickly over time, it
is important to purge the message
log regularly. When creating a new schema, Or- ICT_DEFAULT_DATA
acle needs to know in which ta-
blespace to create tables that do
not specify a specific tablespace.
This, therefore, refers to the ta-

December 2020 328

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

blespace in which tables will be
created on the ICT schema if no
tablespace has been specified. All
the tables created by Interconnect
are created in application-specific
tablespace.ict.temp When creating a new schema, Or- TEMP
acle needs to know what the tem-
porary tablespace is. Temporary
tablespaces are used to manage
space for database sort operations
and for storing global temporary
tables. This defines the temporary
tablespace for the ICT schema. These contain all rated EDRs and ICT_CDR_DATA
are likely to be very large. You
should start archiving rated EDRs
by the time the initial retention
period has been reached and pro-
cesses should be put in place to
continue the archiving of this da-
ta at regular intervals. Rated EDRs
will typically remain in online stor-
age for a retention period of 90
tablespace.ict.cdr.index This tablespace will hold the ICT_CDR_INDEX
indexes of the data creat-
ed in tables created in the setting.
Regular archiving of EDRs will en-
sure that usage of this tablespace
does not grow too large. This contains data for errored ICT_ERROR_DATA
EDRs. Error data may be archived
and restored at a later stage, if
tablespace.ict.error.index This contains errored EDR sum- ICT_ERROR_INDEX
maries. Error summaries may be
archived and restored at a later
stage, if required. This contains key data for both ICT_KEY_DATA
EDR and summary transactional
data. The volume of data in this
tablespace can be reduced only if
regular archiving has been done.
The EDR Cleanup and Daily Sum-
mary Cleanup transients will re-
move unused key data, but these

December 2020 329

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

should only be run when you are
advised to run them by CSG Sup-
tablespace.ict.key.index This contains key data for both ICT_KEY_INDEX
EDR and summary transactional
data. The volume of data in this
tablespace can be reduced only if
regular archiving has been done. This tablespace contains all the ICT_LOOKUP_DATA
normalised data used in EDR, Dai-
ly Summary and Financial Sum-
mary lookups. The EDR Cleanup
and Daily Summary Cleanup tran-
sients will remove unused key da-
ta, but these should only be run
when you are advised to run them
by CSG Support.
tablespace.ict.lookup.index This tablespace will hold the ICT_LOOKUP_INDEX
indexes of the data creat-
ed in tables created in the setting.
The EDR Cleanup and Daily Sum-
mary Cleanup transients will re-
move unused key data, but these
should only be run when you are
advised to run them by CSG Sup-
port. This tablespace will contain all ta- ICT_REF_DATA
bles that store Interconnect refer-
ence data.
tablespace.ict.ref.index This tablespace will hold the ICT_REF_INDEX
indexes of the data creat-
ed in tables created in the When restoring archived data that CDR_RESTORED_DATA
requires tables to be recreated
(for example, restoring archived
EDRs will result in CDR_DETAIL
tables being created for the data
being restored), this tablespace
will be used for these tables.
tablespace.ict.restored.index This tablespace will hold the CDR_RESTORED_INDEX
indexes of the data creat-
ed in tables created in the ta-

December 2020 330

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

Value This contains current summarised ICT_SUMMARY_DATA
EDR data and will grow as rat-
ed EDR summaries are added to
the database. Rated EDR summa-
ry and other summary data is re-
moved from the database when
billing periods are archived.
tablespace.ict.summary.index This contains current summarised ICT_SUMMARY_INDEX
EDR data and will grow as rat-
ed EDR summaries are added to
the database. Rated EDR summa-
ry and other summary data is re-
moved from the database when
billing periods are archived.
tablespace.ict.summary.history. Daily Summary data belonging to ICT_SUMMARY_HISTORY_
data extracted billing periods is moved DATA
from current tables to history ta-
bles for performance reasons.
The history tables exist in this ta-
blespace. The EDR Cleanup and
Daily Summary Cleanup transients
will remove unused key data, but
these should only be run when
you are advised to run them by
CSG Support. This tablespace will hold the ICT_SUMMARY_HISTORY_
dex indexes of the data creat- INDEX
ed in tables created in the The
EDR Cleanup and Daily Summa-
ry Cleanup transients will remove
unused key data, but these should
only be run when you are advised
to run them by CSG Support. Tables are created in this ta- ICT_WORK_DATA
blespace by Interconnect that will
contain data for a short period of
time, but that needs to be shared
between different Oracle sessions
(therefore Oracle temp tables are
not suitable), for example, merge
resource data. This tablespace will hold the ICT_WORK_INDEX
indexes of the data creat-
ed in tables created in the ta-

December 2020 331

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

Value When creating a new schema, Or- ICT_DEFAULT_DATA
acle needs to know in which ta-
blespace to create tables that do
not specify a specific tablespace.
This, therefore, refers to the ta-
blespace in which tables will be
created on the RPT schema if no
tablespace has been specified. All
the tables created by Interconnect
are created in application-specific
tablespace.rpt.temp When creating a new schema, TEMP
Oracle needs to know what the
temp tablespace is. Temporary
tablespaces are used to manage
space for database sort operations
and for storing global temporary
tables. This defines the temp ta-
blespace for the SEC schema. This contains ETL data produced ICT_REPORTS_DATA
by running the various ETL pro-
cesses. Currently, there are no
processes to archive or remove
any of the ETL data.
tablespace.rpt.index This contains ETL data produced ICT_REPORTS_INDEX
by running the various ETL pro-
cesses. Currently, there are no
processes to archive or remove
any of the ETL data. When creating a new schema, Or- ICT_REF_DATA
acle needs to know in which ta-
blespace to create tables that do
not specify a specific tablespace..
This, therefore, refers to the ta-
blespace in which tables will be
created on the ASC schema if no
tablespace has been specified. All
the tables created by Interconnect
are created in application-specific
tablespace.route.temp When creating a new schema, Or- TEMP
acle needs to know what the tem-
porary tablespace is. Temporary
tablespaces are used to manage
space for database sort operations
and for storing global temporary
tables. This defines the temp ta-
blespace for the ASC schema.

December 2020 332

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

Schema Details
schema.sec.username The SEC schema username. By ${simple.username.stem}C
default, this is set to the environ-
ment name appended with a C.
schema.sec.password The password for the SEC schema. ${simple.username.stem}C
By default, this is set to the envi-
ronment name appended with a C.
schema.ict.username The ICT schema username. By de- ${simple.username.stem}I
fault, this is set to the environ-
ment name appended with a I.
schema.ict.password The password for the ICT schema. ${simple.username.stem}I
By default, this is set to the envi-
ronment name appended with a I.
schema.rpt.username The RPT schema username. By ${simple.username.stem}R
default, this is set to the environ-
ment name appended with a R.
schema.rpt.password The password for the RPT schema. ${simple.username.stem}R
By default, this is set to the envi-
ronment name appended with a R.
schema.route.username The ASC schema username. By ${simple.username.stem}A
default, this is set to the environ-
ment name appended with a A.
schema.route.password The password for the SEC schema. ${simple.username.stem}A
By default, this is set to the envi-
ronment name appended with a C.
Optional Modules
#environment.licensed.modules If the customer has paid for op- AAR|ADJ|BLK|CEX|FEX|ICT|
tional modules, this option should TER|XIF
be uncommented and the imple-
menter should list the optional
modules purchsed, separated by
pipes (|). Optional modules can
also be activated on an installed
environment at a later stage, if re-
option.dwf.enabled If the Dynamic Data Warehouse ${simple.enable.dwf}
feed optional module is installed,
the user has the option of en-
abling this functionality.
ICT Server Memory and Caching Configuration
environment.ict.max-mem Maximum memory (in MB) that 800
the ICT application server can use.
environment.ict.max-rows-cach Maximum cache size (in MB) to be 500
used by the ICT server for all the
users' queries.

December 2020 333

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

Property Description Default/Recommended

environment.ict.max-re- Maximum cache size (in MB) to be 400
quest-cache used by the ICT server for a single
user's query.
Filesystem Configuration The base directory that will be ${environment.root}
used by archive and restore func-
tionality. The base direction for all files re- ${environment.root}
lated to Interconnect Pricing. The directory to which all bulk ex- ${environment.root}/ex-
port files will be written to on the portfiles/
application server. The directory from which all bulk ${environment.root}/im-
import files will be read from on portfiles/
the application server.
API Server Configuration
environment.use.api.server This option enables the SOAP API NO
Note: If the API servers need to
start up, set to 'YES'.
Server Verification Configuration
environment.ssl-enable-serv- This option enables verification of true
er-verification the server SSL Certificate.
If the server SSL Certificate
should be verified, set this to
If the variable is set to 'true', then
on the client machine you must
set up an environmental variable
(%JAVA_HOME%) for the JRE
home folder and include it in the
system path.
See Section 13.5, “Registering a
Signed Certificate” for more infor-

The Unix System Administrator should choose a port range that does not conflict with any ex-
isting application on the Unix server and that is outside the ephemeral port range.

December 2020 334

INTERCONNECT V10.2 SP7 Appendix A. The Installer Proper-

The convention with port numbers is to change the first two digits to be unique per environ-

Interconnect requires that the directory contains a sub-direc-
tory for the reference data cache images. The recommended default is a separate mountpoint
called /bmd/<ENVIRONMENT>/rating/refdata.

December 2020 335



ID Description Default Value

AAR_ARCHIVE_STREAMS This setting controls the number of con- 2
current archive streams. Each stream will
archive one file at a time, using multiple
threads for reading from the database,
performing conversions and writing to the
archive file.
AAR_BUCKET_SIZE This setting controls how many records 1000
Archive and Restore will process at a time.
The default is 1000.
AAR_DATE_FORMAT The date format to be used when creating YYYYMMDD
Archive files.
AAR_DATETIME_FORMAT The date/time format to be used when cre- YYYYM-
ating Archive files. MDD-HH24MISS
AAR_ENABLE_DB_TRACE If set to TRUE this will enable a level 12 FALSE
database trace for both Archive and Re-
store, which could be used for database
tuning or troubleshooting.
AAR_FILE_COMPRESS This setting controls whether archived files TRUE
are automatically compressed. If enabled
then a ".gz" suffix will be appended to the
AAR_RESTORED_DIR Directory where AAR will should move /INSTALL-AAR-BASE-
archive file to after successful restore. DIR/AAR/restore
AAR_RESTORE_STREAMS This setting controls the number of con- 2
current restore streams. Each stream will
restore one file at a time, using multi-
ple threads for reading from the file, per-
forming conversions and writing to the
ACCRUAL_AGGR_ORG_NAA Set to TRUE, accrual summaries will aggre- FALSE
gate on origin NAA for non reversed charge
ACCRUAL_MONTHS Indicates the number of months preced- 3
ing the current month that exchange rates
should be looked up for Accruals.
ACCRUAL_PREFIX Indicates the prefix for the files created by control-accrual
the accrual process. This system setting
cannot be edited.
ACTUAL_PREFIX Indicates the prefix for the files created by control-actual
the financial finalisation process. This sys-
tem setting cannot be edited.
ALLOW_ADJ_ON_OPN_BLP Specifies if adjustments are permitted on TRUE
open billing periods.

December 2020 336

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

ALLOW_EST_RATE_TRAFFIC If TRUE, the Estimate Using Expired FALSE
Rate check box will be available on Agree-
ment windows for users to indicate which
agreements require estimated rating. Users
can select which agreements' traffic must
be rated using the most recent expired rate
when normal rates cannot be found.
ALLOW_FUTURE_BLP If set to TRUE, all open billing periods (cur- TRUE
rent and future) will be processed when
period end or Pre-Estimate is run. If set
to FALSE, billing periods with a start date
greater than the current date will not be
ALLOW_RTE_PERCENTAGE Specifies is a percentage is allowed to be TRUE
specified on rates.
ALOG_DISPLAY_OLD If set to true, a button allowing flow to the FALSE
old audit log information is made available
on the online audit windows.
AUDIT_BULK_PROCESSES Indicates if the reference data changed by TRUE
bulk processes (Bulk Load, Bulk Authorise
and Bulk Delete) should be audited.
AUDIT_COMMENT Specifies if audit comments should be dis- TRUE
AUDIT_COMMENT_OPT Specifies if audit comments are optional. TRUE
AUTOREPRICE_IGNORE_ Ignore time premium when using automat- FALSE
TIMEPREMIUM ed repricing to enable the use of newly-al-
located rates with a new time premium.
AUTO_INCL_SUM_RELOCATE If set to TRUE, the summary relocate will TRUE
be run as part of Period Finalisation. If set
to FALSE, it will not run as part of Period Fi-
nalisation and may be scheduled indepen-
BLOAD_BULK_API_COMMIT_ The amount of records that are batched up 5000
ROWS into each bulk request. This only applies to
rate loader.
BLOAD_COMMIT_ROWS Rows to load before a database commit. 50
BLOAD_ERRORS_STOP Number of consecutive rows that may error 100
before the load process terminates
BLOAD_EXPORT_DIR Relative path on the server to be used to ./exportfiles/
place export files. The path should be rel-
ative to the Working Path of the server ap-
plication. This location is a waiting area for
export files until they are downloaded to
the PC.
BLOAD_IMPORT_DIR Relative path on the server to be used to ./importfiles/
pick up data files for bulk loading. The path

December 2020 337

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

should be relative to the Working Path of
the server application.
BUCKETS_MNT Maximum number of time of day buckets
that can be created on the GUI.
CALL_DURATION_THRES Default Call Duration Threshold bucket size 10
when setting up thresholds on the window
Call Duration Bucket Period.
CASH_FLOW_FILE_SPLIT Flag to indicate whether or not Cash Flow TRUE
files are split into Cost and Revenue files.
CDRPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX Maximum number of EDR keys to be 30000
cached in client
CDRPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_MIN Minimum number of EDR keys to be cached 25000
in client
CDRPREP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ Number of rows per request to EDR prep 3000
ROWS service
CDR_ARCHIVE_FILENAME Specifies the file format to be used when AARC-
creating the Rated EDR Archive files. May DR-%MESSAGE_DATE
contain any of the following variables: %-%TABLE_NO%-
CDR_BUCKET_LOCK_ATTEMPTS Number of times that rating should attempt 6
to lock the bucket it is working with.
CDR_CONCURRENT_TABLES Number EDR Tables used concurrently 1
CDR_CREATE_INDEXES_AS_UN- If this setting is TRUE then new rating EDR FALSE
USABLE tables will be created with non-unique in-
dexes marked as unusable. The default val-
ue is FALSE. Unusable indexes on EDR ta-
bles will automatically be rebuilt on the
next run of housekeeping (e.g. at startup of
pricing, and most other batch jobs).
Creating indexes as unusable will save Or-
acle from having to maintain those indexes
during the pricing run, and also reduces the
amount of redo generated. This could give
an increase in pricing throughput, especial-
ly if multiple raters are writing to the same
table. The disadvantage of doing this is that
operations that read EDR tables (such as
online EDR drilldown, or EDR Extract) may
be slow if attempted before such indexes
have been rebuilt.
This setting does not apply to tables cre-
ated when restoring archived EDRs, as in
that case indexes are always created as un-

December 2020 338

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

usable and are automatically rebuilt at the
end of the restore process.
CDR_NUM_TABLESPACES Specifies the number of tablespaces avail- 1
able for CDR_DETAIL tables.
CDR_RATING_DATA_TA- Specifies the rating EDR index tablespace ICT_CDR_DATA
BLESPACE (use ### for tablespace number) in which
CDR_DETAIL indexes will be created.
CDR_RATING_INDEX_TA- Specifies the rating EDR index tablespace ICT_CDR_INDEX
BLESPACE (use ### for tablespace number) in which
CDR_DETAIL indexes will be created.
CDR_RESTORE_DATA_TA- Specifies the table space into which re- CDR_RESTORED_DATA
BLESPACE stored data should be placed.
CDR_RESTORE_DIRECT_PATH If set to true, Oracle will use direct path in- TRUE
sert for EDR restore. When set, this option
reduces redo log generation but may in-
crease temporary space requirements.
CDR_RESTORE_INDEX_TA- Specifies the table space into which indexes CDR_RESTORED_INDEX
BLESPACE for restored data should be placed.
CDR_ROWS_PER_TABLE Approximate number of rows to store in 1000000
each EDR table.
CDR_STORAGE_METHOD Deprecated V70 system setting indicating DELTA
if data stored in ISAM files should be com-
CEXT_FILENAME_PREFIX Specifies the prefix of each file produced by CDR_EXT
the EDR extract process.
CEXT_MBYTES_PER_FILE Specifies the size in MB when a new EDR 2048
Extract file should be created.
CEXT_PROFILE Specifies the default EDR Extract profile. DEFAULT
CEXT_ROWS_PER_FILE Specifies the maximum number of records 1000000
per EDR Extract file.
CONTRACT_MANAGER_CFLOW_ To keep pricing consistent with CSG FALSE
REVERSE Route (that is, to automatically reverse
set), set to TRUE.
CP_BUCKET_COLLECTOR_ Number of threads used in CDR processing 2
THREADS transients (e.g. Reprice/Undo) for collecting
buckets from Rating.
CP_BUCKET_CREATOR_THREADS Number of tables that will be concurrent- 2
ly processed in CDR Processing transients
(e.g. Reprice/Undo).
CP_BUCKET_QUEUE_SIZE Number of buckets to read ahead before 8
sending to rating in CDR Processing tran-
sients (e.g. Reprice/Undo).

December 2020 339

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

CP_BUCKET_RUNNER_THREADS Number of threads used in CDR processing 2
transients (e.g. Reprice/Undo) for sending
buckets to Rating.
CP_BUCKET_SIZE CDR Bucket size for CDR Processing tran- 10000
sients (e.g. Reprice/Undo).
CP_CONCURRENT_BUCKETS Maximum number of buckets to be concur- 6
rently processed in CDR Processing tran-
sients (e.g. Reprice/Undo).
CREATE_HIERARCHY_HIS Three values applicable: A, S and N. This N (but not Boolean)
system setting is used for Partner Hierarchy
reference data and the following apply:
• When the system setting is A it will al-
ways create the history information if a
Partner Hierarchy record is edited.
• When the system setting is S it will ask
the user to confirm if the history infor-
mation should be created for the Partner
Hierarchy record that is being edited.
• When the system setting is N it will not
create history information for the Part-
ner Hierarchy.
CSP_SRVR_back- The number of back-end worker threads 2
end_NUM_WORKERS that the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will start
CSP_SRVR_back- The maximum amount of time that the EDR 60
end_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT Storage Preparation Server will wait for ac-
tive workers to finish their allocated work at
shutdown time
CSP_SRVR_DB_MODULE_NAME EDR Storage Preparation Server Database dlys_storage_prep_srvr
Module Name
CSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_MAX_ The maximum number of seconds the EDR 60
SHUTDOWN_WAIT Storage Preparation Server will wait for in-
use requesters to be returned to the re-
quester pool when using the dynamic re-
quester management strategy
CSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The number of requester items the EDR 2
INITIAL_SIZE Storage Preparation Server will create in
the dynamic_pool at startup time
CSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The maximum age (in seconds) that 60
MAX_AGE dynamic_pool entries may reach since their
last use before the EDR Storage Preparation
Server releases their resources
CSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The maximum number of seconds the EDR 60
MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT Storage Preparation Server will wait for in-
use requesters to be returned to the re-

December 2020 340

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

quester pool when using the dynamic_pool
requester management strategy
CSP_SRVR_ENABLE_DB_TRACE Enable level 12 database tracing for FALSE
CSP_SRVR_ENABLE_STATS_ Enable collection of EDR Storage Prepa- FALSE
COLLECTION ration Server statistics (requires statistics
CSP_SRVR_KEY_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allo-
cate for storing cdr_key bulk lookup results
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_KEY_BULK_SIZE The number of elements the EDR Storage 7500
Preparation Server will allocate memory for
in the bulk lookup buffers for cdr_key
CSP_SRVR_KEY_HASHTABLE_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_key cache to
CSP_SRVR_KEY_HASHTABLE_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_key cache before
the EDR Storage Preparation Server will cull
the cache
CSP_SRVR_KEY_HASHTABLE_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allo-
cate for cdr_key caching (rounded up to the
closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_KEY_PRELOAD If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_key from the database at startup
CSP_SRVR_KEY_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
er will save the cache entries for cdr_key to
the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_KEY_SAVE_PER- The percentage of the cdr_key cache which 25
CENTAGE the EDR Storage Preparation Server should
save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
BULK_HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_01 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
The percentage of the maximum number of 85
CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_01 cache to

December 2020 341

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_01 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_01 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_01 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_01 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_01 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_02 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_02 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_02 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_02 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_02 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_02 to the database at shutdown

December 2020 342

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_02 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_03 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_03 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_03 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_03 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_03 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_03 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_03 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_04 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_04 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_04 cache

December 2020 343

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_04 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_04 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_04 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_04 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_05 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_05 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_05 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_05 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_05 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_05 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_05 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown

December 2020 344

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_06 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_06 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_06 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_06 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_06 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_06 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_06 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_07 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_07 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_07 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate

December 2020 345

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

for cdr_lookup_07 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_07 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_07 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_07 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_08 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_08 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_08 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_08 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_08 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_08 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_08 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing cdr_lookup_09 bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)

December 2020 346

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_BULK_ The number of elements the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate mem-
ory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that EDR Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the cdr_lookup_09 cache to
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the cdr_lookup_09 cache
before the EDR Storage Preparation Server
will cull the cache
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ The size of the hashtable which the EDR 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for cdr_lookup_09 caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Serv- TRUE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
cdr_lookup_09 from the database at start-
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_SAVE If true, the EDR Storage Preparation TRUE
Server will save the cache entries for
cdr_lookup_09 to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_SAVE_ The percentage of the cdr_lookup_09 cache 25
PERCENTAGE which the EDR Storage Preparation Server
should save to the database at shutdown
CSP_SRVR_REAPER_FREQUENCY The frequency in seconds that the EDR 60
Storage Preparation Server will purge less
requested cache items from memory
CSP_SRVR_REQUESTER_BLOCK_ The number of items that the EDR Stor- 7500
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate in each
work request. When worker based block
size is set, this becomes the minimum allo-
cation block size
CSP_SRVR_REQUESTER_POOL_ The requester pool management strate- dynamic_pool
STRATEGY gy the EDR Storage Preparation Server will
employ. One of dynamic, dynamic_pool,
semi_dynamic or static_pool
CSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Server TRUE
POOL_BLOCK_ON_FULL will stall a request when no resources are
available in the semi_dynamic resource list.
When false, an error will be generated im-
CSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The number of requester items the EDR 2
POOL_INITIAL_SIZE Storage Preparation Server will create in
the semi_dynamic resource pool at startup

December 2020 347

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

CSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum age (in seconds) that 60
POOL_MAX_AGE semi_dynamic resource pool entries may
reach since their last use before the EDR
Storage Preparation Server releases their
CSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum number of seconds the EDR 60
POOL_MAX_BLOCK_TIME Storage Preparation Server will allow a re-
quest to wait for a requester when no re-
sources are available in the semi_dynamic
resource list
CSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum number of seconds the EDR 60
POOL_MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT Storage Preparation Server will wait for in-
use requesters to be returned to the re-
quester pool when using the semi_dynamic
requester management strategy
CSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum number of requester items 10
POOL_MAX_SIZE the EDR Storage Preparation Server will
create in the semi_dynamic resource pool
CSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_ If true, the EDR Storage Preparation Server TRUE
BLOCK_ON_FULL will stall a request when no resources are
available in the static_pool resource list.
When false, an error will be generated im-
CSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_ The maximum number of seconds the EDR 60
MAX_BLOCK_TIME Storage Preparation Server will allow a re-
quest to wait for a requester when no re-
sources are available in the static_pool re-
source list
CSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_ The maximum number of seconds the EDR 60
MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT Storage Preparation Server will wait for in-
use requesters to be returned to the re-
quester pool when using the static_pool re-
quester management strategy
CSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_SIZE The number of requester items that the 2
EDR Storage Preparation Server will allo-
cate in the static_pool
CSP_SRVR_STATS_DUMP_FRE- Frequency in seconds that EDR Storage 600
QUENCY Preparation Server statistics should be cal-
culated and logged
CSP_SRVR_STATS_MAX_SAM- Maximum number of EDR Storage Prepara- 5000000
PLES tion Server statistics samples to collect be-
fore clearing the statistics buffer
CSP_SRVR_WORKER_BASED_ Allow the EDR Storage Preparation Server TRUE
BLOCK_SIZE to optimise its internal unit of work size by
dividing the request size by the number of
configured workers

December 2020 348

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

CUR This value is used by reporting as the Sys- EUR
tem Currency for currency conversion on
the reports.
DAILY_AGENT_NO_OF_THREADS Specifies the number of threads to use 3
when running the period end process.
DATABASE_TYPE The database used by the application. Only ORACLE
Oracle is supported.
DATABASE_URL The JDBC connect URL used to connect to jdbc:oracle:thin:
the application database. @IN-
DBC_LED_DAY_RANGE Oldest reference data (based on End Date) 180
to include in Rating, specified in days.
DB_PARALLEL_MAX Enables parallel recreation of daily sum- 0
mary indexes and primary keys during
the summary relocate process and speci-
fies the degree of parallelism to be used.
Note: This setting is only applicable when
set to TRUE on environments with Oracle
Enterprise edition. Please consult your DBA
for a valid value.
DB_SERVER The server on which the database resides. INSTALL-DB_SERVER
DB_USERID The Oracle user ID of either the ICT or Cen- INSTALL-DB_USERID
tral user (depends on application).
DEFAULT_BNOP_CCAT Default Contact Category Operator on the DEFAULT_BNOP_
Statement Profile window SPRO001 on the CONTACT_CAT
OBS Tab.
DEFAULT_FRAN_CCAT Default Contact Category Franchise on the DEFAULT_FRAN_
Statement Profile window SPRO001 on the CONTACT_CAT
OBS Tab.
DEF_TIER_PRERATED If the EDR being processed is prerated, the GEO
tier specified in this system setting will be
applied to all components of that EDR.
DEFAULT_TIMP_IBS The default IBS Time Premium to use if no S
time premium is provided on the IBS.
DIVISION_SCALE Mathematical scale applied during division. 30
DKEYPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX Maximum number of DLYS keys to be 30000
cached in client
DKEYPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_MIN Minimum number of DLYS keys to be 25000
cached in client
DKEYPREP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ Number of rows per request to DLYS key 3000
ROWS prep service

December 2020 349

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DLYSPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_MAX Maximum number of daily summaries to be 30000
cached in client
DLYSPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_MIN Minimum number of daily summaries to be 25000
cached in client
DLYSPREP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ Number of rows per request to DLYS prep 3000
ROWS service
DLYS_FEED_MAX_ACTIVE Daily summary feed will create up to this 10
number of queue tables.
DLYS_FEED_ROWS_PER_TABLE Daily summary feed will switch to next ta- 100000
ble when reaching this number of rows.
DSP_SRVR_back- The number of back-end worker threads 2
end_NUM_WORKERS that the Daily Summary Storage Prepara-
tion Server will start
DSP_SRVR_back- The maximum amount of time that the Dai- 60
end_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT ly Summary Storage Preparation Server will
wait for active workers to finish their allo-
cated work at shutdown time
DSP_SRVR_DB_MODULE_NAME Daily Summary Storage Preparation Server dlys_storage_prep_srvr
Database Module Name
DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_detail bulk
lookup results (rounded up to the closest
power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_BULK_SIZE The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_detail cache
DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_detail cache be-
fore the Daily Summary Storage Prepara-
tion Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Serv-
er should allocate for dlys_detail caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_PRELOAD If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_detail from the database at

December 2020 350

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_detail to the database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_DETAIL_SAVE_PER- The percentage of the dlys_detail cache 25
CENTAGE which the Daily Summary Storage Prepara-
tion Server should save to the database at
DSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_MAX_ The maximum number of seconds the Dai- 60
SHUTDOWN_WAIT ly Summary Storage Preparation Server will
wait for in-use requesters to be returned to
the requester pool when using the dynamic
requester management strategy
DSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The number of requester items the Daily 2
INITIAL_SIZE Summary Storage Preparation Server will
create in the dynamic_pool at startup time
DSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The maximum age (in seconds) that 60
MAX_AGE dynamic_pool entries may reach since their
last use before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server releases their resources
DSP_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The maximum number of seconds the Dai- 60
MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
will wait for in-use requesters to be re-
turned to the requester pool when using
the dynamic_pool requester management
DSP_SRVR_ENABLE_DB_TRACE Enable level 12 database tracing for FALSE
DSP_SRVR_ENABLE_STATS_ Enable collection of Daily Summary Stor- FALSE
COLLECTION age Preparation Server statistics (requires
statistics logging)
DSP_SRVR_KEY_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_key bulk
lookup results (rounded up to the closest
power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_KEY_BULK_SIZE The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_KEY_HASHTABLE_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_key cache to
DSP_SRVR_KEY_HASHTABLE_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_key cache be-
fore the Daily Summary Storage Prepara-
tion Server will cull the cache

December 2020 351

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DSP_SRVR_KEY_HASHTABLE_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Serv-
er should allocate for dlys_key caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_KEY_PRELOAD If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_key from the database at
DSP_SRVR_KEY_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_key to the database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_KEY_SAVE_PER- The percentage of the dlys_key cache 25
CENTAGE which the Daily Summary Storage Prepara-
tion Server should save to the database at
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_01
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_01
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_01
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_01 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_01 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_01 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_01_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_01 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-

December 2020 352

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_02
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_02
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_02
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_02 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_02 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_02 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_02_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_02 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_03
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-

December 2020 353

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_03
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_03
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_03 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_03 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_03 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_03_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_03 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_04
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_04
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_04
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_04 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_04 from the
database at startup

December 2020 354

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_04 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_04_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_04 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_05
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_05
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_05
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_05 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_05 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_05 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_05_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_05 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_06
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)

December 2020 355

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_06
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_06
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_06 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_06 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_06 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_06_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_06 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_07
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_07
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_07
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server

December 2020 356

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

should allocate for dlys_lookup_07 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_07 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_07 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_07_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_07 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_08
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_08
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_08
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_08 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_08 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_08 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_08_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_08 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown

December 2020 357

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_BULK_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for storing dlys_lookup_09
bulk lookup results (rounded up to the clos-
est power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_BULK_ The number of elements the Daily Summa- 7500
SIZE ry Storage Preparation Server will allocate
memory for in the bulk lookup buffers for
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Daily Summary Storage Prepa-
ration Server will cull the dlys_lookup_09
cache to
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ The maximum number of entries which 16384
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the dlys_lookup_09
cache before the Daily Summary Storage
Preparation Server will cull the cache
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ The size of the hashtable which the Dai- 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
should allocate for dlys_lookup_09 caching
(rounded up to the closest power of 2)
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
PRELOAD ration Server will load the previous cache
entries for dlys_lookup_09 from the
database at startup
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_SAVE If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
ration Server will save the cache entries for
dlys_lookup_09 to the database at shut-
DSP_SRVR_LOOKUP_09_SAVE_ The percentage of the dlys_lookup_09 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Daily Summary Stor-
age Preparation Server should save to the
database at shutdown
DSP_SRVR_REAPER_FREQUENCY The frequency in seconds that the Dai- 60
ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
will purge less requested cache items from
DSP_SRVR_REQUESTER_BLOCK_ The number of items that the Daily Sum- 7500
SIZE mary Storage Preparation Server will allo-
cate in each work request. When worker
based block size is set, this becomes the
minimum allocation block size
DSP_SRVR_REQUESTER_POOL_ The requester pool management strate- dynamic_pool
STRATEGY gy the Daily Summary Storage Prepara-
tion Server will employ. One of dynamic,
dynamic_pool, semi_dynamic or static_pool

December 2020 358

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage TRUE
POOL_BLOCK_ON_FULL Preparation Server will stall a request
when no resources are available in the
semi_dynamic resource list. When false, an
error will be generated immediately
DSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The number of requester items the Daily 2
POOL_INITIAL_SIZE Summary Storage Preparation Server will
create in the semi_dynamic resource pool
at startup time
DSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum age (in seconds) that 60
POOL_MAX_AGE semi_dynamic resource pool entries may
reach since their last use before the Daily
Summary Storage Preparation Server re-
leases their resources
DSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum number of seconds the Dai- 60
POOL_MAX_BLOCK_TIME ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
will allow a request to wait for a requester
when no resources are available in the
semi_dynamic resource list
DSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum number of seconds the Dai- 60
POOL_MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
will wait for in-use requesters to be re-
turned to the requester pool when using
the semi_dynamic requester management
DSP_SRVR_SEMI_DYNAMIC_ The maximum number of requester items 10
POOL_MAX_SIZE the Daily Summary Storage Preparation
Server will create in the semi_dynamic re-
source pool
DSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_ If true, the Daily Summary Storage Prepa- TRUE
BLOCK_ON_FULL ration Server will stall a request when no
resources are available in the static_pool
resource list. When false, an error will be
generated immediately
DSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_ The maximum number of seconds the Dai- 60
MAX_BLOCK_TIME ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
will allow a request to wait for a requester
when no resources are available in the
static_pool resource list
DSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_ The maximum number of seconds the Dai- 60
MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT ly Summary Storage Preparation Server
will wait for in-use requesters to be re-
turned to the requester pool when using
the static_pool requester management
DSP_SRVR_STATIC_POOL_SIZE The number of requester items that the 2
Daily Summary Storage Preparation Server
will allocate in the static_pool

December 2020 359

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

DSP_SRVR_STATS_DUMP_FRE- Frequency in seconds that Daily Summary 600
QUENCY Storage Preparation Server statistics should
be calculated and logged
DSP_SRVR_STATS_MAX_SAM- Maximum number of Daily Summary Stor- 5000000
PLES age Preparation Server statistics samples to
collect before clearing the statistics buffer
DSP_SRVR_WORKER_BASED_ Allow the Daily Summary Storage Prepara- TRUE
BLOCK_SIZE tion Server to optimise its internal unit of
work size by dividing the request size by
the number of configured workers
DWF_AVERAGE_ROW_BYTE_ Defines the average number of charac- 2636
SIZE ters found in a row of a DWF file. This val-
ue is used to calculate an estimated file
size and is used in conjunction with the
DWF_MBYTES_PER_FILE system setting to
determine when a DWF resource contains
enough information to be written to a DWF
DWF_DATE_FORMAT Format of date used in DWF file names YYYYMMDD
when the %DWF_DATE% placeholder is
DWF_DYNAMIC_PROFILE ID of extract profile to be used for the Dy- 21
namic DWF. The extract profile defines the
fields that will exist in a DWF file. This val-
ue is configured when the application is in-
stalled and can only be changed after con-
sultation with CSG Support.
DWF_FILE_TIMEOUT Defines the DWF file timeout in seconds. If 3600
a DWF resource has not been used for the
defined period of time, the DWF server will
write the information contained in the re-
source to a DWF file.
DWF_FULL_TAG_EXTENSION If the value is set to TRUE, then it appends TRUE
the extension.CSV.TAG. If the value is set
to FALSE, then it appends only the.TAG ex-
DWF_MBYTES_PER_FILE When the number of records contained 2048
within a DWF resource multiplied by the
average row byte size (defined in the
setting) exceed the specified value of the
system setting, the DWF server will write
the information contained in the resource to
a DWF file.
DWF_RECORDS_PER_FILE When the number of records of a DWF re- 1000000
source equals or exceeds the specified val-
ue of this system setting, the DWF server

December 2020 360

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

will write the information contained in the
resource to a DWF file.
DWF_RESOURCE_DROP_PERIOD Dynamic Data Warehouse Feed makes use
of temporary Oracle tables to store data.
After the data has been written to file the
temporary table needs to be dropped. To
minimise the impact on Oracle performance
these temporary tables are dropped one
at a time. This system setting defines the
number of seconds between DWF table re-
source drops.
DWF_SRVR_DB_MODULE_NAME The name that can be used to identify the dwf_srvr
DWF server module when running an Oracle
trace on the DWF server. This value cannot
be edited.
DWF_SRVR_ENABLE_DB_TRACE This setting should only be used when re- FALSE
quested by CSG Support. This enables a
level 12 Oracle trace for all database inter-
action by the DWF server.
DWF_STATIC_PROFILE This value is used to determine which ex- 22
tract profile is used for the Static Data
Warehouse Feed. Profile 2 contains addi-
tional EDR fields used in v7.1 SP08. Profile
5 is the v7.1 SP07 profile.
DWF_WORKER_THREADS Defines the number of DWF worker threads 1
that are available to produce DWF files.
Generally, this should be set to the number
of logical rating engines in the system.
Unless a specialised installation is being
performed, this is equal to the total num-
ber of occurrences of the rating_srvr pro-
gram in the PROGRAM table (found in the
CENTRAL schema). The following SQL
can be used to determine this value: SE-
ING'. In very large installations, this setting
can be adjusted to reduce the amount of
memory that the Data Warehouse Feed ser-
vice uses.
DYNAMIC_DWF_FILENAME Defines the file name for dynamic Da- DYNAMICD-
ta Warehouse Feed files. This is a free- WF-%DWF_DATE
form string (in other words, any text %-%DWF_ID%-
that is not a placeholder will form part %MESSAGE_DATE
of the file name) that may contain one %-%TABLE_NO%-
or more of the following placeholders: %THREAD_ID%-

December 2020 361

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

The placeholders are replaced when the
file is produced by the values relevant
at that point in time. For example, the
DWF_ID value is the unique ID of the file
being produced, the %DATE% value is the
date on which the file is produced and the
%DWF_DATE% is the start time of the DWF
server (which is only started once by the
S999 scripts).
Note: To ensure that each filename is
unique, the following placeholders need
be supplied as a minimum per name
string: %DWF_DATE%, %DWF_ID%,
EMAIL_PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT Determines the format in which email noti-
fications are sent out:
• True - Format email as plain text.
• False - Format email notifications as
Default value is 'False'.
ENABLE_BUCKETS_FUNCT When enabled rating will apply bucket func- FALSE
tionality to EDRs if the relevant bucket ref-
erence data has been created.
ENABLE_PRODUCT_DERIV When enabled, and a product is not provid- TRUE
ed on the EDR, rating will attempt to derive
a product.
PRODUCT_DERIVATION_ Indicates that a best match CNP lookup is FALSE
REGRESSIVE_CNP_LOOKUP done per product derivation scenario when
doing product derivation.
ENABLE_RATING_LOG When enabled, a detailed rating log of each FALSE
EDR component is produced. This should
only be used when advised to do so by CSG
ERRORPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_ Maximum number of error keys to be 100000
MAX cached in client
ERRORPREP_CLIENT_CACHE_ Minimum number of error keys to be 80000
MIN cached in client
ERRORPREP_CLIENT_REQUEST_ Number of rows per request to error prep 10000
ROWS service
ERROR_ARCHIVE_FILENAME EDR Archive Filename. May contain any of AARERR-%DATE-
the following variables: %ARCHIVE_ID%, TIME%-

December 2020 362

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

ERR_SRVR_back- Number of back-end worker threads that 1
end_NUM_WORKERS the Error Storage Preparation Server will
ERR_SRVR_back- The maximum amount of time that the Er- 60
end_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT ror Storage Preparation Server will wait for
active workers to finish their allocated work
at shutdown time
ERR_SRVR_DB_MODULE_NAME Error Storage Preparation Server Database error_storage_prep_srvr
Module Name
ERR_SRVR_DYNAMIC_MAX_ The maximum number of seconds the Er- 60
SHUTDOWN_WAIT ror Storage Preparation Server will wait for
in-use requesters to be returned to the re-
quester pool when using the dynamic re-
quester management strategy
ERR_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The number of requester items the Error 1
INITIAL_SIZE Storage Preparation Server will create in
the dynamic pool at startup time
ERR_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The maximum age (in seconds) that the 60
MAX_AGE dynamic_pool entries may reach since their
last use before the Error Storage Server re-
leases their resources
ERR_SRVR_DYNAMIC_POOL_ The maximum number of seconds the Er- 60
MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT ror Storage Preparation Server will wait for
in-use requesters to be returned to the re-
quester pool when using the dynamic re-
quester management strategy
ERR_SRVR_ENABLE_DB_TRACE Enable level 12 database tracing for FALSE
ERR_SRVR_ENABLE_STATS_ Enable collection of Error Storage Prepa- FALSE
COLLECTION ration Server statistics (requires statistics
ERR_SRVR_REAPER_FREQUENCY The frequency in seconds that the Error 5
Storage Preparation Server will purge less
requested cache items from memory
ERR_SRVR_REQUESTER_BLOCK_ The number of items that the Error Stor- 10000
SIZE age Preparation Server will allocate in each
work request. When worker based block
size is set, this becomes the minimum allo-
cation block size
ERR_SRVR_REQUESTER_POOL_ The requester pool management strategy dynamic_pool
STRATEGY the Error Storage Preparation Server will
employ. One of dynamic, dynamic_pool,
semi_dynamic or static_pool
ERR_SRVR_STATS_DUMP_FRE- Frequency in seconds that Error Storage 600
QUENCY Preparation Server statistics should be cal-
culated and logged

December 2020 363

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

ERR_SRVR_STATS_MAX_SAM- Maximum number of Error Storage Prepara- 5000000
PLES tion Server statistics samples to collect be-
fore clearing the statistics buffer
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_BULK_The size of the hashtable which the Error 131072
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for storing Error Summary bulk lookup re-
sults (rounded up to the closest power of 2)
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_ The number of elements the Error Storage 5000
BULK_SIZE Preparation Server will allocate memory for
in the bulk lookup buffers for Error Summa-
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Error Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the Error Summary cache to
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_ The maximum number of entries which 131072
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the Error Summary
cache before the Error Storage Preparation
Server will cull the cache
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_ The size of the hashtable which the Error 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for Error summary caching (rounded up to
the closest power of 2)
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_ If true, the Error Storage Preparation Serv- FALSE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
Error Summary from the database at start-
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_SAVE If true, the Error Storage Preparation Serv- FALSE
er will save the cache entries for Error
Summary to the database at shutdown
ERR_SRVR_SUM_LOOKUP_SAVE_The percentage of the Error Summary 25
PERCENTAGE cache which the Error Storage Preparation
Server should save to the database at shut-
ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ The size of the hashtable which the Error 131072
BULK_HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allo-
cate for storing Error Value Summary bulk
lookup results (rounded up to the closest
power of 2)
ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ The number of elements the Error Storage 7500
BULK_SIZE Preparation Server will allocate memory for
in the bulk lookup buffers for Error Value
ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ The percentage of the maximum number of 85
HASHTABLE_CULL_PERCENTAGE entries that Error Storage Preparation Serv-
er will cull the Error Value Summary cache

December 2020 364

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ The maximum number of entries which 131072
HASHTABLE_MAX_SIZE may be present in the Error Value Summa-
ry cache before the Error Storage Prepara-
tion Server will cull the cache
ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ The size of the hashtable which the Error 16384
HASHTABLE_SIZE Storage Preparation Server should allocate
for Error Value Summary caching (rounded
up to the closest power of 2)
ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ If true, the Error Storage Preparation Serv- FALSE
PRELOAD er will load the previous cache entries for
Error Value Summary from the database at
ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ If true, the Error Storage Preparation Serv- FALSE
SAVE er will save the cache entries for Error Val-
ue Summary to the database at shutdown
ERR_SRVR_VAL_SUM_LOOKUP_ The percentage of the Error Value Summa- 25
SAVE_PERCENTAGE ry cache which the Error Storage Prepara-
tion Server should save to the database at
ERR_SRVR_WORKER_BASED_ The number of elements the Error Storage FALSE
BLOCK_SIZE Preparation Server will allocate memory for
in the bulk lookup buffers for Error Value
ESTBLP_NO_OF_THREADS Number of threads to be used when run- 3
ning Pre-estimate.
ESTIMATE_PREFIX Specifies the prefix of each 'Estimate' file control-estimate
produced by the Financial Finalisation job.
FEEDER_ERROR_THRESH The number of errors that a feeder pro-
cess (i.e. preprocessor, reprocess, reprice,
file undo and record undo) will allow when
communicating with rating engines. When
this number is exceeded the feeder process
will fail. Setting the system setting to zero
will disable the functionality.
FIN_EXTRACT_PROFILE ID of profile to be used for the Financial Ex- 19
tract file version.
FINALISATION_CREATE_FILE_ Should the Period End process create ex- TRUE
PERIOD_END tract files for the financial system?
FINALISATION_CREATE_FILE_ Should the Pre-estimate process create ex- TRUE
PRE_EST tract files for the financial system?
GLB_SYSTEMLANGUAGE Global language to be used in the applica- 2057
HOUSEKEEP_ENABLE_DB_TRACE Enable database tracing for housekeeping. FALSE
IBS line item lookup style for Contract Man- 10
ager line items. Options are:

December 2020 365

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

• 9 - ICT v9 style
• 10 - ICT v10 style
INTER_FRAN_BILLING If set to true, Inter Franchise Billing is al- TRUE
MASK_DATE Defines the date mask for displaying dates yyyy MM dd
on the GUI.
MASK_DATE_SEPARATOR Defines the separator for date fields when /
displaying dates on the GUI.
MAX_REQUEST_CACHE Maximum cache size in MB to be used by 80
ICT server for a single user's query.
MAX_SUMMARY_GROUPING Maximum number of Summary Groups for 7
Verification Summary Agreement filter.
MAX_TOTAL_CACHE Maximum cache size in MB to be used by 250
ICT server for all the users' queries.
MEDIATION_UNDO_CREDIT_ EDR Record Type value to indicate a Media- RT
REFUND_FLAG tion Credit Refund EDR.
The maximum length of this flag is 2 char-
MEDIATION_UNDO_DEBIT_ EDR Record Type value to indicate a Media- RU
REFUND_FLAG tion Debit Refund EDR.
The maximum length of this flag is 2 char-
MEDIATION_UNDO_FLAG EDR Record Type value to indicate a Media- MU
tion Undo EDR.
The maximum length of this flag is 2 char-
MERGE_SRVR_DB_MODULE_ Merge Server Database Module Name merge_srvr
MERGE_SRVR_ENABLE_DB_ Enable level 12 database tracing for FALSE
TRACE merge_srvr
MERGE_SRVR_ENABLE_STATS_ Enable collection of Merge Server statistics FALSE
COLLECTION (requires statistics logging)
MERGE_SRVR_INDEXSPACE_ The index tablespace that merge_srvr ICT_WORK_INDEX
NAME should create resource-set indices in
MERGE_SRVR_JOB_STATS_ Time in seconds to wait between merging 300
WAIT_TIME of job related statistics.
MERGE_SRVR_MIN_RESOURCES Minimum number of resource sets which 10
merge_srvr will maintain
MERGE_SRVR_NUM_CODIFI_ Number of CODIFI summary merge threads 2
WORKERS that merge_srvr will start
MERGE_SRVR_NUM_ Number of Credit Management summary
CREDITMAN_WORKERS merge threads that merge_srvr will start.

December 2020 366

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

MERGE_SRVR_NUM_DLYS_ Number of daily summary merge threads 2
WORKERS that merge_srvr will start
MERGE_SRVR_NUM_ESUMM_ Number of error summary merge threads 1
WORKERS that merge_srvr will start
MERGE_SRVR_NUM_EVS_ Number of error value summary merge 1
WORKERS threads that merge_srvr will start
MERGE_SRVR_NUM_RESET_ Number of resource-set reset threads that 1
WORKERS merge_srvr will start
MERGE_SRVR_STATS_DUMP_ Frequency in seconds that Merge Server 600
FREQUENCY statistics should be calculated and logged
MERGE_SRVR_STATS_MAX_ Maximum number of Merge Server statis- 5000000
SAMPLES tics samples to collect before clearing the
statistics buffer
MERGE_SRVR_TABLESPACE_ The tablespace that merge_srvr should cre- ICT_WORK_DATA
NAME ate resource-sets in
MIG_ARCHIVE_PASSWORD Migration Schema Password *
MIG_ARCHIVE_SERVER Migration Schema SID and Server *
MIG_ARCHIVE_USERID Migration Schema Userid *
MIG_BATCH_PASSWORD Migration v6 Batch Password *
MIG_BATCH_SERVER Migration v6 SID and Server *
MIG_BATCH_USERID Migration v6 Batch Userid *
MIG_CDR_BUCKET_SIZE Migration EDR Bucket Size 1000
MIG_DLYS_BUCKET_SIZE Migration DLYS Bucket Size 1000
MIG_MAX_CDR_ERRORS Migration EDR Maximum Errors 100
MIG_MAX_CDR_WARNINGS Migration EDR Maximum Warnings 100
MIG_MAX_DLYS_ERRORS Migration DLYS Maximum Errors 100
MIG_MAX_DLYS_WARNINGS Migration DLYS Maximum Warnings 100
MIG_ONLINE_PASSWORD Migration v6 Online Password *
MIG_ONLINE_SERVER Migration v6 SID and Sever *
MIG_ONLINE_USERID Migration v6 Online Userid *
MIG_SQLBATCHSIZE Migration SQL Batch Size 300
OBS_CREATE_AUTO If set to true, Outbound Statements will au- TRUE
tomatically be created when billing periods
are closed by period end.
OBS_FILE_FORMAT The format of the Outbound Statements ISF
OBS_FILE_VER The version of the format of the Outbound 01
Statement files.

December 2020 367

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

OBS_INCL_CHARGES Include charges in generated Outbound TRUE
OBS_INCL_MAN_ADJ Include manual adjustments in generated TRUE
Outbound Statements.
OBS_INCL_DISC_PEN Include Discount Penalties in generated TRUE
Outbound Statements
OBS_INCREMENT_SEQ_ON_ When generating an OBS after having can- FALSE
CANCEL celled a previously Sent one:
• False - reuses the previous ID
• True - generates a new ID for the re-
placement OBS
Note: This setting does not apply to previ-
ously completed OBS's as the previous ID is
always reused.
OBS_NUM_FORMAT_SEQ_RESET Determines when the sequence Num- F-Y-S
ber <N> in the OBS Reference Num-
ber should be reset back to 1. The value
should be the same as or a subset of the
OBS_NUM_FORMAT system setting.
For example, if your OBS_NUM_FORMAT
system setting is set to F-Y-N-S, then the
setting can be any of or combination of
these fields, except the 'N' value. If the
setting is set to Y, then the sequence will
start at 1 for every unique year.
When an ID (Reference Number) is gen-
erated the wanted key fields must be re-
trieved using the format saved as a system
Get the highest Number <N> from the
OBS Header ID column using the fields in
the mask as a WHERE clause. If no data is
found, then set Number to 1 else increment
Number by 1.
When existing customers upgrade their
systems to the latest service pack, a mi-
gration script sets the actual value of this
system setting to the actual value of the
OBS_NUM_FORMAT system setting (if this
setting was set before the upgrade), ex-
cluding the N value.
For example:

December 2020 368

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

• If the actual value of the
OBS_NUM_FORMAT system setting is -
F-Y-N-S, then the actual value for the
setting is set to -F-Y-S (not necessarily
in that order).
• If the default value of the
OBS_NUM_FORMAT system setting is -
F-Y-N-S, then the default value for the
setting is set to -F-Y-S.
OBS_NUM_FORMAT Determines the format of the OBS ID. Per- F-Y-N-S
missible values are: NOTE: The Number
• Year <Y> (N) key is mandato-
• Month <M>
• Franchise <F>
• Sequence Number <N>
• Product Group <S>
• Billing Method <B>
• Billing Operator <O>
• Day <D>
An example of the mask: F-Y-N-S
PP_BUCKET_COLLECTOR_ The number of threads the preprocessor 2
THREADS should start to perform bucket collection.
PP_BUCKET_QUEUE_SIZE The size of the preprocessor bucket queue. 8
PP_BUCKET_RUNNER_THREADS The number of threads the preprocessor 3
will create to schedule buckets.
PP_CONCURRENT_BUCKETS The number of buckets that the preproces- 6
sor may schedule concurrently.
PP_CONCURRENT_FILES The number of files that the preprocessor 2
must process concurrently.
PP_FBF_FAIL_FILE_PCT The percentage of conversion failures in the 0
first bucket of a file which will result in the
whole file being failed.
PP_FILE_COLLECTOR_THREADS The number of file collector threads which 2
the preprocessor must start.
PP_FILE_EXCLUSION_LIST Contains a space delimited, case sensitive
list of file patterns (i.e. *.tmp) that should
be ignored by preprocessor
PP_FILE_QUEUE_SIZE The size (in number of files) of the prepro- 3
cessor file queue.

December 2020 369

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

PP_MIN_FILE_AGE Minimum number of seconds a file is not 20
being written to, before the preprocessor
starts to process it.
PRE_ESTIMATE_PREFIX Specifies the prefix of each 'Pre-Estimate' control-pre-estimate
file produced by the Financial Finalisation
PREPROCESS_ENABLE_DB Enable database tracing for preprocess. FALSE
PREPROCESS_FILE_ORDER Determines the order in which input files ALPHABETIC
are picked up for processing. Options are:
• DATE: process the files in ascending
date order, based on the Create* date
for the files on the server
• ALPHABETIC: process the files in alpha-
betic order based on the filename
*Note: In many Unix implementations, the
Create date is the timestamp for when the
file finished being copied into the input file
directory, not when the file was originally
created by mediation.
PRE_BUCKET_SIZE Bucket size used by preprocess for input 10000
PRE_MAX_RECOVERY_ATTEMPTS Maximum number of file recovery attempts 3
before failing
PRINT_WITHHELD_DISCL Indicates whether a disclaimer must be TRUE
added to the bottom of the report to point
out that some line items have been with-
held (even though they do not display on
the report).
PREF_CURR_CONVERSION Indicates if period end and Pre-Estimate TRUE
should convert summaries with a statement
direction of S(end) to the preferred curren-
PRODUCT_DERIVATION_ Indicates that a best match CNP lookup
REGRESSIVE_CNP_LOOKUP must be done per product derivation sce-
nario during product derivation
RATED_CDR_TRANS_SIZE For legacy 7.0 code, this defines the trans- 10000
action size when dealing with EDRs stored
in ISAM files.
RATE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION_ Display rate charge descriptions in the ap- FALSE
ACTIVE plication interface.
RAT_CCO Rating Complete Calls Only. Indicates to TRUE
rating that only complete calls should be al-

December 2020 370

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

lowed. Set to false to allow split long dura-
tion calls.
RAT_CLIENT_THREADS Number of worker threads used by rating 4
and associated processes
RAT_CPC Value of EDR link field to indicate complete 01
RAT_DWF_ENABLED Indicates rating should attempt to send FALSE
EDRs to the DWF server
RAT_ENABLE_DB_TRACE Enable tracing for rating database connec- FALSE
RAT_ENABLE_PLAN Enable creation of rating plan files FALSE
RAT_ERROR_DIGITS_ANUM Number of digits to use for A# in error val- 3
RAT_ERROR_DIGITS_BNUM Number of digits to use for B# in error val- 3
RAT_FETCH_SIZE Bucket size used by Rating when fetching 10000
records for repricing or undo
RAT_LDC Value of EDR link field to indicate Split call 02
(long duration call)
RAT_MED_REPRICE_CHECK_ Specifies whether closed billing periods FALSE
CLOSED_BP should be checked for and excluded from
undo and redo.
RAT_MED_REPRICE_ENABLED Specifies whether the mediation reprice FALSE
functionality should be used.
RAT_MED_REPRICE_REDO_ Specifies how to recognise Mediation RE
RECORD_TYPE Reprice redo EDRs.
RAT_MED_REPRICE_THREADS Specifies the number of Mediation Reprice 1
worker threads that should run during Rat-
RAT_MED_REPRICE_UNDO_ Specifies how to recognise Mediation UN
RECORD_TYPE Reprice undo EDRs.
RAT_RATE_OPERATOR Indicates which operator should be used for S
rate lookups. Use S for Settlement Oper-
ator or B for Billing Operator. If you have
done any summary repricing at all, this val-
ue should not be changed. In this event,
please contact CSG International Support.
RAT_REFDATA_THREADS Number of threads used by rating for load- 4
ing reference data.
RAT_REFUNDS_ENABLED Indicates if refund functionality is enabled FALSE
RAT_REFUND_THREADS Specifies the number of Refund worker 1
threads that should run during Rating.
RAT_REMOVE_ANUM_BNUM_CNP Optionally remove a and/or b number cnps NEITHER
from consolidation and storage. Possible

December 2020 371

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

values for system setting: BOTH=Remove
both a and b number cnps, ANUM=Remove
only a number cnps, BNUM=Remove only b
number cnps, NEITHER=Default nothing is
RAT_TRANSACTION_SUMMARIES Approximate number of summaries to pro- 30000
cess per transaction
REFUND_BILLING_DATE Indicates the EDR field that will show NETWORK_START_DATE
the Traffic Adjustment (Refund) date.
• If the NETWORK_ START_DATE value is
used, the NETWORK_START_DATE and
NETWORK_START_TIME fields on the re-
fund input EDR will contain the Traffic
Adjustment date and time. These val-
ues and the ADJUSTED_ DATE will not
be cloned from the original EDR. The
ADJUSTED_DATE will be used to derive
the Billing Period associated with the
Traffic Adjustment.
If NETWORK_ START_DATE is not pop-
ulated on the EDR, an error will result
even if ADJUSTED_DATE is populated.
• If the ADJUSTED_DATE value is used,
the ADJUSTED_DATE field will not be
cloned from the original EDR. The date
on the EDR will be used (that is the Traf-
fic Adjustment Date).
If ADJUSTED_DATE is not populated on
the EDR, an error will result even if the
NETWORK_ START_DATE is populated.
REFUND_CREDIT_RECORD_TYPE Refund Credit Record Type is used to indi- RF
cate which EDR records are refund records.
REFUND_DAYS The number of days that the system will 90
look back for original EDRs.
REFUND_DEBIT_RECORD_TYPE Enables the system to flag an EDR that is RR
a reversal of a previous refund EDR in or-
der to ensure the correct rate is generated.
This allows for the full or partial reversal of
refunds that were incorrectly applied.
REF_DATA_BASE_ADDRESS_0 Reference data region 0 base address. This
address is specified in base 10 or 16.
REF_DATA_BASE_ADDRESS_1 Reference data region 1 base address. This
address is specified in base 10 or 16.

December 2020 372

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

REF_DATA_BASE_FILE_0 Reference data base file 0 name and loca-
REF_DATA_BASE_FILE_1 Reference data base file 1 name and loca-
REF_DATA_CONTROL_ADDRESS Reference data control region base address.
This address is specified in base 10 or base
REF_DATA_CONTROL_FILE Reference data control file name and loca-
REPRICE_TRAFFIC_IN_CLOSED_ Should the system allow a Reprice of traf-
BLPS fic falling within a Closed billing period? If
False, the system will put the reprice can-
didate into error. If True, the system will
reprice the traffic and assign the effects in-
to the next open billing period.
REPRICE_AGGREGATION_OP- Should the Reprice candidates' traffic be
TION grouped per Franchise [F], Agreement -
meaning Franchise and Operator [FO] - or
by Agreement and Product [FOP] or not ag-
gregated [NONE] when looking at Alloca-
tion rules in order to decide which Process
Group to use?
REPROCESS_CONCURRENT_ Specifies the number of concurrent buckets 0
BUCKETS of error EDRs that the Reprocess process
will attempt to create. If set to zero (0), the
preprocessor will be used.
REPROCESS_CREATOR_THREADSThe number of threads the Reprocess Buck- 4
et Creator task will create
REPROCESS_ENABLE_DB_TRACE Enable level 12 database tracing for repro- FALSE
cess. This should only be enabled when re-
quested by CSG support.
RERATE_CACHE_INITIAL The number of Summary Rerate History 50000
records that the rating server will cache in
memory initially.
RERATE_CACHE_MAXIMUM The maximum number of Summary Rerate 50000
History records that the rating server is al-
lowed to cache in memory.
RERATE_HISTORY_CACHE_IN Initial size (in number of records) of Sum- 10000
mary Rerate History cache. A bigger cache
can potentially improve the performance of
processes that access the Summary Rerate
History table (e.g. Reprice).

December 2020 373

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

RERATE_HISTORY_CACHE_MA Maximum size (in number of records) of 10000
Summary Rerate History cache. A bigger
cache can potentially improve the perfor-
mance of processes that access the Sum-
mary Rerate History table (e.g. Reprice).
RESTRICT_BACKDATING Restrict Currency Conversion backdating. FALSE
REST_CONTEXT_EXPIRY_AGE The time in milliseconds after which con-
nections will expire and be automatically
REST_CONTEXT_EXPIRY_POLL_ The time in milliseconds for how frequently
FREQUENCY connections are checked for expiry.
REST_CONTEXT_HARDLIMIT This is the maximum number users that
can be logged on simultaneously via the
REST_CONTEXT_SOFTLIMIT ICT will always try to maintain this many
user connections, in other words, once
more connections have been established,
the least inactive ones will be cleaned up
RMI_HOST Host on which the RMI Registry runs as INSTALL-RMI_HOST
used by the transients to connect to the on-
line servers.
RMI_PORT Port on which the RMI Registry listens. INSTALL-RMI_PORT
ROUTE_ID_DELIMITER The route ID delimiter character. It is set at +
implementation by the Implementer. Per-
missible values are + or = or - or _.
RPT_SERVER The server on which reports are run. INSTALL-RPTSERVER
RPT_UFAM The default reporting unit family. TIM
RPT_UOME_FROM The default reporting unit of measure. MINUTE
RPT_USERID The Oracle user ID of the reports user. INSTALL-RPTUSERID
RRAT001_S_CARRY_OVER Route Rate window RRAT001 – carries val- TRUE
ues over from the Search section to the De-
tail section or not.
RCDR_COMPRESSALGO For legacy 7.0 functionality, this defines the 1
compression algorithm to be used when
storing rated EDRs in ISAM files.
RCDR_ISAMFILESYSCNT For legacy 7.0 functionality, this defines 2
the number of directories available to store
ISAM files.
RCDR_ISAMROOTDIR For legacy 7.0 functionality, this defines the /INSTALL-RC-
root directory under which subdirectories DR-BASE-DIR/ISAM/
for storing ISAM files exist. output
RCDR_ISAMTEMPDIR For legacy 7.0 functionality, this defines a /INSTALL-RC-
temporary directory for use by ISAM file DR-BASE-DIR/ISAM/
functionality. output/temp

December 2020 374

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

RCDR_MEDIUMTYPE For legacy 7.0 functionality, this defines ISAM
how the rated EDR data is stored.
RAT_APPTIMEZONEVAR If set to true, rating will attempt to apply TRUE
time variances (defined at either a Path or
Rating Rule level) to EDR components.
RAT_CONMIDNIGHT Indicates whether different rates should be FALSE
applied to the portion of a call that crosses
over midnight.
RAT_ENABLE_CHBUN Enable Charge Bundling feature in Rating TRUE
for route based rating.
RAT_MINDIGINWKADDAGG Defines the minimum digits allowed when 2
determining the Network Address Aggrega-
RAT_MINDIGINWKADDOPR Defines the minimum digits allowed when 2
determining the Network Address Operator.
RAT_MINDIGINWKADDTYP Defines the minimum digits allowed when 2
determining the Network Address Type.
RAT_NWKADDRAGGRREQA Specifies if A-Number Network Address Ag- FALSE
gregation required.
RAT_NWKADDRAGGRREQB Specifies if B-Number Network Address Ag- FALSE
gregation required
SCM_HOST_CHECK_MAX_ Specifies the maximum number of threads 6
THREADS that the HostCheck program can use.
SCM_MAX_STARTUP_TIME Defines the amount of time that any pro- 40
gram started by the SCM has to respond to
the SCM Server that it is running success-
SCM_MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS Maximum number of jobs that may be run 25
SCM_MAX_PROGRAM_RESTARTS Maximum number of times that a failing 5
program will be automatically restarted.
SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG Contains key and value pairs for a JAAS
LDAP login module configuration.
Note:If the system encounters a tag {n},
it decodes and substitutes the value/s in
the SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE system set-
The options are specified in the form of a
semi-colon separated list, where each op-
tion has the form Option="Value" (the dou-
ble quotes are not mandatory for the option
For example the value can be:

December 2020 375

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

Note: The values can be quoted if a se-
mi-colon is required within the value string.
The Values cannot contain quotes.
SEC_AUTH_LDAP_SECURE Sensitive values (or parts thereof) Valid encrypted value
are retrieved from this system set- Note: If reverting
ting. Each secure value is substituted back to the default
back into the configuration values for value in the Online
SEC_AUTH_LDAP_CONFIG where a tag {n} application (using the
is encountered. Here, n indicates a consec- Default Value but-
utively-numbered integer starting with zero ton), a valid encryp-
(0). tion value is written
The options are specified in the form of a back into the system
semi-colon separated list of secure values. setting. The value is
For example: "password1; password2". not the same as the
Where password1 is substituted wherever system startup val-
{0} is found in the configuration values and ue.
password2 is substituted wherever {1} is
found in the configuration values.
Note: Values cannot contain semi-colons.
The system setting can be set from either
the Online System Settings window or from
the command line config_srvr tool.
To set the value from the command line use
the following syntax:
./config_srvr -systemSettingId
tingValue NewPassword -system SEC -
SEC_AUTH_METHOD Determines how a user's login details are ICT-SECURITY
authenticated. Values are ICT-SECURITY
(default) or EXTERNAL-IM. The ICT-SECU-
RITY value uses internal ICT security to au-
thenticate a username and password. The
EXTERNAL-IM value uses an external secu-
rity system to authenticate a username and
SEC_AUTO_LOGOFF Defines if the application must automati- TRUE
cally log off users when there has been no
user activity for the period defined in the
SEC_INACTIV_PERIOD system setting.
SEC_ENFORCE_ALPHANUMERIC_ Enforces the use of passwords that contain FALSE
PW both alphabetic and numeric characters.

December 2020 376

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

Note: You must
restart the system
after you change the
default value.
SEC_ENFORCE_LOWER_CASE_ Enforce the use of passwords that con- FALSE
PW tain at least 1 lower case alpha character Note: You must
(Boolean). restart the system
after you change the
default value.
SEC_ENFORCE_SPECIAL_CHAR_ Enforce the use of passwords that contain FALSE
PW at least 1 special character in the set ! " # Note: You must
$ % & ' ( ) * + , -. / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ restart the system
` { | } ~. after you change the
default value.
SEC_ENFORCE_UPPER_CASE_ Enforce the use of passwords that con- FALSE
PW tain at least 1 upper case alpha character Note: You must
(Boolean). restart the system
after you change the
default value.
SEC_INACTIV_PERIOD Time of inactivity (min) before user is 15
logged out
SEC_JWT_MAX_TOKEN_EXPIRY The maximum time (in minutes) that the 60
JWT token expiry can be set to. If the token
expiry is set to a value greater than this,
the value specified in this field will be used.
SEC_MAX_PW_ATTEMPTS Maximum number of incorrect passwords 3
accepted before user is set to Revoked
SEC_MULTIPLE_LOGINS Enable users to log in simultaneously on FALSE
more than one workstation.
SEC_PW_CHANGE_MIN_CHARS_ Specifies the minimum number of charac- 0
DIFF ters that must differ between the old pass-
word and a new password. Case sensitive,
so 'A' is different from 'a'. The first charac-
ter of the old password is compared with
the first character of the new password and
so on until the last character of the shorter
of the two passwords is reached.
SEC_PW_COMPLEXITY_RULE_ Determines the number of password com- 1 (If existing value
COUNT plexity rules that need to be satisfied simul- of SEC_ENFORCE
taneously. The permissible range is 0 to 4. _ALPHANUMERIC_PW
is set to TRUE, other-
wise it is set to 0.)
Note: You must
restart the system
after you change the
default value.

December 2020 377

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

SEC_PW_EXPIRE_REMINDER_ Specifies how many days before the pass- 0
DAYS word expires that the user will receive a
password change reminder. During the re-
minder period, the user will receive a re-
minder every time they log on.
SEC_PW_LENGTH Minimum length of the user's password. 6
SEC_PW_REPEAT_CHARS_IN_ If set to a number (n) greater than 0, the 0
USERNAME system compares characters in the newly
entered password against the characters in
the username. If more than 'n' characters
match, the password will not be accepted.
For example, if the user 'FREDDY' en-
ters his password as, 'EDDY12345' and
= 3, the password will not be accepted be-
cause 4 consecutive characters are repeat-
ed in the password.
SEC_PW_UNIQUE_CHAR_COUNT_Specifies the minimum number of unique 0
MINIMUM characters required in a password.
SEC_REUSE_PW Restricts the reuse of previous passwords: FALSE
• TRUE - Unlimited password reuse per-
• FALSE - Some password reuse is permit-
ted but subject to the limitations in set-
Old passwords are stored, encoded on the
See Section 13.7, “Security Settings”.
SEC_REUSE_PW_COUNT Determines the number of previous pass- 5
words that cannot be reused during a pass-
word change (see Section 13.7, “Security
Only applicable if SEC_REUSE_PW is,
SEC_REUSE_PW_DAYS Determines the age of previous passwords 0
that cannot be reused during a password
change (see Section 13.7, “Security Set-
Only applicable if SEC_REUSE_PW is,
SEC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH Indicates the path of the Java keystore on /usr/share/ja-
the UNIX server into which the SSL certifi- va-1.6.0/jre/lib/secu-
cate will be imported. Set the path using rity/cacerts
the Online Central system to: /usr/share/
java1.6/jre/lib/security/cacerts (this is the

December 2020 378

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

default Java path for certificates). The LDAP
server should be using the same certificate
for the communication to work
SEC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PWD An encrypted password used to access the 73DC6553F8C4EDFE
Java keystore file that holds the SSL certifi-
cate. Set the password using the System
Settings window in the Online Central Sys-
SLR_BUCKET_CREATOR_ Set the bucket creator threads for Summa- 2
THREADS ry Reprice
SLR_BUCKET_QUEUE_SIZE Set the bucket queue size for Summary 8
Set the number Repricer threads for Sum- 2
mary Reprice
Set the number of storage threads for 2
Summary Reprice
SL_DESTINATION_TOTALS_ This setting works in conjunction with the FALSE
DASHBOARD SL_ETL_ENABLED setting. Both settings
must be enabled in order for data required
for the ICT Destination Totals dashboard to
be extracted, transformed and loaded into
the semantic layer.
SL_ERROR_PROCESSING_ This setting works in conjunction with the FALSE
DASHBOARD SL_ETL_ENABLED setting. Both settings
must be enabled for data required for the
ICT Error Processing Dashboard to be ex-
tracted, transformed and loaded into the
semantic layer.
SL_ETL_ENABLED If this setting is enabled, you will be al- FALSE
lowed to schedule the Semantic Layer Ex-
tract Transform and Load process
SL_ETL_ENABLE_DB_TRACE This setting enables database tracing of Se- FALSE
mantic Layer ETL Processes
SL_FRANCHISE_TOTALS_DASH- This setting works in conjunction with the FALSE
BOARD SL_ETL_ENABLED setting. Both settings
must be enabled in order for data required
for the ICT Franchise Totals Dashboard to
be extracted, transformed and loaded in to
the semantic layer.
SL_INBOUND_ROAMING_ This setting works in conjunction with the FALSE
must be enabled in order for data required
for the ROM Inbound Roaming Destinations
dashboard to be extracted, transformed
and loaded in to the semantic layer.
SL_OUTBOUND_ROAMING_ This setting works in conjunction with the FALSE

December 2020 379

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

must be enabled in order for data required
for the ROM Outbound Roaming Countries
Dashboard to be extracted, transformed
and loaded in to the semantic layer.
SL_OPERATOR_TOTALS_DASH- This setting works in conjunction with the FALSE
BOARD SL_ETL_ENABLED setting. Both settings
must be enabled in order for data required
for the Operator Totals dashboards to be
extracted, transformed and loaded into the
semantic layer.
SSL_CIPHER_ENABLED Cipher suite to be used by the system. DEFAULT
Recommended: If no specific cipher re-
quirements exist, leave as 'DEFAULT'.
SSL_PORT A port number defined for Secure Socket INSTALL-SSLPORT
Layer Communication.
SSL_PROTOCOL_ENABLED SSL Protocol to be used by the system. DEFAULT
Recommended: If no specific protocol re-
quirements exist, leave as 'DEFAULT'.
SSM_DATE_TO_USE Settlement Statement date to use. Avail- S
able options are "S" (start) and "E" (end).
SSM_PREFIX Prefix to the Settlement Statement financial control-ssm
extract file.
SSM_REFERENCE_NUM Determines the format of the Settlement ~F~P~S~Y
Statement Reference number using a com-
bination of some or all these keys:
• Franchise (F)
• Operator (O)
• SSM Profile (P)
• SSM Period (E)
• Sequence Number (S)
• Issue Year (Y)
All key characters in the setting should be
prepended with '~'. The order in which
these are put together does not matter.
The system setting is not editable (users
can view the system setting, but cannot
change it) and therefore it must be set up
at the implementation of the system.
If the key characters 'E' and 'Y' are both
used in the system setting, the 'Y' value is
ignored and use the 'E' value is used (ac-
cording to an existing business rule).
SSM_REFERENCE_NUM_SEQ_ Determines when the Sequence (S) in the ~P~Y
RESET SSM Reference Number should be reset

December 2020 380

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

back to 1. The value should be the same as
or a subset of the SSM_REFERENCE_NUM
system setting.
For example, if your SSM_REFERENCE_NUM
system setting is set to ~F~P~S~Y, then
system setting can be any of or
combination of these fields. If the
tem setting is set to ~Y, then the sequence
will start at 1 for every unique year.
The system setting is not editable (users
can view the system setting, but cannot
change it) and therefore it must be set up
at the implementation of the system.
Only one of the key characters 'E' or 'Y' can
be used in the system setting, not both. If
both are used an error is logged in the sys-
tem log.
STATIC_DWF_COMPRESS Enable file compression for Static Data FALSE
Warehouse files.
STATIC_DWF_FILENAME Filename for static data warehouse feed STATICD-
files. May contain any of the following vari- WF-%DWF_DATE
%, %THREAD_ID%. To ensure unique %THREAD_ID%-
file names, at least the following should %FILE_NO%.%FOR-
be present: %DWF_DATE%, %DWF_ID MAT%
STATIC_DWF_RECORDS_PER_ Maximum number of records per file for 0
FILE Static Data Warehouse files, or 0 to disable
file splitting.
SUM_BUCKET_SIZE Defines the number of EDRs in each trans- 100
action when the Summary Reprice program
is running.
SUM_RELOC_BUCKET_SIZE Defines the number of EDRs in each trans- 1000000
action when the Summary Relocate pro-
gram is running.
SUM_RELOC_RECREATE_INDEX If set to TRUE, daily summary table index- FALSE
es and primary keys will be dropped and
recreated during the summary relocate pro-
cess. Note: If set to TRUE and the environ-
ment runs against Oracle Enterprise Edi-
tion, consider setting DB_PARALLEL_MAX
for parallelizing the rebuild of indexes.

December 2020 381

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix B. System Settings

ID Description Default Value

SUSPENSION_PREFIX Specifies the prefix of each 'Suspension' file control-suspension
produced by the Financial Finalisation pro-
UPDATE_CONFIRMATION Specifies if the system should request user TRUE
confirmation when doing updates on select-
ed windows.
USE_DSC_LED_FOR_BLP If the value is 'N', the Calculation date of N
the discount period is used to determine
the Billing Period. If the value is 'Y', the End
date of the discount period is used to deter-
mine the Billing Period.
V6RESTORE_DIR Specifies the V6 directory when Version 8 is V6_RESTORE_DIR
dealing with V6 archives.
VERIFICATION_AUTO_START This setting will either enable Verification FALSE
to start automatically after period end has
run if set to TRUE, or if set to FALSE, Veri-
fication will be disabled from automatically
VERIFICATION_IDENTIFICATION Traffic for verification determined Automat- A
ically [A] by rating or specified by User [U]
selected via the Route Rating Rules window.
VER_PROCESS_SIZE Verification process internal work size 100
(specified as number of billing periods)
WEBSERVER_HOST The host on which the Interconnect web INSTALL-WEBHOST
server runs.
WEBSERVER_PORT The port on which the Interconnect web INSTALL-WEBPORT
server listens.
WITHHELD_PREFIX Specifies the prefix of each 'Withheld' file control-withheld
produced by the Financial Finalisation pro-

December 2020 382



Java Runtime
ICT supports the following Oracle Java and OpenJDK versions:

Machine Supported Java Implementations

Server Oracle Java JRE 1.8.0.(20+) 64-bit
OpenJDK 8 (latest patch)
Client Oracle Java JRE 1.8.0.(60+) 64-bit*
OpenJDK 8 (latest patch)

*On the client machine:

• Oracle JRE v1.8.0_101 has been found to be problematic for launching ICT, so update 1.8.0.
(102+) is recommended.
• If using IcedTea Web Start with Oracle Java, then the Oracle JDK (64-bit) must be installed.
Note: If you have both Oracle Java JDK and Open JDK installed on the client machine, IcedTea will
use Oracle Java JDK to launch the application, regardless of the value you have set in the environ-
ment variables.

Changing to OpenJDK
To change from using Oracle Java to OpenJDK:
1. Download and install the desired implementation of OpenJDK on the server platform being used.
2. In the file <environment>/<environment>.INI file, edit JAVA_HOME to point to the new Open-
JDK directory. For example:
3. Restart the system using the script.

Web Start
ICT supports the following versions of Web Start:

Web Start Implementation Supported Version

Oracle Java 1.8
IcedTea 1.7

If you are using IcedTea Web Start to launch an application, it creates cache files in c:\Users\<Us-
er>\.cache\icedtea-web\cache. This builds up over time and consumes disk space. It is recommend-
ed that you clear the cache folder occasionally.
To clear the IcedTea Web Start cache, execute the following command:
javaws -Xclearcache

If you are using Oracle Java Web Start, the cache directory on the user workstation can be partially
cleared with javaws.exe.
To clear the Oracle Java Web Start cache:
1. Type javaws -viewer in the Search box .

December 2020 383

ICT TECHNICAL GUIDE Appendix C. Java Implementations

2. To remove downloaded Interconnect resources using the Java Cache Viewer, select the resources
that you want to delete and click Remove Resources.

OpenJDK and Oracle Java Installed on Client

If you have both Oracle Java JDK and Open JDK installed on the client machine, IcedTea will use the
Oracle Java JDK to launch the application, regardless of the value you have set in the environment
To make IcedTea use OpenJDK, use one of the following options:
• Uninstall Oracle Java JDK from the client machine (assuming it is not required for other 3rd party
• Edit the value of the JAVA_HOME variable set by IcedTea in the web start .bat file:
1. Open IcedTeaWeb\webStart\bin\javaws.bat for editing.
2. Locate the following piece of code:
3. Edit the value of JAVA_HOME to point directly to the location of the OpenJDK folder. For ex-
set JAVA_HOME=C:/openJDK_x64/zulu8.33.0.1-jdk8.0.192-win_x64

December 2020 384



Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance.
A. What are the Password length requirements?
The minimum password length is configurable by using the system setting SEC_PW_LENGTH.
There is no limit for maximum length.
B. What are the Password complexity requirements?
Interconnect has a system setting, SEC_ENFORCE_ALPHANUMERIC_PW, that can force users
to enter both alphabetic and numeric characters in their passwords. If the system setting is OFF,
the alphanumeric complexity is not enforced.
C. Can I set the password expiry period?
On user level, the system administrator can set the number of days until the password expires
and must be changed, for example, 30 days.
D. Is a user prompted to change their password change on first login?
Yes - this is default behaviour.
E. Is a history of passwords kept?
The system stores old passwords in encoded form on the database. There is a system setting
SEC_REUSE_PW to either allow users to use old passwords or not.
F. Are multiple logins permissible?
There is a system setting SEC_MULTIPLE_LOGINS which controls this. If FALSE it means that
the system will not allow a login from another workstation if that user is already logged in.
G. How many login attempts is a user allowed?
The maximum number of password attempts is stored in the system setting
SEC_MAX_PW_ATTEMPTS. After that many attempts, the user is locked out or revoked.
H. Is password periodic change forced in the application/System?
Yes, the user is forced to change passwords every n days, where n is stored per user in the
'Password Expiry Period' field. The administrator can change this using the Central window User.
I. Is 'Idle session timeout' implemented?
Yes. The maximum time of inactivity in minutes is stored in the system setting
SEC_INACTIVE_PERIOD. After that many minutes, the user is logged out.
J. Is 'Unused user login expiration date' implemented?
No, but we have a concept of User expiry date stored on user level. After that particular date,
the user is Revoked and cannot log in.
K. Does the system display information about previous sign-on activity when a user signs on?
L. Must users with special authority restricted sign on at specific workstations?
No, because there is no such authority.
M. Is there any predefined format for user profiles?
The only pre-installed user profile (Role) is the ADMIN role. By default, the ADMIN is given all
privileges, but this can only be changed using the Central Privilege window.
N. Can the Default password be changed when creating or resetting a user ID?
Yes - the system administrator must specify the default password, which the user will be forced
to change when first logging in.

December 2020 385

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